Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Is There Caffeine In Wu Yi Tea?

By Jared Rothe

During this day and age caffeine doesn't face the scrutiny it once did in the 1970's and 80's. Back then it was believed to contribute to coronary disease and atherosclerosis today we know that is untrue. Now caffeine is a staple for many in the form of sodas, coffees, tea, etc...

Many plants contain caffeine and it is natural occurring chemical in the world. These plants have been turned into many of the beverages we so enjoy with their full flavored leaves and berries propagated and cultivated for drinks we enjoy. Wu Yi tea is one such beverage and yes, it does contain caffeine.

Modern medicine tells us that caffeine actually offers a wide range of health benefits including reduced cholesterol levels, better mental focus and reduced stress levels. Tea, in particular, has been proven to offer additional benefits such as increased antioxidant levels, improved digestion and a reduced incidence of osteoporosis. Let's take a look at a few of the benefits of consuming Wu Yi Tea.

Harmful free radicals are present in are day to day lives such as cigarette smoking, pollution, and stress. These harmful free radicals cause are body to age and cause damage to our immune systems. Luckily, there are many natural fruits and vegetables with high levels of antioxidants in them. Wu Yi tea contains high levels of antioxidants that help fight against these free radicals that cause aging.

Wu Yi tea and other green teas cause your body to reduce inflammation and helps to maintain healthy blood pressure because your body improves blood circulation and fight against the onsets of cardiovascular disease. Hypertension and lowered blood pressure place stress on the arteries and veins causing the arteries to harden which puts you in particular damage to atherosclerosis.

Improved mental focus: If drinking a cup or two of your favorite warm tea beverage helps to chase away the "drearies" and sharpens your focus, then you are among the 90% percentile of individuals who regularly indulge. But understanding the mechanism that brings about this effect is important for individuals concerned about unwanted wakefulness and caffeine overdose. While naturally processed green teas are known to contain a relatively high concentration of caffeine (200 mg/L per 20+ fluid ounces), achieving toxic levels is unlikely. In the brain, caffeine crosses the blood-brain barrier and aids in suppressing neurologic fatigue that precedes drowsiness. - 17269

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Pilates Fitness: Go For The Modernized Trainings

By Dori Clayton

Have you grown weary and bored of your usual exercise routine? Does your exercise program cause you more stress than relaxation? Do you feel that you have not really achieved the kind of body shape you wanted so much? If your answer is a definite yes to all this questions, then today is you day! Pilates fitness program is here for you.

Pilates fitness program is modern way of doing the exercises. It has various plans and programs that would fit the needs of individuals who are naturally energetic. Thanks to the innovative idea of Joseph H. Pilates. He developed this fitness program without being aware that it can help more people. Actually, he was a skin diver, skier, and a skilled gymnast. He was motivated to accomplish these things because he was fully trained during childhood due to his sickly condition.

When Pilates developed the fitness program his intention was to use this for the war victims who had injuries. When it was introduced, he had his first students which were mostly dancers who noticed the various benefits of this program. Since then, Pilates fitness exercises was known well and reached the standards of physically challenged individuals, elderly people, health enthusiasts to movie actors and actresses.

Now, you may wonder what Pilates fitness is really all about. Pilates is consists of gradual and purposeful movements that is focused on the core muscles of the body. The core muscles include the ones on the abdomen and the back. The philosophy behind the Pilates fitness regime is that if one develops the muscles in the midsection of the body, then the rest will have the energy and stamina to take on more.

The program has a properly planned Pilates exercise which serves as the guiding rules of the participants that allow them to do the slow movements starting from the small-scale ones increasing to large-scales. This kind of program results to improved body condition and better control of joints all coordinated to generate the best physicality possible.

This Pilates exercises are good for those who are on their senior years since their body is aging and needs slow motion to reduce the effects of aging and to control the body to become more improved when it comes to good posture, coordination, flexibility, and strength. This fitness is also advisable to individuals who went through surgical operations.

However, this kind of exercise is not all physical. The most essential part of the exercise is the much-needed concentration that allows the mind to get harmonized with the body. In this way, it is much like yoga or meditation. Similarly, Pilates incorporates proper breathing with exercises that are done on the mat or with some Pilates exercise equipment.

Among the equipments provided by the Pilates fitness are the reformer, the pedipull, the cadillac, the barrel and the chair. These are designed in line with the program to help participants to do the training with full focus and concentration. Using these equipments, the Pilates fitness program will give your body a good and fully developed muscular appearance. The inner core will be strengthened and the outer will be stretched out.

With all these details, as far as one can tell, the Pilates fitness exercise is a one set of modern methods that you can use to have a body that is stronger, flexible, and fit than it was before. - 17269

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Weight Loss After Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

By Ricardo d Argence

Women can expect to gain 25-35 pounds during a healthy pregnancy. While some people easily lose this weight, others face an uphill battle in their struggle with weight.

A lot of ladies will need help in developing a weight loss program after giving birth. If you are considering yourself as one of those mother's who worries about how to get rid of the unwanted weight overall, then there are a few things which you should follow.

A great thing to do for not only the health of your baby but also for your weight loss battle is to breastfeed. Breastfeeding helps to burn an additional five hundred calories per day. As long as you are not increasing your calorie intake while breastfeeding, then you can almost bank on dropping about one pound a week. This means that you can begin to drop some of that weight by doing nothing more then breastfeeding your baby.

When you breastfeed it is important to maintain a healthy diet. Because you are breastfeeding, this is not just important for your weight loss struggle. So, you must be extra careful with what you eat and drink. Everything you eat will end in your breast milk and you will feed your baby with that milk.

Hence between healthy eating and breastfeeding you can look forward to losing one or two pounds weekly. Your weight loss efforts will be enhanced by taking in enough fluids in the form of water and dairy products.

Along with all of that it is important to start working some moderate exercise into your routine. You have to be careful on when you start working out. Make sure that you speak to your doctor first in order to make sure that you have clearance from him or her to workout.

Caution is necessary, you wouldn't want to hurt the recovery process. But once you are given the green light to start exercising you should go for it. Your body will come back to normalcy from this whole thing you experienced and also this aids in losing weight and giving a cheerful outlook.

With everything that you have gone through, the emotional aspect and the physical aspect included, it is important to make sure that you are happy and your spirits remain lifted. Depression after childbirth is common so things such as a healthy diet and exercise will help prevent that along with taking off those extra pounds that were gained.

The main thing is to make sure that you are not too hard on yourself. Everyone gains weight during pregnancy, as it is a natural part of the process. Know that it is a situation that can be put back to normal and there is no reason to panic. You are in complete control over your weight loss and if you really want it done then you will be able to make it happen. - 17269

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Benefits of the Mangosteen

By Otis Edwards

There is a tropical evergreen tree that grows throughout southeast Asia commonly now, but is believed to have originated in the Sundra Islands and the Moluccas of Indonesia. This tree grows as tall as 80 feet and produces a purple fruit that is famously edible. Some compare the taste that of a sweet peach mixed with apricot. Depending on the crop and the area it is found in it can have a tangy or a very sweet taste. This purple fruit, called a mangosteen, is supposed to have some of the world's most impressive healing properties.

The 'superfruits' of today are all supposed to have healthy effects on the body. However, nutrition-wise this fruit is mostly water, 81 grams to be exact. Other than that it contains 1.8 grams of dietary fiber, 18 grams of carbohydrates, .6 grams of fat, and .4 grams of protein. All of which are below the standard daily allowance. The good news here though is that since it is made up mostly of water, it doesn't add a lot of calories to your daily diet.

Due to the mass being mainly water, this fruit would fit perfectly in the diet of anyone who is considering weight loss or just wants to maintain the weight they are at now. Recent research has disclosed that mangosteen is very high in Xanthones which are powerful antioxidants. There are only 200 Xanthones known to science and somehow mangosteen contains 40 of them. That is an extremely large amount for any known fruit or vegetable to contain.

Xanthones travel through our system and mop up free radicals that can cause disease and malfunctions in many of our organs. Mangosteen contains the Xanthones alpha-mangostin, gama-mangostin garcinone, beta-mangostin, garcinone-a, garcinone-d, garcinone-c, gartanin and mangostanol. All of these Xanthones and the all the other antioxidants contained in this fruit have anti-inflammatory, anti-convulsive, anti-tumor, anti-allergic, and platelet-aiding properties.

Oddly, some health officials are concerned about consuming too much of this fruit juice. There have been reported cases in Thailand of severe acidosis in relation to consuming large quantities of mangosteen juice. More studies are ongoing.

Mangosteen is available in western countries in juice, frozen, and sometimes canned varieties. There has been a long-standing ban on importation of this fruit in it's whole form to the United States, but Canada has been importing mangosteen since 2007. Although the fruit is not easy to find here, farmers in Puerto Rico have started to send us a few mangosteen, especially to the more wealthy hotels and restaurants on the east coast. - 17269

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The Natural Energizer Acai Berry

By Carter Sinclair

The Acai berry is one of the most amazing natural wonders of the world when it comes to nutritional and healthy food. The studies that have come out showing how poorly nourished most people are has lead to a craze in the health food industry and Acai berries are at the top of the list of the healthiest and best for you.

The Acai berry is small, approximately one inch in diameter, though over eighty percent of this berry is made up of a seed. The berries are either purple, this is the most well known, or they are green. While the seed does not have nutritional value for humans it is the perfect addition to top soil or even livestock feed.

It is the pulp and skin that are the most prized and most well known outside of their native habitat. This is what is what ends up in the various food items such as juices, yogurts, and ice creams as well as being sold dried or frozen. The reason why it is so eagerly sought after is due to the fact that it has one of the highest ORAC assay results ever recorded for a food.

The ORAC measures the level of antioxidants in a fruit and their ability to fight off harmful free radicals. Acai berry scored over a thousand on the assay. This means that it is very potent and very good at fighting off free radicals. Current studies on the Acai berry are revealing benefits such as amino acids, fatty acids, and other nutrients that the body needs for energy and metabolic functioning.

Coffee and other caffeinated beverages contain high levels of sugar and their energy often loses its kick after a short time period, Acai berry on the other hand will give you energy that will last longer and still has great nutritional value.

Acai berries have a taste like a mix between strawberry and chocolate. This makes it very tasty on its own but works great with any number of other foods. This is why Acai has so many different types of different drinks, juices, supplements, etc..the versatility makes it amazing to add to any particular diet choice. - 17269

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All About Goji

By Oliver Ryan

A goji berry is actually one of two very closely related berries, Lycium barbarum and L. Chinense, which are two of many small, red berries in their genus that are members of the Solinaceae family. This means that goji, although rare, is closely related to potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant, tobacco and chili peppers, too. Other names for goji include; murali, Chinese wolf berry, bocksdorns, barbary matrimony vine, red medlar, matrimony vine, Duke of Argyll's tea tree, and of course, simply wolfberry. The berries are native throughout all of China, but likely came from the valleys between the Himalayan mountains in pre-history.

The leaves of the plant are slightly oblong shaped, the flowers are small, lavender in color with stamens in the center. It usually has one to three flowers per stem. The fruit that develops is a small, red and sort of an oblong shape. The main growing area for these berries in the north-central area of China. Since they became popular, they have been grown on and cultivated on large plantations in Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region of western China and the Ningxia Hui Autonomous region of north-central China. The Ningxia province is the largest and most famous growing area for all goji.

The main brands of goji that are popular in the western healthfood industry, the Tibetan and Himalayan goji berries, are not actually grown in those regions. They are from the two main regions mentioned in China. The Himalayans are simply too cold to support this plant, although it is speculated that the berries do indeed come from that region in the far, far past.

The goji plant was introduced to the United Kingdom in the early 1700's, thus the nick name of Duke of Argyll's tea tree. It has been naturalized as an ornamental and edible plant in the UK for over three hundred years now. These days it grows wild in hedgerows in the countryside of the United Kingdom. It can be found in the areas of Suffolk Sandlings, Hadley, Bawdsey, Walberswick and near Ipswich... Although the nutritional package that the British berries produce has been shown to trail far behind their Chinese brothers.

Wolfberries are not exported outside of China fresh. You won't find them fresh except for in the areas where they grow naturally. Exported they are usually found in dried form with the consistency of a raisin, and sometimes in frozen form, which is preferred. Some of the dried berries can get very hard, making them difficult to eat. Goji is used in many Chinese meals, cooked to soften and combined with rice, vegetables and chicken fish or beef.

Other uses for goji include a flavored coffee made in China, Ale made in the New Belgium Brewery, and a wolfberry beer. The leaves are used in many Chinese medicinal recipes for inflammation and skin diseases. - 17269

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Wild Blueberries: Born and Bred, in the USA

By Adrian Rose Black Rose Marius Rose Adrian Pantelimon

If you want to pick some wild blueberries for yourself then be prepared for a fair bit of travelling, because they are only located in certain parts of the Northern parts of the United States of America and whilst there has been some limited attempts to replicate them across the globe the only true blue wild blueberries are found in America.

These humble berries may not look like much but they have managed to provide a massive economic boost to the likes of small American states and towns such as Maine, in fact, Maine which has a population of less than 2 million people also happens to be the worlds largest exporter of wild blueberries meaning that these seemingly innocuous fruits are big business indeed! Wild blueberries also constitute a massive amount of the profit revenue that Canada manages to generate each and every year with the latest figures setting this figure at $323 million.

Wild blueberries are so much more than a tasty ingredient for the likes of muffins and cookies, as well as jam spreads as recent scientific research has identified a number of different and frankly, astonishing health benefits which the wild blueberries can offer. Some of us of a more cynical disposition would be perhaps a little wary about committing ourselves fully to the seemingly miraculous properties of wild blueberries, but the research is solid, and the commitment to it equally so.

One of the most controversial and exciting benefits that wild blueberries may offer is that they seem to help in breaking down cancer cells within the body as well as helping to greatly accelerate the cholesterol breaking down process which is in of itself, crucial in order to help prevent the development of heart failure and associated problems.

Whilst these early indications seem promising there is still a great deal more work and research which must be conducted before wild blueberries can be properly used and promoted as a genuine, and authentic health product.

One definite health benefit that wild blueberries have been credited with is (in much the same way as cranberries are) that they can help treat and control the severity of the symptoms of urinary infections.

Wild blueberries are extremely tasty and are very versatile which means that you can comfortably use them in a wide variety of different recipes such as cocktails, cakes and desserts. - 17269

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How to Get Six-Pack Abs the Natural Way - Learn the Simple Steps!

By Thomas Moore

Have been dreaming of getting six-packs the natural way? Well, good thing you've come to the right place. Below are some simple steps on how to get six-pack abs the natural way. Discover how these steps can be so effective and start working on your tummy now!

1. Pick and Perform Right Exercises

First thing you must do is to choose which exercises you must try. Be aware that right choices will lead you to the six-pack abs that you want. You must have done a research beforehand about the possible exercises that maybe effective. Afterwards, be consistent in doing the exercises.

Exercises you must try are those that improve metabolism. You are most probably aware that the better your metabolism is, the more fats you can burn. Exercises you must try include lifting of weights and fat burning workouts. Lifting of weights as you may be aware build up lean muscles that could be a factor on how fast your body can burn fats.

2. Avoid Unhealthy Foods

The next thing you must do is to avoid unhealthy foods. Remove them from your diet as they don't have nutritional value and only increase tendency of you having stubborn fats. A highly processed food is an unhealthy food.

3. Eat Fat Burning Foods

Then next you should start eating fat burning foods. Fat burning foods are foods that burn excess and stubborn fats so they can really help. If you want to lose weight the natural way, then you shouldn't miss eating these foods. These foods generally include fruits, vegetables, and protein foods.

Specifically, fat burning foods include Vitamin C rich fruits like lemons, oranges, guava, limes, tangerines, and grapefruit. Included also are dairy products like yogurt, cheese, and milk. Foods with chillies or simply red chillies are also included. Need to be mentioned as well are Apples and Berries.

All mentioned have great burning properties. They normally increase metabolism and boost weight loss. Eventually they help in building abs. Thus, you better eat these foods on a regular basis.

4. Keep Yourself Focused

Finally, you must keep yourself focused and do some exercises consistently, avoid unhealthy foods and eat fat burning foods constantly. Be disciplined and determined. Once you start working on the six-pack abs of your dreams, never take time out and never get tired and quit. And also remember that there are no shortcuts to success. Do what is right and you will get what you want! - 17269

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Advance Wellness Research Acai Berry

By Linda Kemp

Did you know that acai berry, though one of the most popular supplements on the market today, is actually from a bush that is grown in Brazil. Because this berry has so many nutrients, especially so many nutrients that are perishable, fresh berries don't hold their nutritional value for long. People in Brazil who have used this product for centuries always picked their berries fresh and were able to get the best nutrition because of this. However, those of us in America are unable to get just-picked acai berry and must rely on other methods of preserving the nutritional benefits of this berry.

Pure Acai Berry is one of the forms of this supplement that you can get today and its probably the most nutritional complete of the supplements. This product uses an effective means of encapsulating the nutrition of the acai berry so that you still get all of the benefits, even weeks after the berries were picked. This is a very important point because many of the most important benefits of these berries are also the most perishable. You definitely want a supplement that is able to provide you with these exceptional benefits, so you want one that still provides the same nutritional content of a fresh berry when you get around to taking it.

Pure Acai Berry has other benefits too. Unlike other supplements on the market, this one is extremely concentrated, thus providing more nutrition per serving. Some supplement manufacturers include other ingredients in their supplements, thus reducing the effectiveness of this berry's effects. However, Pure Acai Berry is a completely pure product that is comprised of only this berry's flesh. When you compare that nutritional profile of all of the supplements you will find that this one is the most concentrated and the most potent. Therefore, this is really the only one you should consider when deciding to use this superfood.

Having the most concentrated form of acai berry on your hands provides you with even more of the benefits that this berry is famous for. Considering that you can expect everything from lessening of disease to prevention of many of the problems that come with aging by using this berry, you will appreciate having a very potent form of this supplement. Plus, since acai berry is a completely natural food and supplementing with it has no side effects whatsoever, there is no reason not to use the most potent source of this berry possible!

Of course, getting the best and purest supplement form of this amazing berry is also a great idea financially. Not only does acai berry have the potential to save you money because of its positive impact on your health (might be able to save you on doctor's bills and other medical expenses), but using Pure Acai Berry gives you all of the benefits of this berry with a much lower dose than impure products. You can either spend your money getting a pure and extremely effective product with the full dose of antioxidants and other nutrients, or you can pay more for a lesser product. Plus, with the trial offer that allows you to experience the many benefits of this berry at no charge, you can see just how wonderful this product can make you feel with no risk whatsoever!

Using acai berry is bound to make you feel great- just make sure to go with the product that gives you more of the amazing benefits you seek. - 17269

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How To Lower Cholesterol Naturally

By Adrian Fletcher

You have a few options for lowering your cholesterol. Your doctor will no doubt go through them with you if your blood test indicates that you have high cholesterol. For instance, there are medications that your doctor may prescribe that are very effective in lowering cholesterol. However this is generally not the first option that will be suggested.

If you want to naturally lower cholesterol levels this will require a bit more effort than taking pills each day, but it will be well worth, not only for your health but for your finances too. Effectively, you will have to watch what you eat and do exercises, making sure that you are eating the most wholesome food available and take the time to get enough exercise to maintain a healthy heart.

Forewarned is forearmed and knowing about cholesterol and how you can lower its levels in your bloodstream will help you to win the battle against it. You can find lots of information on foods that help in naturally lowering cholesterol levels by seeking out cookbooks that focus on this subject. Changing your diet is a natural and effective way to lower your cholesterol level. When you find good cookbooks with recipes for delicious, cholesterol lowering meals, you will be well on your way to your optimum, low cholesterol health!

Once you master the cooking methods of healthy meals that result in naturally lowering cholesterol levels and also preventing heart diseases, you will start feeling that the foods are much tastier and don't make you feel full and bloated. The best part of eating a healthy diet is this. When you take foods containing excess fat and cholesterol, you will tend to feel unhealthy and the foods won't taste any good as they used to.

Finding ways for naturally lowering cholesterol can be a family adventure. Even though you may find favorite foods on the "no-no" list, that doesn't necessarily mean you have to go completely without them. Substitution is the key. Use light cream instead of heavy cream, skinless ground chicken instead of beef. All these little changes can make a big difference when you are preparing the foods your family loves.

Diet and exercise are the best ways of naturally lowering cholesterol. This doesn't mean that you have to train hard and long. Walking is a simple exercise you can add to your daily routine. If you haven't been exercising at all, bear in mind that you should ask your doctor first and start off slowly. However, anything that gets you up and moving will be an improvement.

The way you feel and your appearance will improve in a short time if you have a daily exercise program that you stick to. It may be a struggle to begin but with time you will question how you could have spent all this time without exercising. Exercise gives you such a wonderful feeling and as an added benefit, you?re naturally lowering cholesterol at the same time.

Naturally lowering cholesterol actually puts you in control of your health and you can insure that you are giving your body the best nourishment possible. This also includes making your body function at the highest level it can. The advantages of being on a healthy diet and exercise program are more than just for reducing your cholesterol. This way of life will bring you good health and you will have more energy. - 17269

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Want to get a 6 pack now? Focus on your goals

By Max Burn

Have you ever heard the words I want to get a 6 pack now but I don't think I can? Have you ever said these words to yourself? Don't worry you're not alone. Many get up the nerve to join a gym or go back to the one that they've had a membership to. Some learn how to eat properly, plan their meals, and actually eat the perfect diet to achieve their 6 pack abs. But most of them will find themselves looking back on past weeks wondering how they came up short and why they couldn't stick to the plan they were initially so invested in. The vast majority of dieters never see the 6 pack abs they dream of because they overlook on vital component, their goals.

Fitness guru Tom Venuto says that overlooking your goals and mental training is the biggest mistake fitness newbies make. He says that we must train our mind to believe that we can accomplish the body of our dreams. We must rewire our brains to accept the new body image that we desire and get rid of the old body image that keeps us falling off every diet. Tom says creating new fitness habits isn't easy because it has taken our entire lives to program our current habits and body image into our brains and old habits die hard. The most effective way Tom says we can rewire our brains to accept the new habits and body that we are forming is to create goals as if they've already been accomplished, write them down, and look at them frequently.

Write your goals as if you've already accomplished them. If you have a goal of eating 5 meals of lean protein and green vegetables then you shouldn't write your goals this way:

1. I'm going to eat as often as possible and fit lean protein and veggies whenever possible.

2. I won't eat pizza, soda, cookies or cake. This will help me stick to my diet plan of 5 balanced meals per day.

3. I plan to eat 5 balanced meals per day. Whenever i go out with friends I'll make good decisions on what I eat.

The first goal is far to vague and the words whenever possible are not definite. The second goal wont work because according to Tom, your brain cant process deletion or words like wont or avoid and will simply interpret goal #2 as I eat pizza, Mexican food Finally, goal #3 may not be that effective because its set in the future. Tom says goals need to be set in the present or even as if they've already been accomplished.

Here's how Tom Venuto would have us write our goal: I look fit and lean and feel great about how my wash board abs look. I have achieved 10% body fat by eating 5 meals per day consisting of a lean protein and dark green vegetables. I eat chicken, fish, and egg whites as well as broccoli and spinach.

The above goal will be effective in reprogramming your brain because its written as if the goal has already been accomplished, is specific, and has emotion. Describe how good you'll look once you've achieved the body of your dreams and be specific about what you'll eat and when. If you keep your goals on a 3 x 5 card that you look at frequently throughout the day you'll keep your goals at the forefront of your mind and keep yourself motivated to make good dietary and fitness choices. So if you want to get a 6 pack now, then write down your goals! - 17269

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The AcaiBurn supplement is rated number 1.

By Casandra Weathers

Many people have overcrowded medicine cabinets. Most of the time, the "medicine" bottles aren't even medicines but a collection of mostly useless weight loss pill bottles instead. You don't have to wait for spring to clean out your closet because you can easily get AcaiBurn, the leading organic weight loss pill, and throw out the rest.

Why AcaiBurn? The answer to this is simple: it's the best. AcaiBurn is made of Acai Berry extract. The berry is the top fruit in potent antioxidant content. As a matter of fact, its antioxidant content is twice as much as that of pomegranate and five times as that of blueberries!

Antioxidants are great for your body.They combat free radicals as well as help to burn fat. You will also get an increased metabolism with AcaiBurn which will also help you lose weight faster and easier.

The average person consumes and inhales toxins everyday. Cigarette smoke and pollution ever our lungs and toxins are digested by what we eat.

It is because of how we live we need to boost up our bodies antioxidant levels and why AcaiBurn s such an important discovery. - 17269

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