Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Find Out 7 Exercises to Build a Massive Chest Fast

By Cecil Kelly

Pressing heavy weights is the fastest way to build a huge chest. Forget about peck deck flyes, cable crossovers, etc. Perform the following 7 press exercises to get excellent and quick results.

Pushups: The conventional pushup is one of the best exercises to build chest muscle fast. Do it with an absolutely straight body with buttocks clenched, abs braced, and elbows tucked in. Don't sag or get into an A frame. You can increase the difficulty level by strapping weights on your back.

Flat dumbbell press: The correct way to do it is to tuck in your elbows to the sides of your body and holding the dumbbells with palms facing in. Lie on a flat bench and lift the dumbbells straight up and bring them down in a controlled manner.

Incline dumbbell press: This one is exactly like the flat dumbbell press but performed on an incline bench set at 30 degrees instead of a flat bench. This particular exercise toughens the upper pecs and makes your chest look fuller; else you could end up with droopy pecs.

Dumbbell floor press: This one is also very similar to the flat dumbbell press. Here, you lie down on the floor instead of using a bench. Follow the same instructions. If you have a weak lower back, keep your knees bent with feet flat on the floor. Else, keep them straight.

Bench press: Lie down on the bench, arch your back and retract your shoulder blades. Get hold of the bar and perform presses with elbows 45 degrees to the sides of your body. Make sure you plant your feet firmly into the ground for good stability.

Incline bench press: To fully develop the upper pecs and avoid droopy looking pecs, all muscle building programs should incorporate an incline bench set to about 30 degrees to perform the bench press. Follow the same procedure as above.

Barbell floor press: Lie down on the floor and perform the same barbell press exercise. It will help develop overall pressing strength. - 17269

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Secrets To Developing A Powerful And Muscular Body

By Charles Ishihashi

If you took a look around today, you'd notice that there seem to be more and more exercise clubs sprouting up all over the place. This is evidence that there is a growing interest in bodybuilding, for many reasons. Whatever your reason, if you are interested in developing a powerfully muscular body, then this article can help.

The biggest reason many get into the sport of bodybuilding is for the natural and often overlooked health benefits. Increased metabolism is virtually guaranteed with the increase in lean muscle mass. And the benefits to the cardiovascular system are enormous.

Many people are also discovering the lucrative modeling careers that are available to the successful bodybuilder. Even advertisements that aren't based on fitness in any way are leaning more and more toward those with lean and defined physiques. And those that have been involved in this industry know that the benefits go well beyond simply receiving a substantial paycheck every week.

So how is the best way to go about bodybuilding? The same as any other long term, worthy goal. Set some clear objectives on exactly where you want to be in six months to a year. Measure your progress along the way. Have a clear reason for why you are going to be achieving your goal. This will help to keep you motivated. Dedicating several hours a week to spend lifting in the gym isn't easy.

Once you have a goal firmly established in your mind, it's time to figure out exactly how you are going to get there. How many hours will it take in the gym every week? What kind of diet will you need to eat to support the body you will be achieving in six months or so? And more importantly, what will you need to give up to make room for your plans? This important question is often overlooked by those that don't make it.

Once you set your sights clearly on where you want to be, and develop a plan to get there, the rest is automatic. The more desirable you make your goal, the easier it will be to achieve. - 17269

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How to Lose Weight Quickly ?- That Is The Question!

By Squadoo Fatarie

Get this! Get it now! Muffins are cupcakes in disguise. Yes the secret is out. The quickest way to shed pounds is to stop eating junk. Cut out all of the high fat, treats and nibbles. Stop finishing the kids' remains and picking at the pot while cooking.

How to shed weight quickly? Become a conscious eater. Eat with grace and respect for your food. Write down everything you eat, count the calories and become extremely consciously mindful of what you are eating and drinking. Cut out all wheat, dairy and sugar and anything that isn't food.

Get yourself to your local herbalist or educated organic food outlet owner. Begin to build a medication cabinet of teas, and herbal cures that can help to extend metabolism, improve health, clear out the bowel and purge the entire system.

Naturopaths, diet gurus and dieticians all have ideas about how they can help you to lose pounds swiftly. Check out this turbulence training review for the best turbulence training exercises. But , most would agree that slow steady weight loss over a healthy period of time is handiest in keeping the weight off long term. Long term weight reduction needs a change in life style, quick weight reduction could be good for an event or a special dress, however it is not sustainable unless a spread of factors change as well.

Increase moderate exercise, decrease the quantity of stress in your life or take 5 from it. Try a voice sleep ( rest your voice for one or two hours, keep a pad of paper and a pencil nearby for emergency speaking ), try meditation ( learn how to sit in stillness, remember meditation builds the muscle of concentration ), Try a silent retreat, no one to talk to but yourself and the bonus the food is mostly easy, brown and entire with few or limited stimulants.

What does a voice sleep or a silent retreat have to do with quick weight loss? We gain weight for a variety of reasons, excluding hormonal imbalances, generally there's some psycho / emotional issues that we try to fill up or avoid. Spending time quietly can help us to become mindful of what feelings we are suppressing or avoiding.

How to lose weight quickly? For a special occasion a liquid fast will do, for long term results, you've got to change your lifestyle! - 17269

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Hemp Protein Contains Powerful Immune System Building Proteins

By Kathryn Barry

Hemp Protein is full of globular protein and has the highest amounts in the plant kingdom. Hemp milk makes a great replacement for allergenic soy milk.

Hemp and Its Globular Protein Profile

Hemp seed protein is made up of about 65% Globulin Edestin which is a plant protein globulin. Globulins are proteins that are found in abundance in your body and are considered one of the most important proteins.

Another important protein that can be found in hemp protein is albumin. Albumin and Globulins are both considered globular proteins.

Globular proteins are the precursors to many of the most important chemicals that are produced inside your body to give it life.

These proteins are responsible for the main jobs performed inside your body by becoming enzymes, hormones and hemoglobin. These proteins are also responsible for how strong your immune system will be against an invader.

Hemp Can Be Turned into Lots of Food Ideas

There are lots of uses for hemp seeds and hemp oil. Hemp oil can be used to make a mayonnaise and dressing for your salads. The hemp seeds can be eaten raw or sprouted, made into a hemp flour, made into a tea, made into hemp milk, and hemp protein powder or meal is also made from this seed.

How to Make Hemp Milk

Use 1 part shelled hemp seeds to 3 to 5 parts of filtered water (depending on thickness desired)

Blend in a high speed blender for about 1-2 minutes

This is optional, but you may want to strain the pulp for a smoother milk

Pour into a glass jar and milk will stay fresh capped in your refrigerator for around 3 days

Adding your favorite sweetener and flavoring with vanilla or chocolate are optional ideas

Hemp Protein and Your Immune System

Globular protein which is abundant in hemp seed protein can make antibodies to attack foreign microorganisms and toxins.

Globular starting protein is a much easier protein to start with instead of your body having to make this type of protein from the foods that you consume.

It just makes sense to eat foods that contain a good amount of proteins that are easier for our human bodies to utilize and assemble into these life giving substances.

How well you are able to bounce back from an illness or how often you get sick, may depend how much you consume of these globular forming proteins. - 17269

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Colon Bowel Cleanse

By Carol Branwen

We live in a very toxic world, our food, water and air are polluted. Waste can mix with bacteria and chemicals in the colon, creating dangerous toxic substances that will get absorbed into the blood. We need to detoxify our bowels on a regular basis.

Drinking lots of water is essential for a healthy colon to stimulate natural detoxification and peristaltic movement of the colon. Drink at least 8 glasses of water per day or constipation may result.

Fiber is insoluble fiber that cannot be digested in human guts. It brushes out the colon to keep it clean and remove poisons and other waste toxins from our body. Fiber is an essential part of good digestion, it is important to have roughage to prevent constipation. Fibers is a natural part of colon cleaning to flush out fecal matter and keep your colon clean. You must have regular bowel movements to keep healthy.

Homemade colon bowel cleansers are widely used today. These include such natural ingredients as psyllium husks which can offer the bulk your colon needs to cleanse itself of build up of waste. Psyllium husks are often found in colon cleaners bought from the store. Psyllium husks are both safe and effective.

Bromalite is the fossilized remains of material from the digestive system of prehistoric animals. Bromalite is a powdered dietary supplement that encourages the detoxification process. Bromalite will gently cleanse your colon of toxins and harmful bacteria. It is rich in Acidophilus and Bifidobacterium bacteria, it can be used to create an environment rich in probiotics.

Probiotics are another ingredient found in both homemade and store-bought colon cleanse recipes. Probiotics will increase good bacteria that live in your digestive system and help them to thrive. There are many different types of friendly bacteria that live in your colon that serve to complete the digestion of undigested foods, keep bacteria and yeasts from overgrowth and add bulk to your stool. They also produce vitamin K and some of the B vitamins. An imbalance between healthy and unhealthy flora in the colon is very common in today's world.

Eating a diet of raw food is a great way to detoxify and cleanse your bowels of all the toxins that you have accumulated from years of eating processed foods. Raw food is food that has not been processed using heat above 115 deg Fahrenheit. Eating a diet of raw food is one of the best approaches I have found to keep from accumulating a colon full of toxins and harmful bacteria.

Creating your own colon cleansing recipe doesn't have to be difficult. Unless you have digestive trouble, sticking to a simple plan the best way to go. It is always best to work with your alternative health practitioner. Never use a free colon cleansing recipe you are unsure of and stop immediately of you feel discomfort. - 17269

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There is More To The Low Fat Vegan Diet Than You Know

By Alexis Martin

Who can keep up with all the diets out there? It's hard to tell one from the other, each claiming to be the best. There are just so many to choose from. There is one, however, that is making quite a stand. This is the vegan vegetarian diet. Many do not fully understand what this is and we hope you'll have a better understanding after you read this.

The diet was actually developed in 1944 in another country by two very dedicated individuals. They had seen how people warmly welcomed the lifestyle of being a vegetarian, but you cannot confuse the two. Many have made this mistake before and have been corrected for it. There is a big difference between the two and those of both diets are very proud of their decision.

It was in 1948 that they truly took on the form of helping those who wanted to choose the vegan lifestyle. Support groups were formed. Books were published. Everyone was trying to learn as much as they could about this vegan diet. It continued to grow.

When you read of the traditions of a vegan and then the beliefs of a Buddhist you will find that they match up rather nicely. This is not by coincidence. In theory, because the Buddhists see animals sacred, they in fact sort of created this diet that is so well known today.

When you look up just what it means it is justified as this. It is said that a person will not only not eat any meat of an animal. They will also not partake in wearing any clothing that is made by an animal. They will also not consume any part of an animal.

People who are vegetarian wear clothing made from animals and they also use things that are created from animals. The vegan lifestyle does not leave room for this. They believe that if you are not going to eat animals, then you should not wear the clothing of them either. For many, this is something that they have chosen to do not because of religion but for the fact of what they feel is something that is cruel to animals.

The people who were quick to pick up this practice included all ages and lifestyles. Teenagers have made this quite popular, as they tend to follow the trends that are set before them. Vegetarians have also switched to being wholehearted vegans. It has swept to consume a whole nation.

Due to how well this dieting choice has caught on, many places are offering salads and other vegetarian offerings, not just for those wishing to lose some calories, but in many case those who choose to be vegan as well. College campuses have made it a priority that in the cafeteria they serve one source that could be eaten by someone who has chosen to be vegan. - 17269

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How To Prepare for Body Building Competition

By Tom Shane

Muscle building is not only about having a muscular physique; it is a true sport that involves tough competitions. Bodybuilding can be done simply for personal enjoyment, but many choose to enter the world of bodybuilding competitions. It takes a lot of preparation, time, and commitment. There are several different categories that can be entered during a bodybuilding competition.

It is important for the participant to be aware of each category and be prepared. These may need special outfits and some definitely require specific poses to show of certain muscle groups. Preparation for these individual events is key.

Bodybuilding and Routine

Anyone who is serious about bodybuilding should be working with a personal trainer and possibly a nutritionist as well. These people work to make sure that every precaution is taken and every necessary requirements are fulfilled. It is a good idea to hire a personal trainer when gearing up for a competition.

Working out is the biggest necessity in bodybuilding. It is not all lifting weights however. Lifting weights will help gain muscle mass, but will do little to burn fat. That makes it imperative that the bodybuilder also adds cardio to their routine workout. Without this, a bodybuilder will look soft even if every muscle is perfectly formed.

Nutrition is the second part of ever bodybuilding routine. When in preparation for competition, there are foods and supplements that will aid the body in reaching peak performance. The most important is protein and can be found in meal replacement products. The protein helps build and repair muscle, making it an essential part of training.

Other supplements include glutamine and other amino acids that can be depleted during intense workouts. These supplements are most often in powder form and can be added to shakes. Prohormones are a supplement that will naturally increase testosterone levels. It does need a prescription to obtain, but is easily done through the sporting industry. Finally, there are thermogenics. Thermogenics are the weight loss and fat burning products that are constantly being commercialized. They are very popular in the bodybuilding world.

Bodybuilding is an extreme sport and should not be entered into lightly. These competitions are brutal but can amount in a lot of prize money and notoriety. It is all about dedication, but it is also about how far someone can push his or her body. That is what makes it an extreme sport. - 17269

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Juicer Recipes - Benefits of Juicing for Health

By Darren Haynes

Juicing is a great way to provide your body with a high level of superb nutrition. A great many health conscious folks agree how amazing it is. Now you might be asking yourself, what is it about juicing that is so great?

The 3 main reasons juicing is so amazing is:

1) The juice requires hardly any digestion, so all its nutritional goodness gets rapidly into your system.

2) When you use a juicer you create a drink that is packed full of vitamins and minerals. Juicing allows you to use more fruits and vegetables than you could ever eat in a day therefore providing a great benefit you are missing out on.

3) Detoxify your liver

Below are some of the many health benefits of juicing :

Improves the heart and cardiovascular systems:

- Antioxidants vitamins E and C help to prevent damage from free radicals on arteries by preventing your blood from sticking and clotting. They also keep the blood non-toxic. Vitamin C is found in most vegetables and fruit and vitamin E is found in blackberries, asparagus, kiwi and spinach used in juicer recipes.

- Magnesium and Potassium are essential minerals needed for a regular heart beat and proper heart function. A great source for both minerals are blackberries.

Detoxify the liver for fundamental good health:

- The liver has 100s of important functions. One of its main functions is to clean the blood and remove toxins and metabolic waste. With the amount of toxins we are dealing with everyday in modern life we need to be real diligent in helping to keep it clean so it can keep us clean!

- Liver cleansing is achieved through certain nutrients. Vitamin C and E, beta-carotene, and N-acetyl cysteine are antioxidants that are powerful liver cleansers. B-vitamins riboflavin and niacin also help with liver cleansing. Cauliflower, cabbage and brussel sprouts have also been found to be good for the liver.

- For help with healthy skin, nails, eyes, and hair:

- The antioxidants vitamins E and C prevent damage to the skin from the sun because of their ability to neutralize free radicals. Juicing blueberries and blackberries will give you a great source of both vitamins C and E if used together.

- Greasy hair, cracked lips, hair loss and other skin conditions may be from a deficiency in riboflavin or vitamin B2. Some vegetables such as kale, asparagus, and spinach in your juice will provide you with riboflavin or vitamin B2.

- The most important nutrient for keeping your eyes healthy is Vitamin A. In order to get Vitamin A in your diet you must first consume beta-carotene found in orange fruits and veggies. Beta-carotene is broken down and processed by our body and turned into vitamin A which is essential for the eye to properly function and to discourage night blindness. Both A and C vitamins help to reduce the chance of cataracts and age-related macular degeneration. Carrot juice is an awesome way to ingest both Vitamins A and C.

Rebuild blood cells:

- Yes thats right! This is made possible by the incredibly healthy chlorophyll, which would need an article of its own to give justice to its health benefits!

Chlorophyll looks like similar to a part of the red blood cell hemin on the molecular level. Scientists have also found out that when chlorophyll is assimilated in the body it actually becomes hemin by the course of a chemical reaction. In other words, ingesting chlorophyll is like receiving a blood transfusion!

Chlorophyll is what gives plants their green pigment. This is why it is important to put green stuff in your juicing recipes! Remember, the darker green the veggie, the more chlorophyll it has.

Better immune system:

- Varied and regular juicing is going to give you a wide variety and more than adequate amount of antioxidants which are essential for a healthy immune system. The antioxidants from fruits and vegetables include vitamins A, C, E, plus a wide range of plant chemicals called phytochemicals. Phytochemicals have amazing and varied health benefits, most notably anti-cancer properties. - 17269

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How Do Building Muscle Exercises Help Grow Muscle?

By Ricardo d Argence

To anyone that is wanting to build muscle, one integral part of your workout plan is utilizing strength training exercises. When using building muscle exercises you will not just be fluffing up your muscles, you'll become sharper mentally and stronger physically.

How do building muscle exercises help grow muscle? To begin with, they put resistance on your muscles. Your body reacts to this stress by developing muscle and becoming stronger.

You can get your muscles to keep growing bigger by constantly increasing the amount of resistance in your workout. Occasionally you will bump into a plateau. You can usually overcome a plateau by temporarily dropping the level of resistance for awhile and then going back to gradual increases again.

A high protein diet is essential to building muscle. Protein, and water, are the two things your body needs most to build muscle. Learn about fats, your body can use unsaturated fats to your benefit. Instead of the traditional the average three meals a day, you will want to start having five to six smaller meals through out the day. By doing this your metabolism will stay up to.

Speed is important in strength training too. By using powerful explosive bursts of energy you can lift heavier weights quickly. This puts a lot of intensity into your workouts and increases the resistance on your muscles. The more power you have in your weightlifting, the stronger you will get and the quicker you will build muscle.

Early on in your bodybuilding efforts, you should learn the proper techniques for lifting weights. This will allow you to lift the heavier weights and decrease the chances of injury. It is important to always use proper technique when body building.

You can even do body building exercises if you don't have any weight around. Just use your own body for resistance. You can do things like push ups, pull ups, squats, and lunges. Just remember to take it slow with these at first too and build up your repetitions as you get stronger.

To achieve the optimum results when you take up strength training, be sure to work out all of your muscle groups every week. You can work out your problem areas harder and more often, but be sure to do all of your muscles at least once a week so your entire body can become stronger. This will help keep you agile and make your entire body stronger and better developed. - 17269

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Discover What You Should Know About Creatine Side Effects

By Christian James

Whilst the damage caused is nothing like that from anabolic steroids, there are definite creatine side effects. And whilst use of it remains legal for competition, and is used widely as a result, it is still a highly controversial subject.

The use of creatine has risen dramatically over the last decade, helped by constant publicizing from high profile celebrities. However, that it has been shown to increase muscle bulk, boost stamina, and improve performance by up to ten percent, the rise has also been factually supported.

Essentially, creatine is the building material for muscle tissue naturally, and so taking this in synthetic form helps with recovery speeds and damage repair. It is rapidly broken down in the body, and hence feeds the muscles quickly.

But there are clear creatine side effects. Commonly, these will manifest themselves as muscle cramps and, because the muscle has been "forced", it will be more susceptible to damage. Energy supply to these forced muscles will run out quicker; thus making injury more likely.

The product itself is also highly likely to react through the intestine; leading to stomach cramping in some cases, and certainly diarrhea. These complaints seem to be less common, but can be more dangerous.

This is certainly the case regards diarrhea where long instances of the condition can severely debilitate; causing dehydration and malnutrition. At the very least, they will nullify any beneficial effects of the product.

If you do feel you may be experiencing an adverse reaction to taking creatine, you should certainly reduce the dose. If they continue, consumption should be stopped immediately and you should consider consulting a medical professional.

There are more and more instances of creatine side effects; but this will also be a result of increased use. However, with a dedicated training regime and appropriate guidance from professionals; there is no reason why much the same benefits can be achieved naturally. - 17269

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Top 3 Mistakes You Must Avoid To Get Really Ripped Abs

By Ricardo d Argence

People are always asking me how they can really build up their abs fast. I always here that getting a fast result is too hard to do. Really it is not. What you need is to know the routine for your abdomen that makes fast abs easy.

I will tell you that building six pack abs is not easy and take hard work. It is not enough to just work hard. You have to really focus on an excellent exercise plan that won't waste your efforts. In all the people that approach me I see a consistency in the mistakes that they make.

So you can avoid these mistakes, here are the top three that you must avoid:

1. Do not limit yourself only one or two meals a day. You need 5 to 6 meals a day for the best fat loss. You cannot get ripped abs quickly by just eating once or twice each day.

You must have good nutrition to get ripped abs. You need to refuel after your workouts, just like you feel the need to get an energy boost after a stressful day. Your muscles are like that, too. They need refueled so they can recover from a stressful workout. Without doing this you are setting yourself up for muscle loss and strain. You are also slowing your metabolism.

Your goal to build a six pack is to eat healthy and eat at the right times. After a workout eat a good protein meal. Also skip the fats, starchy carbs and sugars.

2. Thinking that performing cardio alone will work your muscles. Cardio workouts are good. Yet, this is not enough. To build abs fast, you will need to carry out different exercises, not just one. Resistance training and weight lifting are some of the best complete body workouts that will strengthen your muscles.

Doing these routines combined with abs-targeting workouts will make those abs ripped sooner than you think. One significant reminder though, you should perform these drills regularly at least 4 times a week, every other day. For your cardio option, perform them during the days when you're not performing your regular workouts.

3. Overdoing it. Some people cannot overdo it because they just cannot handle it. There are some people, though, that think more is better and will get them the fast results they want. That is not true at all.

Training too hard too often won't get you near six pack abs. Why? Because you will risk the chance of injuries along the way, physically and mentally. This will exhaust your muscles, and if worse comes to worst, it can damage them entirely.

You want to focus on efficiency. You want a program that does not wear you out to the point where you cannot do the exercises properly. You want to do each repetition with effective and efficient movement. Overdoing it will not let you do this.

The best thing you can do is start slow and build up. Try 5 reps in each set and build from there. This gives your muscles the chance to recover and adapt for increased intensity in the future.

Don't make the same mistakes such as these. Applying the most effective regimen will lead you to your fitness goal. Just carry out a highly nutritious diet, do your workouts perfectly, and don't ever believe that one routine will build abs fast. Now that you know how to get 6 pack abs easily, start doing it right away! In the end, you'll be satisfied with the fruits of your hard work and efforts. - 17269

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Build Muscle Fast with Effective Fitness Workouts

By Emmanuel Palmer

Ever wanted a trimmed, toned and strong body? Of course you have - everyone wants this at one point in their lives. It doesn't matter if you're male or female; the inner superstar wants to be let out. So you take a step in the right direction and enroll in a gym; unfortunately results take longer than a couple of days to manifest. Don't quit. Do not let this discourage you - you will get that great physique with solid fitness workouts, the right diet and good sleeping habits. Learn the proper and healthy way to build muscle fast and be on your way to your dream body before long.

First of all, understand that aside from exercise, you will need to dedicate yourself in having a healthier lifestyle - primarily in terms of diet and sleep. A well-balanced food plan will do wonders in keeping you not only trimmer, but more active and energetic as well. Obviously, this will translate to having better exercise output during your training sessions.

In your workout plans, keep in mind that doing more doesn't necessarily build you more muscles. A person who goes 6 times a week will do less than one who does intense and proper training 3x a day. Sleep repairs muscles to be bigger and stronger - be wise and use this to your advantage.

Which leaves us to the all important fitness regimens - the cause of the rise and fall of many an aspiring gym member. Determine what your goal is and map your programs accordingly. If your aim is to bulk up, then you need to power up in terms of weight training and building your muscle mass. On the other hand, for those whose goal is to trim down and tone up, a high cardio and light weight training program will suit you best.

For those who are undertaking the herculean task, pun intended, of packing on massive muscles - be prepared to push your body to its physical limits. That's right; the no pain, no gain policy will be in high gear once you commence training. Whatever muscle group it is: chest, back, arms, legs or abdominals - if you want to accelerate muscle growth, you need to take on the highest weight load you can carry and regularly increase it for maximum efficacy.

Modify your fitness workouts frequently. The body gets used to the tension it is subjected to and will cope to come against this. This means that after several weeks of the same drills, the workouts you did will not be as effective as before. Avoid hitting this plateau by challenging yourself often.

Warm up and cool down thoroughly in every exercise session. Stretching promotes blood flow to the muscle groups - thus making training more successful. Consume 10-12 glasses of water during the days you are working out. Also, consider taking protein shakes and other muscle building supplements to fill in your required vitamins and nutrients to help you along the way.

You can learn how to build muscle fast but to actually do the steps to realize it is a different matter altogether. Is it difficult? Many times, yes - but it is always worth it for the determined champions out there. Keep on keeping on and it won't be long before you get your perfect physique looking back at you in the mirror. - 17269

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