Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Is Being Fat Really in Your Genes?

By Ricardo d Argence

If you are using your genes as an excuse for poor eating habits, a bad diet, no exercise and lack of motivation, then you may not be able to lose the weight you want, it doesn't matter if genes really play a part in your shape and size.

It is true that your genetic make-up controls how many fat cells are going to be in your body, but just because you have fat cells does not mean that you have to stuff them with food. If you are ready to commit to some effort and work, you can lose weight, get healthy and re-shape and re-sculpt your body.

There are some basic body types the thin, lean ectomorph who has little body fat at any time, the athletic and well muscled mesomorphs who can lose fat easily and bulk up quickly, and the endomorph who stores fat. For the endomorph, life can be a little more complex, they gain weight quickly, and it is usually stored as fat, and the fat is very slow to disappear.

If you have an endomorph body, you will gain weight on a regular, healthy diet. That can be discouraging for the most of this kind of people. However, you can lose weight by counting calories and engaging in an exercise program even when it seems you are doomed by genetics.This is a more reasonable and suitable solution to the problem. Instead of having to wait several weeks or months,many people however tend to want something that promises quicker results.

Do you tend to gain weight more easily than other members of your family? If so, a chemical imbalance in your brain may be to blame. Some of us have the urge to eat even when our stomachs are full.

Today research is being done that may soon lead to a new appetite suppressant being put on the market. This medication is said to block the impulse to overeat by regulating a hormone in the hypothalamus. Studies are proving successful in the laboratory, and it may not be long yet another new weight control drug is on the market for overweight consumers to try.

A prescription which guarantees weight loss would make millions from those that are thin and want to stay that way as well as those that suffer from obesity. With this kind of money at stake, there is little wonder why new weight loss drugs keep popping up, both with and without harmful side effects. But most of people preffer to use manmade chemicals as their quick cure instead of commit to solving the problem through dedication, work and a healthy lifestyle.

You can lose those pounds and create a new body with weight training, cardio workouts, and a healthy diet, instead of hoping for a new quick fix for your extra weight. The loss of weight will be gradual, and this will give you time to firm those arms, abs and glutes. Heredity will not lock you into a body shape if you are willing to follow a course to change it. It is not impossible to lose of extra fat, but not without some effort on your part.

The sad fact is that quick weight loss plans, pills, and drugs do not successfully help people lose weight permanently. For anyone who needs to shed some fat and get in shape the best method is to stop feeding your body the unhealthy carbs and sugars that make you gain weight, and to begin a regular exercise program. - 17269

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How the Acai Berry Can Increase Health

By David King

The Acai Berry, which is Brazilian fruit is extremely rich in vitamins, fiber and protein. These are not the only health benefits of Acai Berry. The Acai Berry is also rich in antioxidants and Omega Fatty Acids, the good kinds you or I do not get enough of. Lets take a second and break down some of the benefits of the Acai Berry.

Acai Berry and Antioxidants

By having a low level or a low amount of antioxidants in our bodies we are at an increased chance of getting certain illnesses and cancers. The Acai Berry contains a large level of antioxidants which helps our bodies drastically fight against things that will harm us.

Our bodies do not produce enough antioxidants on there own so we need to increase our levels. You can do this by consuming plenty of brightly colored fruits and vegetables such as carrots, tomatoes and you can even go as far as to drink red wine. What makes the Acai Berry a particularly attractive addition to your diet is that the Acai Berry packs quite the antioxidant punch. This little pitted berry has twice as much antioxidant power as blueberries, one of the fruits that is well known as one of our best sources.

Acai Berry and Essential Fatty Acids

Essential Fatty acids are what gets commonly referred to as the good fats. The two main essential fatty acids (EFA) are omega-3 and omega-6. Omega-9 exists as well, but our bodies do produce some omega-9 on their own, so this is not considered an essential source to consume but omega 3 and 6 are.

Out of all the essential fatty acids the one we need the most and the one that is the most important to us is Omega 3. A deficiencies in essential fatty acids like omega 3 can contribute to cancer, depression, increased risk of heart attacks and other serious health conditions. This is where an Acai Berry supplement can help us, with the Acai Berry being extremely rich is all three essential fatty acids we can increase health and lower our risks of serious illnesses.

Antioxidants and essential fatty acids are not the only reasons to consider adding an aci berry supplement to your diet. The acai berry is also a great source of fiber, protein and vitamin B. Can you see yet why they call this a super fruit?

Grocery stores do not carry the acai berry, it does not ship well. The best way to add the acai berry to your diet is either through a pill form or though a juice. - 17269

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How Legit is the Acai Berry?

By Frank Cassa

If you watch TV or read news articles, you will most likely have come across the acai berry. You probably have heard that it is a very healthy fruit, much healthier than other berries, fruits or vegetables. The acai berry has been featured in many TV programs, magazines and news.

Although you may have heard about the acai berry for the first time, this berry is not a new berry or organically created in a lab to contain amazing properties. The acai berry has been around for a very long time but it was tucked away deep in the rain forests, unknown to most people elsewhere in the world.

The acai berry grows on a branch of an acai palm tree called Euterpe oleracea, which is more commonly known as the acai palm tree. The acai palm is large and tall. Each tree can have as many as 25 trunks although it is not very common. An acai palm tree can be as tall as 25 meters.

Each acai berry tree has many branches dropping down from it like flowing ribbons. The branches cluttered together and on them are the acai berries. Each acai berry is on a branch is very close to the next berry on the same branch.

The acai berry is a small, rounded fruit of the acai palm tree. It is deep and dark purple in color. Sometimes, the acai berry can be so dark that the color is almost black. Each acai palm tree produces many acai berry fruit, 20kg per year is common.

People in Brazil love to eat fresh acai berry. The berry has many uses, not just as fruit but the acai pulp is great in wines, liqueurs or as food flavor or color. Some people use the acai berry to make other products such as acai berry juice, acai ice cream and acai cosmetics.

The acai berry is one of the healthiest fruit around. There are many medicinal properties of the acai berry so many people eat it for health reasons as well as taste. The acai pulp is rich with minerals and nutrients. Some researchers have shown that the acai berry is all you need to stay healthy.

While people now learn that the acai berry has many extraordinary health benefits, fresh acai berries are not commonly available in most countries. Sadly, the acai berry that was once hand picked is now mass harvested so that acai berry products can be shipped worldwide. This can of course decrease the effectiveness of the acai berry by the time it gets to you. - 17269

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Mangosteen Juice Products Help You Maintain a Better Lifestyle

By Julieanne van Zyl

We show how nutrition like the mangosteen juice supplement can help you maintain a better lifestyle. In the race against time, reduce our weight and in a bid to make more money, we often forget to feed our bodies with the nutrients it needs. More often than not, all we do is grab a hot cup of coffee with bagels in the morning and off we go to work.

For lunch, we just rush to the nearest McDonald's to get some sandwiches and for dinner, it could be anything from pizza with wine to just munching on popcorn. Either way, this kind of lifestyle at best only gets you by. With the amount of junk you keep piling up, it is just possible that one day -and it often happens- your body just gives up and says "no more".

But this can be prevented if some simple steps were taken swiftly . These plain steps include eating healthily at least once a day and having some mangosteen juice nutrition supplements handy. Nutrition supplements are regularly the best bet and should be one of your best friends because if your body stops working , you fail and that which can keep your body in good health is great friend right? So, get yourself some Mangosteen Juice supplements.

These can be easily found at shops on the internet. You would never regret that decision and you will be in the best shape for the rest of your life.

Benefits of Taking Mangosteen Juice nutrition Supplements

Why do you need these Mangosteen Juice supplements? Well, if I am right, it is because the condition of your health right now is not exactly at its finest. Taking nutrition supplements has its benefits and they are:

* You boost the nutrients that your body gets and thus keep your immune system in eminent shape.

* It has been demonstrated that one of the reasons people often fall ill these days is as a result of their food intake. We have become a people who have huge disdain for our bodies. We constantly fill our bodies with garbage and junk food, which in turn reduce the working ability of our body's cells. Thus, taking supplements will not only get your body to perform maximally, it will keep you in good health for a longer period of time.

* For older people, a supplement like calcium will more often than not lessen the tendency for you to get a damaged bone. As we age, it becomes apparent the bones become a little weaker in strength and thus we are more vulnerable to fractures and broken bones. Thus, augmenting the calcium quantity in the body can radically reduce the frequency of fractures.

* Obtaining nutrition supplements like the B vitamins will increase your mental coordination and enhance your alertness.

Make sure and buy a quality Mangosteen juice supplement that has all the vitamins and minerals included, so you get the maximum nutrition for your body. - 17269

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Real Smoothies - Keep it Healthy

By Nick Jaggs

When you have a smoothie are you sure you know what is going into it? Certainly the smoothie has become big business these days because words such as "natural" and "healthy" have been used to describe certain food products. However the smoothies that you see on the supermarket shelf are not as "innocent" as they may seem. Many of these products use advertisements where sunny outdoor scenes are used or the blender contains fruit to convey an image that these contain vital and fresh living ingredients. But often these are produced on mass using machinery and vats of fruit purees which to extend their shelf life have been pasteurized.

Also be aware that not all the drinks your local juice or smoothie bar offers are not completely natural. Many of the companies who provide commercial equipment to smoothie outlets will also supply them with frozen portions of fruit purees high in sugar. In most cases the kinds of professional blenders you see being used to make smoothies in a juice bar have been supplied to them for nothing as long as they use their frozen fruit purees as well.

However, there are now a few juice bars where to simplify their operations and save money actually make their own frozen fruit products. Again some will produce good drinks, but a few others load theirs with sugar. Don't think that for one minute the company that create these are trying to prevent us from getting natural ingredients, they just use this as a way to help streamline their business to ensure that they make a profit. Although there may be times when we as the consumer lose out because of this.

The original idea of a smoothie was very simple. It was a way of blending a healthy drink. Made most popular in the USA still there is no definitive term to describe this type of drink. Most of us simply recognize as this drink being a fruit based one made from frozen or fresh fruit and ice. Many of the independent juice bars tend to focus on the health side and so create high quality products that are freshly prepared when ordered, plus to further enhance the smoothies for some health enthusiasts they add super foods or boosters to them.

If you happen to have a juice bar like this close to where you are then you should support it. But if your only contact with smoothies is drinking the ready bottled variety you are losing out on getting all the goodness and flavour that freshly prepared ones offer.

A great way of trying a smoothie to see if you like it is to make your own at home. However, there has been some confusion caused by a few of the blender manufacturers regarding smoothie makers. When we talk about smoothie makers we actually do mean a blender which has for many years been a vital piece of equipment in many kitchens. That was until some bright spark in some marketing company thought it would be a good idea to call them smoothie makers so that a company could target those people wanting to make their own smoothies. It is for this reason alone that we think blenders and smoothie makers are two different machines, when in fact they are not.

It is very simple to make a smoothie just place the ingredients in the jug of the blender and press the button. Only a few seconds later you have a jug full of pulped fruit and juice which will cost you much less than you would pay for the high street ones. As well as tasting great these smoothies are full of essential nutrients. You can like others use frozen fruit chunks or you could use some fresh fruit mixed with ice. To make the smoothie creamier and tangier add some yoghurt or just experiment to gain more health benefits by adding other healthy ingredients to it.

For making such drinks you need a blender or smoothie maker. It is important that you go for one which will do everything you require and is able to deal with frozen ingredients. The cheaper models may save you money but are as effective and blending ice in such machines can be very demanding on them. So it is better to go for a more expensive model. Ideally go for one that allows you to mill dry ingredients as well such as the Mill Blender by the American company L'Equip. This is a machine that not only allows you to create smoothies but allows you to grind up flax which is full of essential fatty acids and which can be added to the drink.

There are many health enthusiasts who place great demands on their kitchen equipment and spend hundreds on buying commercial grade equipment such as the Blendtec Total Blender. Although a luxury model they do offer you a long time of service, but you yourself don't need to break the bank to make your own smoothies at home. If you intend to blend ice or frozen ingredients in your smoothies avoid those that cost below 60. Instead to go for a much more expensive model such as the smoothie makers to be found at www.ukjuicers.com. - 17269

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