Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Monday, December 8, 2008

Bodybuilding Revealed Is Scientifically Proven With Hard Facts

By Westy

The creator of Bodybuilding Revealed , Will Brink, has gotten together with some of his friends to create one of the best tools that you can use to increase the muscle mass on your body. There are some smart ways of training your body contained in this program that you can use to get the results that you want. There are other e-books on the market that do not give the kind of organized information that you will receive with this one.

The book contains 632 pages of great information on how you should train and design your diet to get the maximum results. The members area of the program will provide you with even more great information that you can use to enhance your experience with the program. Will Brink gives you all of the expert advice that you will need to get a great result from your program.

The one thing that is unique about this program and Will Brink is the way that the material is communicated to you. Many people are very informed and intelligent on the subject of bodybuilding, but they are unable to get the message across to those who are just starting out.

The program takes some very complex topics and gives you the most valuable information in this program. The topics are broken down into easy to follow instructions that you can understand. This will allow you to make the decisions that you have to make with the right information on your side.

The material that is contained in the book is very simple to apply to your daily life. You will have all of the information that you will need for gaining muscle mass, tracking your progress and keeping you motivated all throughout the program. There is also a great deal of information about your diet and the use of supplements while you are bodybuilding.

You will learn how to use your nutrition to gain muscle in a healthy and informed way. There is a lot of information on nutrition available, but Will Brink takes this information and delivers it in a way that is important to bodybuilders. This is one of the most important aspects of bodybuilding.

This section deals with the optimization of the anabolic activities of your body. The purpose of macro-nutrients and its effect on our metabolism are taught. Also the process of eating and digesting are explained herein. You will be taught exactly what you have to eat and in what proportions, also how you can gain quality muscle mass. Will has stated some formulas which are complicated, but accurate. A diet-planner is available within the member's section which will help you in these calculations.

The food pyramid that is used in the diet and nutrition part of the program is one that is typical for bodybuilders. There is a discussion on the food pyramid that is the standard that is used for most people and a new pyramid is created to give bodybuilders the best opportunity to create the muscle gain that they are after. If you are someone who works out, this is valuable information.

The program that you will receive has the added benefit of being created by someone who is very knowledgeable on nutrition. You can take advantage of all the experience and information that Will Brink has at his disposal for your own benefit. The diet plan that is contained in the program will give you the results that you want very quickly. - 17269

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Weight Lifting Exercises - TRAPEZIUS

By Westy

The muscles that are referred to as the traps are actually the trapezius muscles. Simply put they are the muscles that connect your back to your neck. When you exercise your shoulders, you will be working these muscles as well. There are some exercises that you can do that will work these muscles very well. Don't be discouraged by the small amount of exercises for this area they work very well. There is some great growth that can be gained by working the muscles in this area. There are many bodybuilders who add shrugs to their workout and get a great gain in mass in this area.

The main movements that utilise the traps are the Shrug, and The Upright Row.

The Shrug

You can perform this exercise very simply with a barbell or dumbbells. You can do these exercises from a position in the back or the front.

All you will have to do is hold the weight and shrug your shoulders. That is all you have to do. Some bodybuilders will use a variation of this exercise by rolling the shoulders instead of simply lifting them up and down. All you do to do this is roll your shoulders when you are performing the shrug.

How it's done:

1. Hold your weight in front of you using an overhand grip.

2. Lift your shoulders and try and touch them to your ears.

3. Hold the movement and then lower your shoulders, repeat.

It's important to do this motion with maximum control so as to avoid straining the muscles of your neck. However, you can really get some heavy weight going as the movement is quite small. The other great exercise for developing your traps is the Upright Row. Most often performed as part of a shoulder workout, it's a great way to hit the full shoulder area while getting the traps at the same time.

How it's done:

1. You should use a wide grip if you are going to be giving the traps a greater intensity.

2. You should hold the bar in front near to your thighs

3. Lift the bar up to the chin

4. Hold the movement, lower the bar, repeat.

It's important to keep you elbows high so they are higher than the bar throughought the movement. These 2 exercises, combined with some solid shoulder exercises and back workouts will help you develop the stronger neck and traps muscles you've been looking for. - 17269

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Magnesium and Healthy Skin

By Virginia Pipolini

Your skin is the largest organ in your body. We sweat, releasing toxins through the skin and regulating our temperature. We also absorb through our skin, whether it is toxins such as cleaning chemicals, chlorine in the swimming pool, or nutrients.

The skin like any other cells in the body need the right amount of water to work as designed. When our hydration level is balanced we are able to bring nutrients to our cells and carry away toxins and waste products.

Water is the carrier of nutrients as well as disposer of waste products for the human body. Water alone is not sufficient for maintaining the appropriate flow through the cell walls. We also need salt to maintain the balance.

The signs of dry skin can tell us more than just our dermal condition, it can also be a sign of both inadequate hydration and low magnesium levels in the body. We feel that dryness, itching and flaking. While dry skin can be caused by use of chemicals and too much sun we can also have dry skin caused by an inadequate diet.

Magnesium is one of the primary electrolytes or salts used by the body. Used in over 300 functions in our system magnesium is known to be required for proper use of calcium for our heart, teeth and bones, and is used throughout our body for proper digestion as well as many other necessary body functions.

Research around the world has shown that over 75 percent of our population is deficient in this nutrient. Our diets do not supply enough magnesium, and our toxicity and the candida present in so many of us from our over consumption of carbohydrates further inhibits our ability to absorb magnesium and other nutrients.

There are other methods of bringing more magnesium into your system. One method is through an IV, a method used commonly in emergency rooms to raise the magnesium level rapidly. We do not need to bring ourselves to a critical level to improve our magnesium balance. We can introduce more magnesium through the largest organ of the body - our skin.

Magnesium can be absorbed through the skin, as shown by the Department of Dermatology at the University of Kiel in Germany. In a study conducted by this respected medical community they showed that transdermal magnesium aided in skin hydration, reducing inflammation while improving the skin barrier function.

On applying the magnesium oil or gel, or taking a transdermal magnesium bath, you will notice higher moisture content in your skin. It will feel like your skin is attracting moisture! The side effects of this magnesium skin spa treatment are promising as well: you may feel more relaxed, calmer, and your sleep can improve as well.

Magnesium is a vital yet often overlooked nutrient for the body. Using transdermal magnesium is an easy way to improve both skin quality and overall health. - 17269

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Sean Nalewanyj's Inner Circle - Truth About Building Muscle

By Westy

Reaching the goal of building muscle is made simple by the program that is presented by Sean Nalewanyj. The program is a step by step approach to gaining the kind of muscle that you want. You will learn how to use Muscle Gain Truth No Fail System to give you the results that have eluded you in the past. The program understands that building muscle is one of the simplest concepts to understand but one of the most difficult to actually put into practice. Sean's program will help you to put the knowledge into practice. The understanding of why people fail will help you to avoid some of the problems that you will be having with your muscle building program.

What Are Some Of The Reasons People Fail

1. Laziness or lack of motivation.

2. Misinformation relating to bodybuilding

3. Loss of focus

Once you learn to get past the obstacles that are confronting you, there will finally be results. There are some things that you can do to prepare for your muscle building. The success that is reached with the program will depend on you and your motivation and focus on the goal. You should understand that the concept of muscle building is relatively simple, but practicing those concepts is difficult.

Sean's program is just not mental preparation but a whole lot more- It is a step-by-step, planned and organized program. Sean asks you to allow him to become your new muscle building dictator. Why? Because this will let you to unlearn the nonsense which you "think" you know about weight gain.

You must follow the principles that are outlined in the program. When you use the principles that Sean used to build up eighty pounds of muscle, you will find it difficult not to flaunt your new found physique. The principles that are outlined will be very successful when you use them exactly as they are laid out.

(1) The workouts will be very intense and many people do not recognize what an intense workout generally involves.

Sean's program does not just state what to do but tells you why to do it. Under the program you just need to dedicate 3 INTENSE workouts a week. One for an hour. The other time you rest and eat. When Sean says "you must train with 100% intensity" he tells you just what you need to do to bring major changes in your body.

(2) Nutrition is one of the most important factors of the program. The type of nutrition that you use in the program will be of the utmost importance. This is what will cause the real changes in your plan.

Included in your workout:

(1) Lessons in video to show you the plan in minute detail.

(2) The workouts include warmups, stretching exercises, and choosing the right exercises to get the best possible results.

(3) Information on breathing and resting your body to get the best results. - 17269

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Weight Lifting Exercises For Your Shoulders

By Westy

The shoulders are typically viewed as being the area of the upper body that exhibits the most strength. They are where your workout will be noticed first. Many people are working the chest area more than the shoulders and this is a big mistake by bodybuilders. The shoulders should be worked as well for an even more powerful look to your upper body.

The determination that it doesn't matter and that muscle in the chest is more important than the shoulders then you might not be interested in a more proportioned look to your upper body.

Shoulder exercises should be used to develop your upper body strength the majority of the time. Bench is good, because it targets the shoulders and chest at the same time, but again, it's primarily a chest exercise and you'll develop way too much chest muscle if this is all you do to workout your shoulders.

One exercise that you can use is the military press. This is sometimes called the behind the neck press and is a great way to improve the appearance of your shoulders. This particular exercise is a very comprehensive approach to improving the strength of the shoulders as well. You can use a bar or a dumbbell in the exercise to get the same results. You should not use a Smith machine for this exercise because of the lack of a full range of motion which could result in an injury.

How to do a military press.

1. Take a seat on your favorite bench

2. Position the dumbbells on either side of the shoulders with the elbows positioned below the wrist.

3. Push that weight above your head until you reach a full arm extension, but do not lock your elbows

4. Lower the weight back down to your shoulders and then repeat.

The military press is not a difficult exercise to perform and should give you an increase in strength as well as the appearance of your muscles. When you use other exercises as well, you will have a well proportioned upper body. Having a well balanced group of exercises for your upper body is a great way to get the best results from your workout.

Some more tips to help you develop your shoulders.

The military press can be done standing up. Try starting off by lifting the weight off the floor in a smooth motion and bring it up to your shoulders. From there you will perform the exercise and then bring the weights back to the floor. This will give you a great upper body and shoulder workout. Try to cycle the exercises in your upper body workout in eight week cycles. By the time you get around to the military press again, you will find that you have increased the size and strength of your shoulder muscles dramatically.

When you return to doing the shoulder press first, you will have increased the size of your upper body all over. This will also improve the strength that you will have to perform the exercises with each cycle. - 17269

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Pure Acai Berry

By Micheal Vincent

There are very few foods in the world that can claim to be superfoods. Superfoods must have many more benefits besides just providing enough calories and some nutrition. However, there are some foods that are able to be elevated to superfood status because of the incredible benefits they can deliver.

Acai berry is one of these foods. With its ability to do everything from increase weight loss to fighting off disease, acai berry can provide you with better health without any effort.

What makes Pure Acai Berry such an incredible food is the fact that its nutritional content is as close to perfect as possible. First of all, it is absolutely filled with antioxidants. Click here to find more information about Best Acai Berry Offers.

As you probably know, antioxidants are necessary for slowing down the effects of aging and for fighting disease. The berry also has monounsaturated fats, which are the healthy type also found in olive oil.

Fiber and phytosterols are also part of the package, as is a well balanced amino acid complex. In all, this food is a very complete way of getting energy, nutrition, and antioxidants all in one package.

Because of its extremely complete nutritional content, the acai berry has the potential to provide tons of benefits for your body. Among the most popular reasons for people to use the product are to increase energy, maintain better health, and to lose weight.

You can expect to have more energy when you use the acai berry because of its combination of carbohydrates and fats and its high concentration of antioxidants. All of these things combined make it a very good source of energy and a great way to increase your stamina during the day. Because you are likely to feel and be healthier while taking it, this will also increase your energy.

The antioxidant levels of this berry are more than five times as high as in blueberries and other such foods. This makes them very powerful in terms of fighting aging and bodily damage. Many people rely on this berry to fight off the free radicals that can be implicated in everything from cancer to wrinkles.

Antioxidants have the amazing power to neutralize free radicals, which can help you feel younger and healthier than ever before. By using foods with high levels of antioxidants, you can experience great health and fend off the damaging effects of pollution, UV light, aging and more.

Pure Acai Berry can also help you with your weight loss goals as it has the ability to help your body burn fat more efficiently and to increase your metabolism. In addition, because it can help your body work more efficiently in general, you can expect losing weight to be easier.

For instance, the ability of the berry to increase your stamina will make it easier for you to exercise, and the berries perfect amino acid complex will allow your muscles to function properly during exercise. The berry even provides digestive support so that you can use your food more efficiently.

The benefits of the acai berry are hard to beat and it is a great addition to any diet. Since it is not a local crop, the best way to get the benefits of this berry is in the supplement form offered by Pure Acai Berry.

Since this is the most concentrated and purest way of getting the incredible benefits of this berry, you will be able to reap the benefits of this berry much sooner. Begin now and you can even get a Free Trial of Pure Acai Berry to see the benefits for yourself! Click on Best Acai Berry Offers to find out more. - 17269

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Eating Right to Reach Your Fitness Goals

By Marcus Martinez

Working out is a time-consuming, strenuous (if you're doing it right) process that takes hours each week to maintain. You have to plan for it if you hope to reach your fitness goals. Even so, many people sabotage themselves by leaving out one of the most important aspects of fitness: eating right.

Eating right will determine how you look, regardless of what you do in the gym for fitness training. Go ahead and work out for 2 hours a day, but if you're not eating the right foods at the right time, you're just spinning your wheels, and you won't achieve your fitness goals.

Unfortunately, you have probably noticed a group of people at the gym that have been working out for years, but look exactly the same. Chances are, these people do not look any more fit than before because they have failed to workout and eat right, even though both are extremely necessary.

It's very easy to fall in the trap of thinking that you can eat whatever you want because you exercise. Unfortunately, that's not the way it works if you are striving for proper fitness. In order to change your body for the better you have to work hard in the gym, but even harder in the kitchen.

There are several tricks that can help you get in the habit of eating right. If you plan your food out for the day, precook some of your meals, and keep track of your diet in an organized way, you'll be much more likely to succeed. Here are a few more ideas to get you on the right track:

1. Plan your 5-6 meals a day for the week. Using a whiteboard or an excel spreadsheet really helps.

2. Make a list and go to the grocery store and get only those items. No wandering. Stay on the perimeter of the store.

3. Wash and cut all vegetables so they're easy to throw into a meal or eat them as a snack. Cook all chicken so you can have a 3 or 4 day supply at the ready. This really helps for throwing them into salads.

4. Get a large container, like a cooler, to take with you to work. This container can hold all your meals for the day and make them more accessible no matter where you are.

These tips will help you start eating right and get you much closer to reaching your fitness goals. Not having a plan means that you may never be able to fully achieve the results you want. So eat right! - 17269

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Infos - Fitness Magazines

By Dani Maurer

With a judgment of staying fit as good as full of illness winning a multitude today, how tough we should be pulling yourself depends upon your turn of aptness as good as your illness history. We can flog off with your doctor's letter of reference per optimal heart rate aim for operative out formed upon these factors.

On a alternative hand, we might begin celebration of a mass aptness magazines in sequence to tempt we to begin toning those thighs as good as biceps as good as have pleasing abs which can be really comical to a others.

Since the advent of the printing technology, printing has been a crucial factor in progressive development of a person as well as a nation. Through prints, you now have some fitness magazines that do not only offer colorful graphics and superb layout but also helpful and useful tips and advices that people can use.

The many appropriate thing about many aptness magazines is which they do not "beat around a bush." Many aptness magazines yield we with straightforward, no hype or shortcuts, usually minute as good as arguable report as good as possibly tips about fitness, health, as good as ideas upon how to hold up a peculiarity life. Aptness magazines usually yield applicable pieces of report which make a difference many to we as good as your family.

Each article written in fitness magazines are classified according to the topics they possess. The categories may range from basic information about foods to the sports and fitness advices from health and fitness experts.

Consequently, one of the known benefits of having fitness magazine in the market is based on the premise that people need ageless realities bounded by true-to-life testimonials of other people. The articles written in fitness magazines are based on unfussy, systematic approach specifically made to answer timely issues about health and fitness.

Best of all, fitness magazines are also great sources of advertisements that focus more on health products such as vitamins and minerals food supplements and other necessary equipments needed to keep your body at its optimum peak of health.

Alternatively, with the advent of information technology, fitness magazines are now available in the Internet. Like its printed replica, electronic forms of fitness magazines likewise provide pertinent information about health and fitness. - 17269

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Substitute Therapies For Treating Fibromyalgia

By Michael Byrd

Fibromyalgia is a truly nasty disorder, and some patients even feel more sick when undergoing medical treatment. However, there is hope! Because I have observed promising results with alternative treatments for Fibromyalgia- and even seeing patients undergo complete reversals. Wouldn't it be great to be well again?

For those who are willing, they may begin by implementing changes in their lifestyle. You could do this by eliminating the stressful situations that you encounter everyday. You could also find better methods of reducing stress and relaxation. Exercises such as deep breathing and meditation are very helpful in dealing with the depression and anxiety associated with Fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS).

Doing light aerobic exercises such as walking or swimming is a great first step in treating fibromyalgia. Though it may be painful and tough at the start, these exercises can significantly reduce stress. You may start slowly, and gradually heighten your activity until you're doing these for at least half an hour, four or more days a week.

Be sure to get adequate sleep. It's good to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day. The constant pain from fibromyalgia usually causes fatigue, which requires that you get as much sleep as needed. You should also ensure that your sleeping space is kept comfortable, relaxing and quiet. And please don't watch the news before you sleep, avoid alcohol, caffeine, and sugar at night, because these alter your sleep patterns.

With regards to eating and drinking, improving your nutrition is a crucial step to consider. In achieving a vibrant, healthy life, getting as much high-quality nutrition helps. In attaining optimum results, it helps to include a whole food program in your diet. This includes organic whole grains, lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as plenty of omega-3 rich fish. You also need to ensure that you keep your fat intake to around 30% below your daily calorie levels, and consume free-range meat if possible. In addition, drink lots of clean water- at least eight glasses a day. If you smoke, it would be best to stop this time.

Another vital nutritional factor to consider is that you need to get at least 1,000 i.u's of vitamin D. Dr. Michael Holick, director of Vitamin D, Skin and Bone Research Laboratory at Boston University, notes that people who have aching bones and muscles, are simply suffering from vitamin deficiency.

It's worth knowing that although you try to eat the best and most healthy diets, research indicates that you can't get all the necessary nutrients from the food you eat. It's vital to take whole food supplements for ensuring optimum health, as even the American Medical Association recommends taking these supplements.

Overcoming fibromyalgia requires the need to take better care of yourself. You should eat right, practice relaxation, exercise regularly, and employ new methods for having more fun. You may do stuff such as listen to your favorite music, take a warm bath, get a massage, walk your dog, whistle a happy tune and watch a feel-good movie. In other words, live a wonderful life! - 17269

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