Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Cabbage Soup Diet, A Fat Burning Low Carb Solution?

By Christine G. Shannon

You may have heard of the Cabbage Soup Diet. Many people have lost immediate weight the first week or two they go on this diet, but have lost interest after that and regained the weight, which is much like the results on other low to no carb diets. For a diet to work long term, it must offer enough variety to be enjoyed and eaten over a period of time.

This diet is well known as a fat burning soup diet, being that it contains ingredients which are believed to help the body burn off fat. However, other than the cabbage soup, dieters on this regimen do not have a lot of dietary choices besides low to no carb foods such as fruits and vegetables.

When you analyze the cabbage soup or fat burning soup recipe, it could be considered another of the low to no carb diets. The soups main fat-burning, vegetables consists of: onions, tomatoes, peppers, celery, and of course, cabbage. Some of the more creative versions are now substituting broccoli or cauliflower for the cabbage. You can add spices to taste and bouillon or hot sauce, if desired.

Carbohydrates, which the body turns to sugar and burns or stores the unused to fat cells, is restricted in this diet. It is based on the vegetables, which burn more calories in your metabolism, than they have in them. This principle works in losing weight, however, most people cannot stand to eat the soup for more than a couple weeks before losing interest in the cabbage soup diet.

This is how the diet works: you can all the soup you like any time that you want. Other than the soup, you can eat fruit (other than bananas) on day 1. On day two you can eat vegetables, other than corn, peas and beans. You can also have a baked potato along with the soup for dinner on day two, since this is meant to trick your body into thinking that you are adding carbs back to your diet.

On Day 3, you guessed it, soup, fruits and vegetables and Day 4 is soup, bananas and skim milk. On Day 5, it is low fat meat and tomatoes, with soup, of course, and Day 6 is soup, meat and green leafy vegetables. The final day, Day 7, is soup and brown rice. This diet is not a plan you can stick with very long, because if you don't lose interest due to lack of variety, you would eventually suffer mal-nutrition.

The cabbage soup diet is a lot like the other low to no carb diets; it limits your carb intake. It also does not limit how often or how much you can eat, but it does limit your choices.

The cabbage soup diet is much like the other low or no carb diets in that it allows you to eat as much and as often as you like. However, the best diets are ones which incorporate fat burning foods while still offering variety and a nutritional balance and allow you to eat several times a day so you can stick with it over the long term, such as the diet provided by Fat Loss 4 Idiots that is highly recommended in the link below. - 17269

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Fat Loss And Core Strength - The Impatient Fitness Enthusiast

By Dan Solaris

There's nothing more frustrating than hitting the gym each day sweating it out and not see significant results from our efforts. Pumping iron and doing abdominal exercises like crunches and leg raises day in and day out without seeing tangible results can eventually take a toll on one's motivation and eventually cause one to stop working-out.

Though body type slightly determines how fast an individual develops muscle and loses fat (endomorphs have a tendency to store fat faster), exercise and eating habits are still the major factors. The rate of fat loss simply depends on how much calories are put into the body and burned-off at the end of the day.

Any fitness expert will tell you that the problem of fat-loss comes down to creating a calorie deficit- burning more calories than we take-in through food each day. Due to the sheer number of novelty diets and workout schemes out there however, they will not always tell you the fastest way of getting lean and forming a shredded six pack.

Recent studies have shown a direct relation between fat loss and core strength. Our core muscles- the abdominals, lower back, the buttocks hips and obliques serve as our body's foundation. Doing exercises that isolate our core not only gets rid of fat effectively, but it improves stability, balance and endurance as well.

Getting all of the core muscles into the action when we're exercising obviously necessitates the use of more energy and thus, faster fat loss. Incorporating core exercises into our workout regimen is a good way to achieve faster results as it improves the efficiency of our body in using-up calories.

It's quite difficult to work-out the core muscles effectively by doing conventional exercise programs. Utilizing exercise balls and similar aids with unstable surfaces can enable an individual to really get the core muscles working.

The wider range of motion and balancing efforts involved in Pilates and core exercises recruits more muscle fibers around the midsection. Obviously and this entails further usage of stored calories from body fat, toning-up the body and giving you faster results and increased motivation.

Burning more calories in less time through core exercises can shorten your sessions, lessening your chances of getting bored. Increased usage of caloric energy means a more efficient workout and more visible results- keeping you motivated and on the path to a lean, shredded physique in less time. - 17269

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Fat Loss - Balancing Flexibility And Strength

By Dan Solaris

We are living in a culture of quick, delicious, fatty food and it's getting harder and harder to keep the flab away. However, overweight people have a wide range of fat-loss programs available to them. It just takes choosing the type of workout scheme that will make it easy for an individual to stick to.

For fat loss, it's a proven fact that any exercise combined with cardio sessions brings relatively faster results. Still, plenty of people get bored with conventional routines and find it a challenge to keep working-out consistently. The key to speedy fat loss is constant exercise, so going about it in a half-hearted manner will not yield significant results and cause further loss of motivation.

Folks that are looking for an effective fat-loss exercise program that won't leave them gasping for breath for an hour will find Pilates the ideal choice. Most people that find workouts too difficult and tiring stop exercising after a month or so without getting closer to their goals. Remember that having fun is a big factor in working-our consistently.

Pilates exercises can also be light enough to be able to help elderly fitness buffs and those with minor injuries stay in shape. After just a few sessions, one will notice a significant improvement in the body's flexibility, posture and mental alertness.

Cardio combined with strength training is the most common exercise program prescribed for fast and effective fat loss. Incorporating Pilates sessions with these will improve fat-burning efficiency of your workouts even more.

Weight training is essential in a fat-loss program because building muscle improves our metabolism. Resistance training causes stiffness to connective tissue and the joints however. This is where Pilates can come in- the smooth and continuous movements stretch the muscles of the whole body and this regains the lost suppleness lost from lifting weights.

Core-based exercises are the essentially what Pilates is about. Simultaneous effort of the muscles of the abdomen, the waist, lumbar region and buttocks allow faster calorie burn- leading to faster loss of weight due to a reduced body fat index.

A raised metabolism is one of the best weapons for keeping of excess weight because a larger amount of calories are burned. Constantly stretching the body's muscles causes them to be leaner, allowing a faster metabolism and a less flabby physique. - 17269

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The Visualization Process and Your Body

By Ellen Valentine

In 1988 I heard Dr. Dennis Waitley say, If you go there in the mind, youll go there in the body every time. He followed that with a story about Olympic champions that visualized themselves pole vaulting or walking the balance bar perfectly before they ever walked out on the floor to compete. Their physical response indicated that they were actually physically performing. Pulses raced, sweat beaded, respiration increased as their bodies went along with their minds. Now how can this be helpful in creating physical results for us?

Powerful visualizations are creating for us in each and every moment. It is unfortunate that most times people see themselves as less than beautiful or accomplished or fit. So the trick is to switch the game and create a phenomenal body with fantastic results. To create the new you, see yourself as what you want to feel and look like in the body, make it real, create a sentient rich picture that could make you cry for joy and appreciation. Be in the great new body NOW.

In his book Success Principles, my mentor and friend, Jack Canfield suggests that the very beginning of each day and the end of the day are perfect times to review, create or even recreate your day. It is the time when all of your goals can be thought over, given life so to speak, integrated as if theyve already been accomplished. You can end the visualization time with gratitude that wells up in the heart. Jack is a great teacher, definitely one that walks his talk and gives more than he promises. http://tinyurl.com/ch9l2s

Without gratitude things will not only stay the same, they will seem to get worse. Begin now to appreciate every tiny thing you can imagine about Being You. If the list seems small, make it up until it feels so sentient rich you are actually feeling better about yourself. This entire process of re-creation depends on the recognition of the power of the unconscious mind. If you were told repeatedly that you were too skinny or fat or any other message when you were small, your subconscious mind, that rudder of your ship, just drank it in. It accepts messages as real when we are small. If you believed those messages then, you can take your power back right now and reprogram for the life and the body you desire now.

If it seems difficult to SEE a new you, focus on how it will FEEL to achieve a body symmetrical and healthy. Healthy eating styles can be implemented too and will most likely be easier after youve spent a couple of weeks imprinting your hearts desire on the sea of awareness. Then, let go and trust that everything will really be perfect. Detach from the outcome. Let go of guilt, blame and shame. Put gratitude for what you do have together with detachment and sentient rich visualization, and enjoy the life and the physical shape of your dreams right now.

Create the body of your dreams and make it happen. Brain Science supports your right to create on every level; and Master Teachers all over the planet are proving it is so. Ellen Valentine - 17269

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Build Strength For Six Pack Abs - Moderation Throughout

By Dan Solaris

They're a favorite subject of mass media- fashion spreads and fitness magazines, infomercials, billboard advertisements, action flicks, even soap operas. I'm talking about people with gorgeous six pack abs and they're the envy of millions everywhere.

By the frequency they're shown on the movies and on shows and advertisements on TV, one might get the idea that the United States is filled with physically-fit specimens of the human race. Unfortunately, this is a bit distant from the truth.

Recent data gathered by Center for Disease Control and Prevention brings disturbing news. As much as sixty-six percent of American adults are overweight and almost half of that number already obese. The hectic schedules and unhealthy lifestyles most people have been forced to adopt are mostly to blame. Working overtime in these lean financial times leaves not much room for regular exercise and healthy, well-balanced meals.

Sad but true that the very things that are supposed to give us a better quality life- the internet, instant food and cable TV are causing us to become inactive and unhealthy. Indeed, maintaining a lean and sculpted body is becoming increasingly difficult at this day and age.

Well, unless you missed the blockbuster starring Morgan Freeman and Brad Pitt you would know that envy is one of the seven deadly sins and it can lead to self-pity, depression, etc. It's time to stop fantasizing and get yourself a lean, sculpted six pack as well.

Conventional strength-building exercises with the use of free weights or machines have a heavier effect on six pack ab formation than you may think. Adding muscular tissue to one's frame actually increases our basal metabolism or our metabolic rate when we're at rest. Experts say our basal metabolism accounts for 75% of our caloric usage in one day!

Increasing our BMR through strength-building exercises is an optimal way to achieve six pack abs because it leads to faster fat loss. The amount of muscle tissue we have on our physique dictates how high our metabolism is. The higher our metabolism, the more calories and fat we eliminate.

The increased muscle tissue we gain from resistance training improves our metabolism and already increases our body's ability to burn calories. Increasing the intensity of weight-training by shortening the rest periods between sets will result in even more calories burned because of EPOC (excessive post-workout oxygen consumption). This will let us shorten our workout sessions effectively and get us out of the gym faster. Always remember that moderation in eating means moderation in working-out. - 17269

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Rock Hard Abs - Training Your Abs Functionally

By Jose Loni

You want rock hard abs? Functional strength training is the way to go to lead a fit and healthy lifestyle. Training your whole body and working the muscles of the core and abdominals will really give the strength and appearance of rock hard abs.

Functional strength training is the key to training for your lifestyle. You can develop the strength you need to live your life comfortably and happy. Having enough strength to do housework, cleaning or carrying your children makes all the difference in quality of life.

Functional training is a great way to strengthen your abs. Doing general exercises that train multi-joints will help you increase your metabolism and burn fat. When you involve more muscle groups, you need to recruit more muscles to fire and work hard, the more often you train those muscles, the bigger they get, and when they get bigger, they also increase in muscular activity, which results in burning more fat.

Exercises like push-ups, squats, lunges, and dead lifts are all great exercises at training the whole body and increasing the body's metabolism. These exercises are great at building muscle and burning fat.

You can even incorporate daily activities such as doing the laundry, cleaning or cooking into your workouts. Just a few exercises a few times a day will help you increase your functional strength. While waiting for something to cook, you can do push ups, while standing and placing your hands against the counter or while picking up your laundry basket, you can squat down several times to work your legs.

Core training is also a great way to increase the body's overall strength. Many core exercises involve stabilizing the body in certain positions. By maintaining body positions, the muscles of the whole body as well as the deep core muscle groups need to strengthen and stabilize. As a result, core training really helps strengthen the abs as well as helps burn fat throughout the body.

Exercises that isolate movements like ab crunches don't burn much fat. To be effective, the body must use the larger muscle groups and joints to really jumpstart the metabolism to start burning more fat. The increased metabolism actually continues to burn fat well after the exercise session as it will continuously keep repairing and replenishing the muscles of the body. This can occur for several hours after the exercise.

Functionally training your abs and rock hard abs are the way to go, for a fit and active lifestyle. Functional strength through ab core training and increasing your metabolism will also increase your quality of life and really give you rock hard abs. - 17269

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Lower Ab Exercises Can Be Misleading

By Jose Loni

Can doing lower ab exercises give us ripped abs? No, isolation through lower ab exercises is not the answer. The key to toned, visible abs is a faster metabolism via a smart eating plan and regular physical activity.

Lower ab exercises will not give us defined abs. Exercises for the lower abs will get the area stronger and help stabilize and support the back and hip area, but it is not possible to spot reduce.

Training the problem area directly will not burn the fat found in that area either. What we need to do is train the whole body so that excess body fat, especially around the stomach area, can be burned as fuel and used as energy.

We can raise our metabolism through disciplined eating habits that include consuming healthy foods like lean proteins and complex carbohydrates, which are used up more easily by the body. As a result, our body can now tap into the stored excess fats and use those up for any other energy needs.

Eating several times a day will help our body maintain its energy levels and help stabilize our blood sugar. Also by consuming smaller meal portions, we can control the amount of calories we consume and help our body utilize the calories with greater efficiency.

Engaging in overall physical activity is a great metabolism booster. Our muscles are positively affected by resistance training, in particular, causing them to work harder and consume more energy. As a result, our body gets more efficient at locating and using up excess fat as fuel.

Interval training trains our body in an anaerobic manner, which makes the body build muscles that will be reactive and explosive. These types of muscles have a high metabolic rate and consume more energy. The increased metabolic activity of the muscles increases the body's fat burning capacity and allows it to burn excess fat even several hours after the exercise session.

Doing lower ab exercises in isolation is simply not the answer to getting toned and visible abs. However, having a smart eating plan and regular physical activity can boost metabolism and send us on our way to achieving six pack abs. - 17269

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Pizza -How Normal Are Your Choices?

By Claudia Venanzetti

How many times have you looked at the pizza coupons in your kitchen drawer and then spent half an hour trying to decide what to order? Of course, if you're single, that's probably a rare occurrence. But if you're not living alone, deciding what pizza toppings to order can be quite an ordeal. (Especially if you have kids!)

And it seems the more people involved, the longer it takes to decide what kind of pizza to get. By the time you all agree on the same thing, you're probably sorry you ever dug those pizza coupons out of the drawer!

In your house you probably have some definite favorites as far as toppings go. Did you ever wonder how average, or shall we say normal your family is when it comes to pizza toppings? What are the favorite pizza toppings ion the US? Well, the gold metal comes as no surprise...

It is the old faithful, the Pepperoni. With all the choices available for toppings an astounding 25% of pizzas sold in the US are Pepperoni and Cheese pizzas. Sausage comes in as second, and on third place is, and you probably guessed it, mushrooms. (And did you know that 70% of pizza makers use canned mushrooms not fresh ones.)

Next on the list are veggies. Onion is a real favorite coming in as number four on our list. Then we have olives. Black olives are much more popular than their green cousins. Twice as many folks choose black olives than green ones.

After these top five pizza toppings, it's pretty much a tie for the bottom half of the top ten. Ham, bacon, peppers, hamburger, and tomatoes round out the list. Just for fun, make a note of this list, and the next time you whip out your pizza coupons to order for the whole family, see how your family's topping choices fit in. - 17269

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Chronic Pain can be such a Pain

By Virginia Pipolini

In our modern world many people are plagued with chronic pain. For some it is a mere annoyance, that aching feeling. Many tune it out, only to realize when they release the pain of how much pain they had hidden away.

When we turn to the cause of our subtle or chronic aches and pains, we find many directions. Is it dietary, or chemical exposure? Is it overuse of the body through hard work? Is it abuse caused by substance addition, like drugs, alcohol or even sugar? There is no single answer, and no solitary solution.

When we look at the many treatment plans and programs that exist today, we often see a combination of modalities. Traditional and naturopathic alike have treated chronic pain conditions with secondary practices such as yoga, meditation, diet, cleansing, and acupuncture.

A study was conducted in Toronto Canada to show the benefits of naturopathic modalities in the treatment of chronic low back pain. This study, conducted at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine, included modalities such as acupuncture, breathing exercises, and dietary supplements such as calcium and magnesium.(1)

In the study traditional physiotherapy was used for half the test group, and the naturopathic treatment program was prescribed for the other half. The results showed that there was a greater decrease of chronic back pain in those who were treated by the naturopathic methods.

Nutritionally speaking, magnesium is a vital mineral nutrient, a key element in over 300 enzyme reactions in the body. According to Science Daily half of Americans do not get enough magnesium. Magnesium deficiencies can cause pain and muscle cramps as well as many other health problems.(2)

Perhaps improving our magnesium intake can bring about improvement of our mental and energy levels, giving us the extra boost we need to begin a yoga class or exercise program. With digestion concerns such as leaky gut syndrome we dont always derive enough nutrients from our food. Magnesium can be absorbed through the skin, through magnesium oil or gel, or through a magnesium bath.

Referenced: (1)Naturopathic Care for Chronic Low Back Pain: A Randomized Trial. PLoS ONE. 2007; 2(9): e919. (2) ScienceDaily (Dec. 27, 2004) - 17269

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Cellulite Diet Tips

By El Bilson

Here are some cellulite diet tips and the best foods to incorporate into your diet. To follow a diet that is specifically to reduce cellulite does not involve weight loss as much as it does minimizing the amount of toxins that food intake can cause.

With a diet for cellulite, a person needs to include as many iodine rich foods as are available. Among other things, iodine is required for normal functioning of the thyroid gland. Iodine is needed by the thyroid so that it may produce T3 and T4 which are substances required for normal body functions.

It is important to remember that yo-yo dieting is thought to make cellulite worse. When planning a diet for cellulite be prepared to make permanent changes in the foods you eat. Some of these changes will be easy because they are foods that are healthy and you enjoy eating them. The challenge is in avoiding the foods that are not a part of the cellulite diet. Change the foods you eat permanently for long term results in reducing the appearance of your skin.

If you are serious about a cellulite reducing diet, you might consider investing in a juice extractor. These juicers come in a variety of sizes and price ranges. There should be one to fit your needs and within your budget. Vegetable and fruit juices extracted from fresh produce are one of the best ways to get the nutrients the body needs. This can lead to healthy skin and detoxification of the body.

Many of us know we should be regularly consuming water. Water is needed in order to flush out toxins from the organs. It is important to be well hydrated for the body to function correctly. The rule of 6 to 8 glasses of water a day is a good rule of thumb. However if you would like a more personalized requirement amount, you can divide your body weight in pounds by 18. This will give you a daily water consumption requirement.

Eggs, milk and cheese"eggs are high in protein and easy to prepare. Make sure to have them boiled or poached. Stay away from frying them in oil, butter or margarine. Cheese is okay to consume but choose the low fat versions. For example, cottage cheese contains about 4 grams of fat per 100 grams. And regular cheddar cheese contains about 32 grams of fat per 100 grams serving. Milk is high in calcium but a good rule to follow is to always choose skim or 2% milk. Some people feel diary may cause cellulite - you may want to avoid it all together.

Fresh fruits that are water rich such as melon or cantaloupe are great snacks. Due to their high water content, they will aid in the detoxification process. Other fruits to include are bananas, strawberries, grapes and pears. Vegetables are rich in vitamins and minerals. Try raw veggies thinly sliced in a salad to add crunch. Since they arent cooked they retain all their nutrients. Vegetables to include are radishes, asparagus, carrots, tomatoes, spinach, leeks, artichokes, turnips, onions, watercress, string beans, mushrooms and lettuce. You can even grow your own veggies in a garden! Look to buy organic fruits and veggies as much as possible. Pesticides can remain in the body and lead to cellulite.

Our bodies need some protein for proper functioning. Always choose lean cuts of meat and make sure to remove any extra fat or skin from poultry or meat. Fish and seafood are iodine rich and contain the omega fatty acids. Omega fatty acids are very beneficial to the skin. Seafood is also high in iodine to boost thyroid functioning. Be sure you try a vegetable source of protein such as soy or tofu. You might enjoy them and they can be used in a variety of recipes.

Foods to avoid when on a cellulite diet include pickles, chips, cold cuts or similar processed foods. Also anything with a high salt or sugar content, and excessive amounts of caffeine should be avoided. I know this is a wide range of the foods available to us - it can be hard to eat healthy! When eating out, ordering a salad is a good choice just be aware that most salad fixings at restaurants contain MSG, a high sodium preservative.

If you are taking vitamin supplements for cellulite reduction, always take them with meals for maximum absorption. Be sure to consult your physician before starting a special diet if you are on any medications or have special health concerns. - 17269

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The Top 5 Superfoods on the ORAC Antioxidant Chart

By Ryan Sinclair

ORAC stands for Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity and is a measurement that has been developed to test the antioxidant levels in foods. Antioxidants help protect our bodies from the oxidation caused by free radicals. The higher a food scores on the ORAC better that food can help fight these free radicals. Free radicals are one of the main causes of aging, and can mutate out cells into deadly cancer cells. Sadly, most people only get about 20% of the recommended intake of antioxidants.

This means you should be looking for high ORAC value foods that you can easily add to your diet. The exact ranking vary depending on which website you visit, but the top 5 scoring foods on the ORAC scale are:

1. Acai

2. Pomegranite

3. Mangosteen

4. Goji Berries

5. Pomegranate

Luckily you should be able to get your days supply of antioxidants by eating any of these fruits. My suggestion would to try them all and decide which you enjoy the most. You could even mix some, or all, of them together in a smoothie for the ultimate antioxidant boost.

My personal favorite way to get my daily fix is through Acai berry juice. On top of being at the top of the ORAC list it is also packed with Omega fatty acids and essential amino acids. Acai has been shown to reduce cholesterol, increase memory, and improve your mood. It also is a great source for a natural energy boost. I used to drink a lot of coffee, but since I started drinking Acai juice I haven't had to drink it to stay active. The boost that I get from Acai is longer lasting and much more enjoyable.

One of the best reasons to go with Acai is that it has an amazing taste. Most people describe it having the flavor of chocolate berries. It's one of the few health foods you can enjoy without realizing that it's actually good for you. There is no better way to start off your day than with a nice refreshing glass of Acai juice. - 17269

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