Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Fastest Way to Build Muscle with a Bodybuilding Diet

By Harley Radowski

Ensuring that you give your body the fuel it needs to build muscle is an important part of bodybuilding. Eating to build muscle is just as important as your weight lifting program or other bodybuilding routines.

Working your muscles utilizes considerable energy. And the only way to replace that energy is with food! So what happens if you fail to eat the right type of food to build muscle mass? It will take longer to build muscle, and it may even prevent effect muscle building altogether once you reach a certain point.

When looking into the types of food that helps build muscle, you probably immediately think of eating a low fat diet. That is great, but probably the most important type of foods that build muscle are foods containing high levels of protein. Foods like meat, fish, chicken, eggs, cheese and other milk products. Nuts are also a great protetin source.

There is an optimum amount of protein that your body needs for building muscle effectively. Do you know your lean body mass weight? Yes? Great! Take that figure (in kilograms) and multiply it by 2.75. You have now got your daily protein requirement. If you do not know your lean body mass weight, you will need to apply one of the formulas that calculate this.

Carbohydrates are also important foods that build muscle ? or rather carbs are important components of foods that build muscle. Choose foods that are high in carbohydrates that are also high in fibre ? oatmeal, rice, and potato are all good.

Fats need to be reduced when you are consider what foods build muscle mass. Fat can never be eliminated completely (and nor should you try to do this), but reducing fat can have a healthy effect on your attempts to build muscle mass. Most foods that contain protein also contains fat, so when choosing your proteins, providing you opt for the ones that are low in fat, you will be on the right track.

You may argue that drinking has no effect on what to eat to build muscle. But you would be wrong. Hydration is critical to general health and wellbeing. Even more so when you are working to build muscle mass.

Two litres of water a day is what most experts recommend to maintain optimal health. To drink that amount, you need to drink up to 12 glasses of water a day, which is quite a lot. So start early in the day, and space your water consumption out throughout the day.

Foods that build muscle are one of the two essential components to having the body of your dreams. The other component is your weight training program or other type of bodybuilding workouts that you engage in regularly. Just because you have found foods that build muscle does not mean you can start to slack off with your weight training. - 17269

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Foods that Build Muscle Faster Than Any Other Types of Food

By Harley Radowski

Ensuring that you give your body the fuel it needs to build muscle is an important part of bodybuilding. Eating to build muscle is just as important as your weight lifting program or other bodybuilding routines.

Lifting weights in the gym forced your muscles to work, but guess what? Working your muscles uses considerable energy, and energy is supplied by your food. Correct nutrition also helps heal muscle injury that often occurs while you are working out. You may not even know you have caused injury to your muscles, but your body knows, and your body needs fuel from food that helps build muscle in order to repair that muscle.

When looking into the types of food that helps build muscle, you probably immediately think of eating a low fat diet. That is great, but probably the most important type of foods that build muscle are foods containing high levels of protein. Foods like meat, fish, chicken, eggs, cheese and other milk products. Nuts are also a great protetin source.

Finding out how much protein to eat when you are interested in building muscle fast is actually not difficult. First, you will need to find out your lean body mass weight in kilos, and then you simply multiply that figure by 2.75 to determine your daily protein requirement. Calculating your lean body mass uses some complex formulae, so ask a professional at the gym if you do not already have this figure.

Carbohydrates, in moderation, are also essential when finding foods that build muscle. Do not eat too much, though, unless you choose high fiber carbohydrates (which are the healthiest ones anyway), and then you can indulge in much larger amounts. Good high fiber carbs include rice, potatoes (yes, potatoes ? just do not add butter!), oatmeal and bananas.

Fats need to be reduced when you are consider what foods build muscle mass. Fat can never be eliminated completely (and nor should you try to do this), but reducing fat can have a healthy effect on your attempts to build muscle mass. Most foods that contain protein also contains fat, so when choosing your proteins, providing you opt for the ones that are low in fat, you will be on the right track.

When eating to build muscle, make sure you drink water. Liquid is important for hydration, and a dehydrated body is sluggish, and can even make you sick. This is not a recipe for obtaining the healthy, fit physique you are striving for.

Drinking 8 to 10 glasses of water a day (even 12 glasses) is absolutely essential to allow your body to properly digest all the good food you are eating. For those who just cannot stomach the taste (or lack of taste) of so much water, other types of liquid although not quite as good are still acceptable as water substitutes ? fruit juice and even soft drinks can suffice as long as you (preferably) drink some of your liquid intake in water form.

Regular bodybuilding workouts are also essential to maximise the effects of good bodybuilding diets. It is all very well knowing what to eat to build muscle, but if you do not combine this great new diet by building muscle mass with weight lifting exercises or other bodybuilding routines, you will not be able to build muscle fast. So do both ? eat foods that build muscle, and undertake bodybuilding workouts, and you will end up with a body you will be proud of. - 17269

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Improve Your Life with Three Healthy Foods to Eat!

By Angela Brunno

Do you make wise decisions on what you put into you and your family's diet? It can be challenging when we are bombarded with unhealthy food choices all the time or options that claim to be healthy, but really aren't.

Before there were man-made drugs to fight illnesses, people looked toward nature and the benefits you could receive through certain healthy foods. To eat well, was to live well! This topic has interested me for quite a while, beginning when I was pregnant. First, I wanted good nutrition, then I wanted more ENERGY while I was breastfeeding, and then I wanted to find what foods would aid in weight loss. Currently, I want to set a good example for my children and make sure they are getting the most out of their food.

There are many healthy foods to eat that can reduce certain symptoms, lower risks, or eliminate ailments. Did you know that flax oil can help with ADHD and salmon and sardines with depression? Did you know that certain types of nuts have been shown to aid in weight loss for women?

You can honestly improve how you feel by choosing specific foods. You can increase your energy, fight off illnesses, and increase your immune capabilities by adding these three foods to your diet: acai, hazelnuts, and barley. While there are other "power house" foods such as these that you can add to your diet, this can be a start to improving your health.

Grown mainly in Brazil, Amazon communities consider Acai a food staple. Because the actual berry cannot be imported, it is available in juices, smoothies, or as frozen pulp. Acai can help protect the immune system from physical stress, which is no surprise given its high antioxident properties.

Containing an array of beneficial antioxdents, hazelnuts are another food that can strengthen the immune system and keep it strong. Hazelunuts are also high in Vitamin E and other phytonutrients that aid in the bodies ability to repair itself. There are many ways you can use a hazelnut: put them into stir-frys, into baked goods, sprinkle on salads or in yogurt, and even add to morning pancakes!

The last of the three healthy foods to eat is Barley. Containing beta-glucans, this food can increase your immune function as well as lower cholesterol. Barley has been around for 10,000 years and commonly used in beer-making; however, you can add barley into your diet in a few ways. You can make soups, stews, add to salads, grind into flour for baking, or make it into a hot cereal for breakfast.

These are just three of the many healthy foods to eat that can benefit your life AND improve your immune function. Also, all of them can be found in your local grocery or health food store. - 17269

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