Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Are You Trying To Lose Arm Fat While Feeling Hungry All The Time?

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

Consistent arm fat loss requires a net negative balance of calories. Now if you create this negative balance the wrong way, you could be setting yourself up for a bingeing disaster because of uncontrollable hunger.

So what's the trick? Well, you have to learn how to maximize your satiety. In other words, how full you feel in between meals.

So here's how to lose arm fat by feeling full all the time:

1. The amount of fiber in your meal. Fiber plays an important role in how full you feel. The bulk it creates in your stomach will send a strong signal to your brain that you've had enough to eat. Just be careful with supplementation. Some research has shown that it can increase colon cancer risk.

2. Foods high in protein. Dietary protein causes a lot of thermogenesis when compared to other foods, and it also creates a sense of fullness. In fact, if you compare all the macronutrients side by side, protein has the greatest effect on satiety.

3. Fat. I'm sure you've heard about all the benefits of healthy fat, but did you know that when fat is included in a meal a hormone is released which slows digestion and raises satiety?

4. High levels of sugar. High blood sugar will leave you hungry soon after eating no matter how many calories you've had. So try to avoid foods that are fast digesting.

5. Watery food. Foods that have a lot of water in them can cause your stomach to expand. And an expanded stomach will provide a strong sense of fullness. So don't skimp on foods with lots of volume!

Learning how to master your hunger is critical if you are trying to figure out how to lose arm fat. You see, a single bingeing session from too much hunger can really put a dent in your arm toning efforts. So follow the advice in this article and apply it today not tomorrow! - 17269

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What Is A Good Probiotic?

By Dr. Jeffrey Marrongelle DC CCN

We all know what an antibiotic is. Its a pharmaceutical that literally mean against life. Anti means against, biotic means life. Theyre used to kill specific pathogenic microbes. Things like viruses and bacteria.

Probiotics are the opposite of antibiotics. Instead of killing the bad in our bodies, they promote the good flora and bacteria that help our immune system protect us.

Did you know that there are over 500 types of life-forms (like bacteria and yeast) in your intestines that support your digestive and immune systems? Its true. In fact, without these bacteria and yeast and other types of flora, we wouldnt be able to survive.

Our natural immune system just isnt strong enough to fight off the constant attacks of bacteria and intruders on its own. Our bodies function in harmony with these flora and good bacteria to break down and defeat the bad bacteria.

It's an unending war.

When you take a good probiotic, you can dramatically boost your bodies immune system. Some studies suggest this dramatically increases your bodies ability to fight off seasonal illness.

Good probiotics also do other things for your health.

Studies also suggest that good probiotics can help promote mineral absorption, support your metabolism, help remove toxins, produce lactic acid and even promote good oral health.

When choosing a good probiotic, you want to avoid one that cant survive much stress. For example, if the probiotic needs to be refrigerated, thats one indication that its a weak strain that wont do much for your immune system.

In my own experience, most probiotic supplements are killed by alcohol. Even if youre not a drinker, this is cause for concern about the strength of the supplement.

As a Certified clinical nutritionist, I always recommend a good probiotic (that isnt easily destroyed) as a foundational nutritional supplement. - 17269

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Benefits of Acai Berries

By Mary Hartz

South and Central America has a fruit called acai berry. Similar to a date, these fruits have a large central seed and a pulpy outer layer. The goodness of the acai berry is contained in the pulp.

Antioxidants As we all know, antioxidants may be one of the most powerful cancer fighters available in nature. The acai fruit is a rich source of numerous antioxidants. Anthocyanins as well as a dozen different flavonoid-like compounds are among the beneficial ingredients found in both the juice and freeze-dried samples of acai. The antioxidant properties are noticeable in the blood within two hours of ingestion.

Inhibiting COX-1 and COX-2 Freeze dried acai berry power has been shown to have some ability to inhibit the production and effects of COX-1 and COX-2. When there is an early detection of cancer, these enzymes are visible in mutant cell structures.

Increased efforts in the field of research confirmed that the same power could be used to reduce experimental leukemia cells. This kind of research is good for people having a family based tendency for the disease as a possible source of preventative medicine.

Heart Health Oleic acid is found in acai berries, which already possess plenty of organic fiber and mono-unsaturated fats. These tiny fruits pack quite a load of heart-related health benefits, on top of their impressive protein dose. Already well-favored by athletes, amateur and professional, acais popularity is quickly spreading to the masses. Adding acai to a regimen of heart healthy exercise and eating may produce even better results.

With the increasing interest in acai it is especially important to purchase your products from a reliable source. Scams abound as people try to cash in on this new trend. Buy acai products only from reputable websites and take the time to find out what percent of your purchase actually comes from the berry. - 17269

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You Can Save Money With A Washington, DC Fitness Coach

By Josef Brandenburg

The number of people that are concerned about their appearance is increasing and they are showing interest in getting in to shape. They are willing to spend any amount of money, when what they should be doing is finding a good Washington, DC fitness coach to invest in. A lot of people think that personal trainers can ensure better results from your workouts, which may not always be the case.

Be prudent and invest on a Washington DC fitness coach. Hiring a fitness coach will not only guarantee effective workouts but also help you in saving a lot of your money. No matter what your financial stability is or what the condition of present economy is, saving money is always a god thing since it can always be used for other purposes.

Just think how you might be wasting your money. Is a babysitter what you really need to help you get in shape? Do you really find someone who will stand by and count your reps, which you can do yourself, helpful? You don't need to hire people and pay them for all the things you could do for yourself. Instead why not get a Washington DC fitness coach and get help with things you really could use help with.

The fitness coach will draw a plan which when followed perfectly will produce guaranteed results. These plans are proven to yield the best results and they will be regularly checked by the Washington DC fitness coach. These checks will ensure that you are on the right path leading to success.

You can also have a one on one session with your fitness coach. And because the setting is semi private and you are not chaperoned through out your workouts, it brings down the costs when compared to hiring a personal trainer. So, plan on how to spend all the money that you have saved using a fitness coach. Maybe you can treat yourself by going out or buy something for yourself.

You still want to make sure that you are selecting just the right fitness coach for you. It needs to be someone who you feel comfortable with, who has a system that is proven to work. If you do not feel comfortable with the Washington, DC fitness coach or the program he or she has you following, you will not have a high likelihood of succeeding. You have to believe in everything in order to make it work for you.

Once you do get started with your Washington, DC fitness coach, you will see a dramatic improvement. The personal trainer cannot come close to giving you what you get from the fitness coach. It is such a dramatic difference, you will be shocked. Within no time at all you will see the results that you have been working so hard to see but could never get anywhere. Just give it a shot and you will find that you can finally be in the best shape of your life. - 17269

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Fat Loss And Calcium

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

Consistent research has shown that eating calcium blocks that absorption of fat. And the amount of fat blocked is substantial.

Does this mean that extra calcium in your diet could aid fat loss?

Well, I wish I could say it would. But the bottom line is that taking in a bunch of calcium is most likely NOT going to have a significant impact on your body fat levels. And it's probably not a good idea to block fat absorption.

Why? Because fat is absolutely necessary for the production of hormones that accelerate fat loss.

And you also have to pay attention to the following dangers of high calcium intakes:

1. Reduced iron absorption. The human body is a very complex organism. If you do X there will always be effect Y. And calcium is NO exception here. Take too much calcium and you'll impair the absorption of iron. And iron is critical for bringing oxygen to all your tissues?

2. Lower amounts of calcium. If you take a bunch of antacids to get more calcium, you should probably stop. Why? Because certain minerals in antacids can actually leave you with a net negative amount of calcium!

3. Stones and potential kidney damage. This is mostly an issue for those who have a history with kidney stones. So if you think you might have kidney issues, please do NOT supplement with calcium without the strict supervision of a doctor.

4. D overdose. Some scientists refer to vitamin D as a hormone because it plays such important roles in the body. And getting enough vitamin D is very important for optimal functioning. However, too much of any good thing will eventually become bad for you. Many calcium supplements are also loaded with vitamin D. So be cognizant of how much vitamin D you are getting or you could overdose and suffer from toxicity.

A little extra calcium is not going to hurt you. But you do have to be careful with large amounts of supplementation or you run the risk of damaging your health. And remember that when supplementing with any type of nutrient, there are always risks to consider. - 17269

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Ten Steps to Prevent Bruising, Step 7 - Minerals That Help You Overcome Bruising Easily!

By Carolyn Cooper

Although numerous people believe that they will just have to live with bruising easily, this thought process is patently false. Even though easy bruising does become more common as we age, we don't have to be limited to wearing long sleeves at all times. Bruising takes place more often when the skin loses its elasticity and the the blood vessels get considerably more frail, but this condition can be overcome.

Even though bruising easily is somewhat typical for some people as they age, there are just a many people trying to find ways to overcome the condition. You can become readily confused by trying to determine which of the purported natural cures for easy bruising would be right for you. Your time would be best spent evaluating which minerals will give you positive results to help prevent bruising, and exactly how they help generate the results you seek. You will likely find that only a few mineral supplements can actually deliver on the promise to help overcome bruising easily.

Sulfur, in the form which is found in bromelain, which is a group of plants that includes pineapples, is one of the first and best mineral supplements that you should evaluate. Sulfur can help you overcome your tendency of bruising easily, and it also becomes a valued addition to your daily regimen for its ability to help existing bruises fade and diminish more quickly. You should also understand that sulfur is an important mineral when you are trying to prevent bruising easily as well.

Sulfur essentially helps your body metabolize and process carbohydrates. This is quite important when you are looking at treating conditions that are related to diabetes and hypoglycemia, but you will also discover that it can be important to help you maintain your overall general health as well. Sulfur is an important component in insulin, and a lack of sulfur in your diet can result in low insulin production.

Also remember that you will learn that sulfur helps produce the substances that will help your body repair itself. If you want to make sure that your bruises disappear quickly, using the type of sulfur found in bromelain is a perfect means of obtaining it.

Among sulfur sources other than bromelain, you should seriously consider adding methyl-sulfonyl-methane, or MSM for short, to your daily regimen. You will learn that this form of sulfur can also be very beneficial in helping you reduce your easy bruising. As essentially an organic sulfur, MSM can help make a positive impact on your body's ability to reduce bruising.

Any evaluation of MSM will show that it is used by your body to replace old and dying cells. It is a necessary component of cellular respiration, which helps keep your body healthy; and since this form of sulfur is one of the most important minerals needed by your body, it is critically important that you add it to your daily regimen.

As with any supplement that you are considering taking, make sure that you understand why sulfur is so helpful. It helps maintain your blood pressure at proper levels, and it will also aids your body's ability to eliminate the toxins that build up in the cells. Likewise, you will discover that it can boost your energy, and that it is absolutely necessary for the proper functioning of your cells.

You should include both forms of the mineral sulfur if you really want to help prevent easy bruising. You should consider an all natural, daily supplement program like Bruises Be Banned which has the proper combination of vitamins, nutrients, and minerals, including sulfur, that your body needs in order to help reduce bruising easily from happening at all. - 17269

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Only Buy Quality Acai Products

By Judy N Gray

Acai berries have been proven to be among the most nutritious foods on Earth. This tiny, little, purple berry is loaded with healthy antioxidants, essential fatty acids, a plethora of vitamins and minerals and surprisingly enough, even 19 amino acids. It is no surprise that this amazing little berry has become so popular.

Because of this popularity, various acai berry products have come on the market ranging from juices, to powders, to supplements. There are so many products out there that you need to be aware of what to look for to avoid getting taken in by fancy advertisements and wind up buying inferior and low quality products. There are some excellent and extremely high quality acai products out there that can offer you all of the potential benefits of this astonishing little fruit but there are also many inferior and low-grade products.

The acai is only found in the Brazilian rainforest. Not only that but these berries are very perishable. Right now it is not possible to ship the fresh fruit anywhere else in the world. If you want to consume this astonishingberry while it is still fresh from the tree in its all natural state you must travel to Brazil. However, you can still enjoy the benefits of this wholesome berry because of recent advances in processing methods.

The acai berry must be processed within 24 hours after it has been plucked from the tree, otherwise the natural deterioration of the nutrients sets in and the nutritional value is quickly depleted. Freeze-dried berries and the processed powder from these berries are what acai berry products are made from.

The best way to process the acai berry is by using a process that includes freeze-drying. Other methods use heat and chemicals and both can destroy the precious nutrients found naturally in the berry. Before you buy an acai berry product make sure that it is processed with a freeze-drying process and never with heat or chemicals.

Another thing to consider is how much actual berry extract is in the product. Nutritional labels list ingredients in order of amount so the products with the highest levels of acai berry extract will list that first. The ingredient that is listed first will be the main ingredient in the product. This may not necessarily be an issue if that ingredient is also nutritious but it is still nice to know.

You can find delicious juices, assorted types of supplements, powdered products and even capsules and tablet forms of acai berry products. Any product that you choose can be healthy and nutritious provided it is a quality product. The acai berry has been found to be advantageous for your good health for everything from weight loss to the protection against serious diseases such as diabetes, heart disease and cancer.

Acai berry products are an excellent source of healthy antioxidants and other vital nutrients. Products made from the acai berry can be extremely advantageous for your health. - 17269

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Unearth Acai Berries For Weight Loss Triumph

By Anna P Hill

The acai berry is taking the world by storm. This extremelty nutritious berry that is only grown in the rainforest of Brazil is becoming a nutritional phenomenon. One of the biggest reasons for this increase in popularity is because of the claims of weight loss from using this berry. .

The acai berry has some of the highest antioxidant levels of any food found on Earth. It also has an excellent array of vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids, amino acids and fiber. Its taste has been described like that of a delicious berry dripping in dark chocolate.

You cannot find the fresh acai berry anywhere in the world except in Brazil. This is because this berry is so extremely perishable that it must be processed within 24 hours of leaving the tree or it diminishes. You cannot find fresh acai berries in the exotic food department of your local health food store so don't even try. You can't even find fresh acai berries online.

But you can find a good variety of healthy foods made from the acai, ranging from juices, to products with acai berry included, to extracts, powdered formula's and even supplements and capsules. The finest products are those that are processed with a freeze- drying method and those that use the highest amounts of acai berry pulp.

It has been proven scientifically that the acai berry is beneficial to you if you are trying to lose weight. This is probably because of the extreme nutritional value found in the acai berry. Overweight is sometimes considered a symptom of malnutrition rather than anything else and providing your body the nutrition it needs can assist you greatly with your weight loss aspirations.

The inclusion of acai berry products can increase our metabolism and aid our bodies in releasing excess toxins. The acai berry can contribute the healthy clearning of accumulated fat. These things can be of great advantage when you are trying to lose weight.

The excellent nutrition helps our weight loss plans by providing our bodies with the critical nutritional elements that our bodies need. When we give our body what it needs to function at optimal levels most, if not all, of our cravings cease. Of course, a reduced calorie diet and exercise is also required. The acai berry is not a magic bullet but only a substantial boost to our other weight loss efforts.

Whether you are trying to lose weight or not, the acai berry can provide your body the optimal nutrition it craves and that can be advantageous to everyone. - 17269

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It Is Remarkable That Vegetables Can Actually Burn Abdominal Fat

By Alan Hill

After some research, I have learned that by studying the effects of food there are different ways in which it interacts within the body. I know that it has been believed for quite some time that vegetables are ok but we now know that some are average and some are great.

for as long as I can remember. Now I have learned that it has long been thought that vegetables are good for us, but I have never really knew why and some of these are just ordinary and some are simply superb. I have to say I think that vegetables get a raw deal (ha ha) no seriously, people opt for vitamin supplements when there are more effective elements in this great and important food group.

It is not generally known, that of this important food group, there is a certain class of vegetables that contain certain nutrients that actually eat away abdominal fat.

Now you may or may not know that there is a specific class of vegetables that contain phytonutrients that actually help to fight against abdominal fat. Yes that's right, not just good for us but they actually eat away existing fat tissue.

Let me explain what they are and why...

Now it could be that you know about food, nutrition and what is good and what is bad, including the latest cutting edge research and development and how certain ingredients in the food supply is effecting us, like pesticides, food additives and other chemicals from petroleum based products in the home, such as household cleaners can act as xenoestrogens.

What are xenoestrogens (I can hear you say?), well they are chemicals which when exposed to your body can have an estrogenic effect and too much of this can result in hormone disruptions for human beings. So these can play tricks in our bodies.

These special estrogenic compounds that we have been exposed to on a frequent basis can cause a persons body to retain fat, along with other challenges. By eating against this body fat encouraging estrogenic compounds, this can help your body to eat the unwanted abdominal fat and can make you slimmer and actuall make your six pack stand out nice and firmly ! Now you may not be Charles Atlass, but can you think of what might happen if your stomach became so firm and muscular that you had a hard and well defined set of abdominal muscles (a 6 pack) and all you did to get to this was chomp a few certain types of vegetables?

Some of these estrogenic chemicals that we have exposed ourselves to on a daily basis can stimulate your body to retain fat, along with other problems. By fighting against this abdominal fat stimulating estrogenic compounds, this can help a person to fight any unwanted belly fat and can actually help keep the fat at bay by making you slimmer and making your 6 pack bulge sexily, nice and prominently ! Now you may not be 'The Governor of California', but can you imagine what might happen with your life and your relationships if your stomach became so firm and toned that your six pack could be seen even under your shirt and the only thing you did to get this was to eat a few well chosen vegetables?

So, that is it then - just another excuse to do what your Parents (and in particular your Mother) told you to do - eat broccoli and your other greens (I won't tell you which ones here - you will need to read that yourself if you would really like to know).

This I learned by studying material which then had not yet been written down anywhere. It was a truly remarkable and healthy course that I have had to follow and after a short time I was putting what I had learned into practice.

I saw a real improvement in my abdominal muscles. After only 6 short weeks of simply following the instructions in the course, almost all of of my stomach fat had just disappeared.

It is true to say that I became a bit bored after a while but the course covered that and gave me some great suggestions on how to make these foods more interesting.

When I am at the gym now, you should see the looks I get and I was already quite fit and trim (being a Personal Trainer and all lol). Well the transformation was just out of this world and I can't help myself but grin during my working day; all because of what I picked up from this great and easy to follow course.

I am not selling this product but I feel very strongly that I would like to get as many people to become aware of this course which was written by someone who simply knows what he is talking about - even though I have never met Mike, although I have since learned that this man has written other equally groundbreaking courses.

Having studied the research date which backs up this fascinating study course, it had been produced by a skilled group of health professionals and I think that this is currently available at a much reduced price - make sure that you obtain your copy before the price increases which I understand may be quite soon - even so, I would still pay 15 times what it cost when I looked at the commercial version. I am sorry if it sounds like I am selling this course, but I just tend to get excited with I come across something like this - genuinely simple, effective and so easy to use that it makes more complex courses look like second rate 'wives tales' when compared to this scientific and easy to follow guide.

Please feel free to let your friends know about this article - it will astound them when they hear about xenoestrogens, broccoli and other vegetables and how they can help to actually eat their abdominal fat and disolve it away. If you are anything like me you will make it your specific goal to tell as many people as you can.

Mike, I would like to thank you for allowing me to trial your course and for allowing me to tell everyone about it now it has been launched - me, my friends and colleagues are enjoying practising what you have taught me.

Have Fun and Enjoy!

Alan Hill

Certified Nutrition Specialist Certified Personal Trainer Master Hypnotherapist Master NLP Practitoner

P.S. Mike has some cool tricks which he teaches in his Fat Burning Kitchen Program' is that vegetables such as cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, brussel sprouts, kale ect, contain unique and specific phytonutrients - for example indole-3-cabinol (I3C) to help fight against estrogenic chemicals.

P.P.S. If you have not picked up your copy yet, I understand that Mike is giving away at least 12 other teas, foods, spices etc that can help fight against xenoestrogens and can assist people to burn belly fat quick in this new program. - 17269

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Bodybuilding Workouts & Tips, Quick Methods to Train Your Muscles

By Ricardo d Argence

There is information going around both on and offline about how to build up muscle rapidly. As a personal trainer, I can recommend some little known facts that will help you in building muscle. These tips will help you to get going on your quest to build up your muscle mass.

I often hear that you should train each muscle group just once a week. Whilst this may produce optimal progress for extreme hardgainers it is not true for most people.

Sure, you should steer clear of overtraining but like most things in life you won?t improve at something by practicing it only once per week, this is true to a certain degree in bodybuilding too.

Muscle groups should be trained no less than twice per week. In fact ideally you should push your body through periods of near overtraining an then drop off into periods of undertraining. This provides times when there is a lot of stress for the body to handle and other times when the body has more time to recover and build momentum for another push. Hitting training plateaus can be avoided by doing this.

Make sure that your sessions don?t continue for more than 45 minutes. If you think that is not long enough then either your routine is too long or you don?t workout intensely enough. 45 minutes will be plenty if you really focus on intensity and avoid distractions.

If your workout session lasts longer than 45 minutes then testosterone levels will drop drastically because there will be more production of cortisol which makes the body eat muscle tissue and store fat. This is exactly the opposite of what we want.

You need to set cycles for your training, meaning that after sometime your muscle will not be urged into growing by the same regimens because the body will have become accustomed to the workout and can handle it already. Change up your regimen before your gains begin to lessen.

You should also try not to alter your routine too often either. Doing so could confuse your bodies muscles overly so and stop it working its way into a nice groove.

You will not see large gains if you do not do the right exercises. The timeless and most effective muscle building exercises are the multi-joint exercises that are known as compound exercises.

The best ones are: dead lifts, bench presses, rows, squats, pull ups, shoulder presses plus any exercise that moves your entire body through air ie, not just moving individual limbs. If you use these exercises, with a few of their variations and correct muscle building nutrition then you can?t help but stimulate muscle mass growth.

By using the mentioned recommendations and sticking to correct muscle building diet and workouts, you will quickly be able to build up muscle mass and be huge before you know it! - 17269

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Creative Ways to Prepare Eggs for Children

By Amy Nutt

Eggs have always been a popular and healthy food for the entire family. When eaten in moderation eggs are a healthy source of protein. Eggs are especially popular with children. If you are looking for creative ways to prepare eggs for your children, below are a few recipes that you can try:

1. Make some toast and add butter. Cut a hole in the middle of the toast. Fry or poach an egg and place it in the hole. With a glass of milk and fruit, you will be giving your children a healthy and delicious breakfast.

2. Scrambled eggs have always been a very popular meal. You can add some flavor to it by mixing in a bit of soup broth when you are mixing it. You can also add a little bit of spices and sprinkle some shredded cheddar cheese in the eggs while you are cooking.

3. Cut an English muffin or bagel in half and toast it. Poach an egg. Once the egg is poached, place it on half of the toasted bagel or English muffin. Pour a little pizza sauce on the egg. Add a slice of pepperoni or salami and top it off with mozzarella cheese. Put the other half on top and you will have a delicious sandwich.

4. Omelets are very popular. You can spice it up by adding salsa and grated cheddar cheese when you are cooking it. Fold it over so that the ingredients are in the middle of the omelet.

5. Egg salad sandwiches can make for a great lunch. You can add flavor when you are mashing the egg by adding some lemon, onion and celery pieces. You can also replace the mayonnaise with a salad dressing such as ranch or dill. Other ingredients can include: pieces of bacon or ham, and red and green pepper. Make sure your eggs are completely boiled so you don?t have any runny yolks.

6. You can make your children?s plate more creative by using eggs. Fry two eggs. Make toast and fry some bacon. Place the food in the form of a happy face. Use the eggs as eyes. Cut the toast in angles and position the pieces as eyebrows and a nose. Use the bacon strips for the mouth.

7. Bake a potato and cut it in half. Remove a small amount of the centre of each half. Mash up a boiled egg and mix in celery, chives, and some spices. Scoop it into the centre of each potato half. Cover each potato half with cheddar cheese. Have a cheese burger with the meal.

8. Open up a pita so that it is a pita pocket. Mix egg and cook as scrambled eggs. Put the scrambled egg in a bowl and add onion, tomatoes, green pepper, and cooked chicken pieces. Mix them all together with feta cheese and a bit of olive oil. Put the mixture in the pita and you have a pita pocket sandwich.

It is very easy to be creative with eggs. Because children love eggs, they will be surprised and pleased with the imaginative meals you prepare for them using this delicious and wholesome food. - 17269

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See The Miracle Of The Acia Berry Now!

By Sandra G Martin

The amazing little acai berry from the rain forests of Brazil has been touted as a cure and a miracle for a multitude of conditions. It has been touted as one of the greatest nutritional finds ever and a miracle cure for a range of afflictions from cancer to obesity.

Well, the acai berry is quite a miraculous nutritional discovery. It is brimming with vitamins and minerals, Omega fatty acids and an array of crucial antioxidants. However, it is not really that much more astounding than many other more common superfoods. There are many extremely healthy super foods such as blueberries, tomatoes, spinach, oranges, walnuts, salmon, green tea and the list goes on and on. The acai berry is just a more recent discovery.

In order to have a health promoting diet you must eat a combination of healthy foods. Our bodies require a balance of nutrition in the form of the macronutrients of carbohydrates, protein and healthy fats and the micronutrients of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Antioxidants protect our bodies from free radicals and oxygen damage that has been implicated in everything from aging to disease. When we improve the quality of what we eat we add to our health and longevity. But adding just one superfood like the acai berry cannot do this. We must have a combination of healthy foods.

If you are on a weight loss program you will see advantages from the addition of acai berry products. However this alone will not assist you in losing weight. You also must start a regular exercise program and eat less. You can get superior nutritional support from acai berry products but all alone that will not help you. You must also do other things if you want to lose weight.

Nature has provided humans with outstanding nutrition in the form of many healthy foods. We were designed to enjoy these healthy foods and when we do our bodies benefit greatly. Fruits, vegetables and whole grains can be the basis for our diets but we do not necessarily need to be vegetarians as many meat eaters can have a healthy diet. There are some animal products and meats that are healthier than others and it may be wise to be aware of where your food is coming from but that would include the fruits, vegetables and whole grains that you eat also.

The foods that we need to avoid are the unnatural and manmade things. If your food will not spoil on its own within a short period of time it probably is not very nutritious to eat. If bacteria won't consume the food then you probably shouldn't either! The acai berry starts to lose its nutritional value as soon as 24 hours after it is picked from the tree so it needs to be freeze-dried or frozen almost instantly.

The acai berry can be an amazing addition to your healthy diet. It can support you in your weight loss efforts and it can help protect your body from damage from free radicals and the oxygen damage caused from everyday living. This can help prevent diseases and other problems.

The acai berry can improve your diet but in order to get the highest advantage from this amazing berry make sure that you also add in other superfoods, like blueberries, spinach, tomatoes, salmon, walnuts, broccoli, green tea and more. The synergy of the nutrients allows the maximum benefit from all of the foods. Your all around good health will improve with superior nutrition. - 17269

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