Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Rare Complications of Knee Surgery

By Dr. Stefan Tarlow

On rare occasions a patient may have complications after knee surgery; however, this happens less than 2% of the time. Sometimes the knee joint may become infected. Even more rarely, heart attack or stroke may occur.

In the event of chronic illness, the chance of complication rises. Chronic illness may also cause rehabilitation to take a longer period of time, and chronic illness may hinder complete recovery.

Clotting of the leg veins is the most common complication experienced by patients; however, this can usually be avoided by following doctors orders. Your orthopedic surgeon will give you a complete list of instructions following surgery. They may include the use of compressive stockings, taking blood thinning medications, performing specific exercises, and keeping the leg elevated at intervals. Be sure to follow these instructions, and the incidence of blood clots will be greatly decreased.

Sometimes the components of the replacement may loosen or the bearing surfaces may become worn. This is quite rare because the materials and techniques used for knee replacement surgery are quite sophisticated and of the highest quality.

A range-of-motion of 115 can be expected following surgery. This may be lessened by scarring of the knee or by the very rare instance of damage to the blood vessels and nerves of the knee. Additionally, if a person had limited ROM (range of motion) prior to the surgery, it can be expected to remain somewhat limited afterwards.

Click here for more on knee surgery procedures .

Be sure to talk over all your concerns with your orthopedic surgeon.

What You Should Know About Home Recovery

Ninety percent of the time, you can expect your knee replacement to last for 10 years or so. To be sure you get the most use possible from your knee replacement, follow the instructions your orthopedic surgeon will give you. Elevate your leg, do your prescribed exercises, take blood thinning medications as instructed, and use support stockings if your doctor tells you to. By doing this, you will greatly extend the life of your knee replacement implant.

Caring For Your Wound During Home Recovery

Your wound will be stapled or stitched shut. Alternately, it will be stitched below the skins surface. In the case of exterior closure, the staples or stitches will be removed at a set date following your surgery. In the case of subcutaneous stitches, you will not need to worry about removal at all.

Do not soak in the bath, swim, or otherwise get your wound thoroughly wet until it has healed completely. Keep it protected. You may wish to cover it with a bandage to protect it from becoming irritated by contact with your clothing or support stockings.

Do Your Prescribed Exercises

You will be sent home with a list of exercises that are intended to facilitate your speedy recovery. It is essential that you do them. You may feel a bit of pain while doing them; however, slight pain is normal and nothing to worry about. You may also feel a bit of pain while resting at night. As you heal, this will pass, and you will be back to normal and able to resume your regular daily activities in a month to six weeks. - 17269

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Antioxidants Are They In The Juice You Drink

By Mikel Anderson

We had a nutrition company hire a third party lab to test the so called antioxidant rich juices on the market. The results are astounding.

Companies are popping up everywhere trying to market the latest berry that people have been consuming forever and hype it up for consumers. These fruits come from all over the world, Asia, South America, and even Alaska. Most of these companies claim their juice is an antioxidant giant and have magic powers. We hired Brunswick Labs, to do the scientific studies on these juices using both ORAC and FRAP tests.

We added grape juice into the mix to spice up the results and see what would happen. Not to mention many of these companies use grape juice as their main ingredient. You may laugh or cry when you find out the results. Here are some of the statements of some of the juices:

MonaVie claims that the acai berry used in their juice is one of the worlds top super foods and is rich in antioxidants. The levels of antioxidants in the acai berry from Brazil versus what is in Mona Vies juice are quite different.

Kyani refers to their juice as having an unmatched antioxidant superpower. Xango claims its juice product contains powerful antioxidants. Tahitian Noni claims its juice is one of the worlds great super-antioxidants. FreeLife claims you can protect yourself from the constant attack of Free Radicals by drinking GoChi juice.

The FRAP examination showed that grape juice had more antioxidants per serving than all but two of the magic juices.

Here are the results from the ORAC and FRAP tests: The first score is the ORAC score followed by the FRAP. Welchs Grape Juice scored 2734 and 245, while Mona Vie came in at 2220 and 1572. Pharmanexs G3 product reported 1658 and 2648 and Xango scored one of the lowest at 947 and 761. FreeLifes Gochi 888 and 641 with Kyani Sunrise scored a 769 in ORAC and a 1271. Exfuze, who uses extracts from fruits around the world, had one of the lowest scores at 400 and 174.

Why is this so significant? These magic juices are not a very good antioxidant value for your dollar spent. A daily average serving of MonaVie Acai juice, for example, costs about $4.60 regular price, while an eight-ounce serving of WelchsGrape Juice costs about $.50. And, according to the ORAC and FRAP tests, grape juice provides more antioxidants to protect against free radicals than MonaVie Acai Juice.

A business opportunity can only be as good as the product that they sell. If you do not have a product that is truly proven then you are selling nothing but a pyramid. It is this reason why there is so much attrition in the MLM industry. Without a proven product it will not last and they must open up new countries to constantly keep the flow going

If the exotic juices are not a good source for antioxidants but their raw fruits are what should you do? Eat them right from the source would be great if you could. One company Yoli has found out a way to freeze dry the nutrients and put them into a blast cap. Thus, you never have to worry about the nutrients dying in water. Not to mention there is no pasteurization used. You place the blast cap on top of a bottle and simply press and presto.

These blast caps cost significantly less too. They have way more active ingredients too. Any company who has nutrients sitting in water must preserve them somehow and is often toxic when they do. The bottom line is nutrients do not survive after being boiled or sit in water for a long period of time. - 17269

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Low-Fat Diet, Anyone?

By Jesse Regan

Nowadays, there is a wide variety of means that can be employed by anyone who wishes to have a leaner and healthier body. A commonly used method is that of working out. This may not do well for those who are too shy to mingle with other fitness buffs or who have no time to spare for the gym. Another method is the use of diet pills. This can give good results but one can also run the risk of harmful side effects. A low-fat diet can be a better option.

It should be clear that one does not need to skip meals when he goes on a diet. Losing weight should not be misconstrued as starving. In fact, many people who deliberately forego a meal actually found themselves gorging with a bigger appetite the soonest they could lay their hands on food. The secret, therefore, is not in the abstinence of anything edible. It is in what should be eaten to will help someone lose weight.

A low-fat diet is an often-suggested method. It allows someone to eat the normal number of meals in a day while it restrains him from taking in those that are declared as unhealthy. In general, what it finds as not helpful in losing weight are those food items that have loads of sugar and saturated fats. Hence, not all fats should be avoided but just those that can be metabolized easily. A certain amount of fat is necessary for the body, serving as a protective coating for the internal organs.

For one to succeed in a low-fat diet, he has to limit his fare to the likes of fish, fruits, whole-wheat grains, bread, and vegetables. In cooking his food, he should avoid lard, butter or even coconut oil and use instead vegetable oil. He may not have to check the amounts of what he is eating as long as it is low fat. Nevertheless, it would help if he eats only when is hungry. Sometimes, in between meals, he may only have to drink water to make him feel full and avoid snack food, which are usually sweet.

Your low-fat diet allows you to eat fish, bread and pasta, certain grains, vegetables and fruits. You also have to change your cooking oil if you are using lard, butter or coco oil to the low-cholesterol vegetable oil. There are no fixed limits to the amount of allowable food you can eat though. However, it is always suggested that you eat only when there is a need to. You can also go on snacks but just try something, which does not have too much fat or is not loaded with sugar.

Taking a low-fat diet may be quite difficult for starters, especially if they have been used to so much fatty food. It will indeed take some amount of discipline. One can, however, take some steps to avoid the temptations like clearing the kitchen cupboard and fridge of the fatty stuff. A new grocery list of low-fat food should be made instead. After a weeks time, a low-fat diet can become a habit.

This is a great example of what information about weight loss that you can access from a beachbody coach's site. - 17269

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HCG For Parents

By Amelia Handley

There are many adults that suffer from obesity; too many adults, actually. The numbers have been high (and rising) for decades. While Americans admit that obesity is a costly issue that leads to a shortened life span and lower quality of life we seem to be accommodating it by ignoring the need for change. And the adults aren't the only ones that are being hit with the consequences. American children also have unarguably high percentages of obesity.

Things are very different than they were 50 years ago...or even 15 years ago. Kids are eating things out of boxes and plastic wraps far more often than they're eating anything fresh. Kids are feeding themselves rather than enjoying a home cooked meal made from scratch from fresh ingredients. And when our kids are in charge of preparing their own meals...it's no surprise that the majority will reach for a boxed meal rather than learning to whip up something healthy for their dinner.

Kids are also cooped up inside a lot more than ever before. Many don't have the opportunity to go outside. They live in the city with little to no access to outdoor recreational facilities. Others might have the opportunity to be outside, but aren't allowed for safety reasons; and who can argue against a parent who isn't comfortable letting their kid roam free considering everything we see on the evening news?

Considering that...it seems only natural that our children are having higher and higher percentages of obesity as the years pass. Parents with children struggling with their weight often don't feel they have the ability to aid them as their child is spending two out of three meals at school. The only meal left in the parent's strict control is dinner. And even then...many parents just don't know how to prepare a healthy, low fat meal. And some find that they just don't have the time.

HCG Diet Direct management suggests that their dieters set a good example for their children. They should share their healthy food choices with their kids instead of eating healthy, but providing their families with the quick and easy (and usually high fat) meals that they are used to. Other family members can enjoy the same foods dieters are eating (they just need to be provided with larger servings). Family members can also enjoy a wider variety of food choices in comparison to the dieter's strictly regulated choices; the benefits are numerous for dieter and family members alike.

Incorporating HCG approved foods into the family's meal time means that you can eat together as a family and studies indicate that this provides a wide array of benefits from increasing kids' chances of excelling in school to increasing the probability that your kid will say no to smoking. It will also provide the opportunity for parents to set an example for their kids by eating healthy foods. And it teaches kids to be comfortable eating healthy foods. They'll get accustomed to seeing it at meal time and will eventually learn to incorporate it into their diets on their own. So parents can feel comfortable knowing that when kids are out and about they know how to eat healthy and just might do it. - 17269

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What is Papaya Good For?

By Fredrick Baxter

Often we will eat our food without knowing what its good for, or what the benefits of it are. Just by taking a short time to learn about all the benefits of what you are eating you can eat according to what you think your body needs at the time.

It goes without saying that you are what you eat. Eat junk and you'll feel like junk. If you don't know anything about how the food you eat affect you, your eating habits may unknowingly be causing you harm. Without knowing it, a food you like to eat may be hindering your health.

The food you eat often has nutritional, as well as medicinal value. Knowing what the benefits are helps you choose to eat food that fits with what your body needs at the time. If you have a cold, instead of reaching for that tub of chocolate ice cream (which wouldn't help at all) try eating something spicy with cayenne pepper.

What are the benefits of papaya by the way? The papaya is very nutrient rich, and contains vitamins A, C, E, as well as potassium, folate, fiber, calcium, iron, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, lutein, lycopene, zeaxathin and digestive enzymes.

If you frequently suffer from indigestion, acid reflux, constipation, or gastrointestinal distress, papaya is the fruit for you. It is not only nutritionally rich, but it also does wonders for your overall digestive health.

On top of getting your digestive system back on track it also helps flush out the lymph system, fight infections, and its good for your heart.

The next time you are thinking about grabbing a candy bar crammed with calories, do yourself a favor and eat a papaya. Papaya is low in calories, and it's good for you!

Papaya is very nutritional. It is rich in lots of vitamins and nutrients, and it's great for digestion, heart health, infections, and the lymph system. Eat a papaya the next time you crave a snack and you're body will love you! - 17269

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Know What To Eat And Drink to Receive Sustained Energy? Acai Berries!

By Jeremy Liddle

So what is in acai berries that provides sustained energy?

Fibre and carbohydrates, however these don't provide sustained energy in all foods. Carbs, when eaten, delivery sugar into the blood. Certain Carbs cause the sugar to be released very fast, and others more slowly. The glycemic Index (GI) measures the rate of sugar rise caused after a food is consumed. If the GI is low then the food is digested and absorbed more slowly, delivering a slower rise in blood sugar. Foods such as highly processed bread and lollies cause blood sugar to increase very fast.

A blood sugar that is too high or too low is dangerous for our bodies. So when sugar rises, it stimulates our organ, the pancreas, to release insulin into the blood. Insulin tells all our cells to open up their gates and let sugar in. This then causes the blood sugar level to drop again. When foods that release sugar quickly are consumed, our bodies tend to release too much insulin. Too much insulin means that too much sugar is taken up by our cells, and causes our sugar level to drop to under normal levels. This is what is usually felt after a sugar rush. It does not give you sustained energy and tends to leave people feeling tired and fatigued.

With a glycemic load (GL) of 0.5, acai berries delivery a slow and sustained blood sugar rise. GL is a newer and more accurate way to determine the effect of certain carbohydrates in the blood. It gives a better picture than GI alone as it also takes into account the volume of carbohydrate eaten. A Gl of 10 or less is considered a small level, and so a food with GL 10 or less helps to control blood sugar levels and lowers the risk of diabetes and heart disease. Acai has a GL of 0.5, which means that it delivers the sustained energy needs for today's hectic life.

The dietary fibre in Acai acts like a sponge, mixes with all the digestive juices in our bodies binding to the good eaten, and helps to slow down digestion. Instead of getting a sugar rush after a meal, the sugar is released slowly, providing sustained energy! This also helps control appetite and delays hunger. Which means that it may help prevent weight gain and therefore the risk of obesity.

Most of the energy in Acai actually comes not from sugar but from the healthy omega-6 and omega-9 fats, so acai is one food that can be eaten guilt free! It can help people feel full due to the fibre content, and at the same time provide sustained energy. It is best to mix acai with apple juice, which also has a relative low GI, to delivery sustained energy in a smoothie. - 17269

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Are You Looking For Ways To Lose Weight And Keep It Off Permanently?

By Caitlyn Sierra

Regardless of whether you are searching the internet for ways to lose weight; you have come to the right place. As 2009 comes to a close more and more people are going to set their weight loss goals for the upcoming year.

Everyone knows that losing weight is one of the most common goals that people tend to set for themselves. However the truth is that most people will fail to reach their weight loss goals. This is because most people are not willing to do what it takes to reach those goals.

Research shows that millions of Americans are overweight and many people strive to lose weight every year. As a matter of fact the weight loss industry is one of the wealthiest industries; because it seems that many people are willing to pay big bucks for the next big hype that comes on the market.

What you need to know is that if you really want to lose weight; then you can stop spending your hard earned money on trying to start losing weight. While you may have heard of several ways to lose weight; then you should be willing to take the time to learn how to eat the right types of food that your body needs.

Most of us in today's society are not going to realize this goal because they are not willing to work and put forth the effort to shed the weight. We all seem to become extremely excited at the end of the year because we are excited about the possibility of reaching those new years resolutions; however statistics show that by the beginning of April most people will have stopped working towards their goals.

Do you find yourself tired of trying to learn how to lose weight? As a society there are several people who are suffering from this problem; in fact several people have found themselves searching the internet for ways to lose weight. You definitely should stop by the site below to find out what you need to do to finally reach your goals.

We have taken the time to reveal some proven techniques that you can begin using that will help you get back into the shape that you will love to be in. Yes people everywhere have learned how to shed weight; however thousands of people have been suffering from their weight coming back is this your problem? - 17269

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Best Abs Work Out

By James Statham

If you're looking for information on the most effective abs work out, then please read on. I bet you're thinking that crunches are the way to go if you want rock hard abs. In actual fact, crunches are one of the worst abs exercises you can perform! In this article, I will show you some of the proven exercises that you will get far better results from, and mention a few other key components.

This may shock you, but did you know that crunches and sit ups are some of the worst abs work out exercises! Most people new to working out often get mislead by friends of magazines that tell them to perform lots of crunches, but this isn't true. Infact, I believe that there is something more important than doing the right exercises. You need to lower your body fat levels. If you can't see your abs right now, it's because you have excess belly fat which you need to trim!

The reason why crunches are so popular in an abs work out, is because many guys believe that they specifically target your abs, and therefore will really strengthen your abs and therefore burn lots of belly fat away. Well when you exercise, your body burns fat from all over your body, not just one specific area. Crunches aren't very intense and therefore will not burn as much belly fat as other exercises could. You need to be performing compound exercises that don't just work the abs, but work lots more muscles. This will lead to much quicker fat burn, so you'll be able to see you abs sooner!

These are two of the most effective abs work outs around. The front squat is a compound exercise, and really stresses the body for maximum fat burn! Similar to a normal squat, however you rest the barbell on the front of your shoulders, under the neck, and cross your arms, so your right hand is holding the barbell on your left shoulder. Then perform as you would a normal crunch. You'll really feel the burn in this exercise, especially in your abs! It will also work your legs and shoulders, and is a very intense exercise. Another top exercise is the classic pull up. All you need for this is a bar. Grab the bar from above your head, and pull up, and lower yourself down slowly, not just letting go. Perform this until you can no longer do a rep in good form. Another highly intense exercise which will really blast your abs!

Now you have knowledge of a proper abs work out, you need to improve your diet. Lowering body fat levels is crucial if you want to ever see your abs brilliantly defined. Cutting out the rubbish foods such as crisps and cakes is a must. Also, aim to eat foods that have a high protein content. Protein is considered the building blocks of gaining muscle, so is vital to make sure your getting enough protein in your diet. - 17269

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Muscle Building Through Strength and Cardio Workouts

By Tank Vosotros

Cardio exercises and strength training workouts helps in eliminating those unwanted fat. They also help in building muscles as well. And when you opt to tone down and make your body a mountain of muscles, then doing both strength training and cardio workouts really helps you succeed.

Strength training involves heavy lifting and pushing exercises, all of which are designed to stimulate your muscles. Strength training also has different sets of exercises that either focus on a certain muscle group or involving two or more muscle groups simultaneously. These sets are divided in to two - isolated and compound.

Strength training routines that target one muscle group is called isolated strength exercise. Such exercises include bicep curls, leg raises, and shoulder raises. These routines only involve the use of one muscle group.

On the other side of the fence, you have the compound strength training exercises. Experts say this is the best strength training set for anyone who wants to build muscles fast and effectively as it stimulates more muscle groups in less time. Examples of this type of strength training routines are bench presses, shoulder presses, and squats.

If you decide to do strength training exercise, the unwritten rule of the thumb is don't overexert yourself in hopes of achieving results. Limit your gym sessions to at least two or three times a week. You might think that skipping days may deliver the results, but it is in fact, the other way around.

Muscles grow bigger when they are at rest. Excessive exercising hinders the growth of muscles. It is best that you rest in between gym sessions to allow your muscles to grow and rest at the same time.

Cardio workouts differ, such as jogging, cycling, swimming, and playing tennis and football, help in building muscles, much like strength training. Cardio training works by burning the body's calories through increasing the body's heart rate and speeding up its metabolic processes. Cardio exercises do not employ the use of gym equipment, which makesit a popular means of building muscles.

If you want to build muscles, do strength training and cardio exercises. But do not push yourself to the limits. Just work your body out and take the word of professionals. You'll be a buff in no time. - 17269

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The 10-Minute Home Exercise to Flatten Your Belly

By Travis Hunt

When you look at the 10-minute home training which can flatten your abs, it can be a little intimidating. You?re probably so used to doing a routine of extremely hard exercise for at least 45 minutes, right? Let me tell you, this 10-minute workout really changed my life ? and it will change yours, too!

When I first heard about it, I was just as skeptical as the next person. Nevertheless, I said to myself, what would I lose if I give it a try? Absolutely nothing, that?s what. The idea of just having six pack abs in the shortest time possible was more than enough motivation for me. And I assure you, this one is definitely a no-lose case.

True enough, it did work for me! Let me share with you the details of the 10-minute home exercise that helped me flatten my stomach.

For you to have six pack abs, you must be willing to do anything to achieve your goal. I am not suggesting, however, that you buy any exercise equipments or get an exclusive membership in a prestigious gym because there?s really no need for all that; that is not what I am trying to point out at all.

So what is the catch? No doubt, you can perform your exercise routine in a much shorter time, but it in return you need to exert more effort. Well, it is a known fact that you need to work hard for what you want the most.

First, you should start doing your home exercise before eating. Why is that? Just think of a time when you were so tired from doing something strenuous, you had this strong desire to replenish your strength.

After doing extreme workout, your muscles will eagerly crave for sustenance. The soonest possible time you appease the hunger of your muscles, you will enable them to build mass and renew their strength. So the best supplement you should include in your meal is protein.

For the workout routine, lay down on a flat surface and do 50 simple crunches. Do these at a quicker pace yet keep your rhythm.

Do not get too excited. It does not end there. When you are done with the crunches, do 25 leg raises, then go for another round of 50 crunches. When you are half way doing this your will feel your muscles contract, that is a sign that it is working.

Do not call it quits just yet because there is still plenty of time left for 50 reps of bicycle exercises. That makes 25 for each side crunch and knee-bend combination. Finish off with 50 more crunches and you are good to go.

The first time might prove to be a little difficult for you. But once you get used to it, this home workout will be a piece of cake. Only 10-minutes daily and you can get a really flat stomach as a result. Work hard on that little time and you will definitely win your prize for it. - 17269

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Changing To Using Low Fat Cooking

By Fiona Wyresdle

Changing your lifestyle to using low fat cooking means that you will need to change your shopping habits as well as your cooking habits. There are many low fat cooking recipes available in cookbooks as well as online. It is important to also be aware of the calorie content of your food because if you are not careful some low fat cooking can be high in calories and sugar.

The first step to using low fat cooking is to replace all of the high fat foods in your kitchen with low fat alternative. Some good low fat food product choices include oils, canned fish, canned fruits and vegetables, legumes and grains, pasta, soups and stocks, herbs, spices, seasonings, whole grain breads, dried fruits, seeds, nuts, maple syrup, honey, pretzels, popcorn, applesauce, and fat free/sugar free pudding.

The food products that are very high in fat should be avoided or if you do use them then very sparingly. Some products that should be replaced includes coffee creamers, corn chips, sugary cereals, pancake mixes, flavored pasta, boxed macaroni and cheese, chowders, oil packed fish, regular mayonnaise, creamed soups, canned meats, oil based dressings, shortening, oil packed tuna, rice mixes, gravy mixes, cheese sauces, potato chips, white bread and anything that contains partially hydrogenated in the food ingredient lists.

There are many other foods that contain fat of which you may be unaware. While whole milk has plenty of calcium and other important nutrients it also is high in fat. In order to reduce the fat in milk enough you would need to change to drinking at minimum 1% milk though skim milk is the best. Other dairy products should also be low fat if possible as cheese and regular yogurt can have a lot of fat.

Other foods that should be used sparingly include butter and margarine. Margarine in particular is full of Trans fat. If you can find it there are plenty of liquid spreads that do not have any Trans fat and they can be dramatically reduced in fat.

Eggs are also tricky as eggs have a lot of important vitamins and minerals but the yolks have a lot of cholesterol. You should try to bake with egg substitutes and use egg whites when you can. Only use whole eggs when absolutely necessary.

Meat also needs to be lean and there are options you can use instead of eating very fatty meat. Beef hamburgers and hotdogs have a lot of fat and contain high levels of salt. Instead of these items you can have turkey dogs and vegetarian burgers. One of the leanest cuts of meat is pork tenderloin. Chicken instead of beef is also a good option. - 17269

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Why Should You Drink Fresh Juice Every Day?

By Max Tain

Any fresh juice has a profound purifying effect on our body. Fruit and vegetable juices contain many amino acids, minerals, salts, enzymes and vitamins; you just have to consume them immediately after preparation. These natural drinks are necessary as a supplement, even if you don't follow a special diet.

Fresh juices are a rich source of energy and vitamins, being recommended to everyone. They can be prepared from vegetables, fruits and herbs. It's better to avoid preserved juices, although they contain ascorbic acid. There's more vitamin C in your own home made juices.

Is t possible to gain weight by consuming fresh juice? Nutritionists say it depends on what product you choose. If you opt for natural juices with a lower content of sugar, then you won't gain weight. Even more, this will act as a real weight loss diet, because fresh juices clean the body and help you to get rid of toxins. They are also a rich source of vitamin C. You don't have to consume a fresh juice every day, but it's better to do it as often as possible.

The vitamins found in fresh juice increase your immunity. It's good to drink juices with pulp, which are rich in fiber. I'm talking here about fresh juices and not about preserved drinks. You can opt for light juices, as those of apple, grapefruit or tomatoes. They contain polyphenols, a type of antioxidants that protect you from certain cancers and heart diseases. Some juices even improve the condition of those who suffer from hypertension.

Tomato juice benefits are due to the vitamins contained. A 250 ml glass of tomato juice provides to our body the required daily amount of vitamin A and C. In order to realize the importance of vitamin A, it's enough to mention some of the complication that may occur in its absence: risk of infections, the appearance of disturbances in tooth growth, eye diseases, etc. Vitamin C is also important for the body, because it detoxifies and regenerates the body cells. An insufficient amount of vitamin C in food reduces the body resistance against infections and induces fatigue and depression.

It's indicated to drink fresh juice immediately after exercising. Your energy will increase and the body fluid will be restored.

Carrot juice is recognized for its healing proprieties. Also, it protects the skin against daily aggressions. Therefore, to slow the aging process, make sure that your skin is perfectly hydrated and consume fresh juices and water. The nutrients contained by carrot juice are able to reduce photosensitivity, protecting the skin from the harmful action of sunlight.

Another nutritious and full of vitamins drink is the celery juice. It is a good diuretic, helping you to have a better digestion, by stimulating bile secretion.

Orange juice is an excellent diuretic and laxative, having noticeable results in case of anemia, anorexia and various infections.

Apple juice contains several minerals, vitamins and carbohydrates and must be consumed in the morning.

Grape juice has a powerful antioxidant and detoxifying effect. It also contains calcium, iron, and phosphorus. - 17269

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