Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Monday, October 19, 2009

Lies About How To Lose Arm Fat

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

Every so called expert has an opinion on how to lose arm fat. Some opinions are sound, others are borderline laughable.

Now because there is a lot of money to be made selling arm fat solutions, the good science can sometimes be taken for marketing hype, vice versa. So how do you separate fact from fiction?

And unless you have a degree in the field, figuring all of this out could be nearly impossible.

Thus, here are 4 arm fat misconceptions you have to avoid so that you can finally get sexy arms:

1. Intake equations are accurate. An equation or formula has many limitations. There are an infinite number of variables which can alter how many calories you burn on a daily basis. So please don't assume that the number you got is the end all be all to how many calories you should consume.

2. Arm toning should hurt. Eating the right way to lose arm fat does NOT have to hurt. In fact, your energy should increase if you do it with a sensible approach. What kind of approach? One with a ridiculous amount of vegetables, resistance training and slow carbs. All of these will actually increase your energy even though you're eating less calories.

3. You must eat like a bird for the rest of your life. Your body should change a lot during your arm fat loss journey. And these changes will manipulate the way your body deals with food. In most cases, you can eat a little more than before without the risk of arm fat rebound. The key here is to make sure that a solid resistance training program has been the bedrock of your approach.

4. Hunger pangs are a given. This statement only holds true if you go overboard with caloric restriction. Otherwise, there are many ways to virtually eliminate hunger pangs and cravings. One approach is to use herbal teas. Yerba mate is the most powerful one and can completely knock out cravings, no joke! Sugar substitutes are yet another tool for cancelling out that sweet tooth craving.

Now please don't be overwhelmed by all the advice floating around. Learning how to lose arm fat doesn't have to give you a mental hernia. The best approach here is to avoid the marketing hype and seek out credible sources of information. - 17269

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Ten Steps to Prevent Bruising, Step 10 - Starting the Bruises Be Banned Daily Program!

By Carolyn Cooper

If you are frustrated because of your bruising easily, and you've learned from the previous nine steps; you likely already are considering some of those previous ideas of how you are going to try to overcome your tendency of easy bruising. Youve been presented with a number of different actions that you can take, but you need to be aware that the Bruises Be Banned program can be an enhancement to any choice you make.

You have probably already discovered that you need to consider numerous factors when you are searching for a solution for your easy bruising. You could be considering a single lifestyle change that will be the key to overcoming your bruising problems, but most people understand that it will probably take more than a single change to reach the goal of bruising reduction. Many people have come to the realization that the Bruises Be Banned program is an essential part of any solution.

The Bruises Be Banned program's greatest strength is its specific formulation to help you end your bruising easily tendency with a simple daily program. Even though nobody wants to consistently see bruises that never seem to fade away, you can find a variety of individual, topical treatments that may provide some assistance in causing your bruises to fade away quicker, but there are several very valid reasons that you should just purchase some Bruises Be Banned instead. It seems to make much better sense to save the money that you would spend on making bruises fade away quickly and and use it to purchase Bruises Be Banned which has been proved to help reduce bruising or prevent bruising altogether.

By now you should have learned that Bruises Be Banned is the only formulation of supplements that has been specifically designed to overcome easy bruising and that is currently available. Only food quality natural ingredients maintaining the highest standards are used, and tested by labs operating within the Current Good Manufacturing Standards and registered with the Federal Drug Administration (FDA). The end product that you receive has been thoroughly tested to make certain that it will provide the results that you are expecting.

We have discussed at length which vitamins, minerals, and nutrients are essential if you are to try to end your tendency of bruising easily, but by taking just one glance at the ingredient list, you will find that Bruises Be Banned has every one of them in the perfect combination of dosages. Both vitamin C and vitamin K are represented, as are citrus bioflavonoids and bilberry. Two forms of sulfur are also provided from bromelain and MSM.

You will quickly find that Bruises Be Banned will help you reduce the bruising easily condition that you have been experiencing when you make the commitment to follow the recommended daily program, . The unmatched combination of all of the essential ingredients in this formulation is unconditionally guaranteed to help you reduce your easy bruising or prevent bruising easily altogether.

Now you know that dealing with your easy bruising condition is not hopeless. Even though the tendency to easy bruising does become more prevalent as you get older, you now are aware that this condition is not nearly as hopeless or untreatable as you might have thought, and with an unconditional guarantee and with a cost of less that a dollar a day, it makes no sense not to try the Bruises Be Banned program. You now have the choice of how you deal with your easy bruising condition firmly in your own hands. - 17269

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Developing Abdominal Strength With The Ab Rocket

By Frank Powell

No matter how young or fit you may believe you are, it is always necessary to learn the benefits that can be derived from daily exercise and a healthy diet. These two key factors will help you keep both a perfectly fit and healthy body. One of the main reasons that people do not exercise is because they lead busy lives and have very little time to do so. If you find yourself to be one of those who have very little time for healthy activity, you may wish to invest in fitness equipment. Having your own fitness equipment will make it easier to get the healthy exercise you need without having to make the trip to your local gym. One commonly recommended fitness device is the abdominal trainer.

Two of the most common questions asked are "why is abdominal training equipment so popular" and "what is it the best equipment to invest in?" One reason that the abdominal trainer is so popular is because the muscles in this region of the body are the most difficult to develop and this is also the area of the body most people lack confidence in showing to others. Because of this insecurity around the abdominal area of the body, fitness companies market many products toward losing tummy fat and developing six pack abs. The second reason why this is both a popular and necessary device is because the muscles in the abdominal area are responsible for a majority of the body's overall strength. To perform many daily tasks, it is necessary to have a strong core and abdomen.

If you have ever tried to work your abdominals with the old fashion sit-ups and out of date ab strengthening machines you know how painful and frustrating it can be. The worst part is many of those devices are not effective in toning and building abdominal muscles. If you are like most of us the frustration of painful and ineffective workouts can result in simply avoiding them. Modern research and development has produced innovative machines that can focus your workout on your core muscles. These new machines can help you effectively build and strengthen your abdominals and produce those abs we all are looking for. The Ab Rocket has become my favorite machine for producing this effective workout in a pain free manner.

We have all seen the infomercials touting fitness of all kinds. Many people are skeptical of these over hyped TV workouts promoted by sculpted model types. They tend to promise you the world but what you get is a poorly designed ineffective product that ends up gathering dust in your closet. The Ab Rocket has been advertised on television but that is where the similarity ends with too many of these "As Seen on TV" devices. As a person with a passion for fitness and healthy living I have found the Ab Rocket to be a well designed, effective training machine that actually produces results. I have found the deep workout provided by this machine to be second to none. The Ab Rocket has been around for quite some time and stood the test of time for good reason.

I was told, and can speak from experience, that as soon as you begin using the Ab Rocket you can begin to feel it working deep within your abdominal muscles. I started using this machine and quickly came to the conclusion that it is a great machine for toning the abdominal muscles without the usual back or neck pain associated with toning them. Previous traditional devices put the body in uncomfortable and unusual positions that cause pain when using them as instructed to perform the multiple repetitions required for toning. This is not the case with the Ab Rocket. With the Ab Rocket, the toning exercises are performed from a seated position while the neck and back are massaged by rolling cushions along the support of the Ab Rocket. This extra massaging benefit helps to both prevent injuries and also to help the body feel relaxed when performing the ab crunch toning maneuvers.

The Ab Rocket is the most effective machine I have found for building and strengthening your upper, middle and lower abdominal muscles. As effective as the Ab Rocket is it will only produce optimum results if used along with a healthy, fat burning diet. The Ab Rocket can help you achieve amazing results when used in conjunction with its proven DVD workout and low carb diet plan. The Ab Rocket is the best system I have found for producing those "six pack" abdominals we all covet. I highly recommend this device for anyone as part of an effective overall workout regimen. - 17269

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The Many Benefits of Taking NO2 Supplements

By Aaron Wilding

If you've been around the muscle building supplement industry for very long you've likely heard of NO2. If not, this article will give you a few basics on what this supplement is and what it can do for you.

So what is NO2? Basically it is a gas that is naturally produced by the body when enzymes break down the amino acid arginine. When used as a supplement it can act as a hemodilator, or in other words increases the blood flow to muscles and other body organs. This increases the flow of both oxygen and nutrients to the muscles.

NO2 is naturally occurring, but by supplementing with it you can help your body to avoid fatigue and weakness. These are symptoms that people who don't naturally produce enough NO2 suffer from.

So what are the main benefits of using an NO2 supplement? Well, one of the main things you'll find is that when you use NO2 you will experience longer pumps both during and after your workout. This muscle building supplement also helps to reduce the time needed for recovery and also encourages muscle growth. So as you can see, there are a lot of potential benefits to using this great supplement!

Nitric oxide is a relatively new supplement. Because of this the full range of the benefits that it produces is still being investigated and new benefits are still being discovered. So there is more to this supplement than just increasing blood flow.

Known side-effects of taking NO2 supplements usually involve taking too many doses, which can result in headaches, nausea and diarrhea. Most NO2 users have noticed improved effect when the supplement is taken with sufficient hydration.

There are a lot of benefits to taking this muscle building supplement, so give it a shot the next time you're looking for a product to increase your performance. - 17269

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Muscle Building Deadly Sins You Must Avoid

By Ricardo d Argence

If you want to build up muscle over time, it's crucial for you to develop good habits. Building muscle continuously requires you to be regularly doing the right thing and taking the right steps. Unfortunately, people sometimes get into bad habits without being aware that they're risking their health and adversely affecting their progress. To help you make the right decisions, here is a list of the 7 worst muscle building habits and how to avoid them:

1.) The worst sin in body building: Taking steroids. For so many, many reasons this is a horrible thing to do to yourself, from acne, swelling, bad breath, discoloration of the skin, dizziness and trembling, nausea, vomiting, mood swings, balding, liver damage, high blood pressure, heart palpitations, cardiovascular disease, aching joints, and even a slight loss of height! Not to mention testicular shrinkage, importance, pain while urinating, sterility, and the development of breasts. Simply put, don't take steroids.

2.) Over lifting. Yes, trying to lift more weight than your training partner can be highly motivating, but be careful about it. Not only can lifting too much weight decrease your muscle gain, it can also cause you severe injuries. If you find yourself unable to lift or lower a weight, or can't lift it with a controlled motion and have to use momentum to get it up, then you're lifting too much weight and need to lower it before you hurt yourself.

3.) Eating too much protein. A normal person should take between 0.8 to 1 gram of protein per kilogram of body weight a day, and if you're trying to build muscle, you shouldn't go further than 1.7 grams per body weight kilogram. Eating too much protein can lead to osteoporosis and kidney damage. Not to mention a greater risk of heart disease as severe protein gain can lead to an increase in homo-cysteine which will cause heart damage.

4) Taking stimulants. Stimulants might not be prohibited, but they often come with numerous dangerous side effects, and it would be wise to exercise caution when taking them - or better yet, not using them at all. Stimulants such as ephedrine have been known to cause heart palpitations, heart attacks and strokes. For a less dangerous pick-me-up, try a caffeine pill instead. If you have any concerns at all about what you're taking, be sure to get a doctor's opinion first.

5) Training on an empty stomach. While some people seem to believe that training on an empty stomach helps them burn more fat, the truth of the matter is that your energy comes from carbohydrates. This means that if you haven't eaten, you'll have less energy and won't have much of a chance at getting a good workout. You won't be able to lift as much and you'll probably be jittery, shaking and dizzy after your workout because of a low blood sugar level. It's a good idea to have a mean before your workout, particularly foods like vegetables, fruit and rice.

6.) A failure to stretch properly. To prevent muscle tears, ligament strains, and debilitating cramps, be sure to get your body ready for your workout by stretching. Even taking ten minutes out of your day can help you improve your range of motion, your posture, and most importantly, your performance.

7) Not keeping a training log. A training log is an essential part of building muscle; you need it to measure your progress and keep track of your personal best lifts. A training log doesn't take much time and is very motivating at keeping you on track. Making use of one is a good idea.

OK, the above are a few pointers but mainly relax be safe and enjoy your workouts most of the time a healthy dose of common sense is enough to ensure your safety. - 17269

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4 Things You Should Eat To Lose Arm Fat

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

Sometimes it's the little tricks that can add up and really speed up your arm fat loss. And if you know all the little tricks, figuring out how to lose arm fat is that much easier.

But you're probably confused. Why? Because all the endless marketing has tried to sell you everything under the sun. From magic pills to arm fat supersonic blasters, you've probably seen and heard it all.

The good news is that I've already navigated all these waters for you. I've tested everything out there on myself and on my clients. And I'm ready to show you some of my secrets.

So here are 4 nutrition hacks for arm fat:

1. Don't be afraid of saturated fat. What you've been told about saturated fat is NOT true. In fact, plant saturated fat should be a regular part of your diet. Coconut oil and coconut flakes are my top recommendation here.

2. Become a water grazer. If you only drink water when you're eating, you're missing out big time. You have to drink in between meals. Why? Because you become dehydrated during these gaps. Moreover, if you have lots of water in one sitting, you're more likely to urinate it out.

3. Take some caffeine before working out. This will allow you to workout with increased intensity which will crank up your metabolism for DAYS after. The key here is to not take so much that you can't sleep at night, that would defeat the purpose.

4. Load up on Ceylon cinnamon. Put Ceylon cinnamon on as many meals as you can, especially the bigger ones. Why? Because Ceylon cinnamon is loaded with antioxidants and increases insulin sensitivity. And better insulin sensitivity translates into more calories going to active tissues while arm fat starves and disintegrates.

If you apply the above tips, you'll definitely have an edge when it comes to losing arm fat. So make sure you take action on this advice and don't let it sit in the back of your brain. Act now to get results tomorrow! - 17269

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Try Sparkling Fruit Drinks

By Dave Hodges

While I've always liked carbonated drinks, my favorite ones have been colas. I'm a big fan of anything that tastes like cola, and I really enjoy this sweet liquid treat.

Nothing truly refreshes me as much as a cold can or bottle of soda does, and it's been hard coming to terms with the fact that as I've grown up and gotten a little older, it's probably a habit that I should curb a little bit.

I've never been much of a fan of diet soda. Aside from my concern about ingesting chemicals, I simply don't like the taste and I've always felt that it tastes kind of fake compared to the pure, sweet taste of a regular soda.

Then there's something like seltzer. It's bubbly, there are no sugars or added calories, and it's genuinely healthy. It's just like drinking water. Problem is, it's boring to me. I have a hard time taking it down whatsoever.

I recently came across an alternative that both tastes great and happens to be healthy. In fact, it's even healthier than seltzer. Made completely of fruit, it tastes like a soda but it's all natural.

My favorite brand of these is Izze. With a tangerine flavor, a pomegranate, blackberry, apple, and grapefruit, there's more than enough variety in the mix. These flavors are all delicious too!

Both of these companies have pure carbonated juice blends that really do taste as if they're real sodas. With no added sugars of any kind, these are really like drinking a glass of fruit juice with some seltzer thrown into the mix.

If you're looking for these drinks, I'd simply check your local convenience store. I know that some of them are sold in Starbucks too, but the bottom line is they're all over the place. Try them out, you won't be disappointed. - 17269

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Valuable Hair Loss Treatments For Women

By Craig Sheen

Average hair loss is 100-150 hairs a day; not anything is more moving for a woman than to see her hair is coming out way more considerably and swiftly than typical. Each thread of hair will grow for 2 to 6 years before being swapped by a fresh strand following a brief period of dormancy. A lady needs to be worried and hunt for the cause if sizeable amounts of hair are coming out and not being swapped by new.

There are many different causes why women suffer hair loss. There are a variety of conditions that can cause temporary hair loss, including disease and illness, over-treating with color and perms, and sometimes pregnancy or stress. Fortunately, regrowth occurs automatically as these causes disappear. The two main reasons for permanent hair loss are genetic inheritance and changes in hormone levels, influencing either of these processes to restore hair growth is currently not possible.

Women tend to notice their hair loss first where they part their hair. The gap becomes bigger. Thinning of all the hair along with widening parts, and a receding hair line are symptoms of female pattern baldness. There are a number of hair loss treatments for women:

1 - Diet plays some role in hair loss, so it is important to commit to a healthy well-balanced diet at all times.

2 - Increasing blood circulation through exercise can also benefit your scalp. There is research that shows increased blood circulation helps. It can stimulate follicles, which will then start to produce hair again.

3 - There are a number of natural herbal and oil remedies, most of which are topical, that is, they involve applying solutions directly onto the scalp with the effect of opening up closed follicles and enhancing the chance of hair production. These have varying degrees of success, dependent upon the individual.

4 - Less permanent relief can be obtained through hair extensions and wigs- also acceptable fashion items.

5 - A number of medical products have also been developed specifically for females. It is important to state here that women must be certain that products they use are specifically designed for them.

Male hair products are not appropriate for women, and can actually pose a danger during pregnancy. You can acquire medications either OTC or by prescription. Before you use any of these, talk to your doctor. They might interact with other medicines you are taking. You also need to be certain that your hair loss isn't from some other medical condition.

FDA approved products made by Provillus are designed just for women with hair loss. When researching the effectiveness of products in promoting hair regrowth and in reducing hair loss, use the Internet for readily available information. Testimonials from satisfied customers and promises to return your money if you are not completely satisfied are typical of most treatment options. Of course, how your body responds to the treatment will affect its success and how it works for any one customer won't necessarily reflect how it works for you.

6 - There exist also surgeries to consider- hair grafts and transplants. One must consider carefully before committing to the cost because these are expensive.

The amount of fuss made over major hair loss is personal. Hair loss treatments for women are recommended when you grow to be so tormented by your hair loss that you will not even go out in public or do normal social activities. Life is to be lived! - 17269

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Tips For Bodybuilders: How To Gain Muscle While Avoiding Fat

By Ricardo d Argence

If you're anything at all like most bodybuilders, your ultimate desire is a simple one: To have an impressive, muscular physique with razor-sharp definition and the envy of everyone around you. You want to be huge, and you want to be shredded.

This desire for the perfect body makes many people dive headlong into an exercise regimen. Everyone wants to bulk up, and bulk up fast, but at the same time they're also worried about gaining the extra bulk of body fat.

If you want to add a significant amount of muscle to your frame over as short a period of time as you can, you will always end up gaining some extra body fat along with it.

Unfortunately, that is just the way the body works, and if you want to get bigger, you're going to have to accept the fact that body fat will come along with the muscle gain.

In order to gain muscle size, you must consume a surplus of calories in order to support protein synthesis. However, there is no way to divert 100% of this caloric surplus towards muscle growth. A certain amount of it will always end up as stored body fat.

As all bodybuilders know, in order to make dramatically change your appearance in the quickest amount of time, the most effective way to do so is to focus on gaining size. For a set period of time, gaining size will be your goal. Only then can your priority shift to focus on losing body fat.

Considering this information, it's clear that the goal of the bulking phase is to gain muscle size, to build up as much as possible while doing what you can to minimize gaining extra body fat. However, it's important to remember that during the bulking phase, your goal is not to lose body fat, merely to gain as little as possible.

There are three primary ways to accomplish this:

1) Use a precise caloric surplus. A caloric surplus is required to fuel muscle growth, but haphazardly cramming more food down your throat beyond what is necessary to build muscle tissue will simply cause you to gain more fat.

The generally accepted caloric surplus for supporting muscle growth is 15-20% more calories than is needed to maintain your weight. If you are consuming a caloric amount within this range, there is no need to go any higher.

2) Make good food choices. Most of your food intake should be in the form of high quality lean proteins, healthy/unsaturated fats and natural, high fiber carbohydrates.

Don't just eat anything and everything; make sure you're concentrating on proteins, especially lean proteins, and keep an eye on your blood sugar. Also, avoid all those saturated fats.

3) Implement cardio sessions. There's no need to go overboard here, but implementing 2-3 cardio sessions throughout the week is another way to cut down on fat gains during a bulking cycle.

Keep these sessions no more than 10-20 minutes long, sticking to high intensity/low duration forms, as these kinds of session have the advantage of not causing the same amount of muscle loss as longer duration forms.

Once you've gained an amount of muscle size that you're happy with (and this is totally up to the individual), you can then shift into a fat loss cycle and focus on stripping off body fat while maintaining muscle size.

The trick is to minimize it rather than try to totally avoid it, and you can do this with a reasonable diet and sensible exercise. - 17269

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Achieve And Maintain Your Health And Fitness Goals With Alternative Health Products

By Richard Ealom

These days, it seems like our chief health concerns are losing weight, getting in shape, and getting correct nutrition. The difficulty with weight loss repeatedly is not losing weight and getting healthy; it is staying that way. If this is your philosophy, you are making a life-long commitment to eat healthier, get plenty of exercise, and in general be more aware of the requirements of your body.

Its crucial to retain excellent health whilst undertaking any physical changes in your body, whether its weight loss or becoming more physically energetic. There are a widespread variety of alternate health products offered in stores and on the Internet that state they can help you to attain and maintain your health and fitness goals. More and more medical doctors are recommending we turn to alternative health products to supplement our diet.

You might ask, what are some alternative health products and why are they good for me? Well, to begin with, amino acid supplements are said to be helpful for many reasons. Many experts would declare from A to Z, amino acids are beneficial for the body. As an illustration, Acetyl-L-Carnitine is believed to aid with blood flow, aid against stress, aid the immune system, and assist to maintain healthy blood sugar levels.

After following researching Free Form Amino Acid supplements, one might speculate why every person is not using them! Why are they so good for you? Because numerous reports state that amino acids may assist to preserve healthy blood sugar levels, assist suppressing appetite, and decrease stress and tension. Further reports state that a few amino acids even aid to lessen symptoms of alcohol withdrawal, aid normal sperm production, diminish symptoms of PMS, detoxify ammonia in the body, aid against weariness and assist mental health.

With the expense of healthcare the way it is these days, plus the increasing disbelief towards using chemicals to treat health issues, numerous individuals are turning to natural remedies for things like the ordinary cold, allergies, insomnia and weight loss. Quite often, these recommendations are coming from doctors. Numerous natural remedies are combinations of herbs, flowers, alfalfa, juniper, yucca, potassium phosphate, sodium phosphate, magnesium phosphate,calcium phosphate, and iron phosphate, along with other components.

Nutritional supplements are playing an increasingly important role in our lives for a numerous reasons. First and foremost, every person is so busy these days that being able to sit down to have the benefit of a nutritious, well-balanced meal is not easy. Because we are constantly on the go, getting good nutrition is not always doable. Nutritional supplements are a rapid approach to make assured we are in receipt of the vitamins, minerals, amino acids and essential fatty acids that our bodies must have.

If you are considering losing weight or simply working towards getting in great shape, there are loads of alternative health products that can make sure you are getting proper nutrition and assist in your quest to attain your health-related goals.

With the proper diet, lots of rest, lots of hydrating fluids, the appropriate health supplements, and frequent physical activity you are well on your way to a healthy and satisfying life. - 17269

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Learn The Secrets Of The Super Ripped And Gain Lean Muscle Mass Fast

By Ryan M Hall

The secret to gain lean muscle mass fast is what everybody wants to know. Whether you're a beginner or you've been "hitting the gym" for years, this secret is what most of us search for. The muscle building secrets that those super ripped people keep, those people that can gain 10 lbs of muscle in just a few weeks like it's cake, are not as closely held as many of us think. It is really a matter of knowing how to find them. Below I reveal several secrets that will help you gain lean muscle mass fast.

Workout Intensely, But Keep It Short:

If you exercise your muscles intensely (keep a high intensity throughout the workout) but don?t overwork them, you will force the muscle to get bigger, but not make them so exhausted that you slow the healing process.

Consume Both Protein and Carbohydrates:

Do not cut carbohydrates, especially post workout. Your muscles need both carbs and protein in order to heal after each exercise. Give your muscles the fuel they so desperately need, especially immediately after you get out of the gym.

Do Compound Exercises:

Doing compound exercises instead of isolation exercises allows you to work all of your major muscle groups at once without spending too much time focusing on one single muscle group the way isolation exercises do. This way you get a total body workout in much less time.

Choose Free Weights:

When you use free weights, you have to work extra hard because you are forced to stabilize the weights as you perform each exercise. This isn't always the case with machines that lock you into one position. This extra stabilization effort will surprise you in how much you can gain from it.

Stick To Water:

You have to be hydrated if you want your muscles to get bigger. Be sure that you drink plenty of water while building muscle so that your body has the water it needs to lubricate your joints and rebuild your muscles.

You don't have to waste money on miracle muscle pills to gain lean muscle mass fast. Just follow these easy steps and get a good plan and your time at the gym will give you much better results. - 17269

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Do You Want To Build Muscle Quick With Less Effort

By Ryan M Hall

If you spend any amount of time on the internet, chances are you have been bombarded with millions of supposed "great tips" to build muscle quick. The issue is that many of these tips don't work when you try to implement them. If you follow the advice in this article, you will build muscle quickly, and you can do it with much less effort.

You can build lean muscle mass much faster if you just follow these 3 easy steps.

1. Workout With More Intensity

It doesn't matter what kind of workout plan you are using for your weight loss, it is absolutely certain that you could benefit from working out with more intensity. Too many people go into the gym hoping that just lifting a few weights will give them a tight toned body. Unfortunately, it doesn't work that way. If you actually want to see big changes in your body and intend to gain muscle quick, you have to increase the intensity of your workout. Whether you accomplish this by increasing the number of reps you do or the weight you lift, or both, it is the only way you are going to build the body of your dreams. If you change nothing else the next time you hit the gym, increase the intensity of your workout and you will see massive changes. You can't just go through the motions of working out, you have to actually make your muscle work to build muscle fast.

2. Choose The Right Foods

In order to gain more muscle mass, you need to increase your protein intake. This means that you need to be eating some kind of protein at every meal. The best, and healthiest, way to do this is to eat egg whites, chicken breasts and fish. Fish is the best choice you can make because it is a great source of Omega 3 fatty acids, which help you lose weight and gain muscle. Fish is also high in protein and very low in bad fat. For maximum results, get protein at every meal.

3. Get Plenty Of Rest

It is of utmost importance that you get enough sleep at night while trying to build muscle, but it is equally important that you rest between workouts. Too many times people start working out and they think that they have to workout every single day, so they over work their muscles and end up reversing their muscle building efforts. This constant muscle fatigue will never get you great muscle gains unless you take some time to rest between workouts. The old idiom of "No Pain, No Gain," is out, it's time to rest more if you want to gain muscle fast.

If you want to build muscle quickly, you have to make some changes to your diet and exercise plan. These simple changes will give you the results you deserve. - 17269

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