Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Monday, October 5, 2009

4 Tips To Succeed With Kettlebell Workout Programs

By Mark Walters

Complete body fitness can easily be achieved through the proper performance of a kettlebell workout program. As well as conditioning, toning and strengthening your muscles, kettlebells also improve flexibility and cardiovascular health. Here are four tips to help you succeed with your fitness goals using kettlebells:

Kettlebell Workout Program Tip #1 Choose The Right Weight

Those just starting out with kettlebells often make the same mistake. They often start too fast and with weights that are just too heavy. It's much, much better to start off with a weight that you are comfortable with and then increase it slightly each week.

Kettlebell Workout Program Tip #2 Set A Sensible Pace

Intensity and pace should be steadily, not rapidly, increased. When it comes to kettlebell workout programs, people have differing degrees of endurance. Hence, the frequency, pace, weight levels and repetitions will vary for every person. It is, however, often advisable to workout at least three times a week on three to six kinds of exercises at 15-30 repetitions each.

You would know if you need to increase your pace if the kettlebell starts to feel too light or if your body already experiences very minimal strain with the exercises. Should you notice significant changes in your muscle tone or weight, this is another indication that you need to increase the intensity of your program.

Kettlebell Workout Program Tip #3 Prepare Beforehand And Take Rests

Proper preparation is critcial. It is important to warm up first for 10 minutes or so before the days session. On your first session, take the time to learn the right form first.

Take breaks as part of sensible training. This is necessary to help your muscles recover and is the most basic preventive measure against serious injuries.

Breaks can be as simple as a few seconds between repetitions to skipping routines every other day. As an additional measure, if you start regularly performing then you should take a few consecutive days off from it a month.

Kettlebell Workout Program Tip #4 Sets Of Exercises Choose exercises that work on all your muscles. Though kettlebell programs can be a complete workout, for them to be so, you need to do a range of exercises. Look to target at least the 3 major muscle areas - upper, lower and core. - 17269

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Workouts for People who Travel

By Curt Joel

Workouts for Travelers

Traveling is mostly fun, however, the simple act of getting to your location-whether by plane, train, bus or car-often involves long periods of immobility. This time waiting can and will leave you tight, sore, and achy before you even get started!

To help combat potential problems associated with traveling, try these suggestions below from L. Leiber, who earned her master's degree in public health from Berkeley, and teaches Pilates in Oakland, CA.

Non-traditional Exercises

How can you combat the negative effects of waiting at the airport for your flight? Try some of these seated exercises. They'll improve your posture and help prevent fatigue.

Put your feet on the floor, just a couple inches away from each other.

Sit up on sit bones.

Tip your hips so that your pelvis is vertical.

Push your shoulders down, away from your ears.

Breathe in, and on exhalation, draw in abdominals, engaging the core. Return to this position between each seated exercise.

Figure-4 Stretching. Place an ankle on top of the other knee. Hinge your hips forward. Keep your spine neural. Hold this position for fifteen to thirty seconds and feel a stretch on the outside of your hips. Do this on the other side too.

Seated Twists (Do not do this if you have disk issues). Keeping your knees & hips to the front, then reach to one side with both hands and hold the back of your chair. Breathe in. When you exhale go farther while maintaining a tall posture. Hold stretch for ten to fifteen secs. Repeat on the other side.

Shoulder Shrugs & Rolls. Inhale and lift shoulders up to your ears. Exhale as you push your shoulders back and down, open your chest & let your shoulder blades move together. Continue to push your shoulders down and back. Repeat this exercise three to five times.

Neck Stretch. While your chin tucked in slightly, let your right ear push down to your right shoulder. Hold this for three to four breaths, then let the weight of head stretch other side of neck. Release slowly and repeat on the other side.

Rock the Baby. With right hand on left elbow and left hand on right elbow, hold folded arms out in front of chest. Draw right elbow as far as you can to the right to stretch outside of left shoulder. Draw left elbow as far as you can to the left to stretch outside of right shoulder. Repeat 2-3 times on each side.

When You Are Standing: Waiting to get passed security at the airport is the first of many times your will stand in line on your trip. Make the best use of your time with some of these exercises.

Calf Raises. With your feet side by side, slowly roll up on to the balls of your fee. Hold for a count, then return to the starting position. Repeat this exercise 10 times.

Prancing. Use same position as described above. Come to balls of feet. Lower a single heel toward the ground and be sure to keep the other heel elevated. Repeat this exercise twelve to fifteen times.

Thigh Lift. While keeping your hips level to the ground, raise your knee until your thigh is level to the ground as well. Keep your spine neutral and balance in this position for as long as possible. Repeat on the other side.

Back-Curl. While standing upright begin curling forward one section of your spine at a time until you are bent over at the waist, arms hanging forward. Be sure to keep your knees slightly bent during this exercise. Come back up to a full standing position one vertebrae at a time. Repeat 3-5X. - 17269

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Cambridge Diet Profile

By Tad Stephenson

The Cambridge Diet is a very low calorie diet that is very popular in the United Kingdom. While this eating plan hasn't caught on as heavily in the States, it still remains a viable option for the grossly overweight.

This is a weight loss plan that is only recommended for very obese individuals. This is not a "lose those last twenty pounds" type of diet. If you aren't at the highest level of obese on the BMI scale, then you shouldn't be considering the Cambridge Diet as a viable option.

Basically this eating plan is a tiered system that starts out as an extremely low calorie diet in the beginning that only allows 450-600 calories of special Cambridge Diet supplements (shakes, soups, porridge, etc). As the dieter loses more weight, more and more calories are added until the diet becomes a low calorie diet. After enough time the tiers move up to the normal calorie range of a healthy diet.

There are some very important things that must be considered before anyone should go on this diet. The first is getting help from a professional. In the UK dieters who join the Cambridge Diet program have a doctor or expert coach to check in with them weekly and make sure the dieter's health remains good.

A second major concern for many dieters looking at this eating plan is the strictness of the low calorie plan. This diet only allows a very small amount of calories per day (450-650), and because of this many dieters don't have the discipline in order to stick with it.

There is still some controversy that surrounds the Cambridge Diet. Some diet experts simply don't like the sheer low number of calories being allowed. Related to this is the question about muscle loss or losing metabolism.

Defenders of this eating plan will point out that it has been used successfully in thousands of different instances. This is a plan that is designed for the heavily obese, and a long track record of success is hard to argue with.

The Cambridge Diet is going to have its fans, and it is going to have its detractors, as well. While arguments and controversy might continue, there is little argument that this weight loss plan can work for badly overweight individuals. - 17269

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How to Buy Acai Berry Products

By Maxine Paine

Acai berry is the newest of grails in the search for nutrition. With such a focus on the little fruit, figuring out where to buy acai berry products isnt easy. It seems like everyone is ready to push their new scam on you, and you cant possibly wade through all the offers around.

Traditionally used as much for its hearts and leaves, the acai palm is now primarily harvested for the berrys potential benefits. Rapidly growing trees, they produce two crops of berries each year.

Research is the key when searching the Internet for acai berry products, don't be swayed by what they say just follow the research. Research on acai indicates that the berry has reasonable levels of antioxidants, fiber and numerous nutritional elements.

In some studies it is shown that some of the inflammatory enzymes associated with early cancer are to be effective in preventing the growth of experimental leukemia cells. That said, it isnt capable of defying scientific knowledge and performing all the remarkable things it is currently touted for.

If you chose to buy your acai products online use a reputable distributor. If what their claiming seems to be too good to be true, it's probably not worth your time. Acai stands quite well on its own abilities. This is not the way to instantaneous slenderness, nor should it be seen as any specific type of medicine.

It is a good supplement for a healthy diet and has many beneficial components. Locate a website that is honest, and will tell you specifically what is contained in their products and also that have a flexible customer service policy.

Ask what percentage of the product comes from the acai berry and find out how it was processed. Why pay for 5% acai juice suspended in blueberry juice? You arent going to get the benefits of acai. Taking the time to research your provider will give you peace of mind and help ensure your satisfaction with your purchase. - 17269

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Washington, DC Fitness Coach Tells You Why You Should Not Be Doing Crunches

By Josef Brandenburg

Crunches are not very helpful when it comes to getting those washboard abs you have always wanted. That's what a Washington, DC fitness coach who knows what he's talking about will tell you. It would serve you well to take that advice rather than do crunches just because everyone else does even if they do not see results.

Why shouldn't you be doing crunches? You may have heard that crunches and other abdominal workouts will help you to get that flat stomach and tight midsection you are after. But, there are several reasons why this will not work for you.

1. Crunches are not going to make you look better. The problem with most midsections is that there is too much stored flat lying on top of the abdominal muscles. That four, six or eight pack of abs are under there, you have them already. The problem is that you have fat on top of them. So, instead of crunches, invest in a strong fat loss program first and foremost.

2. Most people are not aware of the fact that these crunches can have a negative impact on your posture. While doing crunches, your head is bent forward while your shoulders and rib cage moves forward towards the pelvis resulting in your spine bending forward completely.

3. Crunches can cause harm to your back as well. This position is surely not very comfortable as there is no support for your back. A fitness coach from Washington, DC can guide you on losing weight along with providing proper protection and support to your back.

What do you need to do?

As mentioned, the first step is to start working a fat loss program. A good Washington, DC fitness coach is available to help you to accomplish these goals. When you work to burn off that fat, you allow your abs to actually shine right on through, without the use of any type of crunch.

Your internal weight belt also needs to be taken into consideration. In case you don't know what that is, your internal weight belt is made up of the muscles that support your lower back as they tighten inwards when you are moving or lifting. Properly functioning core muscles ensures that your weight belt turns on automatically when needed whether you think about it or not. A fat belly is the result of weak muscles.

The way to the flat abs you have always wanted, is certainly not through crunches but through strengthening you core muscles and getting rid of that extra layer of fat that keeps your abs hidden with the help of your Washington, DC fitness coach who can help you create an effective weight loss plan. - 17269

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Losing Weight With Exercise: Some Truly Effective Pointers

By April Kerr

There are literally thousands of weight loss exercise plans on the market that claim to burn your calories faster than any other weight loss program. However, there are various key fundamentals that can set one weight loss exercise program apart from another. While every body responds to various exercise routines differently there are a quantity of basics that you should look for.

Not surprisingly, you want to try to have a good time while putting in a daily workout. The more enjoyment you can have the more often you will approach your weight loss exercise program with verve.

Your body is different from the bodies of everyone else about you. What may be an effective weight loss exercise program for your best friend or your sister may or may not be an efficient method to burn off some of your own weight. There are those bodies that respond very well to aerobic exercise while there are others that are much more responsive to resistance based exercises.

Either way, any exercise is going to be more effectual than no exercise at all. When you first develop your plan to lose weight, keep in mind that you have to do a good job at controlling the foods that you put into your body while furthermore adjusting and tuning your work out program so that you can make it more effective.

Keep in mind that in the majority of cases you did not gain the weight overnight and thus you will not lose the weight overnight. Changes in weight can be more visible (and seem like they are literally overnight) for individuals who were once victims of eating disorders and have a permanently changed metabolism, but most individuals will observe slow gains and losses.

Increasing your workout energy is the ideal way to increase your workout results. Although, utilizing an effective workout is also of primary significance. The body is a complex and elaborate machine that can be fine tuned or permitted to continually decrease its state of tuning. Each step you make toward fine tuning is a step toward making the most out of any exercise weight loss plan.

For any plan that gives you a variety of losing weight exercises, you may well desire to alter it to the way your body begins to react. In the event that you observe extraordinary results from the cardio you might wish to fine tune how often you do the cardio vs. the weight or resistance training. The majority of people discover that the results that they are really looking for come from the weight or resistance training, however your body is unique and you need to find what works greatest for you. - 17269

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Weight Loss And The Mind

By Clayton Horne

Weight Loss remains one of the hardest goals to achieve. Often, many give up after they try and do not see the results that they want. Some of the people try to lose weight again, while their are others that do not return to the scene of dieting again. Setting a goal and working towards that is one of the hardest things to do, but important for success.

Having a goal give you something to work towards. Additionally, you have something to be committed to. With the two factors together, you give yourself a better recipe for reaching your goal.

How many times have you heard it said that you have to lose weight slow if you want to keep it off forever? There may be some smudge of truth to this, but usually it is because those achieve rapid weight loss do not stop along the way to deal with emotional issues and mental blocks that are a natural part of the process.

Exercise and diet remain, two of the most important things in regards to losing weight. Many kinds of programs that offer you the chance to not have to do either are false. Today, there is not a lack of items that a person can find on the diet market.

Having the support of friends and family increases the likeliness that you will have success with losing weight. Miracle diets only exist when a person commits to doing the things that are right for success. Calories are one of the biggest factors and essentially one that you must burn and reduce in your diet and exercise.

Find out the best way to lose weight, be your doctor and this article. Your doctor can help you to achieve a healthy way to your goal. Other resources on the internet will also provide some useful information as well.

Further, some of the biggest pitfalls that lead to people gaining weight back are caused by emotional problems not being handled.

So, what do you need to get that body you ultimately want? A miracle diet? That is the common misperception in today's society. While a miracle would definitely help, you have everything you need to lose the weight already within your own hands.

It is true that you need to consume fewer calories than you burn off in order to really lose weight, but you also need mental focus and complete dedication to making changes in your life. Without this piece to the puzzle, very few people can lose weight and keep it off, even with a miracle diet on their side.

A focused plan and pure commitment can speed up the process. It doesn't have to take months or years to get the weight off.

Essentially, the program that you choose should go along with you as a person and the lifestyle that you live in order for you to have the most success. For this reason, you should make sure to research the different options that are available, before going through with any program. - 17269

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The Truth Behind Slim Arms And Trans Fats

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

By now you probably know that so called healthy fats help you burn arm fat. But did you know that one type of fat is responsible for an abnormally high amount of deaths every year? Which one is it you ask? Trans fatty acids.

How was this killer born? Well, during the 1900's a couple chemists figured out that hydrogenation extended the shelf life of vegetable oils. Too bad they didn't know how much damage their new discovery would cause.

Trans fats became the single nutrient responsible for the highest amount of annual deaths in the United States.

Trans fats mess up your cellular machinery so much that getting slim and thin arms is virtually impossible if they're in your diet. I don't care how hard you train.

And here are 4 more reasons to stay away from these Franken fats:

1. They are responsible for tens of thousands of deaths every year. How many? According to the most conservative estimates from Harvard University, about 30,000. Think about that for a minute. A single nutrient is responsible for tens of thousands of deaths every single year. Mind boggling.

2. No amount of consumption is ok. Food industry buffs say it's ok to have a little in your diet. But the brightest minds from Harvard and Stanford say that no level of intake is safe. I think you should listen to the academics

3. They increase triglyceride levels. Triglycerides are the storage form of arm fat within your body. Do you think increasing their level will help you get thin and slim arms? Absolutely not!

4. They increase the worst type of LDL. Not all cholesterol is created equal. And trans fatty acids increase the worst kind: dense LDL particles. So if you want slim arms please stay away from the Franken fat.

Now the purpose of this article is NOT to scare you. I believe that too many health experts have hopped onto the "lets scare them into buying our product" bandwagon. I simply want to inform you about how bad trans fats are. Not only will they prevent you from getting slim and thin arms, but they will also decrease your quality of life more so than any other nutrient on the planet. - 17269

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How To Build Up Muscle: Work Smarter Not Harder When Learning How To Build Up Muscle

By Henry Bantista

Remember the guy who took his girlfriend to the beach and got his girlfriend taken from him and sand kicked in his face by the body building bully? Perhaps you are that guy, or perhaps you just want to build up a little more bulk, well in order to learn how to build up muscles you must keep a very basic rule in mind. You get better results by working smart than you do by working hard.

Sure you wish you looked like those muscle heads in the gym, you know the guy with biceps bigger than their heads. Well you must keep in mind that these guys did not get this way over night, it took them years of work to get where they are. Another thing to keep in mind is that chances are these guys are genetically gifted.

The superstars of bodybuilding are the exception. They are all genetic super-humans who have been gifted with a genetic make-up that is unlike mine and yours. This is not to say that they have not worked hard to get where they are. It is obvious they have, but to expect to build up muscle mass like they have is in most cases not practical.

Most likely your genetic make-up is different than most of these guys. This does not mean you cannot gain muscle and improve your current physical condition, but chances are you won't look like these guys and if you do, it won't happen overnight.

So once you have committed yourself to your goal to build up muscle, you must join the local gym or purchase the necessary equipment from a sporting goods store. Once you have your equipment you should consult a certified trainer to help you initiate a program that is safe and smart.

If you have joined a gym the one of the best things you can do is seek the council of a certified trainer. Many gyms have trainers that can assist you to create a program that is designed with your physique in mind. The first thing a good trainer will teach you is to work in moderation.

With the help of your trainer gradually work into a program. Do not attempt to be superman. A smart program focuses on the areas that are of the most concern such as arms and back, or chest and shoulders. A knowledgeable trainer will have the experience to know how to create a program that you will receive results from. These results will motivate you to return to the gym. A program that overdoes it can be the fastest way to give up. If you do not stick to a regular schedule of work outs you cannot expect to see results.

Once you have a program designed for you, stick to it, do not attempt to over work yourself. Working smart and sticking with a program that improves gradually is how to build up muscle. By doing this you will be able to maintain the workout program on a regular basis. It makes no sense to workout hard then not be able to get back into the gym for a week or more. A weight training program is no good if you won't stick with it. By overdoing you can find that you have injured yourself. Throwing out your back is not how to build up muscle. So the first thing you should keep in mind when starting a weight lifting program is to be safe, do all training with moderation and workout smart. - 17269

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How to Choose Between Soya Protein and Milk Whey Protein

By Cole Jeremiah

We all know that it is good for us to eat a balanced diet with all the food groups and to exercise regularly, but with society these days, everyone is on the go. It is hard to get all the protein and vitamins and minerals we need to keep us healthy and active. If this sounds like you, you may benefit from trying soy protein shakes. They provide needed protein as well as vitamins and minerals you need every day, plus they are easy to take on the go for your very busy schedule. They may be good for your heart as well as your whole body too.

With the current emphasis on heart health and getting in shape, many people are buying gym memberships, working out, and buying nutritional supplements to aid in overall nutrition. Also the constant remainders flung out at us from every source of media, magazines, television, the Internet, are all the resources and products available to help us remain forever young. One of the increasingly popular products is protein powder.

Soy protein comes from plants. It can be used by people who are allergic to milk products or who are lactose intolerant. One of the properties of soy protein is that it increases the nutritional value of other foods that you are eating. Including soy protein as part of your diet will help to reduce your risk of heart disease. Since 1999, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has allowed food producers to include this information on their packaging. This helpful information will help you make good choices when it comes to your diet.

If you are trying to lose weight yet you do not want to completely close yourself off of the foods that you love the most, you may want to consider soy protein as a suitable alternative. Soy is something that has many uses today, and you can find soy in just about any form that can represent a food that is fattening. Many cultures have jumped on the health plan when it comes to soy and its benefits, and it has been only recently that North America has found its true benefits.

Almost all of the food processed in the US contains soy and/or soy protein. Soy protein (concentrated soy) is used to extend meat, emulsify food, and as a thickener. These uses have transformed the food industry. Food that never contained soy protein -- smoothies, ice cream, frozen potatoes, and baked goods -- may contain it now. - 17269

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Get Rid Of Fat Arms With Advanced Nutrition-In the Morning!

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

Nutrition for getting sexy arms isn't too complex. Especially if you ignore all the fads.

However, there are certain situations when basic nutrition just won't do-some advanced techniques are called for.

One such scenario is when you exercise very early in the day. This one is tricky because your body has been breaking down all night in the starved state.

Thus, without further ado, here are some tips for early morning workout nutrition:

1. Drink water before anything else. You have to rehydrate your dehydrated body ASAP. You also need to drink enough water so that you can digest breakfast.

2. If you're going to exercise 3 hours after waking up. Have a full breakfast with food items from the following groups: protein, carbohydrates, fat and vegetables. This is the schedule I personally recommend.

3. When the workout is 1 hour upon waking. You need some carbs and some fat to slow down the digestion of the carbs. A good choice here would be a peanut butter sandwich. And make sure the bread is whole grain, no high fructose corn syrup allowed!

4. Exercising 10 minutes after rising. You are going to need some liquid or gel-like carbohydrates here. You could have a supplement like power gel for Gu. Or you could make your own shake with maltodextrin or dextrose and casein protein. It's essential you have fast digesting carbs before exercising so that you don't black out. Blacking out is not worth it no matter how badly you want sexy arms!

It's very difficult for your body to digest food within 10 minutes before working out. I strongly recommend you do NOT follow this type of routine. Strive for at least 30 minutes between eating breakfast and exercising. This is the BARE minimum needed for somewhat proper digestion. And remember that working out earlier in the day is the best thing you can do to get sexy arms! - 17269

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Acai Berry Success Stories: Fact or Fiction?

By Travis Van Slooten

You may have heard incredible acai berry success stories about people losing a pound a day or shedding those tough last five pounds before they hit their goal weight. But many people are still left wondering if acai berry really does have any sufficient benefit when it comes to losing weight. In order to glean the truth from these stories of miracle weight loss due to these supplements, you have to look deeper into what they do for you. Once you know that, you'll see the difference between the truth and the exaggeration when it comes to some of the acai berry diet tales out there.

First of all, it?s important that you get this fact: acai berry alone will not bring about weight loss. There simply isn?t any medical evidence to support this. So if you use the stairs instead of the elevator for instance, and yet continue to munch on chips for snacks, then you shouldn?t put too much stock on what acai berry can do to help you lose weight. The best you can expect from acai in this case would be getting all the nutritional benefits that your body needs. As for weight loss, it also takes a healthy diet and exercise to successfully achieve it.

Think of your body as a car (this may not seem too attractive for some people, but try it just this once for the sake of illustration); under normal conditions, your car runs pretty well: nothing too impressive, but it gets you to the office on time without too many hitches. Now imagine if you were to mix in some high-power rocket fuel with the unleaded gas one morning; you?d be flying down the road! This is, basically, what acai berry does for your weight-loss program: it acts as a turbocharger for your body. But you still have to put in some effort; you still have to give your engine tune-ups and change the oil every once in a while. And you still have to eat healthy, exercise regularly, and get plenty of rest. This is the true story behind the magic of acai berry.

So what exactly is it that makes acai berry so special? The secret lies in the nutritional properties of the berry itself. The acai berry is rich in essential omega fatty acids, protein, and fiber. Proteins are essential to any successful weight-loss program, as they are the building blocks of muscle tissue, and muscle is what burns fat. And a diet rich in fiber helps maintain a healthy digestive system, which is always a good idea, especially if you?re trying to lose weight.

Once you understand what these supplements actually do, you can see why people have had so much success with them. While you certainly cannot expect to pop a few pills and suddenly lose weight, you can add a healthy boost to your diet or weight loss program by adding supplements to your regime. The real acai berry success stories are the ones that tell you honestly that diet and exercise were the key and that the supplement was just a way to take it to the next level. - 17269

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