Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Is Organic the right choice?

By Kiiera Success Group

Since organic food started to gain popularity in the late 1990s, people have been skeptical about the superiority of organics. Many people claimed that the benefits of organic over traditional products could not be proven. The truth is that there had simply not been enough testing done to prove the benefits of organic products or the drawbacks of traditionally produced food.

There have been various studies done to show the improved nutritional value of organic agriculture by analyzing the vitamin, nutrient, and mineral content of both organically and traditionally grown produce. There are significantly higher levels of various components in organic products, including:

* Chromium, prevents hardening of the arteries and type 2 diabetes * Calcium and Boron, build strong bones and prevent osteoporosis * Lithium, a common chemical in antidepressants and mood stabilizers * Salicylic acid, an anti-inflammatory which can prevent heart disease * Antioxidants, protect cells from damage * Magnesium, helps prevent death during a heart attack * Selenium, helps prevent heart disease and certain cancers * Vitamin C, builds the immune system

While this list seems rather long, its not complete. While these nutrients have been found organic produce, they arent the only ones. This list could also get longer as more research is done about the nutrient benefits of organic food.

While its important to look at the beneficial properties of organic food, we must take into account the harmful effects of traditionally grown foods to fully understand why organic food is superior. When many of the chemicals used in farming were approved, there had been little research to show whether or not these chemicals we harmful. Research has since found that most of these chemicals have negative effects on humans. Non-organic foods have been analyzed and have been found to contain harmful chemicals, heavy metals, solvents, and various hormones. Some of the conditions linked with these substances include:

* cancer * heart disease * osteoporosis * migraines * hyperactivity * decreased intelligence * impaired hearing * less growth in childhood * anemia * Alzheimers * multiple sclerosis * rheumatoid arthritis * early puberty * increase in antibiotic-resistant disease strains

Again, this list is just part of the harmful side effects of these chemicals. There are likely many more conditions to be added to this list after more research is done. Also, most of the research has been done on the affects of single chemicals, and not multiple offenders as are normally found on conventional food. While several of these chemicals have been banned, they are still present in regular and organic food. This is because they linger in the soil; some have been there for over 20 years.

While there are obviously many benefits to organic agriculture, it is not without its faults. First of all, organic products are more expensive. Depending on where you buy organic food, it could cost twice as much as regular grocery store brands. There is also concern that natural fertilizers such as plant material and manure could contain harmful organisms, such as e coli. Although this can be rare it can also make consumers very sick.

Even with the drawbacks, organic food production is proving to be much safer for consumption than other foods available. Along with the health benefits, organic agricultural practices also benefit the environment; keeping it viable for years to come. - 17269

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Is Organic the right choice?

By Kiiera Success Group

Since organic food started to gain popularity in the late 1990s, people have been skeptical about the superiority of organics. Many people claimed that the benefits of organic over traditional products could not be proven. The truth is that there had simply not been enough testing done to prove the benefits of organic products or the drawbacks of traditionally produced food.

There have been various studies done to show the improved nutritional value of organic agriculture by analyzing the vitamin, nutrient, and mineral content of both organically and traditionally grown produce. There are significantly higher levels of various components in organic products, including:

* Chromium, prevents hardening of the arteries and type 2 diabetes * Calcium and Boron, build strong bones and prevent osteoporosis * Lithium, a common chemical in antidepressants and mood stabilizers * Salicylic acid, an anti-inflammatory which can prevent heart disease * Antioxidants, protect cells from damage * Magnesium, helps prevent death during a heart attack * Selenium, helps prevent heart disease and certain cancers * Vitamin C, builds the immune system

While this list seems rather long, its not complete. While these nutrients have been found organic produce, they arent the only ones. This list could also get longer as more research is done about the nutrient benefits of organic food.

While its important to look at the beneficial properties of organic food, we must take into account the harmful effects of traditionally grown foods to fully understand why organic food is superior. When many of the chemicals used in farming were approved, there had been little research to show whether or not these chemicals we harmful. Research has since found that most of these chemicals have negative effects on humans. Non-organic foods have been analyzed and have been found to contain harmful chemicals, heavy metals, solvents, and various hormones. Some of the conditions linked with these substances include:

* cancer * heart disease * osteoporosis * migraines * hyperactivity * decreased intelligence * impaired hearing * less growth in childhood * anemia * Alzheimers * multiple sclerosis * rheumatoid arthritis * early puberty * increase in antibiotic-resistant disease strains

Again, this list is just part of the harmful side effects of these chemicals. There are likely many more conditions to be added to this list after more research is done. Also, most of the research has been done on the affects of single chemicals, and not multiple offenders as are normally found on conventional food. While several of these chemicals have been banned, they are still present in regular and organic food. This is because they linger in the soil; some have been there for over 20 years.

While there are obviously many benefits to organic agriculture, it is not without its faults. First of all, organic products are more expensive. Depending on where you buy organic food, it could cost twice as much as regular grocery store brands. There is also concern that natural fertilizers such as plant material and manure could contain harmful organisms, such as e coli. Although this can be rare it can also make consumers very sick.

Even with the drawbacks, organic food production is proving to be much safer for consumption than other foods available. Along with the health benefits, organic agricultural practices also benefit the environment; keeping it viable for years to come. - 17269

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Best Bodybuilding Diet

By Wakelin Smith

Eating to build muscle is an important part of your bodybuilding program. Eating food that helps build muscle will ensure that you are not wasting all that hard work you are doing in the gym.

Working your muscles utilizes considerable energy. So what happens if you fail to eat the right type of food to build muscle mass? It will take longer to build muscle, and it may even prevent effect muscle building altogether once you reach a certain point.

A diet that is low in fat goes without saying with any serious bodybuilder. Protein provides the building blocks to build that muscle. What types of protein are best? Chicken, eggs, steak (with the fat cut off), fish, cheese (especially cottage cheese), and nuts are all great sources of protein.

There is an optimum amount of protein that your body needs for building muscle effectively. Do you know your lean body mass weight? Yes? Great! If you do not know your lean body mass weight, you will need to apply one of the formulas that calculate this.

Foods that build muscle include carbohydrates. So long as the carbohydrates you ingest include plenty of fibre, carbs will contribute to building muscle mass ? not body fat. Great carbohydrate based foods include rice, oatmeal, bananas and other types of fruit such as apples and pears.

Reducing fat in your diet is also important when considering what foods build muscle mass. I said earlier that protein is essential for the best muscle building nutrition. The problem is that many protein sources are also high in fat. The key, therefore, is to eating plenty of proteins that are low in fat. So cut all the fat off your meat, and the skin off your chicken, and drink low fat milk instead of the full fat variety.

Drinking sufficient water with your meals, between meals, and while you are working out is also very important. Two litres of water a day is what most experts recommend to maintain optimal health. Regular bodybuilding workouts are also essential to maximise the effects of good bodybuilding diets.

Finally, and perhaps most importantly, do not fall into the trap of believing that if you eat a bodybuilding diet you can slack off with your physical training and still build the body you want. Foods that build muscle will definitely help, but you will need to do the work as well. - 17269

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Should you believe those bodybuilding magazines?

By Jon Cardozo

Building muscle can often be a difficult and confusing task, since there's so much conflicting information out there. Naturally, someone starting out often looks for the perfect guide to building that muscular physique.

For better or worse, many who are new to the world of bodybuilding find themselves turning to bodybuilding magazines. This might inspire new trainees by seeing others who have accomplished their muscle building goals.

Though the pictures can be intimidating sometimes, many novice bodybuilders find the magazines exciting and take much of the information to heart. This can cause a major problem when it comes to choosing supplements to help build muscle. Did you know that many magazines actually own or are owned by supplement companies?

Even when there is no direct affiliation between the magazine and the companies advertising their supplement products, there still seems to be a conflict of interest since the magazines rely on these advertisers. Advertisements, along with subscription fees, are how magazine companies make their money after all.

Is this really a recipe for disaster when it comes to muscle building? Well, I wouldn't be so concerned if beginners weren't so eager to deduct every bit of advice found in these magazines. If you approach the magazines and their claims about supplements with caution (and maybe just a bit of cynicism) you'll be much less likely to waste your money.

Most supplements are not helpful. The few that are only make a difference if you're an advanced weightlifter who has maximized his training regimens and nutrition.

The truth is that supplements are not really a magic bullet for building muscle. If you are more advanced in your weightlifting efforts, then it is possible to give yourself a slight edge with a few useful supplements. Otherwise, don't even bother until you've mastered the basics of weight training and nutrition.

How do you learn these fundamentals of muscle building? Well, hiring a personal trainer can be pretty expensive, so that may not be the best option for you. Nevertheless, there are some good courses online that can teach you what it takes to build muscle naturally. - 17269

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Truth About Abs Review - Ab Building Program Revealed

By Thomas Moore

Have you been looking for ab workout programs for some time now however up to this very moment haven't yet owned even one? With a dozen of ab workout programs you'll see online, you may really find it tough to choose and have one for yourself.

Well, it may be just you're lucky day today as you've landed on the right place. Here we'll be naming names of the ab workout programs that we find to be really great and effective. Finally pick one.

Our 3 Great Picks:

#1 : Truth About Abs

Winning the first spot is the Truth About Abs. It has been one of the most popular ab workout programs in the market and has been one of the few programs proven to be effective. It is so distinct as it doesn't give serious focus to stomach muscles, like most programs do. Mainly, it deals with complete body workouts and a way of life diet.

Ab-Building Ability:

No doubt, Truth About Abs has the ability to eliminate your stubborn belly fat and grant you leaner body with six pack abs. Workout program has the #1 ultimate hard-body exercise and unique workout ideas to share to you. Not to mention that it also has list of the right kind of foods and fastest fat-burning foods to eat that surely will be of great help to you in achieving better-looking body.

Ease of Use:

With Truth About Abs, you'll be in better shape the simple way. No need to do so tiring yet ineffective ab exercises like crunches and sit-ups or even do those boring repetitive cardio exercise routines. No need for you as well to take those "extreme fat burner" pills and other misleading supplements that surely will just waste your money and time. With Truth About Abs, all you need to do is to regularly do complete body workouts, eat healthy, non-fattening foods, and live healthy lifestyle.

Customer Service:

Customer service of Truth About Abs is just so good. Inquiries and concerns are welcomed, and are most likely answered within a day. Answers are believed to be always complete.

#2 :Your Six Pack Quest

Your Six Pack Quest is just right on the second spot. Basically, it aims to help people who have been wanting to lose excess belly fat and get flat, perfect abs. This workout program is unique, extending some videos and ebooks which emphasize possible role of physical fitness, nutrition and motivation to achieving body in better form.

Ab-Building Ability:

With the program covering aspects of effective weight loss and toning process, it surely can give you six pack abs. It also has detailed meal plans of different calorie amounts and kinds including a vegetarian meal-plan ebook, a virtual trainer software, and workout materials that can all help in lessening belly fat build up in you.

Ease of Use:

Your Six Pack Quest isn't an easy program to follow. Thus, if you're looking for program that is not complicated to follow, or can be use simply, then this might not be the program for you.

Customer Service:

Customer service of Your Six Pack Quest can be reached via email and can answer inquiries related to the program within 48 hours.

#3 : Combat Core Strength

Combat Core Strength is a not so popular yet very effective program. It has a lot of unique exercises that could help you build lean muscle and get ripped abs. This program is great and a must have.

Ab-Building Ability:

Although it has the ability to give you abs, Combat Core Strength is actually not a program packaged as a "six pack abs" program. Its main focus is on giving you "core" strength and full, healthy body.

Ease of Use:

Some of the exercises in the Combat Core Strength program are not that easy to perform, thus, they have been believed to be perfect for serious professionals. But this doesn't mean that average individuals can't anymore try the program, they may even benefit more from the program just as long as they are determined to have better body in better form.

Customer Service:

Customer service of Combat Core Strength attends to customer concerns through email, one of the common means of communication. - 17269

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