Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Monday, March 23, 2009

The Food Lover's Guide to Weight Loss

By Barbara Vinciguerra, MS, Fitness Nutrition Coach, Performance Enhancement Specialist

Losing weight doesn't require that you give up your love of food-in fact, healthy weight loss encourages great eating. And that is good news for you, beloved food lover. Great eating means never going hungry and never feeling deprived. Sound good? Read on for the simple guidelines to great eating that result in healthy and long term weight loss.

4 Weight Loss Tips to Live and Lose By 1. Eat at least five times a day at regular intervals 2. Eat 4 oz of lean protein at least twice a day 3. Fill two-thirds of your plate with vegetables and fruit 4. Make every calorie count, this means every bite should pack protein, fiber and fat.

Ten Ways to Dining Out Without Blowing It 1. Don't indulge in bread before your meal arrives 2. Substitute your fries for a side salad, fruit or a baked potato 3. Forgo your soda pop for a tall glass of ice water or tea 4. Instead of burgers, hot dogs and sausages choose sandwiches, subs, salads and lean meats 5. Always order your dressing on the side in order to regulate the amount that you use 6. Put half of your meal in a to go box before you start eating 7. Don't order food that is made with creamy bases, such as white sauce 8. You don't have to clean your plate! If you are full then stop eating 9. Eat your vegetables firstrather than last 10. If it's fried then don't order it

10 Ways to Dining Out without Pigging Out 1. Don't indulge in bread before your meal arrives 2. Substitute your fries for a side salad, fruit or a baked potato 3. Forgo your soda pop for a tall glass of ice water or tea 4. Instead of burgers, hot dogs and sausages choose sandwiches, subs, salads and lean meats 5. Always order your dressing on the side in order to regulate the amount that you use 6. Put half of your meal in a to go box before you start eating 7. Don't order food that is made with creamy bases, such as white sauce 8. You don't have to clean your plate! If you are full then stop eating 9. Eat your vegetables firstrather than last 10. If it's fried then don't order it

Visit www.90dayshapeup.com to learn more about losing weight successfully without "dieting". - 17269

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No Regulation on Green Lipped Mussel Extracts

By Paul J. Easton

With the quantity of lipids and other nutrients discovered naturally in this marine animal, a lot of health specialists consider this extract can be a powerful anti-inflammatory cure in a non-synthetic form. The extract from green lipped mussels was first as another healthy alternative similar to fish oils - both of which are loaded in the essential fatty acid, omega-3. Along with the mussels' omega-3s, extract of the seafood also contains iron, betain, and chondroitin sulphate and all of these substances are generalized to feature an anti-inflammatory or other healing result on the body.

Extracts from green lipped mussels are uniquely supplied only from a small number of New Zealand marine stations. Price is one major factor when considering green mussels as they are only accessible in New Zealand. There are a few licensed marine farms which can issue the product and that make these supplements moderately pricy.

Not all green lipped mussel extracts in the market are equal. Any company which calls for to be competent to provide the same level of quality of extract at lower prices is just offering lower quality ones. They commercialize the compound which carries far fewer lipids by packaging the powder left over after lipid removal, which is less impressive in treating inflammation problems.

The New Zealand Mussel Industry Council (NZMIC) does not deliver a mandated definition which determines the necessary components to call the product natural green lipped mussel extract. Without the proper regulation with green lipped mussel extracts, this results in companies out there to sell a nutraceutical holding below acceptable standard omega-3 to treat arthritic inflammation effectively.

It is ensured nevertheless that most products branded as green mussel extract do contain the natural nutrient profile of the animal in their labels as of the moment. Customers should carefully analyze the label on the bottle. And only deal with a reputable company when purchasing green mussel extract as a health supplement.

Nz Pure Health is a specialist in New Zealand Green Mussels as a natural dietary supplement. Green Lipped Mussel Capsules have been growingly popular as a great way to combat joint pain, learn more details at NZ Pure Health Natural Anti Inflammatory cures.

For more free information about natural remedies and cures, check out this Natural Cures blog. As mentioned, Green Lipped Mussels are found effective as natural treatment to arthritic pains, log on to treatment arthritis. - 17269

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The Slimming Affect of the Recession - Wrong!

By Alex Strength

Many people are feeling the pinch of the recession. Those that arent are hunkering down expecting the current lull to last a very long time. The fact is that there are just so many things to worry about now that sometimes people forget that their health is still something that they should be wary off. There is no point in worrying about you finances, childrens education etc while neglecting something as basic as your own health.

A recent article in a popular weight loss magazine states that the American society is the most obese in the world and has some of the highest rates of heart disease that can be directly attributed to being obese. This is even before the public knew of the pending recession. Strangely enough, with the looming recession and people cutting back on their spending for food, initial reports have indicated that even more people are graduating to the obese category and more people are suffering from heart disease. This is in sharp contrast to what normally happens to less developed nations. When suffering from financial distress they normally would suffer from malnutrition and instead start losing weight.

The main reason for this is the pricing of foods in the U.S is quite different to the normal pricing structure of foods in less developed countries. Foods that contain protein and fats are actually priced cheaper than greens and common vegetables. In most farming societies and third world countries vegetables and normal carbohydrate foods are much cheaper than proteins from animals. The U.S imbalance of food pricing has stemmed from the industrial farming practices over the many years of access that has led to great savings from the scale increases in farming over the years. Demand for animal protein was so great that somewhere in the 1970s the price of meats became cheaper than the price of vegetables and common stables like bread and potatoes.

It is this imbalance of nutrients that has made Americans obese over the years. The affects of this imbalance are even worst in these recessionary times as people are forced to consume foods that are cheaper. Those in financial distress will opt for off-cuts of meat which are extremely fatty and unhealthy. Vegetables, especially fresh ones are quite a bit more expensive compared to meats thus the distressed will rely on meats and carbohydrate diets that are extremely bad for them in the attempt to save money.

This is made even worst with the abundance of fast food restaurants and diners which offer foods at very cheap prices. Although suitably cheap for those in distress the long term affects of eating foods like these are a very sharp deterioration of health and a much higher incidence of heart disease. In addition to the over abundance of animal fats and proteins in their diet they also suffer from a lack of important fresh green vegetables which can provide very important nutrients, vitamins and anti-oxidants.

Even if you are in a tight bind financially, there is no reason to not eat properly. You should still try to find the leaner cuts of meat along with the appropriate quantity of vegetables for your diet. To get cheaper greens, you should visit farmer markets in the early mornings to get the freshest reasonably priced vegetables, supermarkets just cant offer the price and quality that that they can. You should also look for your meats in smaller butchers who might not be able to get you the best prices but can certainly offer leaner cuts of meats which werent able to be sold before their freshest before date.

The main idea when choosing a healthy diet on a budget is to shop carefully and know where to get your produce. Never cut corners by going to fast food outlets regularly and never go to the supermarket hoping to get nutritious foods at bargain basement prices. The worst thing you can do is to turn to canned foods which are even worst for you health. You will just have to spend that little bit more time in searching for the best deals that you can cook yourself in order to maintain your familys health. - 17269

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The Skinny on All Natural Weight Loss Pills

By Anna Sleuth

If you have to ask why someone would ever add all natural weight loss pills to their diet, then you seriously need to open your eyes my friend and check out the local press lately on all the outbreaks of obesity there is now.

Times have changed from the rationing times of the 2 world wars and food is in abundance now, as can be seen by the gigantic portion sizes shovelled onto our plates these days. On top of this, the food we eat is completely greasy and fool of butter now - it's revolting.

But before you admit defeat, head to Burger King, and accept obesity gracefully (if this is possible), there are some measures you can take to stop it in it's tracks. Eat smaller, healthier portions, and start taking all natural weight loss pills with a glass of water before each meal.

Do They Work?

Well most all natural weight loss pills help the digestive system so that less of your food is stored as fat. And they are also very convenient as they can always be found in the health food section of your local supermarket.

Expect some fast weight loss results too. All natural weight loss pills have been documented as being one of the quickest weight loss strategies currently on the market.

Don't be restricted to what you find in the supermarkets however, there is a plethora of all natural weight loss options out there on the world wide web for to take a look at and review. But if you find something on the internet that you think looks quite good and will work for you, then you must print it out or write it down and show your doctor.

Your doctor will be able to research the all natural weight loss pills that you've found on the internet and tell you whether you should be taking this type of pill or not.

Your doctor will probably also say, that as well as taking your all natural weight loss pills responsibly, that you should clean up your diet and start to exercise more to get the full effect of the pills.

By drinking plenty of water (to flush out toxins), eating clean foods like wholemeal breads and fruit & veg, you will allow the all natural weight loss pills to have the desired affect you are after - looking thinner. - 17269

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Back Pain Exercises - Don't Live With Back Pain!

By Paul Shwartz

Everyone usually complains of pains in the back which is why it is one of the top reasons why many citizens of the United States file for leave of absence. You would definitely not be able to work while you are suffering from back pains. Most cases of back pains are hard to diagnose and it is always painful for people when back pain attacks. But there are several ways to endure and to fight the attacks of back pains. You can do some exercises that will help you lessen the pain and you can also use some products to help your back while you do the exercises for your back pains.

There are a variety of causes of back pain. Muscle strains are the most common cause. Muscle strains can be caused by lifting something heavy the wrong way, or maybe twisting your back during exercise. The strain comes from inflammation of the muscles around the spine, and the inflammation is also what causes the pain. Another cause of back pain could be a herniated disc, also known as a rupture disc. When a disc is herniated, the cushion between the vertebrae is pushed outside where it normally sits. This leads to the spinal nerves and cord getting pinched, leading to pain and sometimes numbness in the back, legs, or feet.

One product that can help you resolve this painful problem is the Back2Life Complete Back Pain Relief System. This system is an option available for the relief of back pains. This is done with back exercises for pain. Just lay your back on a flat surface and your knees up on your front as if you are sitting on a chair. Follow the movements of the machine and let it relax your muscles to lessen the tightness and ease your back pains.

Another product that can help you to ease the back pain is the Ironman Gravity 1000 Inversion Table. This is a table designed to counteract the injuries and its effects while doing the exercises. You can use this by laying on it with your back on the table. It works on your back pains because the table is tilted making your head lower than your feet when lying down. The effect of this system is that, the gravity pulls the body muscle to lessen the tightness of the muscle and ease out the pain in your back.

The last product is the Back Bubble Back Pain Relief Traction Device. This device uses an inflatable bubble and needs you to do some yoga poses to make your back muscles stretched out and your lumbar spine decompressed. The inflated bubble will align your spine so that your back will get some relief from pains and your muscles will be strengthened in conjunction with the movements.

No one should have to live with back pain. Fortunately, there are solutions to help relieve back pain with simple exercises. Three options for exercises for back pain are the Back2Life Complete Back Pain Relief System, the Iron man Gravity 1000 Inversion Table, and the Back Bubble Back Pain Relief Traction Device. With the easy exercises associated with each of these devices, you can find relief from your back pain, and get back to your life. - 17269

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Benefits of Noni Juice

By Danny Pleasanton

The scientific name for Noni is Morinda Citrifolia. It is also known as Moringa and Indian Mulberry. It is native to Hawaii and grows in the form of a tree in this area, as well as all tropical islands in the pacific. In other areas where it is known to grow, it will only grow in the form of a short shrub, although in dark volcanic soil it is known to reach as high as 20 feet tall. The noni tree grows best in the lava-ash laden soil of Hawaii and Tahiti, where these trees bloom all year long.

There is not one part of this tree that cannot be used. The fruit is good for you in many ways, both cooked or raw. The seeds are good for replanting and roasting and the tree bark and leaves are crushed and used in herbal and natural remedies.

Noni Juice has become very popular on the market today. Many health food stores and outlets stock noni products all the time. You can order them through many distributors online as well. Don't be alarmed that you usually find it mixed with other fruit juices; the noni fruit on it's own wouldn't likely taste palatable enough for you to drink. Noni Juice has the 9 essential amino acids that the FDA has suggested are essential for healthy bodies. It also has 8 other amino acids. Essential fatty acids that work well for healthy skin, nerve and blood cells can also be found in Noni Juice.

Destruction of free radicals and cancer prevention are front runners in health concerns today. Glycosides are important in the fight against both of these destructive forces. Citrus fruits and juices contain Limonene which is responsible for cancer fighting agents.

Nitric Oxide is also contained in Noni Juice, and it is well proven to assist many different parts of our bodies including normal brain functions, blood cell health, the entire immune system, our lungs and airways, and even healthy heart functioning. In fact, Nitric Oxide is considered to be one of the most important substances that the body needs to heal itself and function correctly... And noni provides a more concentrated source of nitric oxide than most other food sources known.

Phytonutrients and Polysaccharides have reversing effects on pollution. They also have anti-aging effects on your skin and cells. These nutrients are also important in generating nourishment to our cells, organs and tissue. They fight free radicals and help in fighting off cancerous cells. Selenium is a trace element that is found in Noni Juice that effects the elasticity of our skin, and helps reverse the aging process by keeping oxygen flowing through our blood and preventing clotting and hypertension. Selenium amounts in our soil have been depleted in most of the civilized world, but noni juice has excellent amounts of this important mineral.

Medical researchers have come to the conclusion that the body needs extra amounts of Xeronine on a daily basis. The body is not able to absorb and store enough of this trace element to keep us functioning healthy. Noni Juice, which is the world's best source of Xeronine, has enough of this element to replenish what the body needs and loses day by day. - 17269

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The Aronia Berry: The World's Best Kept Health Secret

By William Terrance

The chokeberry tree is also known as aronia, of which family it belongs to. Aronia comes in three different types, the red (Aronia arbutifolia), the purple, (Aronia Prunifolia) and the unbelievably healthy black. (Aronia melanocarpa). Aronia is part of the Rosaceae family. The most common place to find these shrubs and trees is in North America, where they grow wild in the eastern and northern forests. Because of its pretty appearance, many gardeners and landscapers include it in their gardens.

The bitter taste of the juices from these berries is the reason it was named 'chokeberry.' Despite this, it has been used in many different countries throughout Europe for the making of wines, jams, flavoring beverages, and yogurts. Here in the US, we have only been using it (until recently) for dyeing clothes!

The chokeberry is extremely high in flavanoids, including the following phytonutrients: Cyanide3-galactoside, anthocyanin, epicatechin, caffeic acid, quercetin, delphinidin, petunidin, pelargonidin, peonidin, and malvidin. These chemicals are all flavanoids, which are also antioxidants. They are considered very effective in the prevention of diseases caused by oxidative stress such as colorectal cancer, cardiovascular disease, inflammation, peptic ulcers, eye inflammation, and liver failure.

It may be hard to believe, but even the United States department of Agriculture (USDA) has signed off on the wonders of aronia berries. In a 2007 report they published, comparing 277 common foods found in North America, they chose Black Chokeberries as the food source that has the very highest ORAC score of all! This basically means that there is no other food known to man with as high a level of antioxidants, at least not that grows in North America.

Interestingly, the early Native Americans knew all about the health and medicinal properties of the aronia berry and used it for generations in their medicinal arsenal. The early settlers never seemed to discover its many uses, however. The use of Aronia berries seemed to die out with the natives, at least on this continent. Other fruits and berries were soon pushed on us through advertising, claiming to be the prefect dietary aid and metabolism booster. Naturally, with the onslaught of all of these other fruits, the chokeberry didn't have a chance to regain the spotlight. Now it is finally gaining momentum in the popularity polls as being one of the 'superfruits,' thanks to modern methods of scientific testing.

Not only does the aronia berry have a very high level of antioxidants, it is also very rich in several other vitamins, including vitamin c, vitamin e, vitamin b2, vitamin b6 and folic acid. If you research this berry you find there are several lists of positive factors relating to this berry, including but not limited to the quantity of antioxidants, prevention of heart and cardiovascular problems, and its anti-inflammatory properties. It is also been shown to help with urinary tract health, fights bacteria and virus, aids in digestion, helps with good cholesterol, helps control blood pressure and provides essential oils for your body.

The chokeberry has been used for flavoring wines in Poland, Russia and all of Eastern Europe for centuries now, which is interesting because the plant is native to the Eastern Seaboard of the United States! It has only been used in the flavoring of desserts, beverages and wines in the US as far back as the early settlers, but is now starting to be sold in fresh form in the fruit and vegetable aisle of a few organic grocers. Since the 'berry' diet craze that started several years ago, it fits right in with all the other berries being used for boosting metabolism and losing weight. - 17269

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Crusade for the Best Female Weight Loss Supplement

By Francesca Woodborough

There could be many different reasons for why you may have decided that you need to shed some weight; health reasons, upcoming party, the new dress from your favorite clothing store, the beach scene, or maybe you are feeling the need to trim down a little.

By trying to find the best female weight loss supplement, no matter what your reasons for wanting to lose weight, you are definitely headed in the right direction to obtain your results. By not heading straight for the supermarket aisles or pharmacy and buying a weight loss supplement with the prettiest packaging, you are destined to reach your weight loss goals.

The good news is that you are not alone, many women search every day for the best female weight loss supplement available today. By demanding the best, you will have lose your weight healthily and at the appropriate rate in accordance with nutritionist recommendations.

You should know which of the many products would be the best female weight loss supplement for you. This may require you to roll up your sleeves and do a little bit of research.

A Cut Above the Rest

What makes a drug the best female weight loss supplement is one that stands the test of time and is not just a passing fad. Hoodia90 has been around for years and has had thousands of documented testimonials from men and women just like you who have shed that weight in time for summer. All the top rate women's weight loss magazines have done a piece on Hoodia90 and nearly all subjects have had varying degrees of success.

Hoodia90 is one of the best weight loss supplement for females to arrive on the scene so far. What make Hoodia90 so great? The results that women (and men) were able to reach were far better versus other weight loss supplements being tested.

The kicker is, side affects are a bare bare minimum with only slight nausea being one of them if you take too much at one time.

By the same token, Phenhermine is another weight loss supplement for women and men that is definitely worth some research. Some sources say that it works the same way as Hoodia only Phenhermine is that much stronger. Many reliable sources state that this is currently the best female weight loss supplement around.

The ingredients are very effective and almost prescription strength; and you do not need to go through your family physician to get your hands on a bottle. You certainly get more bang for your buck with Phenhermine as well, with more pills in each container than their competitors.

Also worth a look is the 850Hoodia supplement. This one has also been around a while so you should have no trouble sourcing some good weight loss supplement critiques and reviews.

The Hoodia herb is native to South Africa and is drawn from a prickly plant that resembles a small cactus. The formula used to design the 850Hoodia pill is based on careful scientific experiments and calculations so that any side effects are minimal or non-existent.

When looking for the best female weight loss supplement, it is definitely worth taking a look at some of the research surrounding the examples above in your pursuit for simple and east weight loss. - 17269

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Choosing the Best Weight Loss System for You

By Max Loser

I'm hoping that this information will help you decide on a good weight loss system. It is recommended to select a weight loss system that includes exercise as well as good diet. Many experts advise that people who are looking to lose weight should focus on a healthy and balanced diet and remain consistent.

Weight loss actually begins the very first minute you start using a weight loss system. A powerful weight loss system is scientifically formulated to break down stubborn layers of body fat from hard to reach storage areas. So much so, it leaves your body with the most sensational sculpted look of your life that until recently only professional models knew how to get and maintain. You will not only lose the weight, but you'll also get the kind of body that turns heads wherever you go.

Both a diet plan and an exercise regiment will be included in a good weight loss system. It's best to have both for safe and effective weight loss. It is recommended that you speak with a doctor before attempting any new weight loss system. What is right and what works for one individual might not be advisable for you. A doctor can help tailor a weight loss system to make it more appropriate to your needs.

It can be difficult to choose a weight loss system that's right for you. There are so many different weight loss programs available today. Some of them target specific areas of the body, such as abs, buttocks, etc. while others are designed for your total health. Some weight loss systems incorporate pills, drinks, supplements, etc. - make sure you speak to a doctor before trying any of these.

Check with your doctor to make sure that you're healthy enough to being the weight loss program you've selected. Your doctor can also help modify the program if necessary to make it better suited for your needs.

If the weight loss system you're considering sounds too far-fetched then it probably is. Pick a weight loss program that makes sense. If you're thinking of augmenting your weight loss program with a diet pill or weight loss supplement, make sure you do some research. Find out everything you can about the product before you try it. Consult with your doctor to make sure it's safe.

There is a system that will help you finally achieve your goal. People around the globe are using weight loss systems to change their lives. All of the products in a good weight loss system are completely natural and manufactured to the highest possible quality. A weight loss system can also suppress appetite, decrease food cravings, and lower blood cholesterol.

The removal of toxins from your body will help restore proper organ functions, boost your metabolism, and help you feel energized. A weight loss system also helps to balance the acid-alkaline system in your body. The only side effect you should experience should be a slimmer and healthier body.

Following a good weight loss system can be a life-changing experience. If you are steadfast in your efforts to lose weight and change your lifestyle, you can accomplish those goals with the support of friends and family. You can turn to them in times of doubt, when you feel weak and unsure. Create your own support network of people you hold close. - 17269

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