Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Will Joining a Gym Help Your Health?

By Nate Rifkin

If you find yourself struggling to stay consistent with your workouts, the culprit might be your environment.

Thing is, I'm usually against joining ANY gym since you can get in amazing shape without ever leaving your home. But for some people, staying home to get in shape can actually be an inconvenience.

Here are a couple reasons why:

1. Distractions from family. If something comes up with your spouse or your kids, it's hard to put them on hold so you can finish exercising.

2. Your computer or television can tempt you away from a good workout.

But you can avoid both of the above if you go to a commercial gym. Check out the benefits of joining one and see if they appeal to you:

1. Working out at a gym gives you accountability. Feeling more obligated to work out helps build the habit when you might be otherwise tempted to skip a few sessions and go easy on yourself.

2. Working out at a gym gives you focus. When you're at the gym...you're at the gym. It's hard to find something to do other than work out. When you're at home it's a different story. There are always other chores or obligations you find yourself doing.

So if you're the type that needs a focused environment to get things done, definitely look into joining a gym. - 17269

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Do You Know These 3 Secrets About Growing Taller Naturally?

By Rodney Williams

The internet is a great tool for information, and with it we often feel like anything we could ever possibly want to know is at our fingertips. With this excess of information though comes plenty of misinformation as well, and it's important that we recognize what truly is a secret, and what is simply nonsense.

When it comes to growing taller, there are plenty of secrets, or relatively unknown facts about the matter, but also plenty of poor advice that must be waded through. Here we'll look at some of these secret methods for gaining height.

Ask any kid to name one thing that's good for their body, and they'll probably say milk. From an early age we know all about the importance of milk (and the calcium in it) in building strong bones, and growing healthy. Surprisingly, milk's positive effect on height gain is not so well documented.

This increased calcium intake will not only strengthen the bones so they can properly hold your increased height, preventing other issues such as posture problems from cropping up, but they're also necessary for avoiding the coming aging problem of bones shrinking, which can lead to sometimes drastic height loss in later years.

When the subject of growing taller comes up, one of the key factors that should be at the center of that discussion is growth hormones, as these affect nearly all aspects of growing taller naturally. Many people understand that growth hormones are populous during adolescence, but really have no idea as to how to increase them in later years. One method that is still quite secret is fasting, of which even short sessions of 24 hours can do wonders.

During that 24 hour fasting session, your body goes through a natural detoxification process, which flushes harmful toxins out of your body, and increases the rate with which growth hormones are produced. How often you perform these short fasts, and other issues related to fasting should be discussed with your doctor.

Lastly are stretching activities, which when undertaken for decent periods of time, have been proven to increase height by as much as a couple of inches. The proper exercises are all easily performed, regardless of physical health, though their flexibility may come into play with some of them. These routines can also help said flexibility, as well as your posture.

Through these three secrets to growing taller naturally, you can not only safely and easily gain some additional upwards mobility, but also protect it from quickly deserting you. May you grow tall and prosper. - 17269

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Healthy Weight Loss Tips For Your Wedding

By Ricardo d Argence

Repeat after me. I will fit into my dress and look stunning. On this special day, you want to put your best foot forward and amaze the entire crowd. We have healthy weight loss tips for your wedding to the rescue!

Tip #1: Get fitter than you ever have been in time for the big event! Strong anti-oxidants found in diets rich in fruit and fiber have been shown to increase your metabolism as well as removing toxins from your body. Fruit is a great addition for losing weight naturally. Fruit, which have a high water content, not only provide energy but also help you stay focused.

Below is a list of vegetables that will get you full without making you sick, for example, cauliflower is a very filling vegetable. A cup of cauliflower contains zero fat, and 25 total calories. Celery offers Vitamins A and C, plus calcium, and can easily be added to a chicken or tuna salad, with a light mayonnaise. You can put celery sticks with low-fat cream cheese or in a glass of tomato juice to give yourself a healthy afternoon snack.

Using Zucchini starter is a delightful experience, can be added to homemade salsa. One cup of cooked zucchini contains no fat and only 28 calories. Slice the zucchini and marinate it with low-fat Italian dressing or balsamic vinegar then place it in the oven.

Skipping a meal is a bad idea and try not to skip your breakfast as it gives you energy for the whole day.

During meals you can eat smaller portions, but never starve yourself! We wholeheartedly encourage you to avoid forms of starvation in order to lose weight. Your goal is to once again be sexy and lean. The goal should be beyond just being stunning on your wedding day-a healthier lifestyle will help you to look good every day!

Tip #2: After developing a meal plan, incorporate moderate levels of exercise. Staying trim and fit in the long run requires sufficient exercise throughout the day. Try swimming, walking, or gardening. Enlist a friend to help keep you motivated. Daily exercise can also aid in relieving stress. If you wish to remain at the same weight, you should burn more calories than you consume.

Tip #3: You can raise your metabolism and burn off my calories by increasing your intake of water. Drinking water with meals not only fills you up faster, it also aids digestion. Even though some worry about drinking too much water, if you get enough, your body will store less and you will actually lose weight. It is when you do not drink enough water that your body begins to retain water.

The final two suggestions for losing weight in a healthy way before you say I do, are to refrain from alcohol and get enough sleep. Lack of sleep causes the body to slow down your metabolism. Losing a tremendous amount of weight not only has detrimental effects on your health but also does not coordinate well with your long term goals. - 17269

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Vemma Verve And Eating Healthy for Weight Loss

By Julieanne van Zyl

After turning 40 losing weight can be tough and especially grueling for women because of the hormonal changes that are taking place in their bodies. But it's not impossible to lose weight over forty if you get plenty of exercise, learn how to eat correctly and learn how to be patient.

Metabolisms decrease down as we age, therefore, we have to very thorough of what we eat. Individuals over forty just do not burn off the fat as fast as they did in their twenties.

It is critical that you eliminate all the bad food that is in your home if you want to decrease weight and get into shape. By removing the junk food your are removing the temptation to cheat with that bag of chips or bowl of ice cream.

Learn to replace those high calorie foods with something healthier. If you drink large amounts of soda or sugary drinks, then change to water. If you do not like the taste of plain water, you can use sugar free flavor packets that taste yummy and have no calories. Green tea is also a great substitute for black tea, if you normally add sugar and milk to your black tea.

A high quality healthy energy drink like the Vemma Verve can also help you decrease weight, because it improves your metabolism and provides your body with the daily required vitamins and minerals. Good nutrition can make a huge contribution to losing weight and keeping it off.

Every day, take your lunch to work with you. This will assist you to put off the temptation to run through the drive-thru at lunch. Make sure that you take healthy in-between meal snacks to work. This will keep you from hitting the snack machine during the day.

Your caloric intake should be reduced by 200 calories per day. You can do this by adding more vegetables as a side dish. The vegetables will fill you up without the added calories.

It is best that you keep away from fried foods when you are trying to lose weight over forty. Grill or bake all of your meats. This will decrease the fat content of the foods. It will also assist in leeping your cholesterol levels under control.

Increasing your intake of whole grains and cereals is one of the biggest secrets to losing weight over forty. These foods have a lot of fiber which is important for good digestion. Whole grains and cereals will also help decrease cholesterol levels.

You must bear in mind that you will need to exercise to lose weight, even if you do partake a healthy diet. After forty, you are battling against a sluggish metabolism. It is up to you to augment your metabolism. Find a type of exercise that you enjoy doing and do it every day. If you really want to improve your metabolism, it is a good idea to add weight training to your routine. Adding muscle will help to burn more fat.

Over forty it is important to eat healthy if you want to lose weight. Start consuming lean meats, fresh fruits and vegetables and cut out the junk foods. Increase water intake and take good care of yourself. Consider drinking a healthy energy drink each day, which could also make a big difference. - 17269

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Health Tips - Stomach Flu in Children

By Jan Maurer

Stomach flu or gastroenteritis is a kind of infection in the digestive system, especially the stomach and intestines. Causes for this condition are parasite, bacteria, or virus infection spread through contaminated food and fluids. It can also be caused by certain toxins present in some plants & seafood, usage of powerful laxatives in order to cure constipation or because of intake of poisonous heavy metal or food. The problem starts with stomach upset and cramps. The child shows disinterest in eating and feels week. Symptoms of stomach flu are diarrhea and vomiting, which take nearly five days to go away.

The child must be given fluids regularly as this will suppress other symptoms from emerging because of loss of water from the body. Loss of water and salt from the body is the biggest risk in stomach flu. Dehydration can not only worsen the condition, but can threaten the life of the child, if it isn't taken care of in the early stages. Since there is loss of salts along with the loss of water from the body, plain water won't do much. Oral rehydration solutions which are available at the local grocery or drug store, is a good idea because it has the correct combination of salts, sugar and water which can hydrate the body. These fluids come in different flavor, so that kids can have their favorite flavor and is easy to consume.

If a child is vomiting, solution can be administered to him using a teaspoon every two minutes. The quantity can be increased gradually. If the vomiting is more frequent, the child can be made to suck ice chips in order to supply constant fluid to the body. The solution should be given till diarrhea comes to a halt, but it is not advisable to continue it for more than twenty four hours. Some of the fluids such as soft drinks, sports drink, apple juice, tea, or chicken broth contain wrong amounts of salt, sugar & water and can make matter worse.

Fried, spicy and sugary foods aren't good in this condition. If the child isn't receiving sufficient amount of fluids he/she will show signs such as sunken eyes, dry mouth, intense thirst, unusual sleep patterns, and decrease in urine.

The more the bed rest taken by the child the better it is. The child should take complete bed rest for at least twenty four hours or till the diarrhea and vomiting stops. If the child has fever, the temperature should be checked and noted in a log, every four hours. If the temperature is very high and doesn't stop climbing, the doctor should be contacted immediately. The mortal who is preparing and serving food to the child should wash his or her hands very carefully before doing so. Also, if the diarrhea and vomiting doesn't stop after twenty four hours, it is a must to get a doctor's appointment. The child should be rushed into emergency if the vomiting contains blood or green color substance.

The doctor, after doing stool and blood test, prescribes antibiotics if infection is suspected. Along with it, anti nausea medicines are also given to stop the throwing up and control fluid loss. If there is considerable loss of fluids from the child's body, the child might be admitted into the hospital and will be administered with fluids such as glucose or IV, through a tube connected to the child's veins. If the child has fever, temperature is checked and the doctor would ask about information about the temperature pattern, for which the parent should be ready. If the illness is stretched for days, a log about the information about the regular weight should also be given to the doctor. Sometimes, the blood oxygen levels would also have to be checked with the help of a pulse oximeter. - 17269

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Does Acai Berry Really Work?

By Lindsey Brandt

Acai is one of the sexiest new health products in recent memory. Oprah has raved about this superfood and all of its amazing health benefits, such as anti-aging, increasing energy, cancer protection, and mood improvement. Are these claims for real? Does acai berry really work?

Any long time user will tell you "YES!" the acai berry is the real deal. Thousands of people online have already reported their amazing results and how it has had a huge impact on their life. Many people swear that starting off their day with some acai juice is the perfect way to face all the day's challenges head on.

If you are someone who needs coffee or redbull to get your day started, then you need to pay attention. Acai gives an equal (or even stronger) boost of energy, without the inevitable crashes. Also, unlike other energy boosters, acai is packed full of other health vitamins and minerals that help improve your overall health.

It is very wise to get your vitamins and minerals from a natural and organic source. Since acai is such a great source of a wide range of these building blocks of life, there is little need to still take that man made multivitamin. It is full of many essential vitamins and minerals such as vitamin C, B, and A as well as a great source of fiber and calcium. If that wasn't enough, it is an excellent source of amino acids as well as omega fatty acids.

One of the big reasons acai is so special is that it is a great source for omega fatty acids. These essential fatty acids assist with weight loss, improve mood, fight heart disease, and improves general brain function.

Acai is most well known for its high antioxidant content. In fact, it actually came out on top when tested against pretty much every other food on earth. Antioxidants are very important for looking younger, boosting your immune system, and having healthier skin and hair.

Acai's cancer fighting promise was recently tested at the University of Florida. That studied showed some promising results when the antioxidants helped trigger a self destruct response in many cancer cells.

Hopefully, there is no more doubt about whether acai berry really works. But hey, you don't have to take my word for it. All you have to do in order to find out if it really works is to try it for yourself. When you take an all natural organic acai product it is as safe as drinking grape juice, so you have nothing to lose by trying out acai. - 17269

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The Acid And Alkaline Balanced Diet

By P G Mair

Research has shown that people that have higher acidity levels in there blood are more likely to be ill, than those with a more alkaline level. The reason for this is that

Many foods are alkaline-producing by nature, but manufactured processed foods are mostly acid-producing. It is important to consume at least 60% alkaline-producing foods in our diet, in order to maintain health. We need plenty of fresh fruits and particularly vegetables (alkaline-producing) to balance our necessary protein intake (acid-producing). And we need to avoid processed, sugary or simple-carbohydrate foods, not only because they are acid-producing but also because they raise blood sugar level too quickly (high glycemic index therefore fattening); plus they tend to be nutrient-lacking and may be toxic too.

Human blood pH should be slightly alkaline (7.35 - 7.45). Below or above this range means symptoms and disease. If blood pH moves below 6.8 or above 7.8, cells stop functioning and the body dies. The body therefore continually strives to balance pH. . An imbalanced diet high in acidic-producing foods such as animal protein, sugar, caffeine, and processed foods puts pressure on the body's regulating systems to maintain pH neutrality. The extra buffering required can deplete the body of alkaline minerals such as sodium, potassium, magnesium, and calcium, making the person prone to chronic and degenerative disease. Minerals are borrowed from vital organs and bones to buffer (neutralize) the acid and safely remove it from the body. Because of this strain, the body can suffer severe and prolonged damage--a condition that may go undetected for years.

When this balance is compromised many problems can occur.

A condition called acidosis : Acidosis is the outcome when our pH becomes overly acid. The pH balance of our internal cells and fluids can effect every process in our body. Of these fluids, the blood is perhaps the most important. In a similar way that you body will do whatever it takes to regulate your body temperature, it will also do the same to ensure a slightly alkaline pH in the blood. The body will literally go to whatever lengths necessary to ensure that the blood retains this pH level, including wreaking havoc on other tissues, bodily functions and systems Some of the problems caused by acidosis are,

Cardiovascular damage, Weight gain, obesity and diabetes, Bladder conditions, Kidney stones, Immune deficiency, Acceleration of free radical damage.(cause of cancer), Hormonal problems, Premature aging, Osteoporosis and joint pain, Aching muscles and lactic acid build up, Low energy and chronic fatigue, Slow digestion and elimination, Yeast/fungal overgrowth, Lack of energy and fatigue, Lower body temperature, Tendency to get infections, Loss of drive, joy, and enthusiasm, Depressive tendencies, Easily stressed, Pale complexion, Headaches, Inflammation of the corneas and eyelids.

The problem of acidosis is quite easily solved, for details on how to, click the link:


Or for more information on nutrition and how to keep in the best of health go to my website. - 17269

Organic Food Yes or No?

By Kiiera Success Group

Since organic food started to gain popularity in the late 1990s, people have been skeptical about the superiority of organics. Many people claimed that the benefits of organic over traditional products could not be proven. The truth is that there had simply not been enough testing done to prove the benefits of organic products or the drawbacks of traditionally produced food.

There have been various studies done to show the improved nutritional value of organic agriculture by analyzing the vitamin, nutrient, and mineral content of both organically and traditionally grown produce. There are significantly higher levels of various components in organic products, including:

* Chromium, prevents hardening of the arteries and type 2 diabetes * Calcium and Boron, build strong bones and prevent osteoporosis * Lithium, a common chemical in antidepressants and mood stabilizers * Salicylic acid, an anti-inflammatory which can prevent heart disease * Antioxidants, protect cells from damage * Magnesium, helps prevent death during a heart attack * Selenium, helps prevent heart disease and certain cancers * Vitamin C, builds the immune system

While this list seems rather long, its not complete. While these nutrients have been found organic produce, they arent the only ones. This list could also get longer as more research is done about the nutrient benefits of organic food.

While its important to look at the beneficial properties of organic food, we must take into account the harmful effects of traditionally grown foods to fully understand why organic food is superior. When many of the chemicals used in farming were approved, there had been little research to show whether or not these chemicals we harmful. Research has since found that most of these chemicals have negative effects on humans. Non-organic foods have been analyzed and have been found to contain harmful chemicals, heavy metals, solvents, and various hormones. Some of the conditions linked with these substances include:

* cancer * heart disease * osteoporosis * migraines * hyperactivity * decreased intelligence * impaired hearing * less growth in childhood * anemia * Alzheimers * multiple sclerosis * rheumatoid arthritis * early puberty * increase in antibiotic-resistant disease strains

Again, this list is just part of the harmful side effects of these chemicals. There are likely many more conditions to be added to this list after more research is done. Also, most of the research has been done on the affects of single chemicals, and not multiple offenders as are normally found on conventional food. While several of these chemicals have been banned, they are still present in regular and organic food. This is because they linger in the soil; some have been there for over 20 years.

While there are obviously many benefits to organic agriculture, it is not without its faults. First of all, organic products are more expensive. Depending on where you buy organic food, it could cost twice as much as regular grocery store brands. There is also concern that natural fertilizers such as plant material and manure could contain harmful organisms, such as e coli. Although this can be rare it can also make consumers very sick.

Even with the drawbacks, organic food production is proving to be much safer for consumption than other foods available. Along with the health benefits, organic agricultural practices also benefit the environment; keeping it viable for years to come. - 17269

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Fast Weight Loss for Your Wedding, Why You Shouldn't Do it

By Ricardo d Argence

You may be already fancying dieting and visualizing your resultant appearance when your marriage is around the corner. Everyone likes to try and lose weight before there big wedding day but you should never overdo it.

Far too many brides starve themselves and do other extreme things to lose weight, and if this is a plan that you are contemplating, there are definitely some things that you should keep in mind. The truth is that losing weight fast before your wedding is an incredibly poor idea, and no one will suffer for it more than you will.

It is important to remember what quick weight loss will do for you,when you are looking at losing weight fast before your wedding. Basically, you are attempting to boost your metabolic rate at the same time that you have put the body into a starvation mode, and you end up attempting to go on by putting fewer calories into the body than what it is used to getting.

Of course, these are a couple of conflicting impulses, and so you will risk not losing any weight or else hurting your body's capacity for regulating its reactions to nutrients and food. Before you know it, irreparable damage can be done to your body, so don't chance it.

You may even be tempted by weight loss pills. There is no pill that can cure your weight problems and some of them have such negative side affects that you end up with more problems than you started with. While others put caffeine and other stimulants in your system to give you a false energy boost,some pills will merely take off water weight, which you can do yourself by simply drinking enough water.

None of these are a permanent solution. Be careful of what you eat and take the health supplements regularly and drink lots of water for keeping the skin clear.

The problem with trying to lose weight before your wedding is that you are having to cope with a major life change in a very short space of time. To do damage to your body, or both,subjecting your body to rapid change is one way to make sure that it boomrangs back to where it was as soon as it can.

So don't submit your body to more stress,remember that weddings can be exhausting. As you eat less food than you should you become tired and cranky, that's not the right way to get ready for a wedding!

Make sure that you are sticking with healthy diet and regular exercise,when you want to look great before your wedding. When you are getting married, the person you are marrying already believes you are beautiful and the wedding guests are people who love you and think the same thing. - 17269

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