Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Juicing Can Save Your Life

By Ellen Valentine, CNC

Is there a certain line of defense to engage when you are not well? Is it true that once you hit a certain age things begin to fall apart and youre at the mercy of a life of medication to keep organ systems going? Well, it will be true for you if you believe that. My job here though is to remind you that your body has the greatest potential for healing, and once you taste the triumph when Infinite Intelligence reverses an illness or condition, youll be empowered for life. Youll be invincible.

Everyone needs reminders. They come in the form of a good friend, a spouse, a mentor, a movie like the Secret or What the Bleep, a class or a book. The reminder is simple yet profound and that is that YOU ARE IN CHARGE. You can turn poor health around by going to the root cause of all disease: bad digestion. Bad digestion simply means youve run out of or are very low in digestive enzymes and minerals. Your job now is to eat whole, organic, take digestive enzymes every time you eat and combine your foods properly.

When denatured or mineral-depleted foods are the mainstay of the body, the body uses it's supply of pancreatic enzymes to move a bolus of food through the body at any given time. As the body supply runs low food putrefies, disease sets in, the body has little or no energy to heal or restore homeostasis and a person finds themselves in a crisis.

Illness used as an opportunity to heal the entire Being, spiritually, emotionally, mentally and physically is the life altering miracle that some people write about. The idea is to eat as much organic raw as possible. Not only is juicing the most effective way to put minerals in and replenish, a juicer is the best pharmacy you can go to. And you dont have to be sick to juice.

There are some really tasty juice combinations. In our home we love carrots, a cucumber, a green apple, celery, spinach, fennel and watercress. The cucumber and green apple lend a lot of juice and cut any heaviness in the carrots and spinach. Carrots are rich in beta carotene, great for the immune system, spinach is rich in folic acid, vitamin E and a great blood builder, celery is rich in potassium, fennel great for the digestive system and cucumber promotes beautiful skin.

Try these simple formulas: 1. Blood Building: 7 carrots, 1 beet with the greens and a handful of parsley. Add a green apple if you like. 2. Beautiful Skin: 2 Cucumbers, handful of parsley, 7 carrots, a green apple and kale. 3. Arthritis: handful of cherries, a handful of blueberries, and pineapple. Also try: pineapple, 6 carrots, and a handful of spinach. These three are only a taste of the many juice recipes you can play with. You will create many of your own favorites.

Juicing allows for simple assimilation of vitamins and minerals. Remember,always, that when ill you want to make all things as simple and restful to the body as possible.

As Earth Day is on our minds, take a stand for organic, both for fabrics and foods. Ask store owners to make sure that they do not stock genetically engineered, seedless varieties. Remember that the middle isles of stores contain lifeless food. Eat around the periphery of any store. And although you can have some lifeless in your diet; make 75% real and live food.

If you are healing, there are certain rules of thumb: it is better to not eat than to eat something that will throw the healing process back, drink lots of pure water every day, use only the freshest of everything you put in or on your body, make sure you eliminate several times a day, get lots of rest or meditation time, or both, have people you can trust to talk to, change the way you do things, eat every bite of food with gratitude and consciousness, help a friend, and love yourself above all else so you have more to give to others.

You Are Healthy, Ellen Valentine - 17269

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Reduce Lower Back Pain And Trim Your Lower Half - Wear The Right Shoes

By Fiona Saunders

Whilst walking barefoot through a Korean rice field, Swiss engineer Karl Muller noticed that his back pain - which was a perennial problem for him - was very much reduced. Curious, he performed a little research and found that the Masai tribesmen of Africa are famous for their excellent posture and do not suffer from back pain.

Muller came to the conclusion that walking barefoot on soft ground was better for your back and joints than walking on a hard surface. He decided to design a shoe which would mimic the effect of walking on a soft yielding surface such as grass or sand.

What he finally came up with was the Masai Barefoot Technology (MBT) range of footwear. It is, according to the company website, so different to standard footwear that it deserves the title of "anti-shoe".

MBT shoes incorporate a specially developed curved sole without a heel, which produces a rolling action when your foot makes contact with the ground. It's just like walking on sand in your bare feet in fact. The use of materials of different densities also contributes to the effect by further lowering jarring and impact shock.

Independent scientific studies have verified that this is genuinely better for your back and joints. There are further proven benefits in addition to better posture. For instance, whilst engaged in normal walking in MBT shoes, the wearer's muscles will be in use for longer (in comparison with similar walking in traditional shoes). The muscles are in use for approximately 16% longer. Wearers also tend to take slightly shorter strides. Both these effects raise the amount of work done.

The result of this is that each step you take wearing MBT shoes will provide you with additional exercise. It's like a lower body workout when you walk around. So, as well as improving posture and lowering back pain, MBT shoes can help to firm up your buttocks and tone your legs.

You would think that would be sufficient wouldn't you? However, in spite of all these benefits, some people find that MBT shoes are a little chunky and not that pleasing to the eye. MBT shoes are also a little more expensive than standard shoes (although the benefits may make them good value for money). Happily, there are now other alternatives available which work on the same basic principle but which are more aesthetically pleasing. Both Skechers Shape Ups and Fitflops have similar curved soles which are specifically designed to increase the length of time that muscles are active and to tone both legs and buttocks whilst doing nothing more strenuous than walking normally.

Whichever footwear you select, the possibility of reducing back and joint pain whilst simultaneously trimming and toning your lower body - all whilst engaged in nothing more strenuous than normal daily walking - seems very attractive. - 17269

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Quick Ways to Lose Fat - Learn the Insider Story!

By Taw Jensun

This is one question that is on top of everybody's mind. What is the swiftest and fastest ways to reduce fat? The answers may be plenty. There are thousands of products available on the shelf offering fast ways to lose weight. You have to choose one with great thoughtfulness. Look for the pros and cons. Rigorous diets and workouts may help you reduce fat immediately but it may be harmful in the long run. There are a couple of great ideas that may help you to reduce fat quickly.

The first and easiest way to reduce weight rapidly is to drink 3-4 liters of water a day. Avoid caffeine drinks and Aerated drinks. Notice that 70% of our body is made up of water and 75% of our brain contains this fluid which makes it an essential part of our diet. Water curbs our hunger pangs too. Drinking a lot of water forces the fat to be used as fuel, thus causing it one of the critical keys for fat reduction. Whatever your diet, take at least 8-10 glasses of water a day.

Eat the proper food. Dispose of all oily and junk food which tempts you. You need to avoid starch and sugar to reduce fat fast. Consume whole cereals and plenty of raw vegetables and fruits. Include lean protein in your diet. Green tea is better than milk tea. The benefits will surely show on your body. Consume carbohydrates and fats in moderation. If you want to smash diet and reduce weight rapidly ask a nutritionist for help.

Regular exercise give you the benefits easily. Try any kind of aerobic exercise. Check out Warp speed fat loss which is a good choice. Walking is regarded the safest and fastest means to reduce fat expeditiously. Try out some kind of anaerobic exercises to build the muscles. If you are young, do swimming. It burns the calories very rapidly. You may try dancing at house.

Pills, diet colas, reduce fat body wraps and tummy tucker swaths are fast ways to lose weight. You can also take a trainer who would direct in how to lose fat immediately. Surgery is the ultimate option. Methods such as liposuction and tummy tucks are in vogue today. Whatever you do, take care of your health as it is observed that gradual fat loss is the best process. - 17269

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The Importance of The Healing Crisis

By Ellen Valentine, CNC

The Healing Crisis is the bodys attempt to throw off toxicity and get the rest which is imperative for healing. It is often misunderstood, because of the way most people interpret feeling bad. What many don't know is that the body will only undergo a healing crisis when it has the strength to do so. The healing crisis is the opposite of the condition in near death when body processes shut down.

A healing crisis can be as simple as a cold or influenza. As bad as they sometimes feel, crises definitely slow a person down and force at least some needed rest. It can be safely said that many supposed flu-like symptoms are really food poisoning, especially if the person eats at fast food places regularly.

During anytime of healing, even in the case of serious illnesses, cleansing the body with organic juicing or supervised water fasting (not recommended without support) colon hydro-therapy or other safe, time tested and success proven methods are suggested to work along with the natural process of the body.

A healing crisis may come on quite naturally or it may be prompted by certain cleansing foods or herbal detoxification. In any case it is important to support the body with pure water, fresh juices and rest.

The healing crisis may not feel great; however, it can add years to life. When symptoms are merely suppressed with medication and one goes on with what one must do without needed rest, the need for the cleanse does not disappear. In fact rather than being so close to the surface, the cause dives deeper; and unresolved, what the body wanted to rid itself of will gain power and become serious illness in years to come.

Why must it feel so bad? Many people dont have the tolerance for feeling badly. It can feel better to suppress messages and healing processes rather than accept opportunities to throw off toxicity. The majority of society feels that way; and, it becomes their mindset because of the messages sent via television, pharmaceutical companies and certain parental advisement.

Truthfully it does seem that healing wants to present itself during a busy schedule, stressful time, or when that certain deadline must be met. In brief, the body under stress also has a weaker immune system. Too much stress taxes the immune system.

The healing crisis can feel like the flu with headaches, vomiting, diarrhea, coughing with expectoration, skin eruptions and lethargy. The body does this occasionally in an attempt to clean out. The alternative to resting and working with the body is to stop the process, which will only suppress the toxic material in the body.

If you must work during a healing crisis take a different attitude while there of emotional detachment. Meditate morning and night. This will give you the opportunity for thoughtfulness, prayer, scientific or not, and space to hear what the Universe is trying to tell you. Eat as well and as lightly as possible, pure nutrition without the bulk is recommended.

The above are easy and inexpensive alternatives to staying sick or suppression through medication. If youre a bit more ambitious you can get colonics, delve into traditional uses of herbal combinations, see a naturopath, get body work and join an on-line or local community support group.

A healing crisis will only last a certain amount of time. The body in its infinitely programmed wisdom will build up strength then for the next detox. If you are recovering from cancer or other life threatening illness, plan on healing and cleansing naturally several times a year, stay on your food regime and find a nutritional and naturopathic accountability coach. You will need to do this for support.

Please be advised, if you are under a doctors care for any life threatening illness you should ask for assistance in determining difference between normal body healing and an acute but life threatening attack. It is also notable that the body will never recover from a chronic disease without the healing crisis.

The importance of the healing crisis cannot be underestimated. The High Intelligence within each body is such a miracle and should not be dulled or minimized, cannot be quantified in absolute terms and can be trusted. It is your gift to be well and get well naturally. If you must be under medical care to stay alive you have the right to take care of yourself with natural means too. Rely on your own judgment in this regard and take back control of your body. Making your own decisions and trusting your body is the first part of healing from within.

Celebrate Your Excellence, Ellen Valentine, CNC - 17269

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It's the First HCG Day: Article-

By Amelia Handley

Today was my first day on my 25 day HCG diet. I'm taking HCG Diet Direct's homeopathic HCG weight loss formula and following their homeopathic HCG protocol. It wasn't bad! It was pretty fun, actually. But then I'll need to clarify that the first two days are loading days.

That means that for the first two days you're supposed to eat as many high fat and high calorie foods as possible; thus the name "loading." It was pretty enjoyable to eat whatever I want and for once reach for the yummiest thing on the table instead of the thing that I should probably have instead. Nice! Maybe by tomorrow night I'll be so sick of all the high fat, high calorie food that I'll be more than ready to cut back to 500 calories for the remainder of the 25 day diet. I can hope, right?

According to the homeopathic HCG protocol the loading days have a purpose other than as a great send off for the low cal days to follow. They give the body time to absorb the HCG. Even during the loading days you are required to take your HCG three time per day. I took mine morning, lunch and evening. You can't eat or drink before or after you take it for 15 minutes and you have to hold it under your tongue for 15 seconds before you swallow it and go on about your day. I didn't have a hard time remembering it, but it was only the first day.

The formula does need to be kept in a cool place so it could be a tiny bit problematic if you have to cart it around in the summer. But for right now I can cart it around anywhere and it's going to stay cool enough because it's winter. So that's an advantage of doing the diet in the winter season; less worry about storage.

My routine on the first day was really quite simple. I got out of bed. I weighed myself and noted down I was at 170. I took my HCG and my B-Total (and additional vitamin supplement I bought from HCG Diet Direct). Then I went ahead and made sure that ate frequently throughout the day. I also made sure to enjoy a few of my all time favorites that are going to be definite "no-no's" while on the diet.

So I've successfully completed my first day on the HCG diet. It was absolutely easy. Although I fear the low calorie part of it is going to be a much more difficult prospect for me. But for today...I don't have to worry about that. It's all about loading! - 17269

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Belly Fat Burning Exercises to Get Six Pack Abs

By Isaac Connor

Lets be honest, six-pack abs don't come easy. But if you are determined and can combine a low-fat diet with some highly targeted ab-exercises for just 15 minutes a day, you too can get six-pack abs. Forget doing hundreds of crunches, these exercises will work your abs all-around for fast results. The most important part is to continue doing them everyday and gradually increase difficulty.

Nothing makes a body look better than a flat, sexy stomach with six pack abs. In fact, if you want to get six pack abs you have to strengthen your stomach muscles and lose overall body fat. You only need to do crunches and sit up 2 or 3 times a week to develop abs because you have to spend more time on whole body exercises. In another word, it is no use to focus on specific stomach exercises to much.

There are many pills and drugs currently on the market that claim to burn fat and get you a six pack with relative ease. However, most of these, actually, all of these pills are a complete waste of money, the same results can be achieve with just a few smart/healthy food choices. The golden rule that you should know, is that you shouldn't eat anything after 7 pm because that weight will just sit in your belly and won't be used for energy, and will eventually turn into fat.

We all have abs, right now. The problem we face is that they're hidden under a layer of fat. We are trying to lose that fat and this requires a very good diet. One of the simplest things you can do is start eating smaller meals more often. By doing this, you actually increase your metabolism which will result in your body losing more fat.

Before you start exercising your six pack abs, you must know that you shouldn't do these exercises daily, because your abs need a good rest from the workouts once in a while. If you perform these exercises every day you will have negative results instead of positive ones. You will hurt your chances of getting a ripped six pack.

Thousands of people want to get that ripped six pack before summer, but have no clue how to get it. After hours of slow boring cardio they have almost given up the thought of making it a reality. Don't be like them! Instead discover how you can get that ripped belly quickly and easily. There are some simple ways to make it happen. The list includes, smart training or exercise and the correct diet. - 17269

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4 Things to Help Shed Fat Without Pain

By Josh Wintrop

Are you sick and tired of punishing weight loss diet? Have you been burned by fancy weight loss products and solutions? Then you are not alone because millions of people are being conned everyday by hyped but often ineffective weight loss programs.

If you are about to give up on your effort to lose weight, then that is very unfortunate because burning fats is actually not as difficult as you think. In fact, if you will simply change your concept of how to burn fat, losing weight can be enjoyable and fun.

The operative word here is "perception." Getting into shape and maintaining that shape all work around ideas that are already planted in your head. All those weight loss systems you've tried are just concepts someone planted in your head, and not the god's honest truth.

These ideas lead people to believe that the only way to burn fat and achieve that thinner, healthier figure is to take weight loss pills. And there are millions of fancy pills out there to accommodate the public. Fat binders, appetite suppressants, cleaners and detox pills are only a few of the many products that are available.

This idea is marketed and driven by pharmaceutical companies with a financial gain to be made when you purchase their pills. But the truth is that the only thing you will lose is your hard earned money, not the body fat. Meanwhile, the pharmaceutical companies and weight loss companies continue to expand, grow and profit at your expense.

There are also fad programs endorsed by celebrities that are actually dangerous to you health. And there are misconceptions about weight loss that include punishing, even dangerous exercises and spending hours in the gym and working out on the machines.

However, while these methods are all highly effective at draining your bank account or keeping your miserable, they will not help you lose the fat. However, there is another weight loss concept, one that predates all of these methods discussed here, that is actually highly effective.

This concept is simply that you should eat healthy, nutritious foods and your body will stay in shape. You can toss out the pills, abandon the exercises and forget about fad diets. Healthy eating habits will turn your body into a fat burning furnace that will finally burn off the fat. And the best part is that this can be achieved in just 4 steps. Just follow these steps:

First, eat 6 to 8 small meals spread across the day. The concept of eating three big meals contributes largely to weight gain. By eating full meals, your body will not absorb everything and these excess nutrients are stored as fats. This also makes you hungry more often which leads you to eat more. But if you eat 6 to 8 small portions everyday, your system will stabilize and you can absorb the healthy nutrients that will keep your body leaner.

Second, feed your muscles with proteins. Protein develops lean muscles and helps burn fats. Third, you have to control your carb intake. You have to consume complex carbs from veggies and fruits. And lastly, you have to drink lots and lots of water to aid in hydrolysis that releases fats.

Because these methods are so simple, they are often looked over in favor of more fanciful weight loss methods. If you really want to drop weight and slim down, this age old concept of healthy eating will help you on your way. - 17269

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Banish Belly Fat: Learn the Best Diet

By Melissa Newton

Many people have developed unwanted muffin top, otherwise known as belly fats, due to consistent unhealthy diet along with a sedentary lifestyle. Hence, most of them end up searching for ways to slice off those bulging pounds in front of their body which mostly lead them to get the best diet to lose belly fat. There are many ways to achieve this goal; one of the numerous methods is to change your eating habits by avoiding unhealthy foods. Instead, change them into consumption of food rich in monounsaturated fatty acids such as most types of nuts like peanuts, almonds, and macadamia nuts. But, this option is only good for people without gouty arthritis because nuts can trigger an increase in uric acid level.

However, there are still many options for you considering that the best diet to lose belly fats are generally divided into three categories: the low calorie meal plan, the low carbohydrate meal plan, and the high protein meal plan. Properly observing these plans were found to be very effective among many users and they were very satisfied with the results in achieving their projected weight level.

The most common and longest standing method is the high protein diet. It has been used for decades and is found to be the most effective as well as the healthiest due to the other positive health effects of a diet rich in protein.

The low carbohydrate diet to lose belly fats is also gaining popularity; however, with the increased in availability of sumptuous foods rich in carbohydrates, more people are tempted and bound to easily access and consume such cuisine that they end up neglecting their diet plan. The same is also true with low calorie diet considering that there also various delicious goodies and cuisine rich in calories that most people end up disregarding their weight loss program because they submitted to their own cravings for unhealthy yet delicious foods.

If you finally chose a plan make sure that it fits your lifestyle and you have enough determination to follow through and stick to the rules laid out; your waistline depends on it. - 17269

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Tips For Choosing A Personal Trainer

By Fantasia Moore

The great thing about personal fitness trainers is that their training prepares them to assist others in realizing their personal fitness goals. The first step is to fill out a medical questionnaire with a personal trainer so that he can complete a fitness evaluation before beginning an exercise routine. Besides the establishment of goals, evaluating previous injuries and sporting experiences, and assessing current levels of activity, this questionnaire also serves as a tool for risk assessment. If the client does not pass this initial assessment, it will be necessary to obtain a physician's release prior to beginning a fitness plan.

Next you will need to complete a fitness assessment requiring you to do a series of exercises that will assist you in the establishment of your present weaknesses and strengths. An exercise plan will be developed by your trainer utilizing your goals, time frame, and identified strengths and weaknesses. This is accomplished by taking measurements of the body including the folds of the skin, your weight, and how tall you are, and taking your age, flexibility, and posture into account so your progress can be tracked to determine if your exercise program is working.

Keeping a detailed food diary throughout the program is necessary so the trainer can analyse your diet. Because trainers have expertise in nutrition and diet, you will learn from them if your diet is not healthy, and they can provide information on healthy choices for you.

You should be certain that any fitness trainer you employ is both certified and covered by insurance. The ideal method for doing this is asking them to give you the number and expiration date for their fitness association membership, and if it is current they probably are insured and have the standard First Aid Level 2 certification. If you want to verify their credentials then you can contact the fitness association they are registered with.

With luck, this article has been of help to you, and meanwhile I hope you will be able to find the ideal personal trainer to assist you. - 17269

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