Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The Best Cure For Acne Wouldn't Have To Be Severe In Addition To High-priced

By Michelle Moccoco

All those ads make some expensive branded products seem to be the best solution for your acne problem. But they contain harsh ingredients that can potentially worsen your dilemma. What's more, they usually come with undesirable side effects. The best cure for acne doesn't have to be expensive nor endorsed by a celebrity or a dermatologist.

There are natural means of dealing with this skin problem. They are inexpensive, and produce no side effects as their pharmaceutical counterparts. You really don't have to go out now just to purchase them. Some of them could be sitting in your kitchen all this time.

It's important to mind what you eat. Excessive sebum production can be triggered by greasy and fatty foods. Also, skip refined table sugar and go for honey or any other natural sweetener. Go for foods that are rich in zinc, such as chicken, nuts, beans and yogurt. Load up on tuna, salmon and the likes as they're rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which is good for the skin.

You may also create your own face masks out of things you find in the kitchen. For example, an egg white mask is great for soothing and healing acne-damaged skin. Simply beat an egg white, apply and let stay for about 15 minutes. Oatmeal is great for absorbing excessive facial oils. Cook oatmeal as you would, without adding anything else but water. Once cooled, apply all over the face. Let it stay for some minutes before rinsing off.

Don't throw away those orange peels. Place them in a blender and add some water to make a paste. Apply the paste on affected areas and let stay for some time before rinsing your face. The thick juice of an aloe vera leaf is great for drying up acne and preventing scarring. Break off a leaf, and apply the juice liberally on affected skin.

Astringents often sting and make your face red all over. However, there are great all-natural alternatives for those. Apple cider vinegar, or any plain vinegar, is a great substitute. So is lemon or lime juice. You can steep a bag of green tea in a cup of hot water, let cool and apply with a cotton ball.

Obviously, the best cure for acne doesn't have to be expensive. In fact, some pricey treatments for the problem make use of all-natural ingredients too. But still they contain some chemicals in them. That's why sometimes it's much better to simply create your own. They're inexpensive, milder on your skin, and effective. - 17269

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Tips That Will Help You On All Fat Burning Diets.

By Cody Campbell

Do any of the diets online today live up to their claims on burning stubborn body fat? Depending on who you talk to will depend on what type of an answer you will receive. Some health care professionals will tell you that all of these fat loss diets are just fads and the creators are just out to take your money while others will tell you to find one of these diets and stick with it because they work if you follow them. So why are there so many people on both sides of the fence? Honestly it has a lot to do with their personal understanding of how their body digests food and how the body uses up energy in the whole digestive process.

One of the main misconceptions that people make today is the process of how the body burns calories. Most people think that the body only burns calories when they are exercising or performing physical activities. This is the main reason why there is so much debatable information on this subject. A lot of people don't understand that our bodies need to burn calories to breath, for the heart to pump the blood around the body, and even to digest the last meal we ate. Although it's safe to say that our bodies will not burn 2,500 calories in the digestion of our last meal. It is safe to say that our body will burn different variations of calories for the different variations of food we eat. This is the basis of the whole understanding of negative burning foods.

So you might be asking how this actually works. Well let's say that you eat a piece of food that is roughly 110 calories. Now when your body digests this piece of food it requires 135 calories to digest it. So even though you have eaten something that is 110 calories your body required 135 calories on order to digest it. Your body needed an additional 25 calories in order to digest the piece of food that you ate. So it's safe to say that if you ate more of these negative burning foods you would naturally start to drop off body fat as your body would need to burn body fat for the additional calories needed to digest the negative foods you eat. Does this really work?

It is possible and it does work. But there are a few things that you have to take into account when you are looking at starting a fat burning diet like this. You have to understand that you aren't going to eat 5,200 calories a day and not do any physical activity and expect a body builder physique. It simply doesn't work that way and anyone that tries to tell you that it does is trying to scam you. So how then are you to get the results that you are after with a fat burning diet and see some impressive results?

All you have to do is add negative calorie foods to your diet plan. Foods such as lean meats (chicken), low fat yogurt and apples are a few of the most popular negative burning calorie food choices on the internet today. So if you're goal here is to lose weight, then adding these types of foods to your diet make perfect sense. That being said if you are looking for fast results I would recommend that you eat a diet full of negative burning foods as well as implement a weight training routine or muscle building routine for faster and optimal results.

Adding a weight training routine or muscle building routine to your fat burning diet plan will supercharge your fat burning results. You will increase your metabolism and burn twice as many calories resulting in even greater fat loss. - 17269

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HCG Diet: Day 19

By Amelia Handley

It's Day 19 on my HCG diet. And I'm down another pound. This is just getting more and more exciting. It's like a really fabulous game and I'm totally winning.

Today I weighed myself a bit late in the morning. My daughter woke up in the middle of the night sick and I ended up most of the early morning hours. Once she fell back asleep it was too late for me to get back in bed so I stayed up. It threw me off my routine a bit.

But I lost a pound so I guess it didn't matter. I'm at 154 pounds down from 155. In my 19 days on the diet I've lost 17 pounds. That's a pretty fantastic result, I think. I'm very close to the average 1 to 2 pounds per day weight loss. Men are the actual recipients of the higher weight loss averages, dang it! So I feel like I'm doing quite well.

I ran across a few HCG Diet Direct reviews on the computer today (I'm a total Internet surfers) and I decided the I should leave one or two of my own. There should be HCG Diet Direct reviews all over the Internet considering these results! This isn't the first time I've dieted or undertaken some other type of program intended to result in weight loss (exercise, yuck!) and I've never seen results like these.

For lunch I had leftover steak with grapefruit and Melba Toasts. I'm pretty good at reaching for healthy foods. It's a big change for me.

At dinner I had Buffalo Chicken salad (it's a recipe found in the HCG Diet Direct cookbook). I also had Melba Toasts and an apple. That's another thing...HCG Diet Direct reviews should definitely point out the cookbook. It's amazing! - 17269

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There Is Hope To Stop Your Panic Attacks Fast

By Adam Champagne

I have suffered from panic attacks and anxiety for some time now. I believe it is one of the worst mental conditions to have. It takes over your life, making you afraid to attend social events, meetings, and avoid people at work. You feel trapped in your own body and you just want to get out.

When I had my first attack, I thought I was having a heart attack. I had never experienced anything like this before. Once I realized I wasn't having a heart attack I began to calm down. However, it wasn't long before I started getting them all the time. Just the thought of having an attack would trigger a new one. The thing that initially helped me the most was when I found out that other people had panic attacks to and that there was actually a name for it. This made me feel like less of freak, because I thought I was the only person experiencing this.

When I found out that other people had panic attacks too it gave me some relief. However, this was not enough to rid me of them. I started reading books on the subject and soon discovered that most of them shared common principles on stopping panic attacks and anxiety.

The first thing is that you need ask yourself "what am I afraid of?" I was always afraid of having another panic attack. Then ask yourself "why am I afraid of it?" I was afraid because I thought that I would die as a result of the panic attack.

Next, you need to ask yourself "what is the worst that could happen?" I thought I could die, that is all I thought about which ended up bringing on more panic attacks and put me in a constant state of anxiety.

Now that you've identified what the worst thing that could happen is you must prepare for the worst. I started doing research about panic attacks and anxiety disorders and I quickly found that people do not die from panic attacks. It just doesn't happen. This fact alone decreased my anxiety greatly.

It doesn't matter what triggers your panic attacks, 99% of the time that thing you are afraid of will not happen. Even if it does it usually isn't that bad, your just making it out to be in your head. It's a vicious cycle and the good news is that you can break this cycle!

There are a great many resources online to help you with panic attacks. The best thing I did was join a program that guided me through the process of getting rid of my panic attacks for good. It took me by the hand and guided me the whole way. I am glad to say that I am now panic free! - 17269

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Changing Your Diet and Exercise Program to Get 6-Pack Abs

By Christopher Taylor

Most people will agree that if they had to change anything in their body, they would like to decrease their waistline and preferable get a 6-pack. When you think about it, it seems simple and easy, does it not? You only have to do so many redundant sit-ups, crunches, leg raises, and other body-contorting exercises and you expect your fats to disappear, as if by magic. However, this will never happen.

That is because crunches will not flatten your abdomen ever. If there is anything in this article you should remember it should be this: You can never force your system to decrease fat in one area alone. Therefore, if your belly has a layer of fat deposited in it, NO amount of crunches will present you with a six-pack.

There are two vital tasks you ought to do to achieve a 6-pack. They are first, lose the layer of fat that is causing that bulge, and second, gain more muscle in your body. Here is how to do these:

First, change your food intake.

Modify your eating. Fitness experts and nutritionists advise consuming foods many times a day. Studies have shown that people who eat infrequently tend to eat more than those who eat several small meals. Besides, when you go hungry, you tend to make the wrong food choices.

Some experts even suggest that eating several smaller meals will boost your metabolism. Therefore, you burn more calories just by eating more repeatedly!

I also recommend consuming lesser calories than you normally do. This may be hard for some of you to do. However, this could be as simple as filling up on foods with lower calorie and high fiber contents such as whole grain cereal, vegetables and fruit. These foods give you a feeling of fullness.

You can also cut back about 200 calories a day (that is approximately 2 slices of bread). At 3500 calories per pound of fat, that amounts to 20 pounds of body fat a year that you can lose just by decreasing your food intake by 200 calories a day.

You can also decrease your calorie intake by increasing your daily physical activity instead. Park your car far away from the entrance, take the stairs, walk an additional mile everyday.

Consume well-balanced meals.

Balance your meals between 50-60% carbohydrates, 20-30% of protein, and 20-30% of fat calories. The more color on your plate, the better balanced your meal will be. Hot, cold and room temperature foods ensure that you are eating a variety of foods and make a more interesting meal.

Drinking a lot of water will help remove wastes and toxins absorbed into your body. It also helps curb away hunger cravings that are merely the result of being thirsty. Drinking an abundance of water in between exercise will likewise replenish lost water during your workout.

Second, Mark Your Exercise Patterns.

A lower calorie diet can reduce your weight and fat deposits on your belly. However, it would not preserve or build muscles. Hence, now is the time for you to concentrate on your workout routine.

Cardiovascular exercise.

Increasing your physical activity to reduce fat is a no-brainer. The more you move, the more calories you burn. The more intense the activity, the greater the calorie expenditure.

This can be anything from walking to sprinting, from attending a dance fitness class to cycling, or anything you enjoy while simultaneously sweating out. You can spend about 30-45 minutes, 3-7 days a week on cardiovascular activity.

Weight training.

Albeit your main goal is to have six-pack abs, that does not mean that you must stick to abdominal-specific exercises solely. Your muscles always work in unison. For instance, when you get up from a sitting position, feel your abdominal, buttocks, thighs and lower back muscles contract.

Therefore, it is important that you work all the muscles of your body that support, strengthen and balance the abdominal area. Ideally, you should work on all your muscle groups about 2-3 times a week.

Stretching out.

When your muscles are tight and after each workout, it is essential to stretch your muscles for flexibility.

Keep in mind that it takes hard work and perseverance for you to see visible results in your mid-section. There will always be quick waist-trimming commercial solutions on televisions. But the only thing quick about these gadgets is trimming the size of your wallet. Therefore, do not rely on rapid solutions. Work at it.

Just remember that models on magazine covers did not get those 6-packs from over crunching. They got it from adhering to a balanced, healthy and lean diet and a balanced, regular workout routines. You need to do the same. - 17269

Watch The Caffeine And Sugar - For Good Health You Need Sleep

By Ali Bautista

Sleep is very important for your health and when most individuals do not get enough sleep they turn to caffeinated and sugary products for an energy boost. However too much caffeine and sugar is actually damaging to your health in the long run. To be alert during the day and keep you body healthy you need about 8 hours of sleep each night.

In order to stay alert during the day people will turn to caffeine and sugary products for energy. This coupled with the lack of sleep does even more damage to your system. New scientific studies have concluded that consuming too much caffeine and sugar can have detrimental effects on your health.

Sugar foods only provide a very short relief to your tiredness. When the sugar wears off you will crash and burn and be worse then you started. Most individuals find themselves to be even sleepier then before and much slower to react. Instead of sugar to keep you alert you should eat foods that combine some protein and carbohydrates. A great example is apple slices with peanut butter.

Coffee is regularly consumed for the caffeine to get you going. However the caffeine in the coffee you drank in the morning will stay in your body for up to 12 hours. The effects of that caffeine can last long after you have finished your coffee. If you have problems sleeping and drink a lot of coffee you should try not drinking coffee. If you feel you still need some caffeine in the morning then try chocolate or soda, as they have smaller amounts of caffeine.

Even those that drink decaffeinated coffee are not safe because this type of coffee still has caffeine in it. The caffeine in decaffeinated coffee is equivalent to drinking a 12 ox coke. Decaffeinated coffee is a good option for individuals that are not sensitive to caffeine.

So in order to stay healthy try and cut out some of the caffeine and work on getting a good night's sleep. Exercise can help if you have trouble falling asleep at night. - 17269

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Simple Tips to Real Fat Burning

By Ricardo Daryans

At this time of year, we can use every last tip to help avoid holiday weight gain. So here are 5 fat loss tips for beginner & advanced readers.

1) No liquid calories (with the exception of a post-workout drink).

Please, no juices, sodas or sports drinks. Liquid sugar is your worst enemy when you are trying to lose fat.

You have to say goodbye to alcohol, especially if you are adding mix to drinks, you'll be drinking hundreds of calories.

2) Forget about fast food.

Fast food restaurants? You should call them FAT food restaurants, because that's what you will find there instead of the healthy food you need.

The kind of food you'll find there is fast and cheap because of the poor quality of the food ingredients (especially the protein).

If you want to be sure that the food you are eating is as good as it gets, then think about the option of preparing your own meals. There's no better way to be sure of what exactly you are eating.

But believe me, it will taste so much better than fast food, and healthy eating will make you more alert. Eating fast food will make you feel terrible, and will make you want to have an afternoon nap at your desk.

One small improvement to your nutrition everyday for the rest of your life means a lot to your health.

3) Try eating more fruits and vegetables.

The goal is to eat up to 10 servings per day. If you are eating 2 servings per day, then go up to 4 servings per day by the end of the week. Then go up to 5 servings per day.

Consume fiber-rich fruits and vegetables.

You can try with nuts, but choose natural or dry-roasted nuts instead of roasted in oils nuts. The last ones are a possible source of trans fats.

Don't worry...this small amount of nuts won't make you fat, but will fill you up and help you lose weight.

5) Exercise.

And make sure the workouts are efficient and effective. To make it easy for you to follow, stick with the Turbulence Training fat burning workout system.

If you train consistently, you'll see great results in a few weeks. It doesn't matter if you train in the morning before or after breakfast, or at night before or after dinner, or at 1pm on days when the moon is in line with Saturn.

6) BONUS TIP: Sitting around watching the TV and snacking, is not the best thing to do after a big meal. Go for a walk, this will help you control your cholesterol and triglycerides. - 17269

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Best Ab Exercises? Get Hot Abs With These Well-Liked Abdominal Exercises

By Stewart Christian

Looking for six pack abs to improve your appearance but do not know where to start? These 6 pack stomach exercises aren't extremely difficult, but they're vital ( and particular ) because your goal is so defined.

The following three exercises are just some of the best ab exercises for those wishing to get 6 pack abs, so take good notes!

Crunches are where you lay flat on the floor with the exception of your knees that has to be bent. Alternate moving each arm over your chest while feeling your abdominal muscles tightening up and potentially burning to get the full effect. These are widely said to be the best six pack stomach exercises, but there are others that can achieve your goal. However , six pack waist exercises should be rotated on a regular basis.

Lying Bicycles are when you're lying supine on the floor with your legs raised at the hips and hands beside your head.

Bending your right leg at the knee while pulling your right thigh up at the hip along with curling your spine will achieve the goal. Just as you will have been able to glean by reading the title, this exercise should make you appear to be riding a bike while lying in the floor.

Seated Jackknife exercises are when you are sitting flat on a bench with your legs extended in front of you with your upper body at a 45 degree angle to the bench.

Fold your body by bringing your legs in and curling your spine forward and bend your knees as you raise up your legs inward. Hold the position for an instant and then return to the original position.

Don't believe that doing 6 pack stomach exercises one day will make a six pack the subsequent day, it is certainly a process! Just bear in mind that this is a major goal for you and you wanted it so bad at the beginning.

These integral six pack stomach exercises are a great first step, but there are way more to come, stay motivated! - 17269

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Try Psyllium For Added Dietary Fiber

By Carol Branwen

Psyllium is made from the husks of the seeds of Plantago ovata. The seed coat of Plantago ovata has a high mucilage content. Plantago seed mucilage is a clear, colorless, gelling agent. The milled seed fiber is a white mucilage that absorbs water, and increases in volume by ten times or more. Psyllium cannot be absorbed by the small intestine, and makes a great dietary fiber.

Psyllium seed husks are used to relieve diarrhea, constipation, irritable bowel syndrome and diverticular disease. Psyllium works as a fiber to assist the body in alleviating constipation and support regulate bowel movement.

There has been much scientific research that shows that dietary fiber can reduce blood cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of heart disease. Psyllium is one of the best dietary fibers. Many over-the-counter laxatives and fiber supplements such as Colon Cleanse, Fybogel, Metamucil, Serutan, and Effersyllium have psyllium seed husks as their main ingredient.

Adding dietary fiber can be as easy as taking a supplement containing psyllium husks. Regular use of psyllium husks will help clean the colon of accumulated build-up and prevent the formation of new build-up. Use of a psyllium supplement helps support a digestive tract which can work freely and efficiently to remove the build-up of mucus, toxins and metabolic waste. As the husks move down the digestive system they scrub the walls of the intestine. This scrubbing action helps to remove old, dried up fecal matter and dislodge toxins.

Adding dietary fiber helps maintain a healthy intestinal flora. Parasites flourish in fecal matter which is not removed from the body. A clean colon will help stop destructive bacteria and parasites from growing in human waste.

Warning! Chronic constipation can be a serous condition and psyllium seed husks should be used with the advice of your health care provider. Laxatives can be habit-forming if you use them too often and for too long. This can cause damage to your intestine.

It is very important to drink lots of water when taking psyllium seed husks. Gastrointestinal tract obstruction can occur if taken with inadequate amounts of water. Gastrointestinal tract obstruction can also occur for those with prior bowel surgeries or anatomic abnormalities. Adverse reactions can include allergic reactions, especially among people who have had regular exposure to psyllium dust. - 17269

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Green Tea - Skin Tea That Will Hold Onto Your Skins Healthy Glow

By Aoife Joyce

Green Tea holds multiple properties that can improve the health of your skin. The main antioxidant found in this skin tea that can enhance your skins appearance and overall health is EGCG, Epigallocatechin Gallate in scientific terms. Keep reading to learn some extremely interesting facts about how Green Tea can prolong your skins life span....

A two year study that was done by Stanford University exposed recently showed the following - An assembly of volunteer Green Tea drinkers were observed and a number of exciting results were publicized. The antioxidants in the skin tea, mainly EGCG, showed enhanced health of the skin overall. The particulars being, smoother skin and reduced pore size. Skin damage (age spots) appearance was reduced considerably. Emergence of the 'red vein' look was reduced on the skins surface.

Your skins life cycle is that of just 28 days, when new cells are formed from stem cells, it takes them about 20 days to reach the very exterior of the epidermis (outer layer of skin). When they get to the surface they are then set to die off. However it emerged that EGCG reacted with these dying cells and they began separating and renewing themselves again. So if dying skin cells can be re-energised, then the skin in turn will recover in condition and will naturally look and feel transformed.

Another study carried out, this time by Harvard Medical School declared that "in test tubes, catechins (antioxidants) are more powerful than Vitamin C and E in delaying oxidative damage to cell". In reality, EGCG catechins are 100 times more valuable than Vitamin C and 25 more efficient than Vitamin E.

UV radiation is a massive problem for the skins ageing. When UV rays hit the skin, Free Radicals are then activated. These free radicals are electrons that are in an unpaired state. Because of this they then search for electrons that they can pair up with. By doing these they latch onto healthy electrons, and because they are unhealthy themselves they damage the healthy electron they have become attached to.

With reference to the skins ageing, the skins healthy cells are damaged and extinguished by these Free Radicals. This causes the skins cells to either become so damaged that they cannot divide and deliver new cells, or they are destroyed completely before their life term should end. This is how sun damage has the effect it has and why your skin can look older and more ragged than it should. The good news is that EGCG can wipe out the Free Radical electrons, it does not allow them to attach to healthy cells. Thus, it can prevent sun damage.

In saying that, this does not mean it is safe to lie under the sun as long as you like and think that a cup of Green Tea will save your skin, however it does mean that for those rays that get through your sun lotion, most of them will be destroyed before they can do any damage. So you can see how Green Tea can compliment your sun protective routine and help keep your skin looking as young and healthy as it should. Considering that 90% of ALL skins anti ageing is due to UV radiation, I would be quite excited about introducing Green Tea into my diet, for that and the many other reasons as above. - 17269

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Core Muscle Workouts and There Benefits

By Cody Campbell

Hands down, the most important workout anyone can do is a series of core muscle workouts. These workouts will help you reach a peak level of performance and help you remain injury free. As you might have already noticed, core muscle workouts have only become popular in the last few years, however they have always been a huge part of bodybuilding and fitness routines. If you are not fully aware of the exercises that fall into the category of core muscle workouts here is a quick reference. Any workout that uses any of the lower abdominal or lower back muscles are classified as core workouts. With all the new workout programs available today, people are starting to realize the importance of these exercises, as they should because these exercises are the "core" of every one of these programs.

That being said there will always be people out there that will downgrade the importance of these workouts. These people just can't see the importance of such workouts as they are still stuck in the past with the misconception that all they have to do it lift heavy weights to develop the body of your dreams. Don't get me wrong there is nothing wrong with lifting heavy weights, all I am saying is that you will never get those 6 pack abs by just building your chest, biceps and shoulders. Plus when you perform your core strength workouts you will not only build up your abs but you will also improve your quality of your life.

What are some of these benefits associated with core training workouts? Here are a few:

1) You will develop increased balance and stability in your everyday ventures. This happens because of you will have strengthened your abdominal and lower back muscles. There will be a lot of people that will not be able to see the importance of this and will take this as a relatively small benefit but let me assure you we have all taken this for granted at some point in our lives. If you have ever had a lower back injury or abdominal surgery you will know exactly what I am talking about. There are a lot of accidents that could easily be avoided if we just took the time to develop out core muscles.

2) People that perform core workouts on a regular basis will notice that other injuries that they have will diminish or vanish. Core exercises have an amazing ability to strengthen our core where a lot of injuries originate.

3) Just like any exercise routine, core muscle workouts will help you lose that stubborn belly fat. When you perform core workouts you stimulate your metabolism and you will also be burning calories during your workout routine. No matter how you look at it you will be developing a leaner body and the more you workout the quicker you will start to see the results you want.

4) Day to day activities will become easier and whenever your activities demand any type of physical exertion from your body your chance of injuries will be greatly diminished. Most of our daily activities require the use of stomach and back muscles. These are the muscles that consist of our core and the muscles we target with out core muscle workouts. When we strengthen these muscles our lives and activities naturally become easier.

5) And yes, there are also physical appearance benefits that can be gained from performing body core workouts. The abdominal muscles, thighs, and lower back are stressed quite a bit in these workouts. That means that you will develop a very toned midsection region as a result. Since many people find results in this region elusive, the benefits of core exercises are more than a little helpful. - 17269

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