Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Fortify Nutrition and Health

By Benedict Perez

People must be aware of nutrition and health-giving food which can be produced in on the soil. More often, nutrition and health are affected by our eating habits. The factors involving nutrition and health are important in our day to day living in this wonderful planet.

It is not the amount of food that a person eats that can make him strong. It is the quality that matters, not the quantity. It is elementary to know that eating the right kind of food must be a part and parcel of our daily diet.

Most nutrients that are excellent for the human body are photochemical substances that are found in the natural produce of the soil. The products of Mother Earth like fruits and vegetables are the best sources of nutrients to keep our body strong and healthy. The recent developments of supplements are a great advantage to the insufficiency of dietary needs.

It is important to have the natural and organic-based products rather than taking what is being advertised in the commercial market which may be synthetic ones. The synthetic products can cause damage to vital organs like the kidneys if not properly taken. It is for this reason that we must also be aware that not all supplements are good for the body.

The organic ones have no overdose, no side effects and perfectly good for the body. After long years of intake with the non-organic substances, an accumulation of their residues will be stored in the kidney. The ailment in the kidneys can lead to a lot of health complications too that can even lead to untimely demise.

We can have a great choice of affordable food supplements in the market today. We must consider that natural and organic food supplements are often expensive because of their quality and standards. What is important is to maintain good nutrition and health. - 17269

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Tips for Maneuvering the HCG Diet

By Amelia Handley

The HCG Diet is not being called the Weight Loss Cure for nothing! It offers amazing and unique weight loss results in an industry that has been crawling with supposedly effective diets for years. But there are a few points that can make or break your success on the program.

1. Stay on the diet. Going off the diet even for one tiny taste of an indulgent food will have an effect on your weight loss. The HCG alters your body's method of using and storing body fat so that you can decrease your body weight quickly with long term results. But the addition of fat or sugar into the body during the program inhibits the process.

2. Prepare your meals. Choose appropriate recipes and cook in bulk. Then package them individually so they are available as necessary. 500 calories is very limited. DO NOT let yourself get hungry. It will eventually break you.

3. Find an herbal tea and stevia combination that you enjoy. You can depend heavily on your tea as one of the very few unlimited substances allowed on the diet.

4. There are many seasonings allowed on the HCG diet. Take advantage of them. You can do a lot with lemon juice. And there's no need to eat plain, unseasoned boiled chicken unless you just prefer it that way. Try different seasonings and make sure you feel like you're getting a little bit of variety within the guidelines presented by the program.

Sticking to the HCG diet is very possible. The low calorie diet in combination with the HCG's effect on the body ensures that your body doesn't go into starvation mode. You might psychologically be "starving" though so make sure to have a meal plan and stick to it. It will be easier once you start seeing the pounds fall off; and that happens for most almost immediately! - 17269

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Vitamins and Minerals - Does Your Body Need Them?

By Nancy Lockola

Any person, even those without expertise in the fields of science, knows that our bodies require a constant supply of vitamins and minerals. We may be old enough to become grandparents, or heavy enough to earn a title in a boxing league, regardless, all our bodies need consistent supply of nutrients. Big time scientists have dedicated their lives in giving us some of the best products that will nourish our bodies with the ideal amount of vitamins and minerals.

Just a few years ago, only a number of people were aware of the various vitamins that keep bodies purposeful and efficient. Fifty years back, Vitamin C was the most popular among other similarly important nutrients needed by the human body. Men and women were yet to discover other vitamins and minerals that also serve their purpose for each human being.

Nowadays, there are different kinds of vitamins and minerals, each with their own specific use in providing people with the required supplements to tackle daily tasks. From the alphabetical takes on vitamins to the most scientific names of various minerals, these all play a role in helping men and women perform their best in their respective accountabilities.

Vitamin A is one of the most important nutrients that our body needs to maintain a clear vision. For our bones and teeth, food groups that are rich in Vitamin C are prescribed by nutritionists and family physicians.

Vitamin D is needed by our bones in order to maintain its strongest features. This type of vitamins can be found in dairy products. If you are looking to have more toned muscles, you can also concentrate on building the supply of Vitamin E in your body.

Although a lot of people have a good grasp of the different vitamins present in food groups, not everyone can name most of the minerals needed by the bodies. The average individual's knowledge when it comes to minerals is limited to magnesium and phosphorous. Other than these two, individuals would struggle remembering their old science lessons.

Scientists have confirmed that there are still a surprising number of vitamins and minerals that have not yet been named. Most of these are still under careful observation and examination.

As you go through everyday life, make it a point to eat only what is good for your health. Making sure that you have a regular diet that is rich in vitamins and minerals will help in constantly improving your health and lifestyle. - 17269

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Acai Berry Diet: Juice

By Dana Hawkes

One of the easiest ways to get acai berry in an acai berry diet is to purchase juice. Acai berry juice can be an excellent way to get what you want. While you may look up acai berry diet reviews to follow the best type of juice to purchase, looking at these three tips can help you to make the best juice decision.

Percentage Juice

How much juice is really in acai berry juice drink? The acai berry diet relies on knowing how much acai berry you are getting into your system. By knowing the percentage of actual acai berry juice (not including the pit) in the drink, you can know exactly how you are doing.


The ingredients that are in the acai berry diet juice are also important. If you are not drinking complete acai berry, you are going to want to know what else you are putting into your body. Avoid acai berry diet juices that add a lot of excess, unwanted sugar.

Cleansing Drink

Those who are looking for a detox with the acai berry diet will be looking for two forms of juice; the acai berry juice and the cleansing juice. Cleansing juices that feature some acai may be better, but you do not need acai in your cleansing drink. The cleansing drink should feature other antioxidants and nutrient rich vegetables to help in the cleansing process. The cleansing drink is most often had after the acai berry diet juice drink.

Be sure to watch for drinks that try to say that they use the entire acai berry. They should not be using the pit, which makes up a majority of the acai berry. IF this is the case, find a new type of juice for you to use with your acai berry diet. - 17269

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How To Start A 1 Week Detox Diet Plan

By Ron Cripps

Are you going on a detox diet plan since you are already acquainted with, the water, food and air around us isn't as unpolluted and environmentally friendly as you would like it to be. Cars and industries throw pollution particles in the atmosphere each day, which we then inhale into our bodies. Food is manufactured with chemicals, such as food additives and preservatives. There is definitely no benefit to us by consuming considerable quantities of food that are hard to swallow, comparable to alcohol, heavy spices, and red meat. And factories keep on polluting water, which we end up consuming.

With the numerous chemicals and toxins, our bodies do the best they can, but unless we lend a hand to it, there's a limit to what they can do otherwise our bodies breakdown and we get unwell, from time to time severely. A detox diet plan can yield a lot of change, in particular for our bodies liver.

Starting and staying on a detox diet plan isn't as challenging as most folks think. In fact, its customarily easier and cheaper to plan than what we generally eat, aside from of course, pre-made foods, but then again, you want to limit down on those for your individual health.

For the first part of a detox diet plan it is important to drink a sufficient amount water. Our bodies require around half a gallon of water each day to work properly. Water is the avenue by which our system reduces toxins from our bodies, through sweating and the release of toxins through the bladder.

A detox diet plan may be able to remove some foods or beverages, as long as it keeps the nutritional balance of our diet. This is one reason why you must ensure the nutritional values of a detox diet plan before you commit to it.These take account of the carbs, calories, vitamins, etc., that you're receiving. This information is valuable since you can then compare it alongside a nutritional chart and see to it that you're getting all the nutritional basics that you need, even once reducing down on some types of food groups.

A further feature that is universal in a detox diet plan is the reduction of carbohydrates, more commonly acknowledged as carbs. Some will lessen only basic carbohydrates, such as cake, candy and sugar, despite the fact that others will target to lower both simple and complex carbohydrates, reminiscent of the ones included in fruits. On the other hand, a detox diet plan should not eliminate them totally.

In conclusion, the lone element that is put forward in every detox diet plan is the purging of alcohol. Alcohol is one of the as a rule arduous substances to beat down for the organ that takes care of our natural detox process. It tends to create scar tissue in the long run, that results in a cirrhosis. Reducing down on the alcoholic drinks might have a larger influence on you physical condition that what you might imagine. - 17269

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Is There a Best Exercise to Lose Belly Fat?

By Meg Norman

Want the best exercise to lose belly fat? Well, how about 3 exercises? Skip the typical ab exercises, like crunches, situps and leg lifts and you cannot help but burn belly fat while performing these high intensity whole body workouts that will boost your metabolism... thus building rock hard abs & core, but also creating a much better fat-burning workout than a typical ab workout.

If you think you have to do crunches and situps for losing belly fat, then think again. To do this, you will be rotating among 3 very effective exercises in a mini superset format.

The 3 exercises are 1. Renegade Dumbbell Rows 2. Front Squats with a Barbell 3. Mountain Climbers on Floor

A good rep scheme to use with this could be 3-4 sets of 8 reps for each exercise, or more sets for less reps, such as 5 sets of 5 reps of each exercise. Instead of counting the number of reps, you can do mountain climbers for say 30 seconds.

Renegade dumbbell rows

Start in a pushup position with the hands on 2 dumbbells. While you row and lift a dumbbell with one arm, stabilize your body with the other arm while you hold the other dumbbell on the floor. Bring the arm back to the starting position with the dumbbell on the floor, then stabilize your body with that arm while you raise the other arm in a rowing motion. You have to use all your abdominals to stabilize your body during the rowing motion. Believe me on this one... believe me you will be working your abs!

Front squats

These are similar to back squats, however with the barbell in front of your body on the front of your shoulders instead of resting on the upper back as in back squats. Cross your arms and while keeping your elbows pointing away from your body, hold the barbell with your knuckles pressed against each shoulder.

You may not get the form right immediately, but with practice and some help from a trainer, you will get it right. You wil really have to use your abs to stabilize your body during front squats. Your abs will have to work on this too, even it looks like just a leg workout!

Mountain climbers

Start in a pushup position and then shuffling your feet in and out so that your knees are moving in under your chest and then back out to starting position. It is kind of like climbing a mountain, but you are on a flat floor. For a more intense version, move your hands back and forth about 8-10 inches while you are doing the leg movements. Compared to standard mountain climbers, these are more difficult, and will work your whole body.

Take 30 seconds rest between each exercise. Rest about 1-2 minutes after completing each "tri-set" before repeating.

Your abs won't know what happened to them, since you won't be doing any direct ab workouts. After you try it, I bet you will agree with me! - 17269

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Where Can I Get Some Real Acai Juice?

By Pauline Hanson

Acai juice is becoming more and more popular nowadays. It is made from juicing acai berries, which are purple berries only found in the rain forests of South America. The areas where they grow are usually swamps and floodplains. They grow on the acai palm tree, a member of the genus Euterpe palms. There are eight other species in the same family as the acai palm. You will find many acai palm trees in Central and South America, from Belize southward to Brazil and Peru.

Young acai berries are green in color. As the fruit matures, it changes color from green to deep purple. The acai berry is a small berry. Its size is comparable that of a blueberry. On an acai palm tree, which averages 15 to 25 meters in height, the berries grow in bunches similar to grapes. Each berry contains only a small amount of the precious acai pulp which is the most nutritious part of the berry. The stone inside the berry makes up about 80% of the acai fruit.

People in Central and South America have long known the great benefits that the acai berry offers. The little berry contains more nutrients, vitamins and minerals than most other fruits. They would drink the acai juice in the morning before work and with other meals throughout the day. The berry is a staple food source in the countries where they grow.

Pronounced "ah-sigh-ee, the little purple fruit has made its way outside of its native countries. The acai fruit has been a popular fruit among in Brazil and Peru but now it is also a hit in the US. In the US, however, there are no fresh acai berries, only acai juices. Since the acai palm trees do not grow in the US, drinking acai juice is the only option for people of the United States.

When the acai juice was not so popular, you could only find a few brands in only selected, specialized health food stores. But, now that the demand for acai based products has skyrocketed, there seems to be more acai juice brands than most other juices. Two famous companies have attracted the most attention. They are Sambazon and MonaVie. Sambazon has a wide range of acai products, not just acai juices, whereas MonaVie is a network marketing company with only a few lines of products.

No matter where you buy your acai berry, you need to do your research beforehand. You can find out a lot of about berry as well as its nutritional content before you make a purchase. By doing so, you will be able to avoid falling for scams. There are many scams that take advantage of the acai berry craze nowadays. If you are afraid of buying online, you can just visit your local grocery stores and see what acai juice they have. - 17269

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Growing Taller - Make It A Reality

By Shaun Davids

How you ever dreamed of growing taller, but never got around to actually achieving your desired height? Well, let me tell that there are numerous advantages to being tall, and what's more is there are natural ways you can use to gain a few inches in height. So why would you want to be taller?

Imagine asking a girl about the ideal man she would go out with. There is a good chance she would want him to be relatively tall - haven't you heard the expression "tall, dark and handsome" before? Now imagine she looked like a model - you would really want to have what she wanted, right? But even if you were dark and handsome, you would still have to grow tall to be the perfect match. How disappointing!

Have you had gone to any job hunting fair, or probably had gone through applying for a job. Although height is not really one of the qualifications that is being asked for when you are applying for an office job, however, try to observe the taller one most likely is the one to get the job.

Speaking of looking for a job, as you go look for job vacancies on job hunting sites or in classified ads, you'll find a lot of job offers that have height qualifications, like for instance, cabin crews, stewards, nurses, and other jobs. If you want a career in basketball, you definitely have to be growing taller.

If you are "short" there is chance you could have some sort of inferiority complex because you were never quite tall enough for a job or audition. So many people suffer from this that health ad fitness practitioners have done extensive research on various ways to grow taller.

Growing taller is not that difficult for someone who is determined to work his or her way out to obtain that desired height. It definitely is going to take a lot of perseverance and grow taller exercises to do so.

However, to get the best results on these routinary activities to be done, one has to obtain a height growth program, that would focus on the focal points of the body that would allow the person to grow taller.

Generally the main parts of your bofd that will be exercised are your spine, legs, glandular reflex points and even your breathing.

If you join a height increase program today, you could be seeing permanent results in as little as 6 weeks from now. Isn't it about time you got what you wanted out of life, and experienced all the benefits of growing taller? - 17269

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So Many Creatines - Which is the Best?

By Aaron Wilding

If you've been around supplements at all, you know that there are always several different types of any given supplement. And if there is any supplement that is this way it's creatine. It seems like every year or two there is a new revolutionary type of creatine that comes out. So what is the difference? Is one really better than the other?

If you go out looking for creatine, you'll find a couple different types: creatine monohydrate, creatine ethyl ester, and liquid creatine. There are other creatine supplements on the market as well, but these are the most common.

Let's take a minute and lookat the differences between these different types of creatine supplements:

Creatine Monohydrate

Creatine monohydrate is creatine without anything added. This is just the most basic form of creatine that you can find. As such, it's also the cheapest way to go. You can also look for different qualities, and some claim to be more pure than others. Creatine monohydrate is 100% natural and occurs naturally in many foods, so you'll never see it on the list of banned supplements. It's natural and has so far been proven safe for use.

Creatine Ethyl Ester (CEE)

Most of the other versions of creatine that are on the market claim to be more easily absorbed by the body. This is the case with CEE. What they've done is attached an organic compound called an ester that apparently makes it easier for the body to absorb. And the more creatine your body can absorb the more it can put to work for you!

Liquid Creatine

The idea behind liquid creatines is that you can get them absorbed into your body quicker than a powdered product. One problem with powdered creatine is that it has a tendency to bind with food, making it less effective and making it so you have to not eat for a good period of time before using it. But if you take it in a liquid form you can potentially reduce this problem, and the time you have to wait before using it.

Final Thoughts

While they have generated a lot of buzz, CEE and liquid creatine have not convinced everyone of their superiority to regular creatine monohydrate. At this time there have not been enough studies conducted to really determine if they are superior in any way. So far there is more proof behind CEE than liquid creatine.

Either way, creatine is one of those products that you should definitely consider as part of your supplementation. It has long been proven effective, and many creatine supplements are very inexpensive. - 17269

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Is A Body Cleanse Diet Expensive

By Ron Cripps

If you are considering purchasing or commencing a body cleanse detox diet, you should think about these aspects before you spend your time and money.

Do you really require a body cleanse detox diet?

Is there any distinct basis you think you want a body cleanse or do you truly want to stay healthy and in good physical shape? Going all the way through a body cleanse detox because you dont feel well lately may be a decent idea, but if you are in acute pain or illness, then its perhaps too late to take care of it with just a body cleanse. In those cases you should better ask for medical advice before you decide on a body cleanse treatment.

But in saying that, if you feel healthy within yourself, then you probably dont need it at all, and you would be better off by really staying on a healthier lifestyle, steer clear from alcohol and smoking, doing physical activities regularly and drinking allot of water.

What benefits are there on a detox diet?

When it comes to health, its very challenging to quantify benefits. Still, endeavor to get a body cleanse treatment that is as specialized as possible. Provisions that are too broad or difficult to determine mean that they can sell you pretty much anything without any accountability. After all, how can you measure benefits like feel better?

How Expensive Can A Body Cleanse Be?

Make sure you are aware of the costs upfront, plus any additional or hidden services that they may charge. Sometimes, the expense only includes the main body cleanse treatment, but as you advance, there are little hidden extras, like patches, pills, towels, soaps, etc., that add up to the bill. If you are aware of these costs beforehand, you will be able to choose whether you join in them or not. Be aware however, if you get charged for such services with no warning, it could turn your body cleanse experience into a frustrating one.

Is this treatment trustworthy?

Only if youve been directed to a detox clinic by a specialist you know, Id advise you not to take body cleanse treatments at a place just for the reason that it catches your attention. Ask you friends or relatives that have in fact been to body cleanse treatments about their experience and where they took them.

In conclusion, you should also contemplate not taking a treatment at all. If you can keep away from tobacco and alcohol, drink half a gallon of water every day and do physical activity everyday, then you probably shouldnt be looking for a body cleanse treatment. Of course, I know that such a total lifestyle is easier said than done, so if you dont come up with the willpower, then be prepared to splurge some money. - 17269

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Liquid Vitamins and Minerals - Giving You Better Options

By Martin Castella

Liquid vitamins and minerals provide that much needed urgency when it comes to healing and nurturing the human body. Unlike those that are consumed through solid foods and supplements, vitamins and minerals in liquid form are more effective in distributing different sources of energy in our system. While there are a lot of chronic diseases present in the world today, the antioxidants present in the liquid vitamins and minerals can help our bodies remain fit and strong.

All human beings require a particular amount of vitamins and minerals for everyday. Due to this specific requirement and need, the body demands a hefty amount of nutrients so as to work with utmost efficiency during work, school and leisure time. Vitamins and minerals must come in specific doses so as to make us more energized throughout the day.

Containing antioxidants, some vitamins and minerals are transformed into their liquid state so as to assist the body during digestion. On a much faster scale, the body then digests the consumed nutrient and equally shares this to all other bodily systems and organs.

The absorption of vitamins and minerals in the body is solely dependent on the state of the nutrients being processed. In liquid form, the supplements consumed by the body are processed at a more efficient and timely level, allowing the body to absorb all the strength and energy that it can.

Older people also have trouble digesting vitamins and minerals in their body, which is why some vitamin production companies have made it possible for them to receive their antioxidants in liquid state.

In liquid form, these vitamins and minerals can easily recharge the bio-systems in the human body to ensure that the right support is given to DNA synthesis. Most supplements that contain our much-needed vitamins and minerals do not use those that are metallic in form, and instead focuses in enzymes and amino acids. It has been proven that heavy metals such as those containing mercury and lead can cause harm to the human body.

With the early 1990's being a year of distress for those people who've been diagnosed with mineral deficiency, people have been more cautious with the food that they eat. Without the right nutrients, the body is weaker and is more likely to contract diseases.

As more and more people in the United States struggle to keep their finances intact, producers of liquid vitamins and minerals have also made their products available in the most reasonable prices. This way, a lot of people can benefit from the uses of different bodily nutrients. - 17269

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Achilles Tendon Facts

By Dr. Stefan Tarlow

Injuries to the Achilles Tendon

Of all of the tendons in the human body, the Achilles tendon is the largest. The muscles at the posterior of the lower leg are attached to the calcaneous (heel bone) by the Achilles tendon. Because if it's location, the Achilles tendon must withstand a great deal of pressure during strenuous exercise - especially sporting activities that involve a lot of pivoting.

The Achilles tendon is especially prone to two types of injury:

#1 Achilles tendonitis is inflammation caused by overuse.

#2 The Achilles tendon can be torn during strenuous activity.

The Specifics of Achilles Tendonitis

If you suddenly increase the level or intensity of your workout, or if you come back full-force after a long break, you are likely to experience Achilles tendonitis. For this reason, it is very important to add strenuous activities slowly and carefully and to work back up to your top performance gradually after a long break in training.

You may experience Achilles tendonitis as mild pain after exercise that worsens as time passes. Several hours after completing your exercise routine, the pain may become severe. After rest, you may feel stiffness, tenderness, and swelling. Movement may improve these symptoms.

If you tear your Achilles tendon, you will probably need surgery. With surgery, torn, fibrous and toughened tissues can be removed. After your surgery, you will be sent to rehabilitation to quicken your recovery and prevent ankle weakness in the future.

Click here to learn more about total knee replacement.

More Information About A Torn Achilles Tendon

You may overstretch your Achilles tendon during vigorous activity. This often happens during sports. You may actually hear a crack or a snap when the injury occurs. The tear is usually located just above the calcaneous (heel bone). It may be complete or partial.

If this happens, you may find that you are not able to bend your foot into a downward position or even to walk normally. This type of injury is very painful and causes a lot of swelling around the heel.

If you have a complete rupture, you will probably need surgery. Following surgery, you will need to use a cast or walking boot to keep your ankle stable. This will last about 3 months.

Although it is possible to treat torn ligaments non-surgically with a below-knee cast, this is not recommended. It takes longer for the ends of the torn tendon to heal naturally, and there is more likelihood that the tendon will experience damage in the future.

You have a better chance to experience full recovery with surgery. That's why active people who want to continue enjoying sports often choose surgical treatment for and injured Achilles tendon.

Click here to learn more about orthopaedic and knee surgery. - 17269

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