Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Acai Berry Fruit Drinks Is Good for the Body?

By Earl Cabo

One of the most energizing and nutritious drinks in the world, Acai Berry drink from juices, smoothies, health teas and more is regarded as the easiest and most common use of Acai fruit. In simple words, this Acai Drink is starting to become a sensation originating from the Amazonians from the South America all the way to the Western and Asian societies. But what exactly is so exceptional about this drink? Aside from the obvious explanation that this comes from Acai fruit which is so full of major vitamins and minerals, this drink is good for every one because of the following reasons:

1. Acai drink offers a variety of amino acids and vital minerals which helps in our muscle activities and tissue regeneration especially if you live a very rigorous and active life.

2. It contains more proteins needed by our bodies to make our hormones, organs, and muscles strong and healthy.

3. Acai drink boosts our natural resistance providing us more power to fight illnesses as we become more and more caught up in our social or even daily living.

4. It boosts our mood as Acai berry drink from juices, smoothies, health teas and more also helps us relieve our stress and improves our stress levels. Whether you are feeling blue and down because of work or love life, this drink will be your best buddy during these stressful times in your life and will definitely cheer you up and gets you going again.

Further studies are still ongoing at the moment to detect other diseases that an Acai drink from juices, smoothies, health teas and more can reduce, if not completely eliminate. Not only will this Acai drink can keep you young but it will also definitely gives you the opportunity to live life to the fullest as you stay stronger and healthier with just one Acai berry drink a day. So what are you waiting for? Start now for a healthier and longer future. - 17269

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Fiber and Cellulite

By El Bilson

Youve heard that the amount of fiber you eat is an important part of your daily routine. But is their a relationship between our daily amount of fiber and cellulite that shows up on your skin?

Research has shown that fiber and cellulite do have a connection to one another. Fiber is an important part of our daily diets. Without enough fiber, the body often does not feel full and satisfied after meals. This causes over eating which can lead to excess weight gain.

Fiber exists in two major forms " soluble and insoluble. The insoluble fiber moves through the digestive track and slowly starts to clean out the system. It cleans out waste products left over from the meal you just consumed. The more waste that is cleared out of the body, the less waste the body is forced to store in the cells. Cellulite often occurs because of extra toxins and waste products left in the body that weren't moved out with the normal digestion process.

Soluble fiber dissolves into a gel like substance and it is responsible for lowering cholesterol or fat and plaque in the blood vessels. This is important for heart health as well as healthy skin. Good circulation improves not only the functionality of your heart (which can help prevent a heart attack) but it can also help to improve the look of your skin cells.

Both soluble and insoluble fiber are an important part of your diet. Doctors note that we should consume 25 to 30 grams of fiber daily. However with the typical American diet, most of us only get 5 to 10 grams of fiber per day. The results of not getting enough fiber are seen all the time: obesity, heart problems, diabetes to name a few. Additionally, areas such as the skin may also be affected by a lack of fiber in the diet.

Is there a way to benefit from the relationship between cellulite and fiber? The following is a list high fiber foods. Consume some of these foods daily and you will start to notice an improvement in not only your skin, but your overall health and energy!

10.3 g fiber - Cooked Artichokes

A cup of split peas, cooked - 16.3 g fiber

A cup Lentils, cooked - 15.6 g fiber

A cup of Spaghetti, whole wheat cooked - 6.3 g fiber

A 1/2 cup raspberries - 8.0 g fiber

Pear, with skin " 5.1 g fiber - 17269

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Pregnancy Fitness Ideas

By Janine Rose Morley

Pregnancy Fitness Ideas. When you find out you have a little one coming, your first thoughts are of the blessing that is on the way. Your preparation probably surrounds how to get the family, the house, and every other detail in order. But what about taking care of you? If you always were in shape, how do you stay in shape? And if your idea of staying in shape was a quick trip to the couch, is it too late to get in shape now? What are some good fitness ideas for staying in shape when you are pregnant? The initial trimester will be a physically and mentally exhausting period for a mum to be because of the energy expended with all the changes in her body and the development of a child.

Pregnancy Fitness Ideas.. We are going to start out with the same caveat we would bring to any training and pregnancy regime: Consult your doctor first. If he or she gives you the green light, then put together a curriculum. Then start with selected stretching exercise. Try some rotations of the neck, arms, and shoulders. Lie on your back and try a number of light leg lifts.

If you are a fan of Yoga, you know it will certainly fit into your pregnancy. If you are not already a fan, this is a good a time as any to get with it. Yoga uses breathing and relaxing techniques, something any pregnant woman should become familiar with anyway. Yoga also will help keep your muscles in shape But what if you dont want to push yourself during pregnancy? Can you jog? If it is okay with the doc, you should be able to keep running as long as you are comfortable. Once you are about halfway to term, you should taper off. You also might want to replace your jogging routine with a power walk.

Pregnancy Fitness Ideas.. Swimming may also be a good way to get exercise, as long as you take it easy. The nice thing about swimming is that you can stay cool while giving your muscles a workout. The key to pregnancy exercises should be to get those muscles that you are going to need the most. Early on, you can focus on your abdominal muscles. As time goes by, leg muscles will become more important, so you should prepare them to.

Pregnancy Fitness Ideas.. Kegel exercises will furthermore help you focus on your pelvic muscles. This can become particularly important if you are trying to avoid incontinence problems. To test these muscles, try starting and stopping the stream of urine. If you are unable to end the flow, you should include pelvic floor exercises as part of your pregnancy fitness program. If you are feeling faint or giddy end the exercise intensity or discontinue exercising altogether and grab a carbohydrate meal or snack. Exercise can continuously lead to a better lifestyle. During a pregnancy, an appropriate plan can help you cope. Best of luck - 17269

Birch Polypore Extract Used for Intestinal Parasites during Stone Ages

By Dr. Markho Rafael

As suggested by its name, Birch Polypore grows on birch trees, living or dead. It grows around the world wherever birch trees are found.

Birch Polypore's 15 minutes of fame came when it was discovered among the remains of Oetzi the Iceman, whose 5,300 year old mummified body was found 1991 at the border of Austria and Italy in a glacial ice cave.

The general consensus is that Oetzi the Iceman used the Birch Polypore against an infection of the intestinal parasite Trichuris trichuria, of which eggs were found among his remains. [190]

The traditional use of Birch Polypore extract does indeed include use as an anti-parasitic agent, as well as to stop bleeding, and as an antimicrobial agent in general. [25]

Two studies from 1997 found that certain Birch Polypore extracted compounds were anti-inflammatory, [192] and that they specifically helped reduce skin inflammation. [191]

An antibiotic compound named Piptamine has been isolated from Birch Polypore, [193] and extract of Birch Polypore has demonstrated effectiveness against Bacillus megateterium. [194] Paul Stamets, world leading medicinal mushroom expert, has suggested studies of Birch Polypore extract against Bacillus anthracis, the anthrax bacteria. [134]

Another compound that is found in high concentrations in Birch Polypore is known as Betulinic Acid. Produced by the birch trees upon which this mushroom grows, Betulinic Acid gets extracted and concentrated by the Birch Polypore. A 1995 study on melanoma found that Betulinic Acid killed the malignant melanoma cells but did not harm healthy cell tissue. [195] Seven years later, another study showed that Birch Polypore extract inhibited the enzymes that promote tumor cell growth, which may help explain how Betulinic Acid works against cancer. [196]

In a 2001 study on the effect of Betulinic Acid derivatives on HIV, it was reported that these compounds blocked HIV replication. [197]

A U.S. patent on a Birch Polypore extract was filed in 2004 by world leading medicinal mushroom expert Paul Stamets, after research at the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Disease (USAMRIID) and the National Institute of Health (NIH) concluded that his proprietary Birch Polypore extract was effective against vaccinia virus and cowpox, and non-toxic to human tissues. [134]

Note: The statements on this page have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This article is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Never use any herb (or mushroom) except as advised by a licensed medical practitioner. - 17269

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Aloe Vera Jell

By Palti Shipard

Aloe vera Barbadensis is a helpful plant, that has the appearance of a cactus but is in the lily family and related to onions, garlic and asparagus. The Aloe family has four hundred different species. The Aloe vera plant is sometimes used as a herbal medicine. The gel from the leaves contain carbohydrate polymers, like glucomannans or pectic acid, and other healthy compounds that are thought to have positive effects on the body.

People have been using aloe for over 5000 years. Egyptians wrote about its healing powers, Aloe is mentioned several times in the Bible. Aloe plants have been cultivated far and wide. In our time there have been hundreds of scientific studies to discover the benefits of aloe. The juice and jell has employed in cosmetics more than any other plant.

There are no known reactions with substances, so Aloe vera products are safe to take with medicines. There are folks who are allergic to aloa vera, go slow initially to be sure you aren't one of these people. Contact dermatitis can occur in sensitive individuals,test a small area of skin, for a reaction before more use. The juice and jell can be employed topically as well as taken internally. Many people keep a potted plant in the kitchen for use at any time, the plant is easy to grow. A leaf can be cut open and the gel applied immediately to a cut or burn. The jell has anti-viral and anti inflammatory properties and benefits the skin by adding amino acids, minerals and B1, B2, B6 and C vitamins.

Virtually all of the aloe vera gels that you can buy are thickened with carrageenan. Carrageenan is a natural thickening agent which is found in sea kelp / Irish moss. Aloe Vera is used in commercial products including sunburn treatments, juices, shampoos, creams, cosmetics, lotions, as well as other many beauty preparations.

Aloe vera juice is frequently used to help clean the gut and help the inmune system. The juice is a natural detoxifier, it increases good abdominal flora, eases and repairs damaged and inflamed tissue both internally and outwardly. It is utilized to increase bile flow, reinforcing appetite, for treating bronchial infections and for uterus, liver and colon problems.

It helps to improve bowel regularity naturally. Aloe vera is looked at by many herbalist as a panacea as it has so many uses, there were many studies of its use. There's some proof the extracts might be helpful in the treatment of diabetes and raised blood lipids. These effects are thought to be because of compounds like polysaccharides, mannans, anthraquinones and lectins.

Aloe vera is not much problem to grow if you don't over water your plant. Let the soil become completely dry before giving the plant a cup or two of water. In the summer months, the soil should be totally saturated, but then let it dry out before re-watering. The leaves contain a supply of water to help it survive thru times of drought. Aloe vera spreads by offsets and root sprouts.

Aloe plants are 95% water, due to this they're extremely frost tender. They can be grown outdoors in warm climates, they deserve to be planted in full sun, or light shade. The soil needs to be tolerably fertile, and fast draining. Once established plants survive droughts very well.

Aloin was a standard ingredient in purgative products in the States before 2003, when the FDA ruled that aloin was a class III ingredient, thus banning its use. Processed aloe vera juice doesn't contain major amounts of aloin and is often used as a digestive healer. - 17269

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Get a Personalized Program from the Best Personal Trainer in Washington, DC

By Josef Brandenburg

How can you ever forget your first day of weight loss training in Washington, DC with the so called Best personal trainer? I had a terrible experience and am sure that many of you would share the same opinion with me. I was made to jog on a treadmill until my legs gave out on me. A lot of trainers might use this technique, but that doesn't necessarily make it right.

How come?

Only a few smart individuals are aware that these kinds of workouts can never be successful.

Since each individual is unique, their requirements are also different. People need to be well equipped with sufficient knowledge about various health programs in order to prevent them from getting attracted to false commitments given by these health programs.

Reason #1: Baseline evaluations are important

Anyone failing to acquire appropriate information before they suggest workouts to various individuals on the very first day of workout is definitely not one of the good personal trainers in Washington, DC. For a successful workout, detailed information has to be collected before arriving at a suitable training program.

Complete and detailed information about body mass needs to be gathered along with previous medical history of the client if any. Eating habits, daily routine, diet etc also need to be gathered as these help in assessing the client better. How much weight does the client aim to lose, how much time they can spare to reach their goals are also factors that need to be considered. Then, the client goes through various tests that help in determining his physical stamina.

This important information is the backbone of a good program. Baseline evaluation exists because effective weight loss exercises need to be customized.

Reason #2: Progress plateaus are as real as your belly fat.

With random workouts, you often go through periods when progress stops for a while.

This is a very common phenomenon and most experienced trainers are aware of this. They feel that the best solution for this problem is to take up a weight loss program that is customized.

Reason #3: A tailored program suits your personality, strengths and goals.

Did you ever come across those people who have given up on their weight loss programs? The reason for this abrupt decision is that they get tired of doing the same routine with no end result.

A program that is developed taking into consideration individuals nature, body stamina and time he can spare for exercising, is a very successful one. These programs ensure that clients remain loyal to the programs and at the same time succeed in losing weight.

Any successful trainer would definitely know the importance of these personalized programs that have been developed keeping in mind individuals requirements. Such programs are also sure to be a great success in helping clients achieve their weight loss goals. - 17269

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ACL Injury and Treatment Options

By Dr. Richard Edelson

The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is located around your knee. It prevents the shin bone from moving forward over the thigh bone. If it tears, it can be instantly painful and can lead to structural damage.

If you tear your ACL, your knee may give out while you are engaged in physical activity. If you dont have this treated, your knee may give out time and again. This can cause early arthritis as well as damage to the cartilage.

ACL Reconstruction can resolve these problems. With this surgery, your damaged ligament can be replaced with new ligament. This ligament may come from a deceased donor (allograft) or from you (autograft).

If you decide to use an autograft, the tissue will probably come from your hamstring or the front of your knee (your patellar tendon).

There are pros and cons to both types of grafts; however, both are usually successful for most people. Talk with your surgeon to find out more.

Click here for more on ACL tear surgery.

Your surgeon will probably use arthroscopy to perform your ACL reconstruction. This type of surgery is usually done using general anesthesia.

Arthroscopy is conducted with the assistance of a small camera inserted into a joint. Your surgeon will make a small incision called a poke-hole to insert the camera. Then the surgeon can get a clear view of the inside of your knee on a video monitor. This will allow your surgeon to check the condition of all of the structures of the knee. If your surgeon discovers damage in addition to your ACL tear, he or she will go ahead and fix the problem.

There will be a few other incisions in addition to the poke-hole. First, if you are using your own tissue, an incision will need to be made to remove it. This is rather a larger incision. Then a few smaller incisions will be made to access and remove your damaged tissue. Your new tissue will be inserted via bone tunnels. It will be placed perfectly and secured with screws or a variety of surgical fasteners as appropriate.

Once the surgery is complete, your incisions will be cared for and your knee will be dressed. You will wake up from the anesthesia, and watch a movie of your knee surgery with your surgeon. At this time, your surgeon can share the findings with you, and you can ask any questions you may have. - 17269

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Overweight Children

By Raul Burks

Childhood obesity is higher than it has ever been before. As a result more and more children are becoming diabetic. Many are suffering other serious health effects.

To lose weight you must consume lower amounts of calories. You must also endure physical exercise to a greater extent. It is really hard for people to stay motivated.

If it is hard for adults, you can anticipate it yet harder for children. Children, do not necessarily understand the damaging health effects of being heavy. There are several ways you can assist your youngster to lose weight.

Just stick to basics! Do that rather than going into a complex food calorie calculations. As a parent, you need only provide healthy and nutritious meals and snacks.

Sign them up for swimming classes or some other type of sport. If you keep it fun then they will like it. It is always helpful if you, as a parent, are a good role model.

Register them to swimming lessons or another type of sport. Keep it simple! They will like it! It is always useful if you are a good model. You can not expect your child not to overindulge if you do. Is your child is already overweight?

Most children don't have to make huge and major changes to their diet but consider this for a minute. Is your child is gaining about 15 extra pounds annually? That is equal to about 150 calories per day.

This is just doing the math! It will indicate that one pound is equal to about 3500 calories. So, if your child eliminated one can of pop from his diet daily, that would equal up.

So, if your child just removed a bottle of soda in his daily diet it would equal up. The first battle that you must face is to stop your child from putting on even more weight. Calculate how much weight your child gained in the past year.

Adjust their diet to compensate for these extra calories. There are changes that can often be something small and simple. Pass on whole milk and switch to 2%.

Change from regular pop to none at all. Don?t allow your child to come home and the school to eat a sandwich or a bag of chips as a snack after school. This will put on weight very quickly. - 17269

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Eat Four to Six Times Every Day For The Best Fitness Results

By Taylor Ryan

If you've done any research at all about how to properly eat and keep the body fat off, you've heard about eating 6 times a day. Well, there is a great reason why eating six times a day is a lot better than just eating 3 times a day.

If you are beginning to incorporate this idea into your lifestyle then it may be helpful to understand why it is a great idea for all women. Since birth most women are groomed to eat three meals a day but this is your time to break away.

While eating 6 meals a day will take getting used to, once you do it will change your body and your mind. You will no longer have to have that extreme hunger during the early afternoons or late mornings... and you will always feel energized.

Let's take a closer look at the specific benefits for women to eat four to six times a day:

1. INCREASES METABOLISM: By giving smaller meals more frequently the body is constantly working to digest and voila! The metabolism is increasing. Remember that the faster your metabolism is, the more calories your body needs to function at 100% and therefore the easier it is to lose weight.

2. Energy Volcano: Because your metabolism is staying active and high all day long, you are keeping the energy levels in your body naturally high as well. And that means you will feel more energetic... as you won't have to worry about crashing throughout your day either.

3. Proper Sugar Levels: You have no doubt probably experienced the feeling of light headedness or fatigue because you haven't eaten. That feeling is a result of your body not having enough sugar to process for energy. Insulin is the bodies hormone to help regulate sugar and not eating throws that out of wack. Eating every 2 to 3 hours allows your insulin levels to stabilize and provide the proper amount of sugar to the body.

4. Fat Loss Without Starving Yourself: By eating six meals a day you will have a new look at eating and never stave yourself again. Not to mention that you will always feel full and that will help you from over eating which leads to extended periods of not eating.

5. Become a Food Expert: When you plan your meals in advance... something you have to do when eating 6 meals a day, you become more conscious of what you eat. That helps you keep the bad foods a way and another side benefit is you will not have to worry about the unhealthy snack machine.

6. FEEDING THE MUSCLE: Learn to incorporate all food groups- protein, carbs, and fats (there are good for you fats) into every meal. Getting a balanced diet will through your muscle gains into full gear.

So eat 6 meals a day because when you do, you will see that your body will quickly change into a fat burning machine. Incorporate a great women's workout program and in only a few months you will have a brand new body. - 17269

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Body Building Workout Routines, Back Training

By Ricardo d Argence

Increase muscle mass and functional strength are the two reasons of primary importance to get into bodybuilding. Most important in both cases is the development of core strength; the muscles of the abdomen, upper, middle and lower back.

The primary stabilizing muscles of your body are in your back, these are the easiest muscles to injure while lifting weights. Your back consists of the spine, the ribs, the scapula and the ligaments that string them all together, like parts of a mobile or kinetic motion structure.

Back injuries are almost always compression or rotation injuries, this is damage to the soft tissue, due to an over-extending movement of the back muscles involved. You can prevent back injuries by utilizing correct weight lifting techniques and muscle group isolation and you can also prevent physical problems from developing years later.

Muscle groups that you need to work on in the back are your traps, lats and deltoids, and you need to take them slowly. Yes, you can get a ripped looking back by overdoing it, but it's better to focus on practical strength increases over physical appearance and muscle building when dealing with your back.

The trapezius muscles (traps) are the ones that form the bulk of your back. The basic exercise for Traps is a shrug motion, where you take a pair of dumbbells, one in each hand, and shrug your shoulders as high as they will go and hold them for a breath, then let them down slowly.

Another movement that helps the traps a bit (but mostly works on your deltoids) is a straight-arm lift. Hold a dumbbell in your hand with your elbow at your side, and your forearm out level with the map. Extend your arm until it's at shoulder height, in one fluid motion, and look down your arm at the dumbbell, like you're sitting on a pistol range. Then bring it down slowly. This will work on your deltoids and the yoke of muscle linking your shoulders.

To build up the lower trapezius muscle, you're going to want a sitting down 'V-bar pull down', where you're pulling down against resistance. This is better than a straight pull up because it isolates the muscle thoroughly.

Building definition, and most importantly, strength, in the lower back requires shoulder arches. Hold a light dumb-bell over the back of your neck and lay down on your front. With your hands clasped, arch your back, lift, and hold for a count of three, then lower slowly. Do these sparingly; it's very easy to overdo them.

As with all muscle building exercises, it's important to do stretches and a bit of cardio before and after doing them to maintain flexibility. - 17269

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Are Carbs A Supporter Or An Antagonist For Fat Loss And Wellbeing?

By Maurice K Harper

In just the last few years the fame of low carb diet plans has taken off. Carbs have gotten the full responsibility for our difficulties with overweight and ill healthiness. Are carbohydrates really the problem or is there more to the story?

Carbohydrates are the body's ideal source of energy. While fat and protein can offer energy for your body, your digestive system must work harder to translate them to energy and as a matter of fact, your brain runs exclusively on carbs. Carbs are indispensable for your health but you need to make sure that you are getting the greatest sources of carbohydrates by focusing as a rule on complex carbs and the most nutritious of simple carbohydrates.

There are simple carbs including white sugar and white flour products and there are complex carbohydrates like oatmeal and whole grain products. Simple carbs will affect your blood sugar levels rapidly and the energy you get will be more powerful but burn out fast. Complex carbohydrates are released more slowly and they provide nonstop energy for a longer phase of time.

If you wanted to simplify things you may make a decision to only have the complex carbs and remove the simple carbohydrates. However, the story is much more complicated than that and you may not want to totally eradicate all simple carbohydrates as some of the healthiest foodstuff on the planet are simple carbs.

The majority of fruits and some vegetables are essentially simple carbs. Then again, fruits such as blueberries, raspberries, cranberries, apples, mangos and in truth all fruits are outstandingly elevated in antioxidants and very nourishing. In fact, the acai berry from Brazil has the utmost antioxidant power of any particular food yet it is still a simple carb.

The healthiest method to eat simple carbs is to consume them in their most natural state. Whole fruit contains fiber and other nutritional value that are not found in juices. So it is better to consume the whole fruit if possible. That is not to say that many fruit juices, including orange juice and the especially healthful juice made from the acai berry should be absolutely eliminated but rather that fruit juices should be eaten only in moderation and whole fruit is still the better choice.

When you excessively consume simple carbs and simple sugars, it can lead to fat gain and overweight along with a multitude of other healthiness tribulations. Simple sugars have a tendency to generate wild fluctuations in your blood sugar levels, which can lead to excessive insulin levels and weight gain.

Still, carbs are a fundamental part of a wholesome nutritional regime and you should never eradicate them totally. You should, however, make better choices by eating healthier and less processed simple carbs such as whole fruit and more complex carbohydrates. - 17269

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How Eye Health Has Deteriorated In Modern Times

By Candace Hubbs

Maintaining optimum eye health can be achieved by ensuring the eyes get regular exercise and have access to a nutritious diet. As with the rest of the body, visiting an eye specialist physician should form a regular part of your annual schedule.

You will enjoy good nutrition for eyes if you observe a balanced diet. Today, the term 'balanced diet' has come to be represented by a fare of supermarket staples. If you do get lots of vegetable, fruit and fish products from the supermarket, you will have a varied diet but you may still not enjoy optimum health or excellent eyesight. This is because most supermarket food, although bright and fresh looking is not as power packed nutritionally as it may look.

The problem is that supermarket food is often contained in very persuasive packaging. You may feel that you are getting lots of omega 3's in your diet because you regularly purchase the most expensive brand of fish fingers that has 'OMEGA 3' printed boldly on the outer packaging. It is true that eye health is promoted by sufficient supplies of omega fatty acids but to get enough, your diet today must be more than balanced, it must be power packed. You should include good quality fish oil in bottled or capsule form. Otherwise, you could settle permanently by a lake where you have abundant supplies of freshwater fish that you can catch and enjoy lightly cooked, every day.

Like the rest of the body, good eye health depends a lot on exercise. If we lead mainly indoor, sedentary lifestyles, our eyes do not get much exercise. Unlike, the past when people peered into the distance to check for enemies, today the furthest we look is at a book, computer or TV screen. Even with driving, everything is close at hand from license plates to direction signs to traffic signals. One exercise is to regularly look into the distance and see what you can see.

Good eye health is enhanced by regular trips to the optician. You will undergo routine eye tests which exercise the eyes and also warn of any problems. Early treatment can mean the difference between the best possible visionary experience and a lifetime of blurry images. - 17269

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