Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Have You Ever Thought About Starting A Vegetarian Weight Loss Diet?

By Alexis Martin

More and more people are beginning to make lifestyle choices to benefit their health and are following a low fat vegetarian diet. There are substantial positive health impacts that getting rid of meat from your diet can bring. Luckily these days there are more vegetarian options being served up in restaurants and more vegetarian products being produced and sold at supermarkets.

One of the key benefits of becoming vegetarian is enjoying a better health outcome than those who rely heavily on meat. Many diets that include meat are high in saturated fats. These animal fats can clog up the arteries and lead to obesity and contribute to the development of type II adult diabetes. Vegetarians tend to consume around 25 percent less saturated fats than people who eat meat regularly.

Vegetarians generally have healthier diets and the low levels of animal fats that are consumed means low levels of blood cholesterol. Over time cholesterol can build up in the arteries and stop blood from flowing and circulating effectively. This places pressure on the heart that can lead to heart disease, stroke, angina, heart attack and more.

It has been shown over and over again that a vegetarian diet can protect the body from certain types of cancer. Cutting meat out of the diet can reduce the risk of some cancers by at least 50 percent. Many fruits and vegetables are enriched with vitamins that have antioxidant powers capable of eliminating free radicals and toxins from the body. Cruciferous vegetables are especially powerful.

Eating a vegetarian diet meal plan that does not include meat also helps your digestive system. Animal products tend to be very dense and are difficult for your stomach and digestive system to break down effectively. After a while your digestive system can become less effective at eliminating waste and this can potentially cause stomach, colon or intestinal cancers to form. Plant based foods are much easier for our digestive systems to deal with and eliminate effectively.

Eating meat can not only cause health problems for you, but it can also be detrimental to the environment. Beef and other meat production have a serious impact on the environment. For example, much of the Amazon Jungle is being cut down and destroyed to make space for cattle farms and stations. If you cut out meat, then you are reducing the total global demand for meat. Your contribution may not seem like much, but if many of us make a change we can make a real impact in a positive way.

Recent environmental reports have stated that meat production is one of the largest contributors to environmental pollution and habitat destruction in the world. It produces water and air pollution, land quality degradation and the loss of various endangered species. This is a clear and compelling reason to scale back your meat consumption or stop eating meat completely. - 17269

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Deciding On A Low Fat Vegetarian Diet

By Alexis Martin

These days being vegetarian is becoming more and more popular. People are beginning to realize there are many health benefits associated with consuming a vegetarian diet meal plan. There are also more vegetarian options available in supermarkets and in restaurants these days, so being a vegetarian does not mean sacrificing flavor and taste.

One of the key benefits of becoming vegetarian is enjoying a better health outcome than those who rely heavily on meat. Many diets that include meat are high in saturated fats. These animal fats can clog up the arteries and lead to obesity and contribute to the development of type II adult diabetes. Vegetarians tend to consume around 25 percent less saturated fats than people who eat meat regularly.

Since vegetarians consume less animal fats, they also tend to avoid many problems such as high blood pressure, elevated cholesterol, angina, heart attacks and strokes. Lower cholesterol levels keep the blood circulating through the body more easily and it does not place undue pressure on the heart.

There is also irrefutable proof that eating vegetarian can prevent certain types of cancer from occurring in the body. Countless studies have shown time and time again that high consumption of fruits and vegetables and lower intake of meat can reduce cancer risk by around 50 percent. The antioxidant properties of some vegetables and especially cruciferous vegetables can protect the body from cancer causing agents.

Eating a vegetarian weight loss diet that does not include meat also helps your digestive system. Animal products tend to be very dense and are difficult for your stomach and digestive system to break down effectively. After a while your digestive system can become less effective at eliminating waste and this can potentially cause stomach, colon or intestinal cancers to form. Plant based foods are much easier for our digestive systems to deal with and eliminate effectively.

Aside from the health benefits associated with vegetarianism, not eating meat products is also much better for the environment. Much of the Amazon Jungle is being destroyed to make room for beef cattle farms. By not consuming red meat, you are doing your part to reduce demand for beef and help reduce the significant detrimental effects that cattle have on the environment.

Recent environmental reports have stated that meat production is one of the largest contributors to environmental pollution and habitat destruction in the world. It produces water and air pollution, land quality degradation and the loss of various endangered species. This is a clear and compelling reason to scale back your meat consumption or stop eating meat completely. - 17269

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How to Prevent Gout

By Bart Icles

No one wants to have gout. It is one of the most painful forms of arthritis. People acquire this when there is a huge amount of uric acid in the body. When a lot of uric acid is present in the body, it can crystallize and turn into urate crystals and occupy in some parts of the body, more specifically tissues and joints. The presence of these crystals in the joints could be very painful which is why a lot of people who have this really try to find different ways to avoid or treat gouty arthritis.

To be able to avoid this very painful condition, one should take note of the causes of gout. According to studies, eating food high in purine could really contribute to the formation of urate crystals. With this in mind, one should maintain a gout diet and avoid high amounts of uric acid or avoid food which have a high purine content.

Foods which are high in purine should be eaten in moderation. According to Johns Hopkins, such examples of food which are very high in purine are hearts, herring, mussels, yeast, sardines and sweetbreads. Those who are at risk of having gouty arthritis should try to stay away from these. If you don't want to feel that excruciating pain that gout brings, then you must discipline yourself to not eat these kinds of food.

There are also certain types of food that may have fairly high purine content, yet, can still be eaten in moderation. Such examples of this type of food include anchovies, liver, veal, bacon, goose, scallops, turkey and a lot more.

If you are at high risk of having gout or already have gout, you should really try to maintain a gout diet. A gout diet would probably involve food which

Aside from maintaining a gout diet, people trying to prevent this or trying to relieve gout symptoms should also include exercising in their daily activities. Perhaps a more active lifestyle could help you avoid these joint problems. If you are already experiencing pain almost beyond control, visit your physician right away. Your doctor will probably prescribe you medicine which will help with the pain and control the formation of gout. Prevention, as what they say, is always better than cure. Try different interventions so that you won't have to suffer the irritating symptoms gouty arthritis brings. - 17269

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Start Enjoying The Benefits Of Acai Berry With Just A Glass Of Acai Antioxidant Juice Everyday

By Amy Bram

By now, you should have heard of the infamous Superfood. Why is it called as such? A food is only given this title when it has a high level of antioxidants. All the foods that are classified as an antioxidant foods are natural or they are made of natural ingredients. You may or may not be aware of a special kind of superfood called acai antioxidant juice.

After taking acai antioxidant juice regularly, you may find yourself becoming healthier. Your immune system has been boosted in a big way due to some of the potent properties found in the berries. Probably the most impressive property is that it can lower free radicals. Free radicals have sprung up in our body as we advance in age. When we do nothing about it, these fee radicals can weaken our cells as they will attack them. Our immune system will react by fighting back. In the process, in system will not be as strong and will be vulnerable to diseases. If you have taken a glass of acai antioxidant juice everyday, you body will be much stronger to withstand against any disease assault.

You may be amazed at the level of the antioxidant present in an acai antioxidant juice. It has lower antioxidant as compared with a blueberry juice. However, its properties are higher than red wine and cranberry juice. This has an effect of placing acai bery juice on one of the top of the hierarchy.

Acai antioxidant juice can be bought in any health store. Remember that their benefits are indeed invaluable. Beware that some of the juices in sales has been diluted as it is mixed with other juices. One of them that you should be aware of is acai berry mixed with fruit juice or even worse, guarana which contains caffeine inside. Some of the less severe ones are mixed with water, so do your research before buying.

Just a glass of acai juice can give your immune system a big boost. The taste of the juice is quite god but the biggest plus is the benefits that come with it. For a small price you out in, acai antioxidant juice is an investment in your health. - 17269

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A Short Review On Gluten Allergy

By Belinda Carline

Allergies can sometimes be simple to control, but that does not mean that the patient has mild symptoms. There are many over the counter remedies that are known to help patients treat seasonal allergies, one of the most common types of the condition. Another allergy that is increasing in numbers is the gluten allergy. With proper tests, it is fairly easy to diagnose and the symptoms are sometimes easy to recognize.

When someone is showing signs of allergies, it is possible that they have had these allergies for quite some time and have not been thoroughly tested. One sign of having gluten allergies is frequent upset stomach with other symptoms affecting the digestion tract.

Every patient varies in symptoms when they develop an allergic reaction to gluten. Extreme fatigue is next on the list after stomach ailments. The patients that are allergic to gluten often run out of energy before they normally did. This is often a sign of other conditions and diseases so just because the patient is tired, does not mean they are having an allergic reaction.

Many people with gluten allergies lose weight rapidly. This can be an alarm to those with stomach ailments and can not stop losing weight. In order to verify that gluten is the cause, the doctor will perform tests. These tests will indicate if the condition is allergies or some other reason.

Treatments for allergies usually include a few different aspects. The treatments may include a diet change, exercise and possibly medications to keep the symptoms from interfering with normal day to day life.

Just because a patient is having the symptoms included in this article does not mean that they are allergic to gluten. It is highly recommended that you discuss your symptoms with your doctor. The symptoms typically associated with gluten allergies can often lead to a different medical condition. Only a doctor can do the tests to verify what kind of allergy or other condition of the patient. There are many other signs that a patient may be allergic to gluten. To find out more, discuss it with your doctor or go on line and do a little research on the topic. - 17269

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Put An End To A Lazy Day By Having Some Retro Sweets

By Michael Parker

Although a person is active, it doesn't mean that he is unsusceptible to lazy days. In fact, when he does come across a lazy day, he just might stop doing the things he used to do and just stay in bed all day and contemplate on nothing at all. When this happens, even a warm summer day can never get him out of his pajamas and enjoy the perfect day outside. So if you want to help lighten this person's mood, you can simply lure him with retro sweets.

Why retro sweets? Simply because they taste so exquisitely good that they just lift anybody out of a lazy mood. Not adding the fact that they also result to nostalgia as these sweets hold significance in a person's childhood. How so? Just think of those many times when you see children sneaking out of their kitchens with a handful of sweets from their mothers' candy jars.

Retro sweets are classic confections that dominated the world of sweets lovers in the past. However, this doesn't imply that they are no longer in existence today. In fact, they can still be sampled because a lot of the brands have survived the challenges of the changing decades.

The kick that a person gets from the chocolaty, sugary and even minty flavors of retro sweets is enough to set his adrenaline moving. With the nostalgia that comes along the experience, he definitely will want to jump out of bed and be as playful as he can be. Yes, the result of sampling these heavenly treats can be quite addicting. But if that means to lighten up someone's mood then perhaps it is not a bad thing. To say the least, these sugary confections make people feel happy.

For those skeptics about this claim, it's time to be aware that chocolates indeed stir a happy feeling from a person who eats them because of the phenylephylamine that can they produce. This same chemical is responsible for bringing that feeling of falling in love in people. So the next time you have a friend whose down in the dumps, offer him or her the miracle of retro sweets. - 17269

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Tips for Safe Travel

By Dr. Jason Fowler

Here come the holidays - Thanksgiving, Channukah, Christmas, and New Year's. And the travel, Thanksgiving is one of the biggest travel days and the day before Christmas is just as busy.

If you're flying, you know what to expect - long lines, delays, crowded flights. But knowing what is to come doesn't necessarily provide reassurance. Traveling - particularly traveling by plane - makes many people crazy. Sitting in the terminal, waiting for your boarding call, you can see the deep lines of care, worry, and anxiety etched into peoples' faces.

However, whereas air travel may not be the most enjoyable thing in the world, there are many action steps individuals and families can take to de-stress the experience. Traveling doesn't have to mean losing your mind and getting all wound up with tension and mental and physical strain.1,2

Here is a Top Eight List of things to do in the days before your flight and then during your flight - Before the flight -

Start packing early Organize your healthy snacks Organize activities for the kids Light exercises and stretches See your chiropractor During the flight - Walk around Wake up your muscles by doing gentle torso stretches while in your seat Breathe! Starting your packing early will make a huge difference in how you feel on the day of the flight. Imagine what it would be like if you didn't have to dash all over your house minutes before you are supposed to leave for the airport, searching for that critical thing you must bring with you.

Make a list and make a plan. Promise yourself you're going to have everything packed, including the kids' backpacks, by the time you go to sleep on the night before you travel. You'll be amazed at how relaxed everyone is on the actual travel day, in sharp contrast to the usual mayhem and fighting.

A good supply of healthy snacks will keep everyone's energy level up, and minimize in-flight crankiness due to hunger and low blood sugar levels. 3 Most airlines don't even serve food anymore, and even if they did, you don't want it. Bring your own low-fat protein energy bars; little plastic cups filled with peanut butter; low-calorie muffins; trail mix with nuts, dried fruits, and chocolate; string cheese; low-fat crackers; and plenty of water.

Be sure to do light exercise and stretches the week of your flight. You're going to be lugging heavy baggage, and want to be ready for some awkward schlepping, dragging, and lifting.

Seeing your chiropractor before a trip will help ensure your body is in peak condition for any unexpected jars and jolts. And even when you're well-prepared, travel still has its stressful moments. Chiropractic treatment helps ensure that your nervous system will be flexible and adaptable, adjusting to whatever surprises are in store during your trip.

1Waterhouse J, et al: The stress of travel. J Sports Sci 22(10):946-965, 2004 2Reilly T, et al: Jet lag and air travel: implications for performance. Clin Sports Med 24(2):367-380, 2005 3Waterhouse J, et al: Factors associated with food intake in passengers on long-haul flights. Chronobiol Int 23(5):985-1007, 2006 - 17269

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Basics of Acai Berry Juice

By Joan Jameson

What is Acai berry juice?

Came from Acai Palm tree, acai berry fruit is extracted and made into an acai berry juice. A reddish and purple in color and not more than an inch long is the common look of an acai berry and often seen in Central and South America. Acai berry fruit has relative fruits like purple grape fruits, cranberry and blueberry.

Why is this juice healthy for the body?

Acai berry juice offers a high nutritional level that is good for the body. It acts as an antioxidant, anti inflammatory, anti bacterial, anti mutagenic and most especially good for cardiovascular system because it contains Omega fatty acids which are considered as healthy fats, Amino acids, iron and fiber. This juice is also made with healthy substances such as anthocyanins and flavonids, along with other minerals and vitamins. All these contents works effectively give powerful defenses against any stressors that can affect one's life. This healthy juice can protect body cell system and ability of lessen the ability of the free radicals to destruct the body to cause a person from heart diseases and worst, cancer.

The juice made from acai berry can also boost fast weight loss because it has been tested to promote weight loss. This can give benefit you from healthy diet and shed excess fats or pounds.

Acai berry contents:

Acai berry are basically made from organic vegetables that offers to degenerate cholesterol for a better digestion. This berry juice it jammed packed with different healthy content that includes proteins, unsaturated lipids and carbohydrates to give the body some extra energy.

Acai berry juice has mineral content that is vital for muscle regeneration and muscle contraction.

Also include in acai berry content is the fatty acid and is effectively healthy for the body that replace body fluids similar to olive oil.

Acai berry is not only used as a healthy fruit drink but it is also used for beauty products such as anti aging skin therapies, body and facial creams, conditioners and shampoos, lotions, and other beauty products. This can make the skin smooth and fairer.

Avoid side effects:

Acai berry is very popular as a healthy fruit drink and at the same time a substitute for some beauty products. However you must be very careful for people that are allergic to pollen that contains in the acai berries. It is both healthy for the body and skin. - 17269

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Stay Calm with L-Theanine

By Keith Woolley

Feelings of anxiety and stress can regularly go hand in hand with our busy 21st century lifestyles. Whether it's sitting in rush-hour traffic, long days at the office or family pressures, as a society we seldom get time to unwind and relax as much as we should to benefit our contentment.

Some folks can cope better emotionally with stress, however for many it can take a heavy toll on health, work performance and private life. Excess stress could also affect sleep quality, mood, libido, concentration, immune health and weight-control.

Though there are plenty of natural 'mood enhancing' additions available to ease the side- results of stress, a number of these are shown to contradict with other medications and can also take a number of weeks to show benefit.

A relatively new, clinically analyzed 'stress-reducing' natural supplement called L-theanine, has shown in controlled studies to improve feelings of calm and relaxation ( without drowsiness ) within forty - one hour of ingestion. This soothing remedy can be employed as and when required and has changed into a popular choice for managing hysteria, stress and frightened defects, or simply to calm nerves and help the brain stay targeted for job interviews, work presentations, flying and even first dates!

Where does Theanine come from, and how does it work?

It is an amino acid found in very small doses in green tea leaves and certain mushrooms. Please note, there is no caffeine found in L-theanine supplements.

And it is absorbed easily in the digestion and then transported to the brain where it excites alpha brain waves. Alpha brain waves indicate that we're in an alert, yet relaxed and calm state - similar to meditation.

It is shown to cut back the brain's beta brain waves ; too much beta waves are associated with nervousness, anxiety, scattered thoughts and hyperactivity.

Lift your mood : L-theanine influences the releasing of brain chemicals dopamine and serotonin. These 'feel good' chemicals are required as a stimulant to raise mood and emotions.

Study and work performance : L-theanine has effects on the release of brain chemicals that support memory and learning ability. Studies indicate that L-theanine can help can be helpful for those that need to maintain mental lucidity and perform under pressure.

Relax : L-theanine is excellent to help ease away work fears and ease travels tensions at the end of a busy day. The calming properties of L-theanine will not cause direct sleepiness, though due to a more relaxed mind state, improved sleep quality might also be achieved.

Solgar L-theanine is acceptable for vegetarians ... vegans.

Other de-stress tips:

Reduce intake of tea ... coffee - look for caffeine free alternatives Eat 3 meals limiting packaged foods Eat quality protein with each meal to keep blood sugar balanced Increase your consumption of necessary trans-acids Take a b complex with breakfast to restore energy levels and mood Walk for 20 mins every day and target breathing efficiently. - 17269

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