Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Sunday, October 4, 2009

How To Lose Man Boobs

By Steve Brodie

No red blooded male wants to be able to wear his partners bra. Having man boobs can be extremely embarrassing for a man and cause psychological discomfort, especially considering that not many women will be drooling over a pair of flabby pecs.

Knowing how to lose chest fat comes down to knowing the causes and dealing with them appropriately. A big factor is female hormones. The basic cause is a hormonal imbalance between estrogen and testosterone, the main sex hormones. An excess of estrogen will cause a feminization of male bodies, with curvy hips and breasts as a result. This of course is more complex than if it was only excess fat, svelte men can get man boobs.

The first step is to minimise estrogen in the body. Doing this by increasing testosterone can have disastrous results for some, because sometimes man boobs are a result of the body converting testosterone to estrogen, you get the picture! Its best to think of your hormonal system as a complex whole because they interact with each other in the body, so treating them separately can sometimes have undesired effects.

For some the cause of man boobs can be very obvious. If you are overweight and have man boobs then dropping the weight will help a whole lot, not just for your chest but for your general well being. Carrying a couple of extra pounds doesnt help if your man boobs are caused by hormones either as testosterone is converted to estrogen in you fat cells, so if you are overweight you are doubly likely to develop man boobs.

Apologies in advance for the next line, it may cause some men a lot of pain. Those afternoon beers are a leading cause of man boobs. There are ingredients in beer that are very estrogenic, like hops which will inevitably lead to ladylike features like man boobs.

There are a couple of things you need to do to get rid of those man boobs without resorting to the drastic measure of surgery, which with its complications, scars and risk of returning boobs, should be a last resort. Basically it boils down to diet, lifestyle and exercise. Getting rid of man boobs is one advantage, but you will also achieve a healthy happy lifestyle. Getting to the gym is important, not only for your regular health but for shedding chest fat. Find an exercise program that will target problem areas, there are plenty that are specially designed for man boobs.

Diet is very important for eliminating man boobs. Zinc is extremely important as it has a lot to do with testosterone and needs constant replacement especially if you hit the gym a lot, because working out will deplete zinc in your system. Walnuts and organic wild meats are great sources of zinc. Watercress is an absolute must for man boobs as are cauliflower and broccoli; these foods are estrogen modulators so should be included in the diet.

Natural supplements to try and include are curcumin and grape seed extract which have incredibly powerful properties of stopping the nasty effects of estrogen in the body. Eat lots of soluble fibre as it has the wondrous effect of draining foreign estrogens from the system. Living with man boobs is not something that any man wants to do, and as there are natural ways to get rid of them there is no reason anyone has to. - 17269

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Eat Less and Live Longer

By Alex Ariel Sanders

Nobody remains unaware of the ever popular diet fact that focuses on losing weight by cutting calories in one's diet. Caloric restriction usually makes us think about diets that end up making us hungry and deprived. Scientific evidence supports the notion that caloric restriction may lead to anti-aging health benefits aside from basically just losing a few pounds! There are studies conducted that support the slowing of the aging process with caloric restriction.

One important fact to keep in mind is that caloric restriction (CR) is not necessarily equivalent to malnutrition if the nutrient values are dense. This is not about ending up starved but about being healthier with what is consumed by the body. Initially calories consumed can be lowered by changing not how much is eaten but what is eaten. It is not surprising that fruits and vegetables are lower in calories but have high nutrient density. If you are interested to slow aging with caloric restriction, eat a lot of those, as well grains, beans and fish.

Recent studies have shown in primates, mice, worms, and flies that caloric restriction while maintaining a healthful diet regimen leads to a longevity without onset of many of the diseases associated with aging, including heart disease, high blood pressure, osteoarthritis and dementia.

In studies with experimental animals, when the brain regions responsible for cognition and memory were measured, there was a significant difference in the amount of atrophy of the brain tissues. In animals on caloric restriction, there was less atrophy as compared to the control group of animals, which was allowed to consume as much as they wanted. As a result, the control group that was on unrestricted caloric intake was showing the obvious signs of aging such as atrophy and other diseases. A 30% caloric reduction resulted in slowing the aging process by 30%-40%.

The average consumption of a human male is a little over 2600 calories daily. There is, however, no magic way to determine for everyone how many calories should be consumed if interested in slowing aging, because of body size differences, metabolism as well as the level of activities each individual partakes. This is the reason why two individuals consuming the same amount and kind of food can end up differently in terms of weight and size.

The way to slow aging with caloric restriction is to pay attention to how many calories you normally consume in a day. Do this over a period of about a month to establish a solid average number of calories. In the second month, reduce the number of calories per day by five percent. Do not starve yourself or leave yourself feeling hungry. Instead, simply replace some of the higher calorie foods in your diet with lower calorie foods that are dense in nutrients.

Go to your doctor and have him establish a baseline for you of cholesterol levels, fasting blood sugar, and blood pressure. Each month, reduce your caloric intake by another five percent. At the end of the month, see your doctor again and have these three numbers rechecked. If they show improvement, you may very well be slowing the aging process in your body. You can reduce calories by another five percent for another month and repeat the tests. When your numbers level out and stop showing improvement, you will have reached what should be the optimal caloric intake to assure you of a longer, healthier life.

It has been scientifically found that Resveratrol, which is a compound found in grape skins and red wine, can mimic the anti-aging health benefits of caloric restriction. Studies at the University of Florida revealed that "the effects of low doses of Resveratrol were comparable to caloric restriction, the hallmark of life extension". It is never too late to get a head start on providing your body with the conditions it needs to live a longer and happier life. However, if restricting your daily calories by 15%-30% seems too hard, then when why not consider Resveratrol? Should you get healthier and slow aging with caloric restriction or Resveratrol? It is your choice. - 17269

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Super Foods For Men

By David Blunkett

These are 5 healthy foods for men. Regularly eating them will ensure you're on your way to a longer lasting, healthier life.

Tomatoes. These contain a useful nutrient called lycopene, which has been shown to be beneficial in preventing prostate cancer in men. To see the full health benefits of it the tomatoes should be condensed, so opt for either tomato juice or tomato sauce as opposed to whole tomatoes.

Oysters. This superfood is a high quality protein source and is great for helping to build lean muscle. Additionally, they supply omega 3's and zinc (which many men are known to be deficient of), and assist in the production of testosterone.

Brazil Nuts. Nuts in general are a great nutrient snack full of fiber, healthy fats and protein. Brazil nuts in particular are recommended though because they are especially high in selenium, which is a mineral that is vital in antioxidant production to fight off disease. In fact, just a single Brazil nut gives you your RDA of it.

Broccoli. There is substantial evidence pointing towards the anti-cancer benefits of this superfood. It's high in minerals and antioxidants that clean your blood arteries and maintain strong and healthy cells throughout your body.

Flaxseed. These are a good source of nutrients, healthy fats and fiber and they help you dispose of toxic compounds. To absorb the full health benefits of them they need to be ground down before they're eaten. After they have been ground they can be added to shakes, cereal and oatmeal.

There are of course other healthy foods to choose from but these are a great place to start. Start this month by increasing the amount of these that you consume, and then each subsequent month add another 5 healthy foods into your regular diet. - 17269

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Which is Better: Insanity vs. P90X?

By Yasir Y Khan

That is the classic question. Which is better, Tony Horton and his new P90X system, or Shaun T and his truly daunting INSANITY workout? Both are touted as very intense, only for old and conditioned athletes. Both the products give you exceptional results if you follow their guidelines closely and use them the way they should be used. But how should you choose between the products? Do you go for Tony Hortons 90 day total body transformation, or Shaun Ts 60 day cardio madness? Is one of them simply better than the other? The answer, as you might have had a sneaking suspicion, is that it totally depends on your own fitness goals. In this article well take a look at what each program provides, and see which style of exercise suits your own personalized needs. Because while each is truly a challenging workout, theyre tough for their own particular reasons, and its important to know why before making a choice.

Lets start the argument from the beginning. Before looking at both the products, you need to think a little about yourself. What do you really want to accomplish from those products? What do you think are your fitness goals? Is your primary goal related to losing weight, or bulking up with some muscle? Do you enjoy extreme cardio, or simply hate it? What about free weights and doing pull ups? Of course in an ideal world you would be able to accomplish every fitness goal you could put on paper, but here you have to be realistic. What is your number one goal?

That determined, lets look at the programs. Shaun Ts INSANITY is so called because he strives to keep you in your anaerobic zone for extended periods of time while giving you short short breaks inbetween. INSANITY is all gut wrenching cardio, where you use your own weight as the primary form of resistance. But lets be clear: the key word up there was anaerobic. Shaun T doesnt want you to cruise through his workout at 65% effort, but rather 85% +. When exercising this hard you wont be getting enough oxygen to comfortably break down fat for energy as you would over the course of a 45 minute leisurely jog"youre forced to break down your own body tissue to keep going once youve exhausted your supply of blood sugar. Then, over the course of the rest of the day and that night your body will repair itself, resulting in more lean muscle tissue, greater health and less weight. But its hard. For this to work, you need to operate at 85% + effort level, which few people can do for more than six minutes. Shaun T will ask you to do so for thirty minutes to an hour. Can you handle that kind of cardio?

Conversely, Tony Hortons P90X will challenge you in terms of strength training. While Tonys workout includes cardio and plyometrics (jump based routines), there is a strong focus on weight resistance training, from pull ups to free weights. Youll be breaking down the muscle tissue in the classic manner, which will not only help burn fat but result in muscle growth. You will not only fitter but stronger, and your appearance at the end of it will reflect that.

Finally you have to think about the time consideration. INSANITY takes around 60 days to have full-effect. P90X, on the other hand, takes around 90 days. How much are you willing to commit to one of these programs? Are you willing to go at it for the long haul, or do you want a shorter exercise period?

Extreme cardio versus strength training. Theres plenty of overlap, with both generating extreme body transformations if done correctly, but in the end its a matter of style and taste. Do you want to bulk up some while shedding weight and developing athletic potential? Then P90X is for you. Do you want to burn fat so fast it melts right off you, leaving you leaner and ripped as a result of tons of sweat drenching exercises? Then Shaun Ts INSANITY is just right for you. But remember: the most important part of this decision is not only knowing your own fitness goals, but undertaking either of these at-home workouts with utter dedication and awareness of your own bodys limits. If you do that, than both of them will give you the incredible results you desire. - 17269

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The Visualization Process and Your Body

By Ellen Valentine

In 1988 I heard Dr. Dennis Waitley say, If you go there in the mind, youll go there in the body every time. He followed that with a story about Olympic champions that visualized themselves pole vaulting or walking the balance bar perfectly before they ever walked out on the floor to compete. When their pulse and respiration were monitored these increased the same as they would if they were actually performing physically. Their body went along with their mind. How can that help us create the body we want?

Think of it, powerful visualizations create real results in the body. So, if we see ourselves as less than, as overweight, having scrawny legs, no breasts, no waist line, unhealthy, etc; then, that is what we continue to create day after day. To create the new you, see yourself as what you want to feel and look like in the body, make it real, create a sentient rich picture that could make you cry for joy and appreciation. Be in the great new body NOW.

In his book Success Principles, my mentor and friend, Jack Canfield gives experiences of Olympic Athletes that correspond with Dr.Waitley's research. Jack suggests that the very beginning of each day and the end of the day are perfect times to review, create or even recreate your day. It is the time when all of your goals can be thought over, given life so to speak, integrated as if theyve already been accomplished. You can end the visualization time with gratitude that wells up in the heart. Jack is a great teacher, definitely one that walks his talk and gives more than he promises.

I want to share that even if you dont like the skin youre in, giving gratitude for what you have is really important. The reality is the more you push away how you look or feel, the more the feeling or unwanted situation will stare you in the face. Acknowledge all that is good about you; and please, dont say there isnt anything good. I know that isnt true at all. Think of every small and large accomplishment. Make a list and add to it every time something new pops in your head like, I have beautiful skin, my teeth are really straight, I am feeling healthy right now. Add everything you think of. Allow the list to grow and boost your self esteem.

Imagine what it would FEEL like to be different, better in some way, better to you that is. Allow the feeling of the new you to wash over you. Let go of self-doubt, blame, shame or shoulds and just receive what your mind is conceiving. Implement new and healthy habits that will make concrete your decisions in the world of form. Detach from the outcome and begin now to enjoy the new you. Decide what you want and create it now.

Create the body of your dreams and make it happen. Brain Science supports your right to create on every level; and Master Teachers all over the planet are proving it is so. Ellen Valentine, CNC - 17269

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Eating is the Key to Build Muscle Mass

By Ricardo d Argence

Now that you have decided to bulk up with additional muscle mass you must have a plan that works. Weight training is essential if you want to add muscle to your body. What is not as obvious to most people is the need for correct, healthy eating. It takes healthy nutrition to build the muscles that you want.

You can use this brief guide to learn what you need to add to your diet. First let?s review the basics for a sensible diet that will help you build muscle mass quickly.

Firstly to build muscle eat more often. Try to eat 5-7 smaller meals every day. This is due to the fact that your body needs excess calories to support muscle growth and build muscle.

There is no way that your body can build muscle if you are not providing enough calories. Making the jump from 3-4 meals to 5-7 is easier to do if the meals are slightly smaller, but still nutritionally rich. Then you are fueling your body but you are not stuffing yourself to the point of being uncomfortable.

You should get rid of any junk food that is still a part of your eating habits. Many people have a junk food addiction and it can be hard to break, but this is necessary if you are serious about being able to successfully build muscle size and strength.

Thirdly, you will need to drink a good deal more water than you had been doing before. try to keep a bottle of water to hand at all times, perhaps leave one in your car. nearly all reactions in the body require water to some degree and that includes muscle building reactions also.

Make sure that your daily meals contain fats, proteins and carbohydrates. All of these nutrients are necessary when you are trying to build more muscle mass. Your usual meal should contain at least 30% protein and 50-60% carbohydrates. The additional 10-20% should be from healthy fats.

Fifthly, you need to learn what foods you should be eating for muscle growth. Here is a start to illustrate what some of the best muscle building foods are:

Proteins. Lean Meats such as turkey, chicken and certain red meats, dairy products, seafood and eggs

Be aware that these are high in saturated fat so you would be wise to mix them with the following foods that supply protein but with much less fat: Egg whites, Lean meats like poultry and fish, Non-fat or low-fat milk and dairy products (skim milk and cottage cheese are terrific foods), Turkey breast, Lean cuts of red meat and skinless chicken breast.

If you feel the need for a quick burst of energy you can eat some fresh fruit (apples, raisins, figs, citrus or grapes) or drink one of the sports drinks with high amounts of carbs and proteins.

You do not have to concentrate on the fats that your body needs. If you are eating plenty of foods that are rich in carbs and protein you will satisfy the fat requirement for muscle building success. Do not overlook the importance of veggies. Yellow vegetables and leafy green veggies contain important nutrients and vitamins. If you can afford a muscle building supplement you may want to add this to your diet. You can get one that contains all of your vitamin needs in addition to the essential fatty acids, proteins and creatine that help you bulk up quickly.

Finally a few words regarding the timing of your meals. To build muscle eat within one hour of finishing your workout, before bed and immediately on rising. If you wish to pack on muscle mass then these are very important times. With the above muscle building diet guidelines in place then you are in an excellent position to start building muscle mass fast. - 17269

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Lowest Price Vitamins

By Jerry Turley

Everyone must be cautious about their health from the beginning of teen age. Those who are suffering from vitamin deficiency can consume vitamin tablets. Separate tablets are available for men, women, kids and even babies. There are different types of vitamin tablets and individuals must consume tablets according to the deficiencies confirmed in test. Normally cost of vitamin tablets are very high, one can buy it at lowest cost from different online vitamin shops. Along with vitamin capsules different types of apparels and appliances are also available from vitamin tablets.

Nutritious food and brew played a vital role in the health and beauty of individuals. All individuals must have a definite level of vitamin, minerals and proteins in their body. Deficiencies in the food level can be controlled largely with vitamin tablets and their supplements. In normal circumstances you have to pay huge amount for the vitamin tablets. While purchasing vitamin tablets from online stores, one can save lots of bucks. Vitamin coupon codes is one of the best ways of reducing cost of vitamin tablets.

The online Vitamin Shops really provides you a pool of information. You can compare price of different vitamin tablets, read articles about health and fitness, and can select the suitable vitamin tablet for you. Detailed description of the different types of vitamin tablets and accessories are available in the website. Individuals all over the world can buy vitamin tablets from online shops.

Reading different articles helps you to compare the price list of different vitamin tablets and understand healthy tips. Most of the traders who sell vitamin tablet online facilitate the customer to understand the information about the tablet by providing detailed descriptions in their website. These online facilities help the customers to buy vitamins from any corner of the world.

A well-established vitamin site offers you more than 20,000 varieties of vitamin tablets. All the world class brands of vitamin tablets are available in these online shops. Before buying the vitamin tablet everyone must consult their physicians. They will give you more details and good instructions regarding the purchase of vitamin tablets. Burt's Bees, Twinlab, Jason, Nature's Way, Met-Rx, Cytosport, Source Naturals, Natrol, Solaray, etc. are some of the well known brands of vitamin tablets and other supplements.

Those who are focusing on the sports field must intake vitamins and proteins in their food. Tablets for such use are also widely available in the online vitamin Shoppe. - 17269

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How To Prevent Hair Loss Before It Ruins Your Life

By Mike Lashbrooke

One thing you have got to know for how to prevent hair loss, is that not all of it is preventable. Nearly all people lose more or less 100-150 hairs every day, which is absolutely normal. Particular events, such as sicknesses or diseases, pregnancies, surgeries, or even merely life-altering and taxing times can generate bigger amounts of hair loss. To remind you, these are treatable and, in most cases, momentary.

Hair loss is preventable in these ways.

1 - Stay healthy. If you need to improve blood circulation then you need to eat well and get enough exercise. If you are healthy, your scalp will be healthy too, leading to the effective growing and natural replacement of your hair. So it is important to stay healthy and get sufficient exercise to improve your body's circulation.

2 - Prevent further injury to your hair. Excessive use of harsh shampoos, dyes, and other hair treatments will badly damage your hair. When your hair is badly damaged, it falls out faster than your follicles can replace it. Similarly, employ dry heat as much less as possible - blow dryers and curling irons cause the hair to become dry and crack, as a result of which they break off in amounts excess than normal.

3 - Minimize your anxiety and stress. You are going to lose more than your hair if you have a tendency to let stressful situations get the better of you, or if you have trouble sleeping or constantly worry. However, it's unavoidable that you will lose more and more hair.

4 - Implement the use of topical scalp treatment programs. A great method of maintaining open, productive follicles is the use of essential oils and mixtures of herbs.

5 - Use medical products developed by a variety of pharmaceutical companies, both in lotion and pill form.

6 - Don't wait until it is too late. As soon as you notice that you are having hair loss that is not because of a specific health problem, start finding out how you can stop this process. Be patient, and try a lot of things. A lot of products require 3-6 months before visible results are seen.

7- Don't give up. Right now, use the product that gives you the best results, while watching for new products and technologies to prevent hair loss. Medical research is being conducted in a great way, and tons of money is being spent into finding an everlasting, universally effective solution.

8 - If none of the programs work to your satisfaction give thought to other solutions such as wigs or hair pieces, hair extensions or transplants.

Concern over the loss of your hair is a waste of your time, specifically if you let it impact your relations and your character. If you are now set to have a better life, take the advice I've given on how to prevent hair loss. - 17269

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Massage Therapy For Elevating PerFormance

By Jason Silva

If you ask most people about their health being a priority, then will definitely say yes. However, if you observe their behavior, then you notice that their actions do not always match up to their words. It is kind of like New Year's resolutions. We make them and break them in a few days within the New Year. I think we like to think that we are in control, but then we must somehow lack the discipline to sustain the necessary action. We know that we are under more stress, yet we are not finding ways to relieve this stress. One very effective means is getting massage therapy from your own massage chair.

The stress we encounter at home or at work causes a build up of chemical reactions in our body and we need a consistent method to counteract this affect. Massage therapy in general is very effective and massage chair specifically can give you consistent access to this health treatment.

Most people think a massage being delivered by a masseuse, but massage chairs are an effective means to receive a full body massage. They can massage you from your head to your toes. They are very effective in helping to release out the build up of toxins in the body.

Many studies are showing the positive benefits of receiving regular massage treatments. There is a misperception that massage is somehow a luxury item. Sure there are spas that offer some tremendous and expensive treatments, but massage therapy is becoming a more mainstream treatment. It can help to increase the circulation of blood and lymph; reduce your stress levels; relax the muscles, improve your flexibility and range of motion. However, the studies also clearly point out that these benefits are achieved from regular massage treatment. Just like your diet. You cannot expect to lose weight by changing one meal.

Massage chairs bring you unprecedented convenience and time savings. For massage therapy to be effectively, you must get massages on some regular basis. People simply do not take the time, even though they should. A massage chair provide in home convenience and 24/7 access. It also massages the body in parallel which saves you time. You can receive a whole body massage in a matter of minutes rather then a full hour with a masseuse.

If you are able to go to the spa on a regular basis and obtain a massage from a masseuse, then you are taking care of your stress by giving it an effective release. On the other hand, if you are not doing this, then a massage chair can be an effective alternative.

The other factor in saving time with a massage chair is that the operations can be performed in parallel. A masseuse works one area at a time, then moves on to the next. Overall, it takes about 50 minutes to effectively cover the body. A massage chair works in parallel. It can massage the full body all at once. Working in parallel cuts down the total time required to get a massage.

Another important way a massage chair can help is by saving you money. A massage chair can be as little as $3 per hour of massage therapy. Compare this to a masseuse who typically runs $50 per hour plus tip. Massage chairs have a clear economic advantage. This is the typical tradeoff between human labor versus machine labor.

We all say that our health is a priority, but few take the necessary action required. How hard is it to sit for 10 minutes and relax your body and mind? For some impossible, but for most of us, it is very possible. Why not start to establish a routine that helps to reverse the effects of modern day stress. Your health is not a luxury, and neither is having a massage chair to help you bring back that critical balance in your life. - 17269

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Important Tips About Exercises For Back Pain What You Should Know About Lower Back Pain Exercises

By Celestine Nell

Have you come to the internet for lower back pain exercises? We all know that this is one of the first places that people come to when they are searching for lower back pain exercises or any other type. Research shows that more and more people are suffering from back pain these days.

If you have been suffering from back pain; then you have come to the right place. We are going to reveal why exercises for back pain can help you get the relief that you are looking for. Not many people realize how important it is to implement lower back pain exercises to help them get the relief that they are looking for.

Anyone can begin doing exercises for back pain; it just takes about twenty minutes and can be done right from your home. This problem will continue to grow because of the lifestyle that we have all implemented.

We all have developed bad habits that are not good for us. Before you even begin with your lower back pain exercises there are some things that you should be aware of to prevent further injury.

1. Be Patient: Anyone who has suffered from back problems understands that all they want to do is get rid of the pain quickly. One of the great thing about back exercises is that as long as you continue on a daily basis; then you can begin to notice a difference in as quickly as 4 to 6 weeks.

2. Avoid Pain: If you are doing your lower back pain exercises correctly it is not uncommon to feel a slight discomfort when stretching; however you never want it to be painful. Avoid stretching your muscles further if you are feeling pain; this can cause more damage and will not get rid of your back ache.

3. Walking: If you are like thousands of other people who sit at a computer everyday; it is very important that you begin stretching as much as possible throughout the day.

Yes you can learn more about exercises for back pain; all you have to do is visit the site below and discover which lower back pain exercises are going to help you feel better. - 17269

What Are The Ways In Which Cancer Can Be Prevented

By Connor Sullivan

Cancer is a serious disease and it kills millions of people around the entire planet yearly. There are a number of individuals who are looking for an efficient treatment for cancer. Research has demonstrated that cancer can be cured with zeolite, holistic antidotes, Chinese antidotes, natural herbs, green tea and surgery. Zeolites are one of the most promising natural treatments for cancer that has been discovered so far. Additionally, cancer is not a disease that has no cure. As a matter of fact, the best cure for cancer is avoidance. Researches have shown that there are a number of ways, including healthy dietary plan that can aid in the prevention of cancer.

The cancer fighting foods have the ability to fight the cancerous tumors which starts to develop. These foods contain huge amounts of phytochemicals which naturally occur in plants which help them to protect against diseases, environmental pressure and insects. Phytochemicals are the reason that the vegetables and fruits get their bright colors. They also give garlic its odor and tea its bitter taste. It is apparent that the phytochemicals contained in healthy foods are the means of avoiding cancer. However, there are many berries which are a great source of phytochemicals and can help to prevent the growth of cancer tumors in humans. Most berries have a periodic time and this is when individuals can make use of frozen berries which can be obtained without difficulty during off season and contains all the essential nutrients as fresh fruits.

Raspberries contain polyphenols and ellagic acid and these are quite effective in the fight against cancer. Wild berries have a lot of antioxidants and anthocyanidins which inhibit the development of cancer cells. Other berries with similar properties include strawberries and cranberries. Although they contain less quantities of ellagic acid, they contain similar quantities of antioxidants as raspberries. Cranberries can be ingested in the form of juice or added as toppings on cereals in the arrangement of dried fruits. Furthermore, fruits from the citrus family which includes lemons, mandarin and oranges contain terpenes and polyphenols which reduce the risk of getting cancers of the digestive system.

Another healthy diet for cancer can be made up using cruciferous vegetables which include broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, turnips and other similar vegetables. Such green plants consist of sulfur based phytochemicals which protect against cancerous tumor development. A meal which contains these vegetables can be quite helpful in prevnting cancer. It should also be noted that these need not be cooked in water as they decrease the amounts of phytochemicals. It is important to cook these vegetables lightly, parboiled or stir fried to maximize the availability of the phytochemicals. Garlic is another natural herb which prevents the risk of developing cancer of the digestive tract due to its anti-cancer potential.

Moreover, by eating in a healthy meal that is inclusive of fruits and vegetables will supply the body with a lot of phytochemicals everyday. This will eventually reduce the risk of developing cancer cells which can also be fatal in most cases. Therefore, it is necessary to prevent such diseases from occurring now rather than looking for the cure when cancer tumors have already formed. - 17269

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