Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Friday, January 1, 2010

The Difference Between Good Fats and Bad Fats

By Beth Hoover

Diet food fat is critical to your condition. Most nutritional authorities recommend that 25% to thirty percent of the total daily calories consumed by adults be food fat.

But the difficulty is that not all fats are made equal. Some fats are excellent for you and some are bad for you. Some fats can heal and other fats can kill. That is why you need to have a fat list handy at all times. Knowing the difference between good fats and bad fats is crucial for good health.

Let's have a look at the bad fats fat list. Essentially, there are two bad fats. They are saturated fat and trans fat.

Saturated fat is present in animal products such as red beef and whole milk dairy foods - butter, cheese, ice cream, and so on. Saturated fat adds to the flavor of food, but too much saturated fat can raise cholesterol, clog up your arteries and noticeably contribute to the beginning of heart problems.

Saturated fat intake should be kept to less than ten percent of your total daily calories. Avoid bad saturated fats by eating lean meats, skinless poultry and low fat or skim milk dairy goods. Also, stay away from highly saturated tropical palm and coconut oils.

Trans fat is the most hazardous fat and may be eliminated from your diet. It has no nutritional value, but has been found to noticeably increase the risk of coronary heart disease by raising artery clogging bad LDL cholesterol while lowering good LDL cholesterol.

Trans fat is created when plant oils are hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated. It is present in about all commercially processed foods like crackers, cookies, cake, candy vegetable shortening, margarine, salad dressing, fried food and snack food.

The fat list of good fats are monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats, particularly omega three fish oil trans acids.

Monounsaturated fat lowers bad LDL cholesterol and raises good HDL cholesterol, extra virgin olive oil is the number one source. Monounsaturated fats are also found in canola oil, peanut oil, avocados, almonds, pecans and pumpkin and sesame seeds..

Polyunsaturated oils aren't as highly rated now as they once were. The explanation is too many folks were getting way too much polyunsaturated omega 6 fat from highly refined vegetable oils and not enough polyunsaturated omega 3 oils, especially the healthy EPA and DHA trans-acids from fish.

That's the reason why most nutritive authorities today recommend everyone eat fatty fish loaded in EPA and DHA omega three oils at least three times every week. Salmon, tuna, mackerel, herring and sardines are all excellent sources of omega 3 EPA and DHA. The experts also counsel people use monounsaturated olive oil for cooking and salads and get their essential omega 6 oils from one hundred pc whole grain wheat, rye and oats, soybeans, walnuts and sunflower seeds. - 17269

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What Are 3 Techniques A Man With Man Tits Uses To Rid Their Man Tits

By Dustin Fennell

So what are the 3 techniques a man With man boobs uses to conceal their man boobs? The three methods are: balance your diet, exercise, or for drastic conditions, surgery. But surgery is the last option if all else has failed. Diet and the appropriate exercises are the best and most effective way to get rid of those unwanted man boobs. In addition to aerobic (cardio) exercises, anaerobic work outs are good too. Start lifting weights. Using machines that focus on tightening and strengthening your chest is a great way to tighten those bulging man boobs. Work on your shoulders, back, and lower chest. This is a great way to get man "pecs" versus having sagging man boobs.

When men reach a certain age, they may be more likely to store fat in certain areas, such as the breast area. You might want to adjust your diet. Start eating foods that are low in fat. Sometimes changing your diet may not be enough. Start exercising. Cardio is the best way to keep trim and the man boobs tight and inconspicuous.

Many of the males that have man boobs tend to be overweight. Try working on managing your weight first. If it still does not work, then carefully consider if surgery really is the best option. Talk to a doctor about any questions you may have. He/she should go over with you to determine the best solution

If you are resorting to surgery, talk to your doctor first to see if your condition is severe enough to have the procedure. This is recommended if diet and exercise alone is not enough.

Men with man boobs can be self conscious. Many men start to develop man boobs when they are in their teens. The teenage years are already a painful and complicated time in ones life. Having man boobs makes it even worse. It can ruin self esteem and hinder confidence at any age.

Many men start developing the features from teen years. But it is not too much of a big deal if it starts then since the body is going through so many hormonal changes. But if the problem proceeds to later on into your twenties and thirties, you might want to start making some changes.

Don't spend your time sulking over your man boobs, do something about it. There are numerous resources out there that you can use to get rid of your man boobs naturally, Man Boobs Solutions is a good place to start.

Some men will wrap their man boobs to give the illusion of having a flat chest. This can be awkward and uncomfortable. Imagine if you start making out with a woman for the first time. You take off your shirt and she sees what you have been hiding. It can freak out some women and turn them off. You do not need to let that happen to you. Take action and do not let man boobs ruin your life. - 17269

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Does The Med Diet Really Work?

By Lee Reid

Mediterranean diet is really something which has evolved from the countries surrounded by the Mediterranean sea.Generally, these diets are supposed to bring good health and good energy level.

There are certain variations in the food they take even with these countries. Some countries will consume a lot of sea food while others will consume a lot of meat. The most popular Mediterranean diet was produced by Dr. Walter Willet from the University of Harvard.High consumption of healthy foods is the basic idea of Mediterranean diets.Some of the dieting methods involved in Mediterranean diets are high vegetable consumption, high fruit consumption, high olive oil consumption and limitations of meat consumed with meat.

Mediterranean diets will consist of higher amounts of fats than other related diets.Although American hear diets may seem similar to these Mediterranean diets, the main difference is the consumption of oil.While Mediterranean diets will give you higher amounts of required vitamins and proteins, it will also restrict the consumption of more unhealthy foods such as meat which can bring about heart issues if taken excessively.Hence this kind of a dieting plan is not only about increasing the plus factors, but also about reducing the minus factors as well.The more use of vegetable and fruits instead of animal proteins is a common factor in a Mediterranean food plan.In addition to offering you with good health, these kind of food plans will also reduce your cost factor.

Vegetables, fruits, onions, cheese, yogurt and olive oil are consumed in a daily basis while eggs, sea food and sweets are consumed in a weekly basis.Mediterranean people will not consume red meat regularly, hence the use of red meat is considered to be a monthly factor.A wine consumption of about 1-2 glasses per day will also give better health.This kind of a dieting will surely help you gain better health regarding the heart.Many people have achieved significant health improvements with similar health friendly diets.

You can always educate yourself about something useful and important through many useful online articles about Mediterranean diets. A Mediterranean diet will surely bring good health and good dieting habits for you and your family.Clarify any problems with Mediterranean diets with your family doctor and get the correct dosage of each component with the amount of red wine consumption. You can always bring some good healthy diets to your life with the help of Mediterranean diets. - 17269

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Comparing Coffee and Tea

By Damian Papworth

For millennia men and women from all across the globe have savored tea both for its healthful benefits and for its unique taste properties. Tea has been a mainstay in the dietary regime of many countries in the Eastern world as well as in countries of the west, such as Great Britain. It continues to be a mainstay in the diets of many Americans today, in part due to its great versatility.

Some teas are treasured because they provide the perfect accompaniment to petit fours and finger sandwiches at a traditional afternoon tea party, while others are enjoyed for the calming and rejuvenation properties they confer after a long workout routine. Some people enjoy a mild cup of Chamomile Tea as part of their relaxing nightly routine, while others savor a good strong cup of Black Tea in the morning as part of a wake up routine.

Tea blends come in a variety of all-natural, herbal flavors. And many blends of tea have been scientifically shown to offer strong health properties. Many teas are rich in antioxidants, which are known to greatly help the human body to defend itself against the onset of many kinds of cancer as well as to shield it from chemical free radicals in the environment. More recently green tea has become the subject of much scientific study, as it has been found to possess very potent anti-oxidant properties. Many scientists believe that the presence of green tea in the daily Japanese diet may be, at least in part, responsible for the country's lower cancer rate.

While scientists continue to uncover more of the health properties of tea, they are also now beginning to discover some of the many potential health benefits of drinking tea's common counterpart, coffee. In the past decade it was discovered that dark coffee, like tea, is very rich in antioxidants. Recent studies have suggested that daily coffee consumption may have numerous long term benefits for one's overall health, among them memory preservation and cancer prevention.

For decades coffee drinks have been enjoyed both for their potent caffeine properties and for the unique, bold flavour of the black coffee bean. Many people enjoy sharing a good cup of cappuccino with an old group of friends, while others savor their daily break from work with a cup of dark, bold espresso. Thus whether it is enjoyed for its delicious, smooth flavor or for the rejuvenation it provides, coffee is beloved by thousands of Americans.

Coffee drinks, like tea, come in a vast array of blends and flavors. And while the two drinks certainly possess many similarities, coffee is unique in that the beans used to brew it will reflect the climate and soil properties of their origins. The same type of coffee bean grown in one particular climate and soil will have a very different taste than that same bean grown somewhere on the other side of the globe.

Another significant difference between tea and coffee is that coffee is more often enjoyed with more additives and condiments. While tea is typically savored with just a bit of sugar or milk, coffee drinks often come with a vast array of additives, such as different types of milk, sweetener, or syrup. Thus while both tea and pure coffee have many nutritional properties, many coffee drinks provide a less healthy alternative to tea because they are often in calories, fat, and sugar.

Both coffee and tea are enjoyed for their nutritional and taste properties, yet any lover of either beverage can tell you that the two are very different beverages. - 17269

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How To Cure A Yeast Infection - Discover A Simple Yet Effective Cure For Yeast Infection.

By Carole Bishop

If you are wondering "How do to cure a yeast infection", there is a natural yet very effective cure for any type of yeast infection but before we go into the details, "what is a yeast infection?" and "what are the main causes of yeast infections?"

A yeast infection is simply an infection caused by a fungus, usually of the Candida species, the most common one being Candida albicans. It is a very treatable condition that tends to occur in moist parts of the body, most commonly the private areas.

What are the main causes of a yeast infection? There are many reasons why you may get a yeast infection but the main causes tend to be:

Pregnancy in women

Prolonged use of oral contraceptives

Continuous and prolonged use of antibiotics

In women, using detergents and douches, which disturb the delicate balance of the vaginal flora

Individuals who suffer from diabetes tend to have a higher incidence of yeast infection.

How To Cure a Yeast Infection

One of the most effective remedies for a yeast infection is the use of live natural yogurt and you need to use this by eating some and applying some to the affected parts.

Make sure you eat ample amounts of live natural yogurt daily. This is because yogurt contains bacteria that will help to restore the imbalance that has helped the fungus to thrive and flourish

To apply to the affected part, simply dip a tampon into the yogurt and insert into the vagina. Change every 4 hours and you should see a significant improvement in little time.

Unfortunately although applying yogurt works very well, it does not get to the root cause of your yeast infection. There is a lot more to curing a yeast infection and it is impossible to discuss all you need to know in a single article. - 17269

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The Lean Hybrid Muscle Scam Myth

By Darren Rayburn

There are a ton of different weight loss and muscle building programs, and one of the newest ones is the Lean Hybrid Muscle plan. If you've come across it, the program may almost seem too good to be true, leading you to look for a Lean Hybrid Muscle review.

Let's go into some of the details here, as I think they're really important to acknowledge. The first thing you should know about is Elliot Hulse, the man behind the system. He's been featured on Fox News and in some other media publications, so it seems like he's at least a credible figure.

Who doesn't want a better looking body? We all hope for one, though it obviously requires a lot of hard work that most of us don't have the time or energy to put in. Still, we look at different programs all the time.

Lean Hybrid Muscle seems like it could be another one of these programs. They all promise the same thing, but this one was particularly interesting because it aims to build muscle and lose fat all at once. Was this too good to be true?

The best way to make that determination is by looking into the program itself. How about the guy behind it all? Elliot Hulse isn't just some shady Internet figure. He's been on Fox News and on another TV show called Strength Camp so this was a definite plus.

Here's a good thing about the system. All of the payments for it run through Clickbank, so you wouldn't have to ask Lean Hybrid Muscle for your money back if the system turned out to be a scam. Clickbank is the middleman, and a rock solid one at that.

The biggest factor in determining the product's success will be you. Someone who regularly practices the exercises in the program will undoubtedly see the results. Far too many people fail to follow through with their plans, and this is the biggest risk that you face.

The decision will ultimately rest in your hands. You don't have to worry about a Lean Hybrid Muscle ripoff. The bigger worry should be whether you're fully prepared to make a difference by dedicating the regular time to the system. - 17269

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