Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Relieve Stress as It Arises with Massage Chair Treatments

By Steven G Esquire

The new sign of the times is stress. Life is just getting a little more stressful these days. We all seem to be racing around trying to solve our problems. Everyone seems a little bit more anxious in easily irritated. Perhaps you are feeling a little anxious and tense. If so, then welcome to the new economy. Don't let stress get the better of you. Take proactive action to counteract stress.

Some behaviors that can be interpreted as a signs of stress are as follows: fixating on problem solving, pessimistic and negative thinking, avoiding people or situations, anxiousness and anxiety. Many of these signs can go unnoticed but their effect on you continues to build.

There also physical issues that can develop because of stress. Most people commonly complain about stiffness in the shoulders and neck. This can result in knots which are very tight muscles. Other problems also are digestive disorders, fatigue, chest palpitations and weight changes. As the stress continues unchecked, these problems may reach to out right pain in discomfort.

You may begin to recognize some of the signs of stress occurring to you. The first step we must take is to become aware that we are under stress. Otherwise, the stress continues to build and will take its toll on our physical bodies. If we become aware that we are under increasing stress, then we can begin to take countermeasures to relieve its damaging effects.

Stress is different from other issues in that it tends to build up in specific areas of the body. It is commonly found to build up in one area. For example, you may find that you get back aches, stress knots or pain in your neck. This area is held under tension as a reaction to the stressful situation.

To begin to recognize stress, we first have to become aware that it is building. Stress tends to build up in the body with a physical symptom. If a counter measure is taken early, then these symptoms can be relieved quickly. Otherwise, it will continue to build unchecked and cause more damage.

The key to fighting stress is early awareness of the build up process. As the symptom of stress begins to build up in the body it causes more damage. Early recognition that we are under stress is the key to stopping it now. If we know that stress is starting to build up, then we can take proactive measures to dilute it.

There are a number of things you can do to help reduce the build up of stress. Of course, diet and exercise are always at the top of the list. However to round out the field, it is important to help your body rejuvenate and heal. Massage chair therapy is an effective means to complete the circle of positive health.

A massage chair provides a number of massage treatments to provide relief. They can target specific areas and provide deep tissue penetration. Massage chairs are effective in relieving stiffness, soreness and discomfort in the back shoulders and neck.

More importantly, is a massage chair provides you with frequent massage therapy. This helps you counteract the build up of stress as it occurs. In this manner, you have access to effective massage therapy when the signs of stress began to show. You can quickly relieve muscle stiffness in its early stages.

Life is stressful. Make sure you can quickly recognize signs of stress around you. Take proactive measures to counteract the accumulation of stress. When you start to feel stressed build up, take immediate action. A massage chair helps you to effectively relieve muscle stiffness and tension when you need it most. - 17269

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Everything You Need to Know Concerning Resveratrol

By Jason Z. Thomas

If you've read a newspaper or magazine, or watched TV recently, you have probably heard something about resveratrol and all the health benefits it offers.

Resveratrol may be able to at least partly explain the "French paradox"- the fact that the French generally have a lower incidence of heart disease and cancer, although they have a largely high-fat diet.

Recent research seems to prove that the resveratrol in the red wine favored by the French is what protects them from these diseases.

You may wonder how alcohol consumption could benefit your health, especially knowing that alcohol keeps your body from absorbing nutrients, and that alcohol can cause a lot of problems.

You may wonder how alcohol consumption could benefit your health, especially knowing that alcohol keeps your body from absorbing nutrients, and that alcohol can cause a lot of problems.

Digging a little deeper, it has been revealed that resveratrol can prevent blood clots by keeping blood vessels soft and pliable.

More and more studies are showing the anticancer benefits of resveratrol supplementation, although more research is needed to establish a definite link.

Resveratrol is also found in the leaves and skins of red grapes. If you don't drink, there are non-alcoholic wine drinks that are high in resveratrol, too.

Resveratrol can also be found in purple grape juice, the grapes themselves, and in peanuts. However, red wine contains more resveratrol than other sources- about three times as much as grape juice.

Resveratrol supplements are now widely sold, and they are usually in combination with grape seed extracts and other antioxidants.

Resveratrol does not have a recommended daily intake set forth by the FDA, but that's because it's new. It's safe, with no risk of side effects or drug interaction.

With all the benefits of resveratrol, and the fact that using it carries no risk for you, there's really no reason not to try it- but you should discuss it with your doctor first. - 17269

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The Superior Benefits Of The Antioxidants In The Acai Berry

By Annie S Russell

Antioxidants guard our bodies from the destruction of oxygen free radicals. This plays a major function in our good health because it protects the cells of our bodies. Many foods are high in antioxidants but the acai berry actually contains one of the maximum antioxidant capacities of any foodstuff ever found in nature.

The ORAC scale or the Oxygen Radical Absorbency Scale is the way that food is measured for antioxidant activity. Foods are assigned a number matching to the ORAC capacity. The acai berry contains one of the peak ORAC's of any singular food.

Antioxidants are a nutrient found in foods that aids in the balancing of free radicals. Free radicals are an unstable molecule that is lacking one or more electrons. This lack of the required electron makes the molecule very unpredictable and harmful to our bodies. The antioxidant will attach itself to the free radical and give it the missing electron that it needs. This stabilizes the molecule. This replacement of missing electrons is a lifelong and continuing progression as even by stabilizing a free radical more free radicals are created.

Hence we must incessantly reinstate the antioxidants within our bodies in order to put off the tribulations of oxidation. The oxidation process causes free radicals. When an apple that has been cut up is left out in the air, it will turn brown. That is fundamentally oxidation. This oxygen process is one phenomenon that contributes to disease and tribulations with aging.

Our bodies necessitate antioxidants to reverse and inhibit the problems from free radical and oxidation damage. However, our bodies cannot make them and we can only get them from our diets. Antioxidants must be provided by our diet.

The foods with the record antioxidant content are the multicolored foods from nature. Deep greens, deep reds, deep purples, brilliant oranges and reds are the colors of the fruits and vegetables highest in these imperative nutrients. Spinach, kale, cranberries, blueberries and pumpkins, along with many others including the acai berry are all extraordinarily high in advantageous antioxidants.

The acai berry is very high in an antioxidant called anthocyanins, which is the inherent purple pigment responsible for the colors of berries, red cabbage, grapes and other foods. Purified anthocyanins have been proven to be beneficial for weight loss in controlled studies involving laboratory mice. They also supply many other healthiness-promoting benefits.

The high antioxidant content of the acai berry and the many acai berry products that are available make it a great addition to any healthful and healthful diet plan. However, a large assortment of high antioxidant foods is the most beneficial for your beneficial diet plan. - 17269

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Cesium Chloride For Use In Cancer Treatment

By Richard Rosal

If you have not heard the term cesium chloride you may well wonder at its purpose. Formed from the combination of cesium carbonate and hydrochloric acid, this colorless solid is then purified via a recrystallization process which renders it ready for use as a good source of cesium ions.

Cesium is used in the high PH treatment of cancer and has proved successful in laboratory testing on mice to noticeably shrink cancerous tumors within as short a time as two weeks. Cesium chloride is easily absorbed by the cancerous cells, altering the PH balance within the cell to the 8+ range, where the life of the cell is significantly shortened and mitosis ceases. More exciting, all pains and symptoms associated with cancer were shown to cease within a 12 to 36 hour period after therapy was started.

The uptake of cesium chloride into the cells was further enhanced by the addition of vitamins and minerals, particularly vitamin A, vitamin C, Zinc and Selenium. In patients who had been on a long term course of chemotherapy and morphine usage, recovery from symptoms was markedly increased.

The level of cesium chloride in the body becomes toxic at 135 grams. Ideally, the recommended dose is 6 grams a day to avoid any toxic effects. Cesium chloride is often mixed with rubidium, combining the rubidium ions with the cesium chloride ions to aid in upping the PH balance of the cells. The vitamins and mineral salts work together as strong electron donors and aid in the break down of the cancerous cells in the body.

Two side effects were most noted during the administration of the PH therapy, namely nausea and diarrhea. It was found that by adding sorbitol to the cesium chloride mixture prior to administering the treatment negated the effects of nausea. Administering vitamin C was noted to have a positive effect on the diarrhea symptoms. All patients who underwent the treatment showed dramatic shrinkage and even complete recovery from their cancer. - 17269

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Review of Acai Weight Loss Supplements

By Mary Kelley

Acai berry weight loss pill reviews give you all of the information you need to make good decisions in adding the acai berry diet to your daily routine. Many people have a difficult time when trying to lose weight. There are many factors that contribute to weight gain including stress, unhealthy eating habits, and lack of exercise. Oftentimes people will turn to yo-yo diets, and excessive calorie counting in an effort to lose weight fast. Unfortunately these methods never work. These are unhealthy temporary fixes, and the results are often more weight gained when a person returns to their old unhealthy lifestyle patterns.

You can find all sorts of advertisements on television with promised to lose weight quickly and without any effort. You can really get the wrong idea about weight loss from these blatant weight loss fad products. The key is to approach weight loss from a perspective that anything worth having is worth working for, weight loss included. Take one step at a time, and start changing your unhealthy habits to healthy ones. Write down a plan that you can live by, and start to build your own weight loss program.

The acai berry diet plan is a simple diet to follow. You can easily begin by changing your eating habits. Buy fresh fruits, vegetables, and lean protein like beans, soy, and lean meats. Try to get as much fresh food as possible. Stay away from processed meats, frozen meals, fast food, sugar, and junk food. Invest in a hand mixer, and start blending your own juices from fresh or frozen berries, bananas, and protein powder. I like to add sherbet or frozen yogurt into mine to make them delicious. Sign up for a free acai berry diet supplement to get an added boost of energy, and to kick start your weight loss.

The acai weight loss pills will work to curb your appetite and give you energy while you change your eating habits. It's all natural as the acai berry is packed with vitamins, minerals, healthy fatty acids, and essential omegas.

A couple of the best known acai weight loss pills include Acai Berry Breeze, and Acai Berry Edge. Acai Berry Breeze is great for boosting your metabolism and energy levels. It also helps you flush out excess pounds. Acai Berry Edge is one of the best acai weight loss pills on the market. With Acai Berry Edge, you will experience real weight loss, and fast results. Acai berries are very powerful appetite suppressants. They are known antioxidants, and they will give you lots of energy.

Acai berries are getting more and more popular among people who want to keep their manage their weight using all natural methods. They are to known to contain major power when it comes to detoxification and weight loss. Acai berries can be readily found in energy drinks and fruit supplements.

In addition to taking the acai weight loss supplements, you will want to begin an exercise program. Start exercising on a regular basis, and workout for at least 20 - 30 minutes a day, 3 to 5 times a week. Begin at your own pace by walking at a brisk pace, join a yoga class, or fitness club. As your body acclimates to exercise, gradually step up your workouts, and change them up. Getting your body in motion will help you to burn fat and calories, and you will start to reach your weight loss goals in no time. - 17269

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The Health Boosting Properties of Fruit Juice

By Danny Redrow

Fruit juices have many nutritional health benefits. No matter what your age there are many nutritional health benefits to be had. They are very tasty drinks and, as an added benefit can be a boost to your health. Fruits are packed with many vitamins and nutrients. Therefore, mixing different fruits into a single drink means you can get many of these different nutrients. A good juicer like the Jack Lalanne power juicer elite will help you get the best out of your fruit.

Mixing the fruits in a drink mixes the properties. This allows the different benefits to work in synergy which therefore boosts the property of a drink. People taking fruit juices have a lower risk of suffering from chronic diseases than their counterparts. Fruit juices make people leaner, increases their body's insulin sensitivity and lowers the risk of obesity. The risks of illnesses such as diabetes, stroke and heart disease can all be lowered by regularly drinking fruit juice. A lower body mass index and smaller waist circumferences are all characteristics of people who regularly consume fruit juice.

High nutritional compounds and health benefits can be found in blueberry juice. It has tremendous health benefits and can help in preventing urinary tract infections. It has been shown to destroy many viruses and helps prevent diarrhoea illnesses. They can also assist people whom are suffering from strokes and heart diseases.

The strength of bones can be increased by apple juices whichcontain a lot of the mineral boron. Apple juice contains large amounts of polyphenols that delays the ageing process and many other diseases related to ageing. It also affects the mental learning ability and sharpens memory. People suffering from Alzheimer's disease are advised to drink this juice to help slow down the progress of this disease.

People suffering from kidney stones can be assisted by drinking orange juice. The body's cholesterol levels can be lowered by this drink as well as the regulation of the body's metabolism. Orange juices provide a great supply of Vitamin C which is a particularly powerful agent in the fighting free radicals in the body. The blood flow to the heart muscle may be increased and the body's cholesterol levels lowered by pomegranate juice. Prostate cancer growth in males may be lowered as well.

Not all juicing machines are the same however. Some juicers are designed for particular jobs like juicing wheatgrass or juicing fruit. The Jack Lalanne juicer is great for juicing fruit.

Fruit juices are very effective compared to colas which contain nothing but empty calories. Drinking a glassful in the morning with breakfast makes you feel fresh. Obesity is an epidemic worldwide, caused by eating and drinking too many junk foods and colas. Drinking fruit juice regularly may help reduce this. Regularly consuming fruit juice on a daily basis can help in maintaining a healthy diet, which should be our main concern. - 17269

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Why Overtraining Hurts You When You Are Bodybuilding

By Ricardo d Argence

If you are someone who is trying to get in shape and do it fast, you are probably spending a lot of time at the gym. The issue is that you might not know how much time is too much and what is too little!

Remember that overtraining can hurt you just like not training enough. When you work too hard, you are not giving your body the time that it needs to stop and rest. When your body doesn't have the time and the resources that it needs to recover from the weightlifting that you want to do, you are going to see some serious problems.

Let's talk about how your body builds muscles and what you need to do to get there. Remember that when you work out, you are not making your muscles bigger. What you are actually doing is creating tiny rips and tears in the muscles that you have and encouraging them to heal as time goes on.

When these injuries heal and repair, they heal and repair stronger than they were previously. Therefore, when you're building muscle, you're actually breaking down muscle first, and then letting your body rest and repair in between; this process is what actually "builds" muscle.

Remember that if you are overtraining your muscle is just going to begin breaking down. There is no time for it to try to repair itself and the muscles that you want are actually being prevented from building.

What are the symptoms of overtraining and what can you do to make sure that you are going to be on the right track?

When you are overtraining, you will find that you are no seeing many results. Remember that overtraining is something that is going to have several symptoms as well, so make sure that you take the time to stop and be aware.

One of the symptoms of overtraining involve seeing a drop in your testosterone level. This is a natural result of what happens if your body does not get enough time to recover.

You might get fatter. As counterintuitive as that sounds. You might gain weight you don't want to, in the form of fat. That's because if you keep overtraining, not only will you be breaking down muscle without building it back up, but you also increase your levels of cortisol, a stress hormone that makes your body want to retain fat.

Have you noticed that your health is taking a blow? If so, this is definitely a sign that you need to stop. When you work out too hard, your immune system is going to suffer for it. If you see that you are getting colds and flus more easily, it is time to slow down. Working out should give you less health problems, not more.

Loss of muscle mass. Finally, it bears repeating that when you overtrain, you lose muscle; you don't gain it. Since this is the absolute opposite of what you actually want to accomplish, a good bodybuilding regimen is in order to help you both avoid the symptoms and get the muscle you want.

How to fix this problem? It's very easy, rest and nutrition are the key factors. When you're bodybuilding, your pattern should be one day of intense weightlifting followed by one day of rest.

Work out one day and then do some light cardio when you work out on your rest days. Remember that you should rest your body between the heavy duty lifting that comes along with it.

Finally, remember that when you want to build up bigger muscles that your body needs the tools to do it. Go for lean proteins, fruits and vegetables. This will help you get the results that you need and it will keep you healthy while you do so! - 17269

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The Mighty Outcome Of Antioxidants On Your Healthiness

By Jeffery B Marshall

Our bodies necessitate oxygen to live yet the use of oxygen in our bodies causes oxidative damage. When our bodies use oxygen, free radicals are created. A free radical is a molecule that is absent one or more electrons. These molecules are highly unstable and can cause a immense amount of impairment. Antioxidants are a class of nutrients found in food that are identified to avert or slow the effects of oxidative destruction in our bodies.

An antioxidant will come in and append to a free radical by donating the missing electron. Most of the beneficial foods found in nature are full in antioxidants and including these foods in your diet can boost up your immune system and help to check disease such as heart disease and cancer and other troubles characteristically related with aging.

Some of the highest antioxidant foods are the berries. Blueberries, cranberries, blackberries and even grapes and cherries are all high in antioxidants. The ORAC or Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity is how antioxidant activity in food is measured. All berries have a high ORAC level but the food with the highest ORAC level is really the acai berry. There are a couple of things with a higher ORAC level including ground cinnamon and cloves but as far as actual food the acai berry surpasses every one.

Other fruits that boast high ORAC levels are the citrus fruits, like oranges, grapefruits, lemons and limes and the tropical fruits such as kiwi, mango and papaya. Pears, peaches, plums, apricots and apples are also outstanding sources.

Other foods that are elevated in antioxidants include many everyday vegetables. Greens such as spinach, kale, Swiss chard and dandelion greens are particularly high in antioxidants as are the cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower.

Pumpkins are very excessive in beta-carotene, which is a matter that converts to vitamin A in our bodies. Beta-carotene is a very vital nutrient but it can be unsafe, especially for smokers, to take beta-carotene in supplement form. The top way to get this critical nutrient is through the diet. Most orange foods, like pumpkin, carrots, sweet potatoes and squash provide an liberal amount.

The greatest method to get your antioxidants is through ingestion of a multihued diet. It is the deeply colored foods from nature that provide the most antioxidants. Deep purples and reds from the berries, oranges from the pumpkins and carrots, and greens from the spinach, kale and cruciferous vegetables and reds from tomatoes and watermelon. Any whole food that is a deep color is likely laden with very important antioxidants.

Research being conducted on antioxidants is proving a benefit for many of the things that distress us. Superior immune function can help stave off disease such as cardiovascular disease and cancers and even many conditions generally connected with aging such as macular degeneration and Alzheimer's disease. - 17269

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How To Get The Best Power Juicer

By Mike Riley

With a lot of juicers available in the shops and stores, deciding on one can be quite confusing. I initially became interested in the benefits of juicing when I purchased a Jack Lalanne Juicer. Many people often buy a machine that is unsuitable for their requirements.

It is important to realize the reason for purchasing a juicer and then go ahead looking for one. To make the right choice it is important to understand the salient points between the different juicers such as those for fruit and wheatgrass. Before going out and shopping, writing a list of features you need is a useful thing to do.

There are many different power juicers around in the shops. It can be confusing trying to choose between a centrifugal juicer, a masticating machine, and a twin gear juicer. Centrifugal machines are the most common and more affordable than the other juicers.

Due to the high speed of the centrifugal juicers they are most suitable for juicing vegetables and fruit. They are, however, not particularly suitable for foods like spinach, wheatgrass and lettuce. In order to prevent any of the juice going to waste it is often advisable to buy a single or twin blade machine. There are special types of juicing machines on the market for these types of foods. One of the most suitable types is the Miracle-mj 500 Juicer. They have the advantage of usually being quite cheap and contain no aluminium parts and are particularly easy to operate. With Masticating machines, the low speed units help produce high quality juice as a result of reduced oxidation.

It is important to check the warranty on offer before buying your juicer. A warranty of 5 to 10 years is usually available on most quality juicers. It is also advisable to check the blades before purchase as they will frequently require replacing after two to four months of normal use. Take a look at the yield of the appliance. This should give you an idea of the output and efficiency. The juicer should give more juice and a lot less less waste. I would suggest looking for an appliance with a power output of around four hundred and twenty watts. Higher powered motors produce more heat which damages the juice by oxidation.

A branded machine such as the Jack Lalanne Power Fruit Juicer is often a better investment than a non branded machine. The reason is that replacement parts are more readily avaialble and often a lot cheaper.

Other than producing fruit and vegetable juicers, many more modern appliances can be used for different functions. They can be used to make many products including ice cream, nut butters and pasta. The more modern power juicer really is a versatile machine. - 17269

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Shoulder Pain-Heart Attack or Rotator Cuff Injury?

By Dr Jason Fowler

The great TV classic ER helps teach armchair physicians to become amateur diagnosticians. He's in shock! She's got kidney stones! Rule-out pheochromocytoma!

Sometimes a little knowledge can be a dangerous thing.

You have learned somewhere - on the network news, in the Science section of The New York Times, or in a CPR class at your job - that shoulder pain can mean you're having a heart attack. Now, seemingly out of the blue, your shoulder begins to ache and throb. Very concerned, you rush to the local emergency room.

The resident's first question, of course, is "where does it hurt"? You point to your right shoulder and blurt out, "Am I having a heart attack?" The resident smiles, gently reassuring. "A heart attack might give you pain in your left shoulder," she says. "Have you been to the gym lately? This could be a rotator cuff strain."

The resident knows that heart attack symptoms usually involve chest pain (in two-thirds of cases), and may include faintness, shortness of breath, sweating, and a feeling of impending doom.1 Chest pain may spread to the back, jaw, and arms. Left arm pain may radiate to the inside of the forearm and the ring and little fingers. Shoulder pain by itself probably doesnt suggest a heart attack.

She orders an MRI which shows mild damage to the right rotator cuff. What's going on? What exactly is the rotator cuff?

The rotator cuff is a muscular sheath that surrounds the head of the arm bone (the humerus) and the entire shoulder joint (really, two joints - the acromioclavicular and glenohumeral joints). The four muscles that comprise the rotator cuff help raise the arm to the front and the side and help turn the shoulder inward or outward.

If you're a sports fan, you know that rotator cuff injuries affect baseball pitchers, tennis players, swimmers, and football players. Such injuries are due to repetitive motion, and may also result from falling on the shoulder or arm or lifting heavy weights.

Rotator cuff injuries may also be slowly developing and chronic, related to arthritic and degenerative changes in the rotator cuff tendon and the two shoulder joints. Low-grade pain may develop, and the pain may become aching, throbbing, and chronic. Raising the arm may cause pain, and there may be loss of mobility.2

In the above-40 population, lack of exercise and chronically poor posture may contribute to rotator cuff problems. Sitting at a desk all day with the neck jutting forward and slumped shoulders, places long-term mechanical stress on the rotator cuff.

Chiropractic treatment may be very useful in helping to rehabilitate chronic rotator cuff injuries. A chiropractic physician is expert in evaluating postural problems and associated spinal conditions. By providing effective treatment, postural corrections, and rehabilitative exercise, chiropractors offer a comprehensive therapeutic program to reduce pain, improve shoulder mobility, and regain function.

1Source: Cedars-Sinai www.cedars-sinai.edu 2Baring T, et al: Management of rotator cuff disease. Best Pract Res Clin Rheumatol 21(2):279-294, 2007. - 17269

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Rival Vacuum Sealers: A Notch Above The Rest

By Hakeem Awadi

Rival has brought us all manner of exceptional kitchen appliances. One of its more popular offerings is its Rival seal a meal vacuum sealer. This is a top of the line sealer that is simple to work with yet at the same time pleasantly affordable. This vacuum sealer can even be hung on the wall for added convenience. Here's a look at how this Rival vacuum sealer is an excellent appliance to use in the home.

The Seal-A-Meal vacuum sealer performs with ease because the Seal-A-Meal utilizes a single roll of plastic film. 8x10 inch and 11x10 inch rolls are available. The rolls are made to be quickly attached onto the Rival seal a meal vacuum sealer with a simple loading process. This allows the user to install the rolls so that they can be used with ease. Quart sized bags may be installed in this sealer as well.

Once the roll is fitted into the Seal-A-Meal, no further steps are needed. The machine can start working after the roll is fitted. The only thing the user needs to do is choose the temperature settings, lay the food atop a layer of sealing material and then start the device so that the food can be safely sealed in an air tight fashion.

The Seal-A-Meal may also be cleaned with ease. The food channel can be removed from the front so it can be cleansed, which helps the sealer to do its job effectively.

The bags can be cut directly by the sealer. The appliance will cut a clean line which will allow the food to be safely held and guaranteeing that the bag will be tight.

The sealer can additionally be fitted to a wall or cabinet for ease of storage. This is advantageous on account of the sealer will require a measurably smaller space in a kitchen.

The Seal-A-Meal vacuum sealer is inexpensive, too. Other comparable products can sell for more than $150. The Seal-A-Meal vacuum sealer, however, is unique. The Seal-A-Meal sells for about $100 American/$120 Canadian. Some stores can even sell it for below a hundred dollars during a sale. Also, refill rolls can cost about ten dollars.

Some added accessories are made for the sealer too. An air hose for removing the air from the bags is offered as an accessory. Additional accessories include vessels to contain other parts in, and also to use for storing additional amounts of sealer bags.

The Rival vacuum sealers is a method of food storage that should absolutely be considered. This sealer works to help with keeping foods fresh and is easy to use and maintain. It is also affordable unlike other sealers. It is an exceptional choice for a vacuum sealer. - 17269

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The Importance of Clean Pure Water For Health

By Lee Jacobs

Many of us don't' realize the importance of drinking clean pure water. The human body is composed of over 70% water. Our health and well being is largely dependant upon the quality f the water that the body contains.

The body's make-up breaks down to 72% water, 20% solid tissue and bone, with the remaining 8% being a combination of chemical compounds. If looking at this from just a biochemical standpoint, it would make sense to assume that the quality of the fluids in the body would have a significant impact on the overall state of our wellbeing. Any life giving action that occurs in the body takes place in this body of water.

Many medically based discoveries have occurred during the last decade that has brought the capacity of the human body's ability to heal itself to our awareness. It seems the body can overcome nearly any pathology if given the chance. The body instinctively knows how to heal itself, and water seems to be the key.

Each cell in the human body is governed by a series of complex electrical signals that are sent from the nervous system that stems from the brain. Essentially, the nervous system is a complex system of minute "waterways". For example, if we get dehydrated, the fluid in our nerves will congeal, releasing a congested mix of synthetic and organic contaminants that distort the critical signals in the body.

Studies have revealed that the distortion of these very sensitive communications that take place in the body are largely responsible for a variety of neurological diseases and degenerative pathologies like anxiety, attention deficit disorder, chronic fatigue, depression, an Alzheimer's disease.

It has been shown medically that even a decrease as little as 4% in body fluids can cause a loss of energy up to 30%. For those of us that suffer from low energy levels once in a while, it is like caused by dehydration. A drop of 15% in body fluids can actually kill a person.

The statistics have it that more than 65% of people don't consume enough fluids, with many of us experiencing some degree of dehydration. Effectively this means that much of the populace is running at roughly 70% of our capacity, and in many cases less.

By drinking an adequate amount of clean water many conditions like hypertension, headaches, fatigue, arthritis, sickness, Alzheimer's, and ulcers could be greatly reduced or even prevented completely.

It's important to clarify that clean pure water is what we are saying that needs to be consumed, and not fluids such as colas tea, coffee, and the like. This distinction is of utmost importance, as many fluids will actually dehydrate the system - we need to hydrate!

Keep in mind that every time we eat a meal, a certain amount of fluids will be used to shuttle the nutrients from the bowel. Additionally, an adequate amount of fluid is required to flush the toxin load from the body that accumulates from metabolic wastes.

When the body is given the right amount of good clean water, the proper minerals and nutrients, it can overcome nearly anything. - 17269

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