Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Monday, August 31, 2009

What is Cholesterol?

By Kim Bailey

Even though there are many health experts voicing their concerns on high cholesterol, many of them do not mention that the human body needs cholesterol for the production of hormones and bile in the cell walls. The amount of cholesterol needed for this function however is not much and it is indeed the excess amounts of cholesterol, the body does not use that cause dangerous problems for the cardiovascular system.

Cholesterol In Small Amounts Are Good

The problem is that the body cannot effectively eliminate cholesterol from the body when it is found in excess. Instead, the substance remains in the bloodstream, forming a plaque in the arteries that makes it much more difficult for blood to pass through freely.

By interfering with the flow of blood through the body, high cholesterol places a strain on the heart by causing it to have to work much harder to keep blood flowing through the body and it is this strain on the heart that increase our risk of heart attack.

This is why monitoring cholesterol levels becomes so important throughout adulthood. When high levels are detected, a doctor and patient can work together to bring amount back down through diet, exercise and medication. The good news is that most people can prevent or reverse high levels through these methods, allowing the heart to return to normal function. The key factor is to track cholesterol on a regular basis, so you know if levels are beginning to rise as soon as possible.

Cholesterol Types

In our bodies we have LDL and HDL cholesterol. LDL or low density lipoproteins delivers cholesterol to the body, this is why low levels of LDL cholesterol is good. HDL or high density lipoproteins helps to remove cholesterol from the bloodstream.

A higher HDL generally means a healthier cardiovascular system. The numbers are figured individually and then factored together for a complete cholesterol level that provides a good indication of the overall health of the cardiovascular system.

Understanding cholesterol is an important step in keeping your cardiovascular system working in top condition. Regular monitoring of levels will let you know if you are on the right track with your health or if you need to make modifications to your diet and lifestyle for a healthier heart.

Discuss good cholesterol levels or ways to maintain or achieve them with your doctor. - 17269

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Walking for Fitness

By Dr. Jason Fowler

While some fitness enthusiasts relentlessly seek out the latest, trendiest exercise crazes, many others are returning to good, old-fashioned walking to help them feel great and get into shape. Whether enjoying the wonder of nature, or simply the company of a friend, walking can be a healthy, invigorating experience. And thanks to its convenience and simplicity, walking just might be right for you too, according to the American Chiropractic Association (ACA).

Benefits You don't need to become a member of an expensive gym to go walking. And except for a good pair of walking shoes, it requires virtually no equipment.

"A sedentary lifestyle has debilitating influence on people's health as they age" says Dr. Jerome McAndrews, who is a national spokesperson for the ACA. "Exercise is imperative." Walking accomplishes all of the following and more:

Improves cardiovascular endurance Tones muscles of the lower body Burns calories: about 80 if walking 2 miles per hour, and about 107 if walking 4 1/2 miles per hour Reduces risk of heart disease Shoes: The very first item of business when beginning your walking program is to select the right pair of shoes. Dr. McAndrews recommends the following tips:

Make sure the shoes you purchase fit you properly. The balls of your feet should rest exactly at the point where the toe end of the shoe bends during walking. Avoid high-top shoes, that, often cover the entire ankle, limiting your foot's ability to move freely and naturally. Opt instead for shoes that offer your ankle a fuller range of motion.

Select shoes with plenty of cushioning in the soles to absorb the impact of your walking.

Getting Started Walking just 12 minutes every other day can offer important health benefits. Walking 20 minutes every other day is even better. But in order to increase your longevity, try to eventually work up to 30 minutes, five days per week. The following tips should help you get started safely and smoothly:

Move your arms freely, in coordination with the opposite leg. Don't stoop your head or look down as you walk. This will challenge the normal forward curve of your neck, which, in turn, will cause you to carry your weight improperly. Don't carry weights or dumbbells while walking. They're better used as a separate part of your exercise regimen. If you do carry weights while walking, be sure that they are light enough that they do not interfere with the "rhythm" of your arms and legs; in order to counterbalance the body, when your right arm moves forward, the left leg should be moving forward, etc. Expect a little soreness in the thighs and calves for the first week or two. If you experience more than soreness, check with your doctor of chiropractic. Walk briskly, with "purpose." Simply "sauntering," while relaxing and enjoyable, is not an effective form of cardiovascular exercise. Keep in mind that, if you have not previously been physically active, you should consult your doctor before. Begin slowly with a walk of perhaps half of a mile at a pace that does not cause discomfort. Continue this for about two weeks, then start to increase the pace and length of time walking. Eventually - depending on your age - you can build your "target" heart rate/pulse to either 120 beats per minute or, if younger, as many as 140 beats per minute. For the average adult, a heart rate of 120 beats per minute would require walking at about 2 miles per hour, while a heart rate of 140 beats per minute would require a pace of 4 1/2 miles per hour.


Drink 10 eight-ounce glasses of water a day to help keep the kidneys active, dilute and remove toxins from the body, and replace lost fluids. (Coffee, tea, soft drinks and alcohol are diuretics/dehydrators. Do not substitute them for water.) If you perspire during walking, you may need to drink even more.

Surfaces: Some walking surfaces are better than others on your musculoskeletal system.

Walking on a cushioned or rubberized track is ideal, because the cushioning of this type of track absorbs most of the impact of your walking. Many recreation centers offer this type of track for use, free of charge.

Grass is another good surface, but watch out for hidden dips or holes in the ground. Walking on a surface with no give, such as concrete or a mall floor, is not your best choice. This type of surface will not absorb much of the impact your body will experience. If you do choose to walk on such a surface, be extra careful to select highly cushioned shoes.

Pain and Injury: Dr. McAndrews explains that while you may experience pain or injury in a particular area, such as a knee or a hip, the root of the problem may lie somewhere else. "Injuries of this nature are not regional, or isolated, but systemic," says Dr. McAndrews. "A problem in the foot or ankle can create an imbalance in every step, leading to discomfort or injury that moves to the knees, hips, low back, or elsewhere." If you suffer from pain beyond typical muscle soreness, your doctor of chiropractic can diagnose and treat your pain or injury and get you back into the swing of your walking routine. - 17269

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Weight Training for Teenagers, the Sooner you Start, the Better

By Ricardo d Argence

It is becoming commonplace for teenagers to be involved in body building. Getting in shape and building muscle is not a bad idea if it is done correctly. Though teens may appear to be fully-grown, there are still key areas that are still developing. There are three major elements to a good body building routine for teens, weights, nutrition, and rest.

Teenagers have stores of energy that the rest of us marvel at, and these energy stores actually cause trouble in a body building routine. Teens can go for hours and never seem to tire, because of this many will work out for hours on end focusing on one set of muscles.

The idea is that more is better; in weight training, this is completely false. A rounded workout in which all muscle groups are worked equally is better. If a muscle reaches a certain point, no need to strain it more; this can reverse progress and cause injury.

Weights should be started slowly and advanced, in other words do not grab the heaviest weight in the room and go to town on it. Start with light to moderate weight and work your way up.

Much too often, large quantities of supplements take priority over basic nutrition. While supplements can be helpful in moderation eating the right quantities of protein and fiber are more important. Getting enough nutrients is imperative for healing the muscles, which have actually been torn during your workout.

Water is an often forgotten aspect of nutrition. Our body gets major nutrition only from water because major organs depends on water and it comprises about 60% of our body. This includes your muscles. When training, your water consumption should significantly increase to well above the standard eight 8-ounce glasses a day recommendation. Your joints and vital organs will thank you, plus you will increase the success of your work out.

Next to water, this is the most overlooked aspect of training, especially in teens who feel indestructible. When you sleep the growth hormone, IGF-1 and testosterone are released, these are both necessary to the repair and growth of your muscles. That is what sleep was designed for, reparation of the body.

Going to the gym daily to increase muscles isn't enough, you need to establish a balanced plan for growth. People who are into instant gratification will find this hard to do, but it is the best way to prevent injury and achieve success.

You can begin weight training at this time, also if you enjoy a sport like football it is key that you develop a strong and healthy body. Simply follow the above plan, and your workout can be safe and productive. - 17269

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Massage Chair Treatments

By Jonathon Gibbs

Massage chairs continue to keep pace with the overall advance of technology. You can now find many different types of therapeutic massage treatments which were not available just a few short years ago. Massage chairs have replicated many of the most popular massage techniques found around the world. These are now available in a massage chair at the touch of a button.

Massage chair seek to provide certain types of movements which help to stretch and elongating muscle and other soft tissue areas. They employ a variety of systems to accomplish this. Massage treatments use the stretching, bending and elongating of muscle and soft tissue to restore flexibility.

Massage chairs are advancing rapidly to replicate mechanical hands. Currently, a roller system is used to provide massage treatments to the back areas. These roller systems are effective and penetrating deeply through the muscle tissue and stretching them also.

The versatility of a roller mechanism is in the variety of massage movements available. These sophisticated roller systems are able to make many different movements. Some typical movements are kneading, swaying, rolling, tapping, chopping, and gripping.

Many of these famous techniques use a combination of movements. These movements are done in particular sequences to deliver the massage treatments. Massage chairs use sophisticated programs to emulate many of these famous massage techniques.

Sensor technology is also another important element of today's massage chairs. These sophisticated sensors can create virtual maps of the body. Programs can then use this information to tailor the massage to exactly fit your needs.

Many of the areas of the body can best be accommodated with an air compression system. The air compression system is designed to provide an effective compression massage. Compression is simply the squeezing and holding of muscles. This helps to relieve tension and to reduce soreness.

Air massage systems have become very popular in many massage chairs. They are very versatile and can be specifically designed to provide unique motions. Compression massage is an effective technique to relieve tight muscles. The squeezing, holding and releasing of a muscle help to reduce its soreness.

Stretching is an important part of your total health program. Stretching helps to keep the muscles flexible and retain their elasticity. Massage chairs have integrated stretching systems and to their recliners.

You can now find lower body stretching systems and some of the high-end massage chairs. These stretching systems are perfect for stretching the lower body. These stretching systems cover and stretch from the hips to the ankles. This is very relieving and soothing.

Many athletes use heat to help reduce swelling. Generally heat is applied after physical activity. It is normally used for short durations to reduce swelling of a specific area and to help but flow. Massage chairs have heaters located throughout different parts of the chair.

Many massage chairs still incorporate vibration. This is an effective way to penetrate deeply through the muscle tissue. It is very relieving for tired and aching muscles. Massage chairs use it in a variety of ways to stimulate different parts of the body.

Massage chairs are operated using a remote control. These remote controls contained both automatic functions and manual program options. The higher and massage chairs have an LCD screen. This uses icons to visually display let the massage chair is doing. Massage chairs have a variety of therapeutic massage treatments. They provide tremendous convenience to get massage treatments on demand. - 17269

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Almost Everyone Can Achieve Healthy, Successful Weight Loss.

By April Kerr

Today programs which promise quick weight loss are everywhere. It is hard for anyone who watches TV, or reads newspapers and magazines to miss these weight loss advertisements. These fad diets are very convincing, and are hard to resist for many people in our health-conscious society. Unfortunately, individuals who have quite a bit of weight to lose are frequently the true target audience for these programs. If fat diets worked, this would be fantastic. Sadly, most do not work. Overweight individuals spend a fortune on fad diets, only to be left in the same condition, or worse than before the "diet". Many of these people are left feeling like they failed, rather than realizing that the fad diet program failed.

It is important to understand that the "diet industry" exists as a money making enterprise. It is not a charitable organization, and they do not operate out of the goodness of their hearts. Notice, most will not tell you "here is what you need to achieve healthy, permanent weight loss. Here is everything that you need, no charge". Why is this? Because they are in the business of making money, not the business of making people successful, and healthy.

Here is the secret that the weight loss industry does not want people to learn. It will require hardly any money at all to become slimmer, stronger, and more healthy. This is the absolute truth. The largest investment that a person will make, will come from within themselves. What will be required, is the determination to succeed, and the willingness to continue. The weight loss industry understands that most overweight individuals possess an enormous amount of these characteristics. Think about it, how many people have the stamina to be told that they have failed, only to continue trying over and over again? The real problem, is that these very people have been misinformed, and used.

It is very important to forget just about everything that has been learned about weight loss through the "diet industry". It is time to except the truth, which has existed all along. Just about all individuals possess the ability to achieve healthy weight loss, with very little, and usually no assistance. Stop blaming yourself, and lay the blame where it belongs. Now it is time to move forward to success.

What is needed to obtain success, is a comfortable pair of shoes, a lightweight, comfortable outfit, a water bottle, and an excellent healthy eating plan. Eliminate sugar from you diet (except for an occasional small reward). Eat larger portions of fresh vegetables and fruit. Limit carbs, fat, and meat, and drink a healthy amount of water.

Make it your goal to add just five minutes of exercise every day. A person may ask what good five minutes will do, however, for many, last week, getting off of the couch may have been an emotional challenge. Add five more minutes weekly, until you are in a regular workout routine.

Continue finding opportunities to exercise while having fun, do not over eat, and drink plenty of water. An individual that continues this pattern, is certain to achieve healthy, lasting weight loss. - 17269

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4 Benefits Of High Carb Diets For Losing Bingo Wings

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

Are you having a hard time picking the right diet to get rid of bingo wings? If so, you are not alone. After all, even government officials are having a hard time figuring out the best nutritional approach for losing fat.

Now if you mix the governments confusion with all the marketing hype, you get lots of confused and lost women. Not a good scenario.

Now if the government can't decide and if the marketers are flooding the media with lies, how are you supposed to choose the right diet to get rid of those bingo wings? If only things were simple

But not all hope is lost. Why? Because I've already been there and done that many times over. And I'm ready to share my findings so that you don't have to waste time. Precious time you could use to get rid of those bingo wings!

Thus, here are 4 pros of high carb diets for getting rid of bingo wings:

1. Endless energy. As long as you include lots of vegetables, your levels of energy should be extremely high compared to other diets. Why? Because your brain and muscles work much better when fed carbs.

2. You can satisfy your carbohydrate cravings. Carbohydrates are addictive. This has been proven time and again by research. And with a high carbohydrate diet, you don't have to suffer carb withdrawal.

3. Toned arm muscles. One of the drawbacks of high protein diets is an instant loss in definition. Why? Because without carbs your arm muscles become deflated and empty looking. With a steady stream of carbs, your arm muscles retain their toned appearance.

4. Longer and harder workouts. Your muscles can work harder and recover faster when fed a steady stream of carbohydrates. Why? Because they can produce a lot more ATP.

Despite all the benefits of high carb diets, they still have one fatal flaw: high levels of insulin. It's very hard to keep insulin low when eating so many carbs. And insulin regulates how much arm fat you can lose. Thus, if you're looking to get rid of those bingo wings ASAP, then high carb diets are probably not for you. So ignore the outdated food pyramid and stick to a moderate carb plan. Only then will you reach sexy arm success! - 17269

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5 Misconceptions About Flabby Arms And Protein

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

There is simply way too much confusion out there because of all the fad diets and all the marketers. Women are more confused than ever when it comes to flabby arms and protein. Perhaps you are confused?

I sure was confused not too long ago.

Finding the truth can be like finding a needle in a haystack. There is simply way too much marketing material to navigate. Unfortunately, not knowing how to tweak your protein consumption can set back your flabby arms mission.

So here are 5 misconceptions about flabby arms and protein:

1. Whole food is not as good as supplemental protein. This is a great statement for the supplement companies, but not for women wishing to reduce arm fat. Do not be swayed by the marketing claims, whole food will always be a better source of protein.

2. Whey protein is the gold standard. If you're having multiple whey protein shakes per day, please stop! Not only is your purse getting lighter, but you're also slowing down your results. Only have whey protein right after your workout. And make sure to eat within 30 minutes or your amino acid pool could drop.

3. Fast absorbing protein is best. Just like with carbohydrates, slower digestion is better. Any time you spike a nutrient in your bloodstream there is going to be a subsequent drop. And protein is no exception.

4. The more the merrier. This is an outdated bodybuilding myth. While protein does positively affect hormones and gives you a sense of fullness, going overboard negates all the positives. Protein should not be more than 30% of your total caloric intake.

5. Hormonally treated protein has a negative effect. To date, there haven't been any solid studies proving this. However, there are ethical reasons to NOT eat this type of protein. If possible, stick to grass fed sources of protein for more omega-3 fats.

Getting rid of flabby arms doesn't have to be hard. The key here is to ignore the marketing hype and stick to what has been proven by solid research. And knowing how to properly manage your protein intake is critical for losing arm fat. - 17269

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How to Design a Personal Fitness Plan

By Jesse Regan

A lot of people these days are now becoming more aware of the significance of staying fit to help them achieve the most out of their lives. Thus, it is also equally significant for people to be able to formulate a fitness plan of their own that would best fit their lifestyles and personalities. Moreover, proper guidance and supervision from professionals in the same and related fields are necessary to help conduct the exercises properly and safely.

In coming up with a personal fitness plan, various elements are given equal significance. A person's maximum heart rate is among those elements to best design the fitness program. This known step is not that difficult to go with. A basic calculation simply suggests that an individual has to subtract his own age from 220 to get the result of his own maximum heart rate. However, a modern and revised formula has come up which requires the person's age to be multiplied by 0.7 before deducting it from 208. An individual's maximum heart rate is needed in order to determine the type of intensity that is allowed to be applied on the exercises.

Aside from the maximum heart rate, exercise intensity is directly influenced by the overall goal of an individual. The most common recommendable exercises for average instances especially for those who are new in the field is 50-60 percent of the person's maximum heart rate. For more improvement and muscle development, an individual can go for exercises that are 60-70 percent of the maximum heart rate. In some cases, athletes engage in exercises with greater intensities than the ones mentioned above from which they can go for 75-85 percent of their maximum heart rate.

Exercises vary greatly and it is better for an individual to perform exercises that are able to apply intensities on larger groups of muscles. Continuous exercises are also good ones to execute for much better results. This kind of exercises simply includes walking, swimming, cycling, climbing stairs, running, skiing, and aerobic dances. This sort of exercises are the best ones to use and they are also often performed by athletes for most of their cross trainings to achieve far better improvements.

Exercise frequency is also another factor that plays a major role in every person's personal fitness plan. This is only done if an individual gives consideration on his level of conditioning, work out intensities, and the overall goal. One basic example is the recommendation of those who perform exercises with greater intensities to have more rest. Thus, frequency of the exercises is decreased accordingly with the intensity of the work outs. Generally, recommendable regular exercises are to be done 3 to 5 times a week.

The duration of each work out session is also well considered in the plan. Typically, an individual is required to have at least 30 minutes of exercises for 3 to 5 times a week while another 30 minutes is added for people who are aiming for far better improvements. Moreover, warm up and cool down exercises are also greatly considered. This type of exercises is needed to refrain from encountering muscle cramps and to better prepare the muscles for more intense exercises. Now there's a great tips about fitness video . - 17269

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A Simple Approach To A Healthy Colon That s Lasting Benefits

By Castaneda Harrington

If you are have chronic problems and repeat bouts of constipation, there are a number of ways for you to get help. Depending on how severe it is, there are several options for you. If you are suffering from a mild form of constipation, then an OTC laxative may provide relief. However, if you are having lots of abdominal cramps, you may need to seek medical attention immediately.

In more recent times, people are resorting to colon cleansing programs to aid in the process. While there are plenty of benefits to flushing your colon, you should always keep safety first. The process of cleaning your colon is considered safe and the more informed you are, the more confidence you will have in the process.

The best colonic cleansers are always all natural or herbal. They are not only safe, but they also aid the body in maintaining a natural microflora level which good for healthy intestines. Natural products are not only your best choice; they also eliminate the need to put more chemicals in the body.

Herbal products are not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration since they are considered organic. This means you will have to do you own research before you purchase an herbal cleanser. There are plenty of websites that have tons of information that help you make an informed decision.

The product you select should be recognized and certified by a GMP certified company. This is the best to insure you are getting a high grade quality product. The ingredients should be certified as organic.

It is important to keep your body hydrated when you are going through a cleansing and detox program. You can dehydrate very quickly because the body releases a lot of fluids during the process. Drinking plenty of water and fruit drinks such orange or grape juice will help immensely.

As you internal system starts cleansing itself, it will flush out a lot of mineral in the process. The body does not recognize the difference between chemicals and toxins when it is going through the purging process. Taking highly absorbent vitamins and mineral supplements may great help during the cleansing period.

If you are pregnant, do not going trough a colon cleanse until you talk to your doctor. Since herbal products are not regulated, the side effects they may cause you are not fully known. Besides, you doctor may already have you on a prescription and you do not want to mix the ingredients of herbs with your prescription medication.

Colon cleansing is not recommended for kids and should never be use on children. If you feel inclined to do so, see a doctor first and get his or her medical advice. They may be able to prescribe a more gentle form of laxative that is more age appropriate.

Some herbal products may contain gluten or other allergens that may excite or bring on an allergy attack. Before purchasing any products, read the ingredients carefully. You don't want to trigger an allergic reaction, especially if you have been diagnosed with allergies. Some allergies can be deadly so consult with your doctor if you have a preexisting condition. - 17269

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Protein Nutrition Bars - Are They Good For You?

By Matthew Gelder

Are protein nutrition bars good for you or bad? Like most things in life, the answer is - it depends. Not all protein bars are made equal. But if you're looking for a quality snack, a quality protein bar might just be what you're looking for. In this article we'll look at what makes good protein bars good and bad protein bars bad.

What makes a protein bar good or bad? From a nutritional point of view balance is very important. Today, most energy bars are made mainly form carbohydrates, that is - sugars. That is their main source of fuel and that is, of course, not good.

A good PR bar will be nutritionally balanced. It will have a proper balance of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Some say that the best ratio is 40/30/30. That's 40% of carbohydrates, 30% of proteins, and 30% of fats.

What about health properties? Protein bars are usually designed to help you increase lean body mass, so the first thing you should look for is the proper ratio of nutrients. A quality PR bars will not contain any trans fats and will contain vitamins, minerals and other healthy and beneficial supplements.

Taste is another important factor when choosing a protein bar. Taste, however, is a very individual matter and everyone has its own preference. Today that's not a problem anymore, because most brands come in a wide range of flavors - from chocolate to lemon.

Protein bars usually don't last too long around the house and are eaten pretty fast. That's why price is also very important. So what's a good price? Well, you don't wanna be too cheap, because you do get what you pay for, but I wouldn't go over 2 dollars a bar.

Protein bars are a perfect choice for a snack or a quick meal. You can take them anywhere you go - no mess, no fuss. Just choose wisely. - 17269

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The South Beach Diet Works

By Jesse Regan

If you want an easy way to lose weight, then a South Beach diet is what you need. You may think that it is too tolerant and lenient on your appetite to be called an effective diet program. Nevertheless, it has been proven to be the kindest yet just as effective of the all weight loss schemes. It rids anyone of the hunger and its emotional effects associated with dieting. It is unique in the sense that it does not dictate to do without any of the daily meals but it still results into a dieters significant weight loss.

The formula in the diet is to remove food with high carbohydrates and fat from the menu. Otherwise, he can still indulge in the rest of his other favorites as much as any normal eating habits. This is because carbohydrates make the blood sugar to soar fast. When a sudden drop of the blood sugar occurs afterwards, one can also immediately feel hungry and tired. When this happens frequently, the natural effect would be over-eating to the point of being overweight instead.

In all the 3 phases of the South Beach diet, a person does not have to skip meals. What he does is to teach his appetite to get used to the right food and end its passion for starch and sweets. Along the way, eating only those that keep would keep him fit would become normal. The diet of low carbohydrate and less sugar would speed up his bodys metabolism and hasten the burning of fats. Dieting the South Beach way is, therefore, easy and effortless.

The first phase is almost a non-diet for the misinformed. For two weeks, one is allowed to eat three full meals a day. He is even allowed to take snacks in between breakfast and lunch, and lunch and dinner. All he has to avoid are those foods like pasta, rice, bread, sweets and pastries. The objective is to make the appetite get accustomed gradually to meals with less starch and sugar. Beer and alcohol intake, however, is totally not allowed.

The second phase is even kinder to your whims. At this stage, you are allowed to try a little of bread, cakes, and even chocolate and wine. You would, however, only find out that you no longer have the usual taste for these kinds of food after the two weeks of the first phase. While experiencing a significant weight loss, you will be amazed at the eating habits will have, one that is no longer craving for carbohydrates and sweets.

Your lifestyle will have changed greatly by the time you reach the South Beach diets last phase. This third phase will last for the rest of your life. It is when you finally have the lean body you desired and all you have to do is to stay that way. Your craving for carbohydrates and sweets would be gone though. Therefore, you will not find it hard to maintain your weight and avoid getting fat again. What you read is one example of a good information you can learn about diet from a Beachbody Coach. - 17269

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Look For the Right Fruit to Give Your Body Top Results

By Dr. Jerimiah Crossderd

Harvested deep within the South American rain forest lies a powerfully nutritious super food. It comes from a special palm tree who's tiny purple fruit holds the sustainability of life's pure energy.

Acai fruit is packed full of antioxidants, amino acids, and essential fatty acids. It was classified as the #1 super food by Dr. Nicholas Perricone, a dermatologist who has written several books on weight loss and maintaining a youthful appearance.

The acai fruit has in it the following:

A very high concentration of antioxidants that help fight premature aging (10 times more than red grapes and 10-30 times the anthocyanins of red wine)

A nearly perfect vital amino acid complex combined with important trace minerals, both critical to proper muscle contraction and regeneration

A blend of fat that is healthy and needed by the body, fiber for the digestive system, and phytosterols to help lower cholesterol levels

Antioxidants have long been known to be an essential part of any diet. Antioxidants are substances that protect the cells against the damaging effects of free radicals

Free radicals are harmful substances that the body produces when breaking down some foods. They are also created from environmental pollutants such as tobacco smoke or radiation. They can damage cells, and have been linked to cancer, heart disease, and other diseases.

Acai fruit is rich in vitamins A and B and contains as much protein as an egg. This is crucial in fighting off disease.

The fatty acid content in the acai fruit is similar to that of olive oil. It is rich in monounsaturated oleic acid. Oleic acid aids omega-3 fish oils in penetrating the cell membrane. The blend helps keep the cell membranes supple. This allows all hormones, neurotransmitters, and insulin receptors to function more efficiently.

In conclusion, if you are looking for a strong source of food that contains all the essential nutrients the body requires then look no further than the acai fruit. Look for organic quality acai products as they have the most power. - 17269

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