Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Friday, July 31, 2009

Jessica Simpsons Workout Routine

By Jesse Regan

Jessica Simpson is undeniably having one of the best bodies in the world. Interestingly enough, this fact has made some women threw some envious glances at her body. But there is actually no way to wallow in envy because Jessicas weight loss plan is an open secret. Similar to other movie stars with fabulous bodies, Jessica embraced the concept of taking diet and highly strenuous workout routine to achieve the beautiful body she now enjoys flaunting. So if you want to be graced by her ultimate weight loss program, care to spare a few moments to read how her workout routine turned out.

The fitness plan of Jessica is a concept developed by Harley Pasternak, a well known Los Angeles trainer. Jessicas fitness plan, based on Pasternak suggestion, consists of a series of strenuous activities done five days a week for 25 minutes. The series of activities includes cardio with weight training and core exercises which involve five phases. Moreover, Jessicas fitness plan involves resistance band and weight lifting workouts. Hence, it is no wonder that Jessicas house has become a workout gym due to resistance bands, treadmill, stationary bike and dumbbells weighing 3, 5, and 8 pounds. In addition to workout routine, Jessica also takes a diet program which consists of five meals a day that ensures Jessica does not feel being deprived.

The workout routine starts when Jessica gets moving on a stationary bike, treadmill or elliptical machine. She makes use of these equipment exercises for five minutes a day as a daily cardio warm-up. This activity enables her entire body to be prepared for the next fat-burning activities. This warm up activity gets done when Jessica performs exercises that tip-tops her shape. These exercises which target the upper portion of Jessicas trunk include chest files, rows, or chest pressures. At the fourth and fifth days of weekly weight lifting workouts routine, Jessica spares a long period of time to shape her shoulders and biceps by going through weight lifting and resistance band workouts.

The plan on her lower extremities includes repeated activities that ensure Jessicas muscles will become well defined without giving up her feminine features. Hence, Pasternak gives Jessica lower-body exercises such as squats and lounges. These activities are not so physically taxing, hence they work out the legs without making the calves grow larger.

As to Jessicas stomach, Pasternak wants Jessica to have well developed abs that are appealing through a combined masculine and sexy features. This is achieved through ab-strengthening set of exercise. This exercise is usually done through numerous crunches which do not only shape up the midsection but the whole core region also. This explains also why Jessica invites the public eyes to focus on her beautiful abs everytime she goes out to meet the public.

Going though varying physical pressures like this workout routine is hardly appealing to many of us. However, seeing its fruits which is manifested in the beauty of Jessicas body can lead us to think that it is all worth it. - 17269

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4 Things You Should Not Be Doing To Get Toned Arms

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

There is a lot of controversy on the best way to tone arms. Somehow, even the experts have come up with different ways for getting results. Some of these ways are valid, some are not.

And there is a grain of truth to this. Why? Because the authorities' sources of information are never black and white.

What is the source? Research studies. You might think that research is like math, one plus one equals two. Unfortunately, research is almost never clear cut like this. It's usually open to interpretation.

So today I plan on clearing up some of the confusion. Here are 4 things to avoid when trying to tone up your arms:

1. Having too much fish oil. Some experts have recommended up to 30 grams of daily fish oil consumption! Unbelievable. Having more than 3 grams a day puts you at risk for atherosclerosis because the omega-3 can oxidize.

2. Not keeping the peanut butter cool. A mold called aspergillus can grow on nuts and legumes if they are kept in warm and humid environments. So make sure you store ALL your nuts and nut butters in the fridge. Although aspergillus poisoning may not be as common as the flu, a single case of it will set your toned arms mission many steps back.

3. Having any amount of partially hydrogenated oils. The research at Harvard is conclusive: trans fats kill, period. I recommend a zero trans fat policy-without exception. If you see the words "partially hydrogenated", "trans fat", or "vegetable shortening", throw it away.

4. Avoiding plant-based saturated fat. Not all saturated fat is created equal. In fact, plant saturated fats can be extremely healthy for you. Coconut, for instance, long believed to be unhealthy, should be considered a superfood.

All the advice you hear may change slightly over the years. Why? Because science and research is constantly changing. We never have a clear cut answer as to how things work. A lot of the recommendations are based on projections and extrapolations. Nevertheless, if you want to tone arms, you have to keep on making progress regardless. Never stop! - 17269

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Fish Oil As Excellent Treatment ADD

By Michael Byrd

A natural way to treat ADD is the use of fish oil. And here's how and why it works.

Research reveals that children with ADD and ADHD show symptoms which are similar to the symptoms shown by people who are deficient of essential fatty acids.

An information published in American Journal of Clinical Nutrition says that children "with lower compositions of total omega 3 fatty acids had significantly more behavioral problems, temper tantrums, and learning, health, and sleep problems than did those with high proportions of omega 3 fatty acids." [Vol. 71, No. 1, 327S-330S]

Information like this will surely bring delight to parents who are looking for a natural way to deal with ADD kids.

Parents love the idea that they have a lot of options. It is much easier for them and gives them the chance to try the natural approach first.

Conventional medicines are of course available, but we need to be cautious of the serious side effects that it can give. As for fish oil, there are no bad side effects, only positive health benefits from childhood through old age.

Scientists have now started promoting this natural treatment for ADD and ADHD children.

Take for instance, a research publish in Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids, the authors specified that using omega 3 fatty acids as treatment for ADD and ADHD is "safe compared to existing pharmacological interventions" [Vol. 63, No.1-2, pp. 79-87]

It even became more exciting, when one scientist made a review of all studies on omega 3s, and made a statement in the Canadian Journal of Psychiatry [Vol. 48:195-203], "that higher dosages of omega-3 fatty acids (2 to 4g daily) may ameliorate the symptoms of several psychiatric conditions" ? ADD and ADHD included.

It can really be a bold statement to make for a scientist. We do not normally see it daily in the scientific world that they became so excited and even used the word "ameliorate" to illustrate a natural nutrient found in food.

"Ameliorate" means make healthier or better (like "cure") and would normally be used only for prescription drugs.

It is good to know that scientific studies back up your need to find ADD fish oil treatment for your kid. And certainly omega 3 fish oil is a very simple solution. By simply adding more oily fish to your family's daily diet plan can jumpstart things for you.

But we do not mean fish sticks and fish patties. These are made of white meat fish, which are obviously low in omega 3s.

What you need to provide is salmon, tuna, sardines, mackerel or herring. The more you serve it, the better. It can be a challenge to get 2 to 4 grams of fish oil daily just by eating those fishes.

However, you can supplement your family's diet with excellent quality fish oil capsules as an easy alternative.

Should you prefer a natural approach rather than traditional medicines, you will have to look for a pure fish oil product (does not contain toxins), with a balanced potency and has all the eight members of the omega 3 family.

It is a solution that has been proven to work well for ADHD and ADD fish oil treatment. - 17269

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Get The Most Effective Ways To Build Muscle Fast

By Emmanuel Palmer

Some people want a trim and tight body. Others prefer to bulk up and channel Dwayne Johnson into their workout regimen. Which one of these are you? If you are in the latter group and love a good bodybuilding workout, then read on to find great ways to build muscle fast.

Building muscle mass is both a challenging and rewarding endeavor to take on. You will need tenacity and patience in the daily rigors of ensuring you reach your weight and size objective. Many times people think that spending every spare minute in the gym is the best way to accelerate muscle mass growth. This is not only untrue but doing so can even be harmful to your body. Workout sessions should only last around an hour for 2 to 4 days a week. The days in between should be dedicated to getting you plenty of quality rest which allows torn muscle tissues to be mended and developed-an important aspect in bodybuilding.

As you execute your drills, remember to use momentum in raising the weights and deliberate control in descending. Doing this gives your body increased body mass, strength and endurance. Ensure that you always have the correct form as you exercise so you don't take unnecessary risks of injury to other body parts. A simple shift in position is sometimes all you need to improve the particular exercise.

If you are a beginner, the trainer will most probably start you off with higher number of reps and lower weight loads. Before long, your body gets accustomed to the physical challenges you are inflicting on it; periodically increase the weights or reps so your body gets continually pushed to perform better. When you get to the heavier loads have a professional trainer or spotter on hand to assist you as much as possible. Always practice gym safety.

Naturally, your muscles will experience soreness when you begin high intensity training-expect it like the rising of the sun the next day. If you're doing your exercises properly, this pain means you're doing it right. Do not try to exercise that particular muscle when it's still sore, train the other parts instead. Split training your muscle groups is an effective method many trainers can attest to. An example would be training your biceps and back on one day; and your chest and triceps another day. Take a rest of 1 to 2 minutes between sets.

In trimming down, you must adhere to a high cardio, low calorie diet; in building muscle mass the complete opposite. You need to gain weight. Depending on your body type, you should be consuming about 3000 calories per day. A nice, round number that bespeaks of cheeseburgers, pizza and chocolate sundaes right? Wrong. Healthy food choices should still be your choice of fare. Get as much protein, carbohydrates and fiber as you can in your meals. Look out for recommended muscle building supplements you can take, and protein shakes you can take to help complete dietary requirements.

Do not be taken in by every fad and promised benefit of fitness products and programs out there. Remember, many are the ways to build muscle fast, but you have only one body to keep. Take care of it and it will take care of you the rest of your life. - 17269

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8 Tactics To Making Use Of An Efficient Blackhead Treatment

By Jason Cartwright

Did you know you may be touching your blackheads too much, and that there are a number of blackhead treatment options available to use? Generally, we just squeeze our blackheads, and while that may work, we could do a lot of damage if we squeeze too hard. Yes, many experts will say that any squeezing is bad, but if go about it gently, it may help to cleanse your skin and protect it from further breakout.

The problem with having so many saying that their blackhead cure works the best, who do you believe? Well, here are eight simple ways to cure blackheads, starting now:

1 - Topical retinoids:

A good way to remove blackheads and keeping your skin clear is to use a retinoid lotion such as Retin-A. This product gets the skin cells to operate normally, helping to lower the production of sebum and cleanse your pores. The only problem is that this blackhead treatment is a lengthy process.

2 - Exfoliators:

You can use a number of diluted potency benzoyl peroxide exfoliating product for doing away with dead skin cells. It is rather useful on the blackheads and is tender to your skin as well. In this system you can get rid of even the most stubborn blackheads. Additionally, microdermabrasion can be made use of as a blackhead remover.

3 - Squeezing lightly:

The gunk collected in a blackhead can also be lightly squeezed out. This can actually benefit your skin, so it a good blackhead treatment. Yes, if you squeeze too hard, it can bruise and scar the skin, so always be gentle in your approach. Also never try to over-squeeze any stubborn blackhead.

4 - Chemical peels:

If you tend to get lot of dirt and sebum built up in your pores, then any product containing salicylic acid or a chemical peel containing glycolic acid are very helpful at clearing off dead skin cells. But this type of blackhead cure is not advised if you are already using any retinoid lotion.

5 - Eating healthily:

Another way is to improve you nutrition and diet. Blackheads thrive in oily and dry skin, so you need to somehow lower that oil secretion, while keeping the skin moisturized to combat acne. The solution is as simple as drinking a lot more water, and avoiding fatty foods. Nutritious, raw fruit and vegetable also help. For this natural blackhead treatment to work, you need to avoid heated or processed carbohydrates and oils, and use more fresh unsaturated oils, like olive oil in your meals.

6 - Blackhead strips:

You can utilize blackhead strips that are tape like strips. Arrange the strip over your nose for 10 minutes or as shown on the cover of the strip. And jerk off. The surface level blackheads will be productively eliminated. This is a straightforward, swift and temporary system to cure blackheads. Always follow the information on the pack carefully.

7 - Metallic Extractor:

A modern blackhead treatment is the metallic extractor. This device has a small, rounded end, that is placed over the blackhead to plug it out. This method should done carefully to avoid scarring.

8 - Makeup:

This tip is for all the ladies out there who use a lot of makeup. Always use products that keep your pores clear, such as non-comedogenic makeup. Some more tips for you - after sweating and before bed, it is best to completely remove your makeup with a good cleanser. And every so often clean your sponges and brushes, so that blackhead remover is never needed.

There is no doubt that using a number of these techniques will help cure your blackheads. But for a permanent blackhead treatment, you should incorporate some of these methods into your daily life. - 17269

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Which Whey Protein Powder is Right for You?

By Nathaniel Millsby PHD

Whey protein isolate and whey protein powder concentrate is a question that is very commonly asked. This investigation of which whey to take is without a doubt one that has crossed the minds of many weight lifters when they stare at the shelves of the various kinds of whey protein powder available in the health food supermarket.

Which whey protein should you be using; concentrate or isolate?

The most important differentiation between the two is that Isolate is processed at deeper levels so that the fat and lactose are removed. This more elaborate method provides a superior quality of protein. The fact is that over 90% of whey protein powder isolate is protein calculated by weight.

This is precious as smaller levels of fat are an advantage for the standard daily diet of bodybuilders and when whey is utilized for the principle of losing mass.

A low level in lactose levels are also a benefit for individuals who are lactose intolerant and can also reduce the chance of that bloated feeling that can go along with some protein compounds. There are some side effects to using whey protein isolate nonetheless.

In view of the fact whey is high in protein ratio, isolate powder will cost you a little more. The filtering procedure isolate goes through is significantly more rigorous as it remove the components that are known as alpha lactoglobulins and lactoferrins which is important immune boosters.

Whey concentrate has smaller protein available ad this can range from anywhere between 29% all the way up to 89% in some brands. Concentrate is higher in levels of lactose so anyone who suffers from lactose intolerance should to be very cautious.

Whey protein concentrate powder does have an advantage because it cost less so this can be a better substitute depending on what your financial plan is. Whey concentrate protein powder also contains small levels of cholesterol, which is another benefit to think about for your diet.

On the whole, dietary and medical circumstances call for action to be taken into consideration when choosing the type of whey protein powder you choose.

Isolate may have the minor edge in terms of biological value (BV) and will provide you with more worth for the money if you are requiring a higher dosage per serving of protein. - 17269

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Dental Treatment With Best Low Cost Dental Care

By Shelton Graham

Dental treatment can be expensive even if you have dental insurance. Most insurance covers basic cleaning and fillings, as well as x-rays and extractions. However, unless you have the best coverage, you could be responsible for partial payment on procedures like root canals, teeth bleaching, gum surgery and cosmetic dentistry. If you don?t have insurance cost for dental care can be astronomical.

Dental treatment usually involves comparatively cheap diagnostic measures and if tooth rot or consequent diseases are diagnosed early, the treatment is less costly. So, education on Dallas dental care and early treatment are good paths to keep the cost down. However, there are methods to lower the price of your dental care either through your place of employment or thru low income, community dental health care programs.

In a place of employment, an employee is mostly offered some dental plan options. The plans range from basic care coverage to the best dental care coverage you can get. The employer may pay all or part of a monthly premium to the dental insurance coverage. When the worker is seen by a dentist, depending on the coverage, he could have to pay for has much as half or as little as nothing for the process. Some kinds of treatment may not be covered under this plan at all.

For instance, cosmetic dentistry is in generally not covered by any insurance, as it is not considered essential dental care. In many low-income community dental health plans, the only coverage is for the least expensive alternate treatment ( LEAT ) that is listed by the insurance company. For example, if there's the option of a root canal or extraction the insurance firm will pay for the extraction as it is less expensive.

In Dallas, there are many private dental clinics and healthcare corporations that offer minimal cost dental services. Check the local phone book or browse the web for a proffesional Dallas dentists available now. - 17269

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Bodybuilding Supplements And Weight Gainers, Create Your Own

By Ricardo d Argence

Weight gainers can be extremely expensive. If you are hoping to gain a lot of weight and you are really thin then you might consider making your own. The importance is that you understand the nutritional information and exactly what you need to gain the right amount of weight.

In many cases, the advertising of weight gainers will include a forearm with huge muscles, and they can be purchased at most shops selling nutritional supplements. Such weight gainers are for the most part designed in such a way so as to make it possible for you to gain weight in order to increase muscle mass.

However, you need to bear in mind that not all weight gainers are suitable for everyone. For example, if you're really thin then it's necessary for you to first add meat to your bones before attempting to add muscle mass. On the other hand, a bodybuilder for the most part already has the weight they want and only use weight gainers in order to increase their muscle mass.

For those who are looking to save a bit of cash, making your own weight gainer is an option to be considered. Not only is it easy to do, but in the long run they're probably better for you as an individual that those you can purchase from a shop.

Of course, it only stands to reason that some weight gainers are better quality than others. In terms of protein quality, those which contain isolate whey powder rank higher than those which contain plain whey powder, and both of these rank higher than those which contain Soy.

One of the very highest quality proteins which you may want to consider adding to your weight gainer, is Casein due to the fact that it's digested slowly.

Carbohydrates are without a doubt one of the crucial things you need to take into consideration when you make your own weight gainers. Essentially, the majority of your carbohydrates should come from maltodextrin simply because it helps to restore the body's glycogen stores.

You need to avoid weight gainers which contain large amounts of sugars or fructose. In fact, sugar content should be as low as possible or else you could find yourself suffering from fatigue, headaches, and on many occasions, even a severe bout of the shakes.

One of the most productive things you can do if you want to save money while you're gaining weight, is for you to make your own weight gainers at home because it is not at all difficult to do.

First of all, you need to blend the finest quality maltodextrin with top quality protein, both of which you can purchase from practically any shop that sells nutritional supplements. In fact, you can even get certain things from your local grocery store. Raw oats for example are excellent for mixing with a shake because they encourage to the slow burning of carbohydrates. This of course results in the shake lasting longer and also, you'll be adding more calories to your drink.

One of the best times to drink your weight gaining shake is after your workout. You can add more calories and have a higher fat intake. Your body will slowly digest the shake so you get the nutrients to the muscles over a longer period of time. Adding more fat can include things like peanut butter, nuts, oils, and more. - 17269

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How to Prevent Colorectal Cancer With a Good Diet

By Michael Byrd

Colorectal cancer prevention and diet has several similarities.

The colon and rectum are responsible for the nutrient absorption, water management, and the elimination of waste from our body.

You really don't need specialists to tell you about garbage in and out. Let's just hear what the experts have to say.

Studies show that one of the major contributors on colorectal cancer is intake of red and processed meats. However, there were many doctors in France that were not convinced by this "existing evidence." They've decided to do a comprehensive study themselves.

They followed men and women, 478,040 to be exact, for nearly five years before they finally concluded that red and processed meat was a positive cause for colon cancer. They have also found out that eating fish will considerably reduce a person's risk. [Journal of the National Cancer Institute, Vol. 15;97:906-16]

There were many researches involving omega 3 oil, that explains intake of fish can reduce the risk for colorectal cancer.

Doctors associated with the New York University Women's Health Study watched 14,727 women for 7 years. They found out that "a progressive decline in risk of colorectal cancer with increasing the intake of fish and shellfish."

Aside from that, they found that women who are inversely proportionate to the amount of calcium they consume also take a similar decline in its risk. This would mean that, a woman who takes most calcium will get the lowest risk.

Interesting as it may seem, they were not as certain about the red meat connection as how the doctors in France were. In fact, as what the doctors from NYU stated, association of red meat to colorectal cancer "remains unclear." [Nutrition & Cancer, Vol. 28:276-81]

Also, a study out of Harvard suggests that it's not the read meat and fats which causes the problem but our "western" lifestyle itself.

It was mentioned that obesity, being physically inactive, a person who has a diet how in vegetables and fruits while high in red meat and processed goods contributes most in giving you high levels of insulin in the blood!

Researchers have explained that elevated blood insulin will "promote colon carcinogenesis" because insulin is a "growth factor" that will cause cellular division of epithelial cells in the colon. [Cancer Causes & Control, Vol. 6, No. 2:164-79]

Now, what are we to do about colorectal cancer prevention and with the diet? It's just easy as pie.

Stick in eating whole foods, with lots of green vegetables, fresh fruits, whole grains, fiber rich foods, continuous use of unprocessed oils, intake of lean meat like fish and chicken, low fat dairy and lots of pure water.

It's very important to cut out the alcohol intake, practice stress management, and exercise regularly.

As you follow these guidelines, it will not only reduce your risk in colorectal cancer, but it includes other cancers as well, adding heart disease and diabetes, too. You will be able to improve your vim, vigor and vitality as well. - 17269

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The Real Benefits Of A Washington, Dc Weight Loss Protocol

By Josef Brandenburg

Is there anyone who can say that they don't want to look good? We all want to be accepted by society and feel like we fit in. This is exactly why businesses like spas, gyms, cosmetic industries, dermatological procedures and different diet protocols do so well in this day and age. People are so obsessed with how they look on the outside, that don't think about what happens on the inside when they decide to go down the aesthetics and fat loss road. Horror stories of people taking in drugs that damage the liver and dying of liver diseases, implants and surgeries gone wrong, and gym workouts that provide temporary beauty " we've heard them all. You should take care of your health on the inside, while you make yourself look good on the outside by getting into a Washington, DC Weight Loss program.

1. Get the body you want and wear it forever with a Washington, DC Weight Loss Protocol! It is very frustrating to loose a bit of weight after weeks and weeks of eating one meal a day and taking diet pills, when we know that eventually we will be back where we started. We have all been through that horrible experience, haven't we? A specific exercise program based on a correct science and a bit of hard work is what you need to maintain a fabulous body. You can burn 450% more fat with the help of your Washington, DC Personal Trainers interval exercise program than you would with your regular gym workout or your high tech weight loss gadget you bought off your TV. High-intensity exercise is way better than aerobic exercise that not only takes up more time but gives you lower weight loss results.

2. Shake off the fat even after you exercise with a Washington, DC Weight Loss Protocol: Everybody looks for the most convenient way to lose weight. This is one of the reasons why people are all for a Washington, DC weight loss program, because you can get to lose weight while watching T.V. on your couch with the premise that after doing your interval training, the afterburn comes in to effect. With interval training your body can undergo a metabolic boost 12, 24 or even up to 36 hours after you exercise.

3. You can develop discipline and get an inner sense of peace with a Washington, DC Weight Loss Protocol: This program will benefit you immensely, but you are going to have to take a few steps and make a couple of changes. Getting away from your inactive lifestyle, throwing away the unhealthy stuff from your fridge, cutting down the number of hours you spend partying, drinking and smoking with your buddies are just a few of the changes that you are going to have to make. The effort and hard work that you put in will be greatly rewarded with peace of mind and a good sense of wellness. You will also have self-control and be disciplined and everything will be natural, you wont have to depend on pills and knives.

Weight reduction is not at all that difficult with the kind of technology we have these days. It is up to us if we are willing to go through the horrible fit-and-fat cycle or work hard for that body we are dying to have. Your Washington, DC Weight Loss Program will let you keep that fab physique for life (because you deserve it), and will help you develop a healthy psyche and a radiating inner beauty, which will differentiate you from all others around you. - 17269

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Alternative Therapies for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

By Michael Roberts

Do you often get tired? If you do, then you may be having a condition that is referred to as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Based on the data provided by the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), there are more than a million of Americans who are suffering from this debilitating condition and around an estimate of 80% are not aware they have it. Could you be one of them?

But then again, you or someone you care for may already be diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS). For me, the best way to begin overcoming this problem is through the use of highly potent alternative treatments.

You cannot necessarily have CFS just because you get tired often. Dr. Julie Gerberding, CDC director, explains that symptoms of profound exhaustion, problems with concentration and sleep can differentiate a simple case of exhaustion from CFS. Symptoms of pain in the joints and muscles, headaches, flu-like symptoms and sore throats and tender lymph nodes are also manifested.

Dr. Gerberding has also specified that CFS symptoms are more or less similar to diseases that cause fatigue. Such diseases include Fibromyalgia, chronic mononucleosis, neurasthenia, encephalomyelitis and multiple chemical sensitivities. A poor diet is of course a very big factor for frequent fatigue, but there are also some other health problems that may be a factor to fatigue, such as improper digestion, allergies to food, obesity, tension, depression, sleep problems, alcohol, smoking and drug addiction.

No amount of rest can make a person who has Chronic Fatigue Syndrome feel much better. In fact, it can wear a person physically and mentally that it prevents them from performing their usual day to day activities. But a change in lifestyle and a diet rich in whole food nutrients helps in preventing and even reversing the symptoms of CFS.

Primarily, a change to a more wholesome diet that must include lots of fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains can help. For a source of protein, use cold water fish that is high in omega-3 oils and lean, free ranging poultry. Take in a lot of pure and clean water and try to avoid processed, salty and sweet foods. As much as you can, try to avoid sugar, alcohol, coffee, tea, sodas and fruit drinks. If you are a smoker, quit it.

Stay away from stressful activities and events and make sure you have enough rest. It is also needed that you start an exercise program and do it regularly. Exercise can relieve you of stress and is really an essential part of your alternative treatment. Start by setting a moderate goal. Do not push yourself too hard. Take it slowly and gradually.

Even if you have eaten a very healthy diet, you may seem to notice that you ain't feeling much better. The CDC then suggests that you try to use supplements. Supplements can provide optimum dietary results, especially the essential oils that is very vital for our body to stay healthy.

I have time and time again seen how these alternative treatments have worked wonders for those having Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia or simply tiredness. The results have actually been amazing for those who followed all the guidelines. They just felt better and have started to have fun and bid goodbye to fatigue. - 17269

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Heart Health Research and Fish Oil for the Heart Health

By Michael Byrd

Fish oil for heart health is a big issue. And for a valid reason.

Almost all newspapers or magazines have their own research news on the amazing health benefits of fish oil for heart health. Doctors, nutritionist, trainers and exercise buffs highly recommend it. And just recently, my vet recommended fish oil capsules for the heart health of Phytho, my choco lab.

Certainly most people may have heard of the wonderful cardiovascular health benefits of omega 3 fish oil, however not many know the exciting scientific studies which proves the results behind the fish oil for heart health craze.

Information was printed in Circulation, the American Heart Association's official journal, which provided systematic and detailed reports on how omega 3 fatty acids from fish can help enrich the circulation and reasons why fish oil works perfectly for the health of your heart and cardiovascular system in several ways.

The study presented how fish oil fatty acids helps in lowering the cholesterol levels, preventing irregular heartbeat and minimizing blood clots. It also helps in lowering both the blood pressure and triglycerides, balancing HDL and LDL, and relaxing the arterial walls, as well as preventing the formation of new plaque and inflammation, vasoconstriction, platelet aggregation and much more. [Vol. 106:2747]

Remarkable! How some scientists have even suggested that a depressed person can get help from omega 3 fish oil. It is good for the broken hearted.

Some group of doctors made and published a study in the Journal of American Medical Association talking about the positive effects of higher fish oil consumption on decreasing a man's risk of coronary heart disease (CHD). Yet, it has been observed that more women die of heart attack than from any other cause, so the scientists were interested to know if women can get the same health benefits from fish oil as men do.

They followed 84,688 women in a span of 16 years and they were able to arrive at a conclusion that women who ate 5 or more servings of fish a week have lesser risks of CHD or dying due to a heart attack as compared to women who eat less fish. [Vol. 287, No. 14]

In my own point of view, this makes it clear that fish oil for heart health is essential. But it may be interesting to know how much is needed? Recommendations usually suggest 5 or more servings of oily, cold water fish a week. It can greatly help enhance your heart health, but sometimes it may fall short. Studies however recommend that 1 to 3 grams of fish oil daily is enough for a healthy cardiovascular system.

A sure way that you ensure getting enough is by supplementing your diet with pure omega 3 fish oil capsules which can surely give you all eight naturally occurring omega 3 fatty acids.

Now you can see why a lot of people are recommending fish oil for heart health. The question is, will you do something about it? It would not be that hard to improve your health and it can be worth all the effort. Don't you find it nice to have a pain free, happy, healthy life while you grow old?

Yes definitely it can! And you may begin now, by following this advice. - 17269

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