Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Train Smart - Workout Routine for Beginners

By Chris Jensen

Frustrated and disappointed about your workout routine? Perhaps you're looking for some tips that can be applied right away for you to get the ball rolling. If you want program that is effective I would recommend Train Smart by Pete Sisco. But before taking any exercise, you must know first what to do when you're into it.

Bodybuilding involves eating high amount of protein and calories. It is important to cut down your fat and carbohydrate intake. Supply enough protein into your diet. Take some supplements. Multivitamins can help repair your muscles and recover after a whole day work out.

In choosing body program, choose a whole body program like Train Smart by Pete Sisco. Consider you goal in choosing any program. Do you want a workout routine to gain muscle or to lose fat or both? However, in deciding which one is best for you depending on your purpose, look for an effective program and fast bodybuilding workout.

It is important that the program you choose focuses on building a muscular body. But if you wanted to burn more fat, add up some cardio routine into your workout. Obviously, you don't need to be a bodybuilder expert just to achieve your goals, do some research and take note everything you've learned and you'll be surprised of the results.

Always keep in mind that perfect muscular body doesn't happen overnight. It requires so much effort. Everything will be achieved through hard work, patience and determination. After all, all the hardships will be paid off. - 17269

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How to Make Changes in Diet and Exercise Before Your Wedding

By Mae Summerville

On your wedding day, whether you like it or not, the way you look and the shape you are in will be on full display. Besides admiring guests ogling you in all your wedding finery you will also be immortalized in the hundreds of photos likely taken on that day. So, for better or worse, you will be the center of attention on your wedding day. If you are not happy with your shape or the shape you are in now is the time to act.

You can begin this process by searching the web for information on proper health and nutrition. You can also look at your health habits as well as your spouse's. If you are going to be the main cook your habits will become your spouse's habits. Does he eat healthy or does he need to know why that should become important to both of you. You and he will need to decide your nutritional habits now as they will become each other's once you tie the knot.

You also need to take an honest assessment of your physical health. Are you already overweight? If so, do you want to see your spouse become overweight? Again you and he will have similar health habits once you are married. If you overeat and you continue to cook in similar large portions for your spouse he will likely get overweight quickly. You and he need to decide now what sort of health habits you want to maintain once you are married.

Do you get regular strenuous exercise. If not, why not. Everyone knows the benefits of exercise on your overall health. Do you plan to begin exercising? If so, nothing would improve your overall look than to be engaged in a regular exercise routine prior to your wedding. If your spouse's appearance and overall health is important to you then inviting them to join you in regular exercise would be a great benefit to both of you. It is also a way to incorporate a new lifestyle change into your routine prior to your marriage. Again there are numerous resources on the web, books, and magazines that have lots of great information on the proper exercise plan for you and your spouse.

Most would consider a wedding a time of great stress and anxiety. While it may be it is also a crossroad in your life's journey. It allows you to start anew in many things. And what makes it even more wonderful it allows you to make those changes with someone you love more than anything else in this world. You and your future spouse love each other so much that you want to spend the rest of your lives together. So go that extra step and make sure that your lives are healthy and long ones. - 17269

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Tinnitus Retraining Therapy - Help For Ear Ringing

By Matt Hellstrom

Tinnitus retraining therapy is a very useful weapon for individuals suffering from tinnitus. This is a condition that actually has no definitive cure, so being able to control it and have it seem as though it is not actually there is extremely helpful to those sufferers so that they can go about their daily lives in a normal fashion.

Tinnitus is defined as the hearing of a constant noise in your ears that is not perceived by anyone else. There are devices that can be used for the doctor to listen to see exactly what it is that you are hearing, but that is the only way that this buzzing or ringing will be heard by anyone else.

The tinnitus retraining therapy is aimed at eliminating the patient's actual sense of the noise that they are hearing and therefore eliminating the discomfort that they are experiencing during an episode. In essence, you are eliminating your brains ability to process the noise that it is hearing as something negative.

As you can see, that while you may not be able to eliminate the noise outright, you can get rid of the pain and or discomfort that comes along with the condition. If it does not make sense to you, imagine the person that lives next to a firehouse. Unless they are able to ignore the noise of the fire engines leaving the fire house at 3am, they would never get a good night's rest. After time, they have heard it so much that it is just background noise that no longer bothers them.

Take note that this is not an uncommon condition, just under 20% of the population is either experiencing this condition now or has experienced at some time in their life. While it does not affect everyone the same way, it is quite a problem for about 25% of the people that have it. This therapy can allow them to live their lives without the issue of having to deal with these buzzing our ringing sounds each and every day.

For those that think they are suffering this condition are think they fall into the danger category because of their profession or lifestyle, they simply need to make a change to prevent the symptoms as that is actually the best course.

You can lower the volume, you can wear ear plugs and you can control or even eliminate the stress in your life if you put a concentrated effort forward to do so. Tinnitus retraining therapy can assist you in tuning out the annoying sounds in the environment, but it's up to you to make sensible choices when it comes to your own noise pollution. - 17269

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Things To Consider When Choosing A Food Supplement Or Any Supplement

By Dean Cantwell

Many supplements available today do little for your health. My recommendation is food supplements and they must be chosen carefully. By doing proper research you will save yourself time and money and most of all your health.

How do you know something is good for your health? With so many supplements on the market today and all the advertising that goes along with it you need to be careful and not fall for the advertising gimmicks such as "lose 30 pounds in 30 days".

You can go through the process of trial and error which is not only time-consuming but also expensive. I don't recommend this process. Your goal is to select a supplement that will make a difference in your health. Our choice is whole food supplements.

Just because a supplement is costly does not mean high quality. You need to go through a process of using research to choose a high quality supplement. High quality products are those supplements that work!

The first step is to determine whether a supplement is a whole food supplement or another type of supplement. The second step is to research the product. And the third step is to ask people you know for their recommendations and opinions about products that they use.

If you're looking for a supplement that works as nature intended it, it makes sense to use a whole food supplement, the new elite class of nutritional supplements. Science tells us that vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants are often synergistic. This means that they require the presence of each other to give you maximum benefit. The whole range of good nutrients you find in whole foods you will also find in whole food supplements.

When researching a supplement on the market you should ask "Where are the third-party, randomized, double-blind, peer reviewed, published studies to support the claims being made?" You will eliminate 99% of the supplements on the market by asking this question. Because of the Internet it is easy to find bona fide studies that you can rely on. Be sure and use respected journals such as the professional journal of Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise or the Journal of the American College of Cardiology.

The last step in researching a product is to ask around. Talk to your friends and coworkers to see if anyone is using the product you are researching. The key however is to find out if the product is improving the health of your friend, family, or coworker. By following the steps, you're sure to find the best product for your health without wasting your time and money. - 17269

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Water - The Natural Wonder Drug

By Angela Giles

It will not be wrong to say that we are made of water because two-thirds of our body contains water. Blood, muscles and bones are all made of water. So it is not surprising that we must keep drinking water to remain alive. We can remain without food for several days but without water we feel tired and exhausted within hours. Water is a wonder drug from nature, whose benefits are many.

Body's nourishment - Blood is made of 83% water, the brain is made of 74% water, all our muscles are made of 75% water and bones are made of 22% water. The food that we eat is broken down in the stomach and vital nutrients are extracted. These are then transported to all the corners of the body by water. Headaches, migraines, spasms and fatigue are all the symptoms of low water levels in the body. Water also helps to nourish the embryo and fetus in a pregnant woman.

Body's detoxification - Water is very essential to the proper functioning of the liver and kidneys. These organs function to clean up the system from waste products and toxic substances. Water, as urine, mucus and sweat then effectively transports these substances out of the body. If water is not sufficient, then these substances form kidney stones and other complications. Water also helps to maintain the alkalinity of the digestive system.

Water keeps the skin young - Drinking lots of water maintains the skin moisture levels, otherwise the skin becomes dry and flaky. Water also nourishes the skin with nutrients and keeps it smooth and elastic. It is the not so closely guarded secret of many women who do not seem to age with years. Regular water consumption cleans away the accumulation of fat and helps in maintaining weight.

Despite all these benefits, most of us do not pay attention to our drinking habits. Instead of water, we consume coffee, tea and other drinks rich in caffeine. It is well known that caffeine causes dehydration and we tend to feel thirsty. But instead of choosing water, we drink more caffeine thus creating further dehydration.

Normal human beings require 8 glasses of water everyday. It might vary depending on your age, weight and body size, but not too much. If you engage in athletic activities, your water requirements will be more than normal. No one has ever reported sick because of drinking more water. Always carry a water bottle with you so that you will not drink sodas and other dehydrating fluids. - 17269

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Acai Fruit Juice Genuine Superfood or Fad?

By Carter Sinclair

Ever since Acai fruit juice has hit the health and food industry many are asking the question, Is Acai fruit juice the real thing or is it just a fad? Two well known figures in the public eye Oprah and Rachel Ray talked about Acai on their TV shows. And they say it is the real deal.

As with any popular drink or food in the health industry many scammers will try to ride the wave of their popularity. In addition to some very high quality products there will be those that also try to take advantage and produce lower quality products. The best thing you should do is research the company on the Internet to find out if they are selling legit 100% pure acai.

The products you need to watch out for are the spray dried Acai powder pills that so many shady companies are now pushing. All of these companies' websites look pretty much the same. They will have lots of hype in their text and pictures of celebrities that aren't actually promoting the product. They will all offer you a free trial of their product if you only pay for shipping and handling.

These companies sell acai berry pills that don't even contain acai fruit in them. The biggest issue with their free trial is if you don't cancel your subscription your credit card will be charged automatically. These people also make it very difficult to cancel the subscription.

So just do your homework and find out what companies are selling pure organic acai. These companies work directly with the people who harvest acai. They preserve all the vitamins and minerals of acai.

Acai fruit juice is amazing for your body. It has many antioxidants that fight off free radicals and help to slow the aging process. Make sure you are buying the real product and not an imitator and you can see for yourself why it is called a genuine superfood. - 17269

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Regular Exercise + Healthy Diet = Lifelong Good Health

By Angela Giles

Good health can be the most precious possession one can have. When you are healthy, you are cheerful and enthusiastic. You have the energy to do your daily work and balance both work and family. You think positive thoughts and your brain is sharp to handle all daily issues.

When we are young, our body is naturally strong and healthy. But as we grow old, the bones and muscles start becoming weaker and the skin starts developing lines and wrinkles. This aging process can be delayed by regular exercise which helps to maintain fitness levels of the body. Exercise has many benefits and here the six most important ones.

1. Regular exercise keeps you lean and helps you to lose fat

2. Exercise leads to a more natural, deep and restful sleep

3. Improves bone density and reduces the risk of falls and fractures

4. Exercise lowers the risk of heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure and some forms of cancer

5. Exercise improves psychological well-being

6. Reverses the natural muscle loss that happens with aging

Experts advise a simple exercise schedule of 30 minutes for 5 days in a week. There is no need to join a gym and develop 6 pack abs. All you need is simple walking, climbing stairs and some aerobics.

The comforts of life have made us lazy. Gadgets and appliances have contributed a lot to reducing the amount of physical activity that we normally do. The microwave cooks for us, the car drive us to the office and the lift take us up the building.

Therefore it is important to consciously make choices and include that little exercise whenever possible. If you have to go to the 10th floor, take the stairs for 2-3 floors before taking the lift. If you can walk to the neighborhood grocery store, do not take the car. Instead of watching a game on television, play with children.

It is common sense that the body takes in calories from food and spends it in doing work. If the calorie intake is higher than work output, the body stores it or spends it in unhealthy ways. Therefore good food habits also contribute to health equally.

Take interest in what you eat. Know about vitamins, proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Find out what food contains what ingredients and what effect they have on the health. Check with your medical advisor whether your body needs any dietary supplements. Develop good eating habits and start regular exercises while you are young and maintain it through your life. - 17269

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What to Do to Bulk Up and Build Muscle

By Gabriel

Do you want to how to bulk up and build muscle? Are you thinking how to put into action to get a build muscle? Being faithful and determined it is possible to reach at your goal and obviously it is not really a difficult job for you. But if you want to gain it just within one or two weeks, then you will be never achieve it.

You have to have proper diet. You should eat more right foods. You must know which foods are good to build your body. Unless and until having right food, it will be not fruitful for you. You have to think about total caloric intake and you have to know how to burn it properly.

You will be not able to lose muscle tissue in absence of taking right food. So, you must go for the right foods to build your muscle on a daily basis. You never forget to obtain appropriate amount of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Remember, you should maintain a proper diet to help your self to become healthy. You should not make such plan so that you might avoid long term health problems.

Proper amount of carbohydrates, proteins and fats should be consumed. You might have some essential supplements for gaining weight. Powders, bars, and protein shakes might be helpful for you to boost your calories. At least 500 calories should be taken in order to increase your weight.

There are two important factors for gaining weight which are proper diet and exercise and without ensuring these you are quite unable to reach at your goal. You should do weight training and consume right foods for gaining weight as well as turning into muscle. You have to make sure of taking proper rest to grow fresh muscle tissue.

Finally, one thing it could be told that proper diet and meditation and other supplements could be very positive to bulk up and build muscle. You should do it slowly. Dont get hurry. You must consider the basic elements to bulk up and build muscle. Regular exercise is very necessary. After reading this article you have got the idea how to bulk up and build muscle - 17269

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Train Smart by Pete Sisco - Bodybuilding Workout Discovered

By Chris Jensen

Working out is hard just like getting the body you've ever wanted. To be in shape requires so much effort and work out. Train Smart by Pete Sisco is the world's fastest workout. This product is one of those bodybuilding workout with guaranteed effectiveness. This program has simple techniques and strategies which are all effective. Its approach and principles are very simple that anyone can follow. In order to have leaned muscles in no time.

This workout program offers simply the best. One of its offers is exercises that are doable in just 5 seconds. Your effort will not be a waste for sure because all of the techniques being mentioned here is effective and not a waste of time. Principles are easy to understand. You don't need to an expert to understand the principles in here.

Train Smart by Pete Sisco brings best results. Principles of this program is not just based on gym lore or mythology but based on Math and Science. This has very understandable rules that help you achieve the body you've ever wanted.

Author of this program is one of the experts when it comes bodybuilding workout so you don't have to worry about its affectivity. He, himself have done so many research about issues of efficient strength training. With his creation everyone will achieve maximum strength with minimum time investment.

Methods in this program are proven to be effective. In fact, this method can maximize a person's strength that allows him or her to lift a car in less than 60 seconds of total training time. Raised eyebrows? Better try and proved it by you. - 17269

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Program Yourself Thin Review - Discover the Secrets of Jim Katsoulis About Permanent Weight Loss

By Chris James

Program Yourself Thin is a distinct weight loss guide now out on the market. It has incomparable approaches and techniques which are all from the great mind of Jim Katsoulis, formerly a fat guy but was able to discover the ways on how to lose weight and how to be at his best for life.

Good thing, Jim Katsoulis was exposed to the information that taught him how to lose weight and how to be at his best for life. Now, he wants to share to everyone his good fate. He wants to share the secrets about permanent weight loss.

There are so many things you can learn from the weight loss guide of Jim Katsoulis; called the Program Yourself Thin. You will learn how to lose say 5 pounds which can be good for life. And the nicest thing, there's no dieting, no deprivation, no depression, and no will power needed. Nonetheless, you'll learn how to program yourself thin which will include creating new self image, eliminating emotional eating and many more. You will also learn some strategies which you can use to get the weight and body that you want.

There are lot more things you can learn aside from the ones above. You will never regret buying the weight loss guide. You will surely discover the secrets of Jim Katsoulis about permanent weight loss.

If you are interested to try the weight loss guide, just go online and look for it. It is now available and at an affordable, very reasonable price. - 17269

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Benefits of drinking water:Discover how water improves your health

By Nicos Stylianou

In a very interesting book named "Your Body's Many Cries For Water" that I recently read and highly recommend, the author gives an astounding presentation of the many benefits of drinking water.

As the author of the book says, the importance of drinking water is very crucial for our health. To prove his point, he mentions examples of some common ailments and shows, using medical terms, that the underlying cause for these ailments is the fact that we don't drink enough water. I show you some of the examples right below:


You should agree with me that some of the most common ailments that millions of people get afflicted with on a daily basis, are headaches and migraines. Most of the times, the underlying cause is very simple: You skipped on drinking adequate quantity of water.

The biological process of a headache is this: When we don't replenish the water in our bodies by not drinking enough of it, our brain, which itself is 75% water, releases histamines. The creation of these chemical substances in turn cause pain and feeling of tiredness, the common symptoms of headaches. In turn, this makes us slow down our activities. In this way, the level of water in our brain is preserved at a minimum level, allowing our brain to function properly.

Most of the times, a big glass of pure water and a 20 minute break will work better than any pain killer medication to make our headache go away!

Sore Back

According to statistics, one out of four adults experiences at least once in his lifetime the pain and distress associated with a sore back. As the author claims in his book, another one of the benefits of drinking water is that it helps mitigate our suffering.

Permit me to be more clear on what I mean.

The discs which our back consists of, have a hard external surface while inside they are filled with water. Provided that the quantity of the water is maintained at an adequate level, then the discs are performing their function well. This meaning that they are robust enough to help our backbone support the weight of our body.

Being flexible, our discs respond to the varying pressure exerted on them when we move our upper body, by shifting their shape. When they do this, water that stands around in our body is sucked inside the discs. As long as there is enough water around, then our discs have no problem, as they are properly filled with fluid.

As you realize, when the fluid levels (especially water) in our body are low, then there is not enough to keep the discs properly hydrated. So, most of the weight load of our body is shifted on the outer disc shells. Most of you have experienced the results on your back or neck: Pain, swelling and soreness occurs.


Water also plays a vital role in the biological process associated with high blood pressure.

According to medical science, high blood pressure very often happens when our body detects blood volume loss. Since our blood is more than 83% water, then the most common cause of blood volume loss is water deprivation.

Our body's internal mechanisms have the ability to monitor the level of our blood volume. When there is an alert that this volume has fallen below acceptable limits, then our body switches into an emergency mode, directing supply of blood only to vital organs switching everything else off. This redistribution of the circulatory system more often than not leads to high blood pressure.

In conclusion, these are only a few of the examples that clearly demonstrate that by drinking enough quantities of water can dramatically improve your health.

Having said the above, I can't emphasize enough the importance of making sure that the quality of water that you and your family consume at your house, is of the best possible quality. You see, it is not at all guaranteed that the water you get now is what your body should be getting. There are numerous statistics saying that both tap and bottled water maybe of questionable quality. Make sure that you thoroughly investigate your options on what actions to take to have clean, healthy water at your home. - 17269

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Some Clear Information on Body Building

By Amanda Gamdana

The allure of developing a great physique may have prompted many to head to the nearest gym for a body building session, but do you know what body building really is? It is a term used to describe how people use the right foods and proper exercise to develop strong, muscular bodies for the purpose of competition or to look good.

Often you can immediately identify a professional or amateur bodybuilder through their attractive muscle tone and mass which creates a very impressive aesthetic appeal. Are there main criteria to be considered and ensures that all bodybuilding standards will be achieved? Let us start our discussion on the two important elements in an effective body building program-exercise and the right nutrition.

This is an indispensable part of a body building program-weight training! You need physical endurance and strength to undergo a rigorous weight lifting session, which normally includes the use of machines and equipments. Body building is a form of sport, but there are many who adhere to a strict body building routine for aesthetic purposes. It is amazing to see how weight lifting can enhance the overall appearance and structure of the body, and they are beneficial when recovering from injury. Due to its miraculous health benefits, it is a good idea to incorporate it into a health and recuperation program.

Proper food intake and the right nutrition is crucial for success in any body building effort. To ensure that an aspiring bodybuilding champion gets proper nutrition it is good to follow this rule of thumb: maintain a diet that consists of 40% protein, 40% carbohydrates and 20% fat.

The best form of carbohydrates would be complex sources. When selecting your carbohydrate foods, brown rice, sweet potato and oatmeal are excellent choice to include. Include a healthy portion of dietary fiber for that healthy digestive system.

Remember to consume enough water to avoid the reduction in your muscle mass because of dehydration. One good habit you can develop is to drink water before and after every session at the gym. It is also helpful to drink between exercises. The training instructor can show you how to perform weight lifting and what you need to do to stimulate the proper body parts when performing vigorous routine in the gym. - 17269

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