Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Monday, May 4, 2009

This Is One Of The Healthy Eating Facts That Actually Works!

By Dan Beckwith

Good carbs, bad carbs, protein, nutrients...It can all get pretty heavy duty. Healthy eating facts abound and can get very confusing.

But today, let's step back and do something that is incredibly simple and is absolutely guaranteed to work and make us lose weight! It is truly one of the best healthy eating facts and will help us eat nutritious, healthy meals every bit as effectively as the latest calorie charts!

Take a moment to think about this...when was the last time you picked up dinner at a fast food restaurant, or ordered a pizza?

You know the super deluxe pizza, or the hamburger and fries are bad for you... so, why? Why did you go there?

I'm sure there are exceptions, but my guess would be that most of you grabbed the burger or pizza for no reason other than - you didn't know what to fix for dinner. The fast food place was on the way home, and it offered a simple solution.

That may indeed be a fact, but not one of the healthy eating facts! True, after a hard day's work, the last thing we want to do is have to come up with an idea for a meal. It's even worse when you throw in the healthy, lose weight restrictions. (Tossing a frozen pizza in the oven is no better than having one delivered.)

Here's an easy solution to that problem... whenever you can set aside a couple hours - plan your dinner menu for each day in the coming week. If you are feeling particularly ambitious, go for two weeks worth of menus. If you can't find a couple hours, schedule them. It's worth it.

Put each meal plan on a separate sheet of paper in a 3 ring binder. If you want to go all out, you can even separate the days with pretty, multicolored tabs. Eventually, you will probably want to laminate the pages.

Every night, when you get home, open your binder to that days menu and prepare it. Here's the important part, we want to make this a habit so never deviate from this daily plan.

All those costly, and unhealthy impulse buys from the local drive through will be totally eliminated. Plus, you no longer have to worry about what to fix for dinner.

This idea may seem too easy, but it works and will save a bundle of cash.

If you were to hire a personal chef and gave them the task of fixing tasty, nutritious, low calorie, healthy meals, you wouldn't question it, you would just eat the meals. Think of your weekly meal plan as being prepared by your personal healthy eating chef. Don't change it during the week, just fix that meal every day.

Once you make this a habit, you will learn to truly value and depend on that little binder.

If you plan all your meals to be healthy ones, it MUST eventually improve your health. It has to!

At the end of your first week, sit down and do it again. Make up a new meal plan for the next week. Try to make them all different recipes than the ones you had before. By the end of the first month, you will have a months worth of different recipes you can call on.

Every meal, for four weeks, will be different. This way you will never get tired of eating the same meals over and over again. They will all be tasty, nutritious and low calorie. Once you've gotten this far, you can stop your weekly planning and just continuously rotate the recipes in your binder.

This will save you a bundle at the grocery store, and is one of the best healthy eating facts out there.

Check out my website for a bunch of additional information and a free subscription to my " Fast Weight Loss" mini course. - 17269

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Whole food Drink

By Claude Edwin Theriault

Drinking Azul is like drinking a whole fruit smoothie with 24 whole foods, and all the anti-oxident benefits that each one has to offer, in slowing or preventing the oxidation of other molecules. Since antioxidants remove harmful free radicals from the body. Azul contains the top antioxidant foods on the planet, when it comes to blending whole foods you not only get the antioxidant benefits of these super fruits,you also get all the benefits they have.

One of the key ingredients is Marine Phytoplankton , few people know just how hot these single-celled sea organisms are. These microscopic marine plants nourish the entire marine food web chain and have recently been documented by NASA to be responsible for up to 90 percent of the oxygen in which we breathe. This is a food source worth consuming since it is quite beyond the scope and field of mainstream ingredients that simply do not hold up in the anti-oxidant department.

With all the over-priced rip off smoothie drinks on the market I was very pleased to discover Azul. A great tasting complete whole food source in a convenient delivery method as well as an environmental conscience. Instead of killing the nutritional value through pasteurization, the exclusive Azul ingredients have been dried at room temperature, to preserve their complete whole food nutrition.

One of the key ingredients is Marine Phytoplankton , few people know just how hot these single-celled sea organisms are. These microscopic marine plants nourish the entire marine food web chain and have recently been documented by NASA to be responsible for up to 90 percent of the oxygen in which we breathe. This is a food source worth consuming since it is quite beyond the scope and field of mainstream ingredients that simply do not hold up in the anti-oxidant department.

With all the over-priced rip off smoothie drinks on the market I was very pleased to discover Azul. A great tasting complete whole food source in a convenient delivery method as well as an environmental conscience. Instead of killing the nutritional value through pasteurization, the exclusive Azul ingredients have been dried at room temperature, to preserve their complete whole food nutrition. - 17269

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Chromium Supplements in What Foods

By Peter D Vizard

Chromium is a naturally occurring mineral in the body, but experts have yet to decide how much the body needs or really requires for normal health.

Chromium comes in two different forms: chromium 3 (commonly know as trivalent) which is found in many foods; and chromium 6 ( commonly know as hexavalent), which is considered to be the harmful form of this mineral. To function normally, your body requires a regular amount of chromium 3 .

Chromium helps your body use sugar correctly . It is also needed for the processing of proteins and fats. Chromium enhances the action of insulin in the body and also plays a major role in the storage of fats, carbohydrates and proteins.

Its exact role is yet unclear and more studies are being done to find out the exact reason why the body needs it.

These studies will analyze different foods for its chromium content, looking at the benefits of chromium, deciding if chromium supplements can help and working out much amount of chromium is needed to address any possible lack.

There are many different foods that contain different level of chromium. Unfortunately, the level found in these foods is small, approximately 2 microgram per serving.

These food items are those you would connect with healthy living include fruit vegetables, seafood and whole grain bread products. Foods that are high in sugar are known to deplete the chromium reserve in your body.

To give you and idea how much chromium is contained in different types of food, check the details in the list below.

- 1 cup broccoli (22mcg) - 1/2 cup orange juice (1mcg) - 2 cups orange juice (4mcg) - 4 slices of whole grain bread (4mcg) - 3 ounces of turkey breast (2mcg) - 1 tsp of dried garlic (3mcg) - 1 tablespoon of dried basil (2mcg) - 2 cups of mashed potatoes (6mcg) - 10 ounces of red wine ( 2 to 23 mcg) - 2 medium-sized banana (2mcg) - 1 cup of green beans (2 mcg)

The amount of chromium differs based on your age, body weight and size. Females who are pregnant need more that other normal adults. Females in this position, need around 30mcg of chromium daily. For adults, the recommended daily requirement is between 20 to 30 mcg.

If you have a busy lifestyle and maybe don't have the time to get the right amounts of quality food, you might want to consider taking chromium supplements. They are available in different forms medical advice should be sort before any type of supplement is considered. Chromium supplements are available in the following methods:

1. Oral -Chromium Capsules or Tablets (U.S. and Canada)

2. Parenteral Chromic Chloride or Injection (U.S.)

Once you received the approval of your medical professional, you can buy chromium supplements from most pharmacies and health stores. For the best prices and service you may want to look towards online stores.

The internet allows access to stores that may not have previously available. As with any purchases online, always look for a reputable operators who hold well know brand name products and are easy to contact via the phone.

As with any medical its is important to seek reliable medical advice especially if you have any form of allergy they may be effected by the addition of another mineral like a chromium supplement.

Search Engine Optimisation NZ by Digitalawol.com and Ebay Sniper - 17269

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Melatrol Natural Sleep Aid - Sleep Peacefully and Well

By Jake Wakefield

Not getting enough sleep? I am sure that you are already probably aware of the problems that a night lacking of good, restful sleep can cause on your health and your life. If you do not sleep enough, you find that you cannot operate at your optimal rate and are unable to effectively handle all the problems that come to you throughout the course of a day. Also, your appearance worsens and it becomes more difficult to concentrate.

Perhaps your sleeping troubles come from one of a few types. In the evening, you may find it difficult to fall asleep after getting into bed. Or, you may fall asleep quite quickly only to wake up some hours later and find that you cannot fall asleep again no matter how hard you try.

If you are having trouble sleeping, Melatrol Natural Sleep Aid may be the aid that can greatly help you. If you have ever tried prescription sleeping pills, you know that often times they leave you feeling "hung over" the next morning when you wake up. Because Melatrol uses all natural ingredients including melatonin, the same ingredient your very own body uses to help you sleep, you can get a peaceful night of sleep without worry.

One of the main reasons that you can find it hard to sleep at night is the body's lack of this important melatonin. Scientists agree that it is fundamental in the body's encouragement of sleep. Many outside factors can influence the body's natural production of melatonin including the intake of caffeine and alcohol and even stress. Because of these factors, your body may not produce enough melatonin and you will find it difficult to sleep at night. Melatrol Sleep Aid helps your body by encouraging it to create enough melatonin for your body to get the sleep it needs.

By encouraging the body in a natural way, Melatrol can help your sleep cycle correct itself so that you can have a restful night of sleep each and every night.

Dissimilar from sleep pills that are prescribed, Melatrol is not addictive and contains no side effects so that the next morning when you wake up from your sleep, you will find that you feel refreshed rather than groggy like most prescription pills end up having you feel.

Considering the natural ingredients in Melatrol and its proven effectiveness in helping an all natural sleep cycle, Melatrol is a viable option for getting a peaceful night's sleep. - 17269

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Kill Hunger in Its Tracks With a Hoodia Shake

By Reagan Miers

I highly recommend hoodia shakes because, in my opinion, they are such a fantastic product. They are incredibly effective because they contain the two natural, yet extremely powerful appetite suppressants of protein and hoodia gordonii. As any dieter will know, protein powders have been used in shakes for decades, however, not many people know that a protein shake is actually very effective at stopping hunger on it's own. If this power is added together with hoodia gordonii, then you get a shake that will totally stop hunger in its tracks.

Hoodia shake products are convenient, but they have their drawbacks. For one, there aren't that many products available so your choices are very limited. The few that do exist are very expensive and there aren't many flavors to choose from. Furthermore, the amount of hoodia gordonii per scoop isn't that much so you pay premium prices for what amounts to be a basic protein powder with a little hoodia thrown in.

My hoodia shake recipe will give you a shake that has a minimum of 750mg of hoodia gordonii in each scoop, which is a lot when you consider that most of the other shakes available to buy today only contain around 500mg of hoodia per scoop. By following my recipe, you will also be able to make a hoodia shake that is much cheaper than store bought shakes too.

The advantage of creating your very own hoodia shake is that you have much more control over the ingredients of your drink. You can choose whether you want to use whey or soy protein, and you can also choose your favorite flavor. Many protein powders have interesting flavours, allowing you to be as creative as you can.

To make your own hoodia shake you first need to pick your favorite protein powder. A high quality protein powder product shouldn't cost anymore than $14 for a two pound tub and should have around 30 servings. Then you need to buy a quality hoodia diet pill that contains 100% authentic hoodia gordonii. These types of hoodia supplements will contain anywhere between 400-750mg of hoodia gordonii per capsule.

Then what you do is add one scoop of your favorite protein powder to a glass of lowfat milk or water. Then pull apart one hoodia gordonii capsule and add the powder from it to your drink. The capsules will pull apart fairly easy. Then mix the drink well or blend it with ice if you want and enjoy! You've just made a tasty and highly effective appetite suppressant for much less than you'd pay for any hoodia shake available today!

What I love about making my own appetite suppressing hoodia shakes is that I am completely in charge of the ingredients. I can add more protein powder, or more hoodia gordonii if I wish, and can make each drink different to match how I am feeling that day. I also have the option of adding other ingredients to change the flavour or offer me more benefits, like the extra hunger suppressing power of fibre for example. - 17269

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Organic dog food

By Karol Wariala

Get more from: Honey Dressing. Lots of people choose to buy organic dog food out of concern for their four-legged friends. One could be surprised at the large organic dog food offer available on the market. The health issues affecting improperly fed animals are just as serious as those in the case of humans. A pet fed on organic dog food will show a lower incidence of skin diseases for instance. The reason for the positive health effect is the absence of additives, chemicals, colorants or pesticides. Instead there will be just grain extracts and high quality proteins as ingredients of organic dog food.

Organic dog food also brings more nutrients, and this aspect shows up best in the energy levels of a pet fed on it, plus, the risk of overweight is drastically reduced. Regular dog food is often behind obesity and diabetes with all the adjacent problems that accompany these illnesses: back ailment, organ failure and decreased mobility. What's the trick about organic dog food here? Well, organic food items for pets do not contain bulk fillers, they are nutrient-packed products that create energy not fat deposits.

Prevention of the disease is therefore the best situation.

Good digestion and overall stronger immunity: these are other main benefits that come together with the use of organic dog food. Because of the lack of chemicals regularly present in normal pet food, your dog will no longer vomit, experience gas or diarrhea. A healthier metabolism is thus what you will mainly achieve with a constant healthy diet.

Then, the risk of infections is also much lower thanks to the stimulation of the immune system by the nutrients available in organic dog food.

All in all, veterinarian experts say that with organic dog food, the life span of any animal can increase significantly, not to mention the fact that it will go a lot better through old age. In the majority of cases, pet owners who choose organic dog food, are also interested in applying the same health rules to their own diet, sticking to clean natural products that boost up body functions and keep intoxications and disease away. Ask your dog food provider about organic dog food, and if there is none available with the local shop, try to order it online. There are plenty of web pages that sell such products at fairly decent prices. - 17269

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Your own organic vegetable

By Karol Wariala

Sent by: Sesame Dressing. An organic vegetable garden sounds ecological, rewarding, healthy but challenging. The cultivation process as such extends over several seasons, but when you finally get results you'll be able to enjoy homegrown veggies that are not only tasty but very healthy too. Organic gardening in fact makes the oldest form of plant cultivation, it is not at all expensive and it can be undertaken by any one preoccupied with developing a hobby or improving health.

It is unimportant how large the organic vegetable garden is: in fact it can cover just a few square feet on the top of your house roof or several acres. The first difficulty one may encounter in the attempt to start the cultivation of the plants is the crisis of organic seeds.

The thing is that in order to have a real organic vegetable garden, the seeds ought to be free of all toxic residues. Therefore, if you can't find organic seeds in your neighborhood, try on the Internet.

The benefits of an organic vegetable garden are manifold. Firstly when there are no pesticides or herbicides used in the plant cultivation, the crops remain unaffected by the chemicals, the soil preserves its quality for several years and the creatures living in it will aid to the regeneration of the garden.

Furthermore, the organic vegetable garden has the advantage of covering the family needs in a very safe, cheap and easy way. Whenyou run a farm in parallel with an organic vegetable garden things get even more profitable.

The manure from the animals can be used as a natural fertilizer that makes the crops even more profitable. Moreover, everything one needs for an organic vegetable garden should be available from local stores; there are no high costs and the necessary items come for very decent prices.

Don't ignore the tips available in gardening books because lots of the tradition is lost and we need to revive it. Just a relevant example here: it's practical to grow beans and corn together; you won't need any sticks for the beans because they will climb on the corn stalks.

The organic compost, the seeds and the soil will all have a heavy word to say in the evolution of the organic vegetable garden. Do not neglect any of these aspects and your home production will be both successful and rewarding on the long run. - 17269

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Diets and How to Use Strategic "Cheat" Meals to Triple Your Results

By J. Marion

Did you know that you can enjoy all foods as part of a healthy diet as long as you don't overdo it? Success at fat loss only requires a minimal lifestyle change--not "a diet". It has been proven that one of the best ways of doing this is known as carbohydrate cycling. And it does not require starvation, deprivation, or a diet" but the program I am about to show you does work require some specific actions.

If you've ever struggled to see the number on the scale change, if you've ever hit "the plateau", or if you've ever felt guilty after eating chips or something else that you "shouldn't have" while being on a diet, then you need to keep reading.

You see, for the last six years I have has been teaching people how to strategically "cheat" on their diet (with their favorite foods) to literally TRIPLE progress beyond what is possible with "restrictive" dieting.

I'm talking pancakes, pizza, ice cream, burgers " you name it. Believe it or not, you can actually use *these* foods to lose fat FASTER. Crazy, I know, but it's true.

And what's more, as I'll show you in the examples, there's more than enough science to back it up 20 times over.

But even beyond the proof, the sheer number of people who have already benefited from the methods I teach is pretty unreal " literally thousands of men and women all over America how to do this.

I am about to show you 3 perfect examples of how it works. I have detailed the experiences of my biggest "cheaters", one of which lost 30 lbs DURING the holidays while never having to turn down a holiday meal.

I really believe that with this information we're getting ready to experience a new era in the realm of dieting " one with less frustration.

But the story begins with a hormone you've most likely never heard of. Its name is Leptin (derived from the Greek word leptos, meaning thin), and its without a doubt the most important hormone you probably never heard of. - 17269

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Opting The best|Body Building Nourishment

By Andy

Nourishment in Physical Structure Constructing is really essential for anyone serious about the sport. Right Nourishment is needed for a healthy living, but it is most fundamental for a Physical Structure constructor to have capable workouts and grow muscles rapidly and expeditiously. What type of Nutrition should you have to get successful in your Physical Structure Building seeking? You require to first take a diet that is higher in protein. That implies eating a lot of chicken, fish, and meat. Chicken and fish are foremost for you because of their low fat content. Although fats are important in Body Making Nourishment, you still must be particular that your fat intake doesn't contribute to health problems.

A available burden leg squat wants your both to check you own Body as you move up and down, and to control and balance the burden. You are creating neuromuscular stimulation in almost all part of your Body. A leg press, but then, does not force you to equalize the burden, and all the core muscles which are involved in a spare burden leg squat can get it more or less simple.

Fats are as well really fundamental in Body Building Nourishment. Trust it or not, fats actually do well in our bodies offering insularism for Physical Structure regions as the heart and lungs as well as getting muscularity when the fats are broken down. Of course, you will wish to have the good fats every bit fought to the tough ones so that you don't get weight through fat intake. Concentrated fats are the commonest fats to get. These are plumps like creature embellish and butter. Saturated fats are those that stay solid at room temperature. Monounsaturated fats are the right fats, only they likewise should be taken in relief. Buff oil and flaxseed oil are good monounsaturated fats. They stay liquid when at room temp.

Fats are also very fundamental in Body Constructing Nutrition. It is true that really do good in our trunks supplying insulation for Body parts as well as the heart and lungs as well making muscularity when the fats break down. Of course, you will desire to have the well fats as opposed to the bad ones so that you dont profit burden through fat intake. Pure fats are the biggest fats to take in. These are fats as animal lard and butter. Concentrated plumps are those that continue solid at room temperature. Unsaturated fats are the "right fats, but they too should be consumed in mitigation. Olive oil and linseed oil are right unsaturated fats. They stay liquid when at way temperature.

In That Respect there are likewise some principles which most good musculus-builder follow when doing their Body Making workouts. Their physical exertions ordinarily last between forty-five and seventy-five minutes, with a hour the preferred duration. Anyone who continues other seventy-five minutes is promising to have a drop in his or her musculus Constructing endocrines, and utmost effort will not only do small good, it will continue convalescence time. Experienced muscle Builders will also rest for less than ninety seconds betwixt lots of Body Constructing Physical Exercises, and the lower time they relax, the more effective their physical exertion will be. A exercise with less time tired resting implies a exercise with more time spent on Body Making Physical Exercises, and more cardiovascular benefits. - 17269

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Learn the Secrets of Happiness, Wellness and Success II!

By Taiana Camarado

The first thing to imprint on your mind is that success only comes to those who actively seek it, and in order to achieve something you have to desire it first " you have to be able to taste it and feel it! You can do this my learning how to visualize, so you know what it will look like and feel like when you achieve your dream. This joyful feeling will motivate you to create and live your vision. This is one of the first lessons in the book and you will receive a beautiful visualization audio tape to help you.

To be truly happy in life, you have to visualize your life as you want it to be and work to reach the goals you have set for yourself.

I have modeled my life on this motto: The more you wish, the better life you'll have. Create wonderful expectations for yourself. The universe resonates with those who are actively seeking. The universe will align itself with you.

Once you have a positive, healthy mindset and a vision for your life, you will automatically want to have a healthy lifestyle and a healthy body. In my book I talk about the importance of eating natural, nourishing, high energy foods and I provide delicious, healthy recipes. A healthy mind and a healthy body work together.

In Break the Barriers " Dramatically Improve Your Mind and Body" you will learn: How to create positive thoughts, How to create the expectation of success, How to go from positive thoughts to positive action, How to focus on what you really desire, How to live in the moment, How to make open-mindedness a way of life, How to attract good things and people into your life Simple steps to find the joys of life Powerful ways to find your purpose, How to channel the positivity of the universe to you, How to introduce more natural foods into your diet, How to choose nourishing, high energy foods, How to prepare healthy, delicious meals

I wish you all the best in your journey and I know my book will make a big difference in your life! Focus your mind and your body on what you want and who you truly are.

Taiana is 26 yrs old. She practices Reiki in her work as a professional body worker, with study and experience in Holistic methods. Taiana is also personal trainer, and has extensive experience with coaching individuals to make the breakthroughs in life, that theyve waited for " all their lives. She believes in rekindling the flames of inspiration in life's first step for motivation. Taiana lives in Australia, where she relocated to 16 yrs ago. - 17269

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Picking Home Cardio Equipment - The Two Best Pieces

By Jacob

Homeowners are well-known for renovating and redecorating. If there is a space in their home that requires a new look, out comes the color swatches and home decorating magazines. It doesn't matter which place you decided to decorate, a bedroom, a bathroom, a kitchen or even a home gym.

If you wish, you can build your sauna yourself if you have the room and don't desire to spend a lot on a steam room. You'll require the right tools and equipment to do this, as well as some basic know-how (of course, a lot of information can simply be gotten off the Internet with careful directions). Most home centers will carry plans you require, as well as the hardware and other supplies you'll require to make it.

With these tools, you can make a sauna room that everyone can use, up to five people, usually, so that the whole family can enjoy. It's also a great way for Mom and Dad to spend some time as a couple alone together, if you require a moment away from the kids and to rekindle romance.

And of course, if you have guests over, it can make you the "hostess with the mostest" if everyone relaxes for a sauna together.

Rowing machines can take up some floor space, but many models fold over to be placed in a corner or against a wall. This is better than a treadmill or bike in that it doesn't have to become a everlasting fixture in a room.

A stair climber is the other piece of home cardio equipment that is frequently overlooked but can provide a fantastic workout. Since it uses more of your bodyweight for resistance than other pieces of aerobic equipment the stair climber can offer a very intense workout.

Like the rowing machine it's simple to find a good quality stair climber at a fairly reasonable price relative to treadmills and exercise bicycles. They aren't as admired and so the demand price is lower. They do tend to be more costly than rowers since they have more electronics and mechanical parts. - 17269

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Food Emergency

By Eric Vanderham

Why is our food supply of paramount worry when wondering how we'll keep our family or ourselves going? After all, so many of us live in developed countries and we have the mentality that all that food in stores will see people through any emergency. Problem is, many people can't make it to the stores during power outages, blizzard conditions and other natural disasters. Even the recent volcano eruptions have limited people in their ability to access transportation. Some people won't have the access to money or cash when needed. They may live far away from towns and cannot get into the populated areas to buy food. Some people may need to leave town and head to their cottage or another family's home.

There are people who have meticulously planned for food emergencies, by buying, packaging and storing staples of food, labelling them for expiry dates in order not to waste the food. The year or two goes by, the food has to be eaten, and replaced in order to keep that constantly emergency supply. I cannot speak against those who have done such a valiant job at planning for their family. The problem is that many of us do not have the time nor inclination to go to all this trouble yet we are of course worried about how lack of food storage for emergencies.

What I've found is a lot of food available that is prepared for much longer storage life such as 5 to 10 years, even up to 25 years. Freeze dried food, MRE's, these foods are what military personnel carry with them. For those of you unfamiliar with MRE's, they are individual pouches of food ready to slip into an MRE heater. THe heater is also a slim disposable holder that requires only one tablespoon of water to heat the MRE meal that you slip into it. The MRE will provide nutritious meals that are most tasty hot than cold, which is why you want the MRE heater with you. At about .99 for the heater, you can see what I'm talking about. The heater is not a piece of bulky equipment and does not require fuel.

A lot of us have never heard of MRE's nor the MRE heater, so I'm explaining in detail. The difference in the years of shelf-life for MREs is a result of the temperature you store them in. They keep best in 75 degrees farenheit or less and will last much longer than five years at those temperatures, but about 5 years in hotter climates or storage. You can see why these are so valuable to the military.

I'm so impressed with these, they take the guess work out of long-term food supplies, they eliminate the need for power or drinkable water to heat up the food, they are lightweight but full of excellent food, and they last for years. You can buy a 30 day supply of MRE's and a day of food will provide one person 2000 calories. Some companies have the 30 MRE heaters included. You can carry them on wilderness expeditions, in order to be prepared for the unexpected such as being lost or stuck in inclimate weather. You can keep a supply at home for quick evacuation. How fantastic is that.

There are also containers of freeze dried meals that last from 20 to 30 years. If you stock up on these little by little, you will have your food concerns taken care of, you can grab and go if you need to evacuate, you are able to feed your family if you are stuck in your home. One can has nine servings and indicate that it is lactose free, shellfish free, pork free, etc., Prior to ordering them, you will be able to see the nutrition facts, the ingredients, and how many servings it will provide.

Freeze dried food seals in the nutrients and are preferred over dehydrated foods. They keep the taste, texture and shape, they keep the nutrition, vitamins, fibre, color of fresh frozen foods. Some examples of the meals you may buy: vegetable stew with beef, chicken and rice, spaghetti and meat sauce, chicken a la king, beef stroganoff, vegetarian meals, beef or chicken teriyaki, lasagna with meat sauce, sea food chowder, incredible assortment of desserts, individuals cans of specific side dishes such as fluffy white rice, sweet corn, green beans, the list goes on and on.

You can see that you don't have to be eating boring beans and canned soup every day, nor do you have to worry about the expiration date. One man reported that the crackers he tried after 25 years of storage were still very tasty. There are also single and two-pack pouches of freeze dried food for travel, hiking, camping, etc. Best sellers are Beef Stroganoff, Lasagna/Meat Sauce, Beef Stew, Chicken Teriyaki, Eggs/Bacon. Happy Eating! - 17269

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