Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Friday, September 18, 2009

Learn About 5 Natural Methods of Boosting Growth Hormones to Grow Taller

By Rodney Williams

A tiny organ embedded in the brain has the power to construct the whole body into something bigger. The anterior pituitary gland, though as small as a grape, secretes the growth hormones responsible for the body's growth.

No amount of stretching exercises will ever bear fruit without efficient functioning of the pituitary gland. Whatever efforts you take to increase your height will ultimately depend on how efficiently the growth hormones travel to each part of your body through the bloodstream.

Explained here are 5 natural means of boosting up the growth hormones to make you grow taller. Implement them into your lifestyle and resolve the question of how to get taller.

1. Sleep well: Sleep for 8 hours every night and use tips to fall into deep sleep. The amount of growth hormones secreted and the efficiency with which they are transported to each area of the body depend on how much you sleep and how deep you sleep.

2. Eat smarter: Eat several small meals throughout the day rather than three large ones. Large meals lead to high levels of insulin, and high levels of insulin obstruct the flow of growth hormones. With the same argument it is also essential to avoid high sugar foods.

3. Eat proteins before and after exercise: Eat a protein food one and a half hour before exercise and immediately after exercise. This boosts the amount of growth hormones and testosterone in the bloodstream. A combination of proteins and carbohydrates will also do, for example a chicken and salad sandwich.

4. Train vigorously: The amount of growth hormones in the bloodstream is directly proportional to the intensity of workouts. Focus on short bursts of intense activity to eke out every bit of the growth hormones. Combining these vigorous activities with specific stretching exercises is the best solution to the question of how to gain height naturally.

5. Have an early dinner: Never eat a big meal within 3 hours of bedtime. The resulting levels of insulin in the bloodstream hamper the movement of growth hormones. This is especially important because growth hormones are transported most in the first two hours of sleep. Let your body benefit from them as you sleep. - 17269

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Lose Weight Permanently With A Sit Up Bench

By Sean Luna

To make muscles stronger or make skin firmer or to sharpen the abdomen, equipment is devised, which is called sit up bench. At one end of the weight bench there is a pair of erect holders that clutch holds a barbell and weights. Bench is so designed that a man can either lay or sit on it. Weight bench is so designed as it can be adjusted at different angles.

There are many types of weight benches, some of them given here. Names of these benches are preacher curl weight bench, dumbbell weight bench, Olympic weight bench and abs weight bench.

Preacher curl weight bench plays a vital role in strengthening the biceps and during this whole procedure, arm is stabilized. This bench is usually used in home gyms because of their small size and easy to move. Mostly, it is used with Olympic or standard curl bars.

Unlike barbells, dumbbells are also applied in Dumbbell sit up bench. Mostly barbell rack is not attached with it but it is sort of flat bench that provides along the whole apparatus. There are many different models of this bench. Some have bendable upper half, which provides variety of angles and intensities.

Some additional components contain preacher curl attachments. Olympic benches are designed to support the standard bars and said to be the popular kind of bench found in gym clubs because they are best for weightlifters. Finally, the weight bench is usually used as a surface for abdominal exercises like curl - ups.

Either declined or horizontal, they often include foot grips at one end and are used to target different parts of abdomen. Keep in mind that in purchasing your weight bench, select one that support heavy loads and fulfils your requirements.

To perform exercises of different complexity levels, adjust the Olympic sit up bench in incline, flat and decline directions. You should carry out barbell and dumbbell bench presses through four sets of 8 to 12 reps, do it for about 5 weeks and then move towards 5 sets of 5 reps for some weeks.

You should do that for 4-5 weeks. Then move towards 5 sets of 5 reps for some weeks then for proper periodization of intensity and volume. Now adjust the bench in decline direction and apply dumbbells for sit up bench presses. You should begin with a low approach. - 17269

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A Review Of Kinoki Detox Foot Patches

By Ferdinand Emy

The Kinoki detox foot patches are a product that has been greatly effective in Asia, and its starting to gain fame in the United States of America. If you would like to get rid of all the poisonous toxins in your body, you should check them out.

These detox foot patches are produced in Japan, and they include Asian ancient formulas combined with the latest technology in order for them to attain their effects. At least that is what the ads say. I cannot say you for sure whether the Ancient mystic formula story is true. But I can say you that they have given me results.

I believe that the reason the Kinoki detox foot patches are efficacious is because they work on a proven principle: the elimination of toxins through the pores of the skin, commonly known as perspiration or perspiring.

You see, perspiring is one of the most essential forms our body has to get rid of toxins. We are Always sweating, whether you realize it or not. That is why we tend to smell bad after a day if we do not take showers, even if we have not done exercise. When we sweat and smell, its because we have eliminated a good number of toxins via perspiration and they are still somewhere over our skin. Your nose is telling you that those toxins need to be washed off.

When we engage in a physical activity, we perspire even speedier, and Thence we smell even worse in a much shorter expanse of time.

Out of all the parts of the body, the armpits and the feet are the ones that sweat at a quicker rate, which is likewise why those parts tend to smell worse than the rest of the body.

Kinoki detox foot patches use this natural body detox system and enhance it for maximum effect. Their method is simple, when you go to bed, you apply them to the soles of your feet, and you leave the on all night. While you rest, the detox foot patches will soak up your body's toxins and clean your body. When you wake up, you will feel much better. The detox foot patches will have turned brown and very common smell bad, because of the toxins they absorbed.

Kinoki detox foot patches may be cheap or overpriced, depending where you buy them. I have not found any difference from detox foot patches bought cheaply online or in pharmacies.

Some individuals claim that these detox foot patches are bogus and do not in point of fact help. Nonetheless, I have felt outcomes and I recommend them. If you are hesitant as regards them, I recommend you buy yourself a few of them and try them out. They're really expensive. That way, you may make a decision based on your own experience. - 17269

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Strip That Fat: Towards a Slimmer Me

By Jon A. David

I was bit reluctant at buying my second weight loss plan. There are many times when we feel as if everything deserves a second chance. I am so glad I did.

Meeting STF, I was instantly impressed. Finally, STF is a reasonable weight loss resolution. A few features of STF made me like it, besides the sensible offer is that it is not overvalued as an instant weight loss miracle.

First, it only promised a realistic 2 pound loss for each week. For someone trying to lose the extras would be so glad that 2 pounds is the goal. Previously, my weekly goal from my fitness trainer was to lose at least 5 pounds a week. When I lose less than that in a week, it made me feel discouraged.

As many dieters know, feeling discouraged would actually lead to being discouraged with the whole losing weight process. This is definitely not good for many. When STF came, I knew that 2 pounds is sensible and that I can achieve it.

Another STF special is that, it makes dieting more manageable. There food array is wide. Many food choices are available. In a day, you get to eat five fantastic special meals. By special it means, being able to keep you diet more motivating and you would not feel jaded. I never did.

A part of the diet generator also helped to make days trouble-free. There is a grocery list feature that makes an inventory of what you would need for two weeks worth of food in your diet. This also helps in making sure that you get the right amount of calories only.

This made me feel more relaxed that I would be able to complete my required meals without worrying about missing ingredients. This is a plus point especially for a tight schedule and a more active lifestyle.

Third, the e-book was also well worth everything. I am not a great reader by heart, so I appreciated the length of it. There were only about 95 pages. It is simple, practical and understandable. There are no technical terms, just some plain language that explains the so and so of diets and exercise.

Now, if anyone would call STF a scam, then they probably are just looking for a miracle weight loss product. This is truly a baby step type of weight loss plan, but it does work. - 17269

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Bodybuilding Diets & Supplements, Creatine

By Ricardo d Argence

Creatine is produced naturally in the body and is not really a drug. It's a combination of three amino acids: actually glycine, arginine and methionine. Creatine is available in some foods, and is commonly found in things such as fish or meat.

It enables the body to perform more intensive and repetitive workouts. Taking creatine can facilitate a better workout. After your workout, your feeling of well being will be increased, because creatine also helps your muscles recover more rapidly from exertion. It works to lower accumulated lactic acid post-workout, which is effective for avoiding muscle soreness following exercise.

Although you are able to get some creatine from foods, supplementing will obviously increase your intake of this nutrient. Taken as directed, this can increase your exercise time and decrease fatigue and muscle strain. It can also shorten your recovery time between workout sessions. This is particularly beneficial for bodybuilders or those trying to amass muscle rapidly or achieve improved performance through longer and more strenuous workouts.

Adenosine triphosphate or ATP is a substance that is stored within your muscles for whenever you might need it. This provides an instant fix, accounting for the "explosive" benefit given to the muscles, leaving the body ready for a more intense workout.

One caveat to taking creatine is that it makes you retain water in your muscles, this means that you have to drink a lot more water to compensate for the water you're storing in your muscles instead of other organs. In short, be sure you drink enough when you're taking creatine.

Creatine may facilitate longer, more strenuous and more frequent workouts than you would have without using it, helping you to amass muscle quicker. In addition, it can vastly lower the amount of post-workout muscle soreness, and as a result you'll return to your workout earlier and feel better too.

However, it has some cons, too. You will experience weight gain because your body will retain water in its muscles. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but just be prepared for the higher number on the scale. You can experience dehydration and related side effects like nausea, vomiting or even seizures, in addition. Also, it is not advised to take Creatine if you have kidney problems due to the added stress that Creatine can cause to the kidneys.

In order to function correctly and have effective workouts, you must eat right, no matter the supplements you take.

You can take all the creatine in the world, for example, but if you sit there and eat junk food instead of concentrating on lean proteins, complex carbohydrates, and plenty of fruits and vegetables, you're not going to be helping your workout. Your muscles have to have something to build themselves on, and junk food is not the answer. So make your diet healthy by including plenty of lean proteins like lean meats and fish, complex carbohydrates, and fruits and vegetables. Limit or eliminate trans fats, simple sugars and carbohydrates, and junk food in general.

When used properly, creatine can help you improve your workouts and in turn, your muscle mass, with these guidelines in place. - 17269

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Can A Cellulite Diet Work For You?

By El Bilson

Can't wait not not only shed those pounds, but have smoother skin as well? A cellulite diet plan will help you get the body you've always wanted!

Do you keep trying different cellulite diet plans in hopes of finally getting that smooth skin you are looking for? There are many different diet plans on the market today. How do you know which one will work for you without having to spend lots of time and money on different books and special food?

Confused about which diet is the best one for you to follow? The best diet for you is the one you will stick with for your entire life. If you are always craving foods on a certain diet, eventually you will give into your cravings and feel guilty. A good diet plan is one you can follow for life and gives your body the necessary nutrients it needs.

A few of the more popular diets on the market right now include:

Diets involving low fat foods

A low carb diet

A glycemic index diet

Foods featured in the South Beach Diet

Atkins Diet

Foods featured in The Zone Diet

Weight Watchers Diet

Foods in a low sodium diet

A high fiber diet

There are many other diets not mentioned above that involve the same types of food and same theories of health. Overall, you need to find something that does not totally restrict certain foods that you may enjoy but arent healthy. By eating the foods you enjoy in moderation, you will be able to stay on track with your diet. You will have more confidence and feel better both mentally and physically.

However at a certain point in your quest for perfect, cellulite free skin, you may want to consider doing a detox. Detoxing has been around for years but has recently become popular. Lots of people have seen amazing results from taking a little bit of time to rid their bodies of harmful chemicals and toxins.

Detoxing is rather easy to do, and there are many different ways you can accomplish good results. One of the most popular detox methods is a liver cleanse. If a liver cleanse doesn't appeal to you, colon and kidney cleanses have also been shown to produce healthier bodies. A break from your normal routine on a regular basis to do a detox diet should be considered part of your overall cellulite diet plan.

Another part of your cellulite diet plan should include avoiding certain food sensitivities. Various foods can affect people differently. The results are often seen with weight gain and increased cellulite in the middle of your body. Foods heavy in salt can increase the amount of cellulite you have. Pay attention to what you put in your body, and how you look and feel after eating.

Always remember - the best diet for you is the one you can stick with! - 17269

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Make the Move to a Optimal Body with a Berry

By Leo Borjanieck

Aside from the acai berry being an unsullied, mouth-watering, organically grown fruit- it is also rich with antioxidants. Antioxidants are nutrients as well as substances that slow the oxidation damage to our body.

When the body's cells consume oxygen, it creates free radicals (or by-products) that can cause a lot of problems to our body. Antioxidants play an important role in preventing, repairing, and removing the damage done by these toxic by-products. Having a daily supplement of antioxidants is the best way known to protect yourself from these harmful free radicals.

Terrible consequences can occur when free radicals are able to roam free in the body. These toxic by-products are the reason our DNA breaks down opening the door for cancer. free radicals can destroy our cells to the point where they break down so much they stop working.

Free radicals have been the factors behind various types of neurological problems to hormonal damage. Acai fruit has been found when taken on a regular basis to contain enough antioxidants to fight off these dangerous by-products.

Studies have revealed for years that when antioxidants are taken as part of a regular diet, the body has the ability to repair, and maintain resistance to free radicals as well future attacks.

The acai berry was recently introduced to the mainstream audience by a Doctor by the name of Nicholas Perricone who wrote a book entitled the Perricone Promise. In this book he goes into detail about how the acai berry is what he calls the most perfect food on the planet known today.

Dr. Perricone also states in his book that this food is number one when it comes to foods with essential ingredients to look and feel younger. He also states that the acai berry has the ingredients needed to revitalize your health as well as slowing the aging process.

Acai berry is categorized as a super food because it contains all the nutrition your body needs in fighting dangerous by-products in the body like free radicals. Be sure to research this amazing fruit further if you are looking for a diet that will provide your body with the strength needed to fight and remove these harmful toxins.

So, if you are looking for a diet that will provide energetic health, a reduction in aging, and a free radical fighter then look no further than the acai fruit berry. - 17269

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The Acai Berry - Waasup with This Little Purple Dude

By Sheila Bearsky

The acai berry is very dark purple, grows on a tree, the size of a grape, and is sweeping the globe in a huge way. The acai berry is often pronounced incorrectly. And just so that everyone knows, the correct pronunciation is 'ah-sigh-ee'. Say it with meah-sigh-ee, feels like taking a deep breath doesnt it?

This dark purple wonder grows on very tall palm trees in the Amazon Rainforest and at the tallest point of the branch you will find clusters of leafy green branches and thats where the acai berry actually grows. In order to climb the 25 m high tree and cut the branch off with a long blade, one must be relatively quick & courageous.

These branches produce hundreds of these purple berries twice a year and claim to have enormous health benefits because theyre packed with natural vitamins and important antioxidants. For such a small berry, it packs a punch with vitamins and antioxidants.

The acai berry has omega-3's that are healthy for you. (healthy fats)Acai berries have many healthy features. The "Purple Wonder" has a unique but delicious taste like tropical fruit, while the more traditional Amazonian variety combines acai fruit pulp with the amazing guarana seed.

When used together, there give a huge level of nutritional benefits to your health including more energy and mental improvement. Its the natural guarana seed, in part, that gives you the energy boost similar to caffeine like effect but without the jitters.

Recently, the acai berry has been marketed as a highly effective dietary supplement and sold in a variety of products; tablets, juice and smoothies, instant drink powders, and whole fruit.

Improved digestion, heightened sexual performance, and greater energy levels are all benefits of the acai berry promoted by marketers. The little purple berry has good detoxification characteristics and also has a high fiber content which is really helpful. Its claimed to improve skin appearance, the health of your heart, and make you sleep better. The acai berry has massive reputation to live up to. - 17269

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Body Building Supplements, Design Your Own Weight Gainer

By Ricardo d Argence

Weight gainers can be extremely expensive. If you are hoping to gain a lot of weight and you are really thin then you might consider making your own. The importance is that you understand the nutritional information and exactly what you need to gain the right amount of weight.

Weight gainers are usually purchased at nutrition and supplement stores. They usually have a picture of a bodybuilder or an arm full of muscle mass. Weight gainers are designed to help you gain a lot of weight so you can have the muscle mass you desire.

The important thing to remember is that not all weight gainers are designed for the same person. For example, a bodybuilder has the weight they want but they are working for more muscle mass to what they already have. If you are really skinny then you need to add meat to the bones first and then the muscle mass.

If you want to save a bit of money and make your own weight gainer you can. It is easy to do and most likely best for your body type anyway. One of the most important things to consider is protein, some weight gainers have a higher quality protein than others and you want to get the best you can.

It is pretty typical for the Isolate whey powder to rank high, however, the plain whey powder ranks low. Soy is even lower than the two. This is in terms of the quality of the protein. Casein, a high quality protein supplement, is definitely worth consideration for adding to weight gainer as it is best for slow digestion and not rapid consumption.

The most crucial thing you need to break down and look at when you design your own weight gainer is the carbohydrate breakdown. The primary source of your carbs need to come directly from maltodextrin it will refill your muscle glycogen stores most efficiently.

If a weight gainer has a large amount of fructose or any type of sugar, don't use it. It will only cause you to crash hard with fatigue, a headache, and possibly jitters, that's why you need to be sure the sugar content is as low as possible.

The most appropriate approach to gaining weigh fast without spending too much money is to make a weigh gainer by yourself at home. This is a really easy process you can do. You should mix only the finest quality proteins with maltodextrin. These can be found at your local vitamin or supplement shop and even a grocery store. When you are using raw oaks it is best to mix it with a shake so you can make you shake last longer and adding more calories to the drink.

One of the best times to drink your weight gaining shake is after your workout. You can add more calories and have a higher fat intake. Your body will slowly digest the shake so you get the nutrients to the muscles over a longer period of time. - 17269

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The Ten Steps to Reduce Bruising, Step 2 - The Second Primary Bruising Cause!

By Carolyn Cooper

When you are looking at how you are going to be able to reduce bruising so frequently, it is important to know why you bruise and how the changes in your body are going to affect you. In most cases, you will notice that bruising is something that will become more of an issue as you get older. It is not just because you are noticing more bruises; they really are occurring more often.

Finding bruises more frequently is a condition that happens to numerous people after a certain age is reached, and though bruising easily can be a symptom for some serious disorders, the likelihood is that your bruises is the function of the way that your skin reacts to aging. Basically, your skin is no longer is as tough or resilient as it once was due to a reduction in collagen being available to the skin. You should also be aware that there are other factors that affect the skin, and you will want to learn how those factors affect the capability of the skin's protective qualities.

Remember that your skin's main purpose is to protect your body. Not only does your skin protect you from disease, you will also find that your skin helps cushion your body against contusions. Adding to the skins loss of collagen, your skin may have thinned because of a lifetime of exposure to the sun. Not only has the skin thinned, but the tiny blood vessels located just beneath the skin called capillaries may have thinner walls as a result of age and reduced blood pressure.

Consider how many times that you simply bump into things. Working around a lot of counters, you can lightly bump your hip as you go around a corner, or you might just simply hit the edge of a door on your lower arm. Even minor impacts like this, which doesn't really hurt you, can cause bruising.

You should also, keep in mind that your body doesn't heal as quickly as it used to. Do you remember being able to recover from illnesses and injuries much more quickly when you were younger? Your metabolism is slowing down and along with it is your ability to heal yourself quickly.

When you combine the fact that your skin and capillary walls are thinner with the fact that you are no longer capable of healing yourself as quickly as you were once were, you are likely going to see an increase in bruising across the board.

This is the second of the two major common causes of easy bruising that you might be facing, so its time to consider about how this condition will affect you and what actions that you need to take to help alleviate the condition. Certainly you should consider adding a daily supplement program like Bruises Be Banned to help overcome your easy bruising and help you reduce bruising or prevent bruising altogether. - 17269

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Five Principles for Maximum Weight Training Results

By Eric W. Bricker

Weight training is the most important aspect of consistent muscle gain. If you are performing the wrong exercises or eating the wrong diet then you are probably experiencing a lack of results as many do when they first begin their workout routine.

A gain of one pound of muscle per week will be easy once you begin applying these 5 simple rules to an effective workout.

1. Get Enough Protein in Your Diet

Your muscles will grow larger as a result of the amount of protein you store. The thing is, your body is rapidly draining the protein it stores for other uses and this leaves less protein available for building muscle. This is why you have to build and store new protein faster than your body breaks down the old protein.

2. Eat More Food

Eat about 1 gram of protein per body weight each day. So if you weight 170 pounds you should consume about 170 grams of protein a day. You also have to increase your calorie intake. Consume an extra 500 more calories than you normally would each day. If you don't gain any weight after about 2 weeks then you have to increase your calories by another 500 a day.

3. Bigger Muscle Groups are The Focus

Exercises like bench presses, dips, pull ups and squats will place the focus mainly on the larger muscle groups resulting in much faster gains in muscle mass. This is especially true if you have been working out for a while already and seem to have reached a plateau. You will also want to be sure to perform these exercises in three sets of twelve repetitions with very short pauses between each one.

4. One Day Of Training, One Day Of Rest

Each workout should be followed by an entire day of rest to allow the muscles to heal, which is when the actual new muscle growth occurs.

5. Eat More Carbs After Training

Feeding your body carbohydrates on the days your body is resting will slow down the rate your body breaks down protein. Add carbohydrates like bananas or peanut butter to your diet. - 17269

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Get Great Abs

By James Statham

Would you like to be told what is the best way to get great abs? In this article, you'll be shown the three key components vital if you're to achieve your goal of getting a ripped six pack. Anyone can get a six pack, you just need to have the correct knowledge and guidance. Most guys get mislead by what is said in the magazines, and I'm here to tell you what really is the correct way to seeing awesome results.

The number one component to get great abs is this, your diet. Even if you had an extremely muscly set of abs, if there's a layer of fat covering them up, you won't be able to see them! So, obviously, you need to know how to get rid of this layer of fat in order to reveal to the world your abs. Cutting out foods that contain empty calories, such as cakes and crisps, is a great way to cut out the fat and sugary foods in your diet. If you don't start cutting out the rubbish foods, then it will only slow down your efforts to get a six pack. You don't need to starve yourself! Just cut down on the fatty foods and the processed foods and you'll really notice the difference around your belly

Once your diet is sorted, now is time to sort your workout. Crunches and sit ups are not the exercises you should be doing to get great abs. You see, when you burn fat through exercising, you can't just burn fat from a specific area. Your body burns the fat, in equal amounts, from all over your body. Crunches are just too small and isolated, and won't burn fat quick enough. Instead, perform compound exercises, that target muscle groups from all over your body. Compound exercises such as front squats are very intense, and will work your body a thousand times more than a sit up ever could!

To get great abs, you should also be keeping your workouts under an hour. A short, sharp and intense workout is a thousand times better than a long, drawn out workout. Keeping your workouts short and intense will begin to raise your metabolism. This means that your body will want to burn more fat whilst resting. This is exactly what you want!

Now once both your diet and workout routine are up to speed, you need to have one other key ingredient, dedication! Don't expect to get great abs after a week, you need to stick to a good solid routine and be consistent with your diet. Many guys quit early on because they haven't got an amazing six pack after a week or two. If you stay dedicated, then after a couple of weeks you will start to see great results! Imagine being able to show off those sexy abs whenever you feel like it! - 17269

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