Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Should I Cleanse My Colon?

By Alissa Lee

To obtain a healthy colon we must be active in colon cleansing, parasite cleansing, and detoxing, these are essential to good health. As we eat everything ends up in our bowls as toxins. Constipation, candida and being overweight can occur if toxins build up in our system, leading to these diseases.

So, why do we need to do a colon cleanse? One word...Toxins.

If you found your way into this site, you're probably suffering from some sort of ailment, whether it's constipation, acne, candida, brain fog, or just a constant feeling of sluggishness. Most likely, that ailment is related some way to the colon.

All of our organs are affected directly or indirectly by our colon. When our colon is clogged up the liver is not able to function properly. If our liver is not functioning properly this leads to kidney problems. To effectively prevent, or cure these symptoms, a colon cleanse process is highly recommended.

Most of our colons are filled with mucoid plaque and toxins. We experience constipation because our colon is clogged. How did we reach this state? Bad diets, poor lifestyle choices, and poor living conditions contributed to this great downfall.

Take, our diet for instance. Most Americans consume too much protein. Protein is necessary, and completely healthy, but too much can lead to over-acidity, which is not good. An overabundance of acid in the body can take a toll on the colon, as it depletes necessary minerals and electrolytes from our body. This then leads to the inability of the colon to tackle harmful bacteria, and toxins.

Many of us also overeat. We all know weight gain is a huge problem, but that notwithstanding, eating too much in one sitting can have serious long-term effects. Ideally, we shouldn't eat more than a handful of food in 1 meal. Overeating leads to an overuse of enzymes, and can cause our colon to work even harder.

Unhealthy colons today are also effected by our environment. We are faced with pollution, secondary smoking, harmful chemicals, pesticides, and other dangerous pollutions every day. To get rid of these nasty chemicals, our immune system must work overtime. This leads to a weakening of the immune system, which also leads to a weakening of the colon.

Cleansing your colon is safe. It is an alternative method to treat many of these symptoms and problems. Not only is it for people with constipation, but for those who wish to feel better and strengthen their inner organs. By doing a colon cleanse regiment, we rid our body of toxins that accumulate do to an unhealthy diet, environmental pollution and chemicals, and constant use of antibiotics.

Cleaning your bowels not only cleanses your colon, but cleanses your large and small intestines, and stomach as well. Even if you are not suffering from constipation, a colon cleanse regiment can help anyone.

Day after day our bodies are subject to unhealthy toxins. These toxins come from stress, overeating, under-eating, unhealthy diets, and environmental pollution. All of these toxins place a burden on our colon and make it work harder than it needs to. Cleaning our colons can remove these toxins and make our colon more efficiently. - 17269

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Advanced Wellness Research Products

By Linda Kemp

When it comes to the acai berry, everyone seems to be a fan. Celebrities of all shapes and sizes are proclaiming the health benefits and the weight loss capabilities of this food and even celebrity nutritionists are giving this berry the green light for superfood status. In the short time that this berry has been available to people of the United States, it has gone from being an unknown supplement to being one of the hottest and most popular foods ever. And, pretty much all of the claims of its super powers are true. From disease prevention to better sex drive, you can expect to get a lot out of this little fruit.

What you need to know about acai berry products, however, is that they are not all equal. In order to make sure you get all of the benefits that celebrities and millions of other people are talking about, you need to make sure you get the right product. Since there are so many products out there, you can be sure that not all of them are of equal quality and that some of them will leave you without the benefits that you are seeking.

The first thing you need to look out for is companies that say they are selling acai berry products, but that really don't offer the actual berry. The product may taste the same, but you are not getting the nutritional benefits that are only available through this fruit. In order to make sure you don't get ripped off, you need to make sure that your product is actually a pure form of acai berry and that it is concentrated for maximum potency.

You also need to make sure that the product you choose is not watered down with other ingredients that dilute the effectiveness of the acai berry. With some products, you pay premium dollars in order to get a very dilute product. Avoid this by buying only pure forms of the berry, so that you get maximum effectiveness and experience full benefits.

In order to make sure that the acai berry product you are choosing is right for you, you will want to look for a product that comes with a free trial offer. Getting the free trial is the perfect way to see what you think of the product and to see what effects it has on you. Companies that offer free trials obviously must offer high quality product in order to get you to buy more, which makes it an easy way to narrow down the choices of products on the market. Plus, you can make sure that you are actually happy with the way the acai berry works for you before making the commitment to buy more. Since everyone is different, trying out the product before getting a large supply is a great way to make sure it works well for you.

My personal recommendation is Pure Acai Berry because it is a very pure form of this berry and has maximum potency because it is ultra-concentrated and uses a manufacturing process that captures all of the nutrition of the fresh berries. This product also comes with a free trial offer, making it easy to see exactly what you think of it and its effects. Pure Acai Berry is highly recommended by current users of the product and is the leading acai berry product on the market today. But don't take my word on it- get your free trial and see for yourself! - 17269

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Give Yourself an Energy Boost with Fresh Green Juice

By Joanna Verdan

When it comes to nutrition and boosting energy, nothing beats a glass of freshly pressed vegetable and/or fruit juice. Forget coffee. Forget sugar. No other food is more enzyme-rich and nutrient-rich and easier to absorb by our body, than fresh juice. Many people may be skeptical, because when they think of vegetable juice they typically picture a bottle of V-8 or tomato juice. However, even the biggest skeptics can be converted, when they try this delicious Green Cocktail recipe and experience first-hand the benefits of juicing.

If you feel you aren't getting enough nutrients, if you are feeling insatiably hungry, if you are craving junk food, if you have any physical or emotional complaints, a glass of juice can help. Grab your juicer (if you dont have one, you should seriously consider getting one!), make yourself some vegetable juice, and drink it twice daily for amazing results, daily for great results, three times a week for noticeable results, or even just once a week for improvement!

Fresh vegetable and fruit juice has all nutrients that your body needs in a form that can be instantly digested and absorbed. Its also great for your health. If you search the Internet, you'll find thousands of stories about people who healed themselves of various ailments, lost weight and improved their well-being by drinking freshly made juices.

Green Juice Cocktail Recipe

There are many recipes that you can try and many books and resources are available on the subject. I am going to give you this one recipe for a Green Juice Cocktail made with green vegetables, apples and lemon:

Simple version (few ingredients):

1 head romaine lettuce or 3 stalks of celery

5-6 leaves of kale (or other greens, e.g., 1 cup of spinach)

1 or 2 apples or pears

1 lemon (not peeled)

Optional ingredients " choose what you like or have in your kitchen:

1 cucumber

1/4 to 1/2 ripe Hawaiian papaya (1/2 makes the juice sweeter)

1 handful of cilantro or parsley (or both for deeper green juice)

1 cup of fennel (stalk can be used too)

You may add some beets or carrots too, but then of course it will no longer be green juice... Some people like to add a small piece of garlic or ginger.

Drink it every morning or afternoon to jumpstart your energy!

For most benefits, it is best to drink your juice on an empty stomach.

The Benefits of Juice: Vegetable and Fruit Juice Advantage

So why juice fruits and vegetables instead of just eating them? What's the benefit?

First of all, just imagine having to chop all the above ingredients into a bowl and chewing them! A juicer separates the juice from the fiber of the fruits and vegetables making them easier to digest, leaving you with organic water with all the vitamins, minerals, and enzymes from the plants.

Of course, eating fiber is important too; but when it is removed from the juice, your body will not have to spend precious energy on digestion. The nutrients will be absorbed instantly, going straight to the cells to do their work. So, whenever you are experiencing low energy or any health issues - make yourself some fresh juice. It can't hurt you, and will most likely help! - 17269

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6 Pack Abs - Core Based Exercises

By Dan Solaris

The primary reason a lot of people decide to start working-our regularly is to lose weight and tighten their bellies. A less than solid stomach is a sign of lack of exercise and having a potbelly is one of the most potent confidence busters a person can get.

Most exercise buffs, despite having spent years in the gym or working-out at home are still unsatisfied with their physique. An overwhelming number that don't see clear results even stop going to the gym- disheartened and bored with their workouts.

In order to get fast results and keep having fun with your workouts, the right exercises have to be done. If your goal is a nice rippling set of 6 pack abs, core based exercises should be incorporated into your weekly workout schedule.

Developing the center or core of the human body is arguable the best way of forming the contours and striations that give that 6 pack appearance to the abdomen. Conventional workout sessions should be augmented with exercises for the core muscles in order to hasten calorie burn. The more calories burned, the faster the fat loss and abdominal muscles exposed.

Most gym goers give too much focus on the upper and lower abdomen and limit their core exercises to crunches, sit-ups and leg raises. Neglecting the other core muscles like the lumbar and obliques will lead to undue strain on the spine and cause back-pain.

Our core is our body's center of gravity, our center. Exercising all of the core muscles will improve our balance and prevent strain on our lower back. Strong abs, lumbar muscles and obliques will also let us go about our daily activities like lifting luggage or swinging a golf club with less effort.

For the countless folks aiming for fat loss and 6 pack abs, core based exercise together with cardio and resistance training lead to sure success in lesser time. Targeting body fat by maximizing calorie burn will ensure fast weight-loss and inches off your waistline.

True, the proverbial road to 6 pack abs is paved with a lot of sweat, hardship and sacrifice. Knowing which exercises are most effective in eliminating body fat can help speed-up your journey however and get you to your goal of a lean, rippling midsection faster. - 17269

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Fitness Infos - What to Consider Before Buying Weight Loss Pills

By Gregor Mahrer

If you are like many other individuals who are hoping to lose weight, there is a good chance that you may turn to weight loss pills, also commonly referred to as diet pills. Although weight loss pills are a great way to help you lose weight, you need to be cautious when using them.

If this is your first time attempting to use weight loss pills, also commonly referred to as diet pills, to help you lose weight, there are a number of important factors that you should first take into consideration. These factors may help to make it easier, as well as safer, for you to find and buy weight loss pills. Just a few of the many factors that you should take into consideration, when looking to buy weight loss pills, are outlined below.

One of the many things that you need to take into consideration, when looking to buy weight loss pills is that of cost. Weight loss pills, as you will soon find out, are sold in a wide range of different prices. It is common to find weight loss pills that sell for as low as twenty dollars, but others that can sell for three or even four hundred dollars. It is important that you find a weight loss pill that you can afford to buy. If you cannot afford the cost of weight loss pills, you may want to examine more ?natural,? ways to lose weight.

The manufacturer of the weight loss pill in question is another factor that you should take into consideration. The manufacturer in question and their history can give you great insight into a weight loss pill, like if it is one that truly works or not. If a company regularly has a bad reputation of selling weight loss pills that do not work, there is a good chance that you should stay away from that manufacturer and all of their products. Although weight loss pills are often associated with poor results, it is also important to remember that the wrong weight loss pills may also put your health at risk.

In conjunction with examining the reputation or history of the weight loss pill manufacturer in question, you are also advised to examine all of the weight loss pills that you would like to try. As previously mentioned, there are many weight loss pills that work great and others that do not work at all. To save yourself time and money, you will want to try and find the weight loss pills that have been proven successful. One of the best ways to go about doing so is by visiting online weight loss websites or message boards, reading product reviews, or by first consulting with a healthcare professional.

It is also important that you first examine the ingredients in a weight loss pill before you make your final purchase. Most importantly, it is important to determine whether or not you are allergic to any of the ingredients. It is also important to see if any of the ingredients in your preferred weight loss pill are chanceful or if they have been recalled. The best ways to find out this information is by consulting with a healthcare professional or by performing a standard internet search. You may want to perform an individual standard internet search with the study of apiece ingredient.

Another bourgeois that you should take into consideration, when looking to buy weight loss pills, is your point of purchase. Weight loss pills are sold by a number of different retailers, both on and offline. If you are shopping online, it is important to make sure that you are doing business with a reputable and trustworthy retailer. If you are shopping locally, it may be a good intent to refrain buying weight loss pills from dollar stores or discount stores.

Generally speaking, weight loss pills are a great way to help you lose weight, as long as you know exactly what you are buying. - 17269

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How To Perfect Dog Ownership

By Jenash Muldavi

1. Being to harsh with your dog and especially in its early years, will have severe consequences to the mental state of the dog. It will leave the dog feeling unwanted and unloved and it might even lead to a depression.

2. Do not make your dog overeat. To much food will hurt its physique and will make a major impact on its well being. As your dog gets fat from overeating it will lose its energy and joy and you'll end up with a fat, lazy and unhappy pet.

3. Giving your dog your leftovers might seem like a fun an generous gesture but human food can actually hurt your dog. To give your dog what will serve it best you might consult with your local VET to find out what your specific breed of dog requires.

4. Walking your dog on a daily basis is vitally important to satisfy the basic physical needs of your dog. Smaller dogs will need shorter walks and larger breeds and most above average size breeds will even need more walks per day.

5. One of the most important things when it comes to training your dog and having it use its body the way it was designed is to go play. Through a stick or a frisbee will not only be fun but it will also be a great workout for your dog.

6. Attend dog training classes to learn how to properly manage, train and get your dog obey commands. A dog needs to know who is in charge and it is important that you are that leader.

7. Making sure that you show your dog that you love it dearly is vitally important. The feeling of love can erase almost any other error you make and if you let your dog know and feel that you love it in return it will love you back unconditionally.

8. Be fair at all times and be sure to also be respectful. Your dog is a living animal and even though it might not be able to communicate what it senses in a way that you can understand don't conclude that it doesn't sense things. - 17269

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Why so Much Hype Over the Acai Berry?

By Josh Irv

What is the big hype over the acai berry? I mean I understand it's a berry that isn't native to the americas but is it that great?

A part of me always thought that if the grape didn't grow in American that it would also be a superfruit. So I did a little research of my own about this berry.

The acai berry grows in the Amazons. The amazons seem like a great place to grow fruit because of all the conditions.

The acai is known to enhance the metabolism. Finally something that is natural and healthy for your body actually will help you lose weight!

But wait there's more. The acai berry also help fight heart disease. This is a very big deal because heart disease is the number one killer in the world.

What else could this amazing berry possibly do you ask? Well let me tell you that it is rich in protein. This makes it great for post workout drinks and shakes.

The acai berry is high in fiber too! If you are a guy you need fiber even more than a woman because low fiber means a higher risk of colon cancer.

And most importantly is that the acai berry tastes good! So I would say eat this berry all you want. Interested in learning more about acai berry products? - 17269

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What Are Bioflavonoids and What Can They Do For You?

By Carolyn Cooper

When you are seeking a bruising treatment that really works, or you are seeking a method that lets you work on healing bruises in particular, you will find that bioflavonoids are mentioned repeatedly. It seems like nearly everyone is talking about them, but what do you want to know about them? It's always a good idea to try to learn more about the supplements that are you curious about, and there is a plenty of interesting information regarding bioflavonoids themselves as well as how they can provide you with an excellent bruise treatment.

Bioflavonoids are found in plants, where they guide the plant to do things like create pigmentation and protect the plant from microbes or other forms of illness and harm. They are found in almost all plants, though they will vary in amount and strength depending on what plants that you might be looking at. There is very strong research evidence that points to them as being extremely useful when it comes to helping cause our bodies tjo react appropriately against a host of things that include viruses, cancer-causing agents and allergens. They are also known to act in an anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic and anti-cancer manner.

There have been over 4000 bioflavonoids that have been discovered, and virtually all of them are helpful to your body. In the not to distant past, they were formerly known collectively as Vitamin P, but as we learn more about them, we are learning that there are several groups and that they all have their unique strengths.

Proanthocyanidins, which are abbreviated to PCO, are very potent and can be found in things like grape seeds or the bark of the maritime pine. Similarly, quercetins are the most active of the bioflavonoids and often make up a very powerful part of the other bioflavonoids. Citrus bioflavonoids are the ones that we most commonly come in contact with, and they are the ones that are often used to treat people who bruise easily; they may also be used for things like hemorrhoids, varicose veins and capillary permeability.

What part do bioflavonoids play in our ability to work on healing bruises and why are they such an effective bruise treatment? In the first place, taking them and making sure that you are getting enough of them is a good way to heal your body when there has been any kind of trauma at all to it, and that is essentially what a bruise is, whether you remember getting it or not. A bruise is essentially a capillary under the skin getting broken and seeping blood to the surrounding tissue, and taking bioflavonoids can help you heal up the damage much more quickly. - 17269

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Should You Have Your Diet Food Delivered to your Door?

By Rachael Evans

For many people who have to work, it is not easy to create healthy portioned meals on a daily basis to lose weight, it is much easier to order a takeaway than be concerned with the calorie counting process. With this in mind there are corporations being created all over the country to take the stress out of dieting and will prepare the diet meals for you. So if you need an edge to reach your weight loss goals, a diet food delivery service maybe the next step for you.

Pure Package is becoming one of the most popular diet food delivery programs available today and for good reason. It is an easy to use program and one that many people have found to be incredibly effective. After you have registered with this company you are able to then take advantage of what is known by them as the perfect diet. This is a diet plan which has been devised from years of statistics and analyses to prove which diet methods work and which ones do not. With a program like this you will literally have no shopping or meal planning to do whatsoever and for many dieters this is a huge relief.

How a system like this works is you will find a temperature controlled bag at your front door every morning at 6am. This bag will contain your food for the entire day including snacks. This takes all the work out of dieting and allows you to focus on other aspects of your life without distraction. Of course there are other delivery methods which can be chosen should you rather have your diet foods delivered to your office, your door man or maybe even your gym.

Having your diet food delivered to your door has many benefits. First of all you don't spend as much time shopping or counting calories, worrying about which meals to eat everyday which will help you lose weight. Secondly, you will see that different food combinations are a must for your continued health. With this type of diet delivery program you will learn to break old eating habits and fall in love with a new way of eating diet foods. This is the fundamental benefit to a diet delivery program, you will learn to love this new way of eating foods and want to continue on with the program long after your service is over because you will finally see how successful weight loss is done.

Consider a diet delivery program and what it can do for you and your weight loss goals. Having healthy meal combinations delivered straight to your door is a great method for losing weight. If you think you could benefit from diet meals delivered to your door, then maybe The Pure Package is just what you need. - 17269

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Kids - Pneumonia in Children

By Soraia Bauer

When both the lungs get infected it is known as double pneumonia. When the pneumonia is mild enough that the visit to the doctor can be avoided and the child can carry out daily activities normally, it is known as walking pneumonia.

The lungs are an important part of the respiratory system. The air which is breathed in contains oxygen, which is filtered by the lungs. This oxygen then is carried around the body with the help of blood which is passed from the breathing tubes by the alveoli. Capillaries or the minute blood vessels are surrounded by small air sacs known as alveoli. There are over six hundred million alveoli in the human body. The air which is taken in is supplied to the alveoli; the oxygen extracted from the air is dissolved in the blood. Then it is the job of the red blood cells to distribute the oxygen to all the body parts. Oxygen is vital in the proper functioning of the human body and insufficient supply of oxygen can alteration the organs and sometimes can be life threatening. This functioning is disturbed when the lungs get infected by pneumonia.

Pneumonia does not allow the lungs to function properly, because the infection produces fluid which obstructs the alveoli. In turn the oxygen does not penetrate deep inside the lungs and lesser oxygen is supplied to the blood. The breathing is affected and the condition worsens when both the lungs get infected with pneumonia.

It is a myth among people that getting wet makes the person catch pneumonia. But it is actually the virus or the bacteria which causes the infection. When a person infected with flu or cold faces a deterioration in his/her condition, he/she can be infected with pneumonia. This happens because the irritation caused by the flu or cold helps the pneumonia germs to get into the lungs easily and move around to spread the infection.

If the infection is caused by bacteria, the child will get sick very soon and can get high temperature fever accompanied with chills. Pneumonia caused by virus develops very slowly and it takes longer time to go away. The child can also experiences cough, chest pain, headache, and or muscle ache. It can also make it difficult to breath, so the child will start to breath faster which may make him cough out gloppy mucus. The child would have to totally abstain from eating.

When given the right treatment, the child can recover fully. The doctor will first examine the heartbeat and breathing with the help of the stethoscope. The stethoscope also helps to check the lungs, the sounds made by the lungs help to determine if it contains any fluids. Sounds such as crackling or bubbling are indications of pneumonia. Chest X-ray will be taken too. White patchy area will show fluid buildup. By looking at the X-ray, the doctor can also determine whether the infection is caused by bacteria or virus. If it is caused by bacteria, antibiotics will be prescribed. And if it is difficult for the child to swallow the medicine or to retain it inside, he/she will be injected with IV fluid. And if virus is responsible for the infection, antibiotics won't work. Fever reducers, along with cough medicine, will be given in this case. The medicines will be of no use, if the child doesn't take adequate rest and plenty of liquids.

Regular flu shots can also prove helpful, especially for kids who have asthma or other kinds of lung infection. Rest and sleep also strengthens the immune system. Washing hands regularly can keep harmful germs at bay. - 17269

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Fitness Tips - Weight Loss Pills: Should You Use Them

By Gregor Mahrer

Have you been trying to lose weight with the use of exercise and healthy eating? If you have, have you still been coming up short on your weight loss goal? If you have, you may be interested in seeking help through the use of weight loss products, namely weight loss pills. Although you may be thinking about giving weight loss pills a chance, you may be wondering if you should.

When it comes to determining whether or not weight loss pills are right for you, there are a number of different questions that you will want to ask yourself. These questions can help you truly determine if weight loss pills are right for you. A few of the many questions that you may want to ask yourself, concerning weight loss pills, are outlined below.

One of the many questions that you will want to ask yourself is if you have really tired losing weight. Losing weight ?naturally,? often involves exercise and healthy eating. Have you been exercising? Exercising can involve visiting your local fitness center, putting an exercise video in your DVD player, or something as simple as taking a nightly walk. Eating healthy involves cutting all sweets from your diet or at least significantly reducing them. If you haven?t taken these steps yet, you may want to first try losing weight naturally. If that doesn?t work, weight loss diet pills may be something for you to consider.

Although there are a number of reasons for weight gain, one of the most common reasons involves intake too much food. If you regularly find yourself intake more food than you should or more food than you need to, why do you think that you do so? Are you just intake because you are bored or does your body sense that you are hungry? This is important question that you need to answer, as many weight loss pills are designed to suppress your hunger. While this can help many individuals reduce the amount of food that they take and the number of calories they take in, it will only help you if you think that your body is telling you that you are still hungry. If you are what is commonly referred to as a ?bored eater,? there is a good chance that you will still continue to eat.

Another question that you need to ask yourself is if you can afford the costs of weight loss pills. When examining the cost of weight loss pills, you will find that they are sold for a wide range of prices. Although it is important to make sure that you can afford the cost of weight loss pills, it is important that you do not comprise quality for costs. If you cannot afford the weight loss pills that come highly rated and recommend, you may just end up wasting your money on weight loss pills that may not necessarily work. That is why it is advised that you consult with your doctor or search for weight loss diet pill reviews online, before making any purchases.

The above mentioned questions are just a few of the many that you may want to ask yourself, before you automatically go out and buy weight loss pills for yourself. As a reminder, it is important that you do the proper amount of research before you buy weight loss pills, should you decide to do so. Weight loss diet pills are not all created equally; therefore, they have varying results. - 17269

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LDS Food Storage Can Save Your Lives

By Greg Shuey

One of the things constantly being taught to us by The Church of Jesus Christ and Latter Day Saints is that we must always have emergency food storage. LDS individuals and families have taken the need for emergency food storage seriously. And we cant blame them. Its always better to be prepared when disaster strikes.

According to them we must have LDS food storage that will last for at least 3 months. Together with that, we must also have 72-hour survival kits. The Prophet, together with his counselors, through divine guidance, knows that difficult and troubling times are going to come to us. And since we have the advantage of knowing that fact, it is best to be prepared.

Having food storage is essential for every family. It must be considered a top priority in every household. Taking this very important precaution will ensure that you and your family will have enough food and basic necessities to sustain yourselves for a period of time. Youll never know when disaster will strike. It acts like a thief in the night so you must be fully-prepared to tackle it head-on. Its better safe than sorry, right?

What are the things you need to remember when stacking up on LDS food storage?

First of all, you must make sure that it has the most basic items that will keep your family well-fed and healthy in tough times. Having said that, prioritize food items that have high nutritional value, and not just any food. It doesnt matter if you have something to eat when your body is not getting the right nutrition it needs.

Choose cereals, wheat, biscuits, canned goods that have high nutritional value and easy-to-prepare meals that are healthy. Avoid junk foods.

Keep from stacking bread and other perishable foods. Since your goal is to have something stored for future use, dont store foods that rot. You can go for biscuits instead.

Second, have enough water supply. Drinking water is very important to sustain you for long periods of time. You can go on without food for days as long as you drink water. During times of emergency, water lines may be damaged by calamities, cutting your water supply. Having a barrel or gallons ready for storing water will be of great help in the long run.

Lastly, orient your family members as to where the LDS food storage should be kept, what goes into it, and how to properly utilize its contents when the need arises. Emergencies can disorient a person and will make them unsure of what to do. Knowing where to get it when disaster hits will make things easier for you. - 17269

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