Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Monday, April 27, 2009

Why Should You Take Muscle Supplements?

By Henrick Scofers

If you exercise, do you really need to use muscle supplements? It's true that exercise is very important when it comes to building muscles, but it's not enough to get you the muscles you want. If you want muscle mass and you want a significant amount of it, your eating has to support doing that. You can't build muscles if you don't have the proper raw materials to do so, so if you want to get the muscles you envision, you'll need to adjust those raw materials and then do the exercises to shape up, instead of the other way around.

Why are muscle supplements important? Because they're full of something muscles need, protein. Protein is a food source that your body can most easily convert to muscle when it's digested. All foods you eat have energy units called "calories," which you need to keep your body running right. You get your calories from carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Protein calories most easily convert to muscle mass. You can get a lot of protein if you consume protein rich foods like meat or eggs.

Why do you need additional muscle supplementation, then, instead of simply eating more protein rich foods like meat and eggs? Because protein isn't all you get when you eat meat. You are also going to be eating fat. You only need a small amount of fat to be healthy, and the extra fat that comes in these types of foods is very easily stored. This can make you gain more fat instead of muscle. Proteins are broken down when they're cooked. And it's not a good idea to eat raw egg whites, either. Although you might think this is a good idea, you can get salmonella poisoning from doing so. In addition, eating the whites but discarding the yolk is a big waste of food.

Muscle supplements can give you a safe, high dose of protein that's easy to take. Once you have enough protein in your diet, the next thing you need to do is to concentrate on bulking up the part of your body want to be the most muscular. That is, you "strain" the muscles you want to build up. When you strain these muscles, you break them down. They build back up using the protein you fed your system, and they come back bigger and stronger. This is so that they can handle the added strain you're giving them. But of course, a good side effect of this is that you get bigger, leaner muscles.

Therefore, once you have enough protein in your diet, you just concentrate on doing a proper workout. Most trainers would suggest that you work your muscle groups to the point where you can't do any more repetitions. That is to say, you do repetitions on a particular muscle group until you can't do anymore. If you want to make your biceps bigger, for example, you keep doing curls with your biceps until you can't do another set. This breaks these muscles down in that area and they rebuild, coming back stronger and bigger than ever.

Now that you know why muscle supplements are ideal muscle building essentials, you should be happy to know that they come in so many forms like drinks and pills that can be very convenient. - 17269

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Juicing Changes Health for The Best

By Ellen Valentine, CNC

Is there a certain line of defense to engage when you are not well? Is it true that once you hit a certain age things begin to fall apart and youre at the mercy of a life of medication to keep organ systems going? Well, it will be true for you if you believe that. My job here though is to remind you that your body has the greatest potential for healing, and once you taste the triumph when Infinite Intelligence reverses an illness or condition, youll be empowered for life. Youll be invincible.

Everyone needs reminders. They come in the form of a good friend, a spouse, a mentor, a movie like the Secret or What the Bleep, a class or a book. The reminder is simple yet profound and that is that YOU ARE IN CHARGE. You can turn poor health around by going to the root cause of all disease: bad digestion. Bad digestion simply means youve run out of or are very low in digestive enzymes and minerals. Your job now is to eat whole, organic, take digestive enzymes every time you eat and combine your foods properly.

Digesting food takes the first priority in the body mind. Looking for nutrition or cleaning up bad food is the body's first job. I'm searching for ways to emphasize that because it's very important because there in an intense cycle that repeats itself. To understand the cycle allows for healing or disease. When denatured or mineral-depleted foods are the mainstay of the body, the body uses it's supply of pancreatic enzymes to move a bolus of food through the body at any given time. As the body supply runs low food putrefies, disease sets in, the body has little or no energy to heal or restore homeostasis and a person finds themselves in a crisis.

When and if you find yourself in a healing crisis the best natural healing methods are rest and to re-mineralize. That takes the stress off of the body, freeing it up to do much needed healing, restoration. The idea is to eat as much organic and raw as possible. Not only is juicing the most effective way to put minerals in and replenish, a juicer is the best pharmacy you can go to. Juicing should be a daily routine. It can keep any family healthy and alert. It is often times up to mothers to be the serious juice masters. The rewards are great.

There are some really tasty juice combinations. In our home we love carrots, a cucumber, a green apple, celery, spinach, fennel and watercress. The cucumber and green apple lend a lot of juice and cut any heaviness in the carrots and spinach. Carrots are rich in beta carotene, great for the immune system, spinach is rich in folic acid, vitamin E and a great blood builder, celery is rich in potassium, fennel great for the digestive system and cucumber promotes beautiful skin.

Try these simple formulas: 1. Blood Building: 7 carrots, 1 beet with the greens and a handful of parsley. Add a green apple if you like. 2. Beautiful Skin: 2 Cucumbers, handful of parsley, 7 carrots, a green apple and kale. 3. Arthritis: handful of cherries, a handful of blueberries, and pineapple. Also try: pineapple, 6 carrots, and a handful of spinach. These three are only a taste of the many juice recipes you can play with. You will create many of your own favorites.

Always use organics. To juice non-organic is to ingest an inordinate amount of pesticides in one or two gulps. Pesticides are oil based and most plants are sprayed (grapes) up to thirty times in a growing season. The oil base ensures water will not rinse it off. So juice organic and allow the fresh healthy juice to revitalize and mineralize your body.

As Earth Day is on our minds, take a stand for organic, both for fabrics and foods. Ask store owners to make sure that they do not stock genetically engineered, seedless varieties. The middles of all stores contain that which is lifeless. In all times and especially in times of illness, eat from the outside live isles of your organic food store. Create an extra ten years of quality life by making a commitment to eat 75% whole live and organic foods.

If you are healing, there are certain rules of thumb: it is better to not eat than to eat something that will throw the healing process back, drink lots of pure water every day, use only the freshest of everything you put in or on your body, make sure you eliminate several times a day, get lots of rest or meditation time, or both, have people you can trust to talk to, change the way you do things, eat every bite of food with gratitude and consciousness, help a friend, and love yourself above all else so you have more to give to others.

Vibrant Health, Ellen Valentine - 17269

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Organic baby foods

By Karol Wariala

Other Authors: Dressing Oil. The appearance of organic baby foods on the market has made a change in the perception of baby nutrition in the first place. Lots of parents are concerned about the quality of the products they feed their very young siblings on. Organic baby foods thus represent one of the best solutions a parent can have to give a child the first solid food meal in his/her life. There are several organic food brands that enjoy the top preferences of the consumers and plenty of reviews are available to check online. Lots of the items available are refrigerated or frozen, with almost a ban put on canned preservation.

The advantage of refrigerated organic baby foods is that the natural flavor and the nutrients remain intact. There are no chemical stimulants, no hormones and zero pesticides used as ingredients for organic baby foods, because the fruit, vegetables, dairy products and meat that make their primary matter come from organic farms and crops. Lots of parents prefer to cook organic baby foods at home without paying lots of money on the ready-made ones.

Specialists in fact consider that this is the best chance for the kid to benefit from a proper nutrition and a solid rock health.

In case you purchase organic baby foods, make sure to stick to the nutrition stage corresponding to the baby's age. Thus, most manufacturers design super-smooth, smooth or chunkier organic baby foods with different flavors, nutrients and textures. While for small babies the meals will be rather simpler, toddlers will definitely need and like more complex meals.

In case you want to identify the best sold brands in a certain part of the world, you'll find plenty of information online together with recommendations and reviews. Have a look and see what's good for your baby's tummy!

Organic baby foods are well spoken of by researchers and pediatricians all over the world, since regular foods are too treated with chemicals such as fertilizers and hormones that clog the young systems in formation. The consequences of incorrect food choices count digestive problems with food sensitivities, a low immune function, frequent colds and so on. Even if one cannot avoid using regular food 100%, at least try to create a balanced diet with as many organic baby foods as possible. Although the costs for the latter alternative are higher, they are worth every penny if we consider the larger picture! - 17269

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Bring Sexy Back

By Metilda Sackerwack

Summer is fast approaching and this is the perfect opportunity to slim down and bring your sexy back!! Time to say goodbye to those winter woes, and get "caliente" for this summer!

The Best 4 ways to Get Right this Summer:

1. Water

Thinking about getting rid of that stuffed looked around your belly? The best thing to do is drink more water. It is recommended that you drink about 6 to 8 full glasses of water a day, in order for your metabolism to work effectively and clean your system.

2. Eat Sexy Foods

Many foods actually help increase metabolism, which is helpful when you are trying to reach your weight loss goal. Whether you're out at a restaurant or doing some cooking, a simple move like picking the right foods to eat can definitely get you towards your sexy body in no time!

Increase the amount of fresh fruit you eat through your day, perhaps eating fruit for snacks or chopping up different fruits to make a fruit salad for dessert instead of cakes or sweets.

3. Detoxify the Body!

The body tends to store nasty toxins around the colon. These toxins can add a bloated look around the stomach and make you feel less energized. Products such as Ever Cleanse will help naturally detoxify your system.

Did you know that eating unhealthy foods over winter can leave traces of fecal plaque lining the sides of your bowels? When you don't detoxify your body, you could be storing up to 15 pounds of fecal plaque right there inside you, which can make you look bloated and swollen and can also leave you tired and irritable.

Ever Cleanse is the best detoxifying formula to help get rid of waste rapidly, and more effectively. This all-natural formula flushes away that nasty build-up in our systems, which will give us more energy, healthier-looking skin, and of course reduce that bloated look.

4. Exercise!

Getting sexy this summer doesn't mean training for the NFL draft, it simply means it's time to start being more physically active. Start simple with walking, and then perhaps try a light jog. The main objective is to try and stay active!

Quick and easy exercises that focus on certain areas of the body are perfect for bringing your sexy back! You may want to try lunges and squats to help tone those legs and butt; also, crunches and sit-ups help flatten the mid-section, making it perfect for that two-piece! - 17269

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Benefits of organic foods

By Karol Wariala

Co-author: Salad Cesar. The benefits of organic foods become apparent to anyone concerned with the downside of the highly processed food. When we refer to the difference between conventional and organic food, we don't necessarily imply the one between an apple grown organically and another regular one. What needs to be insisted on consists in the real benefits of organic foods for health first and foremost.

Lots of consumers suffering from some form of chronic illness or even cancer, choose organic foods as safer and more health oriented than conventional products. Although lots of people claim that there is little difference in terms of nutrients, the absence of hormones and chemicals from organic food works great for the promotion of a state of well-being. Lots of consumer analyses do not insist on the difference in nutrients value, there are studies however that indicate superior characteristics and more benefits of organic foods in the first place.

There are more trace minerals, superior amounts of vitamin C and considerably more anti-oxidant substances, and this is to count just a few of the benefits of organic foods. A report issued by the US Department of Agriculture shows that there has been a significant decline in the minerals levels of meat, dairy and vegetables since 1940 in terms of regular non-organic crops.

The fact that nowadays we store food extensively and we treat and process the products so much contributes to an alteration of the nutritional value.

Surprising benefits of organic foods include the higher content of dry matter. Under the influence of fertilizers, there is a higher water retention in fruits and vegetables. Thus, there is less food in the form of dry matter in a non-organic apple than in an organic one. Nevertheless, besides the different amounts of nutrients, more advantages of organic food can be identified.

First of all, virtually no pesticide residues can be traced in organic products. Even if conventional food producers claim that pesticides are no threat to human health, one doesn't have to be an expert to know that the ingestion of anything chemical can't be healthy and positive for the body in terms of effects. The benefits of organic foods are much insisted on at present, with more and more people choosing them over conventional foods.

In time this preference will definitely trigger a reorientation of the market and even a reformulation of the standards that characterize organic food in its essence. - 17269

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Eating organic

By Karol Wariala

Co-submitted by: Mustard Dressing. If you prefer organic food for all of your meals, you should be prepared to stay organic even when you are away from home. When on holiday or on business trips, people who eat organically, often have to make a plan to stick to such healthy habits. Thus, always make sure to get a list of organic restaurants from the place you are to visit. Lots of facilities now include healthy food alternatives, although the prices of the menus can't be described as cheap either. Both seasonal and regional cuisine gain something in this respect!

There are a few steps to take in order to select the best and most convenient organic restaurants for your purposes. In case you are just interested in dining out, you can search on the Internet and see which restaurants serve organic in your neighborhood. Databases have been expanding significantly in this respect particularly since lots of people concerned with organic food have started giving online recommendations for one restaurant or another.

Hence, you can be a reviewer or a reader depending on where you stand in the information inquiry circuit.

Online maps are really helpful for the identification of organic restaurants at a certain place of voyage destination. Take suggestions, directions and tips for at least several such locations so that you may be able to choose the most convenient one, or even try them all. The good part about going to organic restaurants is that all the ingredients from spices to desert items are free of chemicals without additives or colorants for instance. What you'll be eating should be 100% natural.

Furthermore, organic restaurants represent a very healthy choice for chronic disease patients who follow a certain diet. More vitamins and minerals, less cholesterol and virtually a total product safety, these are the main advantages of food produced without the use of additives, hormones or pesticides.

The food served in organic restaurants will therefore be preferred by people who suffer from the irritable bowel syndrome to give just an example of a health condition caused by the consume of chemicals-packed food. Therefore, organic restaurants info should be an important part of any travel guide. - 17269

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Tips on How to get big Muscles

By Vince Delmonte Review

So youve taken a whack at the treadmill and ripped up the weight room a few times, with little or no results. Or perhaps youve been in and out of the gym for years, always hoping that the world of muscle mass and serious strength was just around the proverbial corner - but never quite believing it. Your eyes were bound to drift, sooner or later, to the sweating, gleaming behemoths that seem to have all the size you could ever want, and wonder whether the problem was in your genes instead of your training methods. Just how did they manage to get so big?

Well, genes have a very significant part to play in the game of getting and keeping those much sought-after slabs youd like to add to your shoulders, back, chest, arms and legs. The good news is that having a spectacular physique is something thats within just about anybodys reach. Take a look at Lou Ferrigno. In his teenage years, he was puny beyond belief, but by dint of consistent effort he managed to give Arnold Schwarzeneggar a run for his money in that much celebrated Olympia pose-off so beautifully recorded in the 1975 documentary Pumping Iron.

Now, science has come a long way since the Pumping Iron days. Our understanding of the biomechanics of weightlifting, as well as of how the body utilizes various kinds of nutrition and chemical stimuli has progressed by light years. The science of size has never been more complete, or more confusing. Fact is, looking at the methodologies of those gleaming behemoths, of elite bodybuilders and so on, will be the most misleading tack you could possibly take. Their approaches, as is appropriate to one advanced in the sport, focus on intensity, on using a few simple exercises with colossal weight to cause maximum damage to muscles that have learnt to ride a wave of constant adaptation.

The optimal focus for a beginner in the gym is not strength so much as ROM (Range of Motion). A joints ROM is the range within which it can smoothly, in a controlled manner, move any substantial weight, be it ten kilograms or one hundred. Were talking about the ability to perform a full bench press without popping your shoulder, to get your chin up and over the bar, to lift your leg slowly into a kicking position rather than just throwing it up there. Once this initial active flexibility and control has been established, youre much more likely to get through those intense workouts without hurting yourself.

The best approach to developing a good ROM in crucial exercises like the squat, bench press, military press and so on, is to spend a good period of time stressing form while working with light to medium weights. Studies show that initial gains in strength from workouts occur more as a result of neurological training than muscles gains. Once youve made those initial gains, youll be ready to start tackling real weight without the setback of constant injury. After that its a matter of working with the right dynamic exercises to develop mass. For an approach that offers more shortcuts to getting big once youve crossed the initial hurdles of flexibility, check out Vince Delmontes excellent e-book, No-Nonsense Muscle Building.. - 17269

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Smoking and Cellulite

By El Bilson

You may have wondered if smoking and cellulite go hand in hand. Smoking is one of the most widely practiced bad habits in the United States. The habit slowly destroys your lungs and leaves you at greater risk for many types of cancers. And while smoking can cause issues with all organs of the body, it also deteriorates the quality of your skin.

Cigarette smoke contains a toxic mix of chemicals - among them, cyanide, benzene, formaldehyde, methanol, acetylene (the fuel used in welding torches), and ammonia. Each of the chemicals, some of them lethal within if consumed in any other form, so its no surprise that these toxins can lead to skin problems including cellulite.

Smoking accelerates the aging process of the body, which makes cellulite look worse. One of the ways smoking damages your skin is by affecting collagen. Collagen is the main structural protein of the skin. It provides the structure necessary to keep skin firm and taut. Collagen is also a component of everything from blood vessels to organs. Naturally as a person ages, the cells of the body gradually produces less collagen. Smoking accelerates the breakdown of collagen in the skin and in the body. Collagen breakdown starts at a younger age and a faster rate for regular smokers.

In addition to collagen loss, the body's production of hyaluronic acid is affected by smoking. Hyaluronic acid is a compound produced in the body that adds fullness and tautness to the skin. It helps prevent the hollow look that is often seen in older skin. It works by helping the cells retain moisture. As with collagen, the body naturally produces less hyaluronic acid as it ages. But the free radicals that are either present in cigarette smoke breaks down the chains of hyaluronic acid, leading damaged skin cells.

Both of these problems have great effects on cellulite. Firm skin is able to retain moisture and will be able to better hide the fat that cellulite is present. Think of skin like fabric. Healthy skin is like denim, and can better hide cellulite infected thighs. But skin that has been ravaged by years of smoking is more like spandex - stretchy, weak, and unable to hide anything.

Smoking also affects the quality of the blood and lymphatic vessels. This is due to the fact that both compounds are major components in the pipes that support our blood and lymphatic fluids. The skin is damaged due to the vessels in our body being less able to transport nutrients to the organs that need them. Smoking also affects blood flow by constricting the vessels. Both of these side effects contribute to poor nutrient transport and fluid retention which can lead to an increase in cellulite.

Fortunately, the effects of smoking are not seen always immediately apparent. In fact, if you are a younger person, many of the physical problems that come with smoking may actually be reversed by leading a more healthy lifestyle. In addition to quitting smoking, eating quality foods and getting regular exercise will help your body as well. However, the longer you wait to start a healthy habits, the more irreversible damage that will be done to your body. - 17269

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