Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Monday, June 29, 2009

Poppy Seeds and the Good It Brings

By Amanda Rush

Are you fond of pastries? If yes, you are most probably well aware of the many food ingredients including the famous seeds baked in or sprinkled in your favorite pastries. If not, then clicking on this page will make you acquainted with important seeds whose facts are interesting enough to have this article devoted for them.

Although pastries are sold in large quantities everyday, many people rarely take time to find out the facts about the poppy seeds sprinkled in these pastries. Only food enthusiasts and people who work as chefs or cook know the important information related to poppy seeds. If you want to be one of the few who know the facts, read on and find out.

Poppy plants are mostly found in Asian regions where the general climate provides for the best temperature for the plants to grow. Poppy seeds, which are found at the head of poppy plants, are small dried seeds that taste like nuts.

Today, poppy seeds are most popular as food ingredient, however during the ancient times, they were known for their medicinal properties. Hippocrates brought these seeds in Greece that were prescribed for patients suffering from insomnia. Due to the recent studies conducted, poppy seeds are now used as natural remedies for coughs, earaches, toothaches, inflammation, fever, dysentery, and other sickness. Because of these benefits, papaver are cultivated in many parts of the globe.

Poppy seeds are most popular today as food ingredients in different pastries. Most of the time, they are sprinkled in cakes, bread or rolls. Aside from its nutty taste, poppy seeds are very enticing to eat because of the nutrients each seed contains. The seeds contain linoeic acid, oleic acid, and unsaturated fatty acids. Moreover, the seeds have extracts that can be used in cooking and making soaps.

Aside from being a great health food, poppy seeds represent symbols. They are considered symbol of fertility and prosperity, hence used in rituals and used as amulets to fight off bad luck and invite love, money and luck. It is also a symbol for fallen warriors.

Poppy seeds may bring a lot of advantages, but they can also be dangerous when taken without knowing its negative effects. Aside from nutrients, poppy seeds contain alkaloids such as morphine and codeine which are addictive. According to health experts, poppy seeds can be eaten when ripe because at that stage alkaloids are only minimal and hardly detrimental to the body. Unripe seeds contain a lot of alkaloids, hence can pose danger to physical and mental health.

Getting all these facts about poppy seeds is definitely beneficial to be able to get the best out of the seeds and get rid of the threats they can pose to our mental and physical health. - 17269

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Are You Considering Breast Enlargement Surgery?

By Vanessa Santos

After undergoing a breast enlargement operation, several women question if it's okay to breastfeed. The response to that is naturally, they can breast feed. According to a substantial number of women who went all through breast enlargement, breastfeeding is no more difficult with or without implants. A number of women even thought that breast feeding with implants is easier than without implants.

Currently, more and more women who are still single and who have not started yet their childbearing period are having breast enlargement surgery. By way of this occurrence many now are concerned to know if breast implants can affect find out. In past days, mainly women who undertake breast enhancementoperation are married and over their childbearing years already so the apprehension for breastfeeding is not given much importance.

The earliest silicone sickness hit the media in 1992, thus the fear of endangering the infant on breastfeeding with silicone implants became a mounting apprehension. Although studies performed has shown that this is not the case. The rationalization was that, the silicon molecule is too large to pass by through the milk ducts through breast feeding.

A few years following that, silicone was removed and replaced with saline implants. Even if saline can leak into the milk, it has no harmful effects to the mother or child as it is an inert substance.

The worry of most people nowadays are on implant position and incision site. Several suppose that it is more optimal to have the implants positioned below the muscle. It will also avoid the peri-areolar incision. The basis for this is that with this procedure, there is less interference with the milk ducts which reside directly under the skin and in the tissue on top of the breast muscle. However, this is yet not certain. There are plenty of women who have implants on sub-optimal locations and still are doing well in breastfeeding.

To gain the finest possible results, it is best to discuss about your plans with your doctor through consultation. With this, your surgeon can support you and work with you based on your plans. Even if you are not planning to have children yet anytime soon, consulting this with your doctor is really vital. - 17269

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Can't Easy Bruising Be a Symptom of Diabetes?

By Carolyn Cooper

If you are a person who has problems with easy bruising, you will find that it is essential to spend some time to determine what is happening with your body. Whether you've always dealt with the condition of bruising easily or whether you are just now beginning to deal with this situation as an out of the blue new development, you'll learn that the more information that you can obtain about this issue, then the greater your chances will be when it comes to determining how to go about finding a solution. Diabetes is frequently cited as one disease that comes with the symptom of easy bruising, and the advent of bruising easily is used as a way to detect the disease.

Are you a member of a family which has diabetes running through the family history? There is a particularly strong genetic link involved with this disorder, and if you have a parent who contracted it, there is a greater chance that you may end up contracting it yourself. Diabetes is generally defined as a condition of a disordered metabolism, where the individual is afflicted with unusually elevated blood sugar levels. The root of the conditions that are manifested in diabetes is normally a result of a flaw in the system for the secretion of insulin or in the way that insulin acts within your body.

With this genetic linkage in mind, why should we associate our bruising as a symptom of diabetes, and why would bruises unexpectedly appearing on our body become the basis for our concern? There are two occasions when bruises might appear if diabetes is the source. The first condition is named acanthosis nigricans. With this condition, our skin might exhibit black or brown discoloration in the folds or creases of our body. This is usually a situation something that occurs on the neck and inside the armpits. This happens because insulin has suffused in the skin, and it is often considered to be a symptom of Type II diabetes.

The other condition that may affect you is the fact that normal healing times can be diminished in people who have diabetes. Your body marshals its resources in areas other than those associated with bruising, and you'll come to understand that there are a variety of different ways in which diabetes can show itself known due to this change in healing.

If you find that you are discovering bruises of the type mentioned above, or if you have some of the other symptoms of diabetes, such as increased thirst and frequent urination, fatigue, weight loss, and blurred vision, it is appropriate to visit your doctor. To the contrary, bruising easily is not on its own necessarily a symptom of diabetes, particularly if you don't have a family history of the disease.

If diabetes is not the cause of your easy bruising, it might be appropriate for you to evaluate a product like Bruises Be Banned. This unique, all natural product has been specifically formulated to reduce bruising or prevent bruising altogether; so research what their daily program might be able to do for you. - 17269

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Do You Have High Blood Pressure?

By Dr Jason Fowler

We all know someone with high blood pressure (HBP). It is possibly a beloved family member or a lifelong friend. This common problem affects one in four American adults.1 An alarming 75% of patients with type 2 diabetes also have HBP.2

High blood pressure is particularly dangerous because, for the most part, there aren't any symptoms until severe damage occurs. Heart disease, stroke, kidney disease, atherosclerosis, and eye disease are some of the serious problems that may result from untreated HBP.

Normal blood pressure is in the range of 120/80 ("120 over 80"). The first number represents the systolic pressure, the pressure at which your heart pumps blood into your arteries. The second number represents the diastolic pressure, the pressure in your arteries between heart beats (the resting pressure). The systolic pressure can increase in response to stress or physical activity. Systolic pressures over 140 and diastolic pressures over 90 suggest the possibility of HBP. Blood pressure readings should be repeated several times, over a period of several days, before a diagnosis of HBP is considered.

Medical treatment for HBP consists of blood pressure-lowering medications (antihypertensives). This group of drugs is typically effective in reducing pressure, but getting the dosages right may be tricky and there can be unwelcome side effects.

Lifestyle strategies and activities (complementary medicine, lifestyle medicine) offer significant, well-documented benefits in reducing blood pressure levels. Regular, frequent exercise is an important part of all lifestyle programs targeted toward lowering blood pressure and reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke.3,4 Regular exercise makes your heart stronger, and a stronger heart pumps blood more easily and efficiently. Over time, regular exercise may reduce blood pressure levels by an average of 10mm.

Meditation is another key reducer of blood pressure levels.5 Much more than a New Age fad, meditation has consistently demonstrated benefits related to several health issues. Meditation is easy to do. All you need is a comfortable chair or cushion that allows you to sit in a straight posture without any tension. There's no special breathing to do and you don't have to do any chanting.

To meditate, sit facing a blank wall (if possible) and let your hands relax in your lap. Tilt your head slightly downward, and let your eyes achieve a soft focus at that slightly downward angle. Breathe easily and gently. Breathe in and visualize energy going up your spine in the back. Breathe out and visualize the energy going down your spine in the front. Silently say "one". Continue up to "ten" cycles, and begin again at "one". That's it!

How long? This is completely up to you. Start with five minutes twice a day, and gradually build up to 20 minutes twice a day. You'll probably notice you're feeling much more at ease, more relaxed, with more energy during the day than before you started meditating. The benefits are powerful, and again, there is a profound effect on high blood pressure.

A doctor of chiropractic can help participate in a complementary approach, assisting your body and your nervous system to function at peak performance.

1Undiagnosed hypertension is common among urban emergency room patients. Medscape Medical News, Sept 2, 2005 - http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/538785. 2Schutta MH: Diabetes and hypertension. Epidemiology of the relationship and pathophysiology of factors associated with these comorbid conditions. J Cardiometab Syndr 2(2):124-130, 2007. 3High blood pressure and exercise: Why activity is key. August 11th, 2006 - http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/high-blood-pressure/HI00024. 4Zanabria E, Welch GL: Hypertension and exercise. American Fitness March-April 2003. 5Walton KG, et al. Psychosocial stress and cardiovascular disease. Effectiveness of the Transcendental Meditation program in treatment and prevention. Behav Med 28(3):106-123, 2002. - 17269

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Fast Weight Loss Through Your Mind

By Robert Hudak

Have you been classified or labeled as being morbidly obese? Are you tired of using medicines and following stringent diet programs? How do you enjoy the low calorie, no fat, and no taste eating plans? If you would like to try something different, perhaps you can use hypnosis to gain control over your eating habits and experience fast weight loss.

For thousands of years now, hypnosis has been in existence, effectively helping people gain control of their mind by simply increasing discipline, will power, and self-control. How does it work? Easy, your body is just like a robot with your mind being the head quarters. Your subconscious mind can be properly programmed, allowing Fast Weight Loss to be possible and a daily experience.

Under the right circumstances, by taking simple steps every day to control your eating habits and adding some physical activity to your daily routine Fast Weight Loss is easy to achieve. There are many myths to losing weight but the biggest myth of the all is that you starve with a diet. The two things that speed up the metabolism are eating and exercising.

Skipping meals and consuming small amounts of food is not an effective way to achieve Fast Weight Loss. Believe or not, food is one of the ingredients that revs up the metabolism. If you want to keep your metabolism running at full blast eating three to six meals a day can actually speed up your weight loss process.

Learning what not to eat is the true secret to speeding up your metabolism and speeding up your metabolism and setting the body up to experience fast weight loss. Eliminating junk food, processed food, and anything containing chemicals or artificial ingredients can further your weight loss success. If you want to enjoy eating as much as you want, make the right choice and pick the right foods.

There are so many physical and mental tricks that can be put into place that not only help you control your eating habits but can also stimulate Fast Weight Loss. Did you know that most people confuse the thirst mechanism with the hunger mechanism? Truth of the matter be known, the average person is dehydrated. Drinking water can not only cleanse your body, but also reduce the amount of food that you are eating.

Do you really want to see a reduction in the amount of food that you eat? Just drink 12oz of water 15 minutes before you sit down to eat. Like magic there will be an immediate reduction in the amount of food that you are eating. Drinking water throughout the day will also keep your body hydrated and curve your appetite.

Daily exercise is a second ingredient for speeding up your metabolism. Many people avoid exercise because they think it has to be grueling, boring, and uncomfortable. Exercise can become a pleasant experience that you look forward to daily. Did you know that you can experience Fast Weight Loss with as little as 20 minutes of exercise a day?

One of the last things to consider in experiencing Fast Weight Loss is that you have to have a proper mind set. Im sure that you heard sometime in your life that attitude is everything. To put it simply; it really is everything. What you think about on a daily basis, you become. If you focus on controlling your eating habits and losing weight in no time at all, you can become slim, trim, and fit. - 17269

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Acai Weight Loss

By John Steely

Many weight loss products are out in the market right now. These seems to be giving people with wait loss issues some hope that they would lose those pounds they have been trying to lose for sometime. However, people also need to beware about some of the negative effects that weight loss products could do to their body. It is always important that before anyone takes on any of these products, they review all the positive and negative effects of using such.

At present, one of the most popular weight loss products out in the market is the acai berries. These are actually fruits from acai palm trees that often grow from the Central and South America. Many local people have been using the berries for many years due to its purposes for cooking and as a medicinal product. In fact, in countries like Brazil, Belize and Peru, people use acai berries for desert products like yogurt or cakes.

Various companies are now marketing acai berries as a dietary supplement and weight loss product all over the world. It comes in various forms like powder, juice or even as fresh or dried fruit. All this is bringing the benefits of an organic product to many people and even to places where the acai palm tree doesn't grow.

The purpose of the acai berry doesn't end in its weight loss effects. Studies about the fruit revealed that I is also good for human's cardiovascular, immune and digestive systems. Many claims that it can provide increased in energy, healthier and young looking skin and improved sleep. There are also many vitamins and minerals in this product that is good for our health.

Detoxification is also one of the magnificent effects of the acai berries. When one regularly takes the the berries, the stomach wall is cleansed because of its high fiber contents. The body could more properly absorb nutrients when the toxins out of our system.

There are also some Omega-9 and Omega-6 that are present in the acai berries. These nutrients are known to lower the blood cholesterol in the body. And of course, the anti-oxidants that are found in the fruit is very beneficial for our heart.

With the countless benefits that acai berries provide to our health, many people deemed it as the SUPER FOOD. Many health professionals are not endorsing this product not only for weight loss but also for overall health. In fact, many TV shows and magazines featured the acai berries.

Acai berries are still available in its natural form. It can be consumed on its own or be a part of a recipe in a healthy meal. While other products are often chemical based, acai berry is highly organic and even some of its forms only include very few chemical additives for longer shelf life. So if you are looking for a product you can use for weight management, you should consider the acai berry.

Just remember that anyone with pre-existing conditions, pregnant or have any health concerns must consult with their physicians first before taking the product. It is currently sold everywhere in the world in health stores or you can also order it through the Internet. - 17269

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The Acai Berry Diet, Fat Loss And The Essentials And Fallacies

By Kathy O James

One of the most recent trends to come along in the wellbeing and fitness world lately is the acai berry. You can find information about this little berry on everything from blogs and websites to TV talk shows. There are claims that it is positive for everything from weight loss to anti-aging and colon cleansing.

So what is the truth? Well the truth is that the acai berry is one of the most nutritious foods ever found in nature. It boasts the utmost ORAC, or Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity of any singular food. It has up to 10 times the antioxidant capacity of red grapes and even twice as much as another superior nutritious berry, blueberries.

However, not all of the claims have been established true in scientific studies. There are no scientific studies on humans that provide confirmation that the acai berry contributes to weight loss. There have been studies that showed that a key antioxidant called anthocyanins did contribute to healthy weight loss in laboratory mice. The acai berry is particularly high in anthocyanins.

The acai berry is loaded in a full range of amino acids, essential fatty acids, antioxidants and fiber. All of these nutrients can play a role to healthful weight loss. The acai berry can add excellent nutrition to our bodies and many times our bodies will release toxins and surplus fat when they receive high nutrition. There is nothing contained in the acai berry that would contribute to a colon cleansing but the elevated nutrition can help our bodies to naturally eradicate unwarranted waste products.

Acai berries may be valuable in helping you to jumpstart your fat loss in several ways. The advanced nutrition can give you an energy boost that can help you to be more energetic. As your dietary needs are met you may experience fewer cravings and mood swings. It may be easier to stick to a good for you diet and exercise every day.

The superior nutrition from these berries can help you to get improved sleep,which is favorable in weight loss. It can also be an help to digestion, which can help your body to release waste and toxins more capably, which can help in weight loss.

Even without certain scientific substantiation there are many people who have had enormous achievement with weight loss by adding acai berry and acai berry products to their diet plan. The first-rate dietary significance of these berries can be useful to your body and may very well lead to loss of weight and body fat. Your body will profit from the nourishment whether you truly lose pounds or not.

Many people have had great accomplishment with the acai berry diet apart from the lack of actual scientific substantiation. The high nourishment value is helpful to your body whether you actually lose fat or not. - 17269

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The Importance of the Acai Berry Supplement

By Dennis Snyder

There is no doubt the acai berry supplement is one of the most important supplements available to us today. I have research this little grape like berry for the last year and a half and have found it to be very beneficial in a lot of areas.

I wont go into a lot of detail in this article, you can find more at my blog listed below, but suffice it to say the acai berry supplement is loaded with some fantastic stuff. Here is just a brief list of what it can do for us.

Acai berry has been known to help us to burn calories faster. That is right our metabolism is speeded up when we consume the berry fruit. When our metabolism is faster then the fat is burned off faster. This does not mean we can just sit around we will still need to exercise as well.

The blueberry has one of the highest concentrates of antioxidants of any other fruit out there. That is except for the acai berry supplement which is just flat out loaded with them. These antioxidants help to rid our bodies of unwanted free radicals.

Omega-6 and Omega-3 are a couple of very important fatty acids that our human system needs. Unfortunately our bodies do not naturally produce them therefore we must find them elsewhere. The acai berry supplement is fully equipped to give them to us which will help us in the battle against high cholesterol. and even help out blood to circulate better.

There are certainly many more important benefits of the acai berry supplement but without a doubt just these few are impressive. Of course non of these benefits have been scientifically proven but that is pretty much the same for all supplements and nutrients we but over hte counter.

I have personally been taking an acai berry supplement for the last year and a half. I have felt and seen many of the benefits that have been attributed to the berry. I started to research acai a few months before that and I have been impressed with the quality and health benefits that I have received from it.

My wife just started taking the same acai berry supplement that I have been taking and we will see how it works for her. She has been having some digestive problems and hair loss issues so we will pray that the acai will help her with these issues. One of the things I researched with the supplement was how it would help the digestive system. - 17269

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Tips for Building Strong Bones

By Dr. Jason Fowler

Strong bones are important for all of us and not only for the aging baby boomers about whom we're hearing so much lately. And, "strong bones" are much more than a marketing ploy cooked-up by the dairy industry and pharmaceutical companies.

Bones are incredibly dynamic, constantly reshaping themselves in response to physical forces. Bones provide structure for our bodies. They carry our weight around as we move from place to place. Long bones such as the thigh bone act as factories to produce blood cells. So, bones are an important part of our overall health and well-being.

Lots can go wrong when your bones aren't strong. If you suddenly fall onto an outstretched arm, you'll probably be OK if your bones are healthy. If not, you'll probably be in a cast for four weeks to help repair a wrist or forearm fracture.

When an older person falls, hip fractures are the main concern. A fit, healthy person can usually walk away. With weakened bones, hip fractures can result in many other problems, both immediately and long-term.

Bones lose their strength due to a calcium imbalance and/or not enough physical exercise. For most of us, these factors can be corrected. The best approach, of course, is to be proactive and ensure enough calcium in the diet and regular exercise.

So how much calcium and how much exercise? Recommended daily calcium requirements1 vary, and 1000 mg per day is a good ballpark amount. Dairy products are the best natural source of calcium, and dark leafy greens such as spinach and broccoli, as well as dried beans, are also good sources. Vitamin/mineral supplements typically provide 25-50% of the daily calcium requirement.

Regarding exercise, both the American Heart Association and the American College of Sports Medicine recommend 30 minutes of exercise, five days a week. This takes some effort and planning, particularly if regular exercise is a new addition to one's routine. By making the effort and spending the time, we're saying "yes" to health and wellness, empowering ourselves as well as our family and friends.

Importantly, regular exercise in combination with sufficient dietary calcium is the key. Taking calcium alone will not be effective in maintaining strong bones. Unless long bones are undergoing consistent mechanical stresses, as with exercise, there is no need for them to use the calcium that's available. Exercise plus calcium makes the difference!

Core strengthening is a hot topic in the world of fitness - Pilates training and its offshoots. But the principles of core strengthening have been around for many decades - dancers, gymnasts, boxers, and wrestlers have been doing these things all along. Only the term "core fitness" is new.

Core fitness turns out to be critically important for all of us. By adding a handful of core exercises - 10 minutes at most - to your regular routine, you will profoundly improve the mechanics of your lower back, hips, and pelvis. And, these remarkable exercises improve the efficiency of your heart and lungs. A very big "bang" for your exercise "buck"!

Your chiropractor will be able to provide expert advice and guidance on these nutritional- and exericise-related topics. 1Daly RM, et al. Long-term effects of calcium-vitamin-D3 fortified milk on bone geometry and strength in older men. Bone 39(4):946-953, 2006. Haskell WL, et al. Physical Activity and Public Health. Updated Recommendations for Adults from the American College of Sports Medicine and the American Heart Association. American Heart Association, 2007. 3Akuthota V, Nadler SF. Core strengthening. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 85(3 Suppl 1):S86-92, 2004. - 17269

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4 Weight Loss Myths Unveiled By Washington, DC Weight Loss Expert

By Josef Brandenburg

There is always going to be a supply of people that claim to hold the key that all of us need in order to lose a huge amount of weight. That seems about right since there is always going to be a supply of people that need an answer to their weight gain problems. Why there are so many Washington, DC weight loss services around is no mystery. A dependable trainer who will help them lose the weight is highly sought after by everyone. Whether you need weight loss advice in Washington, DC or need it anywhere else in the world, this will not change the fact that there are a lot of myths going about regarding how to lose weight. These myths have grown into conventional wisdom. That is why it is important to set the record straight regarding these myths and restore proper focus on weight loss goals.

Myth 1: One of the most basic diets for decades that is a poor concept is the high carb, low fat diet. It is a diet based mostly on limiting calories and it is overflowing with problems. That is to say, if the carbs you take in are not burnt up, they will turn to fat fast! That is why it is important to decrease carb intake when you want to lose weight.

Myth 2: Counting calories is the best way to drop weight. While it is important not to eat too much, far too great an emphasis is placed on counting calories. This is both an impractical method since the ability to count calories accurately is next to impossible and it also does not take into consideration the composition of calories. Really, is eating lean protein bad?

Myth 3: You will eventually lose a huge amount of weight in a years time, if you reduce a small amount of calories from your daily diet. For instance, you will lose 20lbs a year, if you cut out 200 calories from your diet per day. As a matter of fact, if this was true then no one would need the help of the Washington, DC weight loss services and they would go out of business. The truth of the matter is you have to watch what you eat. 200 calories of fat will not cause as much harm as 200 calories of carbs. Therefore it is far more important for you to consider the composition of your calories rather than the amount of calories.

Myth 4: A character defect is a reason why people are overweight. This is a very vicious myth. A Washington, DC weight loss specialist will respond with many reasons why people are overweight if you ask him, having worked with large groups of clients with weight issues. Most of the time, it is plainly because of a lack of basic understanding of how a weight loss program works. People being weak willed or undisciplined has nothing to do with it.

Hence it is imperative to seek the services of weight training professionals with an advanced understanding of exercise and nutrition. They will unmask the truth about the deceptive myths that you have heard and will help you lose weight the right way. - 17269

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15 Quick Weight Loss Tips to Get the Body You've Always Wanted

By Thong M. Dao

Wish to slim down quickly? It is simple to say bye to uninvited pounds with these easy dieting tips. Just keep an eye on what you consume and make certain to eat fine tasting, refreshing and wholesome foods including snacks, go crazy on veggies and keep your tastebuds pleased with fruit.

Your diet does not have to be a sacrifice. With these simple tips, you will give your fitness program a boost. You can use this flexible plan right now, for as long as you need.

1. Observe your foods and drinks. It's not actually essential to count calories. Simply observe what you consume and how much. It is apparent that if you know what you have, you will go a long way to installing a sound dieting program.

2. Cut back on fats, particularly bad ones. Do not use as much butter on your potatoes or toast, or mayo on your salad or frying oil.

3. Don't consume sugary treats more than 3 times a week: ice cream, chocolate, cake, that kind of things.

4. Eat a low-fat protein source at every meal: fish, chicken, beans, etc. You can have egg yolks every now and then.

5. Plan your meals with veggies, fruits and whole grains to increase fibre intake and decrease fat.

6. Cut the fat content in your dairy products. If you're presently having whole milk, cut down to 2% fat, then 1%. Select low fat yogurt and cheese. Whenever you purchase yoghurt, also check that it doesn't have sugar.

7. Target at two fruit portions every day at a minimum. Snack or dessert, your choice.

8. Substitute sodas and alcoholic beverage with water. Diet soda does you no good because its sweet taste makes you hunger for sugar. Try hot lemonade in the morning.

9. Eat vegetables at lunch and dinner. They'll make you full faster.

10. Chew slow. It does take time for the body to recognize if you have had enough. When you eat too quickly, you will incline to gorge.

11. Grated carrot can be an excellent snack. You'll feel that a grated carrot is much fulfilling than a whole one. Unusual but true.

12. Utilize whole grains where you can. The fibre can provide you a fuller sensation and also aid your digestion.

13. Choose chewable food. Whenever you chew, you will feel more fulfilled. Prefer fresh fruits rather than juice, and make your soup chunky.

14. Design your dieting beforehand. Compose a list prior to shopping and adhere to it. When you shop emotionally, chances are you will pick some junk food.

15. Do not watch television within meals, and snacks, as well. It is thought that we will consume more in front of television, reason being that we might become less conscious of what's passing our mouth. Savor your meals, and nothing else.

- 17269

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The Role Nursing Will Play in Health Care in the Future

By Sophie Peters

What is the future of nursing careers? Predictions are that in 10 or 20 years, it will look nothing like it does today! With new technologies and drugs, changes in insurance and health care policies, and the shortage in nurses, the profession will have to reinvest itself. Many nursing functions will be automated. For example, documentation and updating patient records, smart beds to monitor vital signs, bar codes, and automatic medicine carts could reduce the time and errors in dispensing medications, and voice-activated technology would eliminate the need to constantly write things down. Other nursing task such as serving meals will be taken over by aides. This would give nurses more time to provide a human touch to their patients.

Due to nursing shortages, hospitals and other healthcare institutions have to use their staff more judiciously. Nurses will be tasked with spending more time at the bedside to serve as educators and care coordinators. This will refocus their role with their patients. As the lengths of hospital stays getting shorter due to medical costs, nurses must make most use of the time they spend with patients. Nurses will also work in more administrative roles and supervising positions. Given that, they will need to know how to access and retrieve knowledge and information in order to share it with their patients and their families.

The changes in technology will possibly attract more men and minorities into the profession. Greater emphasis must be placed on supporting teaching careers and recruiting educators from diverse cultural backgrounds to relieve the serious shortage of nursing school faculty. Therefore, more loans and scholarships for master's and PhDs would also have to be in place, and the colleges would have to pay the instructors more money.

If the nursing shortage continues, hospitals may have to be reserved only for the very sickest. That means that the number of outpatient care will increase, as will the need for home health care nurses. They will also serve more prominent roles in clinics, consulting firms, insurance companies, and software and technology companies. Nurses in the future would probably do much more population-based or community health care. They will identify risks and establish priorities for specific populations and groups. They will provide community education and work with employers and insurance payers to develop programs that save money as well as promote health.

Nurse practitioners have a foreseeable bright future in geriatrics and gerontology. As the baby boom generation gets closer to retirement age, nurses will find themselves in new roles. For those medical professionals who are not ready to retire, they may find themselves in consulting roles for as example health care providers in retirement homes, because they themselves would have a good understanding of the needs of this generation

As technology and research progresses, nurses would focus more on preventing the illnesses rather than treatment. Also, drugs designed for healthcare that targets diseases before they start, and identifying risks for those diseases will enhance preventive care. This means that people are going to have to learn to take care of themselves more. The nursing shortage and rising health care costs will also put pressure on the health care system to change from an illness model to a wellness and prevention model.

Despite what the future holds for the medical profession, nurses and other healthcare workers need to prepare for changing trends and for their evolving roles. In addition to remaining lifelong learners, they will be part of the transformative future of healthcare and medical care. But as you can already guess, this is far easier when one is passionate about their career. - 17269

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