Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

How To Build Muscles..

By Jai Mainer

How can I build muscles?

Building muscles is easy when you have a system. There are three rules on how you to build muscles recovery, nutrition, & intensity. These rules are not in any order but all are very important until its time for that particular topic. Let me explain when it's time to go workout that has to be the main focus of the day and the same goes when its time for nutrition and of course recovery

After reading my article on how to build muscles you'll completely understand what I mean.


Okay if your one of those people who network at the gym then you need to step up your intensity. You want the most success for the time put in so stop yapping and start curling. No pain no gain and I mean that literally so go past the burn on every set. Your goal in the gym is too create muscle soreness for the next couple of days on the body part worked.


Okay you hit the gym hard your gonna sore for the next couple days. Nutrition is now the most important thing in your life at this point. Drinking A protein shake right after your works well to speed up the recovery process and but it is ideally to slow down the protein breakdown. But it doesn't stop there every three hours you need protein so prepare ahead so you hit your deadline exactly. You never want to go more than three hours without any nutrition or eating that's very very important.


Ok your done with your day you worked out hard for an hour, you took your nutrition serious, now the final and very important part to this 3 headed attack on how to build muscles r. Recovery... people listen up you don't build any muscle in the gym not one little fiber or strand. You build during your rest period when you go to sleep. Now those who cut corners on sleep are cutting your progress back at least by 30%. Just think about it if you work a regular job and workout you need sleep to repair if you don't you won't grow.

Look people I've been working out for 22 years and I know a thing or two on how to build muscles. Remember its easy intensity, nutrition, recovery that's how you build muscles. - 17269

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Health Advantages Of A Vegetarian Diet

By Wayne Truter

Although most vegetarians consume a considerable amount of protein, they often do not absorb as much as they would on a nonvegetarian diet. This is because plant proteins are considerably less digestible than animal proteins, which contain amino acid chains that are closer or identical to human amino acid chains.

This reverence for all living things drives some vegans to what nonvegetarians might consider extremes. Some live greatly restricted lives, but for a noble cause: to prevent suffering and death wherever possible.

The second major advantage vegetarians enjoy is increased skin health. In addition to consuming larger quantities of nuts (which contain healthful oils), vegetarians tend to consume more fruit and vegetables, which are rich in essential vitamins, including A and E, which are linked to good skin health.

Vegetarians must also consume more foods that contain proteins because plant proteins are generally harder to digest. While a nutritional label may suggest that pasta has 5 grams of protein per serving; you may only be able to digest 2-3 grams of that protein, which means you must complement the pasta with other sources of protein.

These vegans often cite how scientists have bred sheep over the years to generate unnatural amounts of wool for human needs. This breeding has resulted in the Merino sheep of today, which often has enough wool to equal its body weight.

As a result of this counter-evolutionary trait, the Merino sheep that exists today often has far more wool than it needs, which is evidenced by the high amount of sheep that die of heat exhaustion. In addition to overheating in hot temperatures, many sheep end up freezing to death after they are sheared.

The wool shearing process can also cause quite a bit of suffering for the sheep. Almost a quarter of all wool sheared from sheep is "skin wool," which is so close to the sheep's skin that it is actually must be torn off.

For non-vegan vegetarians, yogurt, milk, and eggs (which contain complete proteins) are all excellent sources of protein.

It means the popular mythology about vegetarian diets is false. Not only can a vegetarian diet be nutritionally sufficient, but it can also affect better skin health, prevent cancer, and increase your heart health. - 17269

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How Does the Michael Thurmond Weight Loss Plan Work?

By Peter W.L. Owen

You've probably heard of the Michael Thurmond weight loss program. When you're in desperate need of losing weight, it's always a good idea to see what's out there before jumping into the next big weight loss theory. Michael Thurmond is the weight loss guru who claims that you can lose 30 pounds in 6 weeks. Let's take a moment to see what the Michael Thurmond weight loss program is exactly all about.

The Metabolism Theory

You might know it better as the 6 week makeover plan by Michael Thurmond. According to his theory, we all have unique metabolisms which cause our bodies to react differently to certain foods. The first step of his plan focuses on determining what your kind of metabolism is and how it reacts to food. You accomplish this by answering a set of questions that relates to your body. This will point out that you should stick with certain types of food and stay away from other. An example might be peanuts. Peanuts might cause your body to burn fat while others will store it as fat.

The Body Sculpting Theory

The Michael Thurmond diet plan explains that you need to focus on your problem areas when you exercise. When you start his program, you need to determine which parts of your body you're most unsatisfied with. After you pointed out the problem areas of your body, you receive a set of exercises that targets those areas. So many fitness junkies believe that it's not the ideal way of exercising when you only focus on one part of the body. Is it not common practice that the body needs a complete workout before your problem areas will improve?

The Eat More Theory

A big thumbs up for Michael Thurmond's diet plan is that he doesn't want you to lose weight by starving yourself. There are plenty of diet plans out there that forces you to stop eating or do drink cabbage soup all day long. You do lose weight with those programs but only till your body has adapted. Michael Thurmond believes in small portions of food regularly. It is a good principle to base any diet. You teach your metabolism to slow down when you only eat once of twice per day.

Is it Recommended or Not?

Keeping away from certain foods that don't go with your metabolism and eating at regular intervals each day does sound promising. I like the way the Michael Thurmond weight loss plan takes time to analyze your body type and provide you with a customized eating and exercise plan. I don't agree with spending only a few minutes in the gym. I believe that you need to focus on every part of your body even if you're happy with certain areas. Otherwise I have no problems with it. You do however need to discipline yourself when you decide to take on Michael Thurmond's 6 week makeover plan. - 17269

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Chiropractic and Arthritis

By Dr. Jason Fowler

We've all seen the TV ads " nice-looking woman in her fifties, sitting on a nice sofa in a nice living room, rubbing her hands, in obvious pain. Of course, she's not Lady Macbeth, trying to rub off the imagined blood of her murdered husband. She's a woman with arthritis.

According to the Center for Disease Control, arthritis is the leading cause of disability in the United States.1 Approximately 47 million people have doctor-diagnosed arthritis and 17 million have arthritis-attributable activity limitations.

Osteoarthritis, the most common form, is a degenerative condition affecting the joints and the soft tissues around the joints " the associated cartilage, ligaments, and tendons. The most commonly affected areas are the spine, the hands, and the shoulders, hips, and knees. The pain of arthritis, the reduced mobility, and the lifestyle accommodations needed for pain avoidance are discouraging and may even lead to depression.

Many anti-inflammatory drugs are available for the treatment of arthritis, and in recent years many of these have been found to cause severe side effects. Vioxx is the most notorious of these " cardiovascular complications caused a worldwide recall of the drug. Celebrex, another well-known arthritis medication, was also found to increase the risk of heart attack and stroke at high doses.

The good news is there are several wellness-based treatment alternatives to long-term medication. These include exercise, diet, and in many cases, chiropractic treatment.

Exercise is critical in restoring mobility and, over time, in reducing pain.2,3 Persons with osteoarthritis often experience a vicious cycle of deteriorating symptoms. Pain causes reduced mobility (pain avoidance), which (paradoxically) actually causes more pain, which causes further reductions of mobility . . . . Activities of daily living " getting out of a chair, opening a jar, bending and lifting " become a real challenge as the person struggles to avoid further pain.

So, restoring mobility is key. Exercise " very gently at first " is the answer. Range-of-motion activities to get the joints moving again are very beneficial, including Arm circles Wrist circles Shoulder shrugs Side-to-side bending for the lower back Gentle knee bends Ankle circles Flexing and pointing the feet

Walking is a perfect exercise for treatment of arthritis. Begin by walking one block, then two, then around the block. Walk five minutes daily for a week, then increase by a minute or two each day. Get up to 15 minutes of gentle walking, then begin to gradually increase your pace. The increased mobility will not only reduce pain, but also provide a cardiovascular benefit and improve one's ability to perform activities of daily living.

Chiropractic treatment, in combination with an exercise program, may assist in restoring joint mobility and reducing pain. Gentle chiropractic manipulative therapy is designed to improve mobility of spinal joints. As spinal joint motion improves, pain lessens. A positive cycle of return-to-function begins.

"Prevalence of Doctor-Diagnosed Arthritis and Arthritis-Attributable Activity Limitation." CDC Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 55(40);1089-1092, 2006. 2Huang MH, et al: A comparison of various therapeutic exercises on the functional status of patients with knee osteoarthritis. Semin Arthritis Rheum 32(6):398-406, 2003. 3Suomi R, Collier, D: Effects of arthritis exercise programs on functional fitness and perceived activities of daily living measures in older adults with arthritis. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 84(11):1589-94, 2003. - 17269

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Best Tips For Losing Weight Naturally

By Jim Evans

Healthy diets and exercises is the best way to lose weight naturally. Some supplements if taken the right dosage will be very complimentary to your body physique and diet. For any body builders that don't take caffeine or stimulates, it is good to take non-stimulate fat burning supplements. Food suppressants helps with your bodies eating habits.

Drinking at least a gallon of water a day is very beneficial to your weight loss and health. By consuming water throughout the day you are allowing your kidneys to its job and turn fat cells into energy. By decreasing your water supply, the liver will be forced to work overtime for your kidneys and your weight loss will decrease.

Eating 5-6 meals a day is the best way to start your body building diet. Smaller amounts mean more speeding up your metabolism and burn more fat cells. Try eating the foods that are high in protein and carbohydrates. Especially protein, it helps rebuild the muscles quickly and the carbohydrates will give you the energy to do it. Now, here are some foods to hunt for that are good in protein: Fish, Red Meat, beans, dairy products, poultry, and egg whites. If you're that serious, you might even want to learn about healthy raw food.

The one thing that always gets to all of us is stress. Stress is one of the top concerns for weight loss. By eliminating stress, you will be able to focus and eat right. Overeating is very common among every individual and can be seen everywhere but these people just don't realize it. Stress will cause the digestive system to shut down and store extra fat which is not good for your health.

Older people tend to walk more. Younger people if able to should jog. Jogging will help the diaphragm and lungs expand to breathe easily. Also, learn how to control the breathing. Do this exercise for a good while before achieving big results but it's way worth it. - 17269

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Celiac Disease And Its Relation To Food Allergies

By Chris Channing

There are many types of food allergies, and celiac disease stands to be one of them. Celiac disease does not allow a consumer to eat anything containing gluten. If they do, they could seriously damage their digestive system. With training and education, coping with celiac disease isn't at all difficult.

Celiac disease does have some warning signs before it comes into full effect. Children will most likely develop digestive problems, while adults may face a variety of symptoms involving fatigue, aches, and sometimes even sores in the mouth. It's very possible for a victim to not have symptoms until malnourishment sets in, in which time you must see a doctor as the disease has progressed.

There is no definite cure for celiac disease at this current time. However, one can avoid all side effects of the disease and live a normal life by simply avoiding gluten in his or her diet. Gluten is found in grain-based products, and is clearly labeled on foods found in the United States. In some instances other products such as lip stick can contain gluten.

Gluten in any amount, if digested, will cause serious harm. As a result, you must throw away anything in your current food bank that has even a tiny bit of gluten. When you go shopping, always look for labels that say "gluten free" so you can quickly conduct your grocery shopping. Last but not least, check ahead with any restaurant you visit to verify that their dishes you enjoy do not contain gluten based products.

Unfortunately, any products that contain rye, wheat, or barley will not be available to you as they contain gluten. Gluten is prevalent in most baked goods, in fact, so you should be particularly careful when visiting the bakery. Cereal and breakfast items are also commonly laden with gluten. There are always alternatives of which are gluten free a special stores, and you can also create your own foods from substitutes. Anything you want to make is a question of what ingredients you have, not a matter of if you can do it.

You are able to pass on celiac disease to your offspring. In addition, your immediate family may have the disease as well and not know about. Anyone close to you should be tested for a link to the disease, since it is considered hereditary. Tests can involve blood work, and even a biopsy, but the alarm is worth it. Even if no symptoms present, relatives can still have the disease without knowing about it.

Closing Comments

Food allergies are seldom easy to work with. Celiac disease is one of the easiest, once you are accustomed to it, since there are plentiful substitutes that replace ingredients you can't consume. Look for a gluten-free cookbook for some ideas on recipes for the whole family. - 17269

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