Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Monday, September 21, 2009

Beverages and their Preservatives

By Anker Arkady

Most beverages that we see on the shelves are full of preservatives, additives and fillers and ingredients that your neighborhood bookworm cant even read. Do you know of anyone who likes drinking preservatives? Well maybe not. But what about you, are you consuming massive amounts? These drinks contain preservatives to extend their shelf life, processed by way of hot-fill and pasteurized to kill bacteria. But the nutrients get annihilated too. What are left to drink are preservatives.

There ought to be a better way to manufacture beverages. Conventional beverages are pasteurized to extend shelf life. Then preservatives are added to well preserve it. Do these preservatives aid us in the betterment of our health? I do hope that the beverage manufacturers took into consideration the health of its consumers. This discussion is getting more interesting, isnt it?

Though pasteurization has its positive effects, there are also negative effects. And a stand out would be the elimination of healthy active ingredients. With these nutrient components damaged, preservatives being added, just what is left for you to drink? Thats easy: a bottled beverage containing preservatives and colored liquid. With all the development in science and technology, someone ought to figure out a better way.

Have you ever seen a product and something tells you that theres more to it? This is the very thing that happened to me when I first encountered Yoli Blast Caps. They were able to do away with the hot-fill process and preservatives. And their solution was really simple that I had to ask myself why didnt think about it before.

How did they do away with the need of pasteurization and preservatives? The ingredients and the liquid are separate from each other. This means that Yoli Blast Caps keep their ingredients in its purest form as well as its liquid. The ingredients are stored in the cap and are kept dry up until you blast them and infuse the liquid, shake it a bit and its ready to drink.

What you get is a pure health drink. No unwanted preservatives whatsoever and all the nutrients that you need and pay for. Another thing about Yoli Blast Caps is that it is perfectly healthy for the kids to drink too. Blasting the ingredients into the liquid is actually cool. Well, I have to admit that I actually enjoy blasting it as I find it amusing.

Im always on the lookout for beverages that offer maximum nutrients and absorption. Yoli Blast Caps is truly a welcome addition as I have not seen anything like it in the market as of today. The solution and innovation presented by Yoli Blast Caps to traditional way that beverages are made makes it truly unique.

The technology and innovation that Yoli Blast Caps has brought to the table definitely raises some stiff competition with other beverages. If other beverages cannot offer the same benefits that Yoli Blast Caps has, then it is not worth my money. We love our Health Drinks and Yoli has succeeded in offering us a brand new way to having our beverages. - 17269

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Is The Acai Berry Still So Popular

By Casey Wigwire

The fitness boom of the 80's left Americans in somewhat better shape but often misinformed and over-working themselves and under nourished. It also led to the fad of diet pills, powders and the roller-coaster diet. The fitness fad didn't really go away going into the 90's, but the ill effects of these diet pills, crash diets and unhealthy eating plans left, for lack of a better term, a bad taste in everyone's mouth. As the new century broke, so did our outlook in fitness, exercise, diets and foods, along with how they relate to our bodies.

Organic became a hot topic, free of insect killing sprays thought to bring harm to food. Local farmers markets see spikes in the volume of people buying from them and as a result, people started to eat healthier. The trend to move away from processed foods, thought to be time-savers and quick fixes in the 80's, like microwave dinners, has progressed to more natural foods. In the same mentality, the acai berry, derived from the acai palm, has also become a key player in managing weight and keeping steadfast during a diet.

It increases the energy level of our body, increases the metabolism rate in our body and even overall health becomes so good by consuming it. It is really a miracle fruit of nature. If you wish to get more knowledge on Acai berry, then you can visit the website. This fruit has a big amount of fiber hence it is good for the digestive system of our body. It cleans the harmful toxins, bacteria from our body.

As we know a high fiber diet is very important when a person is watching his weight. Fibers are known to give a feeling of fullness and hence a person feels less hungry. As these berries are highly fibrous they tend to curb the hunger pangs, thus keeping a check on unnecessary food intake.

One thing that must be remembered here is that acai berries are not "magic" berries. They would not transform a person overnight. Achieving weight loss targets can be made possible with sensible balance between exercise, diet and acai berries. These berries must be used as a supplement with the diet and not form the main diet. It is true that the acai berries contain certain qualities over and above all the other fruits found, but still nothing can replace a perfect mix of balanced diet and regular exercise to combat the problem of obesity. - 17269

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How To Tie Good Fishing Knots

By Ferdinand Emy

One of the key things that you'll need to know before you can effectively fish is how to tie good fishing knots. Fishing knots are employed to firm the lure to your line. If you don't have good fishing knots in place, your lure may come unraveled from the line while you are fishing, which can cause the loss of fish and lure. You will also require to use fishing knots to secure rigs to your line, specially in the case of rods using compound lures on one line.

There are fourteen common types of knots utilized in fishing, though numerous persons only utilize the common fishing know known as the trilene knot. This is the knot that ties lures to standard fishing line, and is the first taught to those learning how to fish. The trilene knot is constructed by putting the line via the eye of the lure, wrapping the end of the line around main line several times, then passing the line via the loop that is formed between the wraps around the line and the eye of the lure.

Of all of the fishing knots, this is one of the easiest to tie, and normally only takes an experienced fisherman a few 2nds to tie this sort of knot. Another benefit of using this knot over other fishing knots is that the knot upholds a great portion of the original line strength. A factor in this is the size of the eye of the lure, so make sure when choosing your lure, you select lures with eyes slightly larger than the knot size. This will give the greatest aggregate of strength in the knot.

Another common sort of fishing knot utilized is the uni-knot. This type of knot is very versatile, permitting it to be used in most cases. All the same, unlike the trilene knot, the uni-knot is not known to have the same strength. As strength in fishing knots are extremely required, the trilene knot is more predominantly utilised to counteract the knot from breaking.

Whenever you fish, you should pay close attention to your fishing knots. While a loose or inappropriately tied knot won't give out on smaller catches, the large trophy fish may cause indecorously tied fishing knots to let loose or break. It is also crucial to try to avoid tethering the same line more than once. If you have crimped line from having been tied, the strength of that section of line is compromised if you tie a 2nd knot with it. You are best off cutting that portion of the line away and starting with fresh line. - 17269

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Bodybuilding Supplement Safety Tips

By Eric W. Bricker

Physical fitness and strength provide us with an abundance of energy and a "bring it on" attitude towards life. With abundant health comes reduced stress and an increased ability to live life to the fullest. Bodybuilding remains one of the best methods for attaining this level of vitality.

Strength training and weight lifting routines combined with a high protein diet is the basis for attaining this type of strength and energy. But in recent years supplements have become a more popular addition with promises of easy gains.

This latter method of adding supplements does increase results if done properly and is therefore much faster than the traditional method.

One of the first and foremost sports supplements that helps grow muscles is protein. The main sources of protein can be found in milk, beans, fish, poultry and other dairy products. What's more, you can also go for fresh protein shakes that you can drink. Nevertheless, nothing comes close when compared to whey protein.

Whey protein is so effective that is has become a staple dietary supplement of the bodybuilding world. It's no wonder considering that as far as muscle building fuel goes, whey protein is by far the most efficient in providing the muscles with the necessary amino acids they need to build new tissues.

The average daily supplement of protein should never exceed one gram per pound of body weight. For example, a bodybuilder who weighs 180 pounds should not consume more than 180 grams of whey protein per day during their weight training routine.

This highly effective protein rich diet is not free from side effects. Avoid extremely high doses of protein whey powder as it can cause serious damage to your liver and reduce the overall metabolism rate, thereby negating all of the positive benefits.

The other type of supplement you must take is multivitamins in order to meet the increased nutrition requirements of your body. - 17269

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Making Dietary Changes

By Amelia Handley

Do you really love Diet Coke? Is Fat Free Mayo your ultimate favorite? Do you find yourself sitting with no desire to taste the pastry on your plate because you know the baker used butter rather than Non-fat butter substitute? If you've answered yes to the before-mentioned questions then let me assure you...you are in the minority!

Most of the general public really would prefer to indulge in the full calorie version of classic Coca Cola rather than the zero calorie versions that are now accessible. Cola has actually become one of the iconic symbols of the American lifestyle; like baseball and Apple Pie. Why is that? It's because most of us LIKE to eat Apple Pie and drink soda. It tastes good. And for a large portion of the public something that tastes good is enjoyable. The question then becomes...should we try to remove something from our lives that brings enjoyment?

But in the case of an overweight or obese individual sometimes the need arises to deprive yourself of the enjoyment that can be gained by old favorite foods. To lose the weight it's a necessity. With homeopathic HCG an overweight or obese person can easily accomplish this seemingly impossible task.

The HCG drops are easy to administer (3 times daily) and the diet's rules are easy to understand. You're allowed 500 calories per day. You're limited to a select group of food items so there's no confusion as to what is allowed and what isn't. There are no easy justifications that will leave the dieter despairing at the end of the day because they've absolutely destroyed all the progress they've made in the past week.

This particular natural weight loss method is particularly desirable because it enables dieters to stick to their diet. They actually follow rules. And by following the rules they benefit from the unique qualities of HCG that allow them to cut back on their caloric intake drastically without any major hunger pains or distracting cravings. (The HCG is a natural substance; its physiological function is to work with the hypothalamus to control the eating/drinking portion of the brain).

HCG dieters lose the weight. Most lose approximately one pound per day. After the weight loss program, dieters are asked to go through a maintenance phase during which their body is able to adjust to a higher amount of calories per day with additional foods added to the food list. The nature of the diet allows dieters who get "enjoyment" from their food to learn to make some changes to the basic foods that they depend on from day to day. And this makes it much easier for them to maintain a healthy lifestyle. - 17269

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Asthma and Physical Fitness

By Jesse Regan

For an asthmatic, physical fitness may be something that is next to impossible. Going to a gym for a workout session or even jogging in the park may just be recipe for an asthmatic attack to follow soon. Hence, he may have the notion that, no matter how he wishes that such were not the case, physical fitness is not for him. This leads to the fact that many asthmatics do have another problem besetting them, gaining weight uncontrollably. Unfortunately, being overweight has only given them more risks of asthma attacks instead.

When someone has asthma, his airways are constricted and this results in problems with his breathing. Symptoms of an asthma attack would include a wheezing sound in his breathing, especially when exhaling. It may also involve coughing, fatigue, and over-all emotional and physical discomfort. The trauma of an asthma attack is enough to dissuade him from physically demanding activities.

Consciously or not, many people have avoided work or leisurely activities that may cause asthma. Doctors, on the other hand, have pointed out that physical exertion is indeed one of the reasons that could trigger an asthma attack along with environmental factors such as air pollution. With less physical activities, many people with asthma have lost control also of their weight. Asthmatic kids spend more time watching TV or playing with computers instead of outdoor games. The net result is that more and more children with asthma are also suffering obesity.

However, medical studies have also concluded that lack of exercise can also trigger asthma. Being physically inactive, an asthmatic may just quickly suffer shortness of breath with just a few meters of jogging and brisk walking or several minutes of light exercises. With lungs that are not given the exercise it needs, any allergen, polluted air, and second-hand tobacco smoke can indeed be doubly riskier. Therefore, asthmatics also need an amount of physical exercises. Their ailment does not exempt them from physical fitness efforts.

In fact, asthmatics need to exercise in order to manage well under attacks. Since asthma has no known cure yet, the best way to face it is to prevent any instance that may trigger it. That includes having a fit body and a pair of lungs that would be able to withstand slight physical exertion and moderately cold and dry weather. Of course, the exercise routines for an asthmatic should not be as exhaustive as that of a non-asthmatic. The processes may be different and the reps may be less and gentler.

For an asthmatic, jogging outdoors when the weather is cold enough to trigger an attack is absolutely not allowed. Therefore, while he should exercise, it advised that he avoid doing it in an environment that may be harmful. Aside from exercises, he should also ensure that his food intake is healthy and non-fat. The lessened physical exercise allowed to him must be complemented with a diet that would not deliver too much fat and sugar into his body.

These are only samples of the best tips about weight loss that you can get online. - 17269

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How Crucial Are Detox Patches?

By Ferdinand Emy

Have you felt tired lately without a good reason? Or maybe you do not feel like working or engaging in an activity that you usually like. Yet you do not have any symptom of a disease, like a rash, or fever. In that case, your body is probably full of toxins that keep you from executing|attaining|accomplishing|acting|acting out at full. I advise you try detox patches as a solution.

I do not do drugs or smoke, why do I have toxins?

Modern life isn't a natural one. We do not get as much sun or do as much exercise as we should, which would do away with toxins naturally. We eat food that our bodies cannot procedure, since we tend to live sedentary dwells and Hence theres no require for our metabolism to burn that extra fat.

Additionally, there are chemicals like additives and colorants in our food and drink. And of course, cars and buses emit air pollution particles that we breathe regular basis.

Isn't exercise a better alternative|choice than detox patches?

The optimal solution of course would be to go to the gym daily and work out an hour or 2 so as to sweat off all the toxins in your body. But lets face it, life isnt as simple. With work, families, and traffic to deal with, we barely have time for dinner (and a precooked one at that). Even if we manage somehow to have a good number of free time, we want to rest, or better yet, spend some quality time with our partner's or children.

Why should I try detox patches?

Detox patches have many advantages over other products. Perhaps the most essential one is that detox patches work while you sleep. You attach them to your feet and leave them on all night. Detox patches take advantage of the natural perspiring system of your body, enhanced by their formula. The result is that they absorb the toxins of your body while you sleep, so when you wake up, you feel much good.

Are detox patches pricey?

It depends where you get them, a good number of places sell them at very high costs and some sell them quite cheap. There's in fact a difference in quality, so get the optimal deal you may. In fact, detox patches may be cheap enough that you may get them just to try them out. I recommend a minimum of two weeks, but you should see results before that time. In the worst of cases, you may Regularly stop utilising them, and no harm would have been done, as detox patches arent toxic. - 17269

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Low Glycemic Diets Help to Stabilize Your Mood and Boost Your Stamina

By Kathryn Barry

Low Glycemic Diets usually contain a decent amount of animal foods and not so much fruits or grains.

Why Watch Your Carbohydrate Intake?

Glucose is a simple sugar that your body and especially your brain uses for energy. Mainly to be found in foods that contain carbohydrates or sugar.

Your brain relies on glucose for functions like learning and your muscles rely on glucose as its fuel to get you around.

Even though carbohydrates are an important fuel for your brain, a little goes a long way. Indulging in too much glucose will actually have the opposite effect and become a bad thing for your brain and body.

I Tried Two Low Glycemic Diets

The Atkin's Diet restricts carbs and this forces your body to burn its stored fat reserves for energy. Your body tends to utilize carbohydrates over fat in the creation of energy and this is why this diet limits the amount of carbs you ingest.

Glucose from carbohydrates is first in line and will be metabolized before fat. This will create fat storage instead of fat burning when too many carbohydrates are consumed.

This diet gave me the endurance to work 6 days a week while being a single mother and taking care of everyday chores like cooking.

I didn't need to sleep for more than 6 hours and I got a lot of work done during my experience with this diet.

The addition of good natural quality supplements helped boost this diet and helped to give my body the nutrition required to stay in good health.

This is My Favorite Between the Two Low Glycemic Diets

Most of the foods found on the Atkin's Diet will also be found on the Primal Diet. There are a few important differences between these two diets.

This is a raw food diet and there is No Carb Counting involved. Grains and Legumes are not really allowed and supplements are not recommended for this diet. If you must drink water, Mineral Water is the recommended choice.

Raw animal products such as raw dairy and raw meats make up most of this diet. Drinking your vegetables is recommended over chewing them and raw coconut cream is one of the fats used.

The one thing I miss the most from this diet is raw milk. It really helped myself and my child. My daughter had no dental cavities until I could not find a convenient supply of raw milk and had to stop.

My endurance was greatly affected by the consumption of raw eggs and raw meat. It is actually very filling and satisfying food.

My experience from this diet brought me to a place that I had never been in my long history of diets. It was a very different type of energy and calmness that I experienced. Although I did this diet for approximately 3 years I never went 100% raw, I still was able to achieve quite a different level of health. - 17269

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Thin Arms And Night Eating Syndrome

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

If you have NES, thin arms will forever elude you.

And what exactly is NES? Also known as night eating syndrome, NES is a condition where you have extremely small quantities of food during the day and have extremely LARGE quantities of food at night. It also messes up your levels of arm-thinning hormones.

But how do you know whether or not you have night eating syndrome to begin with? Well, do you have any of the following symptoms:

1. No breakfast and no lunch. If you skip breakfast and/or lunch, then you probably have night eating syndrome. Why? Because you're going to compensate for the lack of calories by gorging at night.

2. Reduced mental function. A poor mood with little ability to concentrate can be indicative of poor early day nutrition. When you restrict calories during the earlier parts of the day, mental functioning and mood will be greatly reduced.

3. Multiple awakenings at night followed by trips to the refrigerator. Disturbed sleep and excessive food intake at night are primary characteristics of night eating syndrome victims. The interrupted sleep and caloric load really put the nails in your thin arm coffin.

4. Have an abnormally high carbohydrate intake at night. Most women with NES have very low levels of serotonin, the feel good hormone. They compensate for this by loading up on carbohydrates right before bed and during their awakenings.

5. Have feelings of stress at night when you're eating. Stress hormones, anxiety, and depression are all characteristics of women with NES. If you are anxious or sad when eating at night, you could be compensating for emotional wounds.

6. A family history of NES. Unfortunately, NES runs in families. So if you know family members with NES, your chances of having it are that much greater.

Unfortunately, it's virtually impossible to get thin and slim arms if you are suffering from night eating syndrome. Why? Because your body will most likely store all that late night food as arm fat. It's just the way the female metabolism works. So if you have night eating syndrome please seek professional help to overcome it! Only then will you reach sexy arm stardom. - 17269

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Clarity On The Truth Of the Acai Berry

By Josh Rainizer

One of the most recognized so called super foods is the acai berry. This berry has had tremendous claims and health benefits. Are all of them real and true?

The acai berry has potent antioxidants and can be found throughout the rain forest of Brazil. There are tons of products out there all using or claiming to use acai berry. Can any of these Companies truly prove what they actually have in it? Weve tested various acai products on the market with 3rd party labs none of them live up to the hype. In fact some of them the grape juice they use has more antioxidants then the acai berry. Why is that? The nutrients are dead from being pasteurized and preserved with chemicals.

This little berry has been touted as one of natures super foods. It has claimed to aid in weight loss. One supplement on the market has used a heavy set womans photo and cropped it to make her look thin. Theyve claimed that it was because of their product. You can find her photo on istockphoto and buy it yourself.

If you suffer from constantly feeling like you have no energy the acai berry may just do the trick to boost your energy. This natural food provides a wide spectrum of nutrients that will help in immunity as well.

One company who is selling an acai product has hundreds of thousands of customers which have resulted in millions in sales. Studies however show that when you juice something you must preserve it. So they put in a toxic chemical sodium benzoate to stabilize their concoction.

What happens to nutrients when they have been pasteurized? You probably guessed it, the heat kills the nutrients. Not to mention, when any nutrients sit in water or liquid they will parish in a short amount of time. How can you deliver these powerful ingredients to the public then on a massive scale?

Introducing the blast cap invented by inventor Mikel Anderson. The blast cap technology is sealed technology that can be placed on top of a bottle of water and the nutrients can be blasted into the bottle. The nutrients in the blast caps are much higher potent due to the delivery method.

Instead of paying $50 for a bottle of juice you can get more active ingredients at a fraction of the price. If you loved drinking your $50 juice just wait until you try the Yoli blast caps. The delivery system of the blast caps will change the way you think about functional beverages.

The blast cap technology is launching into the U.S. market October of 2009 and the only place you can get it is from Yoli. Funny enough, the product name they have chosen is called Truth. To expose the truth about juices and what is actually out there on the market compared to what you can get at one tenth of the cost. - 17269

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Enlarging Arms without Equipment for Men

By Jesse Regan

Men have been oftentimes measured through the size of their arms. It is said that women cannot help take notice of a mans arms that have muscles to boast, creating pleasant impressions of the latter as well. Muscular arms displayed by short-sleeved shirts are enough to attract gazes from women and generate the usual feminine fancies.

For one who has large and muscled arms, the mere sight of it will already bring out sighs of approval from many women. The sight of strong arms can make a woman swoon or fantasize about being literally swept off her feet. On the other hand, those who unfortunately have smaller or thinner upper limbs do not get the same reception. However, they can still do something about it. It would just require them a little effort and not a cent to spare.

Having a pair of muscular and strong arms is not solely a product of a natural genetic process. Men of lesser brawns can still have it if they just sweat out a little everyday. The key is to tone the muscles in that part of the body and doing routines that would prioritize that area. Going to the gym for workouts and using the equipment can be advantageous. Not only does it have the equipment, one can also get the expert assistance of a fitness trainer there. The routines should not just be of fitness training though. It should be of bodybuilding, growing muscles in the arms area as well as those of the other extremities.

If you think that enrolling in a gym would be expensive and that it would cost you much time as well, then take these suggestions. You do not even have to purchase gym equipments for home use, you already have the best portable instruments there is: your arms. This would cost you nothing but your discipline and perseverance. Of course, you may need a little research to avoid making mistakes. A lot of people suffered sprains and muscle aches for performing the routines wrongly.

The most common method of exercise meant to develop the muscles in the forearm and biceps area is the push-up. This definitely requires no equipment at all except for the floor. One has to make sure though that he performs it in a manner that really puts much of his weight on his arms. The number of reps he can do in the routine should progress every time he feels that he can increase it without straining himself.

Another routine he can do is the pull-up. With an upper door jamb or any horizontal bar that can support his weight and has enough height, he can do the exercise also in progressing reps. This is more tedious than push-ups because the full weight of the body is on the arms. However, this routine certainly develops effectively the biceps area.

This is just an example of what information about workout routine you can get online. - 17269

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A Massage Chair With Shiatsu Massage

By Evan Spada

It is now common to find shiatsu massage techniques in massage chairs. This ancient Japanese massage therapy was promoted to assist in the production of stress and to relieve many elements of the body. Although this is a famous Japanese technique, it development originally began back and ancient China. It is a form of acupuncture that uses pressure instead of needles. The subtle techniques of shiatsu massage have been duplicated by many different manufacturers of massage chairs.

Did you know that shiatsu is a form of acupuncture? Yes, this is true. Acupuncture and its sister technique acupressure are two forms of stimulating trigger points in the body. Shiatsu uses a form of acupressure to trigger different point in the body.

Shiatsu is similar to an acupressure massage. However, the difference really lies in the placement of the massage. Acupressure massage is typically done only over the acupoint. Shiatsu massage has been expanded beyond the acupoints and involves a greater range of massage movements.

Shiatsu continues to evolve with modern times. The modern version of shiatsu uses movements which include vibration, grasping, shaking and other types of movements to loosen and invigorate tight muscle areas.

Typically, the movements in a shiatsu massage are accomplished through increasing pressure in a rhythmic pattern. This also involves the stretching and manipulating of different soft tissue areas. Increasing pressure is often used to stimulate the acupoints in the body.

Massage chair manufacturers have studied the precise movements of the shiatsu massage technique. A variety of different technologies have been developed to precisely replicate this effective massage treatment.

In order to reproduce some of the more sophisticated movements used in shiatsu massage, massage chair manufacturers have developed roller systems with capabilities to move in three different dimensions. This enables them to offer increasing pressure in stimulating the trigger points.

One of the first technologies used in massage chairs is vibration. Vibration is still used because it is effective in deeply penetrating muscle tissue. However, other technologies are used in addition to vibration motors in providing a relieving shiatsu massage therapy.

Another common technology used in massage chairs is that of air compression. Air compression helps by the squeezing and grasping action which is a typical trait of shiatsu massage. This squeezing anxious and helps to relieve tension in the muscles and reduces soreness, aches and pains.

Did you know that massage chairs have their own computers? Yes a computer board is used to control the various technologies and a massage chair. This computer is programmed with customized software to coordinate the precise movements of different elements in a massage chair.

Shiatsu massage is now practice throughout the world. There are many different massage therapy schools which teach different versions of shiatsu massage. Massage chair manufacturers also very in the different techniques and interpretation of shiatsu massage.

Shiatsu massage therapy is best thought of as a framework of different techniques. These techniques when used in the right combination are effectively known as shiatsu. These techniques also continue to evolve in order to deliver the most effective treatments.

Many massage chairs have very effective shiatsu massage techniques and provide for full body massage capability. The best way to find out what is right for you is to try a shiatsu massage chair and find out how it feels for you. - 17269

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