Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Sunday, January 17, 2010

What Are Organic Chickens And What Are The Benefits Of Eating Them?

By Andrea Kristi

Chicken is considered to be one of the healthiest meats in the market. However, if you really want to buy the best for your family, buy organic chicken.

One of the reasons why you should avoid eating conventionally raised chicken is because many farmers use arsenic in the chicken feed. Many studies confirmed that arsenic is linked to many health problems such as heart disease, liver disease, diabetes and cancer.

Another study has shown that if pregnant women expose themselves to arsenic, their children may have higher chances of getting cancer later in life.

Government researchers found that arsenic levels in young chicken may be up to four times higher than in other poultry.

Arsenic is a very dangerous poison, which can also be deadly. Even though the chicken industry claims that the amounts of arsenic used in the organic chickens feed is safe, many experts are convinced that no amount of arsenic is safe.

No arsenic is used in organic chicken feed. Organic chickens are fed all natural grains, which were grown on chemical and pesticide free farms. Organic chicken is also not given antibiotics, vaccines or growth hormones. They get daily access to sunshine and fresh air and they have lots of room to move. If you think that sunshine and fresh air only benefits the chickens, you are wrong.

Organic chickens, which are also free-range, can move and run freely, so their muscles are not wasted, but exercised. Organic chickens have higher amounts of Omega-3 Fatty Acids and plenty of beneficial fats, which can lower cholesterol. Organic eggs have a richer taste and are also better for you.

Not everyone can afford buying organic food and organic meat regularly. People on a budget should check local farms and look for organic farmers in their area. They often offer organic food and poultry for lower prices.

If you are not convinced that buying organic chicken is better for your health, give it a try anyway. You will taste the difference and may never want to go back to conventionally raised chicken again. - 17269

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Using Trampolines And Gymnastics To Get Fit

By Dave Vower

For some reason, there are different seasons that push people to start an exercise routine. The usual exercises we all know are one good way of doing so. However, did you know that using trampolines and gymnastics to get fit are just as good, if not better?

If you've ever seen a gymnast, you'll probably note the incredible muscle tone and strength that they have. This is all directly related to the types of exercises that they do. So, it may be in your benefit to start including some form of gymnastics in your exercise regime. You can also include them by using a trampoline, thereby benefiting from both a physical and cardio workout area.

For one thing, there are many sizes of trampolines available to all consumers. Not only are they a lot of fun for any age, they are also a great workout. For one thing, they really helped to improve the functionality of your digestive system, should you have a problem with that.

They are also great at building muscles in the legs and other parts of the body. They also help to develop balance in the individual who's using it. Of course, the size of trampoline you decide to purchase is directly related to the space that you have available to house it.

For people who live in smaller homes or condominiums and apartments, space is definitely an issue. For them, small exercise trampolines are the way to go. They give you the benefit of an incredible workout, but can easily be stored away when not in use.

Smaller trampolines are a great addition to anyone who is looking for an alternative to a treadmill. They're great for those who live in colder climates and can't run in the wintertime. Due to snow, slush, sleet and unbearably cold weather. They are safe to use and can really help anyone drop extra pounds in no time with the various exercises they can perform well on it. - 17269

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Can You Really Use Fish Oil As A Joint Inflammation Cure?

By Danny Lewis

If you are looking for joint inflammation cure, then you are not alone. There are hundreds of thousands of people suffering from joint inflammation, and while there are anti-inflammatory medications available,potentially the best joint inflammation cure that is available to us is to be found in the body oils of fish such as salmon and tuna.

Inflammation is part of our bodies natural defense system, however when there is too much being created it leads to conditions such as joint pain. More worryingly though is that inflammation is also behind silent killers that can strike without warning, like heart attacks, aneurysms and strokes.

The reason that oily fish is so effective as a join inflammation cure, as well as helping to reduce inflammation in general, is because of the omega 3 that it contains in its body oils. Actually, it is not just the omega 3 but more precisely the DHA essential fat that is found within the omega 3 that is so effective.

Inflammation occurs when the white cells attach to the inner lining of the blood vessels, obviously this is needed to fight off infection but of course if there is too much of it then the body is attacking itself in essence. The DHA fat helps to counteract this by turning into a new substance within the body known as Resolvin D2. This Resolvin D2 then reacts with the inner lining of the blood vessels and creates nitric oxide; when this nitric oxide is created it prevents the white cells from being able to stick therefore reducing inflammation.

The only way for oily fish to be a really effective joint inflammation cure though would be to eat it daily. However, this in itself creates a new problem because these kinds of fish come from the high end of the food chain, which means they often have a lot of pollutants in them like mercury for instance. If you were to eat this every day for a long time then it would bring about a different kind of health problem for you.

The best way to use these kinds of fish as a joint inflammation cure is therefore to use omega 3 fish oil tablets instead. However, even with fish oil supplements you need to take care; the reason being is because some manufacturers do not bother to remove all of the toxins that we have already discussed. If you do decide to use these kind of supplements as a joint inflammation cure, then it is important that the one you pick has been molecularly distilled as this is the only known process which gets rid of the pollutants. - 17269

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4 Pointer For Raising Your Metabolism To Reduce Loose Arm Fat

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

Increasing your metabolism is a great way to melt the arm fat off. And I am going to show you 4 tips that will do just that. In case you didn't know, your metabolism is the amount of calories your body burns from day to day.

And it's important to note that you are never stuck with a slow or fast metabolism. In reality, your metabolism is mostly under your control.

Here are 4 metabolism tweaks that will allow you to take control right now:

1. Early exercise. Exercising early in the day is one of the best things you can do for your metabolism. Not only will you burn a surplus of calories throughout the entire day, but the majority of the food you eat will be partitioned towards all your active tissues.

2. Exercise hard and fast. You can exercise hard and fast by sweating and panting and keeping your workout under 45 minutes. You can get by with a 30 minute workout if you go hard enough. By doing this and your body will go into EPOC (exercise post oxygen consumption). This is a state in which you burn calories up to 36 hours after exercising.

3. Drink small amounts of water in between meals. Your body becomes dehydrated in between meals because it uses stored water for digestion. You have to prevent this by drinking small amounts of water when you are NOT eating because dehydration slows your metabolism down.

4. Do not drop calories by more than 20%. Do this, and your thyroid will decrease output. Your thyroid controls how fast your metabolism is. You will also produce more fat-producing enzymes. So do not cut calories by too much.

Cutting too many calories does not speed up arm fat loss, it actually slows it down. So please do not go on the all-too-common 1000 calorie diet.

After all, your metabolism has ultimate control over how many calories you burn. And if you burn more calories, you will lose more arm fat. - 17269

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Free Weight Lifting Programs To Train Your Shoulders

By Ricardo d Argence

Developing the shoulders is an important aspect of bodybuilding. In addition to looking amazing when doing a double back bicep pose, they make you look terrific when standing. If you develop your side deltoids in proportion to the biceps, the arms and biceps look large and well defined.

The shoulder area consists of the muscles of the posterior, medial and anterior deltoid. The rotator cuff muscles and the upper trapezius are included in the whole shoulder girdle.

The deep muscles of the rotator cuff attach different sections of the thoracic area to different parts of the humerus. Upper trapezius muscles are the muscles that run from the back of the neck; extend to the medial deltoid, then downward to intersect with the middle trapezius. Toward the back of the shoulder, you will find the posterior deltoid muscle, beneath the lower region of the upper trapezius. The outer part of the shoulder is a where the medial deltoid lies, with the anterior deltoid muscle being visible outside of the pectoral muscles.

Either of your shoulders has an individual function when the arm is lifted. The arm is brought forwards, inwards, or rotated by the anterior deltoid. The medial deltoid allows the arm to move away from the side. When the arm is moved back or rotated outwards, the posterior deltoid comes into play. When the scapula is moved upward toward the ears, like shrugging your shoulders, the upper trapezius muscle does the job. Finally, the rotator cuff muscles provide stability to the arm when it is moving and allows the arm to rotate.

There are a number of exercises that will effectively build the shoulder area such as the military press, lateral raises, lying lateral raises, the Arnold press, behind the neck press, and bent-over lateral raises. The upright row in addition to bent-over rows will also help you build the shoulder area to magnificent proportions.

The secret to forming huge shoulders is to comprehend the way the shoulder operates and maintain its health. You should do everything possible to avoid injury so you do not hinder your progress in the gym. One of the most common injuries is to the rotator cuff muscles. The rotator cuff is made up of muscles which are not exactly large and strong. So that you don't get injured try doing some band work with your shoulder workout.

In order to reduce the risk of injury double check that you're using the proper weights. You should be able to have control of the weight through the entire movement. If you can't do a complete set of repetitions, or you have to adjust the position of the weight, then you need to lower the weight. Using too much weight puts too much stress on the shoulder and is likely to cause injury. The success to this is all in you using the proper technique using the full range of motion, prior to increasing the weight.

Although building up shoulder muscles takes a bit of effort, bodybuilders concur that the result justifies the work involved. Because each body grows at its own rate, research and patience are vital. - 17269

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Straightforward Diet Plan To Reduce Belly Fat

By Marquis Walls

Who announces you can't eat good-tasting foods and burn fat at the same time? Turn your attention on the foods you can mix or eat singly on a regular basis to dispose of belly fat.

The Fat Resistance Diet is known to reduce inflammation thru eating antioxidant rich fruits & juices and using fresh healing herbs and spices to perk up flavours of world cuisine. The Fat Loss four retards Diet, meanwhile, creates an 11-day menu that must include fruits, vegetables and meat and underlines the significance of lots of water and bread.

Here where we start to lose belly fat:-

You may begin with this Mediterranean-style of reduce belly fat diet plan. It loads up on fruits, plants, bread, potatoes, nuts & seeds, beans, and olive oil as fat source.Try avoiding food made of refined grains like white bread and white rice. And while you are at it, avoid flour-based pasta also.

Follow by belly fat busting food, oatmeal. Oatmeal is fiber-rich with lower cholesterol levels that may help in reducing fat efficiently.

Third step- Eat more high- pectin fruits like apples, grapefruit, belly peppers and pears. These fruits not only to squash your belly fat but also enhancing health.Fresh fruits which contain vitamin and vegetable. Fiber in fruits help to improve our digestion.

Fourth- include these veggies in your belly fat diet plan, they are carrots, beans, spinach,cauliflower,cabbage,broccoli and Brussels sprouts.

Last, according to studies, it shows that it could be a contribution to a slimmer waistline by drinking a drink of wine at dinnertime. Statistic proved folks who do this sometimes don't have as much fat around tummy as those who do not drink it.

Include these few straightforward diet into your reduce belly fat plan, little changes will bring you a big effect in a month if you do it constantly. - 17269

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Bodybuilding Workouts To Train Your Body After Your 40th Birthday

By Ricardo d Argence

They say that age is just a number, but when it comes to work outs and staying in shape that age factor is a definite factor in how you will approach your fitness regimen. Some people want to say that they are over 40 and they use their age as an excuse for not maintaining a healthy lifestyle and a regular workout routine.

Regular exercise and staying fit are very important no matter what your age. If you approach weight training, diet and work outs the correct way you can maintain a remarkably healthy and fit body for many years, regardless of your age. There are many benefits of both weightlifting and bodybuilding. You can reshape your body, become healthier, increase bone density and weight loss.

It is no secret that people who keep physically fit also feel better about themselves and about life in general. People who exercise also experience the release of endorphins from the brain, which helps, maintain a sense of happiness and well-being.

Starting with the basics, once you reach the age of 40 you have to make some changes to your workout, however it doesn't mean that you have to act the victim of false truths regarding aging. When people get older, we have to stretch and warm up before we exercising because are muscles and joints become less limber.

A time frame of 15 minutes is needed for stretching routines so you can increase flexibility and lessen the chance for muscle pain, sprains or other damage. Your muscles will become better conditioned the more complete you stretch.

Next is a 15 minute cardio portion on a treadmill, elliptical, stairmaster, or a bike. You don't need to strain yourself when doing this exercise; instead, you just want to increase your heart rate slightly and continue to tone and stretch like before. This exercise will let your body know that you are serious about doing some work.

You will want to follow this warm up by doing reps with the correct weights, you should consider light weights for this workout, if in addition to this you are doing circuit training or a free weight routine you will not have the stress of heavy weights.

When using the pyramid system, you add reps but use less weight, then you start adding weight and decreasing the reps, which is how a lot of the bodybuilders do their workouts. Pay constant attention to your posture. This method of weightlifting has great success for those who want to add muscle and bulk to their bodies. Even if it means decreasing the weights or the amount of repetitions, correct posture must be your main consideration. This maximizes your results and reduces your risk of injury.

You should be training with weights at least four days per week and each session should be no more than 30 to 45 minutes. One could repeat a cardio workout to wind down after lifting weight. This also give your heart and lungs strength. - 17269

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Fastest Way to Lose Weight - The Top 3 Foods You Should Be Eating

By Tess Rainey

In this article we will discuss the fastest way to lose weight by eating the top 3 foods your body needs. Not only will you lose weight, but by eating these 3 foods you will help your body to grow and thrive and fight off diseases like depression, diabetes, and even cancer.

1. Protein: Even if you are a vegetarian, protein is the number one food you should be getting enough of. While chicken, eggs and turkey are the best sources, for vegetarians and people wanting other options, soy, beans and nuts are wonderful alternatives.

Skipping breakfast is the worst thing you can do for your body. Eating a well rounded breakfast with plenty of protein will start your day off right, help your body to function at its best and you will even lose weight.

2. Fruits: Most people don't get enough fruits everyday, eating the recommended amount doesn't have to be hard though and simply by snacking on a fruit rather than your usual food of choice will help you get to the recommended number easily.

Ironically, eating these foods will keep you satisfied longer than any donut, cookie or bag of chips will. So pick up an apple instead and feel the difference it has on you.

3. Vegetables: The unpopular vegetable, probably the last food that ends up in our mouths. Yet, the health benefits of eating some leafy greens everyday are undeniable. Including a salad everyday (with spinach rather than iceberg lettuce) will help your body function better and it will be able to handle all of the toxins and damaging foods it gets exposed to on a regular basis. Additionally, when you make a salad and include a few of your favorite extras, you can turn a boring, icky salad into something spectacular.

In addition to leafy greens, colorful vegetables and fruits contain phytonutrients which help our bodies function at their best. Eating these kinds of vegetables will protect against aging, obesity and more. If your body is lacking in these important nutrients, you will not function as well, won't be able to fight off disease and you'll often feel sluggish and/or depressed. Add some colorful foods to your diet, and you will feel energized, lose weight and even perhaps prevent cancer.

In the article above we discussed the fastest way to lose weight and how to become thinner simply by eating enough protein, fruits and vegetables. We all know how essential these foods are for our bodies, the trick is to change your habits so you can easily include them in your daily menus. By doing so and eating these 3 foods, you can lose weight and usually without even trying.

Want to see how easy this can be? - 17269

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Dr. Sam Robbins Speaks About A Cholesterol Free Diet

By Dr. Sam Robbins

There are some types of cholesterol that are not dangerous. Bad cholesterol (low density lipoprotein) forms blocks on the walls of the arteries. The blood vessels are used for transporting oxygen and nutrients to the heart and brain. The cholesterol blocks can easily lead to a stroke or heart attack. LDL cholesterol levels above 100, shown from a blood test, means you need to make changes in your lifestyle and definitely your diet.

Food rich in saturated fat should be avoided. This type of fat is solid at room temperature and can elevate blood cholesterol levels. Do not eat foods from this list: * Lunch meats * Bacon * Sausage * Fatty red meat * Dairy products made from whole milk * Chicken skin

Do not eat food with trans fatty acids because they will raise your blood cholesterol. This food needs avoided: * Margarine * Fried foods * Fast foods * Processed crackers and cookies

There are foods that have plain cholesterol in them: * Egg yolks * Shellfish * Liver

You would think since animal products produce cholesterol a vegetarian diet would keep cholesterol levels low. However, there are several food items that are vegetarian but they are rich in saturated fat and trans fatty acids: * Palm oil * Palm kernel oil * Coconut oil * Cocoa butter Avoid these; however, there are many substitutes for them.

Fried foods contain trans fatty acids. When you fry food it soaks up the oil or butter. It is suggested that you use an alternate cooking methods such as baking, broiling or grilling.

Exercising can lower blood cholesterol levels since a sedentary lifestyle is often associated with high cholesterol levels. Exercising regularly improves metabolism and helps you burn fat and increases your energy level. Along with a healthy cholesterol free diet, you need to do keep doing physical activities in order to keep your blood cholesterol levels low. - 17269

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Six Pack Diet -- Which Foods Should You Eat?

By Travis Hunt

Do you wish to know the most efficient six pack diet EVER? You don't have to spend money on extravagant diet fads and magic slimming pills. This guide will help you form the six pack abs you desire in the soonest time possible.

If you want to have fast flat abs, eating healthy foods is the secret. You can eat your way to ripped abs. You only need to find out the right diet that will help you get the most out of your program.

Keeping your diet simple and healthy can help you burn fat quick. Don't forget that the foods you eat are the prime source of your energy. They can give you the nutrition that will help your body work effectively.

Proper nutrition is key; avoid food that can harm your health. Take note that following the right six pack diet will make you burn belly fat fast. Here are the 3 major nutrients you should eat to make your flat stomach exercises more efficient.

1. Foods Packed With Protein

Protein is one of the basic building blocks of the human anatomy. It builds LEAN MUSCLE, among other things.

Protein has many functions and stabilizing your energy levels is just one of them. It helps fix damaged cells and raise body resistance as well. This macronutrient helps your muscles recover from hard routines and makes your body stronger as you move on.

Fish, lean meat, eggs, beans, and yogurt are good examples of protein rich foods you want to include in your diet. Eat these especially after long, hard exercise routines.

2. Healthy Carbohydrates

These foods play an important role because from them you get your main source of energy. It is the second most important aspect of your six pack diet.

Carbs help you resuscitate your body's energy. These types of food keep you going even if you had just performed intense workouts.

Green leafy vegetables, bread, pasta, sweet potatoes, brown rice, and cereals are only a few of the good carbs you need to load up on. You'll need them more on days when you plan to work out.

Muscle loss is only one of the many side effects of not consuming enough carbs; it might appear that you're losing fat but you're actually not. Moreover, you do yourself more harm than good because it has a negative impact on your metabolism.

3. Good Fats

Fats make up the third most important aspect of a six pack diet. I kid you not! Fats provide many benefits to the body, especially if you stick to the healthy kind.

Scientific studies show that eating fats is an important component of any effective fat loss program. In doing so, you can keep your cravings at a minimum. When you include good fats in your diet, you won't feel hungry as often. These "healthy" fats can be found in fish, olive oil, nuts, and soy beans.

Then you have your unhealthy fats. These are fats found in baked goods, deep fried food, junk foods, fast foods, processed goods, and margarine products.

So always remember to eat foods packed with protein, good carbs, and healthy fats. This makes the best six pack diet. This will also help you adapt to a healthy way of life.

These are the three important facts about six pack diet. Consuming these nutritious foods will help you burn belly fat fast. Combine this with regular workouts and you?ll get your dream abs in no time.

Now you know the three nutrients that will complete an effective six pack diet. Keep in mind, you should add protein, healthy carbs and good fats in your every day meals. Avoiding those unhealthy foods can help you take care of your body inside-out. A well-balanced diet can help you burn off belly fat soon. - 17269

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The Psychology Of Arm Toning

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

Achieving arm tone doesn't have to be an uphill battle for you. Unfortunately for me, It was an uphill battle.

You see, my levels of motivation were in a constant flux. No matter what I did, I could not maintain a lasting amount of motivation.

Sometimes the disappointment would be so great that I would jump ship all-together. And a jar of cookies would become my consolation.

But I had a wake-up call and came to the conclusion that this type of mental lifestyle was not going to get me the sexy arms I so desperately wanted.

As a result, I began searching for a way to maintain motivation and adherence to a program. The answer to my prayers was Dr David Burns MD. He created a method that revolved around the avoidance of cognitive distortions.

So without further ado, here are three distortions you should avoid so that your arm tone motivation never fades:

1. Perfectionism distortions. If you see things as black or white then you have this distortion. For example, if you have to have a perfect workout or no workout at all then you suffer from perfectionism. Don't sweat the small stuff and always keep moving forward despite minute setbacks. In other words, focus on general patterns of improvement.

2. Overgeneralization distortions. With this one you become a psychic because you believe that something that has happened to you in the past will keep on happening in the future. Just because you haven't been able to get toned arms in the past does not mean that you will keep on failing in the future.

3. Mental-filters distortions. This one his horrible because it forces you to focus on the negative instead of the positive. If you have a solid day of healthy eating, but slightly veer off and have a small amount of junk food you only focus on the junk food. But what about all the other healthy food you ate? Always give yourself credit for the positive.

If you do not avoid the above cognitive distortions, arm tone will keep on eluding you. You have to achieve constant and lasting motivation in order to stick with an arm toning program.

More importantly, however, is to develop the habit of rapid action. After all, this information will be useless unless you act on it quickly. - 17269

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The Best Ab Exercises To Get Six Pack Abs In A Month

By Curtis Weber

If you are like the general public, you are on the search for the best 6 pack exercises that will allow you to get 6 pack abs as speedily as possible.

While diet will be a crucial very important factor for having success with getting 6 pack abs, performing proper abdominal exercises will also play a part.

Here are the 3 principles to follow when choosing the best ab exercises for your workout.

Reduce Stability

The primary way to help turbo-charge the results you get from your ab workouts is to reduce your stability.

When you do this you are going to cause the abdominal muscles to work that much harder as they must stay contracted to make sure the body stays stable. You may regularly find that after performing the best ab exercises that involve instability you're actually sore deep within your core.

This is due to the fact the muscles are recruited to a far higher extent, actually helping push your six pack results further.

Involve Twisting Motion

The second factor that should be present in any 6 pack ab workout program you do is twisting motion. While straight up and down crunches are good, they aren't actually involving the obliques all that much. By adding a bit of a twisting motion in there, you work more muscle fibers, increasing your calorie burn and boosting the belly fat loss that occurs.

Recruit Other Muscles

Finally, the third way to add more impulse to the abdominal workout you're doing is to recruit other muscles. So for instance, instead of just doing crunches, do body-weight squats on a bosu ball.

Since this works the entire body at once, you're going to get much better results and shorten the time you want to spend working the other muscles too.

Also, whenever you're working more muscles in the body you'll also use more calories, so getting nearer to the goal to burn off as much body fat as possible.

So be certain you keep these factors in mind as you go about your ab workouts. Repeatedly changing it up and trying new systems is also a way to prevent a plateau from setting in where you now do not are making progress towards getting a 6 pack. - 17269

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