Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Monday, December 22, 2008

Learn Why Rabbit Meat Is Healthier Than Beef

By Ferdinand Dubem

Whether you are a connoisseur of gourmet meats or just an ordinary individual who likes his meal to taste really good and to whom eating must always be a delight of senses - of all senses - you will always appreciate a tender loin chop or a steak, poultry or fish. The truth, unfortunately, is that the best and tastiest meat is the meat that has the most fat as the flavour, most of it, comes from the fat, actually. A healthy alternative is represented by rabbit meat, which is an extremely lean, low fat, white meat; rabbit meat is ideal for those watching their cholesterol consumption. The flesh is tender, finely grained, and of a bright pearly pink colour.

What is a hamburger made with and from? A meticulously made hamburger should be made entirely of ground beef and seasonings. A hamburger that contains no major ingredients besides beef may be referred to as an " all beef hamburger " or " all beef patties " to differentiate them from inexpensive hamburgers unreal with added flour, texturized vegetable protein or other fillers to decrease their cost. Some cooks prepare the patties for hamburgers eclipse binders, such as eggs or bread crumbs, and seasonings, parsley, onions, soy sauce, Thousand Island dressing, onion change mix, or Worcestershire sauce.

Just in case you are interested in Cooking with your own grill seasoning, then you should notice that it is so easy to make it yourself. All you need is to mix pepper, salt, onion and garlic powder, coriander and red pepper flakes. Recipes are all over the internet now so it will be much cheaper for you to google seek than to buy guide books. The directions mentioned above is ideally simple and it very much resembles what you usually put to a deliciously home made steak. Normally when making a steak at home, you want it to have the best of flavors. And of course you tend to add garlic and onion at least beside the salt and the pepper.

Other plants / herbs that go with the rabbit, and are part of the rabbit seasoning are parsley, sage, basil, fennel, bay leaves, mustard, spinach, onion, garlic, celery, carrots, tomatoes, all salad leaves, capsicum, cos and radicchio; olives, capers and anchovies could also be part of rabbit seasoning. If you think that a suitable drink enhances the flavor of a food and enriches it, you should consider both red and white wine as ingredients for rabbit seasoning. Besides the wine's effect on the seasoning of the rabbit, you should keep in mind that it also tenderizes the meat.

The moment you decide to cook some poultry meat, assuming you are not a very experienced cook, do not worry. First of all, just ask a neighbor, buy a cookery book or search the internet for recipes and how to guides or advice and I am sure that you will be able to prepare the best poultry dishes with the adequate poultry seasoning. Besides, you will be able to make your family or friends with wonderfully prepared poultry, seasoned with the tastiest poultry seasoning. For those who need some poultry seasoning recipes I can say that in order to make some of the greatest poultry flavore, you just need some common ingredients and a little time. Fortunately, poultry, especially chicken takes just a tinge of your time to cook. The same is true about preparing the poultry seasonings you will need for the best of results.

For the opening, it is recommended that you cook this meal outside as it usually makes a lot of mess but the outcome of this cooking endeavor is worth it. After you have taken your decision on what size of turkey you want, round up a pot and preferably buy groundnut oil to deep fry it. Also decide on the deep fried turkey seasonings blend that you want to use. In case you are not familiar with the blends seen in supermarkets then buy bulkk flavorer spices and herbs that you know you like and go with preparing turkey meat. In case groundnut oil makes your choice of dish rather expensive, you can also stick to regular cooking oil. - 17269

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35 Reasons to add Acai berries to your diet today

By M Taylor

1. Protein is essential for the proper functioning of the human body - in fact, many of our tissues and organs are largely composed of protein. It is also one of the building blocks of the skin, nails and hair - fortunately, acai is high in protein, having more protein ounce for ounce than eggs.

2. Acai has been used for centuries as a natural agent of detoxification - it helps to clear impurities from your body.

3. Acai enhances muscle function and recovery following workouts thanks to its mineral and amino acid content. Which makes it a great supplement for those that exercise.

4. Acai is also a favorite of athletes due to its lipid content, which gives your body the energy it needs to play sports; or just get through your busy day.

5. The acai berry can help to regulate stress levels.

6. The antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties of the acai berry support sexual health and improve fertility by combating the effects of free radicals and pollutants which can reduce fertility.

7. The high nutritional content of acai includes the vitamins and minerals your immune system needs to fight off disease.

8. Acai's high nutritional value and antioxidants can reduce the physical effects of aging, keeping your cells healthier.

9.This antioxidant content can also be a factor in preventing prostate enlargement.

10. The high calcium content of the acai berry can help to prevent osteoporosis and fractures and strengthen the entire skeletal system.

11. The calcium content of acai also makes it beneficial to women; as it reduces menstrual pain and bloating..

12. Acai supports heart health by reducing stress on your heart (this is because if acai's anthocynanin content, especially 3-glucoside, which stimulates circulation easing nitric oxide production by endothelial cells). Acai also contains polyphenols - antioxidants which are especially good for your heart.

13. Acai's essential fatty acid content helps reduce LDL (bad cholesterol) levels, while boosting HDL (good cholesterol) levels.

14. The sterols found in acai can reduce blood pressure; and it's anthocynanins protect your circulatory system throughout your body.

15. Acai strengthens capillaries, which can help prevent retinopathy in diabetics; retinopathy can cause blindness. Acai also helps diabetics control their lipid and gucose levels. This is because that acai berry is actually considered low on the glycemic index.

16. The fact that acai is a low GI food means that it can regulate appetite, making it a great choice for those trying to lose weight.

17. According to a study reported in the Journal of Sports Medicine, acai's beta-sitoserol content counters immune suppression and regulates lymphocyte activity, effectively boosting immune function.

18. Acai also helps your immune system by preventing damage to cells through its antioxidant properties.

19. The Acai berry has anti-fungal, anti-viral and antibacterial properties.

20. Acai is an anti-mutagen, meaning that it prevents damage to your DNA (such as that done by mutagens and carcinogens).

21. The high fiber content of acai supports healthy digestive function.

22. Acai can help to treat GERD (acid reflux disease). This is due to the antioxidant properties of the acai berry, which assists in repairing and protecting the lower esophagus from the damage caused by GERD and its ability to reduce stomach acidity.

23. Acai even helps to heal ulcers by killing H. pylori, an ulcer-causing bacteria.

24. Acai can keep the symptoms of Chron's disease under control thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties.

25. Acai contains phytosterols and anthocyanins which protect your skin and connective tissues (like collagen) which helps to keep your skin looking more youthful and smooth.

26. Acai cocntains lots of antioxidants, which reduce your risk of certain cancers, such as skin, breast, stomach and lung cancers.

27. Acai's anti-inflammatory properties can help reduce arthritis pain.

28. Acai's antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties have been shown to improve the symptoms of asthma.

29. A 2004 Archives of Neurology study found that a diet containing plenty of vitamin E and C reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease. Acai is an excellent source of both vitamins.

30. Acai's vitamin C and beta carotene help support eye health and can reduce the complications of macular degeneration, especially in diabetics.

31. Acai is also healthy for your teeth and gums. Acai's calcium content whitens and strengthens your teeth, helps to prevent gingivitis and other gum and tooth diseases.

32. The omega-3 fatty acids in acai help maintain mental clarity and alertness.

33. Acai contains the B vitamins you need to get more restful sleep, lower your stress level and produce essential neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine.

34. Acai Promotes overall good health and wellness.

35. While acai does not cure diseases per se, acai helps the body to heal itself by supplying it woith the nutrition it needs to support good health. - 17269

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Muscle Building, No Sleep Leads to No Gain

By Ricardo d Argence

Going to to the gym, you will think you can get relaxed and muscles will grow by themselves. Working your muscles throught weight training is not the only factor, neither is physically working out.

Dont underestimate the effect that sleep has on your workout. You need to rest properly, and that's not just between workouts. Altering your sleep schedule to ensure getting a steady and sound night's sleep each night can produce drastic transformations in the outcomes you observe with bodybuilding.

There are actually several reasons why sleep is so important to be successful at bodybuilding. For starters, your body recovers and rebuilds muscle while you are asleep. This is the crucial time when other parts of your body are shut down and not consuming energy or internal resources that your body uses to repair damages from bodybuilding.

If you don't give it time, your body will not be able to heal muscles and build new muscle. Your progress will be greatly impeded if you do not let your muscles properly heal, mend, and grow.

Adequate sleep is vital for keeping your mental focus sharp and your energy level high. A lack of mental focus can destroy your results while you're in the gym. You can be motivated, but if you don't have your work out planned out you will not have a successful workout.

Although you might not have the energy or be motivated enough to have a great weightlifting session. There's only so much your body can handle over the course of a day with a tiny amount of sleep. With everything else going on in your life, its working out that often takes a backseat.

Another reason why sleeping is so important in bodybuilding is that reat restores your energy and you maintain a good rhythim with your hormones. Proper metabolism and muscle gain require sleep. At the same time, sleep also inhibits other hormones that can lead to fat gain and other unseemly consequences.

Irregular sleeping habits are detrimental to your efforts to get in shape. Sleeping 3 hours on Monday, and 11 hours on Tuesday, is not the same thing as sleeping 7 hours on each night. That's what you should shoot for, at least 7 hours a night. Keep in mind, that no sleep will ruin your efforts at bodybuilding. - 17269

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