Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Saturday, January 16, 2010

How Several Specialty Stores Are Now Making Websites To Increase Their Business

By Connor Sullivan

There are varied reasons why entrepreneurs go into their different businesses. Several have such a passion for something that they just pour that passion into a business not really being concerned about the financial side of it. Others are always looking to be ahead of the next big trend and have a business succeed during that phase where it is really hot. This article will describe a few of the various types of specialty shops that have succeeded and how many of them are even making online sites to broaden their customer numbers. The examples are coffee shops and blooming tea places that may also have online tea stores, baby boutiques, paper shops, and antique shops.

Many years ago, if a person wished to purchase a cup of coffee or tea they would visit a restaurant or a diner and get a cup. Many restaurants did not even charge for coffee as long as you ordered some food. Now, the coffee industry has taken off crazily because of the chain of coffee stores named Starbucks. Now, people think nothing of spending 5 dollars on a coffee each day . Now the latest trend is turning toward tea boutiques for those that love hot or cold tea versus coffee. Both of these things that seem to only be successful in their small stores are also turning towards the internet to sell their coffee and tea products for people that do not have access to a shop.

High end baby boutiques are another specialty shop that has become very in these days. Many people would buy baby items at a local department store as that was the main choice. Now, with so many women choosing to have their babies at a later age and therefore having established careers where they are financially well off, they want something finer for their babies. In Europe these kind of boutiques have always been around and now they are quite popular in most states in America too.

Another kind of specialty shop are paper stores that sell beautiful paper and fine invitations. This type of shop has had to change lately because of the computers and printers that people have in their residences and for their own use. In the past, when a person wished to purchase wedding invitations they had to visit a specialty store to order them and to get them professionally printed. Many future brides and grooms simply buy the paper and produce their own invitation on their computer with a nice printer saving quite a bit of money. This has caused these little paper boutiques to have to be creative to maintain their business and several have created websites to help them. A lot of these shops now sell the products to make your own invitation as that is what a many couples wish to do today.

Antique stores are also turning to having websites to sell their antiques all over the world rather than just in their small communities. Collectors spend a lot of money to obtain antiques they want and often find them online. - 17269

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The Struggles To Bring A Physical Change

By Densery Kopsull

It is a common wish of everyone to look good and smart. People put lots of efforts to achieve a good physique that makes them stand prominent in the crowd. There are several solutions available that will surely help you look good according to your physique. Here are four common tips that you can implement to achieve your goal. You will see that these excellent directions/safety measures will show you how to get in shape fast and improve your fitness and strength.

1. Drugs and Alcohol Avoidance: Heroin, Cocaine, Ecstasy and Marijuana are categorized as life threatening drugs as they severely affects the internal working of the body and also external appearance. In addition, usage of these drugs can result in extremely fatal diseases like Brain Hambridge, Memory loss, Blood cancer and Lung cancer etc. Drugs and alcohol intake can also affect your eyesight and a number of other physical disorders. If your desire is to have a great in-shape body, then quit usage of these drugs with immediate effect.

2. Stop overeating - Eat a Healthy Diet: Now stop! It is not easy to immediately change your habit of too much eating but for good outlook, you must sacrifice something like this. Remember in order to get something you should be willing to give up something. Eat little but healthy foods containing adequate number of calories. By this way, you can put off your extra fat and look healthy rather than looking fat or over-weighted. Use more vegetables and fruits instead of consuming fast foods or munchies. The natural foods will give your skin a fresh look and a shiny glow, which is indeed key point of a good looking personality.

3. Exercise Daily: You have to exercises daily to keep yourself fit and smart. It is more effective for your body shape that you join gym or work out at home to build-up muscles. Start any kind of sports like soccer, hockey, rugby or badminton to remain active. Games not only give you a positive physical change also enhances your senses and brain.

4. Be Happy & Healthy: Ups, downs, miseries and pain are the part of life. Everybody has to face them one day or another. However different people have different levels of patience to deal with it. One should try to stay firm with the courage to overcome the problems. Stay cool at hard times and never let depression overcome you. You can achieve the aim of getting happy life, good physique and nice personality if you remain happy and stress-free. Enjoy life for the sake of good health and good personality.

Hopefully carrying out the above sacrifices will help you achieve a nice outlook and good persona. - 17269

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Day 16! Still on the HCG Diet!

By Amelia Handley

Day 16 on the HCG Diet. That means I've only less than 10 days left on the low calorie portion of the diet. Just to recap in case some of you are just joining us or in case some of you are forgetful: the diet starts off with 2 days of loading. Loading is taking in as much fatty calories as possible. This increases the absorption of the HCG into the body. After loading the very low calorie diet begins (500 calories per day). This lasts for 23 more days.

Once you complete the low calorie portion of the diet you start what they call the maintenance diet. I'm all for being prepared (or over prepared as some might call it) so I've been looking into the maintenance diet lately. During the maintenance diet you can eat as much food as you want. (But no more than a total of 1500 calories per day). And there are a few exceptions when it comes to the actual foods that are okay to eat while on the maintenance diet. You can't have any sugar or dextrose or honey or molasses or high fructose corn syrup or corn syrup or artificial sweeteners. You can't have any nitrites or fast food. You can't have any trans fat. And you can't have any starch of any kind.

That's a pretty extensive exception, I know. But after the 500 calorie diet it sounds like heaven. I'm so used to limiting myself that the 1500 calorie per day maintenance diet is going to be a breeze; at least that's what I'm hoping. And it helps that the restrictive diet is actually working; seeing your weight drop is fabulous incentive to keep going.

The recap is now officially over and we need to get down to the nitty gritty of day 16. I weighed in at 156. I'm not really sure why I stuck at the same weight because I did really well with my foods yesterday, but sometimes that happens. In response I went ahead and forced down some green tea today and aimed to drink tons more water.

I'm fine taking the HCG drops three times per day. And I think the B-Total drops are really helpful. I'm thinking of getting online and ordering some more for when these run out.

Now for the eating recap. On day 16's lunch I had a leftover green onion burger and another half of a grapefruit (this one was better than yesterday's). It's weird how some of them are just really sweet and yummy and others just aren't. I had Melba Toasts with lunch, as well. I had the last of the grilled chicken at dinner (more leftovers) and I drank a ton of water. Here's hoping I see weight loss again tomorrow! - 17269

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What Is Acai Berry And What It Does For You?

By Aaron Silverton

Ever wonder what is acai berry? Acai berry is a superb source of antioxidants, which are molecules capable of warding off or blocking the oxidation of some other molecules. Acai berry is famous for lessening free radical in your body as it has exaggerated levels of anthocyanins, which help defend your body from peroxyl or free radicals. Additionally, acai berry has several kinds of antioxidants, which is soaked up by the body thru acai berry juice and pulp. Its plant has been shown to yield large amounts of antioxidants, which is higher in comparison to the amount red grapes produce.

Many folks are now using products which contain acai berry because it is great-tasting. In fact, the flavor of acai berry is equivalent to that of red wine mixed with chocolate. As such, many of us are encouraged to eat, drink, or take acai berry products not only to benefit their health but to obtain pleasure also.

So, what's acai berry and what can it do for humans are the common questions that folks new to the antioxidant generally ask. Acai berry not only have enormous numbers of antioxidants. It also contains a few nutrients, which are all required by the body to function well. More so, acai berry has anti aging characteristics, which can help maintain a fresh as well as more glowing look. Based on several studies, acai berry has the capability to decelerate process of aging through assisting in the skin cell regeneration. Aside from this, acai berry also is capable of increasing the levels of energy, preventing prolonged and deadly sicknesses such as cancer and diabetes, and improving or reinforcing staying power. The acai berry also does remove poisons that may weaken or poison the body. This is the reason why it is now being known as one of the super foods of nature because it can certainly provide many health advantages to each individual.

One of the most popular types of acai berry is the Amazon acai berry. It is packed with enormous numbers of antioxidants in order to keep the body safe from undesirable elements such as poisons. It also has high concentration of nutrients, which are required for the body to work fine.

The Amazon acai berry comes from the palm trees in the rain forests of the Amazon as well as Brazil. Folks from these areas crop acai berries and keeps them frozen as quickly as they have picked them so that the nutrient elements remain intact. These acai berries have large amounts of fiber, omega 6, omega 9, protein, and essential trans acids, which help the body, become more healthy.

Therefore, the solution to the question, what's acai berry is plain and easy. It is a super food that helps keep the body away from undesirable elements such as toxins. Acai berry products can be bought in different health stores as well as other food outlets. You may find online retailers offering different types of acai berry products. However , you must ensure that these retailers are valid and reputable. - 17269

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Get Rid Of Hemorrhoids And Ease The Pain

By Rand Fortescue

Hemorrhoids cause pain, itching and sometimes bleeding. If you've ever endured one, you'll know how unpleasant hemorrhoids are. For some people, they are also a source of extreme embarrassment. While it feels like there is nothing that will make the pain and itchiness go away, you may want to know that there are some things that can get rid of hemorrhoids that are easy to try.

One of the best ways to go about helping to get rid of hemorrhoids is adding in some fiber to your diet. Many people don't eat enough fiber in their daily diets. But when you are suffering from hemorrhoids it is a good idea to eat more of it and to drink plenty of water. Add in fiber rich foods to your daily diet or use a supplement. Those supplements can be bought in a pill or a drink mix. Some taste pretty good too, so that is no longer an issue for most people.

Creams that are made for use with hemorrhoids will assist in reducing the itching and pain you will feel from swollen hemorrhoids. One cream that you should try out is one that contains witch hazel as a main ingredient. This herb will also help with the swelling and help to get rid of hemorrhoids more quickly.

A very helpful herb is Horse Chestnut. This herb helps with the inflammation experienced from hemorrhoids, and aids with the healing process. This is available as a tea or a pill also. But you may even be able to find Horse chestnut that can be used as a cream, however only apply this product to external hemorrhoids.

Herbs can actually assist you a lot when it comes to hemorrhoids. Try Butcher's broom, this will help cut back on the swelling of those hemorrhoids and also help your body to heal up quicker. Use it as a tea or a pill, both can be purchased in stores where you can find herbs.

Sitting in a warm water tub will help out with the pain of hemorrhoids. Sitz baths can be quite soothing if you access to one. Make sure the water is not too hot as this can cause additional discomfort. You can add a few drops of essential oils such as lavender or chamomile to further soothe the tender area.

Using herbal remedies can help the pain and calm the suffering you are having from those hemorrhoids. You can find most of these herbs in health food stores. Some retail vitamin stores and pharmacies also carry these types of herbs, usually in pill form. Check on the internet for additional sources to obtain these healing herbs to get rid of hemorrhoids. Checking with your doctor is always a good idea, but these herbs may be all you need to get some fast relief. - 17269

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Best Ab Exercises - Quickly See Dynamite Results

By Aldo Clayton

Everyone wants their midsection to look great. If your abs are not in fine condition, you are no-one, at least to some. While a slim, muscled midsection looks great, it'll look even better on a body which is well toned all around. Incorporate ab exercises into your routine for great looking abs - and a nice looking body!

There are essentially a few good ab exercises out there. If you try one and it is not for you, just move on, there's a lot more to choose from. Each exercise works better for some people than others. You may have to try several before finding some which you like. And of course, your abs still get an exercise session irrespective of which one you choose.

1. Stationary Bike Crunches - Now while crunches can't do the job alone, they are advantageous. Bicycle crunches employ your ab muscle regions : rectus abdominal, lower abdominal and oblique abs. Do this exercise lying on the floor, back rounded and hands behind the neck to avoid straining yourself. Your higher abs will be engaged, and your lower abs will come into action as you lift your knees up to form a 90 degree angle. Move the other knee to the center of your body while moving the opposite elbow to your knee. Alternate sides for one full count everytime.

2. Kickboxing and self-defense skills - You can attend classes at the gym or try using TaeBo tapes. The pulling down motions of your arms and the upward motion of your legs is like doing a crunch standing up! Kickboxing uses all your abdominal muscles helping your whole body burn fat. All the movements you will do are done with your abs tightened ; this can help you keep balance for a better workout.

3. Torso Twists - A body twist tightens your abs as you move from side to side briefly rapid movements. You have to do this one right to really benefit your abs. Broomstick twists are done by standing and doing a sweeping motion first on one side, then the other. Stand with bent knees and arms extended on either side. Attempt to keep your hips still as you do the exercise. You want to make your abs do the work here. - 17269

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Secrets Of Natural Male Breast Reduction

By Dustin Fennell

Natural male breast reduction is an alternative most males with gynecomastia seek. Gynecomastia is a condition in men who develop enlarged breasts similar to women?s breasts. This is actually a common condition with one third of male populace suffering from this problem. The breast tissue in males which consists of glandular tissue and adipose develop due to various reasons like hormonal imbalance, metabolic imbalance, obesity, heredity etc.

What are the best ways for natural male breast reduction? Since breasts appearance in male is in the form of fatty deposits, a well balanced diet can help. Check with your doctor or nutritionist for inputs. Go for a proper balanced diet that can significantly minimize fat from various parts of the body, most importantly the chest. There are chest fat burning exercises that can do a world of difference.

For work outs, experts say it is better to do light weight and repeat those as many times, so that you can shed fat first, tone them, before converting them to muscle. A combination of good diet and exercises can really make a good difference.

However there is a risk element in the male breast reduction surgery and it is always recommended to have a proficient plastic surgeon to do the job. Besides it is expensive and your medical insurance may not cover it. The total cost of the surgery could run into more than $3000. So are there some ways to bring about natural male breast reduction? Here are some of the options:

Gynecomastia commonly known as hereditary gynecomastia has been found in nearly 65 percent of boys between the ages of 8 and 13. With the onset of puberty and with later age, the breast-like formation does go away to form a flat, hairy male chest.

In certain cases, these breass do remain and the male hormonal changes are overwhelmed by estrogen due to which the appearance of breasts sustain and develop. Such an abnormality can really hit a man's self-esteem and lower his confidence. In such a case permanent male breast reduction is the only recourse.

You an also opt for natural male breast reduction pills that are specially formulated and made from herbal ingredients. They do help in reducing man boobs naturally without going for surgery. These pills melt down the fatty deposition, slowly leading to flat chest

There is a considerable debate if natural breast reduction techniques can be really useful and the opinion is divided into two schools of thought. However, by statistics, it has been proved that permanent male breast reduction has been possible through breast reduction surgery. Natural breast reduction techniques have also been helpful in the case of many people. It is recommended by some doctors to go for a good diet and exercise before actually going for the surgical option to see if positive changes can happen naturally. - 17269

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Looking for High Cholesterol Natural Remedies? Here Are 3 to Get You Started

By Joe Dungait

It appears that the demand for high cholesterol natural remedies is growing significantly as people look at alternative methods to help control their cholesterol levels. This undoubtedly has something to do with the fact that people are more aware of the side effects that are connected with statin drugs now and seek to find a safer alternative. When it comes down to high cholesterol natural remedies, there are various things that you can do such as exercising more and cutting down on the amount of foods containing trans-fats that you eat, however the following three steps are an excellent way to reduce your bad and raise your good cholesterol.

1.Garlic - Over the years the praises of garlic have been sung by many holistic practitioners. Garlic has many health boosting properties, and one of them is that it is able to help your body control cholesterol levels. This is down to a compound that contains which is allicin. However if you are like a lot of people who are reluctant to eat garlic because of the smell that it leaves on the breath, then help is at hand because it is now widely available in the form of supplement.

2.Artichoke - Artichoke leaves contain a substance called cynarin. This substance has been proven to be beneficial in helping to reduce cholesterol levels. During the 1970s clinical research was carried out on the substance and a test was performed on 143 patients that had high cholesterol. The subjects were given artichoke leaf extract daily for six weeks, and at the end of that period it was discovered that their total cholesterol levels had dropped by 10 - 15%. Just like garlic, artichoke leaf extract is available as a supplement.

3.Naturally Blended Supplements-- As well as the above two supplements that we have already mentioned, there are other supplements that contain a natural blend of several ingredients which have been proven to be beneficial in lowering bad cholesterol levels and raising good. There are several on the marketplace, but ideally the one that you choose should contain amongst others the ingredients policosanol, theaflavins, lecithin, phytosterols, rice bran oil and finally D-limonene. The reason for the six is because tests have proven that they are the most effective in controlling cholesterol levels.

At the end of the day, if you can find high cholesterol natural remedies that work for you then that is an ideal scenario. As mentioned earlier the side effects of statins are many and do you really want to be on a medication for the rest of your life that has been linked with causing memory problems, heart failure and cancer? - 17269

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The Different Macular Degeneration Categories

By Candace Hubbs

Macular degeneration, the leading cause of blindness in older individuals, affects the macula. The macula is the part of the retina that allows for the sharp central vision. This is the vision that allows us to read, drive, draw, etc. Macular degeneration comes in two forms - dry (non-neovascular) and wet (neovascular).

The causes of macular degeneration are unknown. Some believe that age causes the tissues in the macula to thin. However, there is not enough evidence to prove this true. It is known however that macular degeneration are diagnosed in two sections - dry and wet.

Dry or non-neovascular macular degeneration is believed to be the early signs of macular degeneration in general. The dry version is caused by deposits and debris of the tissue surrounding the macula. These deposits, known as drusen, are seen as yellow spots in the retina. Drusen builds up and causes vision loss. Dry macular degeneration is the less severe version of the disease. There is no known treatment for the illness, but some vitamin studies have proven hopeful.

The more severe form of macular degeneration is the wet or neovascular. This type forms a new network of blood vessels behind the retina. Although this type is actually the body's natural way of trying to repair the degeneration, it is not successful. The vessels leak blood and other fluids which causes irreparable damage to the cells of the retina. Fortunately only about 10% of people with dry macular degeneration actually progress to the more severe wet version.

The wet version, however, does come in two categories. The most severe category is the classic. This type forms a distinctive set of vessels that appear as delineated lines beneath the retina. The leakage from these vessels is severe and thus causes the most damage to the retina. Complete blindness is usually the result of the classic type. The other category of neovascular macular degeneration is called the occult. In this version, the vessels are not as formed and leak less fluids. This, of course, results in less damage to the vision. - 17269

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Lose Body Fat Through Protein-Rich Diet

By Pamela Smith

Recent medical studies have discovered that the best way to lose body fat is to be on a full-protein diet. The diets consisting high protein create fullness, greater satisfaction and fat loss success. The feeling of fullness and satisfaction contributes greatly to lose body fat without tremendous efforts.

When people get hungry they can just walk in any of these food areas. They ca eat practically anything in an instant to their heart's delight. Unknowingly, these foods contain tremendous fats and calories and sooner or later they will realize they have gained too much weight and come in the problem how to lose body fat.

One way to control weight is to eat only when hungry and with the proper diet. A high-protein diet lessens you to crave for food because of the fullness that you feel especially when you are not really hungry. It provides you that contentment due to the feeling of fullness that helps get rid of those unwanted fats from your body.

Eating lots of cheese is not harmful but good for your system. The kind of fats that you derive from this food is the good one which boosts the immune system. As much as possible, the intake of this vital food element must be included in your daily diet. The reduction of this intake may adversely affect your weight and overall health.

It is a common mistake of most people to avoid eating foods such as meat and cheese which they think contain fats and cholesterol. Without their knowing these foods are good sources of a very important element known as protein. Your body is in need of sufficient protein for this is very basic for a healthy immune system and boost of energy level to the optimum.

People on high-protein diet do not feel hungry so soon and eat when it is really necessary and in the proper time. In a diet like this you do not have that unnecessary craving for food. In other words, you do not need to watch all the time for those foods which contain more calories and fats.

A number of individuals are into lactose diet which is resorting to drinking of milk as a substitute for a real and healthy meal. Most people who are into this type of diet have to drink milk whenever they feel the pangs of hunger setting in their stomach. Health-wise this is not a very good practice because a lot of nutritious substances have been utterly disregarded. What the human body wants is not tons of lactose but protein-rich foods.

It is indeed an erroneous concept to resort to a lactose diet. This is the thinking by some people that drinking milk instead of eating their regular meals when they feel hungry is enough to fill their stomach. Lactose is sufficient for the body, but protein-rich foods. Intake of protein-rich foods coupled with a regular exercise program certainly paves the way to a sculptured body. This combination is also one of the best ways to lose body fat. - 17269

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Not All Vitamin Supplements Are Created Equal - Natural Multivitamins

By Veronica Carrillo

During my quest for a healthier lifestyle, I found it was very hard to get all the essential vitamins and minerals I needed. For one thing, I was extremely busy with two kids, husband and a full time job. Creating healthy meals three times a day with all the vegetables we needed was just close to impossible. That is when I discovered a quick remedy, vegetable and fruit juice!

The problem with this discovery was that most of the juices on the shelf either were from concentrate or had high levels of fructose syrup. I wanted juices that were truly healthy, so I figured why not make them myself from the organic vegetables in my own garden. That led me to comparing juicers and boy was I surprised!

The information displayed on label may seem complicated at times. All you want is to use the given information easily and effectively. How can you do so? Firstly, you should understand that product-specific information (i.e. serving size, nutrient information, and calories) is usually placed on the back-top section of the packaging. Standardized serving size allows you to compare prices of the chosen item with other products.

What are the ingredients? Some energy drinks contain a great deal of sugar, some do not. Usually, high sugar content comes from high fructose corn syrup. This gives you a boost of energy, but a big drain a few hours later. Some energy drinks contain sugar substitutes like Ace-K and Aspartame. Most energy drinks contain some amounts of B vitamins and especially B12- which, in liquid form, go to work quickly in your bloodstream which help with focus, concentration and energy. Next, you have caffeine. Oh no! They must have load of caffeine. Well, to be honest, most energy drinks have the same amount of caffeine that you would get in a cup of coffee, about 80-200mg. Caffeine is a stimulant that activates your adrenal glands to produce energy.

Also, beware if the item lists saturated fat in the label description. Try to reduce or avoid consuming products with high levels of saturated fat. The nutrition facts label not only helps you to identify the elements that you want to reduce (i.e. sugar, salt, and fat), it also tells you the nutrients that you should be consuming more of (i.e. vitamins and minerals).

Therefore, the nutrition facts label serves great importance as it is a nutritional guide for consumers in many of their food purchase decisions. - 17269

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3 Ways to Build Muscle Fast - How to Get Muscles in 2 Weeks

By Veronica Carrillo

The goal of a weight gain program is to gain lean muscle mass with little or no increase in body fat. Most people understand this, but become flustered with how they're going to go about it and become frustrated or quit when their weight loss or strength gains stall. A lot of people don't understand that it takes a couple of months minimum to see real results. In fact, most health clubs make their money from cancelled three month memberships, and they offer a three month membership for exactly that reason (ever notice that?). They want you to quit. Building muscle is a daunting task for a lot of people, and I hope to help you out a little bit with this article.

Most people wonder if it is possible to gain lean muscle mass while losing body fat at the same time. The short answer is yes, but it's a little more tricky than that. It takes careful diet and exercise, and when I say careful, I mean really careful. In my opinion, it is much easier to do your muscle building routine in cycles. For example, you would overeat and lift heavy for 6 weeks, and then dial back the calories and increase cardio for 4 weeks. In this way you would be gaining muscle for 6 weeks, and burning fat for 4 weeks. These cycles are referred to as bulking and cutting cycles, respectively. This is a well accepted methods among athletes, powerlifters, and bodybuilders to gain muscle and burn fat.

This would benefit on two levels: first, adequate attention would be paid to fat loss while strengthening the midsection at the same time and second, you would have to spend lesser time on exercising overall.

Depending on your goal, you would use the corresponding formula. For example, I weigh about 200 pounds. If my goal was fat loss, I would consume 2400-2600 calories a day. If my goal was to maintain my weight, I would consume 3000-3200 calories per day. If I wanted to gain weight, I would eat 3600-3800 calories per day. Finding BMR is obviously more complex than this, and there are many factors that determine your BMR. This is good for a ballpark estimate, though.

The way you inflict micro-trauma is to increase the workload on the muscle. The best method for increasing this workload I can very from person to person, but it generally follows the method of working the muscle to the point of failure. Most people, trainers included, will tell you the best method for gaining size is to do 3 - 5 sets of 5 - 8 reps working with 70 - 85% of your one-rep max.

Ensure The Right Nutrition For The System All weight loss efforts ultimately boil down to the right nutrition. Remember that the actual six pack abs can be achieved in the kitchen and not in the gym. So eat right to create a calorie deficit within and weight loss would follow on its own. Watch your calorie intake and eat nutritious foods. Cut down on trans-fats intake, avoid bad carbohydrates and maintain a healthy distance from fast foods. Instead switch over to healthy fresh fruits and veggies, and keep the system hydrated at all times. Consuming whole grains like oats, barley and nuts, green tea, eggs, lean meats etc. would also help. Make sure that you keep the above things in mind while chalking out your six pack abs regime. However, if you need some concrete well chalked out plans and methods for the same, I would suggest that you read through the below mentioned resource for an all-inclusive fat loss and body toning guide. - 17269

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