Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Thursday, November 19, 2009

How to Help a Cancer Fighter Take Medication and Supplements

By Angela Peterson

Vitamins, herbs, and natural remedies should be researched. Mom took Selenium, Vitamin C, E, Potassium, soy protein, beta-carotene, and food enzyme to aid in digestion, and an antioxidant blend. Selenium has so little taste, we poured the powder into her protein shakes and that worked well for Mom.

Mom was never a good pill taker due to a strong natural gag reflex. A Nurse showed us how some pills (ask the nurse) and vitamins could be crushed into applesauce to help her get them in her system. Some things can be taken through an IV or as a shot.

Ask their doctor to prescribe medications, especially pain medications, through a shot or IV. The reason is this: if they take a pill and then vomit (which happened often with Mom) they will not give them another pill until the next scheduled time since they were unable to determine how much of the medicine (if any) they kept down and ingested.

Usually, medication may be given every 4-6 hours, so this means your Loved One may be in horrific pain for hours waiting for their next dose. It is very important for their quality of life that they do not risk throwing up the painkiller and have to endure until the next scheduled pill.

There are also places that make medicine in liquid forms for people with gag reflex problems if the IV and shot types of pain killers are not working for your Loved One- ask your doctor or nurse if you are interested. Tomato soup and sauce is an excellent source of cancer-fighting Lycopene.

"No other word can strike fear in a person or family member like the word, "cancer." As a professional pain management nurse, I cannot recommend this book ENOUGH! This book is timeless and is a MUST for any patient or caregiver faced with a diagnosis of cancer or life-threatening illness."

-Susan Brown, RN, BSN, Professional Pain Management Nurse Cancer Treatment Centers of America - 17269

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How Did America's Height Average Get So Tall

By Ellen Roberts

In the past 50 years height has stabilized and the average American men's height is about 5 feet 9 inches and for women its 5 feet 4 inches. The average American's height has hit the ceiling so to speak. "In terms of stature we've pretty much maxed out. Over the last generation there has been little change in height", says an anthropologist, William Leonard, at Northwestern University. There was a time when it was expected that the children were to outgrow their parents. In the 20th century in American every 20 years both children and adolescents grew about an inch and a half.

You Are What You Eat

Leonard explains the reason is that most American youths now face few nutritional or health-related stresses. Most Americans have avoided diseases and have consumed enough meat and milk in their youth to reach their potential genetic height growth due to the fact that most people grow most as infants than as adolescents.

"In ethic compositions there are large heterogeneity" says Leonard. "Asian-American and Hispanic Americans is where height increasing is still happening." According to Leonard what leads to malnutrition and health care problems, and generations of children still growing not reaching the maximums yet are immigration population and communities where there are social economic constraints. Leonard also points out that height averages has more or less stabilized, but there is a small population where increase height are still happening (still not large enough to effect the overall averages).

Since the'30's, studies has shown how a person's environment (which points towards nutrition) can not only affect directly a person's size, but their body height as well. Sixty years ago, analysis was done on European immigrants to the United States and researchers showed that immigrant children born in the US were taller and had larger heads and broader facial features than their foreign born parents and siblings. Studies that were done more recent in the'60's and'70's has even more directly indicated the importance of nutrition to height growth. Anthropologists analyzed a series of villages in Central America. They provided nutritional growth supplements to some infants and placebo to the other infants. The children who had the supplements overwhelmingly grew taller and throughout their life and were more successful.

Stages of Growth

Since growth occurs almost exclusively in infancy and adolescence, it is critical that a person receives good nutrition to get taller. During the first two to three years of a human's life is when they grow the fastest, and they will continue to grow taller throughout childhood until about the age of 10 or 11 years of age. Leonard also points out that by the age of 17 is when girls reach their maximum height while boys tend to grow a little later reaching their tallest by 20 years of age.

Wilt Chamberlain, America's most famous tall person, had a huge growth spurt at 15 years old and grew four inches within three months. When he stated playing college basketball he was a towering 7 feet 1 inch. Growing beyond 20 years of age is rare says Leonard. But oddly enough, when poor nutrition has inhibited growth earlier in life, late growth spurts are more likely to occur. For example, communities in South America that are malnourished continue growing throughout their 20's. But because they grew less during the more critical years of childhood, they still remain shorter than most Americans.

Longevity Can Be Determined By Height

A recent study done by David Gunnel, an epidemiologist at England's University of Bristol, showed that you can predict one's longevity by determining their body height. And since a person's early health and nutrition has resulted in increased height, it's safe to say that it's a good indicator of one's longevity.

According to Gunnel the longer the bone the more likely a person lived beyond the age of 30. He was able to show with his studies that the length of the bone correlates to overall height by exhuming and measuring hundreds ninth to nineteenth century arm and leg bones from English Graves.

In more modern time, if a person was tall they would be sexually and professionally more successful. An example of that is a study that shows that a U.S. presidential candidates that are taller are most likely to be elected. And based on hearsay evidence, a taller person is the more attractive and can find sexual partners easier.

Height's Disadvantages

There are other difficulties that are pointed from hearsay evidence. "Tall basketball players have their own everyday life disadvantages with food, clothing, living quarters, beds, etc." says Blackenhorn. There is strain to the circulatory and skeletal systems when a human is very tall. Animal evidence show that being too tall can have drawbacks according to Wolf Blanckenhorn of the University of Zurich, Switzerland. In order to survive when food is scarce, oversized animals need to eat more. Predators and parasites prey less on taller animals because they tend to be less agile.

People will always find ways to get taller, whether it be with a growth enhancer, a growth booster, a growing taller exercise, or books on how to increase your height or how to make yourself taller. And the question will always remain amongst horizontally challenged people is "How can I grow taller?". According to Leonard, being different in which ever way, even in height, is rarely ever easy. But there is one publication called Growing Taller 4 Idiots that will help anyone who wants to advance their growth by a few inches naturally. Americans have reached their genetic growth potentials, anthropologists think that its unlikely they will develop a new genetic pool to grow even taller. Which means that Americans that are very tall will continue to be perceived as...very tall. - 17269

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How You May Lose Weight Quickly and Safely

By Joen Devenport

You may keep purchasing into those misleading fat loss ads, formulas, and exercising gizmos if you like, but don't be upset when your weight loss is dilatory, to not happening, and the retrieve of the fat is fast. I've seen people on this weight loss plan National Body Challenge on the Discover Health channel, struggling to get healthier and drop off weight, but it is truly sad when 6 months later the progress is really not "all that expected ."

As good intentions as that program may have, don't be fooled into believing you've got to "beat" yourself up to efficaciously and properly drop off fat, and which it is suppose to take you a long and tough time to check good impactful results.

I myself was shocked to check that there was a weight loss secret which was not being readily talked about in the mass media which has true typical healthy final results of its users losing roughly 45 pounds in the first 30 days. that's truly losing weight quickly, in my view.

In common these mega companies of the weight loss industries are banking (literally) on you not truly losing weight quickly and permanently. These companies make a living on people yo-yoing with their fat. If you lose it fast and for good they would go bankrupt. that's why the weight loss industry is not interested in revealing you to the secret of how to genuinely drop off weight speedily and keep it off.

You deserve to be sound and not obese by any number of pounds, but you can't get there if you let yourself to be duped and misguide about what is causing you fat and keeping you from rapidly losing fat and keeping it off.

Reminds me of the lady I saw on Oprah the other day that lost a lot of weight one year and turned into a aggressive body builder, only to gain it back soon, and is now embarrassed to go to the gym. The typical fat loss cures are just not effective, nor long standing without you 'sticking' yourself up to remain slim and healthy. - 17269

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Poor Nutrition Diseases Part 1

By Erik Loebl

An extended life and a solution to disease has been searched for by many a long time. The goal of this article is to address a this issue of prolonged life and longevity, benefits that many have looked for centuries.

As a disclaimer, this article is not meant to give medical advice. This article is to inform you of something which can be very powerful and beneficial to your health.

The ideal solution to the supplement situation would have:

To give a high nutritional value.

Fully equipped with ingredients that provide high nutrition.

Be full of antioxidants of many different varieties.

Vitamins and minerals would be something it is full of.

It would be an immune booster.

It would increase enhance a person's energy and mental accuracy.

It would improve vision.

Its use would increase physical activity and athletic performance.

It would not contain any added sugar, any preservatives, artificial colors, or artificial flavors.

It would be safe for people no matter what their age.

People would appreciate its flavor

People's lives would be enhanced by it.

Those without the benefits outlined above risk having chronic diseases, looking older than their years, or dying prematurely.

Bad nutritional habits and little to no exercise are having a impact on many people on a global scale.

Just consider these facts:

Poor nutrition and lack of physical activity are responsible for an estimated 300k to 600k preventable deaths each year.

The Centers for Disease Control says that good nutrition lowers the risk for many chronic diseases including heart disease, stroke, some types of cancer, diabetes, and osteoporosis.

Poor eating habits often develop during childhood. Greater than 60% of youths are eating too much fat, and less than 20% eat the recommended 5 or more servings of fruits and vegetables per day. The number of over weight children has nearly doubled since'80, and a sedentary lifestyle increases the risk of developing diabetes, hypertension, colon cancer, depression, anxiety, obesity, weak muscles and bones.

The societal costs of poor nutrition and physical inactivity are difficult to quantify, and relate to the most directly attributable consequences such as obesity, diabetes, and coronary heart disease.

In the year 2000, the total cost associated with the obesity epidemic was $117 billion! Most of these $117 costs were associated with the diagnosis and treatment of Type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease and hypertension.

The Centers for Disease Control produced a study which had some interesting facts about the direct medical costs related to various levels of physical activity.

If all the currently inactive American adults changed and began to be active, the American health care system could potentially save around 77 billion US dollars.

Americans, 15 years and older, who engaged in regular physical activity had an average annual direct medical cost of $1000 versus costs of $1300 for those who are physically inactive.

Compared to the physically inactive people, those that are physically active require less hospitalization, less physician visits, and require less medication.

This is reason why a person's medical insurance premium is so high, and it requires a lot of time for a person to make an appointment to see their doctor.

A sufficient supply of vitamins and minerals are an irreplaceable component in any liquid form of nutritional mixture designed to promote good health and wellness.

The question remaining is...

"How can I find the juice or supplement described above?"

It is good that you asked that question, because there is an answer to your inquiry.

A product called "Essential Daily Nutrients", has all the criteria described and meets all the criteria described in this article. In my and the opinion's of others, this is the best liquid vitamin supplement available today.

See http://essentialdailynutrients.biz for more details. Also see "Diseases Caused By Poor Nutrition Part 2". - 17269

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What You Should Know About Hemorrhoids

By Ellen Roberts

Hemorrhoids are swollen veins found in the rectum or anus. The swelling is caused by the strain during bowel movement. Pregnancy, chronic constipation, and diarrhea are other factors that can cause increase pressure in the rectum. There are two types of hemorrhoids which are internal and external.

External Hemorrhoids:

External hemorrhoids feels like a small lump and is very sensitive to the touch. Just like the name, the hemorrhoids are located outside of the rectum where it can usually be itchy and irratating and is more painful than internal hemorrhoids.

Internal Hemorrhoids:

Compared to external hemorrhoids, internal hemorrhoids usually don't hurt at all. Just as external hemorrhoids are found on the outside of the rectum, internal are found in the inside of the anus and on occasions may bleed. Blood on the toilet paper or in the toilet after bowel movement are common symptoms of internal hemorrhoids.

Hemorrhoid Symptoms:

The most common symptoms of hemorrhoids are blood on the toilet paper or in the toilet after a bowel movement. Irritation and painful swelling around the rectum are the the most common symptoms of external hemorrhoids. You may also find sensitive lumps around the area of the anus. An odd itch inside of your rectum is a symptom of internal hemorrhoids.

Hemorrhoid Prevention:

Having the right diet is the best prevention for hemorrhoids. Drink lots of water to soften the stool for easy strain during bowel movement. It's unhealthy to eat lots of processed food so in order to prevent hemorrhoids, add some fiber to your diet. More foods to increase your chances to prevent hemorrhoids are bran, fruits and vegetable.

There are certain toilet habits that will also help with avoiding hemorrhoids. Sitting on the toilet for long periods of time such as reading (which is an unhealthy habit) could cause straining. So try to get the "job" done within five minutes without reading.

If your job requires you to sit for long periods of time, make sure you try to get up and walk around for five minutes per every hour. This advice will help you immensely because exercising and moving around is also a good hemorrhoid prevention.

Hemorrhoid Treatment:

The best treatment for you is based on the nature of your hemorrhoid. There are two types of treatment, natural home treatment and surgery. Both treatments are effective.

The natural home hemorrhoid treatments would be used to reduce swelling and to ease some of the pain.

A treatment to treat both the swelling and the pain is called a sitz bath where you sit in a tub of warm water for ten minutes a few times a day to treat both the swelling and the pain.

Another way to reduce hemorrhoid swelling are ice packs. It also will numb the area for pain.

Witch Hazel is a natural astringent that when used in creams and applying it around the effected area can help with irritation.

Surgery is performed in extreme cases such as multiple hemorrhoids, if the hemorrhoid persists, or if it is too painful.

Rubber band ligation is a common form of uncomplicated hemorrhoid treatment. The blood flow is cut off by a rubber band that is placed around the base of the hemorrhoid inside the anus causing the hemorrhoid to shrivel and wither away in a few days.

For smaller hemorrhoids that are either internal or external a surgery called infrared coagulation is performed. In this procedure infrared light is used to burn off the hemorrhoids.

An injection therapy called Sclerotherapy is a type of surgery used to cure small internal hemorrhoids. By injecting a hardening agent that causes loss of circulation will send the hemorrhoid shriveling. - 17269

Muscle Building For Beginners, Tips To Start Building Muscle

By Ricardo d Argence

Any individual that is considering giving bodybuilding a try should realize that it takes a lot of patience, perseverance, and discipline to succeed. Within the first few weeks of working out, almost everyone achieves gains. Afterwards, a great deal of stagnancy settles in. This can lead to people quitting prematurely. That is a shame because it is not necessary if one follows these tips:

1. Keep the workouts simple. Begin your workout program by training once or twice during the first week. Feel your way through the first workout sessions you perform. This way, you can get an understanding of what proper workouts entail. Use free weights as well as machines. You can even hire a trainer or instructor during the first sessions as a means of helping you learn the basic exercises.

As your arms are stronger and carry most of the loads that's why you can use Barbells which are best than doing dumbbells. Barbells help you achieve balance and feel faster. Eat basic food to get enough protein, carbohydrates, fiber and essential fats instead of investing in body building supplements right away.

2. Keep the workouts short. Every beginner launching an exercise program needs to realize that muscles do not grow during the workout session. Instead, they grow while at rest. The original workouts must remain below the 30 to 45 minute range. It is best to stick with a 5 to 10-minute warm-up and light stretching session and end the sessions through a cool down period for another 5 minutes.

The body will always need an adequate amount of time to heal. This allows the muscles enough time to grow and grow in a healthy manner. When you visit the gym too often you will discover your muscle growth process to be very limited or outright non-existent. When you feel sore a day after a workout, you probably should take a minimum of one day off before returning to the gym.

3. Setting goals. Before hitting the gym, outline your plan, goals and objectives. Why do you want to body build? What do you want to achieve with your body? How much are you willing to invest? How much time can you allocate to training each week? It is vital to set goals that are realistic, attainable and time-bound.

Too many gym-goers quit during the first few months because they set objectives that are difficult to reach. Experts recommend that you embark on a program that you can effectively recover from, not one that you can maximally do.

You must never forget that the three main pillars of body building are exercise, nutrition and rest. You should have enough of all of these to gain quality muscle and maintain it for the long term.

To help you stick to your planned regimen, try looking for a training partner who has the same goals and schedule so you can encourage each other not to skip workouts and to maintain a healthy diet and sleep pattern. Maintain a training log where you chart your progress, weight changes and lift adjustments.

Always focus on the most basic of exercises and/or compound movements as a means of hitting a variety of muscles at roughly the same time. Among the very best initial exercises to workout on include the squat, dead lift, military press, bench press, bent-over row and barbell curl. Perform about 8 to 12 sets of exercises per session. After working out the basics for several months, you can then take the steps to perform the more advanced workouts. Upon doing this, you can then divide the body into different parts and perform isolation exercises so as to sculpt specific areas of the body.

Always perform a light warm-up exercise prior to moving on to 1 or 2 working sets. 8 to 12 repetitions each set should be enough to deliver results while also avoiding continuing onwards until the muscles fail. Never neglect any single body part through the course of the body building career you launch. Far too often, beginners will neglect legs and calves and instead focus entirely on the upper body and maintaining lagging body parts.

Feel free to visit my website for more information on body building tips, workouts & articles. - 17269

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Picking Out Safe Snack Foods In Relation To Food Allergies

By Chris Channing

Snacking is an inevitable habit that helps keep the body running between meals. The problem for anyone with a food allergy is that finding a good snack food can be difficult- or even downright impossible. Despite lack of support from local stores, there are still options in finding such snacks.

Eating healthy is always a good route to go. Foods that are packaged and in the snack food aisle seldom have the nutritional value of organic fruits and vegetables. Organic carrots, plums, and salad material are healthier and safe to consume. Eating naturally also tends to be cheaper and more filling, so parents aren't constantly trying to keep the pantry stocked with snacks.

Any products with wheat or grains are approached with caution from those with gluten and wheat allergies. Cereal is a good example, as the majority of all cereals have gluten contained within them. Crackers and cheese snacks typically do too, so it's important to read the ingredient list when looking for grain snacks. Some may even include milk or egg products in a significant portion.

It's hard to imagine a movie night without popcorn- it's a staple of the entertainment industry and the main seller at cinemas. Some types of popcorn seasoning that come in with microwavable bags might have been processed with products such as eggs or casein. If you do find a good allergy-safe bag of popcorn, also verify that any season you put on the treat is also safe to consume.

Youth like a cup of pudding for snacks- they are even safe for consumption when trying to feel better in suffering from the flu. Packaged pudding is known for its milk-based ingredients, while "do it yourself" packages of pudding often require that milk be added in the cooking process. The best solution is to find packaged pudding that is free of allergens, or to find a pudding mix that doesn't require milk products. Luckily, any flavor available to others is available in allergy-free options.

Candy isn't free of its share of allergens. Making candy at home is an easy way to skip the possibility of allergies being affected, but it's not the best solution for hectic schedules. Candy such as lollipops, candy bars, and cereal bars can be purchased without the allergens found in most grocery store products. Candy is generally used as a reward in and out of the classroom, so it's good to have some handy at all times in coaching children.

Final Thoughts

You and your family are not alone in the search for a regular diet, despite having a problem with food allergies. Big communities will often have specialty shops or information on allergy-safe diets. Internet websites and stores are also a huge help to parents and children alike. - 17269

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Be A Personal Trainer And Be The Boss

By Jaque Moss

If you are like many people, you dream of being your own boss. Starting your own business can be expensive and risky. One way to invest in yourself is to spend just $34.97 which will get you on your way to a certification as a personal trainer. Personal trainers make great money and work for themselves.

This program will guide you through the things you need to know to become a personal trainer and start working with clients who need and appreciate your services. There is a big demand for personal trainers and you will know the rewards of being your own boss. Find out more about this opportunity at http://www.personaltrainerjob.com/.

Joe Dynasty created this program to help other enjoy the same success he has found. Joe is a sought after personal trainer with a successful business. He wants to share his knowledge with people like you and help them achieve success and independence.

The site managed to attract the interest of interested visitors and are quite convincing with its declarations. It went on to add that demands for personal trainers abound and the potential for profit is great. You may get all that you ever wanted by having your own business through Personal trainer Job.

All it takes is this guide and your effort in learning everything contained in it and you are already well on your way to becoming your own successful boss.

Personal trainers aren't tied to a nine to five schedule and they don't have to punch a clock. You can visit your clients in their own homes and work when you want. The job satisfaction you get from helping others adds to your success.

The site will also provide you with the forms you will need for your new clients. There is a form for medical history, exercise history and a pricing sheet. There is also an initial consultation form and a liability waiver. There are forms which explain your refund and cancellation policies.

All these form can easily cost you $80. With Personal Training Job however, you need not pay anything. It is already included in the price package of the guide.

The guide is in a form of an e-book that will teach you the step-by-step ways to get you certified, how to find your niche and stand out compared to other personal trainers, know the correct charges applied to customers and best of all, to know how you can get clients to keep on signing up.

The information present on the site is in clear understandable language. It is easy to grasp the information that could change your future. The site is user friendly and easy to navigate with lots of interesting information presented in a clean format. Everything you need to know about the guide and about the business of personal training is right here.

To know learn more and to be able to finally decide if this is a product that will suit your need, then it is best to visit the site yourself and be the judge. With the mere $35 as the package price, there is much to gain for a very small price to pay. - 17269

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ways To Get Rid Of Canker Sores

By Dana Ming

The sores that occur in your mouth from time to time are called canker sores. Canker sores can be quite painful depending on how big it is.

A canker sore outbreak can last for a few days. As of today, the medical community does not know for sure what causes canker sores.

Even before the canker sores become mature, you can stop it before that happens. Many types of toothpaste contain sodium lauryl sulfate. SLS is an ingredient that can dry out your mouth which can cause canker sores.

Make sure you get a good amount of sleep. Lack of sleep causes stress which can cause canker sores.

If you do not get enough nutrients, that can also result in canker sores. Take multivitamins if you feel that you are getting enough nutrition.

Wash your mouth with antibacterial mouth wash after you brush your teeth. Antibacterial rinse can get rid of the bacteria that could linger near your canker sores. You can also rinse with salt water or hydrogen peroxide.

Put baking soda paste on your canker sore. This can soothe and help the healing of the sore faster. Avoid spicy food which will irritate the canker sore more. Also avoid eating sharp foods which could cause trauma to the canker sores.

Get some yogurt to treat your canker sores. Yogurt has the ingredient called acidophilus which can boost your immune system. By boosting your immune system it could heal the canker sores faster.

If you prefer, you can get medication from drugstores to ease the pain of your canker sores. They are usually OTC, so there is no need for a doctor?s prescription.

Do not wait until your canker sores become big and painful. As soon as you feel it coming on, starting doing all the above mentioned procedures to halt it in its tracks. - 17269

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Is It Possible To Eliminate Bingo Wings With Nutritional Supplements?

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

Getting rid of bingo wings is not easy. And most supplements promising to make the arm fat melt off like butter do not live up to their hype.

Now, having said that, there are some supplements that are worth their weight in gold. And although they won't reduce bingo wings like magic, they will definitely make life easier for you.

Thus, here are 5 supplements that can help you get rid of bingo wings:

1. Loose leaf south American tea. Specifically, yerba mate. This is the best tea for getting rid of bingo wings. Why? Because it can completely block out any cravings and give you boundless energy for an entire day. The catch? You have to start slow to assess tolerance.

2. Lung ching tea. Also known as dragon well tea, this loose leaf green tea will give you a steady increase in energy without the subsequent crashes that coffee gives. It's also much healthier for you than coffee.

3. Joint pills. Think of your joints as tires. Once they wear out, they're gone for good. Taking some joint pills like glucosamine sulfate can help prevent this. However, using proper form while exercising still takes priority here.

4. Energy bars. Whole food will always be better than any type of processed food, including bars. Having said that, bars serve their purpose in emergency situations. After all, it's better to have a bar instead of starving.

5. Concentrated fish pills. Pills with concentrated fish oil do provide health and fat burning benefits, the research is clear here. However, taking too many pills is NOT better. In fact, it can decrease health. Also, pay close attention to nutrition labels as most manufacturers do not state EPA and DHA content.

Now please understand that supplements will not do all the bingo wing work for you. They can help, but they won't burn the arm fat without effort on your part. So please take supplements with a grain of salt and understanding. The best way to lose arm fat is by controlling insulin and working out very hard. - 17269

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Athletes and Whey Protein

By Ariel Mondough

Athletes require more protein than the average person, because of the need to rebuild muscle fiber after strenuous muscle use. Without the use of protein, you can't build muscle. Athletic improvement occurs during the rest and recovery phase, when your body responds to the stress of training. Smart athletes follow the formula for success: recover as purposely as you train. Athletes impel additional protein than the workaday person, because of the need to rebuild muscle fiber after strenuous clout account. Without the use of protein, you can't conformation muscle.

These are important for active individuals, individuals who exercise and professional athletes. Whey protein isolate is the highest yield of protein currently available that comes from milk. Because of its chemical properties it is the easiest to absorb into your system.

Whey protein isolate is produced through cheese-making processes that have existed for centuries. Milk is separated into curds and whey, and the curds are used to produce cheese while the whey is passed through a series of ceramic filters to separate other components such as lactose and fat out to concentrate the whey protein.

Athletes require more protein than the average person, because of the need to rebuild muscle fiber after strenuous muscle use. Without the use of protein, you can't build muscle. Athletic improvement occurs during the rest and recovery phase, when your body responds to the stress of training. Smart athletes follow the formula for success: recover as purposely as you train. Athletes impel additional protein than the workaday person, because of the need to rebuild muscle fiber after strenuous clout account. Without the use of protein, you can't conformation muscle.

Products made from isolate will be higher in protein, 85-90% but will cost more due to the additional manufacturing process. Those who are lactose intolerant or are watching their fat/carb intake may benefit from whey protein isolate over concentrate. Products and companies referred to herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies or mark holders.

Whey protein isolate is considered by many experts to be the single highest quality source of protein for human nutrition. Its bio avalability is without compare and its amino acids are utilized more efficiently than any other source of protein. Whey protein isolate is the highest yield of protein currently available, and it comes from milk. Because of its chemical properties, whey protein is the easiest to absorb into your muscles. Whey protein isolate is the purer form of protein. - 17269

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Fish Oil Benefits Every Aspect Of Your Health

By Daniel Fittman

There are so many fish oil benefits, it might make more sense to discuss what it does not do, rather than what it does. Although fish oil may seem nothing short of miraculous, this is for good reason. Fish oil gives your body what it needs for proper functioning.

Not all fish can provide the oil that you are looking for in your diet or supplement. The fish must be from oily and from deep cold waters. Fish in this category include cod, mackerel, salmon and herring. Fish from deeper waters are generally better as they should contain less, if any, mercury.

The substances we need from these fish are Omega 3 fatty acids. Our bodies cannot synthesize what we need, so we need to get these from either our diets or by taking a supplement. And, for most of us, it is difficult to get sufficient stores from diet alone.

These fish oil fatty acids are necessary for many systems in the body but one of the most important is the cardiovascular system. Studies have shown that they have an effect on the cholesterol levels in the body, increasing the good cholesterol and decreasing the bad. They inhibit production of artery plaques, therefore helping to protect from strokes and heart attacks. In addition, they help to lower blood pressure.

Omega 3 acids are essential for good brain health as well. They have a direct impact on the cognitive and behavioral functioning of the brain. A deficiency in these acids has been linked to several different disorders including mental illnesses and diseases such as Alzheimers and Parkinsons. Fish oil supplements are proving to have a positive effect on sufferers, including children, of ADD and ADHD.

The Omega 3s found in fish oil are also essential in development of both the brain and the nervous system. Pregnant women should be sure that they are getting enough of these fatty acids for good fetal development. There are some studies that have shown that premature deliveries are less likely when the mother is supplementing with fish oil.

Fish oil Omega 3s also act as anti-inflammatories, helping to reduce pain in any inflammatory conditions including arthritis, lupus, prostatitis and inflammatory bowel disease, to name a few. This ability to reduce inflammation can also aid in reduction of wrinkles. Further benefits to the skin are provided by the encouragement of collagen production.

There are studies that have found fish oil to be a possible aid for cancer prevention, especially in the colon, prostrate and breast. The fatty acids help to keep normal cells from becoming cancerous, they kill off cancer cells and stop abnormal cell growth.

One more benefit of fish oil is that it can promote the production of serotonin which, to put it simply, is the hormone that makes us feel good emotionally. It may also help to reduce levels of hormones that increase stress. So, between the two functions, the result is feeling calmer, less stressed and happier. All of which benefit the immune system as well.

There are more fish oil benefits that could be added, but the point is made. These fish oil fatty acids are vital for your health. When you look for a supplement, be sure that you find one that has no fillers and no preservatives. You want a high quality supplement made from nothing but cold-water fish. - 17269

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