Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Easy Tips On How To Jump Higher

By Bart Icles

Becoming a better basketball player means having to develop the different skills needed while playing a game. Aside from enhancing your basic and advanced basketball skills, you will also need to develop your physical fitness skills like your speed, strength, and agility. Another skill that contributes much to your competence as a basketball player is your jumping ability. Indeed, becoming a better ball player means learning how to jump higher. There are tons of tips on how to jump higher available in sports manuals and online that you can easily get yourself overwhelmed by their sheer number. But what really is important is you will be able to develop a jump higher program that you can integrate to your daily exercise routine.

You jump higher training program does not really need to be all too complex. What you really need is to learn tips on how to jump higher that best answer your jumping needs. You need not invest on expensive exercise machines and costly gym memberships. All you need to do is to properly and regularly perform simple exercises that have been proven to increase the height of your vertical jump.

Most tips on how to jump higher will make you start working on your calves. There is much sense to this indeed because your calf muscles are primarily responsible for making jump. Strengthening your calf muscles is one way of giving you the added lift you need. You can start working on your strength by adding strength training in your regular exercise routine. One way is through doing lunges while holding a set of dumbbells on each of your hands.

Plyometric exercises are also great ways of working your speed, strength, and agility. You can read more about plyometric drills for basketball in several websites online. What is great about plyometrics trainings is that the exercises included in them do not require the use of complicated exercise machines. You simply need to perform specific drills and exercises properly. And this does not mean you will need to lock yourself up in the gym. You simply need to perform the exercises one hour each day at the most.

Other great ways of making you jump higher includes regular jump rope sessions ? on your toes. Jumping rope on your toes will not only strengthen your calf muscles, it will also give you a total body workout. Other tips on how to jump higher would involve walking on tiptoes for 15 to 30 minutes everyday. Completing sets of jumps can also help much in significantly increasing the height of your vertical jump. - 17269

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What Is Included In An Orthopedic Evaluation?

By Dr. Stefan Tarlow

Knee Replacement Surgery and Its Effect on Your Life

Following your knee replacement surgery, you will see a big difference in your life in terms of reduction of pain and increase in mobility. However, before you decide to have knee surgery, it is important to understand that you cannot expect miracles from it. You can realistically expect to return to normal activities of daily living with reduced pain.

Reduced pain and increased mobility are reported by better than ninety percent of total knee replacement recipients. For this reason, this procedure is very popular. The key to being pleased with your total knee replacement surgery is to understand that it will greatly improve your life, but it will not make you capable of doing things you could not do before your knee was damaged. It will greatly reduce the pain you have been experiencing, and it will help you to return to your activities of daily living at a normal level.

In fact, there may be some activities you will need to give up. If you have been doing very strenuous, active, high-impact sports, you should not do them with your knee replacement. Also, you must not jog.

Understand that you can greatly increase the life of your total knee replacement with proper care. Overuse can cause the plastic cushion in your knee replacement to wear out. This will make your knee replacement loose and painful. This is why it is important to engage in moderate exercise and not accelerate the wear and tear of the components of your knee replacement.

Click here for more on orthopedic evaluation .

During an orthopedic evaluation, you can expect the following:

Medical History: You will be asked questions about your general health and about the level of pain and functioning you are experiencing with your knee.

Physical Examination: To assess the strength, stability and ROM (range of motion) of your knee as well as the alignment of your leg.

The degree of damage and deformity present in the knee will be determined by x-ray.

A variety of tests, including MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), blood tests, and bone scan will be conducted to determine the condition of the soft tissues and bones of your knee as well as your general physical condition.

Finally, your orthopedic surgeon will review your results and your options with you. You will learn about total knee replacement, alternative surgeries, physical therapy, medication, and injections. Together, you and your orthopedic surgeon will decide on your course of treatment.

At this point, your orthopedic surgeon will also clarify any risks that may be involved in total knee replacement surgery, rehabilitation, and functioning in day-to-day life with a knee replacement. - 17269

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Why You Need Body Cleanse

By Ferdinand Emy

If you are thinking with reference to purchasing or taking a body cleanse treatment, you should consider these aspects before you commit your time and money.

Why do you require a body cleanse treatment?

Is there any particular reason you think you require a body cleanse or do you just want to stay healthy and in good physical shape? Going through a body cleanse because you do not feel well lately may be a good idea, but if you are in thoughtful pain or illness, then its probably excessively late to take care of it with just a body cleanse. In those cases you should good demand for medical counsel before you decide on a treatment.

On the other hand, if you feel well, then you probably do not require it at all, and you would be better off by just leading a healthier lifestyle, abstaining from alcohol and tobacco, doing exercise regularly and drinking water.

What specified merits will I get?

When it comes to health, its very problematic to measure profits. Nonetheless, try to get a body cleanse treatment that's as particular as feasible. Terms that are too general or hard to measure mean that they may sell you pretty much anything without any accountability. After all, how may you measure benefits like feel excellent?

How much it will in point of fact cost?

Ask up front any costs involved, including any extras that they might charge. Sometimes, the cost only covers the main body cleanse treatment, but as you advance, there're little extras, like patches, pills, towels, soaps, etc., that add up to the bill. If you know of these charges beforehand, you will be able to decide whether you invest in them or not. On the other hand, if you get charged for them without warning, it could turn your body cleanse experience into a frustrating one.

Is this treatment trustworthy?

Unless you have been sent to a clinic by a specialist you trust, I would advise you not to take body cleanse treatments at a place just because it catches your attention. Try asking friends or relatives that have in point of fact taken body cleanse treatments about their experience and where they took them.

In Conclusion, you should similarly consider not taking a treatment at all. If you can abstain tobacco and alcohol, drink half a gallon of water a day and do exercise everyday, then you probably shouldnt be searching for a body cleanse treatment. Undeniably, I know that such a lifestyle is simpler said than done, so if you dont have the willpower, then be prepared to expend a good number of money. - 17269

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Body Building Supplements, Do You Need Them?

By Ricardo d Argence

One thing you ought to know is that muscle building is relevant to men and women alike. There is this common wrong perception that well built muscles belong to macho men with rippling muscles like Tarzan!

There are two sides to the concept of building muscles. First, it benefits the muscles through toning, keeping them healthy and strong. Second, it prevents fat from accumulating around your muscles. Your extremities are powerful still at the same time, they are preserved non-fleshy and robust.

You'll ask the inevitable question if in case the chances are you a hectic life: When I need to use my time to make money instead, how on earth will I ever find time devoted to muscle building? If you start the process of bolstering your diet with health supplements you will find an answer to your question.

As you will find with a little research, the market is flooded with aids of these types. They'll definitely assist your body's muscle building process and are therefore good for you,they promise good toning and quick burning of fat so if they work well.

At this point I must offer you a word of caution, however. Chemical products activate health food supplements in your body, which aid stress and fatigue control. For instance, Glutamine is one of them. Oxides of nitrate or even nitric acid are two others. Proteins and enzymes will be there too.

In general, these products are not harmful, and your body will simply absorb the minute amount of supplement you are taking. Before long, you will feel the benefits of well toned muscles. Sure, you'll also be thrilled!

You'll find lots of choices available when you decide to seek a health food supplement, there are many brands seeking your attention on store shelves. Don't pick one of them at random.

You may or may not experience some side effects related to these supplements, depending on your body's constitution. You will also want to take into consideration the implication nitric acid could have on your sexual health.

It is always recommended to consult your physician prior to beginning a new regimen of health food supplements. He'll tell you what's best for you. Evidence has proven that additives have been found in many fruits and vegetables, so it is even more necessary for you to properly adjust your diet in order to do the job. Although the risk is limited, before you take any health food supplements seek the advice of your physician first.

Taking everything into consideration you will be shown a body with well-toned muscles when you look at yourself in the mirror. - 17269

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Guidelines to Female Bodybuilding

By Jesse Regan

Despite the great changes modern society is making regarding its views on women, many people still think it inappropriate for the females to involve themselves in bodybuilding. However, no matter what others may think there is a rising number of women who are going to the gyms to lift weights and even join bodybuilding competitions just as men do. They have trained to achieve the much-desired muscular build. Others have taken pills such as steroids to complement their workouts. All these they do still without compromising their womanhood.

Women do not build muscles to threaten men physically, of course. Like male bodybuilding, the first motivation is just to get a fit and healthy body. Doing cardiovascular routines, lifting weights, and performing push-ups and pull-ups are all meant to lose fat and replace it with lean muscles. After hitting their targets, many have opted to go into competitions and show to others the amazing results of their efforts.

Female bodybuilding as a sport is becoming more popular. Everywhere, there are contests being held alongside those of mens. Women posing and flaunting their abs, gams, and biceps are no longer a novelty. Fitness buffs have also expressed admiration over these muscled members of the once-called fairer sex. They wonder how these women got that strong as iron bodies. Asking anyone of them will only tell how simple and easy the steps they actually took are.

Newbies are warned not to immediately lift the weights they could set their sights on. They can talk to a fitness or bodybuilding instructor first and seek his advice on what to do first. Most probably, they will be subjected to a physical review in order to find out their limitations and capabilities. For a start, they may be required to perform easy exercises along with less repetition. Sooner, they can be encouraged to try the more difficult and strenuous equipments and routines with more repetitions to perform.

Advanced female bodybuilders may have more intense routines to follow. They can spend more time in the gym, lift heavier weights and do more repetitions. Focusing more on anaerobic intensity is also required. More rests may be afforded to them especially because of the tougher routines. For those bent into joining competitions, they should be learning the correct poses by this time.

Augmenting their hard work at the gym, many women bodybuilders have used dietary supplements and steroids. The latter, however, is known to be dangerous and would need professional medical approval before being carried out. The best augmentation is offered by a healthy diet. This means taking in the needed proteins and carbohydrates. For muscle building, proteins are very important. Carbohydrates help in boosting the energy needed for weightlifting. With a combination of good diet and hard work at the gym, bodybuilding should be a breeze.

There you have an example of information about workout tips . You can find more of this online. - 17269

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Most Effective Abdominal Workouts

By James Statham

Don't you think it's time you knew about the most effective abdominal workouts? In this article, I will be telling you why some exercises, that target the abs, are actually harming your chances of cutting your fat down! I will also show you the types of exercises that have been proven to accelerate fat burn and reveal to the world your six pack!

Traditional abdominal workouts, such as crunches, leg lifts and sit ups, are what many of the fitness gurus', in magazines, rave about. They tell you that if you specifically target your abs, then you'll really get your abs muscly and they will suddenly be revealed. Well this just isn't true! In order to get rock solid abs that shine though, there are two things you need to do. You need to be lowering your body fat levels, and raising your metabolism. The reason why crunches are not a good exercise, is because they do neither of those two things. Traditional abs exercises are too isolated an exercise to burn fat quickly. Instead, you should be targeting different exercises.

So what are the really effective abdominal workouts? The types of exercises you should be performing are what's known as compound exercises. Compound exercises involve using free weights only, rather than machines. The reason for this is that when you exercise on machines, they support alot of the weight for you. Therefore, you aren't giving your body a full workout, and some of your muscles will not get developed.

When using free weights, you're supporting all of the weight. This is important, as it gives you a chance to workout the muscles stabilizing you when performing a compound exercise. Be sure to keep your workouts under an hour. If you can get in the gym, exhaust your muscles for an hour, and get out, then you'll have the perfect workout time to really blast your muscles and burn fat like never before!

Now you know the basics of what good abdominal workouts contain, now you need to sort out another key factor, your diet. It's no good thinking you can get ripped by eating loads of junk food! Now you don't need to starve yourself, far from it. What you do need to do, though, is cut out the processed foods and fatty foods in your diet. If you don't, then all your hard work in the gym won't pay off, and you'll still have a layer of body fat covering up your abs!

If you read fitness magazines, you've probably seen many advertisements about fat burner pills and special magic powders. These are all hyped up, and completely a waste of money! Just stick to what you have learned in this article and you will see results! - 17269

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Find Out How to Gain Height by Acquiring Better Posture Easily

By Rodney Williams

How are you holding your neck right now as you read this? Is it straight up or is it bent trying to support your drooping head? Is your spine straight or is it like a question mark? If you have answered in the latter to these questions, you have found an important reason why you are not as tall as you would like. If you mind your posture hereon, the pressure on your spine will reduce and you will grow taller.

Good posture is central to the health of the back and its growth. It also has psychological benefits that enhance your mood. Given here are tips to grow taller by improving posture throughout the day and night.

Standing: To straighten the small of your back, place one foot at a greater height than the other while standing. You can use table or chair footrests, little stools, steps of a staircase, etc. Wear flat shoes to avoid the tilted pelvis that troubles the high-heeled people.

Sitting: Sit in such a way that your back is well supported from bottom to top. If the chair is soft or doesn't have a firm backrest, place a small pillow to support the lower back. When you sit, ensure that your knees are at a higher position than the hips. If not, use a smaller chair or higher footrest.

Sleeping: Sleeping with straight legs is not good for posture as it causes a swayback. Sleep with a pillow or two under your knees when you sleep on your back. If you prefer to sleep on your side, bend in your knees and hips to straighten the spine. Place a pillow in between the knees to avoid strain on the spine.

Lifting: When you bend down to lift something heavy, bend your knees rather than bending at the waist. Place one foot ahead of the other for balance. Never twist your back while lifting heavy objects.

Maintain the right posture throughout day and night. It's not that difficult as you will find out. It is hard to get tired in a correct body position. Learn to stand, sit, lift and sleep in the right posture and discover this aspect of how to increase height. If you do find it tricky to sustain the correct posture, do some posture improving exercises like those in yoga to strengthen your muscles.

If nothing else, just imagine a giant rope tied to your head and pulling you up into the sky. When you lie down, imagine two of those ropes pulling you in both directions and stretching you out. You will soon see yourself literally standing taller. - 17269

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Invest On Your Body - Go On A Personal Training

By Elizabeth Mason

People in their quest for the perfect figure mostly engage in dietary limitations, reducing their eating significantly and doing away with certain types of food completely. Such desperate measures may lead to a decrease in weight for a brief span, but create serious health risks if carried on for a long time. Thus, it is much more advisable to spend some part of your day engaged in some form of workout, and using the services of a personal trainer is even better.

But a large number of people are unsure about the efficacy of regular exercise under the instructions of a personal trainer, and don't think there is a good enough case to opt for such an arrangement. There are, in fact a whole host of reasons to hire a personal trainer.

First of all, a personal trainer will develop a comprehensive exercise plan for you and this will motivate you to attain your health objectives. This will help you become more driven towards your efforts to care for your fitness and overall health.

Secondly, an experienced personal trainer will be in a position to teach you the right and scientifically proven techniques, and will also develop an exercise program and diet plan that is best-suited for your personal needs. Thus, you can shift from random exercising and strict dieting towards a plan that really gets results for you and does not harm you in any way.

Thirdly, a personal trainer is more sincere to you than you tend to be with yourself, and can give you a correct picture of your fitness and health levels. He will also help you create plans to combat illnesses and other health related issues, and thus help you have a longer and happier life.

Fourthly, a personal trainer will assist in injury avoidance and recovery, and also impart to you knowledge that will in the long term make you self-reliant with your workout.

Lastly, a personal trainer makes you more committed towards your deadlines and routines so that you can be steady in your efforts to keep up the good health you've recently gained.

A personal training arrangement makes it easy to ensure that the trainer is focussing on only you and your needs. If you are aware of the health improvements you ought to make and what your goals are, then you can derive maximum advantages from personal training. Further you can cross check references, qualifications and experience of the trainer in advance, and work out a good communication system once training begins. If these aspects are taken care of, personal training can work miracles for you. - 17269

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Keep Your body Free of Radicals

By Dr Lorna Mistranski

Aside from the acai berry being an unsullied, mouth-watering, organically grown fruit- it is also rich with antioxidants. Antioxidants are nutrients as well as substances that slow the oxidation damage to our body.

The process of the body's cells using oxygen produces by-products (also known as free radicals) that can do damage to our body. Antioxidants prevent and repair damage done by these free radicals. By ensuring your body is full of antioxidants, you can protect yourself from this damage.

When free radicals are left unchecked, they can wreak all kinds of havoc to our bodies. Free radicals are responsible for the breakdown of our DNA as well as causing cancer. These by-products can invade our cells and cause them to break down or even worse stop functioning all together.

Depending on where the damage was created by these toxic radicals, the range of destruction can lead to neurological damage all the way to hormonal problems. The acai berry produces enough antioxidants that when taken as a regular part of your diet can prevent and fight off these free radicals.

Research has shown for years that when antioxidants are taken on a regular basis, the body is able to repair and maintain its cellular strength from recent as well as future attacks from these dangerous free radicals.

A book entitled the Perricone Promise was written by Dr. Perricone who is generally regarded as the person responsible for introducing the fruit to the mainstream audience. In this book he describes the acai berry as being the most perfect food known on the planet today.

In this book, Dr. Perricone also states that the acai fruit berry has every ingredient needed to look and feel younger. Also, according to Dr. Perricone the fruit contains everything needed to revitalize your health and hinder the process of aging.

The acai fruit is known as a super food that contains every nutrient your body needs in fighting harmful free radicals. If your goal is to improve your overall health, as well as strengthen and maintain your body, then you should look further into the numerous benefits of the this amazing fruit.

In conclusion, if you are looking for a diet that will fight off free radicals, improve your health, and reduce aging, then looking further into the benefits of this miraculous super food could be just the next step for you. - 17269

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The Best Muscle Building Supplement: What Is It And Where Do You Unearth It?

By Ed Brancheau

The success of an athlete surely doesn't come from good nutrition alone, sometimes, weightlifting supplements are necessary to make one cope with the effort and be prepared for it. Food is the main source of energy , but supplements can complete a faulty diet for instance. Professional weightlifters often turn to ready-made products meant to compensate for their energy need, providing the strength and vitality needed for workout routines and competition training. Vitamin C, fatty acids and chromium picolinate are the ingredient formula of most weightlifting supplements, with a fundamental function in the blood body production. Blood, or more precisely hemoglobin, equals a good energy level as it transports the oxygen and the nutrients to the muscles.

Improved strength and vitality is the first thing to notice after using weightlifting supplements. However, unseen effects occur too such as the increase of the metabolic rate of the insulin, the hormone that plays the greatest role in burning calories. The thing is that Omega 3 and Omega 6, which are the fatty acids included in weightlifting supplements, are available in a very limited number of foods. Flax seeds and fish like salmon are two of the few foods that contain the acids. In the absence of these substances, the metabolism of fat becomes faulty and instead of muscular mass you'll grow adipose tissues.

Weightlifting supplements also include vitamin C to stimulate the immune system into supporting the effort during training. Plus, cortison is secreted under the influence of vitamin C. Normally, the creation of fat deposits occurs under the influence of this hormone. Chromium picolinate is one other element that is worth mentioning as ingredient of weightlifting supplements. This mineral helps to the glucose metabolism, because without enough insulin, the protein and the amino acids in the cells receive no stimulation.

With chromium, the sugar in the blood transforms into energy at a more rapid pace. There are however weightlifting supplements with a doubtful action. All the items you buy should carry the FDA approval sign, because this is a clear indicator that the product is safe and poses no health threat.

Many of the items sold on the Internet and aggressively promoted as wonder weightlifting supplements that will boost the muscular mass, contain ingredients that are not mentioned in the label list. If you run a simple search for such products, you'll also come across negative reviews that will prove the dimension of the health threat. - 17269

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Body Building Tips to Burn the Fat and Keep the Muscle

By Ricardo d Argence

Unsightly muscle is not the reason the majority of people diet or exercise. Sadly to say, this way is how most people take the first step towards weight loss.

Due to which, they reduce pounds but this is in form of reducing muscles size, whose weight is greater then fats. Fortunately, it is possible to maintain the muscle mass you have and still lose weight.

The mistake most people make when trying to lose weight is to dramatically cut down their intake of calories. On one hand this makes perfect sense, because every 3,000 calories you take in but don't burn off is going to add an additional pound to your weight. Unfortunately, this is the worst tactic you could try if you don't want to lose muscle.

When your body stores up fat in the first place, it does so because it wants to have a backup supply of energy in case you go through a famine period. That is a period when you don't have enough to eat to keep you alive.

When you stop taking in calories your body would automatically start using up these stockpiles but that's the case,you might think that. Those are the emergency, last resort rations.

Your body will begin to turn your muscle into energy and then your metabolism will slow, meaning you'll need less calories, so it will be more difficult to lose weight.

To gradually reduce your calorie intake and let your body adjust to the changes is a better plan. You might reduce your calories by 10% the first week, another 10% the second week, and so on, for example.

Another key in burning fat instead of muscle is doing the proper types of exercises. Most fitness instructors and health advocates are going to tell you to focus on cardiovascular workouts. That's good advice because it will help your heart and lungs get stronger so you can do more exercise without getting worn out.

However, you need to add some weight training to that recipe at least 2 to 3 times a week. That way you'll be replenishing lost muscle and adding new muscle mass. This is good because muscle requires more calories than fat. If you have a lot of lean muscle mass in your body, your metabolism is going to increase which means you'll burn off more calories and lose weight.

Muscle tone is another benefit you will see if you add some weight training into the mix. Many people end up flabby because they do not exercise properly or lose weight too quickly.

Plastic surgery is always an option, but of course, this comes with risk as well as being expensive. The best way to increase your muscle tone and to prevent loose skin is exercising while you lose weight. - 17269

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Great Tips For A Healthy Body

By Connor Sullivan

People should always be concerned about their health. It is very important for a person to stay healthy to keep sicknesses from happening, viruses and other types of illnesses which are so common today. Many people are dying of cancer nowadays and so many related diseases. Research has found a number of methods in which serious diseases can be prevented. By preventing these diseases, people also get a chance of improving their health and life style. Some of the basic natural techniques of getting rid of diseases and staying healthy include liquid zeolite, green tea, phytochemicals and ellagic acid. These These chemicals and substances are naturally occurring in fruits and vegetables. Additionally, there are many other ways of improving health.

Keeping a healthy body means having a happy life which is free from diseases and illnesses. few of the vegetables contain very high amounts of nutrients. They help to strengthen the system and helps th stomach to digest food properly. Vegetables such as artichoke increases bile production and helps the liver to get rid of toxins. It is important that people realize that the most important meal of the day is breakfast and it should never be missed. Secondly, lunch should be a healthy one. Avoid eating too much food because as the day goes by, the body burns less calories and the activities carried out during the day also decreases.

Another important thing to include in the diet is multivitamins. Most people get less time to prepare and eat a healthy diet daily so multivitamins can replace a healthy balanced diet. It will provide the body with the essential nutrients which are needed on a daily basis. Stress is a major contributor of poor health and individuals should try to get rid of it as much as possible. The problems associated with a distressing life include headaches, tiredness and increased blood pressure. Removing stress from ones life will lead to a much healthy lifestyle and a healthy body.

Fruits and vegetables consists of essential vitamins and minerals and they must be included in the diet as much as possible. A healthy diet should be inclusive of green vegetables and vegetables from the cabbage family such as cauliflower, broccoli, and kale and similar types. Processed foods are not recommended to be eaten regularly as they slow down metabolism and increase inflammation. This in turn increases the risk of diseases such as cancer, diabetes and heart diseases. The actions involved in processing food decreases the amount of carbohydrates and other essential nutrients that can be obtained from eating real food. However, as these nutrients are destroyed, the digestion process is also made difficult.

Lastly, maintaining a daily exercise program is also important to keep the body in a healthy condition. Getting at least two to three hours of work out weekly will help to maintain weight and lose weight. However, it is important to start with what is comfortable for different people and how much time they can put in per week in regular exercise program. These basic tips will provide an individual with a healthy body and a healthy lifestyle that is free from all kinds of diseases and illnesses. - 17269

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