Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Risks of Weight Gain After Menopause, Breast Cancer

By Ricardo d Argence

Even though many women feel that it is okay to gain weight during menopause, because it is something that happens almost naturally, it certainly is not something you want to do.

There are a lot of women who face weight loss challenges during this part of their life but it is important to tackle that issue head on. Leaving it alone and allowing yourself to gain the weight without doing anything about it is putting your health at risk more then you know.

During menopause, your breast cancer risk increases as your weight increases. You must be alert to the health risks that could be possible if you pack on the pounds at this time of your life. The risk level is reversible though. You lower your breast cancer risk when you loose weight.

Indeed, studies done at the Harvard Medical School of Public Health have shown that women who've put on 55 or more pounds since the age of 18 are 45% more apt to get breast cancer in comparison to those who didn't gain that many pounds. Using postmenopausal hormones can actually increase the risk of cancer.

The best thing to do is to make sure that the weight is not put on to begin with. Sometimes things in life happens though and if you have found yourself in a position where you need to lose some weight then you can do just that. The sooner you act the better. The quicker you get that extra weight off the less likely you will end up with breast cancer.

Proper diet and exercise is very important. You want to make sure that you are doing everything in moderation. It's important to maintian a balanced diet to make sure you are still getting enough protein and everything else you need to function properly. Changing your diet and exercise will help you lose the weight.

Losing one or two pounds per week is the healthiest route. It's not just that wanting results quicker is bad for your body, it's also a way to almost insure that the pounds are going to come back quite soon. The best way to lose weight is to go slow.

Even though there is the fear of breast cancer you could damage your body in other ways by not taking care of yourself when dieting and exercising. Know the facts and get yourself in action and you will be on the path to a healthier and better looking you. - 17269

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Easy Weight Loss With Wu Yi Tea

By Thomas J. Slater

The shelves at your local market are probably groaning under the weight of all the different energy drinks and other products, all of which are touted by their manufacturers as effective ways to increase your metabolism and help you to lose weight. If you have been following these products for a while, you certainly know that a lot of them used to contain Ephedra, an herb which has been banned by the FDA because it is simply not safe for some people.

It raises a good question; can you really be sure that the energy drinks out there are as safe as they claim to be? There are better alternatives, such as one safe and all natural drink which has been used in China for centuries now.

This is a beverage which has been the subject of extensive research in Asia, the US and Europe. All of the researchers have concluded that this beverage really does help you lose weight by increasing your metabolism ? which means your body is better able to burn off the excess energy it stores as fat. This beverage also contains antioxidants which help to protect you from disease and has a whole host of other health benefits.

If you answered yes to any of those questions, then you're ready to learn about Wu Yi tea, grown harvested and processed on the slopes of the sacred Mount Wu Yi in China's Fujiang province. Wu Yi tea, a strain of Oolong tea, was a staple of the Chinese diet, and the Chinese are well known for their trim, lean bodies, long life spans, and healthy complexions.

The process of drying and fermentation undergone by the tea makes Wu Yi tea very high in polyphenols; compounds which help your body to operate at a faster rate, meaning that fat will be burned off more easily. Polyphenols cause your body to speed up the rate of lipolysis; the process by which your enzymes break down fat.

Researchers also indicated that consuming Wu Yi tea on a daily basis may lower your risk of some certain cancers, improve your cardiovascular function while protecting you against stroke or heart attack; increase your bone density and protect your key from plaque and decay; and raise your good (HDL) cholesterol while lowering your bad (LDL) cholesterol level. Can you honestly think of any other energy/weight-loss drink which will do even one, not to mention, all of those things?

Just two cups of Wu Yi tea daily will provide the fat-burning benefits of the tea. Drinking more than this will help you to reap the other health benefits of this tea. Wu Yi is not only effective and healthy, but is safe for anyone to drink, regardless of age, sex or general health. There are no side effects of drinking the tea and the amount of caffeine is minimal, having no negative health effects. In fact, drinking Wu Yi tea is just as safe as drinking water ? but even healthier, thanks to its many health-giving properties. - 17269

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Some Great Tips for Losing Weight

By Dyan Pascal

There's a lot of conflicting information on weight loss on the internet. Most people who follow traditional advice of avoiding high fat foods will find that it just doesn't help, period. Once you start eating unhealthy, your body starts to build up an ugly gum-like residue. Even if you switched to eating healthier, your body won't start to lose weight overnight, because of this buildup.

This gross, gummy substance will continue to build up as long as you're eating unhealthy foods. It will eventually build up into plaque, if it goes unaddressed. Finally, the gum and plaque can become laden with parasites. This build-up won't be eradicated just by choosing to eat low fat foods.

A great way to think of it is like a yellow tooth. Say you've been eating sweets all your life -- then looked in the mirror one day, and saw that your teeth were turning yellow. Even if you changed your habits they wouldn't turn white overnight. Once you change habits, it takes a long time for the built-up damage to clear.

Fortunately, with your digestive system, it doesn't have to be that way. By using specially-formulated diets designed to empty out your digestive system's unhealthy gunk, you can quickly clear out your body's stored up toxins. Once you've gotten your system cleaned up, it's also important to keep your system clean and not just remove all the junk, only to start filling up with it again. Keeping your system clean will allow you to burn fat and lose weight much more quickly.

The best way to keep your system clean is to adopt an easy diet plan. It's important to have a diet plan that you can follow for the long term. The plan should nourish you and contribute to your long term health, but it should also be a pleasure to follow, so that you won't be tempted to fall off your diet. The only long term solution is to clear out your system and start to eat healthy again.

People usually don't want to put much effort into losing weight, they want it to happen instantaneously, and never have to worry about it again. If you go back to eating the way you used to, chances are that you'll gain your weight back just as quickly. The diet you choose should help you keep the weight off, as well as nourish your body for years to come. It should be easy and fun for you, so that you won't ever want to go back to your old eating habits.

Using this natural method of dieting, you'll be able to lose weight without ever touching a diet pill. Most people don't realize that diet pills actually add to their digestive system's "gunk" rather than help remove it. Most diet pills promise to kill fat cells or reduce appetite. In reality, neither of these approaches are long term solutions.

By following a healthy style of dieting, you'll be able to lose weight naturally and keep that weight off for good. You'll be able to lose weight while knowing that what you're doing is good for you. You'll experience peace of mind and the true inner glow that comes from having a healthy body. - 17269

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Risks of Weight Gain After Menopause, Breast Cancer

By Ricardo d Argence

Although a lot of females think it's fine to gain some pounds while in menopause, since it just occurs rather naturally, it really isn't something that a person would want to do.

Many women face the challenge and all of them have to tackle it. If you allow yourself to just pack on the pounds without doing anything at all about it, you are risking your health more than you may know.

As your weight increases during menopause, so does your chance at getting breast cancer. If you find yourself gaining weight during this time in your life you need to be aware of the problems that could very well come along with it. The risk level is reversible though. Once you begin lowering your weight you will also be lowering your risk at getting breast cancer.

Scientists from Harvard Medical School of Public Health have found that females who have put on twenty five kilograms or more weight since the age of eighteen are forty five percent more probable to get breast cancer as opposed to females that did not gain that amount of fat. You can increase your risk of cancer by using postmenopausal harmones.

It is important not to gain the weight at all. Life happens and you can find yourself in need to lose some weight, so do it. The sooner you act the better. The faster you lose those extra pounds the less likely you'll have breast cancer.

Proper diet and exercise is very important. You want to make sure that you are doing everything in moderation. It's important to maintian a balanced diet to make sure you are still getting enough protein and everything else you need to function properly. Changing your diet and exercise will help you lose the weight.

Dropping about one to two pounds a week is the healthiest way to go about it though. Insisting on faster results could not only damage your system but also almost guarantee that you will regain the weight in the near future. Slow and steady is the way to go when trying to lose weight.

Although there's the fear of breast cancer, you might also hurt the body in a number of ways if you do not take good care of yourself when you exercise and diet. Gather information and get active and you will be on the way to acheiving a better looking and healthier you. - 17269

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Does Fish Oils and Cod Liver Oils Differ From Each Other?

By Michael Byrd

So what makes fish oils different from cod liver oils? This is the simple answer.

You need both of them for good health. Fish oil provides you with omega 3 fatty acids while cod liver oil gives you vitamins A and D.

But because these two oils are complex topics and all the hype may easily fool na?ve people, the topic needs to be discussed thoroughly.

Fish oils contain omega 3 which is good for the heart, joint pain and brain development, while cod liver oils contain vitamins A and D that boost the immune system, improve eyesight and good for bone development.

But to save both your health and your pocket, we should dig deeper into this topic.

Manufacturers of cod liver oils may promote their products like its fish oil and tell you that you get the same benefits when actually you don't. So you have to be extra careful.

Some nasty retailers can in fact get way with selling products that fall short of what it can actually offer. It is important to be informed so we won't fall prey to them.

Basically what you need to know is how to read labels, and that is enough to protect you.

Products that specify "Fish Oils" as their source should not be immediately trusted since you would not know what fish it comes from. You may have a problem if you get fish oil but not from the right fish.

Take note, just because it is fish doesn't mean it has enough levels of omega 3 oil.

It would be hard to find omega 3 fatty acids in flounder and haddock, but salmon and mackerel are absolutely great sources for this.

You should be keen to companies that do not reveal the source of their fish oil. They are the ones who are most likely using fish that has little or no amount of omega 3.

And would that be good for you?

Also, you will only know that it's a good fish if you are already familiar with the species. When the source is a good one, the company will be proud of it and put it on their labels.

I think you'll agree.

Some companies, who want to cut short on budget, may use fish oil from bottom feeders, junk fish and scavengers. This is way too dangerous because you will most likely be exposed to toxins and heavy metals.

Some even use "marine lipids" for omega 3, a source over which you have no absolute clue on. Worse, it may not even be fish!

Know that not all marine creatures are edible.

In purchasing cod liver oil, you know the source, so look for a good one.

Be aware of the sources of fish oil. Salmon, tuna, sardines, anchovies and herring are the best sources of omega 3.

Now that you are aware of the difference between the two ? fish oil and cod liver oils, remember this.

When you are about to buy a fish oil supplement, find a good one that lists specific species like salmon oil and not just a general term like "fish oil" or "marine lipid. - 17269

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