Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Monday, May 11, 2009

Fish Oil Might Give Young Brains A Super Boost

By Dr. Bill

I was pumped up by the weather report I saw this morning, which predicted a couple of Florida-like days could be coming, later in the week. I'm going to go out and get some Coppertone and lay out on the back porch. (Just kidding... like George Carlin once said, I only get in the sun to neutralize the blue.)

That isn't quite true either, I just prefer not to have to put on a jacket, scarf, gloves, and boots, just to walk to the mailbox. Or to have to use a snowblower to get there.

Because I have been snowed in for most of the winter, I have done quite a bit of reading. I have gathered a lot of new data about fish oil, which is interesting to me, since I had done a very methodical study of fish oil when I was formulating my very own brand. But information keeps flowing in, that underscores my conviction that this company is moving in exactly the right direction.

I recently read a small study by Professor Basant Puri, which I found in the London Daily Mail newspaper. Puri is convinced that school-age children in today's world need supplementation in their diet, to remain healthy. The study concentrated on British schoolchildren, whom Puri believes do not have a healthy diet.

I happen to believe that the situation is much the same here in America.

In Professor Puri's study, he states his belief that British school children have a deficiency of omega-3 fatty acids in their diet. He is convinced that their diets must be supplemented, in order to insure that they receive an adequate amount of these essential fatty acids.

Professor Puri is also convinced that adults need the same type of supplementation.

Puri works at Imperial College in London as a professor of Psychiatry, and he also consults on neurological disorders at Hammersmith Hospital.

While participating in Puri's study, the British schoolchildren were given pharmaceutical grade fish oil, and remarkably, within 3 months, it was possible to see substantial gains.

The study showed an average increase in the reading age of the schoolchildren by one and a quarter years, and the youngsters' handwriting became more legible and much neater.

In concentration, three children scored perfect results, even though they were not at the top of their class.

They also achieved dramatic results in short term memory.

The most striking finding emerged in brain scans, which all suggested they had denser nerve fibers.

According to Puri, "The results were astonishing. It was as if the brains of these children were three years older."

I have recommended for years now that adults take pharmaceutical grade fish oil to increase brain function, and I was not surprised that Puri's conclusions were similar for children.

So according to Puri's study, the gains in brain function for children may be just as high, or even higher, than than the gains for adults. But I am going to wait for further confirmation, before I actually start recommending my formula for children.

I have a follow up study to read, also from England, that suggests that fish oil supplementation also curbs the violent behavior of many teenagers, and is currently being used in psychiatric therapy, with good results. - 17269

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Portable Water Purification Needs Of Average Consumers

By Chris Channing

Even if you aren't a risk taker or a traveler, you will still need a portable water purification system handy in your reserves. While you may not be visiting strange countries with a questionable water supply, you will still run into problems in life that demand you have water purification methods at hand.

The first instance in which you would need portable water purification is if you get a local "boil order" from your town or city. This order simply states that you will have to boil water before using it due to problems in how the water was filtered. Don't take chances with your family's health, and filter the water through a portable water purification system after boiling the water to stay safe.

If you have a motor vehicle that you drive frequently, having a portable water purifier in your emergency kit is important. If your car were to break down in an area where the population is sparse, you could easily be without water or food for several days. Having a portable water purifier will allow you to find other sources of water that were previously not drinkable.

The trees, plants, vegetables, and other types of greenery you keep around the house deserve purified water. Regular town or well water can have contaminants that will hinder the growth of the plant, or cause its fruits to be less appealing. Portable water purifiers are able to quickly purify the water so that you can dish out water to a wide number of plants in a small amount of time.

If you have a humidifier, you wouldn't want to put in tap water that is going to become heated and spread out though your breathing area. It would only incubate the bacteria and help the microbes grow and multiply. If you have a humidifier, it is urgent that you only use purified water for a healthier lifestyle. Using a portable water purifier is a good option so you can easily add water at will.

Teens could make use of the purified water as well in their daily face washing routines. Some health conditions such as acne will become a serious threat if not treated. Regular tap water could contain bacteria and other things that could worsen the condition. Have teens carry around a water purification device to wash their face with so they can reduce the odds of worsening the condition of their acne.

In Conclusion

The cool thing about water purifiers is that they don't require a lot of upkeep once they are bought. This means you can get all of the benefits of the purified water you would otherwise buy, but without the high price. - 17269

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Do You Really Know What a Bruise Is?

By Carolyn Cooper

We've talked a lot about healing bruises and how to try to prevent them, but through it all, it is important to understand what a bruise really is and what that bruise is telling us. When you get bruises too easily, or when you find yourself in a place where they are just a commonplace inconvenience or bother, it can be easy to lose sight of what they are and what they signify is happening in your body. For instance, it is easy to forget that bruises come in different gradations, ranging from light to critical or life threatening. If you are someone who is subject to easy bruising, make sure that you don't lose sight of what is going on in your own body.

In the first place, a bruise is damage that occurs to tissue that's alive. Frequently caused by blunt force trauma, a bruise will be created when the capillaries just beneath your skin become injured. From these separated or broken capillaries, blood will seep up to just below the skin, pooling just underneath the skin to form those blues, blacks and greens that might be just too common to you. While the actual act of getting them is often painful, they may also be painful or tender to the touch. For people who are fair complexioned, even minor bruising can appear very dark and brilliant.

The tendency by which some people bruise more so than others has a great deal to do with the health of your capillaries and how strong they are. Even in a single body, capillaries will vary in strength. There are a quite a few factors that might go into why some people bruise more easily than others, but these weakened or broken capillaries are likely to be the cause. When you are trying to prevent easy bruising that then flares up colorfully, make sure that you keep this core cause in mind.

It is also critical that you make sure that you understand the fact that bruises may be an indication of certain other types of disorders. Unexplained bruising can be used as a sign of internal bleeding or even for certain varieties of cancer. They can also be an indicator of having a condition of abnormal platelet production or even a blood coagulation disease. If you notice bruising around the navel that is accompanied by violent abdominal pain, it may well be an indicator for acute pancreatitis.

Allow enough time to make certain that you learn about bruises and what can cause them before you attempt to find a treatment for them. Being aware of what bruising actually is and how it affects your body's system can give you the means to figure out what treatments have the best opportunity to prove beneficial to you. When you need to deal with your bruising, it's really simply a case of determining the optimum solution to deal with the real problem. - 17269

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Lose weight today with Colon Cleanse Elite.

By Casandra James

One of the best colon cleansing product options that you have is Colon Cleanse Elite. If you ever talk to your doctor this is probably one of the first products he will recommend, and with that comes the security of knowing someone with qualifications agrees with the product.

So if you are interested in colon cleansing then the first thing you are going to have to do is decide on what type and brand of colon cleanse product that you are going to use. This is the first step, and although there are different homemade recipes that you can use, these are often too safe and gentle for the body and do not provide good enough results.

You still want to stick with an all natural option, but get yourself a product that is ready to go and which is likely to provide you with better results. There is the Dual Action Colon Cleanse product for one, which is actually a 30-day cleanse, one that has proven to work time and time again and which is recommended by doctors.

Just make sure whether you are interested in trying one of these methods or any other, that you are going to talk to your doctor about it first. Chances are that it is going to be okay for you to take, but you are just going to want to make sure. They are going to be able to discuss this issue with you and make sure that you are not going to be putting yourself at any risk here. - 17269

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Is Puberty The Only Time You Can Grow Taller?

By Kenneth Jones

Is it possible to grow taller even after puberty? Did you know that if you were to make changes in your diet and little tweaks in your daily habits, you could add inches to your height? Don't believe me? You don't have to.

If you're like everyone else, you've probably been told that you can't grow any taller once you're past puberty. It's "commonly known" that our growth spurts would have been over by then, and we just have to accept whatever God gave us. But what if you refused to accept "common sense"? Growing taller naturally is possible at any age. You can increase your height and grow taller just by making simple changes in your lifestyle, like in the food you eat and the exercises you do.

When you want to grow taller, it's best to start as early as possible to work with your body's natural ability to grow. One of the most important considerations is the food you eat. Nutrition is very important in helping you to get taller, simply because food is what the body needs to rebuild itself and grow. With the proper nutrition, you enhance your body's ability to continue growing no matter what age you are.

A "How To Grow Taller" program needs a proper diet and nutrition plan, especially if you want to grow as tall as possible. Do you know what you need in your diet to help you grow taller? You need foods that contain calcium, amino acids, essential proteins and calories. Your body uses these elements to rebuild and grow, and without them, your body has nothing to draw on.

With the right exercises and nutrients, you can increase your height and here are the reasons why:

Calcium is needed for your body to replace old, dying cells with young and healthy ones. It is also responsible and crucial for healthy bone growth and proper functioning of your muscles. This is why you hear how you need to have calcium rich foods to build strong and healthy bones!

Calcium also keeps your heart beating steadily, your blood, nervous system and muscles functioning properly. All that from just this one nutrient! Without enough calcium, what happens is your body will start to "steal" calcium from your bones to keep your body functioning properly. This weakens your bones and can lead to osteoporosis over time.

Proteins also help you to grow taller naturally. The building and repair of our body tissues requires the use of protein. Our bodies undergo natural wear and tear as we go about our daily activities, especially during exercises. To rebuild and keep our body healthy and functioning right, protein is needed. Protein also produces other substances our body needs in daily life. Substances like enzymes and hormones.

The things that our body does, like water balancing, transporting nutrients, and contracting muscles will be impaired when you don't get enough protein. Helping our body to resist diseases that commonly occur to malnourished people is also something that protein does. To keep us from getting easily fatigued, protein is needed by our body to produce stamina and energy.

The building blocks of protein are amino acids. Did you know that 20 different types of amino acids are used to make the proteins required for the growth, repair and maintenance of body tissues? 11 of these amino acids are manufactured by our body internally. The other 9 essential amino acids come from outside our body from our diet. Regardless, to be healthy, our bodies need all 20 amino acids.

One of the critical factors to grow taller naturally is your diet and nutrition plan. While it's not the only thing to look at, it's a necessary and critical element of your height increase program. Nutrients are required as the materials used by your body to repair and rebuild itself. When you eat right, and have a good solid diet, you naturally give your body better building materials to work with. And this is one of the simplest and most natural of ways to grow taller naturally. - 17269

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If You Have Diabetes Can You Eat Popcorn

By Jason Lee

Everyone needs to worry about their health, and your diet is a really big part of your overall health. However, for those who are diagnosed with Diabetes their diets are truly essential to maintaining their health. Having a healthy and balanced diet can help keep your blood sugar in check and under control. Without that, your health and well-being can actually spiral out of control.

Can a diabetic eat Popcorn, breads, candy, cheese....these are all running through your head. You need to have a basic understanding of what you can and cannot eat then it will be able to rule out which foods are unhealthy and which ones are not for your diabetic diet.

Carbohydrates are a big part of our diets, and are not necessarily bad by definition. However, you must note that there are simple and complex carbohydrates. When putting together your diet, you will want to be sure that it is one that has a higher component of complex carbohydrates as opposed to the simple carbs that are so prevalent in our food choices today. Simple carbs are basically sugar, and diets that are full of these sugars are exactly the type of diets that can lead to type 2 Diabetes. However, complex carbohydrates are a good choice to add to your diet because they are more difficult to digest. Therefore, your body has to work harder to process them, and that will give you a longer lasting energy source.

Protein helps your body to build more muscle mass and to burn calories at the same time. Lean proteins are a great source of energy. You should add a lot of protein to your body.

You will also want to make sure that you are keeping your diet full of fruits and vegetables. These will give you the nutrients that your body needs to stay balanced and healthy. Additionally, foods like this are great "filler foods" which help you to feel more full so that you do not feel tempted to indulge in high glucose foods that will hinder your health.

It is a constant challenge to find out what type of diet works best for each of us individually. To answer the question Can you eat popcorn with diabetes? The answer is yes you can eat popcorn. Just eat it in moderation compared to the more healthy foods your body needs. - 17269

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The Antioxidant Source Acai Berry

By Carter Sinclair

The acai berry comes from the palm trees, which is a fast growing plant found in Central and South America. It yields two crops each year. The berries are similar to the grape in size and appearance, except that the acai is darker in color and has slightly less pulp. They're found in bunches of three to five. One of the great draws of acai fruit pulp is the antioxidants it contains.

Free radicals can cause aging and cellular mutation as well as other diseases. Antioxidants are what protect the body from these free radicals. The main antioxidant in acai berry that does the protecting is anthocyacin. This powerful antioxidant fights off free radicals.

Acai berry contains 33 x the amount antioxidants found in grapes. Acai berry also contains polyphenols which is another powerful antioxidant.

These antioxidants, along with the other nutrients in acai berries, not only can slow the look of aging, but can help repair tissue damage, fight bacteria, and even boost your cardiovascular system.

In addition to an antioxidant, the berries are used as an anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antimutagenic. And these are just a few of the great benefits!

The acai berry really does contain so many vitamins and minerals that are very beneficial for your body. When you drink acai berry you are making your body healthier and happier as well as fighting off those harmful free radicals. - 17269

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Eating Healthy Food - The Natural Way To A Healthy Living

By Andy Rogers

Individuals are struggling with maintaining healthy food alternatives. It is not surprising as they are constantly bombed with conflicting information just about whats good and whats not and they are also granted many choices when it arrives to food products. With all the selections and data, it is not inescapable that people will finish puzzled. You probably share exactly same disarray. Who can blame you? If you would travel to a local grocery store, you would find many gangways of several foods. When you go to a restaurant, you would find pages afterwards pages of the menus. With many food choices, you likely are finding it tough to stick to your healthy foods only diet. To make certain that you would go home with a travelling bag full of nutritious food selections, These are some tips that you should surely make note of.

Move to the market just when your stomach is full. This does not need very much explanation. Making your grocery when your tummy is hungry would emphatically invite you to purchase anything that sees your fancy. Youd be practically throwing your healthy food choices list out of the windowpane. It is better to do your grocery surfing afterwards you have eaten your morning meal or your dinner in the evening. Firstly, if you are going to buy vegetables, meat and fruits, do not purchase those that are packed with oil. If you need to buy these food products, make it very sure that you purchase those food items that are close-packed in water. Risks are the water will likely reduce the calories in the meat. Do not purchase products that are marked hydrogenated. These items practically call, Fats! You require to have a good and minute eye when it comes to secret phrasings in packets. This is one mode to make certain that you simply ending up with sound food selections.

Utilizing boring as an excuse for not consuming nutritious foods is not at all a valid excuse. You have to think of what do unhealthy intellectual nourishment do to your physical structure and health. As time goes, more such eateries are offering eating up nutritive preparation. Such kinds of eateries consider of more means on how do good foods be appealing and more tasty to the consumers. And the ways now are going unlimited.

While buying meat products such as beef, porc and poultry, you should unquestionably look at preferring for organic products. These are free from outgrowth endocrines, steroids and some other chemical substances. When purchasing fowl, you should look for spare range chickens because they often tastes delicious than caged in chickens. You should also take skinless chicken because bad cholesterols and small calories in chickens are concentrated on their skin. When buying organic foods, it is well to buy them topically. Not merely this will help your communitys economy, you will as well redeem energy. This is the supplemental incentive you get from making good food picks.

A few people may feel that changing their eating practice to eating healthy making is too tough. However, this doest happen always. If you are in actual fact determined of living a healthy life, things will just be easy. These simple changes can create great dissimilarity. Eating good cooking might only be one of the best options that you can make in your life. Do not deny your body of the benefits which it deserve. The better benefits shall go behind. - 17269

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