Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Friday, July 17, 2009

Just What Is Cancer Anyway?

By Michael Allison

Everyone has heard the term cancer. It strikes fear in many of us simply by hearing it. We are always hearing something new - new research and new studies are telling us more and more about this awful disease. It's hard to filter out what this disease really is, why their so many types, and what causes it.

The basic idea of how cancer forms is a cell that should die through the normal cell lifecycle does not die. This mutation continues to grow and keep growing and turns into a tumor. This unchecked cell growth is what causes the cancer. Your natural immune system will fight it, but it's usually treated by radiation, chemotherapy, and other treatments.

Not all tumors that form from these mutated cells turn into cancer. Some tumors are not cancerous and are called benign. They usually do not spread and can be considered localized. They are not dangerous, unless they keep growing. Benign tumors are many times left alone. They can be removed however to stop growth.

A malignant tumor is what we generally think of when we hear cancer. Malignant tumors continue to grow and spread throughout the body. Infections and illness will spread throughout your blood stream.

Treatments for malignant cancer are removing the tissue, radiation, and chemotherapy. The latter two are effective against inoperable tumors such as brain and bone marrow. Researches into new treatments are coming along every year.

Remission is the hopeful outcome for a patient with cancer. There is no cure. The chance of reoccurrence differs depending on what form a patient has. So far the best prevention of cancer is to reduce certain behaviors and activities that have been proven to cause the illness.

Nowadays, there are hundreds of websites, such as CancerAnswers.info, providing support and information for researchers, survivors, and those concerned with the deadly disease. - 17269

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The Acai Berry Must Be Combined With A Beneficial Everyday Life

By Jim D Grant

Many people have found success with weight loss, anti-aging and more by including acai berry products in their day after day diet. There are thousands of achievement stories associated to this wonderful supplement.

And for every success story there is also another story from someone who claims that it is a fraud, a squander of cash and that it was over-advertised and it under-delivered. Why is there such a divergence?

The acai berry is one of the most wholesome foods ever found on the earth. It has an excessive antioxidant volume, more so than almost any other foods. It is unusually healthy and loaded with various crucial nutrients such as essential fatty acids, amino acids and a variety of helpful antioxidants. This alone can make it tremendously advantageous to your health.

Still, if you are looking for a sensation cure for all that ails you, you won't hit upon it in the acai berry or in any other supplement either. There are no miracles out there that will magically take the fat off, iron out the baggy skin of mature age and protect your healthiness from sickness.

If you eat a colossal meal of French fries, a bacon cheeseburger, and a high sugar soft drink and then top it all off with a gigantic cinnamon roll for dessert, while you sit behind a computer monitor all day, you cannot assume an acai berry supplement or any supplement for that matter to present you any kind of outcomes at all. If you are expecting miracles but not doing your part you will just be wasting your money.

If you toil in accord with nature and devour a nourishing and nutritious food intake filled with the most nutritious foods on earth, including spinach, sweet potatoes, oatmeal, blueberries, lean proteins along with a lot of good for your health fluids like green tea and especially water you could have excellent outcomes with an acai berry supplement.

Regardless of whether you want fat loss or anti-aging or just all-around decent fitness, you need to unite the acai berry supplements with a good for you daily life that includes a highly healthful nutritional regime and a consistent work out program.

The acai berry can be an exceptionally nutritious and healthy component of a wholesome routine. It can be advantageous for losing fat, preventing the standard declines of aging and preventing sickness. But it must work in concert with other nourishing factors such as an versatile wholesome pattern of eating and a good work out plan. - 17269

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Is the 6 Week Body Makeover a Scam?

By Rico Kidd

The 6 Week Body Makeover is not a diet, it's a program that re-teaches you how to eat so that you lose weight and stay thin for the rest of your life. Many people are too quick when judging a program and will shout out "scam!" if they do not lose weight (or lose weight at slower rate than what the plan states).

So what do you do when you think something is a scam? Well you Google it of course! You will see a variety of websites and hundreds of complaints about this program when you Google the term "6 Week Body Makeover Scam". I have decided to write this article to clear up some notions about this "scam" diet and clear up misconceptions.

You might not believe anything that I say and I understand that this is with good cause. With all the affiliate marketers online today, it is hard to believe whether websites have honest and informational posts, or whether it's filled with biased and self gratifying content. I would like to tell you now that I am not endorsing this program and that you will not find a single affiliate link to a product or to an affiliate site in this article. Furthermore, there are no affiliate products for the 6 Week Makeover so there's absolutely nothing I could sell to you.

Does the program work? Will you lose weight? The plain and simple truth is, yes, you will lose weight. Matter of fact, you might lose a lot of weight. I've been on this diet for over three weeks and have lost around five pounds. Five pounds might not seem like a lot to you, but I can tell that I've lost fat weight and have put on muscle. My goals are different from other people and if your goal is to lose a lot of fat weight, you will have the ability to do so.

I, like many, have lost weight on this program and have gained lean muscle. Anyone can lose weight through eating less (and healthy) and performing a little aerobic activity once in a while. However, not everyone knows how to eat healthy and this is where the body makeover program comes into play. Before doing this program, I ate anything and everything that was convenient and available. I was eating fast-food and pre-packaged/processed approximately 5 days a week. Once I discovered this program, I learned what types of foods my body needs in order to become a lean, mean, fat burning machine.

The 6 Week Body Makeover focuses on eating foods that help you metabolize calories at a faster rate. In order to do this you have to eat more food throughout the day. However, the portions that you consume tend to be smaller than what you're currently used to. Also, the food is rather bland as you are not allowed to add salt or oil to any of the food you consume. The Infinite Meal Planner and recipes cards help you create meals that taste decent while restricting sodium intake. Another complaint is that the meal planning process and preparation is tedious. This is true in the fact that it will require you to plan and prepare your meals ahead of time. I tend to think of things positively as I realized that I ended up saving a lot of money eating meals at home (lots of leftovers). Also, when you think of what you're going to eat ahead of time, it actually causes you to eat healthier. When you are eating whenever you feel hungry or on a sporadic time schedule, you tend to grab food that is convenient. Convenient food tends to be pre-packaged, processed, high-fat, high-sodium and generally un-healthy food.

The most important question is: how bad do you want to lose weight? Losing weight is not fun and you will feel un-happy when you see your friends eating hamburgers and you are eating chicken. The great part is, they are getting fat and you are losing weight. You will feel amazing when you drop your first 10 pounds. After your first 10 pounds your metabolism has already been trained to burn fat at a rapid rate. Think of the long-term benefit of eating healthy and the day when you can put on that bikini or take off your shirt without feeling embarrassed. Remember, the 6 Week Body Makeover is not about fast results (although people have reported rapid weight loss), it's about learning how to eat healthy so that you can stay thin for the rest of your life. - 17269

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Gain Muscle Without Getting Fat

By Greg Correll

The two commonly known goals to fitness is:

1) Putting on more muscle

2) Lose fats

In any case, you can't accomplish both the fitness goal together, because each of these goals will require you to do the exact opposite of each. Trying to accomplish both together will leave you hanging in the middle, and back to where you started.

So, how do you gain muscle weight without gaining too much fat at the same time? When trying to gain muscle mass, youll definitely be taking in more than your required daily calories, because if you want to build muscle mass, you must have enough food intake to build your muscles from.

Just before you make up your mind to binge eat all day long, understand this. Your body can only absorb the nutrients goodness so much, up to a point where your body can no longer assimilate the food intake, it will be turned into stored fats for further use. Therefore nobody gets ripped by eating too much, the key is simply to eat enough for muscle growth.

Just aim to eat higher than your required daily calories, let your body decide instead. Your objective is to gain lean tissues, and not fast. Generally, eating 300-500 above your normal calorie intake coupled with training should get you there easier.

Don't aim to add too much pounds a week, the natural weight gain is about a pound a week, couple with proper exercise routines. Always note your own body fat level, tweak your calories intake as you go, if you start gaining a lot of fats, be sure to tweak your intake level.

Slower and more consistent approach is the best way to go for gaining extra muscle mass, not overly eating but eating just enough to gain those lean tissues. Always listen to what your body is telling you, find out how those surplus of calorie intake is interacting with your own metabolism rate, and you'll get leaner, fitter and ripper in no time! - 17269

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The Myth About Acai Berry and Weight Loss

By Travis Van Slooten

There have been many companies recently linking their acai berry and weight loss. While many relationships between acai berry and their claims are founded on basic truths, calling the acai berry a weight loss drug is just an attempt to capitalize on Americans looking to shed pounds. There are many companies now claiming the acai berry will immediately burn the fat away or work as a cure to all your woes. Before you dive into the acai berry supplement markets, there are a few things you need to know.

Will Acai Berries Help You Lose Weight?

So here's the honest answer to this frequently asked acai question: by itself, the acai berry does not act as a weight loss product. Those manufacturers who sell acai supplements mainly as a tool for weight loss are stretching the truth a little too far. In no study has it ever been reported that acai berries can effectively shed off the excess pounds just like that. If you're taking acai supplements in hopes of this happening, you may be in for a big disappointment. For those who are still looking around, stay clear of companies who blatantly advertise this.

What is the True Potential of Acai Berry?

As with most supplements, acai berry has potential to aid in the construction of a healthier lifestyle. Some of the healthy properties of acai include antioxidants, unsaturated fats, fiber and anthocyanins. These aspects of the acai berry can help you maintain a healthy lifestyle, but none of them will lose weight for you. Anyone who knows the first thing about weight loss will tell you that without a proper diet and plenty of exercise, you're not really getting healthy. While you may be able to lose weight quickly with some methods, unless you are making a lifestyle change, you're never going to be truly healthy.

Getting the Most from the Acai Berry for Weight Loss

Acai berries have many healthy benefits that cannot be denied. Coupled with proper diet and exercise, acai berry supplements could certainly help you become healthier and feel better. But if you are taking acai berries and hoping for the pounds to melt away, you're just wasting your money. Acai berries should be taken for what they are, a supplement. They are intended to act as a support for an already healthy lifestyle.

When you take acai berries, you are essentially boosting your body's ability to function at a higher level. With proper diet and exercise, acai berries are a turbocharger, making what you are already doing even more efficient and powerful. They can help to take your workouts or healthy diet to the next level, but they will not function on their own. You should not consider the acai berry as a standalone product. The link between acai berry and weight loss is one of partnership and works very well if used that way. - 17269

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Getting Rid Of Spots With Herbal Remedies For Acne

By Jason Cartwright

Are you suffering from bad skin and looking for herbal remedies for acne? Acne is a skin condition that usually occurs during the puberty years. It is often seen as pustules or skin eruptions that occur mainly in the face, chest or back of an individual. Although, it commonly occurs during adolescence, it can also manifest itself well into adulthood.

Acne can be very inconvenient and can also lower self esteem as well as mar the face of the individual suffering from it. The main causes of acne are poor diet, poor hygiene and the hormonal imbalance that usually occurs during puberty. That is why many of us look for the best natural acne treatment.

There is a variety of drugs and herbal remedies for acne on the market today. Herbal acne treatment is generally preferred to taking prescription medications, since they have fewer side effects. Furthermore, acne medications and chemicals can be very expensive, especially when you have to use them as a pimple cure for up to 6 months at a time.

Herbal remedies for acne generally involve purifying, detoxifying and cleansing your blood. Some of these herbal home acne treatments include the Dandelion Root tincture, Milk Thistle seed, Red Clover, and the Burdock Root.

Burdock root can be purchased from herbal stores fresh and mixed in salads and other vegetable dishes. Red Clover is often ingested in tea form that can be consumed daily for best results. Dandelion Root tincture is also ingested to clear up the kidneys and make the liver stronger.

Milk Thistle comes in tincture or seed form. The tincture can be taken as a medicine while the seeds can be ground up and mixed with granola or cereal.

More herbal remedies for acne are also available as oils and creams that are rubbed to the affected spot of the skin. Tea Tree oil, Aloe Vera gel and Calendula are examples of these herbal acne cures. Tea Tree oil has anti-bacterial characteristics that assist to reduce irritation and heal acne disease.

Aloe Vera facilitates in cooling your face and has anti-microbial effects too that kills acne-causing microorganisms. Calendula assists to cure the acne area. All these creams and lotions are a few of the best natural acne treatment methods available.

The herbal remedies for acne mentioned here have a good possibility of working for many individuals. These treatments can be beneficial for those who suffer from acne because they have little side effects and can be used as often as needed. - 17269

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What to Expect from Weekly Personal Training Sessions

By Amy Nutt

The first few weeks of a weekly exercise program is very exciting, but then many people find they are not accomplishing their goals as fast as they had hoped. Soon afterwards, the enthusiasm drops, results fade, and the confidence in acquire the goals and maintaining the end results diminishes.

The average person lasts for approximately six months before losing interest and dropping their routine. Fortunately, there are common factors and patterns to this decline in interest, so once you spot them, you can do something to keep yourself on track and motivated.

Make sure you are realistic about your goals and the time that will be needed to be committed to in order to maintain your routine. Allowing 3 workouts a week at a maximum of 60 minutes each is reasonable and be sure to factor in travel time (if working out at a gym) and shower time so that you are not finding yourself cutting corners due to running late. Get yourself into a routine /schedule when it comes to the days you workout. If a routine is set and adhered to, it will become more of an automatic action and will fit in as a regular part of your life.

There will be times you will not feel you have the energy to do your workout. Instead of skipping it, restructure that days routine by doing the exercises, but at a lower intensity or for only half the time. It may help to adjust your mealtimes as well; some find that if they are hungry or have just eaten they have too many distractions to want to exercise.

Finding an exercise buddy will help you stay motivated as well. You will offer support to each other and help the other stay on track on those days that you would rather just stay at home.

Expecting some physical discomfort is normal and common for most who workout weekly especially for the first weeks of your program. Your body is working to improve its strength and endurance so it needs time to adjust. Be sure that it is only discomfort and not actual pain. Pain tells you to stop what you are doing because something is wrong. If you are uncomfortable every time you workout try working a warm up and cool down session. A series of slow stretches and regulated breathing will help.

As your body feels as if it is leveling out and adapting to the level of effort made during the workout, increase the activity level by approximately 10% to help improve your fitness level and add variety to the routine. This will help to evade boredom.

If weight loss, as opposed to toning up, or building strength is you main goal, then being realistic is a key factor of your routine. Initially weight loss will be rapid, from not only increased activity, but from general changes in metabolism caused by changes in diet and water loss. Within a month most people level out in weight loss, and instead of achieving 5 to 8 pounds of loss in a week, they will lose 1 to 5 pounds. On average only 1 to 5 pounds a month will be accomplished after that. This occurs because the body has become use to the changes in other related habits, and also because muscle is now taking the place of some of the fat that has burned off. Muscle of course weighs more than fat and so the number of pounds being dropped will be lessened. Taking measurements may become a more effective means to calculate the success of your results from the workout if this aspect is important to you.

Ultimately, all of us are different and get various results from exercising weekly. It all depends on your current level of fitness, physical condition, receiving personal training, type of physical activity, and the time a person devotes to their workout routine. The important thing to remember is that realistic goals need to be set and if they cannot be met, then, instead of giving up, or throwing in the towel, simply revisit your workout routine and make revisions to help keep you active and motivated. - 17269

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How To Get A Six Pack Fast

By Jay Allen

One of the most common questions I get asked frequently is how to I get a set of six pack abs fast? Mistakenly, a lot of people believe the secret is to churn out hundreds, if not thousands, of crunches or sit ups. Unfortunately, this is not the case. The abs lie below a layer of fat tissue. It is getting rid of this layer of fat tissue that is the key.

Working out the abdominal muscles alone will not help you reach your goal. In order to lose this fat layer you have to either reduce your calorie intake or burn excess calories. Most abdominal workout programs do not increase the bodies metabolic rate and, therefore, do not help with fat loss. There are many more effective approaches to getting rid of this fat layer then crunches or sit ups.

The most effective types of exercises are those ones that stress the whole body and increase the metabolism. The ones that I have found to work well are:

Various forms of squats, deadlifts, presses, pulls, clean and presses, lunges, snatches, sprinting etc.

Most of these exercises use the quadriceps muscle, the big muscle at the top of the thigh. Due to the size of this muscle, any exercise that involves them burns up a lot of calories. These are exercises that I would advise not performing every day as they put a large amount of stress on the body and would probably cause fatigue. I would incorporate them into an overall exercise plan.

An additional benefit of these exercises is that they also stimulate the production of growth hormone in the body which would also assist in overall muscle growth, including the abs.

It is important to note, however, that you should not neglect exercising the abdominal muscles. Exercising them, stimulates them to grow and so will further benefit from the boost in growth hormone production. Like the large muscles it is advisable to incorporate these abs exercises into an overall program.

Also, remember that nutrition is probably the most important factor when losing abdominal fat. Eating junk will just counteract any work you put in on a great workout regime.

So, the answer to the question on how to get six pack fast, the answer involves mainly concentrating on exercises that work the large muscle groups along with adequate nutrition to help with fat loss. This combined with some focused abdominal exercises will soon see you to your goal. - 17269

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What Is the Link Between Easy Bruising and Acupuncture?

By Carolyn Cooper

There are numerous great benefits to acupuncture and if you are currently having sessions, you are probably very excited about the results. One side effect of the treatments that might not have you feeling positive, though, might be the fact that the treatment may leave you with some bruising. There are quite a few patients of acupuncture who complain about localized bruising after they have been to their acupuncturist appointment, and when you are trying to determine how your treatment is effecting you, these bruises might be somewhat troublesome. Take a moment to evaluate what the acupuncture treatment is doing to you and why it might be the cause for your bruising easily.

Acupuncture is an honored, traditional Chinese medical practice that has been getting a lot of support in the West recently. The theory that underlies the practice of acupuncture is that there are definite lines of energy that mapped throughout the body, and when these energy lines are interrupted, the result can be an onslaught of ills, such as depression, disorders of gastrointestinal organs or even problems as varied as heart disease and high cholesterol. The treatment process consists of the insertion of very thin needles into various points along the lines of energy in the body. This process typically causes no pain, but there often is a tingling sensation that is quite peculiar to anyone who has never done experienced an acupuncture treatment before.

The practice of acupuncture treatments becoming so widely spread that there are now several insurance policies that will defray the costs of treatment, and subsequently more people are experimenting with it and discovering that it works remarkably well for them. If you are one of the more recent experimenters, you may discover that you have been left with a collection of small bruises at every insertion point for the needles. The bruises are usually not painful, but some people are presented with a surprise when they disrobe for their bath and to find numerous dark bruises on their body.

Bruising is somewhat likely to occur due to the very nature of acupuncture. As each needle is inserted by your acupuncturist, your skin is being damaged. If you normally bruise when you are getting a shot, it is duet to the fact that there are small blood vessels being broken, and that can very easily result in a bruise. The trauma to the skin can cause minor bruising, but the bruises shouldn't last long, and you should not worry that something has gone wrong with your treatment.

On the other hand, what about making sure that you can wear your favorite swimsuit to the beach? This is where a uniquely formulated, natural remedy like the Bruises Be Banned daily treatment program can be beneficial for you. If you are trying to find an answer to how you can overcome your easy bruising, Bruises Be Banned can help you reduce bruising or prevent bruising altogether. - 17269

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The Question Everyone Is Asking: What Is Acai Good For?

By Travis Van Slooten

The acai berry has experience a recent explosion in the supplement market, but many people have been left wondering, "What is acai good for?" You will hear plenty of hype about the little berry. People will tout it as a miracle cure for just about everything you can imagine. But you really need to understand the science behind the berry in order to understand what impact it will have upon you. So let's break things down a little.

Antioxidants and Free Radicals - Good versus Evil?

A common notion we usually have upon hearing the words antioxidants and free radicals is that these two have an ongoing battle inside our bodies, the free radical being the harmful substance and the antioxidant, the body's defender. Free radicals are atoms which lack an electron to complete a pair, and they go from atom to atom, stealing electrons wherever they can. This process produces even more free radicals and while free radicals are normal occurrences in the body, too many of them lead to cellular damage, and in turn, diseases. The process by which cells are damaged is called oxidation. Antioxidants therefore, are named as such because they slow down the oxidation caused by free radicals.

What Do The French Know That Americans Don't?

Still looking for more answers to "what is acai good for"? Let's go to a scenario which isn't quite as familiar as antioxidants and free radicals. It's called the French Paradox. For years, health professionals have been baffled as to why the French people, who live on a typical diet of meats and saturated fats, have low incidence of coronary heart disease. It was later found out that the anthocyanins found in red wine that is also a staple among them, was helping to offset their high fat intake. Now where does acai come in in all these? Acai contains a high level of anthocyanins just like red wine, and yet none of the alcohol content.

Must You Avoid All Fats?

Definitely not. Fat is often pointed out as something we should avoid at all costs but there are actually good fats. These are the type of fats contained in acai berries which reduce bad cholesterol and promote good cholesterol. What makes this fat from acai doubly important is that good or unsaturated fat are not produced by the body and can only be obtained from dietary intake.

So does all of this mean that the acai berry is a miracle cure for everything that ails you? Hardly. And anyone who tells you it is just wants your money. But the acai is a remarkable little fruit which contains many healthy compounds that your body loves. So if you are still asking what is acai good for, the answer is that it is simply good for you! - 17269

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How Eating Fruit Can Boost Your Health

By Lee Taylor

One of the most important providers of vitamins and minerals in our diet is fruit. Unfortunately, in the western diet this is often overlooked and we continue to consume vast quantities of protein and, especially, starchy foods. The result being an increase in the prevalence of diseases such as diabetes and obesity. It is important to look at the benefits of fruit more closely.

The following benefits are:

1. It is extremely easy to prepare. It usually just requires washing, maybe peeling and eating. There is no cooking involved and, therefore, can save on other chores like washing pots and pans.

2. Many fruits look very appetizing, with their bright colors, which is great for kids and they also usually taste as good as they look. A lot of people would actually consider fruit a treat or a desert.

3. Fruit needs less energy to digest and absorb in the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, a lot of people discover they feel more energized and fresh and report needing less sleep.

4. Whilst on a diet of mainly fruit it is very difficult to actually become fat. The result of this is that the body fat level will fall leaving you feel healthy and lean.

5. Due to the high fiber content of fruit it can help with the smooth movement of food through the bowel and help in preventing conditions like constipation. With constipation the toxic waste sits in the bowel and allows some of these toxins to be absorbed into the system. These toxins can lead to lethargy and feeling generally unwell. Therefore, eating fruit rich in fiber can help prevent this.

6. The digestion of fruit leaves behind very little in the way of waste products in the body. This can subsequently reduce the wear and tear on various organs and reduce the rate of aging.

7. With a diet of mainly fruit your body will cleanse and detoxify itself regularly. Over many years, the waste products from the digestion of starches, dairy products and proteins will slowly accumulate over a number years. Eating fruit for only a couple of days can help in detoxifying and getting rid of these harmful waste products. This can further lead to the sensation of well being and a reduction in the damage on the body.

If you are looking to get fit and healthy or are suffering from ill health then increasing the amount of fruit you consume is a good step to reaching your goal. - 17269

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I Need to Know the Correct Acai Dosage: How Much Acai Berry is Safe to Take?

By Travis Van Slooten

The recent rush for acai berry supplements has many people asking, "How much acai berry should I take?" If you're asking this question as well, you need to know a few things first. Not every acai product is the same and not everyone is qualified to tell you how much is safe to take. While pure acai berry supplements are not considered dangerous, there may be hazards if you take too much. So how do you determine your dosage?

Who is Qualified to Determine My Dosage?

Let's get one thing straight right away. Never take your advice from the internet when it comes to any dosage levels, even something as seemingly harmless as acai berry dosage. You should consult your doctor before you take acai berry just to be sure you have no allergies that may make the product dangerous. The average acai berry dosage that people take is between 1000 and 4000 mg. While there are many people on the internet who profess to be experts, even a doctor cannot give you a safe dosage without meeting you in person.

What Are the Consequences of Too Much Acai?

If you do happen to take a great deal of an acai berry supplement, the odds are that you will still be fine. There are no known side effects to consuming pure acai berry, but your body can react negatively if you take too much or almost anything. With acai berry, as with most foods, you may experience an upset stomach or related problems such as diarrhea. You are no more likely to be hurt consuming too much acai berry than you are if you consume too many apples, but that does not mean you shouldn't exercise caution when deciding how much acai berry to take.

Are Certain Acai Berry Products Dangerous?

You need to remember that not all acai berry products are created equal. Some products are considered pure acai berry. They contain nothing except the nutritious fruit of the acai berry. These products are not known to have any side effects and are considered as safe as any common fruit. However, some products may contain fillers or additives such as sugars or caffeine which may have unwanted side effects if you consume too much. It is important that you consider the specific product if you are planning on taking a different dosage than what is on the bottle.

While you may have heard it before, it is worth hearing again that no one except your doctor can tell you what amount of acai berry is safe for you. However, so long as you are taking a pure acai berry product and you are taking it in a reasonable amount, you will most likely be fine. When you are considering how much acai berry to take, so long as you are taking a pure product in a reasonable amount, you should be perfectly fine. - 17269

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