Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Can You Really Lose Weight With The Slim Fast Diet?

By Lee Reid

The slim fast diet is a dieting plan that is designed by combining healthy nutritious shakes along with well balanced meals which will help you achieve the goal of rapid weight loss. Several choices of shakes including Slim Fast Original, Optima, Low-carb, High protein and easy-to digest are offered in the slim fast diet. In addition, different delicious flavors including creamy milk chocolate are also available in the slim fast diet.

When following or planning to start the slim fast diet plan you will need to make sure you have the slim fast diet shakes, fresh fruit and it would also be advisable for you to have some slim fast snacks and meals as this will ensure that you get the most out of your diet.

When you have stored enough slim fast diet shakes, you are ready to start your diet and to achieve rapid and effective weight loss. When dieting always remember it is vital to have a healthy breakfast as this sets the tone for the day. You should try to have a slim fast diet shake for breakfast in addition to lunch, since you should have at least slim fast diet shakes twice a day for maximum results.

Furthermore, even when you are in the mood for a snack, you could choose healthy options including fresh fruits or a slim fast nutrition bar. Also make sure that you don't consume more than five hundred calories for dinner. The slim fast diet helps you to lose weight by reducing the amount of calories you consume without compromising on healthy food or starving yourself.

It is important that you make sure that you drink plenty of water when following the slim fast diet.Water is required to remove all the toxins. In addition, if you rehydrate yourself with plenty of water, it will help to cut down the calories that come from sodas and in turn making the slim fast diet more effective.

For optimum results combine the slim fast diet with exercise. Any form of exercise including jogging to aerobics to using weights will increase the number of burned calories in addition to your metabolism. Hence exercising at least thrice a week, along with the slim fast diet shakes and controlled food intake will lead to rapid weight loss which will in turn have you looking and feeling wonderful. - 17269

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Facts About Food Fat

By Beth Hoover

The first thing you need to know about fats is there are bad fats and good fats - you need to know the difference.

Limiting dietary food fat intake to not more than 25% to 30 percent of your total calories is one of the finest things you can do for your health. Eating excess fat causes weight gain and overweight and obesity increase your chance of hypertension ( hypertension ), diabetes, diseases of the heart and arteries and certain particular cancers.

But losing weight isn't a straightforward as just eating fat-free foods. The basic law of weight reduction is you want to burn off more calories than you eat. You can do this by exercising more and eating less, particularly fat rich foods such as bacon, sausage and potato chips.

Eating less fat is vital because one gram of fat has about 9 calories while protein and carbs have only about four calories per gram. This means you can eat twice as much protein and carbohydrate as fat for the same amount of calories.

Many fat foods, such as bacon, sausage and potato chips, are also not that nutritious since they contain a lot less vitamins and minerals per calorie. Put simply, many high fat foods are not particularly nutrient dense foods.

Diet fat also has the capability to raise your blood cholesterol level, which is a notable risk factor for heart problems.

Set a goal to limit your total fat intake to no more than 25% to thirty percent of your total caloric consumption. If you're eating two thousand calories a day, eat not more than about seventy grams of fat.

But awareness of the difference between bad fat good fat shows it is important to limit your cholesterol intake from saturated animal fats, butter, coconut and palm oils to less than ten percent of your total calorific consumption or about 20 grams for a 2,000 calorie diet.

Getting lots of omega 3 rich oils from greasy fish such as salmon, tuna, mackerel is also important. Omega 3 fatty acids have been shown to help lower cholesterol and triglycerides, reduce possibility of heart disease and relieve arthritis pain and support weight loss.

When selecting foods, choose lean meats, fish and chicken, low fat diary products, low fat plant foods such as fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts and seeds. As much as possible, avoid butter, sour cream, heavy sauces and gravies. Use low-fat dressings on salads. And, for dessert, select fresh fruit instead of cookies or ice cream. - 17269

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Why Not Give The Jenny Craig Diet A Try?

By Lee Reid

The jenny craig diet is a three step program, a food-body-mind-plan, which helps you to lose weight and keep the weight off as well. The jenny craig diet program is not just focused on helping you lose weight but also about following a diet that is simple and suits your lifestyle.

The jenny craig diet program also requires you to receive sufficient exercise and to maintain some form of balance in your life to make the jenny craig diet program is effective over a long time period.

The 24 hour hotline available for clients is one of the best feature of the jenny craig diet program. Clients can receive advice and support from this 24 hour hotline and in turn making the jenny craig diet more easier to follow while providing all the support the clients need. The jenny craig diet program also gives its clients support online, along with peer group discussions which are extremely encouraging and also heartening. There are also plenty of advice and articles made available for the jenny craig diet, all of which are designed to encourage and motivate the clients.

The jenny craig diet program works by eating prepackaged meals that have been put together in the program.Breakfast, lunch, dinner and even desert is included the prepackaged meals. The jenny craig diet program ensures that these meals are low in calories and also that they are healthy and nutritious. By following these prepackaged meals in the jenny craig diet, clients will soon notice a difference in how they look and feel. The overall objective of the jenny craig diet is to slowly wean their clients off the prepackaged meals.

When the clients has a general idea about the correct portion sizes and also the amount of daily calories to consume per meal, they are encouraged to replace the prepackaged meals with home cooked food. The clients of the jenny craig diet are able to eat all types of food in moderate portions.

Since the jenny craig diet focuses on a maintaining a healthy lifestyle with exercise in addition to the foods you consume, you will be able to occasionally indulge yourself with treats.You will be guaranteed a healthier you that will fit perfectly with your lifestyle, as long as you follow the jenny craig diet. - 17269

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The Zone Diet Important Facts And Information

By Lee Reid

The zone diet is a diet crafted by the biochemist Barry Sears. Sears state that promoting the consumption of calories from carbohydrates, proteins and fat in a balanced ratio is the most effective and healthy way for losing weight. The daily calorie requirement should be divided among carbohydrates, proteins and fats according to a ratio of 40:30:30 respectively in keeping with the zone diet. The zone diet is therefore very different from all of the other low carb-diets because it is not as strict regarding the intake of carbs. Due to the fact that low-carb diets do not take into consideration the idea of balance and moderation Sears has been critical of low-carb diets criticizing that these diets have failed to take into consideration the very fundamentals mentioned above.

Nearly all scientific and non scientific study has revealed that the zone diet produces sufficient weight loss under a certain period of time. The 'Scientific American Frontier' featured the zone diet and was stunned when the participants on the zone diet achieved the greatest fat loss while building up muscle mass simultaneously. The participants of the zone diet were also those who had the least amounts of tiredness and hunger. The zone diet is also easier and more comfortable to adjust to by just the 3rd day.

The zone diet advices there participants to consume a 'zone' meal one after within waking up. Eating every 4 to 6 hours after a meal or 2 to 2 hours after a snack is essential to keep your metabolism going. Drinking 8 ounces of water a day is a must to avoid unnecessary ailments. Every meal or snack should be well balanced according to the given ratio. Additional information on the dietary procedure can be found on Barry Sears's official site.

The zone diet is immensely popular mainly because it encourages small amounts of food at a frequent intake level. This reduces hunger pangs and makes it possible for people to control their eating habits. The significance of consumption of fruits and vegetables is one factor that the zone diet has highlighted. The diet also encourages the consumption of fats that are richer in HDL; this in turn turns in to a healthy form of cholesterol. The significance of drinking an adequate amount of water is also a fact that the diet has succeeded in highlighting. The above stated factors are all pros when considering the zone diet to get your life back to normal.

You should be aware however that vital mineral and vitamin intakes like calcium, iron and vitamins A,D and E might be reduced by adhering to the zone diet. It also might reduce ones intake of fiber. So be aware of this and try to make up for these deficiencies by consuming a multivitamin pill everyday and keeping your body hydrated. The zone diet will not pose any problem or complication if you are able to follow the steps mentioned above. - 17269

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Is the Vince Delmonte eBook Any Good?

By Caitlin Ryan

Have you ever purchased one of the many bodybuilding books or fitness books available in electronic format? There are hundreds of them available these days. The sales letters make the eBook sound great, but then sometimes, the buyer is disappointed.

There are times when the eBook is full of fancy design, yet lean on usable content. The opposite is also true. Sometimes the book has excellent content, but it is a chore to read because the design is poor. So, where does Vince Delmonte rate with his No Nonsense Muscle Building eBook?

You need to know about Vince and his program a bit, first. Vince always had a scrawny physique no matter what he did in the gym. He would watch guys do very little in the gym and build muscle while he spent hours and got nowhere.

He tried shakes and supplements, but nothing seemed to work.

Finally, he realized he could not gain muscle mass with traditional programs because they were not set up for his body type. There are three different types of bodies: ectomorph, mesomorph and endomorph. Ectomorphs, like Vince, are very lean but have difficulty gaining muscle mass. Mesomorphs stay lean, yet they can pack on muscle mass quite easily. Endomorphs tend to carry a lot of body fat, gain fat easily, yet they do not gain muscle mass easily.

Vince learned that he needed to eat certain foods in various combinations and work out differently than mesomorphs or endomorphs. Along the way, he learned how to help virtually anyone, even a skinny guy like himself, have a ripped, chiseled physique via nutrition and exercise that benefited their body type.

Because of this, his No Nonsense eBook has a tailor-made approach to figuring out what type of diet and exercise program will benefit your individual body-type needs. He did away with the traditional bodybuilding philosophy and adopted one that can help anyone.

The content is also easy to follow with a one-on-one feel and entertaining stories. He keeps things simple and real. You do not have to be an expert in fitness to understand how to implement his program. Remember, Vince was just your average skinny guy, not a professional bodybuilder. He understands where you are and does not expect you to train like a pro.

The content is a bit scattered from time to time in terms of design, but it is still a good read. I guess some people (based on reviews) do not care for the colorful font, but I kind of liked it. And there are just enough pictures and images to keep things interesting while not distracting from the main content. - 17269

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Osteoarthritis Sufferers Find Relief With Omega 3 Fatty Acids

By John Andrews

Arthritis, like other inflammatory diseases can cause severe pain. You can eliminate the pain and stiffness of arthritis by getting plenty of Omega-3 fatty acids; and Omega Daily gives you the Omega-3 your body needs to get rid of the stiffness and the pain that arthritis causes and live a pain-free life.

Osteoarthritis can be unbelievably painful. Your joints are normally protected by a layer of cartilage " but arthritis happens when this cartilage breaks down, causing inflammation and pain. Arthritis can happen in any of your joints, meaning that it can strike anywhere! There are millions of people in the US alone who cope with this pain, which can make your life miserable, since it makes even routine daily tasks a painful ordeal. Doctors usually recommend heat, cold and regular low-impact exercise to alleviate arthritis pain; however, a lot of these physicians dont know about the benefitsOmega-3 fatty acids have to provide to arthritis sufferers. Many of their patients could already be living pain free with Omega-3 supplements!

In healthy people, joint pain sends a signal to the rest of the body to produce natural analgesic and anti-inflammatory compounds. Unfortunately, arthritis stops this from happening, brining on yet more inflammation " and more pain. By getting enough Omega-3, you can prevent this short circuiting of your natural defenses and get some much needed relief from arthritis pains.

You can work to prevent osteoarthritis by getting regular exercise (low impact exercise is best) and making sure that you eat a diet which gives you all of the essential nutrients you need. Of course, one of the most important nutrients for preventing arthritis is Omega-3; according to the American Heart Association, Omega-3 also lowers cholesterol levels, keeping your cardiovascular system healthier as well. Other health benefits of Omega-3 fatty acids include alleviating menstrual pain, assisting in the healing of burns and cuts, improved respiratory health and according to some studies, Omega-3 may even benefit your mental health! There are plenty of great reasons to get your Omega-3 and new health benefits are discovered all the time.

Seafood is the best natural source of Omega-3 fatty acids; but most of us arent eating a diet rich enough in seafood to get the needed amount from our diets alone. A daily supplement like Omega Daily can give you the essential fatty acids you need. Omega Daily gets you your daily allowance of Omega 3 from a concentrate of Green-Lipped Mussel; this dietary supplement uses all-natural ingredients. Omega Daily will not interfere with any medications you may be taking and there are no side effects. Ask your doctor about what Omega-3 can do for you and get your hands on some Omega Daily! - 17269

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Health And Fitness Information - Food For Your Health

By Ali Bautista

There are specific foods and diets that are necessary for good health and fitness. When following a healthy diet you should also participate in regular exercise. A healthy diet will make you feel great and keep you strong on the outside and inside. One of the keys to following a healthy diet is to make sure you eat the correct portions.

An excellent example is the avocado. Avocados are considered fatty vegetables but the type of fat in them is great for your heart and insides, like fish oil and other omeg-3 fatty acids. By eating some avocado every single week you are helping your body. However consuming a large amount of avocado in the form of guacamole every single day will only pack on the fat as you are eating more fat then your body needs.

Grains are very important for health and they make up a large part of our diet. However whole grains are much better for you then refined or processed grains. The calorie content will be the same but whole grains are more filling because they contain more protein and fiber then processed grains. These high fiber foods also make you feel fuller for longer so you actually eat less in the course of the day.

So you should try to substitute whole grains in place of processed grains and foods. Some excellent examples of whole grain foods include popcorn, wild rice, whole wheat products, oatmeal, buckwheat, cracked wheat or bulgur, millet, barely and brown rice. If you are buying whole grain products make sure that the whole grain is one of the first ingredients.

Some other foods that have hidden health benefits include celery with has tons of antioxidants. Additionally products with seaweed are excellent as excellent has a lot of potassium, nutrients and minerals. Another good source of protein are scallops as they are low in calories but are 80% protein.

While following your healthy diet it is important to get two types of exercise. You need to do cardiovascular exercise as well as weight bearing exercise. This combination of exercise and healthy diet will ensure you stay healthy and fit for a long time. - 17269

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My 13th HCG Day Down!

By Amelia Handley

Alright. You probably read yesterday's article so you know that today's weigh in was a little nerve wracking. That's just what happens when you're on a very low calorie, HCG diet and you break all the rules and indulge in potato salad, Caesar salad and turkey legs. (For a full rationalization of the breech in protocol read yesterday's article).

So all you haters out there...get ready...my weight went from 160 to......160! Ta da! I've escaped punishment for today at least. Although the fact that I stayed the same is a bit of punishment in itself. I like the days when I drop 2 pounds or more much better.

It could still jump my weight up. Sometimes the oral HCG reviews suggest that "cheating" while on the diet results in delayed weight gain. So I've got that to NOT look forward to, but for today I'm feeling alright about my seemingly "non-punishment." Just to refresh your memory...today's Monday. The kids are at school (and not too happy about waking up in time to make it on time after a fun, relaxing weekend at home). They got to have Toaster Strudels with bacon and milk for breakfast. I was only slightly jealous. So I'm already doing much better than yesterday.

I took my B vitamin supplement and my HCG in the morning. And I took the HCG twice more as outlined in all the oral HCG reviews as well as the official HCG protocol. So that's one big A+ for the day. I jumped online for some inspiration and read through a bunch of oral HCG reviews noting the end results for people who really benefited from the program. I was also looking for an easy fix to screwing up the diet in the midst of the program. Nothing totally amazing popped up to avoid weight gain from lack of appropriate HCG eating. Dang it!

But for today it doesn't matter because I stuck to plan. I had Creole seasoned, grilled chicken. I actually cooked up several so there would be extra for later on this week. With the chicken I had a fresh, sliced tomato and some Melba Toasts. I tried squeezing lemon into all my water throughout the day. It makes it much more refreshing and feels a little fancy if you see the lemon floating in the water. I forced some green tea down early on in the day. It's still horrible. But apparently it's a good weight loss booster that you can use in combination with the HCG drops so I'm going to try it now and then. That's what the oral HCG reviews say, anyway. And my fruit for the afternoon was an apple while I waited for the school bus to arrive.

Then I took some of the chicken I'd cooked earlier in the day with some fresh asparagus and made the chicken asparagus soup. It's another "soup" favorite. I guess I'm hooked on the soups because they're easy to save as leftovers and it's kind of cold outside so soup seems appropriate. With the soup I had Melba toasts again and I had an apple. I've learned to eat an apple whole. I haven't done that in years. I got used to having them cut up because I always cut them up for my kids. It's kind of exciting to be able to just grab it out of the drawer and eat it right up; so easy and no mess cleanup. Plus I can throw it in my purse to snack on while I'm out running errands or something. - 17269

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How To Use The Treadmill To Lose Weight

By Rob Maraby

If you want to burn more calories and lose weight, the treadmill is a good choice. In order to burn fat and calories you need to be able to raise your heart rate to a level that is above normal. There is no need to have your heart rate at a point where you can't breathe but it should be high enough to burn calories. But why do you need cardio and why are they so important when it comes to burning calories?

When it comes to cardiovascular fitness treadmills are number one as they allow you to raise the core temperature of your body which will burn excess calories. A good cardiovascular workout using a treadmill will also promote better blood flow to your body and will also relax the muscles in your body which will give you a general sense of well being. The Treadmill workout will also allow you to lose weight at an even faster rate. A stronger heart and increased stamina are also \likely benefits of a treadmill weight loss workout

Whiles there are several cardio exercises like running; circuit weight training nothing is as good for your heart like a goof weight loss treadmill workout. Running on the treadmill activates the large leg muscles which allow you to burn more calories.

The rate at which you will burn fat and calories on a treadmill will vary from individual to individual. However an average number is 300 calories for a 30 minute treadmill run

Three thousand five hundred calories is equal to a pound of fat, this number might seem to large when you consider that it takes only 30 minutes to burn 300 calories using the treadmill at running speed. You can however speed the rate of fat loss by lowering the amount of calories you consume. Simply cut out friend, sugary and fatty foods and you will lose weight on the treadmill

It is quite easy to watch your diet while on a weight loss treadmill workout. Simple eat wholesome foods rich in carbohydrates and proteins. A dirt rich in fiber will also help you lose weight. Try to avoid processed and refined foods as they tend to slow down the body's digestive and immune system. Take enough water and keep hydrated. Stay away from pop and sodas and avoid high sugar drinks. These simple steps will allow you to lose more weight on your treadmill

The treadmill is no magic solution to your weight loss problems, however if you stick to a good weight loss plan and use the right workouts you will burn enough calories overtime to get the body of your dreams - 17269

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Organic Muscle Building Supplements

By John Vopel

It is common sense that athletes throughout history have used substances in order to increase their performance. Bodybuilding is no different. Bodybuilders are trying to achieve low body fat as well as high muscle mass. This can be done easily through such substances as steroids. This is illegal in competition and so bodybuilders are turning to natural bodybuilding supplements. These bodybuilding supplements are considered natural because they are already necessary for body function and are in the body naturally. These supplements increase the amounts in the body in order to reach peak performance. While these bodybuilding supplements are widely used, it is always necessary to be supervised by a physician while adhering to any strict exercise and diet program.

Which Bodybuilding Supplements to Choose

Protein is essential to bodybuilders. It is fact that protein is necessary to build muscle as well as to repair muscle, which is essential in the bodybuilding industry. This bodybuilding supplement can be taken in several ways. The most commonly used protein supplement is whey protein. This is often added to shakes and other food and drink. The body absorbs it quickly. Other protein supplements include egg whites, soy protein, and casein protein. While most people are used to getting their protein through meat, meat is too high in fat to be the best choice for bodybuilders. Protein is the most important bodybuilding supplement.

Prohormones as well as other plants and vitamins are used to naturally increase testosterone. These bodybuilding supplements are considered to be natural, but prohormones are not available in the United States without a prescription since the long-term effects are unknown. It is easy to obtain a prescription if involved in sports such as bodybuilding.

Thermogenics are often used as bodybuilding supplements to increase metabolism and burn fat. These products are highly publicized as fat burners and are used by the public as well as athletes and bodybuilders. The Food and Drug Administration have banned some thermogenics, such as ephedra due to harmful side effects and even death. It should be mentioned that these potential side effects occurred mostly when the supplement was overused.

Bodybuilding supplements are going to help bodybuilders attain their goals of increased muscle mass and decreased fat. It is important that they choose to do this through natural and legal options such as the bodybuilding supplements listed above. When a bodybuilder follows a complete plan that includes bodybuilding supplements, diet, and exercise, they will succeed. - 17269

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The Right Way To Build Muscles With Protein

By Martin Elmer

If you want to build large muscles and lose weight at the same time a high protein diet is a must. Both goals are closely related, because when you are building muscles, you will also produce metabolism. And the metabolism burns fat. So the higher level of metabolism, the more weight you will lose.

To get larger muscles, you have to work out. You are doing that by stressing you muscles to the absolute point of failure, where you cannot do another repetition. Then you must stop, because else you risk an injury.

You are sending a message to your body, when you are stressing you muscles to the point of failure. The message is that it can expect similar stress in the future. The body will respond by growing the muscles.

When you finish your workout a repair process will begin. The muscles will not just grow to the state they had before. They will grow further to resist a similar stress level in the future. This will result in larger muscles.

So to grow larger muscles, you have to break them down and build them up again. And to do that you have to feed your body. And the food for your body is protein.

Protein can be found in the daily diet like eggs, poultry, fish etc. And if you want to build your muscles the most effective way, you need to figure out how much protein you need each day.

You can expect to consume about 1g of protein for each pound you weight, if you work out intensely. That means you have to consume 130g protein per day if your weight is 130 pound.

It can be difficult to find the right amount of protein. Too high protein consumption will result in more fat, and too little will mean that you are not getting the muscles, you wished for.

The simple way to follow is to go for a high protein diet and cut down on carbohydrate and fat. Then it will not be a problem if some of the protein is converted to fat.

If you are having problem getting enough protein, you can use protein supplements along with your normal meals. Then you also do not have to worry about getting too many calories from the normal food.

A positive side effect (besides larger muscles) is that a high protein diet plan also will boost your immune system; and thereby improve your general health. - 17269

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