Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Sunday, October 18, 2009

How To Maximize Your Weight Gain Goal

By Taylor Olson

It can sometimes be difficult to bulk up your body. However, if you can watch what you eat and stick to a sound a proven bulking up plan, then it is definitely an achievable goal. Getting instant results with magic pill solutions will not happen. Yes there are pills or supplements to aid in your quest to bulk up, but these are secondary compared to the basic actions of eating correctly and working out properly.

The most important element you need to focus on if you are to be able to bulk up successfully is to eat excessive calories (more than what your body needs to for weight maintenance). But of course, we are not talking about just any kind of food here.

We are talking about healthy, whole meal foods like chicken, beef, eggs and vegetables. And they should be prepared by steaming or grilling them. Deep-frying these foods will not do you any good in the long-run. It can even ruin your bulk up plan.

Why does this excessive calories method work? Well it is simply due to the reason that your muscles require a lot of energy to maintain. A pound of muscle takes up more energy than a pound of fats. But the muscles take up much less space than fats. And muscles are what give you that sculpted look. To be more specific, the kind of foods what are consuming should have a high ratio of protein. This is because muscles feed on protein and requires it to grow.

Of course, on the other side of the equation, working out at the gym (or pumping your body to grow muscles is an equally important factor. If you were to merely consume loads of calories but don't utilize it by working out, then these extra calories will just convert into fats. We want a bulkier muscular body, not a tub of fat goo body.

These are just a few quick tips and tricks you can employ immediately to zero in on the most important factors when it comes to successful weight gain (muscle weight). If you do nothing but follow the above 2 points, then you will be well ahead of the curve among the many people who try to gain weight. - 17269

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5 Hidden Sources Of Weight Gain

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

If you incessantly check your weight, you may be losing motivation very quickly. Keep in mind, however, that even though your weight may be going up, you could be making substantial progress in the right direction.

In fact, many women actually gain weight while losing fat when just starting off with an exercise program. Especially if there is a lot of resistance training involved. Why does this happen? Because of H20.

You probably know that water can do this. But do you know how the water is getting into your system? Let me shed some light by providing 5 hidden sources of weight gain:

1. Food. If you started exercising a lot, you may be eating more. This is normal. And food has weight. So if you eat a big meal, expect an immediate increase in weight. Now if the food is loaded with sodium, you could easily gain a couple pounds very quickly.

2. Everything carb. Your body needs carbs, there is NO way around this. The brains preferred source of fuel is glucose-a simple carbohydrate. And in order for your body to take in carbs it also needs water. How much? For every one part of carb it needs 3 parts water.

3. Salt. We all know that salt can increase water retention. But what most women fail to realize is just how much water they can potentially retain-they usually drastically underestimate. The next time you eat a fast food meal or a big meal at a restaurant, notice how much water you HAVE to drink in order to quench your thirst.

4. Taking a bath. Your skin is a big organ and it can do many things including suck up water. This is one of the main reasons many clueless athletes fail to make their weigh ins. Does this mean you should stop bathing? I'll leave that one up to you!

5. Resistance training. When you lift weights, your muscles develop a heightened ability to suck in carbohydrates. And remember that carbohydrates bring a lot water to the party. So please don't freak out if you notice an almost instant increase in weight from resistance training. Stick with it, in the long run you'll be much better off.

The take home point here is to NOT obsess over the weight scale readings. I see far too many women get discouraged because they are gaining weight. Only if they knew that they were also losing fat! - 17269

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Michael Thurmond Weight Loss Program -- What Exactly is it About?

By Peter W.L. Owen

Most of us have heard of the Michael Thurmond 6 week makeover diet. It's never a bad idea to take a look at a number of weight loss programs when you need to lose a few pounds. Michael Thurmond is the guy who says that you can lose between 25 and 35 pounds within 6 weeks. What is this plan really about? Let's discuss the most important aspects of his diet.

His Metabolism Principle

Michael Thurmond also calls it his six week makeover plan that transforms your body beautifully. He claims that each one of us has different metabolisms that react differently. Certain foods will cause your body to burn fat while for someone else the same food might result in fat gain. Therefore the first part of his weight loss program determines what kind of metabolism you have. You need to answer a few questions he provides so that your body type can be analyzed.

Targeting Only Your Problem Areas

The Michael Thurmond diet plan explains that you need to focus on your problem areas when you exercise. When you start his program, you need to determine which parts of your body you're most unsatisfied with. After you pointed out the problem areas of your body, you receive a set of exercises that targets those areas. So many fitness junkies believe that it's not the ideal way of exercising when you only focus on one part of the body. Is it not common practice that the body needs a complete workout before your problem areas will improve?

His Eat More Principle

What I do like about the Michael Thurmond weight loss program is that it encourages dieters to eat. Most programs tend to go the route of starvation and by doing so you teach your metabolism to slow down. The body needs a steady flow of eating patterns. Small portions of food, at regular intervals per day, have proven time and time again that it initiates the fat burning process of the body and continues to lose weight until it has reached its ideal level.


Keeping away from certain foods that don't go with your metabolism and eating at regular intervals each day does sound promising. I like the way the Michael Thurmond weight loss plan takes time to analyze your body type and provide you with a customized eating and exercise plan. I don't agree with spending only a few minutes in the gym. I believe that you need to focus on every part of your body even if you're happy with certain areas. Otherwise I have no problems with it. You do however need to discipline yourself when you decide to take on Michael Thurmond's 6 week makeover plan. - 17269

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Killer Food And Nutrition What You Should Know

By Morgan Davis

What you will be getting from fried foods or fatty processed foods such as chips and margarine is called trans-fatty acids. These fatty acids solidify in the body and upbeat your chances of getting a heart attack or arteriosclerosis.

To build your body successfully, you will need to know your body weight This understanding enables you to weigh the amount of nutrients to take in daily to compliment your body weight.

A research conducted by the Purdue University led to a discovery that boys with low blood levels of omega-3 fatty acids have a greater frequency of Attention Deficit Disorder. This implies that fatty acids must be taken in proper levels for the successful treatment of such disorders.

Being healthy is simply a matter of discipline that enables you to turn your back on meals you know will do you no good and lets you focus on meals that are nourishing to your body.

Online recipes for healthy meals can be gotten online from various websites that give you additional information as to the purpose and benefit of each recipe.

If you have been working out constantly but haven't seen any physical change in your body, you may want to consider what kind of food you are eating as this may actually be a hindrance to your goral of a honed perfect body.

If you are pregnant, you should consider taking Zija; this is a natural beverage that is made from moringa oleifera, a tree that is rich in vitamins B, B1, A, B2, B3, B6, B5, B12, C, D, E, biotin folic acid and much moreIt is also rich in minerals such as iron and calcium for your baby's perfect growth and health as well as yours.

A teenager who is physically active in school in sports or other athlectic events can have protein supplements provided to give him/her the strength needed for optimal performance.

Flax seed is a natural product from which flax oil is extractedthe oil is rich in omega 3 fatty acids and is renowned for its ability to combat attention deficit disorder; it can be mixed in meals like yogurt or fruit smoothies without changing the taste.

A variety of websites now offer information about where to get fresh unprocessed products that are good for your health. They include; www.freedomfood.co.uk and www.farmgatedirect.com. - 17269

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Being Fat Increases the Level of Inflammation

By Phillip C. Dunfee

Being fat increases the level of inflammatory activity in the body, while being physically fit decreases it, according to a new U.S. study made in the USA.

The study included 452 men who had levels of different groups of blood cells measured during exercise. A high total white blood cell count is a marker of inflammatory activity and is a strong and independent risk factor for coronary heart disease-related illness and death, according to background information in a news release from the researchers at the Pennington Biomedical Research Center in Baton Rouge, La.

None of the men smoked or had been diagnosed with a serious disease or chronic condition, all of which are known to be associated with a higher white blood cell count. The men were weighed and measured and had their blood pressure taken before their level of cardio respiratory fitness was assessed using a standard treadmill test.

Blood tests showed that levels of all groups of white blood cells were lowest in the most physically fit and higher in men who had a combination of higher body fat and lower levels of fitness.

In general, the more body fat, the higher the white blood cell count. However, the study did find that a high level of physical fitness negated the effect of extra body fat.

The researchers noted that white cell counts tend to increase after a session of vigorous exercise, but regular exercise may condition the body to respond more efficiently when doing physically demanding activities. The study was published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine.

In the last decade scientists have proven that some antioxidants have anti-inflammatory properties. In addition to scavenging free radicals, there are antioxidants that actually block inflammation. The blocking of certain oxidizing proteins lowers the activation of inflammatory signals. Scientists have also found that the combinations of certain antioxidants have greater effect than single antioxidants on certain types of inflammation

A 2004 study funded by the National Institute of Aging found that taking an antioxidant supplement was associated with CRP levels similar to those seen in those who exercised 180 minutes/week or more and did not take supplements. The study involved almost 3000 people. Blood samples were analyzed for serum levels of C-reactive protein and interleukin-6, and plasma levels of TNF-alpha.

The best sources of antioxidants are vegetables, fruits, tea and wine. It is best to get your antioxidants from a variety of sources. The more colorful your natural foods the better - yellow, orange, green, red, brown and blue-purple plant foods provide a variety of antioxidants, and the more brightly colored, the richer the food is in anti-oxidants.

Some of these brightly colored fruits rich in antioxidants include Acai, Mangosteen, Camu Camu, Goji and Noni fruits. Since these fruits are difficult to obtain fresh in your local market, you can get them in their as good as fresh condition from Dr. Tims Juices. - 17269

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Can Vegetarians Build Muscle?

By Ryan M Hall

This question, can vegetarians build muscle, crosses every vegetarians mind when they decide to build muscle. If you don't want to look like a stick, what can you do? There are many things you can do without eating meat, but most people don't get accurate information. Today, I'll show you how you can build muscle on a vegetarian diet.

There have been many people who have built muscle while following a vegetarian diet. One of the most famous vegetarian muscle men is a guy named Bill Pearl. Pearl is a very famous vegetarian body builder who even went on to win Mr. Universe in 1953 and 1971. Bill Pearl eats eggs and dairy products, he is a lacto-ovo vegetarian.

What foods do you eat?

If you too are a lacto-ovo vegetarian and eat eggs regularly, then you're in luck. Eggs are one of the best foods you can eat to build muscle. They are very high in protein and good fat and nutrients needed to rebuild muscle. Cows milk is also a great source of protein and good fat.

For the strict veggie lovers

If you are a strict vegetarian, there are a few steps you can take to be certain that you will still build muscle mass.


Adding a protein supplement to your diet will help your muscles rebuild after workouts. You can also eat more tofu and soy milk in your recipes to ensure you have enough protein in your diet.


Chances are, you probably need some healthy fats so you should consider adding nuts like almonds, cashews and pistachio nuts to your diet. Another great source of healthy fat is flax seed oil which also contains an essential amino acid called linolenic acid.


Even though you may look healthy, many vegetarians are vitamin deficient in a vitamin called B12. To remedy this, you can add a B12 supplement to your diet or drink a soy or whey based meal replacement drink. These drinks usually give you at least 1/3 of your daily recommended vitamins and minerals.

Can Vegetarians build muscle? Of Course. It may not be the perfect diet for body building, but you can do it if you follow the above advice. All you need now is a good muscle building plan. - 17269

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The Composition of "First Milk" Bovine Colostrum

By Dr. Anthony Kleinsmith


The biologically active components in bovine colostrum change very rapidly after the calf is born. Due to these rapid changes, it becomes necessary to know that it has the highest amount of biologically active substances and that you know exactly what makes up bovine colostrum.


Most of the biologically active substances in complete bovine colostrum that can convey significant health benefits are proteins. Since almost all of the beneficial proteins are conveyed from the mother's bloodstream into the colostrum before birth and the mother then begins to reabsorb them about 6-8 hours after birth, it is important to use colostrum that has been collected during a time period that will minimize the effect of the reabsorption process. Of real significance is the fact that by 24 hours after birth most of the proteins in the udder fluid can be accounted for by two individual proteins that are primarily only of nutritional value, casein and albumin.

Colostral Fat

Although some people disagree, the milk fat in the ?first milking? is very important and also contains the necessary protein, casein. Some companies choose to remove the milk fat from their colostrum claiming it deteriorates their product faster and doesn't have any purpose They claim the substitute fat they add is more digestible. On the contrary, the casein found in the milk fat of true colostrum serves a very important purpose. In the stomach it breaks down into absorbable peptides and amino acids. These peptides and amino acids create a cottage cheese-like curd that is used to create new muscle protein in the stomach. The ?first milk? colostrum contains that important protein, casein, as well as other significant biologically active substances and should be left in the colostrum product.

20-30% of the ?first milking? colostrum is milk fat. Some beneficial biologically active substances found in that milk fat are corticosteroids, steroid hormones, some growth factors, vitamins A, D, E and K and insulin.

Lactose (milk sugar).

10-15% of the ?first milking? colostrum is lactose. An enzyme in the calf's stomach and saliva, called the lactase enzyme, break glucose and galactose down to create energy for the developing calf. The amount of lactose increases in the mother's milk for the developing calf. The lactose content 6 hours after birth is half of what it is at 12 hours and a third of what it is 24 hours after birth.

Since most people have the same enzyme (lactase) in their saliva and their digestive system, the lactose in the colostrum that they use as a dietary supplement can provide the same ready source of metabolic energy. However, there are ?lactose intolerant? individuals who have problems digesting lactose because their body produces too little or none of the lactase enzyme. The amount of lactose in first milking colostrum collected within 6 hours after birth is about one-half of what it is at 12 hours after birth and one-third of what it becomes by 24 hours. Therefore, a high quality complete first milking colostrum collected within 6 hours after birth can be used as a dietary supplement by more people without potentially having them suffer the discomforts associated with lactose intolerance.

More Compositional Considerations

The following comparative facts about colostrum and milk further stress the value of a complete first milking colostrum in maximizing the health related benefits.

Colostrum has 10 times the amount of vitamin A than milk.

Vitamin D is found to be 10 times greater in colostrum than milk.

Colostrum has 10 times the amount of iron than milk

Colostrum has more magnesium, phosphorous and calcium than milk.

Biologically Active Components

Metabolic Factors, Growth Factors and Immune Factors are the major categories bovine colostrum can be divided into. When looking into bovine colostrum, be aware of companies' interpretations of what these components do rather than what the original studies show. - 17269

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Adding Different Flavors to Your Favorite Cup of Coffee

By Damian Papworth

You might say that coffee is an acquired taste, as it will often strike people as bitter upon first encounter. For this reason, people will commonly add milk and sugar to a cup of coffee in a an effort to soften the impact or to sweeten the taste. For people with more of a sweet tooth, even that might not do the trick. The process of adding different flavors to coffee drinks -- or even to the bean itself -- is nothing new, but the number of coffee flavors available is increasing all the time.

Prior to recent times, when considering different flavors for coffee, most people would think about chocolate (mocha) as the main option. It took just one small step to add chocolate to an espresso drink, as most of the cafes in Europe serve hot chocolate drinks along with the rest of the menu. While the caf? mocha is a drink that can be found in most of the world?s cafes, other types of flavors have followed suit. Some were formulated to mimic the classic liqueurs, flavors like Irish cr?me or cr?me de menthe. Others were more traditional (orange, hazelnut) and were added in small doses to drinks much like a shot or liqueur would be added to a cocktail.

Coffee drinkers who love different flavors in coffee can also find different choices in whole bean or packaged form. By taking the bean and modifying the overall taste, coffee producers must introduce an unnatural element to the coffee. It simply cannot be done during the cultivation process. However, the flavors themselves can be entirely natural. Getting a package of hazelnut or mocha-flavored coffee is possible these days in your favorite caf? or local store.

Popular coffee flavors include hazelnut, Irish cream, almond, pistachio and white chocolate, just to name a few. If you are looking for more than just a caffeine fix to keep your work day going, you will be able to find a flavor of coffee to match any mood. The latest flavor syrups are even available in organic options.

There is nothing artificial about chocolate in the hands of the right producer, of course, so enjoying a caf? mocha can have a more natural flavor than some of the syrups. The natural properties of both can blend together nicely.

Some of the more exotic flavors being marketed in coffee drinks are pumpkin spice and cinnamon varieties.

While it may be a new and pleasant experience for some people, coffee drinkers should remember the difference in calories from a basic cup of regular coffee when compared to a drink in which syrup is added along with whipped cream and other sugary embellishments. You will see sugar and fat contents rise considerably, so take note of your expectations from coffee drinks.

For daily coffee drinkers who see an espresso or black coffee as a staple of life, it is unlikely that a variety of flavors and embellishments on the classic form will be appealing. For others with a notable sweet tooth, the different flavors will add a new wrinkle to the idea of coffee. - 17269

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Acai Berry - How Does It Compare To Other Super Antioxidants?

By Travis Van Slooten

Have you heard that acai berry is now considered as one of the top super antioxidants? Yes, it's worthy of being described as being both "top" and "super" in the antioxidants department. Its antioxidant level is so high off the (ORAC) charts that the media ? from TV talk shows to newspaper ads to websites ? has been caught up in featuring this little berry from Brazil. But what really is the fuss all about? Or to put it more bluntly, what does being a super antioxidant mean? Here's a quick chemistry tutorial.

How Antioxidants and Free Radicals Interact

Free radicals exist in the air we breathe. They are results of pollution like smoke or car exhaust. They can also be produced from food preservatives and chemicals. And once they get inside the body, chemistry tell us that a free radical is a molecule that is missing an electron. When the free radical attempts to take an electron of a healthy cell, they create another free radical. They do this in order to return to their initial state. If a free radical takes an electron from a cell in a blood vessel, it can cause serious harm to our bodies. A high concentration of free radicals in the body have been known to cause grave health problems such as cancer and heart-related diseases.

Fortunately, antioxidants can help. They offer up their own electron to the free radical and let it go happily on its way. On the other hand, this means that the antioxidant has now become a radical itself. However, through a balanced intake of different antioxidants, your body can maintain a juggling act of radical and antioxidants and you can stay healthy.

The Role of Acai Berry

Super antioxidants are rated on the ORAC or Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity charts. The ORAC is utilized to measure antioxidant concentration within the food we eat. Acai berry rates extremely high on the ORAC charts indicating a large amount of antioxidants. Quite new to the American population, acai berry is a perfect supplement to assist in the free radical/antioxidant balancing game your body performs. Due to its novelty in the supplements market, acai berry may supply you with free radicals that your body has never had.

Now that you know all about acai berry and how it can impact your health, all you need to do is find a reliable source of pure organic acai supplements. This way you can get value for your money and make the most of the nutrients acai provides, including antioxidants. If you want variety in your acai supplements, you should know that they are also available in other forms other than capsules such as frozen acai pulp and juices. You can take it in any way you like; the important thing is you're getting your needed antioxidants from one of the best super antioxidants. - 17269

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Don't Just Trust Any Company! Know Where to Buy Acai Berry

By Travis Van Slooten

If you're just trying out acai supplements for the first time, you may not know where to buy acai berry. It's good that you have taken the time to read this post first because you should know that not all sources of acai are reliable. There are those sites which sell low-quality acai. While they are cheaper than top quality ones, these inferior products give you little nutritional value for the amount you're paying. And then there are those promoters which are plain scam companies. Still, there are also many decent companies selling acai berry which give the right bang for your buck, even assisting the locals in the Brazilian jungles who serve as their acai harvesters.

The Product

When searching for acai berry supplements, ensure that it is made from berry that was organically grown. To reap the full benefits of the berry, search for companies that cultivate and harvest without chemicals or fertilizers. No matter how reputable the company is, or how affordable the product might be, it is important to search for an organic product. Acai berry is healthy as is, and there is no need to alter it in any way to enjoy the benefits.

THe next piece of info you should extract is how the acai was processed. If the words spray dried appear on the packaging, it is advisable to find another brand. Spray-dried acai is achieved using a substance known as maltodextrin, which the body processes as sugar. Spray drying also subjects acai to very high temperatures, hence, a significant amount of nutritional value is lost. What you should look for are acai berry supplements that have been freeze dried.

Knowing the Company

You can't ask where to buy acai berry without considering the company. Since acai berry is such a hot product, there are an unfortunately large number of people out there with less than great business morals who are looking to get you to buy into their product. Some of these companies are outright scams, while others are just looking to sell you their product and charge you for additional things you never wanted. Always make sure the company you choose has readily available contact information and a background of their business posted. If the company looks unprofessional, they probably are.

A good company is one that sells only top quality acai berry products with no strings attached. They should clearly state their contact information and their location. And it's always a good idea to go with a company that gives back. Some companies help to support the local workforce where the acai berry is harvested. Since it is only grown in Brazil, you want to make sure that the company you choose is not abusing the labor in the area. If you're searching for where to buy acai berry, these few simple guidelines should offer you a better chance at finding a reputable company to buy your supplement from. - 17269

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6 Mental Hacks For Losing Arm Fat

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

Do not make the same mistake most women make when trying to lose arm fat: neglecting the mental part of the equation. In the end, your thoughts will dictate whether or not you reach your goal.

Why are thoughts so important? Because even if you have the best program in the world, there will come a point when you start to get tired of it. This is a proven psychological principle. So in the end, it is your mental outlook that will help you lose that arm fat, not your diet and exercise regimen.

So here are 6 tips for winning the war on arm fat:

1. Change how you value food. We have been conditioned to value food that is both cheap and convenient. Unfortunately, food that falls into this category is usually very bad for you. Accept that food for losing arm fat may be a little more expensive and may take a little more time to prepare.

2. Eliminate all self criticism. Even small amounts here will have devastating consequences. Never be self critical when evaluating your body. In the long run, this will deplete you of any energy to keep moving forward.

3. Believe in compliments. How many times have you received a compliment only to disregard it as a nicety? Well, outside compliments are usually extremely accurate, so do not dismiss them!

4. Avoid obsessive weight checking. Your weight is like a series of waves, no matter what you do it will keep on going up and down. So why check it so frequently? Also, do not forget that weight is a highly inaccurate indicator of progress.

5. Come to grips with the fact that no magic solution exists. Are some solutions much better and faster than others? Absolutely! Do some solutions involve NO work. Nope.

6. Avoid focusing on arm fat. If you focus on the entire process as an integrated change to your life instead of obsessing over every millimeter of arm fat lost, you will be much more successful.

Ignoring the benefits of thought process optimization is a surefire way to fail when trying to lose arm fat. So follow the advice in this article and you will be that much closer to reaching your goals. - 17269

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Is Losing Weight Through The Acai Berry Diet Genuine?

By Irene P Price

Someone who is researching diet plans and weight loss programs recently has no doubt heard about the amazing acai berry diet plan. The claims are that you can just consume this yummy little berry that is purported to taste like blueberries dipped in dark chocolate and the weight will drop off your body. You would think that the acai berry is a magical solution to weight loss.

Well the truth is that the acai berry, which is only found in the Brazilian rainforest, will not help you lose any more weight than the blueberry that is found in the state of Maine. Present are no magic bullets or mystical potions when it comes to weight loss.

However, the acai berry can be a help to weight loss and an aid to our bodies for the prevention of diseases, the reduction of inflammation in our bodies and the slowdown of the aging process. It is not because this little berry is a magical fruit but rather because this berry is one of the healthiest and most nutritious foods ever found in nature.

The Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity or the ORAC score is the way the antioxidant capacity is measured in foods. The acai berry has one of the highest ORAC scores ever found in a food. It actually has more than 10 times the amount of antioxidants as red grapes and even twice as much as blueberries, which are an additional powerful fruit.

The acai berry is also high in the essential fatty acids Omega 3, Omega 6 and Omega 9. Up to 50% of the edible pulp is comprised of these fatty acids plus monounsaturated oleic acid, which is the same healthy fat that is found in olive oil.

It is also surprisingly strange that this berry contains the 19 amino acids that are the building blocks of protein. Not only that but the acai berry in addition contains vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, C and E and the minerals potassium, magnesium, copper, calcium and zinc.

The acai berry is really perishable and it has only been in very recent times that it has been offered outside of Brazil at all. The berries should be processed within 24 hours of removal from the tree in order to maintain the nutritional integrity of the fruit. Dissimilar processing methods yield different results and the best way to process these berries is with a freeze-drying method.

The acai berry is not a mystical potion that will help you lose weight but this modest berry is an enormously and highly nutritious food that can help you to acquire optimal health and energy. When you give your body optimal nutrition it responds positively to diet and working out and the weight will come off. - 17269

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