Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Saturday, December 20, 2008

All You Need To Know About Cooking Rabbit And Fajitas Seasonings

By Ferdinand Okeke

Cooking a steak at home can be quite challenging especially if you are not used to cooking big time. However tips for using steak seasoning help a great deal in one's attempt to carry out the task of making a delicious steak. The idea is that you want to make that steak as tasty as possible therefore you should think about what herbs and spices would make the ideal taste for you and your family. Do they like the taste of garlic, or onion, or basil or bay? Then you can rely on buying bulk herbs and spices and making your own blend of these at home. The steak seasoning that you will obtain will surely be loved by your entire family because you have chosen their favorites.

Intensive fried turkey in mixture with intensive fried turkey seasoning is delectable and in addition more appealing to home cooks lately despite the dangers that it poses when cooked at home in an enclosed environment. If you want to prepare turkey with this approach you should fathom that deep fried turkey seasoning does wonders to your dish. But let us begin with the rudimentary and follow the steps of the recipe and thus the cooking procedures.

While making fajitas, you will undoubtedly need the appropriate fajita seasoning. You can find lots of commodities in bottles or jars that claim to be fajita seasoning, but to tell you the truth I for one prefer to apply a traditional fajita seasoning recipe and cook it myself. Making fajita seasoning is not tedious at all; you just need the appropriate ingredients and the appropriate recipe. For this I can tell you that a minor research on the web, in cookery books or among your Mexican neighbors or acquaintances will help you. Here is one recipe for a wonderfully great fajita seasoning. In about 15 minutes you can cook with a fajita seasoning using: 3 tablespoons of cornstarch, 2 tablespoons of chili powder, 1 tablespoon of salt and one of paprika and one of sugar; then you also need 1 / 3 teaspoon of cumin, the same quantity of garlic powder,2 1 / 2 teaspoon of stock cube, 1 1 onion powder, and 1 teaspoon of crushed red pepper flakes; last but not the least, let us not ignore the 1 teaspoon of cayenne pepper and as much garlic.

Before focusing on the deep fried turkey seasoning, you need to wash the turkey and tie the legs and the wings to the body of the bird after it has already been totally defrosted. After that, you should dry the bird so that you can rub the deep fried turkey seasoning on it. Other way to flavor the turkey meet would be to inject the seasoning in the meat especially in the parts which are thicker and would normally turn into flavored less while cooking.

How would you like to learn about hamburger seasoning? Do you want to find out where you can find or how you can make your own hamburger seasoning? Truly if you read this article you will find some answers, suggestions and advice pertaining to hamburger seasoning. But let us not put the cart before the horse, as my grandma used to say. Let us start with the first things, namely hamburgers, and we'll get to hamburger seasoning a bit later. The hamburger seems to be perceived as an American food, but it really originates in Germany. Although the name hamburger contains an important part, the ham there, is normally no ham in a hamburger.

Even the easiest recipe or method of cooking rabbit, involves rabbit seasoning, be it a rub with olive oil or a spray of a mixture of your favorite herbs and condiments. Rabbit seasoning involves, therefore, rubbing, chopping, sprinkling and sometimes marinating the meat. In rabbit seasoning, you may utilize a very wide range of condiments and herbs, or spices in order to refine the flavor of the rabbit meat. When rabbit seasoning is under discussion, you should know that rabbit goes very well with butter, vinegar, extra virgin olive oil, sugar and honey. Another possible ingredients for rabbit seasoning can be shrimp paste, fish sauce, coriander, chili or lemon - grass.

As we all know, the American cuisine is not wholly American since there are so many public influences which came with the immigrants. It is known that there are differences, as well as similarities between the various cuisines represented in America. There are Creole, Cajun, Chinese or Mexican cuisines, to mention just a few of them. When we talk about Mexican food, for example we must say that this cuisine brought about certain ingredients, typical dishes, among which the fajitas and fajita seasoning, too, as well as the preference for certain vegetables and certain condiments to cook the foods. The Mexican cuisine covers the bottom third of North America. - 17269

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Live Long and Prosper - Kombucha the Elixir of Long Life

By Lydia Peru

Many long for the elixir of life. We don't need to look very far to find what the ancient societies around the world came to know. Kombucha tea is a wonderful nutritional supplement, and you can buy it or make it at home.

Documented for over two thousand years, the name Kombucha originates in Korea. A medicine man named Kombu treated the emperor with what is known know as Kombucha tea. Over the centuries this elixir of life has spread worldwide.

What exactly is Kombucha? It's often referred to as a mushroom, but it isn't. It's just a symbiotic relationship between beneficial bacteria and yeast that create a culture that looks a little like a spongy cake.

How does Kombucha tea serve us? Kombucha is often note for its detoxifying qualities. It assists the liver in clearing toxin buildup. Our acid and alkaline levels are also restored by the balancing qualities of Kombucha.

Kombucha also supports the healthy bacteria that live in our digestive tract, making it probiotic. It does not interfere with our normal body function, but instead aids our digestion. Last but not least, Kombucha helps restore balance on a metabolic level.

Conditions such as rheumatism and skin problems like acne have been aided by this pH restoring drink. Research continues worldwide into the benefits of Kombucha tea in treating tumors and cancer.

This Elixir of life can be consumed and used topically for healthy skin and hair. Pets benefit from this wonderful tea as well. Kombucha tea is known world wide, and has been used as a restorative drink for centuries. - 17269

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Eat This to Build Muscle Quick

By Caleb Lee

Eating healthy is a basic concept known to weight lifting and weight loss, when you want to build muscle quick.

When first looking at eating healthy, one would always seem to picture salads. Salads are a part of eating healthy; however, there are many choices of other foods to eat healthy.

You can basically stay eating the same way you are, but just upgraded a little. It won't cost any different. It's like you're just switching brands of soda. Same price for different flavors....

You don't have to give up many foods and stay eating green! You need multiple nutrients when you are trying to build muscle, and only eating green, like salads, won't help you in the long run. Yes, of course you will see some weight loss, but this will make you sick and weak, because you're not getting the nutrients you need to build muscle.

3 Main nutrients you need to eat healthy, build muscle and lose weight are proteins, carbohydrates, and the natural grown garden items.

For the muscle building, protein is a fundamental nutrient to build muscle quick. Protein will give your muscle strength and durability, creating solid muscle. Having a good intake of protein everyday will also help with reducing your muscle healing time letting your body build muscle quick. Good, healthy sources of protein consist of the regular chicken, fish, and also lean red meat. Eggs are also good sources of protein, including the yolk, which is good in protein along with vitamins. The most beneficial would be salmon, containing high amounts of protein with a good amount of Omega-3 fatty acids and high amounts of Vitamin D.

Next on the list are carbohydrates. These will provide your body as its energy source when you are working out. This will mean your body will work off these before going to your body fat food energy. You might say, "I want to eat fewer carbohydrates so that my body eats fat right away, so it burns more." And those of you who do that, you couldn't be more right! However, you will also feel the burn! While you work out, your body will begin to ache, burn, and cramp faster than if you had carbohydrates. This is where you need to remember that your body also builds muscle outside of the gym. Carbohydrates only last for so long, and most will be burned up during the work out. This means the rest will be soon burned up after your work out, and then your body will look for your fat as its secondary choice. Eating carbohydrates for energy only saves you the instant pain and annoying aches while you try to get a good work out in.

Good sources of carbs are from pasta, cereal, oats, and yogurt. Yogurt also has protein in it. Eating some foods with carbs in it after a workout will make your recovery time faster.

Home grown vegetables and fruits contain vitamins, fiber, and minerals that all help in rebuilding and preventing sickness by building up your immune system.

Mainly eat foods with good sources of protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, fiber, and minerals that will all help to build muscle quick. - 17269

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Having a Pump Does Not Mean You Will Gain Muscle

By Ricardo d Argence

Picture this scenario: you've been working in the gym for half an hour and after a really hard set of your routine on the bench your chest feels tight and engorged with blood. It feels great, healthy, powerful. "Pump", is how they call that feeling. If you have ever had the feeling, then you know great it feels. Arnold said it's like having sex (i'm not really sure if it's good in THAT level, but yes, it's an amazing feeling).

So, what's exactly a pump? It's nothing but the tight, blood-congested feeling in a muscle after it has been intensely trained. Is the feeling that you get as blood becomes trapped inside your muscle. And it's a great, great feeling. But you don't go to the gym and perform all that effort for hours just for that feeling. And that feeling does not guarantee you'll achieve your gain muscle goal.

There is certainly nothing wrong with achieving a pump in the gym, and it is simply a natural result of intense weight training. However, contrary to what the majority of weightlifters may think, a pump is in no way indicative of a successful workout. Anyone who uses the intensity of their pump as a gauge for the effectiveness of their workout is making a costly error.

Which is better, the pump or the feeling of totally exhausting your muscles to the point of failure when it is nearly impossible to pick up a pencil? Good question because I can promise that one is asked a lot. People love the feeling of being pumped and the blood flowing thru their muscles. "Dude, this will give you a crazy pump!", a guy in the gym tells to another one in the gym, thinking there's no better way to make their muscles grow.

A pump is just the blood flowing to the area. You can get a good pump without working all that hard. Giving your body no reason to grow. But you can get the greatest pump, and it does'nt mean your muscles will grow the most. If muscle pumps meant muscle growth, then super light weight, ultra high rep programs would be the most effective way to grow. And i think you'll agree with me when i say that will never work. So, how can i know if i'm in the right way? It's nothing complex.

Take your workout records (in terms of weight and reps) from the previous week and compare it to the current week. Did you improve? Were you able to either increase the resistance slightly on each exercise, or perform an extra rep or two? If so, you had a successful workout, regardless of how much blood you were able to pump into your muscle tissue.

If you are able to consistently achieve this, your muscle size and strength will increase faster than you ever thought possible, with or without a pump. I hope this article cleared up your confusion on the issue of "muscle pumps". - 17269

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Energy Drinks Are Unsafe For Teenagers

By Julieanne van Zyl

The introduction of a healthy energy drink for teenagers will be great for them. Lately, the wish for a quick fix is causing more problems than it is solving. While it might look like we have speedy answers to our problems, they are often temporary solutions, which do nothing to repair the situation permanently. Unfortunately, one of the "quick-fixes" that we are becoming more and more addicted to and which seems to be the favorite of many individuals is the energy drink. Whether it is Red Bull or Power Horse, energy drinks give us the immediate energy boost that we might need at that point of time.

Whether it is Red Bull or Power Horse, energy drinks give us the immediate energy boost that we might need at that point in time. But because of the abundance of these drinks, it is always available to teenagers and kids who can purchase them for a few bucks each. Unfortunately , research has shown that kids who drink copious amounts of energy drinks are at a risk of exhibiting rowdy behaviors and increased violence levels. According to the Journal of American College Health, "Miller and colleagues found that a group of behaviors known as "toxic jock syndrome" was correlated with high consumption of energy drinks.

Toxic jock syndrome includes symptoms such as substance abuse, unprotected sex and violence". With this research proven in different related studies, it is only natural to see that teenagers and frequent energy drink consumption is not a good combination. So, if you have got a teenage son or daughter, try as much as possible to dissuade them from drinking these drinks too frequently and instead teach them to live healthy lives by adopting healthy lifestyles.

As if getting excess energy drinks are not enough, research has shown that an astonishing 49% of all teenagers are into some kind of substance exploitation. This basically signifies that about 1 in every 2 teenagers you find in high schools are into some kind of drugs. Not only are they into drugs, a larger majority are into alcohol abuse. A recent survey among youths explained that British girls were known to be the most fierce females in the world. When you look at the percentage of alcohol consumption in the United Kingdom, you will understand why this is so.

When you look at the rate of alcohol consumption in the United Kingdom, you will understand why this is so. The average British chap somehow gets involved in binge drinking at least once a week. Binge drinking is simply drinking lots of beer at once -this could be between 5-20 bottles in one sitting. Now teenagers have discovered a very potent combination that will get them just as high as drugs or marijuana. This is the mixture of energy drinks and alcohol. This deadly combination makes it a lot more risky for teenagers because of the health implications.

A survey carried out in ten schools located in North Carolina showed that students who took a combination of these drinks often needed medical attention and were virtually ignorant of the fact that they were drunk. This is not shocking as it is possible that the large amounts of caffeine in most energy drinks is accountable for high energy levels in spite of how much alcohol you drank. So, if you find your teenager son having a lot of these, maybe you had better be on the lookout.

They found that students who mixed the drinks got intoxicated twice as often, were more likely to be injured or entail medical treatment while intoxicated, and were more likely to perpetrate or experience sexual assault than students who drank alcohol alone. The effect was not connected to the amount of alcohol consumed.

Some researchers have implied that because the caffeine in energy drinks tends to make people feel more energetic, people who mix the drinks with alcohol do not comprehend how intoxicated they are and are more likely to take foolish risks.

"You're every bit as drunk, you're just an awake drunk," said researcher Mary Claire O'Brien of Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center in Winston-Salem, N.C.

Therefore, a healthy energy drink is going to make a significant difference to a teenager's life. - 17269

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Foods for Fat Burning Muscle Building Diets

By Caleb Lee

Cardio can be a great fat burning and muscle building exercise to lose extra fat; however, it has to be done right.

Here is an explanation of some fat burning muscle building foods.

If your answer is yes, then why not work out like them to get that way, too. You don't necessarily have to work out every day constantly to build those bulging muscles, however, your goal should be to lose weight and gain some tone, making your body look sexy.

Let's start with fruits. Fruits, like lemons, limes, apples, blueberries, and watermelons are the best example of fruits that will help you lose weight. They contain large amounts of Vitamin C and low calories, which will help in burning fat without adding more into your body with high calorie count. They also are very acidic, which will help you to break down some of the harder fats, while also helping your digestive system break down other foods. Vegetables are the other fat burners, like cabbage, zucchini, spinach, tomatoes, carrots, and asparagus.

So, one may ask, what property do these foods have that make them fat burning muscle building foods. They key is cellulose, which is low in calories, but when they are broken down and digested, they act as fat burners, along with Vitamin C.

Feeling less energetic because of eating a large amount of these foods is a possibility. You need to give your body time to figure out to resort to your fat for other energy. Usually, it will go for stored fat, which is the hard, long term fat to burn. This will regain you energy.

Although your main goal was to lose fat and gain muscle, you can also be satisfied to know you are helping out your internal body as well. Interval training helps the heart flush the bad toxins and replenish the blood with high amounts of oxygen. It also helps loosen and strength joints.

Fruits and vegetables are natural fat burning muscle building foods you can eat to lose weight and gain muscle. - 17269

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How to get Six Pack Abs Quickly

By Jose Loni

To get six pack abs quickly, we need to follow some basic principles. By eating a proper diet, resistance training, and increasing our metabolism, we can achieve fast results to get six pack abs.

Getting six pack abs, we need to reduce our overall body fat composition. Our six-pack abs will become more visible. By watching what we eat, we can energize our system so that our workouts will have the energy it needs to utilize the fat in our stomach as energy.

The following exercises are easy six-pack ab training methods that will increase overall strength as well as develop the abdominal core.

Warm-up: light to medium activity to increase blood flow throughout the body for 5-10 minutes. Then do some light stretching to help keep the muscles flexible and ready for movement.

Eating several meals throughout the day helps us stabilize our energy levels and help us optimize our training sessions to burn more fat to achieve our six-pack abs.

Post Exercise: We want to emphasize proper cool down and stretching to make sure we maintain our flexibility and movement of the areas trained.

The increased lean body mass that we gain as a result of resistance training directly contributes to the increased metabolism of the body. The increased metabolism causes the body to burn fat as fuel not only during exercise but several hours afterward as well. When our metabolic system has been increased, our six-pack abs will be more visible and results will come quickly.

To get six pack abs quickly, we just need to understand and follow the basic physiological principles of diet, resistance training and increasing our metabolism. When we achieve those, we can definitely get our six-pack abs quicker. - 17269

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Two Fast Ways To Eliminate Thigh Fat

By Luke Rutledge

Do you want to lose that ugly, annoying flab on your thigh? It is possible, but if you think that you can lose thigh fat fast or any fat at all, through the use of weight loss pills or random diet supplements, I'm sorry, but it's not going to happen! And if you've been told that there is some special workout to do in order to lose thigh fat, whoever told you that was severely misinformed.

As a matter of fact, whether you want to lose thigh fat, belly fat, arm fat, or any other fat, there is no way for you to spot reduce certain areas of your body. You have to lose fat in all areas of your body. You can't pick and choose where you want to burn fat; your body will decide where to start for you!

On that note, it only makes sense for you to invest your time in things that will help you burn fat from every part of your body. Simply put, you want to follow a healthy diet and include resistance training and cardio workouts into your schedule! This is the only definite way to lose thigh fat fast!

1. Diet: The diet you choose for weight loss is very important. Low-calorie and low-fat diets won't help you burn fat because these diets don't increase your metabolism! And starvation diets are extremely unhealthy, but more importantly, they don't work. Most of the time, you will just gain back all of the weight you have lost.

Besides the fact that these diets aren't very enjoyable, they can actually slow down your metabolism! This happens because your body does not get enough nutrients with a low-calorie or low-fat diet. So your body believes that it is going into starvation mode because of the lack of essential nutrients. It immediately stops the fat burning process by slowing down your metabolism, and stores fat so that it can survive in case of starvation. Having a balanced diet with certain portions from each of the food groups is the key to weight loss.

With such diets, you will lose a few pounds initially for sure, but as soon as you quit them and return to your normal eating habits, you gain back all the weight you had lost!

So what types of diets should you choose? You should choose a diet that includes eating fruits and vegetables for sure. Natural fruits and vegetables are not only great for increasing your metabolism; they are also extremely effective at suppressing your hunger!

But choosing a healthy diet for every day of the week isn't always enough; you should also choose a diet which allows you to cheat at least once a week. On this cheating day, you are free to eat whatever you want. Now don't think that taking a short break from your diet will make you gain weight; far from it, it will actually help you lose fat by increasing your metabolism by confusing it!

Apart from that, it would also satiate you mentally so that you can focus on your diet plan for the rest of the week without any craving for forbidden foods.

2. Exercises: Diet plans play a big role in weight loss, but they are not they only solution. Many people incorporate exercises into their routine, which can dramatically increase weight loss! Strength training and cardio exercises are the best ways speed up weight loss. Strength training has a double advantage, you will not only burn fat fast, but you will tone up your body by increasing lean muscle!

Lean muscles not only make your body stronger, they also help you burn fat even while you are resting. As a matter of fact, you can burn at least fifty calories per day with one pound of muscle, even at rest!

Follow these two important tips and you'll be amazed at how fast you get rid of your thigh fat! - 17269

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