Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Monday, October 26, 2009

Diet Review: The Cambridge Diet

By Tad Stephenson

One of the more successful, but controversial, diets for the morbidly obese is the Cambridge Diet. This popular UK diet is designed only for heavily overweight individuals, and it's one of the most well known very low calorie diets.

The Cambridge Diet is a weight loss plan that is designed with the dangerously overweight in mind. This is a very low calorie diet that is designed primarily to help the grossly overweight lose a lot of extra weight fast.

This eating and weight loss plan is a tiered dietary system that begins as a very low calorie diet at the very beginning and slowly builds up the calorie levels until it reaches more of a maintenance level. The first level involves all Cambridge Diet supplements like porridge, shakes, soups, etc. With each tier the dieter gets to eat more calories and add more food as the weight loss continues.

There are some very important things that must be considered before anyone should go on this diet. The first is getting help from a professional. In the UK dieters who join the Cambridge Diet program have a doctor or expert coach to check in with them weekly and make sure the dieter's health remains good.

The next major consideration before beginning this weight loss plan is the difficulty of following the strict regiment that this diet demands. This diet in the beginning only allows 450-650 calories a day and not any more. For most dieters, this is going to be an extremely hard total to stick to.

There is still some controversy that surrounds the Cambridge Diet. Some diet experts simply don't like the sheer low number of calories being allowed. Related to this is the question about muscle loss or losing metabolism.

That being said, there are still plenty of defenders of the Cambridge Diet. The most defended point of this weight loss plan is obvious, which is that there are thousands of recorded examples of this diet helping morbidly obese individuals losing a lot of pounds.

While arguments over the Cambridge Diet may continue, it is an eating plan that will have its fans because of past success stories. For some morbidly obese dieters, this might be the weight loss plan they've been waiting for. - 17269

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Should Men and Women Have Different Weight Loss Plans?

By Peter W.L. Owen

Have you ever thought that you and your husband should be on a different weight loss program? It often happens that the woman challenges the man on a Weight Loss Speed Contest. What happens then? They follow the same diet, but for some reason the man, more often than not, lose more weight than the women. Could there be an easy explanation why this happens? Take a moment to understand some of the reasons why men are "luckier" than women when it comes to losing weight.

They Don't Crave for the Same Food

You probably know that women are more obsessed with having a packet of chips when they're in desperate need of a snack. Men tend to wait for dinner, because they've been waiting for that roast beef all day long. Meat is full of proteins and things such as chips are full of carbohydrates. Carbohydrates have the tendency to change into fat if you don't have a good workout in the gym. Protein does not have that effect of your body.

Men Have More Muscles

In general, men are more muscular than women. They were simple build to do more physical tasks. The reason for that is because they have more manly hormones called testosterone. Testosterone helps with building muscles and provides better support for burning fat. Weight lifting can however help the woman to decrease her body fat percentage.

Why do women think that aerobics and spinning are the only exercises they should do? Men are not the only ones who have access to the weight training section. Most women don't know that having a good set of weight training exercises in their workout will increase the fat burning process.

It's Time for the Husband to Help Out in the Kitchen

Even in this day and age women are still preparing food for the family. When the husband comes home he usually sits on the couch while reading the newspaper. The woman starts preparing the food and constantly gets tempted by what's in the kitchen.

She finds herself tasting the food more often then is needed to. The man on the other hand only eats after the food has been served. The woman probably doesn't realize how much it all adds up to.


I think that it's unnecessary for women to have a different weight loss plan. It's not really practical if the wife has to prepare two dishes. It takes far too much times and not only that, the diet becomes too expensive to follow through. They should take the time to consider different diets that are easy maintainable in their schedule.

When both of you have set your minds on a specific diet, the next step would be to find an ideal fitness plan that will boost the fat burning process. You have to stick to one another and keep your goals in mind all the time. At first you might think that a specific program for women or men is the right choice, but it isn't. Your program should focus on eating the right foods at the right times and spend enough time in the gym. - 17269

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Natural Immune System Boosters for Strength

By Travis Van Slooten

Before we delve into finding the most effective natural immune system boosters, let's have a quick lesson on the immune system first. People possess what is called an adaptive immune system or immunological memory. In layman's terms, this simply means our body has a way of recalling which viruses have been to the body before. But while knowing the adversary can very useful in combating it, the body still needs the ammunition to fight these everyday enemies known as viruses and diseases. This is where immune system boosters come in handy ? they give the body's immune system the tools to perform at its peak at all times, therefore effectively warding off any harmful invaders of the body.

Getting adequate sleep is a very important key to having a healthy immune system. Just as it is difficult to do any fighting or physical activities when one is tired, the body also cannot keep out viruses if it lacks regular recharging. In addition, sleep removes stress which also weakens the immune system.

Drinking plenty of water is another natural way to keep the immune system strong, along with the elimination of sugar. One way of doing this is by replacing your morning coffee with water. For some caffeine addicts who can't function properly the rest of the day without their morning coffee, this can be a huge adjustment. But caffeine causes dehydration. It only gives you a short-lived shot of energy, then causes a crash soon after. Water is a vital to the body, and we usually don't get enough of it. Acai berry added to water is a great immune system booster.

Proper nutrition. Your body needs vitamins and nutrients to survive. If you're not getting enough of them from your diet, consider a supplement like acai berry to boost the levels of vitamin A and C that you're lacking. Acai berry also contains antioxidants, which will help you combat free radicals that come from our polluted air.

Protein is the building block of the body. Fortunately, acai berry offers you a protein boost as well. Many people consume far more fat and carbohydrates than protein. This means they tend to wear themselves out before the day is over. By boosting your protein intake, you give your body a source of energy for building muscle tissue as well as maintaining your immune system's defenses. No meal is truly complete without a protein of some kind, but if you just don't have time to eat chicken or fish with your pasta, consider acai berry supplements to give you some of the protein your body needs.

None of these tips to strengthen your immune system are hard to follow. In fact, you should be doing them anyways just to maintain a healthy lifestyle. But not everyone cares to plan their life around their food and diet. So in order to build your immune system, you may need supplements to replace what you aren't getting through your regular diet. Acai berry is a great supplement to complement a healthy lifestyle and it's a wonderful natural immune system booster as well. - 17269

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Lose Your Man Boobs

By Steve Brodie

Gynecomastia (man boobs) is as the slang name suggests a condition which results in men having the appearance of feminine breasts, and sometimes curvaceous love handles too. Gynecomastia is the result of one of two factors (sometimes both): a hormonal imbalance in the body that gives estrogen the upper hand or an excessive storage of fat in the tissue of the breast. Man boobs from either cause are treatable so getting rid of man boobs is absolutely possible, it takes a bit of effort but it is achievable.

There are times when gynecomastia can occur naturally in the body and go away again without treatment. Many newborn babies have extra estrogen in their system from their mothers which cause 'little-man' boobs to show - these are usually gone in two or three weeks. As teenagers the condition often appears again when the body is in a state of hormonal flux (about 33% of teenage males are affected) but this usually disappears when hormone levels re-balance themselves. For adults gynecomastia is not quite as common and can be a lot harder to eliminate.

There a quite a few diverse causes for gynecomastia development in adult males. Being obese of overweight is one reason and is actually the simplest do deal with. The uniqueness of individual bodies means that fat is also distributed differently across the body - some may have an even distribution, others can have a concentrated amount on the upper torso which gives the appearance of feminine breasts.

Different types of medications can also cause man boobs. Some such drugs are epilepsy drugs, ulcer drugs, anti-androgens and even chemotherapy. Common prescription drugs for depression, anxiety and even some heart medications are also known to have gynecomastia as a side effect. These drugs for health conditions are not the only culprit.

Anabolic steroid use is a huge and growing cause of man boobs. Men (especially young men) use steroids to get that masculine strong image, but the truth is that in a huge number of cases they end up looking floppy and feminine with budding breasts. Steroids actually work to suppress the body's natural testosterone levels which means higher estrogen levels than there would normally be, and man boobs are the dreaded result.

On top of this other drugs can have similar affects on the body. Heroin, Marijuana and other methamphetamines can all result in man boobs because they have such a profound distortion on hormones. Sadly for the beer lovers among men (that being most of them!) beer contains a huge amount of estrogen and is very likely contributing to man boobs. Man boobs can also be the symptom of a serious underlying disease in the body like lung cancer or liver cancer as well as cancer of the pituitary and adrenal glands.

Gynecomastia is totally treatable, so you don't have to feel helpless or like you will have to live with the condition for ever. You may find that your man boobs clear up of their own accord, but some men opt for surgery which can be very costly and not free of risks, so should be considered only in dire circumstances.

If you are using a medication which has man boobs as a side effect then talking to your doctor to get an alternative is essential - this can often be enough to diminish your feminine chest. Man boobs that are the result of steroid use can be hard to get rid of, especially if you have been on steroids for a while. If your man boobs have just started to bud, or they are showing up as sensitive areas near the nipple you can begin by firstly stopping the steroids, some suggest also taking an estrogen blocker. Bodybuilders will often have estrogen blockers around just in case the need arises. Man boobs that are caused by steroids can actually turn into permanent tissue if left untreated for a long time, the only real cure for which is a mamoplasty.

Getting rid of man boobs is not an overnight job, but it is absolutely possible. Look into the causes of your man boobs then find the appropriate natural treatment, and there are many natural and non-invasive ways to treat your man boobs so feeling hopeless is not an option! - 17269

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Dr. Phil's Fat Loss Program Sorts Out the Way You Think About Overcoming Weight Issues

By Peter W.L. Owen

When starting a fat loss diet you first need to look at yourself and the way people see you. This is one of the hardest things to do. If you don't do it you won't be convinced to make a change to your current life. You might have all the money in the world to buy the best meals and train with the best trainers, but you won't be able to lose weight if you're not willing to make a dramatic change to your everyday routine.

You might be a big supporter of Dr. Phil or not. The fact is that he has helped millions of men, women and kids around the world to face their problems and enjoy life again. Obesity and less serious weight issues have been a stumbling block since the beginning of time, but today it has been more serious than ever. Did you know that obesity is at the top of the list when it comes to preventable deaths in the United States of America? This statistic alone has convinced Dr. Phil to take this matter on.

The issue with so many people is that they are not willing to make a serious change to their lives. Others reach their ideal weight after months of hard work and sacrifice but gain everything back and more after a few months. Is it possible for an overweight person to be thin and stay thin their whole life? The first step is that we need to be honest. Take a look at yourself. The person you'll see is the cause of the problem and there is where the problem needs to be solved.

Dr. Phil's weight loss diet first explains that you need to be honest with yourself. He asks a few questions so that you can determine if you're ready to change. Some of these questions are as follow:

1.Are you willing to follow the steps of his weight loss diet even if you've failed with previous diets before?

2.There might be a lot of temptations in your kitchen. Are you willing to give all those food temptations away?

3.Are you willing to be honest to yourself and to other when you've tried to cheat your way out?

4.Have you realized that it will be expected of you to spend time in the gym and work hard?

5.The only person that has the power to change the way you look and feel is you? Do you acknowledge that?

6.It's strange to see that so many people don't want to admit that they're overweight. Some don't see it as a problem. Do you realize that you have a problem and that you need to take action?

The above questions and many others of them put you in a position where you have honest answers in front of you. Then you'll be able to see if you can have a new body just the way you want it. Dreaming of having a nice body will only stay a dream if you don't actually do something about it.

I've seen the best before and after pictures and some are really true. But one thing that stands out from Dr. Phil's diet program is that it doesn't set you up with giant mountains to climb at first. He explains that you need to set small and realistic goals. Don't let other stand in your way of glory. You will be surprised to see that so many people want you to fail. Remember, the main problem area in your way is yourself. Don't stop until you've reached your goal. - 17269

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Dont Let Eating Disorders Stop You From Living a Healthy Lifestyle

By Mark Davies

Having difficulty in getting over certain restrictions when it comes to having your favourite food? Facing any eating disorders lately? Cliffside Malibu can help you. Overlooking the Pacific Ocean from a very private, two-acre estate, the exclusive Cliffside Malibu eating disorder center offers world-class treatment for debilitating conditions such as bulimia and anorexia.

It also offers you the highest chance at a successful recovery. Our expert staff will provide for remedies for eating disorders by employing a treatment program that is designed specifically for you and your needs. So no need to sit and think about unsuccessful ways which never seem to get any results.

This emphasis begins with a primary therapist who is assigned to each patient on admittance and works closely with them for the duration of their stay. You will also be exposed to a wide range of recreational activities, making your stay at Cliffside Malibu a happy one. Fresh and nutritious food is prepared by the expert chefs. So you can be assured of good health and safe recovery. Apart from these, you will also be welcomed to a world of private beach, heated lap pool, comfortable bedrooms equipped with modern amenities, fitness center and gym.

The staff is dedicated to doing everything possible to help you succeed, supporting you along the way. Yoga, acupuncture, massage and spiritual sessions are also on offer. Bulimia, Anorexia and other eating disorders can have a hugely negative impact on your health and when you beat the disorder, you will reap immediate and long-lasting health benefits.

Get acquainted with the experienced staff, the proven programs, after-care support and the exclusive facilities, and get cured immediately. And once this happens, you can then get back to your healthy, happy life, meet up with friends and relatives, and not worry about your addiction for the rest of your life. - 17269

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3 Raw Vegan Diet Myths

By Alistair Bedingford

There are myths surrounding the raw vegan diet that have prevented people from starting such a diet. This article discusses some of the major ones and hopes to educate the reader.

Myth #1 - Raw food is cold

Many people think that if you are on a raw diet you are eating cold food. Guess what? Food is considered "Raw" until it reaches a temperature of approximately 115F. This is the temperature in which the enzymes found in raw food are killed.

There are a couple of ways to "heat" raw food. Arguably, the best method is using a dehydrator. A raw food dehydrator is a device that not only pulls out water from food, giving it a wonderful "cooked" texture but they also can heat food while preventing it from crossing the enzyme destroying threshold.

Myth #2 - I can't eat out or with friends on a raw diet

Worry not, being a raw vegan does not mean you have to eat all your meals alone by yourself. This is because the health benefits of a raw food diet can be achieved as long as one eats raw at least 75% of the time.

The other reason that eating raw does not mean you are stuck eating at home is that raw food cuisine is growing in popularity and new raw restaurants are opening in many cities every day. Most new Whole Foods Markets have a raw section with lots of tasty meals.

Myth #3 - Eating raw is too expensive

Although raw food is excellent for you it doesn't have to take a toll on your pocket book. The main reason is that when you eat raw vegan you are eating a diet of vegetables which are generally cheaper than meat.

Also, raw food is more filling than cooked food because it contains more fiber, which means that you get fuller off of less food and therefore, have to buy less food.

There you go, 3 myths debunked. Go enjoy some hot raw food with your friends and save money. - 17269

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Safely Eliminate Toxins With Colon And Body Cleanse

By Jared Rite

Living in the modern era has its upside and downside. People are more prone to anything that is immediate and instant including the food that they consume. Although this can bring them the convenience they enjoy, it has also a harmful effect to the body. Most of the fast and instant foods bring toxic wastes that contribute to the deterioration of the good health condition of the body causing symptoms such as poor metabolism, indigestion, gas pain, constipation, lethargy, body malaise, arthritis, among many others health issues. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, you may want to consider having a good colon and body cleanse for your needed detoxification.

There are countless of colon and body cleanse products that you can find in the market these days. These products have their own promises to get rid of the toxic substances and wastes from your body. You can find them from health stores and even groceries near you. Although they all promises to be effective in cleansing your colon and body, each one of them may have their specific features. It is essential to carefully inspect what they can do for your body and how they fit into your specific cleansing needs. It will also help to comply with the right dosage and instructions.

If you are doing your colon and body cleanse for the first time, it is prudent to choose the natural cleansing system as this is proven to be the safest way. You can start by being careful with your food intake. Avoid junk foods as well as foods that contain too much fats and sugar. Load up on healthy food including fruits and vegetables.

There are also specific diets that promote colon and body cleanse such as diets that are high in fiber, fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as drinking plenty of water will help flush the toxic wastes from your system. IF you combine your healthy diet with a natural supplement that cleanses your body then you will be able to enjoy the benefits from this powerful combination.

Your effective and safe colon and body cleanse will allow you the freedom to enjoy a thorough cleansed system without the harmful toxins. On top of this, your body will also be able to quickly absorb the essential vitamins and minerals and the recommended daily allowance of nutrients that will promote your good health condition.

Now that your body is free from toxic substances with your natural colon and body cleanse, and you are starting to enjoy your renewed good health, it's about time to keep and maintain a healthy lifestyle. You can always begin with a good healthy diet, and supplement this with a colon and body cleanse from time to time. Your body will surely be gratified for all the efforts you put to ensure its good health. - 17269

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Natural Energy Boosters To Get You Through The Day

By Travis Van Slooten

When you seem to be always struggling just to get through the day, natural energy boosters may be the healthier alternative than always relying on sugar-rich energy drinks. Some of the leading causes of fatigue are lack of sleep, poor nutrition, and stress. When you feel tired, it's just the body sending signals that it isn't getting enough sources of energy to last the day. It's a good thing that there are ways to get yourself refreshed in the middle of the day without taking in excessive caffeine.

It's important for you to understand first and foremost the role that different substances can play as an energy booster. Sugar may give you that quick surge of energy you need but it doesn't stay that way for long and you may even suddenly feel more lethargic than before. Some energy products contain an unfamiliar substance called guarana, but that's really just caffeine in another form. Others have niacin which can also pep you up, although what this chemical does is open up your capillaries and give you an energy rush which stays longer than one from sugar and doesn't cause you to crash. Still, it's best to go with natural energy boosters.

The first and most simple thing you can do to wake yourself up is to move. Just some light stretching or even a walk to the bathroom and back will be enough to increase your heart rate and respiration. The increased flow of oxygen throughout your body will give you a quick, and completely natural, energy boost.

For some people, though, a quick walk around the office might not be enough. If this is true for you, it could be a sign that there is something (or even a few things) missing from your regular diet. A great way to give your body the nutrients it isn?t getting from the food you eat is by taking a supplement, such as acai berry. Acai berry supplements are rich in vitamins, nutrients, and antioxidants, as well as protein and omega fatty acids. Omega fatty acids are compounds that the body needs but cannot produce on its own, so they need to be a regular part of your diet. And a good dose of protein is a great, natural way to keep you going, as it acts as a slow-burning fuel for your body.

Aside from the above tips, getting a good night's rest is also essential to maintaining your energy level. The body does need to recharge after hours of functioning and if it doesn't get that, it's but natural that it will not be in top condition the following day. You should also make sure that you get the right amount of water intake daily. Dehydration is a common cause for fatigue and lethargy and what's interesting is that many fail to realize they are actually dehydrated. Try all these natural energy boosters and you'll find you won't be needing those quick fixes after all. - 17269

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Deep Thoughts About Gastric Bypass Medical Intervention If You Need Help

By Larry Terry

Little doubt about it, gastric bypass operations cost a lot in a big way. Gastric bypass surgeries can range from $20-30K at present. There is no doubt that the problem of obesity is one of the largest problems facing our nation these days. It is growing to be quite more widespread to observe insurance corporations covering the price of gastric bypass surgery these days. Healthcare insurance firms find just to overlook the difficulty would be much overwhelmingly harmful to their profit margin than by merely providing bariatric surgery financial support to people which need it.

Approved patients for a gastric bypass procedure must go through a extensive method of deciding if they are qualified to get coverage for a gastric bypass medical procedure. Insurance firms can require patients to confirm that they are at a minimum of one hundred lbs over normal bmi and that you tried all efforts to shed weight utilizing supervised weight loss interventions. It is almost always a necessity that a patient demonstrates to be overweight for least five years before obtaining approval for bariatric surgery. Nearly all insurance companies will ask each and every patient to submit themselves to psychological testing to establish by a professional that they are not mentally incapable of managing the issues right after gastric bypass surgery.

In the days following this life-altering surgery, there are a lot of things to contemplate when calculating the price of gastric bypass surgery. This type of thing has lots of other monetary implications that can happen unexpectedly in your future like secondary costs of things like gym membership costs, better foods, new clothing, maybe even furniture.

It is not simply financial fees that will cause problems in the overall process in regards to gastric bypass surgery. It especially makes sense to go looking at the physical and emotional demands which that it takes on the person's life. It isn't a breeze. Gastric bypass surgery permanently changes your digestive system making it impossible to eat particular food types or mixtures of foods. Post surgery is very significant to watch your diet plan as well as exercise frequently. You may need to deal with the emotional toll which it plays on you after you undergo such a life-altering event and start to detect your physique in a divergent manner. Unfortunately it is quite common for friends and family to think of you in a different way right after the surgery.

Any medical surgery that you undergo is conceivably lethal and not a decision to be weighed out flippantly. Look at all your alternative options first before selecting this route.

Regarding The Cost of a Gastric Bypass Surgery

The monetary price of a gastric bypass operation is not always the same based upon the physician or bariatric clinic that is performing the procedures. Alternative weight loss operations have different charges involved, therefore be certain to ask the doctor a lot of questions regarding billing and the potential for extra price concerning complications, medical insurance, follow-up care, etc.. Also, do not be anxious to negotiate if you have to pay out of pocket. Is very important that you keep in good contact with your doctor and your insurance company to ensure that you are thoroughly know every aspect regarding your insurance coverage. Leave no inquiry off the table. You do not desire a money burden troubling your life by being surprised by a complication from your surgical procedure. Things happening like that will have a dramatic influence on your finances.

With a closing note, be sure you are aware what you're getting into before you determine whether you want to forever change your future by way of gastric bypass. The choice must not be taken lightly and if you select the wrong decision, in any regard, the cost may be higher than you anticipated. - 17269

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Muscle Building Formula

By Jason Myers

If you are tired of being faced with conflicting recommendations from magazines, internet forums, TV, etc, then recognize that there is just one really effective formula for muscle development.

This formula exists and it has been utilized for many ahead of the game muscle builders that encountered success by natural means (no steroids, chemicals or anything unsafe).

This muscle building formula relies on a couple of things. Perseverance, which comes from your determination to build muscles and work hard for that. And also from the right information, which is knowing precisely what you need to do in order to make the better use of your time and energy during the process of developing muscle mass.

As your hard work is mixed with the right knowledge, the outcome are excellent. Understand that, a lot of people visit the gym and start working out by basically doing random exercises. They lift weights without quite knowing what they're doing, what is the goal, etc.

This is the error that most so called formulas for gaining muscle mass create. They don't consider the right information. They just tell individuals to consume chemicals and send them to the hard work. If hard work was the one factor of success, then you could discharge all the engineers and let the hard workers do the job. This formula isn't only for exercise. Your diet also requires the correct information. Mainly if you're a thin guy with problems of developing muscle mass. The perfect muscle building formula consider all the parts of bodybuilding (planning, resting, exercise, diet, scheduling, etc), but it all comes down to knowing the correct information and perseverance to keep applying it. Remember for that, it can be useful for you just as an energy drink that keeps you up whole day! - 17269

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