Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Friday, October 2, 2009

IBS Nausea - How To Eliminate This Symptom Of IBS

By Alison Harris

What if you could eliminate the painful and uncomfortable feeling of nausea that comes with irritable bowel syndrome? How differently would you live from day to day knowing that you never have to deal with the IBS again? This article will reveal some simple strategies that will make living IBS free a reality.

Finding the exact cause of nausea in IBS sufferers can be difficult because each person have his or her own individual triggers. The result is that what triggers the nausea in person A is not likely to be what triggers the same symptom in person B.

It is therefore very crucial that if you suffer from irritable bowel syndrome that you know the foods which trigger your symptoms. One of the best methods to achieve this is to keep a food and symptoms diary.

You simply note down everything you eat on a daily basis for about two to four weeks and also note what symptoms you get and when you get them.

But what is Irritable Bowel Syndrome? It is as a functional disorder of the digestive system. This means that the digestive system of the sufferer is not functioning normally as it should although there are no identifiable physical causes or reasons to explain why.

So if you were to take a peek inside the digestive system of a sufferer it would look perfectly normal.

Apart from IBS nausea, other common symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome include bloating, flatulence, constipation or/and diarrhea, abdominal pain and spastic contractions of the colon.

We discussed earlier it was important for you to know what your triggers are because prescription drugs such as anticholinergics only mask the symptoms of the ailment, once you stop taking the drugs, the symptoms return and usually with a vengeance.

The second thing you can do to eliminate your IBS Nausea is to use pure peppermint oil. Peppermint is known to have anti-spasmodic action and analgesic (pain-killing) properties to help soothe your digestive tract, ease any tightness relieve abdominal pain, and stop you from feeling nauseous. - 17269

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Chiropractic And Aerobic Fitness

By Dr. Jason Fowler

When we think of chiropractic treatment we think mostly of chiropractic treatment in terms of lower back pain, neck pain, and headaches. In fact, there are numerous additional wide-ranging benefits to chiropractic health care. Many of these benefits are related to getting more out of our exercise activities.

For example, aerobic exercise improves cardiovascular function.1,2 As a result, during periods of rest the heart rate is slowed and the ability of the lungs to take in air (vital capacity) is increased. A slower heart rate means the heart is working more efficiently. Increased vital capacity means the lungs are working more efficiently. Fewer heart beats per minute and fewer breaths per minute result in reduced "wear and tear" on these critical systems. Aerobic exercise makes us healthier.

When we have stress, our muscles get tight. Occasionally this tightness is prolonged, and the normal mobility of our bones and joints is compromised. Reduced mobility of the spinal column creates a spiraling effect of tight muscles, tight ligaments, and further loss of mobility in the neck, middle back, and lower back. We experience pain in these areas as a result.3

These patterns can persist. We all know people who have frequent neck pain or lower back pain. These patterns of pain and limited mobility may result in changes to the normal curves of the spine. Normal curves may become flattened, and these changes result in further discomfort, muscular tension, and pain.

Importantly, loss of the normal spinal curvature in the neck and middle back may place additional stress on the heart and lungs. The actual physical space in which these organs function may become reduced. Maximum function may be compromised and efficiency is lost. Brisk walking used to be easy. Climbing stairs used to be no problem. Now these normal daily activities may leave you out-of-breath. You're huffing-and-puffing and don't know what's happened.

You begin doing aerobic exercises to try to improve cardiovascular function. But the potential benefits are limited by these underlying muscle, ligament, and joint problems. You spend a lot of time exercising but don't seem to be making any improvements.

Chiropractic health care may be able to restore more normal functioning. Chiropractic treatment restores the mobility to spinal joints. The gentle treatment relieves stress on the spinal muscles and ligaments, which in turn improves spinal range of motion. Muscle tightness eases, pain and stiffness are reduced, and you become more flexible.

In addition, this improved flexibility allows your chest and rib cage to expand much more fully when you breathe. Your heart and lungs have more room to function, and you can now actually begin to receive the full benefits of your aerobic exercise.

Chiropractic care can help you get fit and stay fit!

1.Pivarnik JM, et al. Effects of maternal aerobic fitness on cardiovascular responses to exercise. Med Sci Sports Exerc 25(9):993-998, 1993. 2.Jackson EM, Dishman RK. Hemodynamic responses to stress among blackk women: fitness and parental hypertension. Med Sci Sports Exerc 34)7):1097-1104, 2002 3.Petrella RJ, et al. Can primary care doctors prescribe exercise to improve fitness? Am J Prev Med 24(4):316-322, 2003 - 17269

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Faster Weight Loss With The Right Superfood

By Alice Drew

In recent times, there has been the onslaught of weight loss products on the market. If one wishes to lose weight, one may be tempted to try any one of many different types and kinds of products. As with any product group, some weight loss products will be better and some weight loss products will be worse than others.

There has been, in recent times, a weight loss product that is taking the world by storm and that weight loss product is called the acai berry. What is the acai berry?, you may ask. Originally, it is grown locally in Central and South America on palm trees. It has been eaten there locally for many years and used for medicine in some cases due to its great nutritional and medicinal benefits.

Because of acai berries' great benefits, companies have begun to bring the acai berry to nations all across the world so that people can enjoy their benefits in their quest to lose weight. You can buy acai berry in any number of forms from juices to powders to even its original berry form. This is great for people who do not live in Central or South America but still want to partake in the acai berries' great nutritional benefits.

Let's get more specific and take a look at some of the benefits that the acai berry brings. Firstly, acai berries are known to improve the cardiovascular system. In addition, acai berries can improve the immune and digestive systems. It is also widely known that people who consume acai berries have higher levels of energy, improved sleep patterns and healthier skin.

Another great effect that acai berries provide is a detoxification of the body. Because the product has high fiber contents, this allows toxins to be flushed out and the stomach walls to be cleansed. This helps the body absorb new nutrients later from food that one might eat.

Some other nutrients that are also in the acai berries are the Omega-6 and Omega-9s that help us by lowering blood cholesterol and improving our blood circulation. Also, anti-oxidants are prevalent in the acai berry providing the full range of positive effects that anti-oxidants contain.

Acai is being hailed as a "super food" because of all these great effects. From what you have just seen, it does contain a great number of benefits that our "normal" foods don't seem to possess.

So, if you want to diet or are looking to lose a little weight, you may be interested in checking out the acai berry to help you along your way. The acai berry could bring about the desired result that you are looking for. At the very least, there is no down side to taking the acai berry because it is organic and so there are no chemicals that other similar products have.

Finding acai berries is not difficult at all. Many health stores around the world now carry acai products but if you live in a remote area or do not want to go through the process of going to a store, you can have acai berry products delivered right to your house from companies selling them on the internet. Remember to consult a doctor before trying any new weight loss program especially if you have any pre-existing medical conditions. - 17269

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Ten Steps to Prevent Bruising, Step 5 - Using Vitamins to Help Overcome Easy Bruising!

By Carolyn Cooper

There are plenty of reasons that you want to get rid of bruising easily, but one of the most important that you might want to think about is that bruising can actually be a type of warning. Many people will start to bruise more easily not only as they age, but as they start to suffer from a vitamin deficiency. Even if you are not, you will find that incorporating some particular vitamins into your daily life will help you overcome easy bruising.

We add vitamins to our diet and our daily regimen to replace nutrients that our body uses and cannot reproduce in necessary quantities. If our body cannot produce these nutrients, our body needs to obtain them from an external source. Consider how balanced our diet really is and whether we might be depriving our body of any nutrients that the body requires. When thinking about easy bruising, there are a few specific vitamins that we need to to be mindful of.

If you are looking for positive affects in your attempts to overcome easy bruising, vitamin C should be your first choice. Vitamin C has a reputation with many doctors as that of a cure-all. Have you noticed the positive affects gained from drinking a lot of orange juice when you are contracting a cold? Keeping your immune system is in excellent shape is another positive benefit of vitamin C. Vitamin C is also a critical component in bodys capability to produce collagen, which is the lubricant for the joints and the substance that enhances the skin's flexibility.

If you want to add more vitamin C to your system, increasing your intake of citrus fruits is an excellent way to boost your vitamin C levels. Eating oranges, limes, and grapefruits are all good ways to increase you vitamin C level, and eating these fruits raw will enhance the passage of these nutrients more directly into your system. Considering Vitamin C supplement tablets will increase your vitamin retention as well.

When you are looking into strengthening your body and preventing it from bruising so easily, also make sure that you look into vitamin K. Vitamin K has a lot to do with keeping your circulation in good shape; after all, the K comes from the German word meaning "coagulation". It has been proved that vitamin K will help heal bruises and even prevent them from forming quite so easily.

If you want to get more vitamin K into your life, there are several ways to get it. One way is to make sure that you eat lots of vegetables that have a significant amount of vitamin K in them, and these include spinach, kale and collard greens among others. Also keep in mind that vitamin K can be applied as a topical salve or ointment as well as taken as a supplement.

Finally, keep in mind that vitamin E should be considered for external use only, especially if you are trying to heal existing bruises. Seeds like sunflower seeds and nuts like almonds are the primary source for vitamin E. A liquid form of vitamin E can be obtained for external, topical use.

If you are really ready to overcome your tendency to bruise easily, you have to add critical vitamins to be successful. You should consider a daily natural supplement program like Bruises Be Banned, which combines the proper dosage of essential vitamins and other important nutrients to help you prevent bruising altogether. - 17269

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Can I Build Muscle If I Don't Eat Meat?

By Ricardo d Argence

Just before I tackle the main purpose of this article which is to show how to build muscle vegetarian style I will briefly outline the different types of vegetarians.

A vegan is someone who doesn't eat animal products, including meat, fish, dairy products, eggs, and so on. A pesco vegetarian is someone who eats fish and other dairy products, but doesn't eat red meat or poultry. Lacto-ovo vegetarians eat eggs and dairy, but don't eat meat or fish. There are other types as well, but these descriptions will suffice for this article.

Because vegetarians don't consume several different types of foods, such as red meat, they also have a lower risk of things like hypertension, diabetes, coronary artery disease and some cancers.

It can be very health inducing indeed to change to vegetarianism, and not just because of advantages to your health. There are other reasons, too, such as that the vegetarian lifestyle is less cruel to animals and better for the environment.

However, many people who want to become vegetarian may be hesitant to do so because they may think they'll have trouble building muscle mass when they work out. However, if you consume soy, this is a great way to build muscle. In reality, soy is higher in protein than beef and has all eight of the essential amino acids.

You can easily get soy from such sources as soymilk, tofu, and textured soy protein. However, as long as you consume enough calories in the forms of good foods like seeds, rice, beans, nuts, legumes, and vegetables, you should get enough protein, plenty to build a lot of muscle.

Alright so that is protein dealt with but what about vitamins and minerals, particularly zinc, vitamin D, calcium, iron and vitamin B12? Well, supplements should be taken by vegans for this.

If you're vegetarian but you eat dairy products, you're not going to have any shortages of B12. If you want to make sure you are meeting all of your nutritional requirements, you can try a nutritional replacement powder as part of your daily calorie consumption, too. And don't forget about great sources of vitamins and minerals like leafy green vegetables, and fruits. All of these things are going to help you build muscle as a vegetarian.

In short, there are lots of benefits to being vegetarian, including for you even if you have bodybuilding is one of your goals. Eating right and planning are important for you as a vegetarian bodybuilder, but it's also important for those who eat meat. As long as you eat enough and eat properly, you should have no problem building muscle as a vegetarian bodybuilder. - 17269

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Curbing Mistakes: Crucial Tips for Building Muscle

By Brad Morgan

Starting any kind of fitness program can be difficult because of the sheer amount of advice out there. It is often hard to know where to start your muscle building efforts.

There is more than one way to build muscle, more than one exercise that works, but there are also many things that can hurt your efforts to build muscle. Let's take a look at some things to avoid.

1. Overspending on gym memberships

You may think that they only way to get a good workout is to go to a gym: they have stack-pulley, computerized, and hydraulic machines that you could never afford. And they're safer, right? Not necessarily. Often, the low-cost exercises that you do at home are much more effective and safe. If you are considering a gym membership, you may want to save yourself the expense.

In the comfort of your own home, you can use inexpensive free weights or totally free exercises like pushups, lunges, squats, and more. These are some of the most effective moves for building muscle, and all you need is your own body and a few free weights.

2. Letting your body get bored.

When you start working out, you may see results and be so happy that you stick with the same routine. After all, it worked, didn't it?

Perhaps, but doing the same workout after your body has adjusted to the exercise will cause your efforts to stagnate. Your body is an incredibly efficient machine. The more you practice a move, the less your body actually has to work to execute it.

Doing the same workout time after time sabotages your efforts to build muscle. To overcome this difficulty, add variation and more intensity into your workouts. You have to make a constant effort to challenge your body so it has to work just as hard. A side benefit is that you are always changing your workouts, meaning you won't get bored.

3. Not doing any cardio.

You may think that if you want to build muscle, you restrict your exercise routine to weight training. This does not work. If you want to build muscle, you have to add cardio.

We all know that cardio can help you burn fat. For muscle builders, it also helps the body rest and recover from weight training. To get the best results, do intervals of high intensity cardio for about twenty minutes right after your weight training session.

4. Working Out Everyday

Taking breaks from your training regimen is vital because muscle repairs itself and grows during these rest periods. Training four or five days a week is optimal, because it allows days off to recuperate.

Another mistake novices make is working the same muscles day after day. Instead, try alternating the muscle groups so they don't become injured or fatigued. You can work on your abs and legs one day and your chest, back, and arms another. Let your muscles have the appropriate rest so they can build muscle for you.

5. Ignoring Diet

Many people neglect to consider their diet when they are trying to build muscle. But because food is such an essential part of your body's health, you need to eat to gain muscle.

One of the best things that you can eat when you are trying to build muscle is protein. This is found in lean meat, fish, eggs, poultry, and dairy foods. Within thirty minutes after you workout, eat a snack that is high in protein.

6. Giving Up

Quitting is the biggest mistake you can make when trying to build muscle. If you have been working out and not seeing results, it is tempting to stop. Your body might just take longer to build muscle than others.

If you feel discouraged at your progress thus far, it is a good time to look at your routine. What can you do to change it? Should you add some intensity? Are you resting enough? Do you use supersets or compound moves? It may be that you simply need to stick with it a little longer in order to start seeing results.

Whatever the cause of your stagnation, don't quit. If something is not working, change it. But don't stop; it will only put you back where you started and you won't have the body you want. - 17269

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Care To Be Taken For The Use Of Tanning Lotions

By Julia Suarez

Due to absence of proper experience of tanning with self tanning lotions the new users have often gone through the hazards of streaked skin and orange coloring of the palms as it requires accuracy and experience.

During hot summer months these self-tanning lotions are valuable to their users once they get the technique of how to apply the lotion without damage.

How To Apply Correctly

These self tanning lotions can be quite complicated in its application which can create strange effects on the skin. This leads to skin hazards like streaking of the skin. The real understanding lies in the proficiency of application and not the quality of product.

Understanding DHA

A chemical as dihydroxyacetone or DHA is present in these tanning lotions and this substance gives the top-most layer of the skin streaks that are temporary,immediately after its application.

This particular strata is known as stratum corneum. Hence if you start off on the faulty feet with the application of the product then chances are you will not be able to stop this fast pace process from having its affect on your skin.

How to avoid streaking

The biggest problem that people face when making use of self tanning lotions is that of patching. The skin looks like the coat of a tiger with a combination of dark and light colored stripes. The problem lies in the fact that you have to ready your skin prior to applying the self tanning lotion.

Before applying lotion

Many people are unaware of this prerequisite to catching the tan from self tanning lotions. You must take the trouble to moisturize and exfoliate your skin before you apply the self tanning lotion. Neglecting this step is the main reason why people develop streaks.

The best way to avoid the streaking is to exfoliate your skin every morning in the shower prior to applying the tanning lotion. The exfoliating product should be used a number of days prior to the use of the tanning lotion and not just before it

It is also a good idea to shave a couple of days before making use of the self tanning lotion as that too exfoliates the skin. You should however maintain the same time gap irrespective of whichever procedure you use to exfoliate your skin.

Be gentle!

When it comes to the real act of applying the tanner then you need to be extremely gentle to begin with. Work your way slowly making sure you rub the product into the skin completely. - 17269

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Proper Diet and Exercise for a Longer and Healthier Life

By Jesse Regan

There can be many reasons why you should be thankful for high technology. If it not had been for its advance a great number of things, from transportation to communication, would have remained inconvenient. It has provided you with gigantic flat screen TV, which you can watch for hours while sitting lazily in your sofa. It has even made your desk job so easy with your computer just as it did for the manufacturing sector with automation. With almost everything done with push buttons, people have become inert enough to gain weight easily.

If you have grown a bulging belly with your inactive lifestyle, you would certainly grow obese with the type of food you eat. Many of the food items you can get from the grocery are made of inorganic ingredients. Its most dangerous contribution, however, are the deliciously packaged fats and sugar. Having so much of both would land you in the list of those most likely to get a heart attack. If you are still in your in your twenties, you may not be bothered by these yet but you should not wait for bad things to happen.

It is only reasonable that a counter-trend has been ongoing for years. This calls for physical fitness in various ways. One of these is the promotion of diet or slimming pills and food supplements. Although some of these have been proven effective, some also have unwanted side effects. For one, these sometimes introduce unnatural chemicals to the body. Two, it merely reduces ones weight but it does not actually keep him fit and healthy.

The safest and yet sure-fire ways of getting a fit and healthy body is through proper diet and exercise. These do not require someone to take pills or to go under the knife. These introduce a person to a healthier lifestyle and encourage them to turn away from inactivity and poor eating habits. To get results rapidly, both should be complementing each other.

Eat healthy and low-cholesterol food and keep away from those greasy fast-food meals. This is the most important aspect of a proper diet. Instead, it encourages you to eat food that contains vitamins, nutrients, and minerals. Of course, eat only to satisfy hunger and not to be stuffed. Surprisingly, it is lenient to the frequency of eating. It does, however, keep a check always on what you eat.

Exercise is needed to burn cholesterol and to hasten weight reduction. Workout routines like the cardio and weight training require the body to use up so much energy, which means spending most of its fats as fuel. Cardio routines are most effective in weight loss and builds up ones endurance. Weight training, on the other hand, develops the bodys physical strength. It aids in toning the muscles to replace the fat lost. One should take some caution though in performing some routines to avoid injuries.

These are just a few golden nuggets about healthy diet respites you can find online. - 17269

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Whats Better " Good Form, or More Reps?

By Yasir Khan

We have all been in that situation. Whether its in the squat cage or lying down to bench, or even standing and doing bicep curls, weve all reached the point where the exercise has become too hard to do right. Sweat popping on your brow, teeth gritted, you have to suddenly make a decision. Do you muscle through, force out those last three reps, even if your form suffers, and complete the set, or do you set down the weights, take a breath, and admit that you were trying for too much? Next time youre in the gym, take a look around. Odds are youll see most people taking the first choice, wobbling as they squat or swinging their free weights up during bicep curls. Sure theyre completing their sets. But is this the right way to go?

The answer, quite simply, is no. Its not. There are a whole host of reasons why sacrificing form for greater reps at a higher weight is an incredibly bad idea. The first and most important is that by sacrificing good form, you open yourself up to a host of injuries. As you lift increasingly heavier loads of weight, you place your body under greater and greater stress and tension. If everything is locked correctly in place, your body will be prepared to handle the load. If not? Muscles, tendons, and joints will suffer, resulting in potential strains or tears. Are you willing to lose months of working out for a quick moment of pride?

Health aside, youre messing up the very routine youre trying to perform. One of the key reasons people allow their form to slip is because the targeted muscles have become exhausted, and the person is trying to harness the strength of ancillary muscles to compensate. But are you supposed to rely on muscles that should only indirectly be involved? Does it make any sense to exercise those side muscles instead of the main group youre supposed to be hitting? Of course not. If youre jacking up your military press by thrusting with your hips, then quit pretending to work out your shoulders and go squat.

Conversely, if youre doing the exercise right, you can lift more weight. If everything is aligned, if youre hitting the right muscles, and youre breathing correctly, youll be able to do more. More reps, more weights. Because youll be engaging the muscles in the purest, most direct manner, allowing for the greatest output. By observing correct form, youll be increasing their functional capability, which will translate into greater results in a shorter period of time.

Notice I mentioned breathing in the last paragraph. Breathing is essential to good form. If youre exercising correctly, your breathing will be synched to your reps, exhaling and inhaling with each extension and contraction. Breathing correctly helps you generate more force and reduces the risks of heart problems and high blood pressure. Youll avoid getting dizzy and light headed, will maintain smooth, rhythmic control of the weights, and feel much better at the end of your workout. And the best way to ensure this will happen? Observe correct form.

So what are some of the classic mistakes to watch out for? Youve seen them a million times. The guy who uses momentum to hike up his weights during bicep curls, swinging them like mad pendulums. Dont! If you have to sit down on a bench, or press your back against the wall. Another one: arching your back during military press. Dont do it! Lock in your core, tuck your tail bone under and squeeze those glutes. By maintaining a straight alignment youll be able to breath better and generate more force. Final tip: align your knees over your toes while squatting! Failing to do this can cause serious knee injuries, limit the amount of weight you can squat, and make you look wobblier than a man made of jello. Watch your toes in a mirror if you have to, and only go as far down as youre comfortable going.

So remember, like any good coach such as Tony Horton always says, if you have to take a break, stand down, catch your breath, relax. Dont push so hard that you become light headed, risk injury, or sacrifice form. Even in such challenging workouts as the P90X youre encouraged to always, always observe good form, because when you lose that, your health is mostly likely the next thing to go. - 17269

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Understand Proper Nutrition For Pregnancy 101

By Henry Poperfield

There are many things a woman can do to grow a healthy, full-term baby. Eating a healthful, well-balanced diet is the most important of them all. Proper nutrition helps you avoid a premature birth, preeclampsia, eclampsia, or gestational diabetes. Diligence in this will pay off with an easier pregnancy, an easier delivery, and a healthy, happy baby. If you can't afford to follow a good diet, apply for the WIC (Women, Infants, and Children) program, which is available nation-wide. These coupons can be used at all grocery stores and many farmers markets.

What should you eat? It's really pretty simple. Imagine your dinner plate. Divide it in half. One half should be filled with vegetables of assorted colors: green, yellow, red, white. Things like peas, broccoli, green beans, dark, leafy greens, and asparagus are green. Corn, sweet potatoes, and yams are yellow. Bell peppers, tomatoes, and eggplant are red. Cauliflower, mushrooms, and potatoes are white. Technically, some of these things are not vegetables, but for our purposes, this is the category they go in.

The other half of your plate is divided in half again. In one section, you put your protein. This can be chicken, beef, pork, lamb, and other meats, seafood, or vegetarian options such as tofu, cheese, or beans. For the most part, be careful to choose lean cuts of meat, or low-fat versions of cheese.

The final quarter of your plate will be filled with a starch. This can include items from the vegetable category, such as the potatoes and yams, or beans, which are also a protein. Other items are rice, bread, pasta, and other grains. The most important thing - and this is really important - is that you choose whole grains. Your breads should be made with whole grain flour (it will say so on the label), your rice should be brown. Other excellent grains are quinoa (also high in protein), kasha, wheat berries, and whole grain cornmeal. Steel cut oatmeal is practically the best thing you can eat for breakfast.

Every day, be sure to drink a quart of milk or eat milk products, such as cheese or yogurt. Have two eggs every day. Include a serving or two of fruit. Eat small amounts - three meals, and a snack between each meal and before you go to bed. Salt your food to taste, and drink eight glasses of water or other liquid each day. It also helps to know what should not be included in the pregnant woman's diet. This includes the obvious, such as alcohol, to the not-so-obvious, such as caffeine, sugar, and junk food, to the disputed, such as processed food. Do your best to avoid refined foods of any kind. - 17269

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Healthy Fats Complete Your Health

By Kathryn Barry

Healthy Fats are needed by your body for many of its functions and your body thrives on a supply of saturated, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated fats.

The over consumption of Omega-6 polyunsaturated fats has lead Americans into a serious and life threatening Omega-3 fatty acid deficiency.

A healthy Omega-6 to Omega-3 ratio would be in the 2 to 1 or 1 to 1 range. Most people are probably at a 20 to 1 or 50 to 1 ratio in favor of Omega-6. This imbalance can lead to health problems like liver damage, heart disease, sterility, violent behavior, weight problems, asthma, and blood clots. The best way to fix this deficiency is to increase your Omega-3's and lower your intake of Omega-6.

Another Problem is With Adequate Saturated Fat Intake

People fear these Healthy Fats even though your body needs them in order to function at its best.

Without saturated fats your lungs would not be able to perform its job properly

Saturated fats are vital for Omega 3's in your body.

A saturated fat called myristic acid found in coconuts help your kidneys to function properly.

Your body depends on various hormones that take care of important and vital processes within your body. These hormones depend on saturated fats to complete thousands of jobs.

Saturated fats can affect the amount of inflammation you experience.

The cells in your body can communicate better when an adequate supply of this fat is provided to maintain a 50% saturated fat ratio in your cell membranes.

In order for calcium to be utilized properly a certain amount of saturated fat is required in your diet.

Your brain is mainly composed of fat and saturated fats play an important role.

Coconuts are a great source of saturated fats. Their saturated fat content is at about 92% and coconuts have a special type of fatty acid which is medium chained in length.

The special properties of coconut's fat contribute greatly to producing energy for your body and will not be stored as fat. Despite a high saturated fat content coconuts do not have any cholesterol.

Coconut's Healthiest Fatty Acid is Lauric Acid

Lauric acid is the most important and abundant fatty acid found in coconuts. This fatty acid is similar to the one found in mother's milk and they have similar health benefits.

Lauric acid is converted into Monolaurin which possesses antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal properties. New born babies depend on the Monolaurin for their immune system development and their capacity to withstand infections.

Your thyroid which is connected to your metabolism is greatly enhanced by the presence of lauric acid. Lauric acid also helps your pancreas secrete insulin.

Coconuts can alleviate issues such as Stress, Wrinkles, Dandruff, Weight Gain, Osteoporosis, Diabetes, Heart Problems, and Immune System Disorders.

You haven't enjoyed coconuts until you have tried Raw Coconut Cream! If you have a Green Star Juicer and can find organic coconuts, make your own coconut cream.

Your health depends on a good supply of Healthy Fats. Start making better choices when it comes to the fats you include in your diet and your body will thank you. - 17269

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A Guide to Building Muscle Quickly to Increase Your Bench Press

By Ricardo d Argence

It is well known that the bench press is one of the ideal exercises to build up muscle in the upper body. A common question that many bodybuilders want to find out is how much you can bench press. Let us get to the point and see how to build up muscle and get a larger bench press.

Develop your triceps. Almost two thirds of the total muscle mass on your arms is comprised of the triceps muscle. Strengthening your triceps is very beneficial to increasing your bench press. Some excellent exercises that will help build muscle mass on your triceps are using both barbells and dumbbells and doing close grip bench-presses as well as skull crushers. Do not do exercises that just isolate the muscle because they are not good, as they will isolate the muscle completely. Working your triceps will certainly assist in adding weight to your bench press.

Train your triceps separately. Most of the time, bodybuilding routines advise that you train the chest in the same training session as the triceps. If you train them separately, you can focus on the triceps, train them intensely, and build up muscle growth faster. Try this over a spell of a few weeks, and then see how many more kilograms you are able to bench press.

Variety. Have you been repeating the same old workout for months? After your muscles have done the same workout a few times, they have already adapted to it and therefore the need to grow has been removed. Keep changing things, they can be subtle changes like altering the grip width or reversing the order of your routine or they can be larger changes like doing super sets, compound sets and so on, these will give you a real pump by the way.

Do not over do it. Most of the time more is better, but in regards to muscle building that is not the truth at all. If you over do it and over train your chest, then you will find it difficult to recover and to grow further. Instead, focus on intensity, technique, and not quantity. A short vigorous workout is much more effective than a long one.

Rest well. Your muscles will not be growing at the gym! You need to be getting a good amount of rest, as muscles will grow as you are resting. If you do not give enough time for growing then they will not grow. A good rule to set is to is to limit yourself to 6-9 sets per session for each muscle group otherwise, you will risk overtraining.

Take a break from training. If you reach a training plateau, then think about taking a total break. Let your body completely recover from all the strains, come back to your exercises a week or so later, and be even more motivated.

Look at your diet. Are you eating 6 meals a day with a minimum of 1 gram of protein for every pound of bodyweight you have? If you are not, then you are most likely limiting your gains by not following a muscle building diet. Following a proper muscle building diet is essential in building muscle mass, so in every meal try to consume 50% carbohydrates, 30% proteins, and the rest can include fats.

Focus on your technique. Are you pressing correctly. Poor technique can shift the focus away from the chest muscles and can also put you at increased risk of injury. Ensure you are not moving your feet up off the floor and that your hands are not grasping the bar too closely together, these are two easy and often made errors.

By sticking to the tips above you will be greatly increasing your chance to develop more muscle mass on your chest quickly. - 17269

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