Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Friday, January 29, 2010

Build Muscle And Strength Faster Than Ever With Werewolf Training

By Julian Spencer

Women love men who are muscular and strong and it is keeping this thing in mind that most males are on the lookout for training options that will help them build muscles faster. There are a number of sites on the internet that promise that users of their will gain muscles and body strength quickly, but none of them are as popular as Werewolf Training.

The main reason behind this is the fact that Werewolf Training does not promise that they will make your body toned or extra strong. Despite this, those who have undertaken this course have eventually gained a strong and toned body. The fact is that Werewolf Training even mentions that their course is not necessary for bodybuilding but the fact is that those who pursue bodybuilding opt in for this training at one time or the other. There are a few things that set apart Werewolf Training from the rest.

In this course the goal is to use one weight for each and every work set and if by using that particular weight you are able to get the required number of reps for all the other sets then you should go in for a heavier weight the next time around. This is not a binding though, and you can also increase the weight in between the exercises as long as you are confident that you can proceed ahead and complete the number of prescribed reps for the number of sets prescribed for that particular exercise.

While increasing the weight you need to remember that no occasion should arise while doing that particular rep that requires you to decrease the weight. Using a fixed weight for a fixed number of reps is the formula that differentiates Werewolf Training from the others. All appreciate the mathematical formula followed by this training. Despite the fact that free weights are best for most types of exercises, this has been changed in Werewolf Training.

Tensions with bands are also added over here and this added tension helps to increase the difficulty of the top of the lift which is generally the easiest portion. Werewolf Training's basic theme is to focus on one part of the body and use a set of exercises to ensure that that part gets thoroughly toned. - 17269

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Is the Computer Your Body's Enemy?

By Dr. Robert A. Simmons

Technology has been a great help to people. It helps us to organize ourselves and provides a second brain. By setting alarms and reminders, we can release constant thoughts of the when and where of many tasks. There is, however, a price that we pay for these advantages.

Let's go ahead and look a common scenario. You have decided that you need to do some work at the computer. You need to start the computer, but you don't want get out of the chair and squat down. You bend forward and twist down enough to reach the switch on the computer tower. This movement puts the discs in the low back at their weakest and most vulnerable point. Think about the stress on the low back if you do that movement often.

You now open you document and are ready to start typing. The keyboard is what most people are looking at when they are typing. This bends your neck and head to the forward position. This is the opposite of what direction your neck curve is designed to be in. Then, what I call ?the black hole? develops.

People actually look like they are getting sucked into the computer screen after a short time of working. Shoulders begin to slump forward, the head moves forward towards the screen. Did you know that for every inch that your head moves forward, there is 25 pounds of additional stress placed on the neck and spine.

The stress now increases because you may stay in this position for hours. In addition to this most people who use computers will do this on a regular basis. We also need to add in the motion of the chair. Now that almost all office chairs have wheels, people don't actually get out of the chair when bending and twisting.

If the printer is position off to the side, the user will just rotate the chair to the side and reach. Again, this is placing stress on the lower back area. When going from sitting to standing, you might rotate the chair and step out instead of backing the chair out and standing straight up. Does this sound familiar to you? However, there are some things that can be done to reduce the stress on your body while working at the computer.

First look at your workstation. The monitor should be at eye level and directly in front of the keyboard. Rotate the position of your printer periodically if you can. A great alternative to rolling your chair is to back your chair out from the desk and stand up straight. Just performing this task will eliminate a lot of stress on your body.

Be observant of your elbow and hand position. It's best to use a chair with no armrests. This will actually allow you let your shoulders relax, instead of being push up. A good hand rest for your wrists is a great idea. Just make sure that your forearms a parallel with the floor. It is also important that your thighs be parallel with the floor when adjusting the height of the chair.

Remember to stand up and stretch every 30 minutes or so. Just getting out of the chair and stretching or walking around will allow your body extension time. All computer work is bending forward. This is called flexion. By standing, your are extending your body and releasing tension.

I am a Chiropractor in Charlotte, NC. I have found that these tips can reduce much of the stress at work and home while using the computer. A computer is a great tool, but improper usage can cause damage to the body. Follow these tips in this article and hopefully you will enjoy using the computer much more. - 17269

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Beefing Up Your Brain Power Beef Jerky Is Good For Your Mind

By Rick Dupont

Beef jerky in its many guises across the globe is often seen as no more than a tasty, if not somewhat unhealthy treat. To suggest that beef jerky is good for the mind is sure to elicit a storm of protest from many health conscious red meat detractors. The truth is a little more complex though, and this desiccated delight is often unfairly maligned.

Being light, protein rich and easily stored for protracted periods, beef jerky was an essential staple for pioneering men and women. From the Boer Commandos of South Africa to the rugged mountain men of North America, dried beef was a saddlebag standard. And with good reason.

People are eating beef jerky today for more than just the taste of it, it has become an essential diet supplement for both dieters and trainers.

Beef is a rich source of protein, minerals, vitamins and amino aids and, as long as lean cuts are used, a valuable and nutritious food source even by today's health conscious standards. Beef jerky can contain lots of salt but products can be sought out that either contain acceptable levels or are devoid of undesirable additives.

Now, back to the original question of whether or not beef jerky is good brain food. One of the most critical neurological process that take place in our brains all the time is the transfer of impulses between the neurons. The vehicles that facilitate the transfer of these messages are neurotransmitters.

A deficiency of these neurotransmitters can cause conditions that range from clinical depression and Schizophrenia to Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease. Obviously then a source of quality protein can only be beneficial to our overall brain health.

The vitamins and minerals found in beef are also good for the mind as they promote energy production in addition to growth and development of the brain. These are crucial elements of healthy neurological activity.

For the older set, brain functions such as memory are improved by the actions of antioxidants. Several of the vitamins in beef act as powerful antioxidants and this makes it a valuable brain boosting food source.

As mentioned previously, the total fat, salt and preservative content of beef jerky you purchase can be controlled by simple vigilance when shopping or using low fat cuts to make your own at home.

So, beef jerky is good for the mind and, if one tries to buy jerky that is low in salt and preservatives, poses no serious health risks. As a snack, lunch box treat or part of your hiking or camping rations, beef jerky is a delicious and healthy, brain boosting delight. - 17269

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Important Things on Acai Berry That You Should Know

By Xylene Belita

Acai Berries are little fruits of the Acai Palms, 8 species of the genus Euterpe which are indigenous to tropical Central and South America. The tree itself is aptly named, Euterpe was the muse of delight in Greek Mythology, and as a matter of fact the fruits of the Acai Palms are delightfully good for you.

Acai Berries are actually from Acai Berry Palms (Euterpe oleracea) which are endemic to the Amazon Rainforests of Brazil. They have long been staple to the natives of the region. The Acai Berry itself is what is called among botanists as a drupe. The seed makes up 80-90% of the fruit. The juice and pulp of the Acai Berry derived from separating the pulp from the seed is popular in Brazil for use in juice blends, smoothies, and even ice cream and liqueur.

Acai berries have been scientifically proven to be full of just the perfect amount of fibers, healthy monosaturated fats, iron and amino acids, the Acai Berry is also the richest resource of antioxidants in nature. A particular class of flavonoids called anthocyanins are found in amazing amounts in Acai berries. Up to 10 times that of grapes and two times that of blueberries.

Freeze Dried Acai Berry Capsules? In case you did not understand, antioxidants are molecules that help stop free radicals. Free radicals are molecules that come from ordinary processes of the body, pollutants, pesticides, cigarette smoke etc. They harm the cells and can cause chain reactions that can lead to diseases and even damage the DNA that can lead to cancers. Aside from fighting free radicals, antioxidants also strengthens the immune system and leads to a radical increase in energy levels and resistance.

So what precisely does its antioxidants and nutritional value help with anyway? Why is it becoming so popular? To put it simply, Acai Berries can improve digestion, help in losing weight, promote better sleep, reduce muscle fatigue and pain, increase energy and libido, fight cancer and illnesses, lower blood pressure, strengthen the immune and cardiovascular system, and fight aging and inflammation.

Acai berries have been scientifically confirmed to have just the ideal amount of fibers, beneficial monosaturated fats, iron and amino acids, the Acai Berry is also the richest resource of antioxidants in nature. A specific class of flavonoids called anthocyanins are found in astonishing amounts in Acai berries. Up to 10 times that of grapes and double that of blueberries. Amid all those benefits, you might expect Acai Berries to taste like drug, huh? Actually no. Acai Berries have a particularly tropical taste that has been described as something between a blend of berries and chocolate. Acai Berry is truly the number one super food of the world. For more details, click here: Acai Berry Diet Scams - 17269

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Treadmill Vs. The Elliptical Machine, Which One A Better Option?

By Paul Philips

While I really enjoy lifting weights, I enjoy getting some physical exercise by running at the gym just as much. In recent years, I've incorporated this into my regular training schedule.

I'm a big fan of the benefits that come with doing this. There's the obvious perk of weight loss, not to mention that it's great for your heart and your overall physical well being. Then there's the energy boost that it gives you, as I find myself more physically active, in better spirits, thinking more clearly, and sleeping better at night.

After listing those benefits, I have to wonder why I don't exercise like this every day!

As far as my cardio activity is concerned, there's one issue that I've wondered about for a very long time. I've never known whether the treadmill or the elliptical was a better means of working out, but I've learned a lot along the way. Which machine wins at the end of the day?

Let's discuss the advantages that each machine brings to the table. From there, you might have a better idea as to which is the more appropriate fit for your situation.

As far as the elliptical is concerned, there's definitely some appeal here. Here are a few of the strengths involved with this machine.

People really enjoy the fact that it's a low impact machine, meaning that your knees, legs, and back don't feel the impact that they normally would if they were running on the ground. If you're concerned about the durability of these body parts, you'll like the elliptical.

Another key plus is the fact that you can add both resistance and an incline while training on this machine, meaning that you can truly build up some leg muscle while you burn fat.

As far as the treadmill goes, there's a clear advantage here. The elliptical is nice, but some people simply prefer to run. You're not getting the true running simulation with the elliptical that you will with the treadmill, and this must be considered.

Moreover, a treadmill run will usually be faster than an elliptical workout assuming you're traveling the same distance and burning the same amount of calories. If time is of importance to you, this goes a long way. - 17269

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4 Fast Suggestions To Rock Hard Abs

By Rex Walters

Let us come clean ; men work for rock-hard abs and women love them. Rock-hard abs suggest strength, discipline, youth, and potency. Nothing makes a man feel as good as having rock-hard abs to flourish. Old and younger men alike hit the gymnasium to break a sweat and sculpt those abdomens. The effort and time pay off sumptuously - having rock-hard abs causes you to feel lighter, stronger, and naturally, more fascinating.

Unlike arm and leg muscles, the abdomens are harder to target, thus they are sometimes the last muscle grouping to shape up.

Here are 4 tips to rock-hard abs :

1. Do crunches... And more! Crunches target the abdomens. You can feel your abs tightening up as you do these exercises. These, and habits that push weight loss ; will eventually give you the rock-hard abs you crave.

2. Eat many little meals each day. You tend to over indulge when you eat three giant meals a day. This can lead to stomach discomfort, sluggishness, and if you are not very careful, weight gain. The trick is eating smaller meals throughout the day. This does not only keep you slightly full and well fed, it also promotes continuous metabolism. This means that your body is steadily burning calories and fat.

3. Create muscle. In planning a workout program, do not neglect the other bits of your body. Rock-hard abs should go with toned arms and legs. Building muscle assists in fat burning, hence a well-rounded exercise routine nearly always guarantees a faster sculpting of rock-hard abs. Muscle-building exercises should target the chest, triceps, and shoulders ; quads, hamstrings, calves ; back, biceps, and abs.

4. Get sufficient rest. Sleep is the body way of fixing. Getting a good night's sleep makes sure that your body heals and gets ready for the demands of the day after. Lack of sleep causes many health issues, one of which is dramatic weight gain. Research has shown that individuals who sleep less incline to put on weight over a period. Getting enough rest, then, is a critical part in weight management. To get rock-hard abs, you should not only be doing crunches and eating right, you need to cap them off each night with a good night sleep.

Follow these 4 tips and you will be on your way to a great middle you may be proud of! - 17269

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Best Muscle Building Supplements, Do I Need Them?

By Ricardo d Argence

In order to lose fat and build up muscle, many weight trainers end up taking muscle building supplements. Another reason they take them is to help them perform better and to also make it easier to recover from the exercising they do.

To make sure that your body gets the nutrition it needs when you are training hard, there are some supplements that you definitely will need. If you don't have the right supplements, you may not have the energy you need to do everything that is entailed in bodybuilding.

Creatine as well as whey protein are top protein supplements and used to help build more muscle. Vitamins and minerals are also needed, and good supplements can provide you with those you need, helping to make sure you don't deal with a vitamin deficiency when you train.

The right vitamins and energy take the food consumed and help convert it to energy. Burning fat and building muscle can be aided with the right vitamins too. Some of the protein supplements that you may need to take to help increase muscle mass includes whey protein, creatine, testosterone boosters, and amino acids. They are all important for helping to avoid sore muscles and for building up bigger and stronger muscles as well.

Carb blockers, fat burner supplements, and appetite suppressants will help you along with burning excess fat. Antioxidants such as green tea are good for a natural energy boost. There are many energy boosters and supplements on the market to help give you more energy and stamina during your training program.

Eating meals that are healthy and well balanced is one of the most important things you can do. Supplements by themselves can't give you all the nutrition that you are going to need. Of course on the other hand, it can be difficult to get all the nutrition you need just from the foods you consume, so taking supplements can help you get better nutrition.

Of course you can't build muscle with just vitamins and minerals. You'll need to work hard and be dedicated to your routine in order to lose fat and start building more muscle. Without a great training program and a healthy diet, just taking supplements are not going to help you to lose fat and build more muscle.

When you are working to build muscle, steroids are a bad choice. Sure, they can help you build up your muscles very quickly but they are also quite harmful. When you build muscle so fast, the tendons and ligaments just can't keep up. This can cause injuries to occur when you try to use steroids to build muscles fast.

They also cause extreme aggressiveness, affect liver and other essential functions in the body. There is not a magic pill that can make you build muscle and lose weight without a lot of hard work and dedication. These products can also be dangerous. - 17269

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Tips To Avoid The Common Bodybuilding Mistakes For Beginners

By Ricardo d Argence

There is an infinite amount of different programs and methods you can use to try to build muscle mass. The key is that you have to follow them properly and take care of your body in terms of how much you eat and drink. Additionally, your muscles need sufficient time to recover and rebuild after hard training sessions.

In addition to paying attention to these core principles, there are a variety of other mistakes that beginners commonly make. To see the best results, be sure that you do not fall into these common traps:

-Not Having a Plan: No matter how experienced you are, you need a plan to get you started and allow you to keep track of your progress and results. Buy a small notebook or journal that you can take with you to the gym and around in the rest of you day. Keep track of things such as:

1. Personal Assessment: You need to know where you are right now. 2. Goal Setting: You need to know where you want to be. 3. Training Strategy: You need to know how you will get there.

Implementing You Strategy - You need to outline your daily steps of action in order to achieve your goal.

Results Tracking " You need to see how you are faring and if you are living up to your expectations. Keep track and you'll see what works and what doesn't.

Keeping a training journal and calendar will aid you in preventing from skipping any of your scheduled workouts. Keeping up with your scheduled workouts are essential when you are a bodybuilder.

-Making Poor Eating Decisions: To help avoid poor eating decisions either keep track of your diet in your journal or use a separate notebook to cover everything you eat and drink. It's important to adequately fuel your body with protein at the right times, and it's also important not to overeat. Keeping track will enable you to walk that fine line.

-Buying Supplements, Powders, Drugs, etc. " The supplement industry is a major fraud and few of the products on the market live up to their self-announced hype. Therefore instead of wasting your money on these products, you should focus on your nutrition and your workout. You certainly don't want to delve into illegal drugs like steroids either.

-Doing the Same Workout Every Time: If you do the same workout every single week your body and your muscles are going to adapt and you won't be able to see the results that you are looking. Be sure to add in variation and challenge your muscles to grow larger.

Doing the same things weekly without taking on a challenge may get your muscles to a particular point and then the growth pauses since it satisfies the push you give it. You can work to surpass your prior workouts by adding a bit more weight as you go by doing these to push yourself: Increasing your cardio workouts by a minute or so; Setting the incline on a treadmill at a steeper level; Adding another set to your routine; Setting the stair-climber to a higher level.

-Failing to Rest and Recover: The bottom line is that your muscles need time to repair and be built anew. You need to get a good deal of sleep and your muscles need breaks in between workouts. - 17269

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Digestive Enzymes - Where You Get Digestive Enzymes

By Garrett Garrick

Digestive enzymes are very important when it comes to health. When it comes to digesting food efficiently, digestive enzymes cannot be left out of the picture. They are needed to break down food, and they help us digest properly.

What is the source of digestive enzymes? We get many from our own body that makes them. Digestion first begins in the mouth. The saliva glands release salivary amylase which is an enzyme that breads down starch to sugar.

When food enters your stomach after you swallow, gastric enzymes are secreted to help further the break down of the food you ate. Each digestive enzyme released by your body has a special role in the breaking down of food.

Your pancreas plays a vital role as your primary digestive gland. It secreted eight different enzymes that all have a different role in digestion.

Along with your salivary glands, stomach, and pancreas, your small intestine, liver and gallbladder also aid in breaking down food by releasing digestive juices.

We also can get a dose of digestive enzymes from fruit and vegetables. Here is another reason why fruits and vegetables are important, because they contain enzymes that help digest themselves.

Today, however, our food's nutrient value is decreased by the nutrient deficient soil it is grown in, and by the manner we grow and harvest our food.

If you feel tired or sluggish after a meal, it may be a clue that you are deficient in digestive enzymes. Without enough enzymes it makes your body work harder to break down your food, which then makes you tired and sluggish.

Having a deficiency will cause digestive problems. You may experience gas, indigestion, and if you continue being deficient, more serious health problems may arise after a longer period of time.

What causes us to produce fewer digestive enzymes? Low nutrient food forces our body to make more enzymes then normal, which places it under stress. Over time this repeated stress can cause it to work less efficiently and release less. Age can also play a factor in producing fewer enzymes.

When you become deficient in these important enzymes a number of problems can occur, one way, however, to make sure you get enough is to take a digestive enzyme supplement. Taking a supplement can help you not feel tired after meals, because your body has to do less work to break down your food. - 17269

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Organic Fair Trade Coffee: What The Buzz Is About

By Ali Bautista

Common among politically conscious java drinkers, "Organic Fair Trade Coffee" is a phrase we hear a lot, but is not often explained. "Why should I seek out and purchase this particular kind of coffee?" One might ask. "How can I tell which brands fit this description and even then, where can I find it?" Well, hopefully all of those questions can be answered in the following paragraphs.

What does it mean?

Think about what you probably paid for the last latte you had -- 3, 4 dollars? Well, if you compared that to the wage of farmers who labor seven days a week to provide not only that cup but millions more, you'd probably be upset. You see, in poorer nations, especially in South America, farmers barely make enough money to feed their families. The idea behind this cause is to pay these workers the price they deserve for cultivating the beans. No more, No Less.

How Can You Tell Which is which?

This is the really simple part. While there is no official brand per Se, there is a nifty logo which they've designed to set different coffees apart. It consists of a drawing of a faceless half black, half white person (ying-yang style) holding two baskets with the word "CERTIFIED" printed below. The label should be hard to miss on your next purchase.

Where to Purchase

Nowadays, just about every independent coffee shop serves certified coffee, if not exclusively. However, if this isn't your type of spot, then you can even head over to Starbucks. Yep, it's true. Most people don't know, but all you need to do is ask and Starbucks will provide you with a cup of certified coffee or whatever intricate coffee-based drink you desire. If you prefer to just go home and brew it yourself, that's no problem. Nearly every major supermarket carries at least one certified brand.

So, those are the basics behind Organic Fair Trade Coffee. It's an attempt to level the playing for farmers in struggling nations and it's a worthwhile cause. It's also very simple for anyone to chip in -- any coffee drinker at least. Even if you only buy the rare cup via a Starbucks drive-thru, you can make a difference. So, next time you hear some people chatting away, don't be afraid to chime in. - 17269

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Follow A Proper Diet For A Colon Cleanse

By Lindsay Barnes

Over time, the colon experiences quite a beating. This is all thanks to our poor eating habits, when we vacuum up absolutely everything that we can cram into our mouths, eat whatever type of food as long as it's available, can end our hunger pangs, and is affordable, and take a bite out of things that simply taste good, regardless of whether or not it is really bad for us. As a result, we not only gain weight, but we also introduce a lot of toxins and substances into our bodies. The only way we can get rid of those toxins is by performing a cleanse, and a colon cleanse can be especially effective in fighting off these waste materials.

The colon cleanse is met with skepticism by some people, saying that the colon is well equipped to handle any waste that we can throw at it. Still, some colon cleanse supporters argue that if that is the case, then why are there a lot of wastes that are not excreted by the body on its own, but can be removed with a cleanse? Whichever side you choose, it couldn't hurt to give yourself a little extra detoxification.

You don't need to do a colon cleanse that can be considered extreme, like regular colonic hydrotherapy sessions or month-long colon cleanses. All you really need to do is to be able to eat better and find the foods that can help sweep your body clean of all the toxins. Planning such a diet won't be a complicated thing. You don't really need to find expensive, hard-to-find food items to help your cleanse. Even your favorite supermarket can have the ingredients you need for a colon cleanse.

Let's start with vegetables. Not only are vegetables a good source of vitamins and minerals, but they also contain a lot of fiber, which is instrumental in cleaning out your system. Eat more vegetables than you do meat and junk food and soon you will feel a significant difference in how your body feels. You should also eat more fruits. They're one of nature's most powerful cleansers, plus they're good for you as well. If you don't want to eat fruits, you can simply mix them together for a nourishing and refreshing fruit smoothie.

Drinking water is also one of the best things you can do for your colon. Water washes away a lot of impurities and it also helps loosen materials in your colon. Such food items and substances will absolutely work wonders for your colon--and you don't even have to spend so much or sacrifice a lot of things to do so. - 17269

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Bodybuilding Nutrition And Protein Bars: What You Need To Know

By Sachin K Airan

Protein bars can be very efficient at helping you get the bodybuilding nutrition you need to gain muscle, but to get the best out of them , there are a few things you need to search for :

To gain muscle, you want to also intake lots of calories. When shopping for protein bars, you should pay close attention to the amount of calories they contain. The calories in protein bars can vary a lot, so you won't get the maximum amount of an advantage from some as you can from others as a result. Some protein bars are targeted at people who are intending to lose pounds instead of gain it you should be mindful of this so you don't purchase the incorrect thing!

Though protein bars are, naturally, concentrated on protein, they also contain carbohydrates. Focusing on carbohydrates is important if you want to use protein bars either before or after working out because you'll thus need high carbohydrate levels to get the energy you want. Except for concentrating on how much carbohydrate is in the protein bar, you will also wish to listen to what form the carbohydrates are in.

Sometimes they can be in the form of high-fructose corn syrup, and this is something you want to stay clear of. If most of the carbohydrates are in another form however, you are good to go.

Protein bars also contain fat. Pay attention to this too. The only time you want a high fat content is if you are using the protein bar after exercising, since otherwise the fat can inhibit how effectively the carbohydrates are released into your bloodstream. Also make sure you buy a protein bar without too many saturated fats, since these are the kinds of fats that you do not want in your diet. - 17269

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