Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Losing Weight By Eating More

By Mary Mack

It's difficult to believe that you can lose weight by eating more. This "flies in the face" of conventional wisdom, and it's a radical concept for most folk to grasp.

But when you understand how the body actually processes the food you eat, it becomes much easier to appreciate the "eat more, lose weight" system.

And there are a lot of false notions about why we put on weight, and why (despite our best intentions) it stays on. And about what's the best way to lose it again.

Now if you were to do a survey, only a small proportion of the population would believe that to lose weight, you must eat more! Naturally, it's not just any food - the diet is pretty specific. Nevertheless, they just don't believe it.

Likewise, only a small minority would believe that it is possible to change your body in 11 days - shedding 9 pounds of fat. It would seem very difficult to achieve this kind of result.

But it is possible, and it has been achieved repeatedly. These are tried and tested methods, and these numbers are typical of what can be achieved using this approach.

To simplify the system, it is based on the fact that whenever we eat, 2 type of hormones are produced by our brain - the "fat burning" type and the "fat storing" type.

And the production of these hormones can be controlled. More of the fat-burning type can be produced, and less of the fat storage type, by consuming certain specific foods.

And so to control weight loss, it is essential that these hormones are controlled and regulated, to give the desired results. And this control is achieved through the specific diet.

To achieve success with the system, it is necessary to eat more than 3 times a day, and keep to the correct pattern. This is what makes it work.

Its a very effective dieting system, and it works faster than most systems that are available now. It works better than any low-carb or low-fat diet, and a lot less stressful. - 17269

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6 Week Body Makeover - Reduced Fat Recipes

By James Kim

Look through the 6 Week Body Makeover recipes and you will notice that the majority of the foods listed are foods that you already eat in your everyday life. This is great because you don't have to substitute a meal for a gross tasting shake or boring, small portioned, micro-wave dinner.

The important factor in reducing calorie intake while cooking is learning how to cook without oil and fat. Most people use large amounts of oil to make food not stick the frying pan when cooking meats and vegetables. Cooking oil is a waste of calories and should be avoided when on the meal plan.

Make sure you buy a quality nonstick pan. This way you don't have to add globs of oil to your meals. Make sure you own at least one high quality pan. You will save money by not purchasing high calorie oils. Also you will be amazed how easily foods release from the pan, which means less mess for you and additional fat on your food.

Do not use nonstick spray when cooking eggs. Preheat the frying pan before putting the eggs in the pan. The eggs will cook faster and will not stick to the pan. Remember, a non-stick frying pan is the key to cooking eggs. Use some water when cooking vegetables. Water is a great substitute when sauteing veggies in a frying pan. When the water level gets low, just add some more!

Use a vegetable stock or no sodium chicken broth when cooking chicken or fish. Also you can use white wine as a good nonstick agent for meats. Don't worry about the calories in the alcohol, they will burn away when cooking your meat. - 17269

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You Can Grow Tall, but Not With A Scam

By Shaun Davids

There are many sites out there that try to scam people out of their time and money by selling DVDs and instruction manuals about exercises to grow tall. These stretches and exercises are not only a waste of time, but they can also be very harmful, resulting in slipped discs and torn tendons. Similarly, those that claim their special vitamin pills and supplements will improve height growth are most likely selling you lies. These are to be avoided.

Nonetheless, this does not mean that you cannot grow tall with those exercises. It is just more effective do to do them at an early age when you body is still maturing.

When we are babies, some of our bones are composed of cartilage. This cartilage shifts and melds and ossifies over time, forming the bones we have in adulthood. During this long process, we go from having 300 bones to only 206!

Midway through this process we hit puberty where our cartilage growth plates slowly grow longer. The problem is that once these plates have stopped growing, it is impossible to lengthen them at all with any grow taller exercises or stretches.

Nonetheless, while you're young it is good to perform exercise to grow tall since it also strengthens your bones. These exercises increase the production of growth enhancer hormones in your body, that help you to grow taller quicker. If you want to have a good posture, strong bones and a lower chance of getting osteoporosis and other bone diseases when you are older, then it is good to exercise on a regular basis.

Another way to grow tall is to get the right nutrition. With a bad diet that is low in amino acids, carbohydrates, calcium, protein and other nutrients, you risk having weaker bones and joints, which can stunt your growth and cause other ailments. As we grow old, our bodies start to leech calcium from our bones, which causes us to shrink.

This is why, from a young age, you should get in a routine of eating healthily and exercising religiously to promote height growth. This will keep your body functioning properly and help it to grow as much as possible in your youth.

If you are past your twenties, but still want to grow tall, do not lose faith. Other than exercising and eating well, there is a variety of height enhancing solutions, starting with how you dress - such as clothes, shoes and hair that make you look taller and fitter.

So do not listen to what those scam artists are saying, but try out a legitimate program to grow tall today. - 17269

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Treatment & Management Of Diabetes (Informational)

By Deborah Marvin

Diabetes (mellitus) is referred to as diabetes, which is a syndrome of a disordered metabolism. This disease is usually caused by environmental or heredity issues.

One of the hormones that helps in the controlling of diabetes is called insulin. Insulin makes sure that diabetes attacks don't take your life.

Diabetes mellitus refers to a group of different diabetes that all eventually lead to a high blood sugar count. Diabetes is developed when you have a low count of insulin in your body or resistance to its effects. All forms of diabetes have been controllable since insulin was discovered and came available in 1921, there is still no cure for diabetes.

All types of diabetes have been treatable with insulin since 1921 (its discovery in helping with the treatment of diabetes). Diabetes can cause many complications in the long run of your life time, chronic renal failure, retinal damage (the cause for blindness), poor wound healing, nerve problems, ED (erectile dysfunction) and cardiovascular deterioration are all causes of diabetes.

Diabetes has no cure at the moment and is considered a chronic disease. When you have diabetes, you are mostly in control of the outcome of your life. If you pay attention to what foods you are eating daily and what your blood sugar counts are than you should be okay. Although many people don't take care of themselves and suffer from the consequences that were listed above.

Insulin is supplied to those who have attacks, without insulin these people could die from these severe attacks. The main focus of treatment is to keep your blood sugar count to its normal state and not to high or to low. If your blood sugar count drops or rises you can have an attack and at which case the insulin shot is required.

Diabetes is a serious disease which effects a lot of people all over the world. If you think you might have it, get the facts and understand your situation and the implications on your life.

They are currently focusing on making a cure for the group of diabetes. There is still no cure for any of the diabetes but they are on the verge of discovering one. - 17269

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Want a Muscle Building Program? 5 Things You Should Know First

By Mark Dale

Why is it that so many people who have followed various muscle building programs have failed to make the muscle mass gains they desire? Well put simply, it's usually because they've followed a muscle program that is completely unsuitable for building muscle. If this sounds like you and you're not seeing regular muscle growth and improvements in the mirror then you are doing something wrong.

The reason so many people fail is because they follow the wrong muscle building program, and by that I mean a program that is not suitable for their individual needs. The result of following the wrong program can be anything to poor muscle gains to actually losing muscle, or even getting a serious injury through overtraining.

Having studied and reviewed many muscle programs over the years, here are my top 5 tips to finding a muscle building program that will suit your needs:

Workout Time

A muscle building workout routine should be short, intense and hard work. Some workout programs have you doing 1 or even 2 hours in the gym. That's only useful if you want to burn away fat AND muscle and take you down the road to a serious injury. Spending a long time in the gym does not equate to bigger muscles! Your workout program should last no more than 45 minutes.

Variety of Workouts

Keeping your workout routine varied will help to keep your muscles stimulated and growing, so your workout routines should be re-planned every 8 - 12 weeks. You body is clever in that remembers the exercises you do and that's why exercises become easier over time. By changing your workouts you are shocking your muscles and stimulating further growth.

Take Rest Days

You need plenty of rest for your body to recover from your workouts and for your muscle growth. Muscles grow when you sleep, eat and rest and NOT when you train. The best muscle building programs will include rest days and will have you training the same muscle groups more than twice a week.

Make Sure You Do the Exercises Correctly

Exercise with strict form. It is very important that you don't just pile on the plates and then swing the barbell around! Strict exercise form is essential to build muscle and to prevent injury. Yes, you may be able to lift more if you cheat, but it won't do you any good. Look out for a muscle program that shows you how to perform exercises with correct form.

Diet is Very Important!

Diet is the single most important factor that you must get right. If you are eating correctly but not working out to your full potential then you can still expect to make some reasonable muscle gains. Any muscle building diet must be personalized to your size and weight. The best muscle building programs will provide you with a great selection of diet plans that include meals for all calorie levels (e.g. 2000 to 6000 calories a day). The best meal plans even cater for vegetarians.

So there you have it, 5 simple but very important tips to stimulating fast muscle growth. Make sure you bear these points in mind when looking for a suitable muscle building program. - 17269

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A Great Low Fat Diet Plan for Busy Moms (And How it Worked for Me!)

By Carol Everett

I am here to tell you about a great low fat diet plan that has worked so well for my daughter Mindi and myself. It it the best low fat diet plan I have found and both my daughter and I had great results on this plan. This is the one plan that makes perfect sense in every way. I was skeptical until I saw the awesome result that Mindi and I had on this plan.

My daughter Mindi is busy, too busy in fact. She is the working mother of two and doesn't have time for game playing with meal plans to lose weight. Mindi had not lost the weight she gained while pregnant with my grandson and felt awful about herself when she was still wearing maternity clothing almost a year after giving birth.

She often complained that she felt people looking at her wondering if she was expecting again. Something had to change! She tried other low fat diet plans but none of them made sense to her. Until, finally, she found something that was completely successful for her.

Mindi looks fantastic, has her confidence and energy back, and cannot tell enough people about her success! From her success she hopes she will help others to not lose hope that they too can be where they want to be.

After seeing Mindi's struggle with her weight and her success losing it, I realized that I could spare to lose more than a few pounds myself. This plan fits well into my day and my preferences. It is not time consuming or complicated. It makes sense for busy people.

For a busy lifestyle this plan is the only low fat diet that makes sense 100% of the time. - 17269

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5 Must-Have Mood Foods For Maximum Arm Toning

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

Most women do not succeed in their arm toning mission because of dips in motivation. Not because they aren't exercising or eating right. Thus, every woman should focus on creating a motivational stronghold first and foremost.

And our society aggravates this problem because it focuses so much on supplements and one-trick wonders. We are obsessed with synthetic foods that are going to alleviate all our problems. We should be obsessed, however, with ways to increase our mental stamina.

Doing this the old fashioned way, with psychology, can get tedious. And there are going to be times when the stresses of life will overcome us. So today I am going to discuss 5 brain boosting foods that will spike your motivation on demand. Arm toning will never be easier!

1. Loose leaf green tea. Consumed by emperors for centuries, dragon well loose leaf green tea is far superior to any other green tea for mental enhancement. You will get an immediate surge in mental focus and overall mood. And the best part is that you don't get a crash. Ditch the bags and stick to the loose leafs.

2. Organic cocoa. If you like chocolate, you will love cocoa powder. You see, cocoa powder is chocolate on steroids but without the added sugars or fats. You can expect an immediate flood of feel good feelings and an increase in circulation (as demonstrated by Harvard researchers) when taking cocoa.

3. Cinnamomum Z. This is the true cinnamon of the world, not to be confused with cassia which is what you are probably buying at the store. True cinnamon is far superior and will pack a powerful punch when combined with Lung ching green tea.

4. Loose leaf yerba mate. By far, this is the strongest food item on this list. South Americans (especially Argentineans) are addicted to this stuff. And for good reason: it can increase your mood and focus for up to 8 hours-no joke! Just be careful here, start with very low doses and gradually increase. With great power comes great responsibility.

5. Water! I know I'm beating a dead horse here, but bear with me. Women are more dehydrated than ever because of caffeine. You see, our bodies build up a tolerance to its stimulatory effects, but don't build up a tolerance to its diuretic effects. So every time you increase the size of that latte or have another cup of extra dark to get that same energy jolt back, you are dehydrating yourself more and more. And dehydration causes massive mental fogginess which will leave you very cranky.

If more women starting focusing on their minds instead of the next wonder pill, more women would achieve successful arm toning. So make sure you take the above nootropics any time you feel the motivation beginning to flag. Stick with it, and you will get sexy arms. I promise. - 17269

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The Great Thirst Of Carne Asada Seasoning

By Ferdinand Emy

When making carne asada, obviously with carne asada seasoning, the fundamental method includes marinating the meat in a lime based marinade.

Keep the carne asada seasoning that you obtained, close to the grill readily available because the grilling will be quite fast. If you feel like adding other fruit juices to the carne asada marinade, do not hesitate. To talk about carne asada seasoning we first clarify what carne asada really is. Therefore a good carne asada marinade must contain a lot of lime juice, onion and black pepper, as well as garlic. Papaya is a natural source of tenderizers.

If you do not have time to make the carne asada seasoning or you do not have the necessary ingredients, you can always buy some from the stores around you. To be successful in carne asada seasoning, do not forget that the meat should be cooked over a charcoal fire; wood chips in a smoker box might assist as well, but nothing compares to a real fire. Thinly sliced, the meat is served on tortillas. Carne asada with carne asada seasoning needs a good marinade if you decide to not skip this phase in the process. Then we will see how carne asada and carne asada seasoning are made and utilized.

Mind the salt! Do not add any salt to the marinade. We can tell you that papaya in particular will work perfectly well, since papaya makes the meat especially tender. Then let the carne asada seasoning get into the meat and finally grill, roast, broil until you get the expected result. The grilled beef can be used in no matter way you like, in burritos or tacos or simply served up straight. The jar of Durango carne asada seasoning also provides instructions on how to use The mix should be sprinkled on both sides of the meat.

Basically carne asada is a marinated and grilled, at the same time, steak. When it comes to carne asada seasoning, you should bear in mind a few important things. However, if you marinate the meat, you will be able to add some flavor and tenderize the meat. The carne asada seasoning process you need to use salt, actually coarse salt, cumin, powdered garlic. Put all these ingredients and shake them.

For instance you can buy carne asada seasoning made by Durango Products. Then you have to grill the meat over a hot fire and, finally, slice it into thin strips across the grain. This carne asada seasoning costs around $5 and it consists of salt, spices, onion, garlic, parsley, dextrose, dehydrated vegetables. In the process of making carne asada with carne asada seasoning, marinating is not necessarily a must. - 17269

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Defining The Simple Buzzwords Of Nutritional Science

By Kathy P Bates

There is currently a lot of investigation being conducted in the subject of nutrition. There are an large quantity of nutrients being discovered that were not known of before. Today you may come across many nutritional buzzwords, such as phytonutrients, polyphenols, carotenoids, anthocyanins and Omega fatty acids. It is easy to get mystified as to what all of these buzzwords represent.

The basic classifications for foods are protein, carbohydrates and fat. Everyone is familiar with these macronutrients. As we go further, most people are also familiar with vitamins such as A, C, E, D and B complex and the minerals such as calcium, zinc, chromium and magnesium. But there are also hundreds of "micronutrients". These are substances that are required in less significant quantities but are still crucial. They include phytonutrients, polyphenols, carotenoids, anthocyanins and Omega fatty acids.

A phytonutrient is a organically occurring, non-vitamin, non-mineral component of food that offers significant health advantages. Some imperative types of valuable phytonutrients are polyphenols, carotenoids, anthocyanins and phytoestrogens.

Polyphenols are an antioxidant. They were previously recognized as vitamin P, but the name changed as they were found to be very diverse from a typical vitamin. Polyphenols have anti-inflammatory and antiallergenic properties. You can get polyphenols from most berries, tea, red wine, coffee, dark chocolate, pomegranates and more.

Carotenoids are the orange-red pigment found in red, yellow and orange fruits and vegetables such as tomatoes, pumpkins, apricots, carrots and sweet potatoes. Carotenoids are a vitamin A precursor, which means that we change this matter to vitamin A in our bodies. These nutrients are antioxidants and they can shelter us from cancers and help to resist the effects of aging.

The pigment that makes the deep blue to purple colors of nature is called anthocyanins. This is the pigment accountable for the deep almost black purple of a blueberry and a blackberry and the bright purple of purple cabbage. Anthocyanins are found in extraordinary dilution in red wine, berries and more. They provide likely health benefits against neurological diseases and aging, cancers, inflammation, diabetes and bacterial infections according to laboratory evidence.

Omega fatty acids are considered to be essential fatty acids because our bodies cannot produce them and they must be provided by our diet. They include Omega 3, Omega 6 and Omega 9. Our bodies require a constructive ratio of 1:1 for these vital fats, but the modern day diet provides very little Omega 3 and excessive amounts of Omega 6. It is important to supplement Omega 3's or consciously add foods that are high in Omega 3's to our diet. Omega 3 fatty acids are imperative for strong membranes and the appropriate development of the eyes, a strong cardiovascular system and a strong immune system.

Nutritional science is finding more and more more support of the value of these critical micronutrients every day. In order to get the utmost nourishment you need to eat a diversity of good for your health foods every day. - 17269

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Support Adult Stem Cells through Nutrition

By Andrea Rousseau

There has been a lot of controversey over stem cell research over the past eight to ten years, and rightly so. The controversy surrounds the use of Embryonic stem cell research. This method requires that cells be removed from a five day old embryo, known as a blastocyst. The living embryo is destroyed through this procedure, thus the moral objection.

This article is about adult stem cells. No life ends when this research is performed. The use of adult stem cells in the battle against disease and injury shows huge promise. Sources of adult stem cells have been found in bone marrow, and the blood stream to name just a couple.[neostem.com]

Stem cells offer the possibility of a renewable source of replacement cells to treat diseases, conditions, and disabilities. They are relatively inactive cells, but they can quickly respond to tissue stress and injury.

An important trait of adult stem cells is that they are strong and resilient. Studies have proven the phenomenon known as plasticity. This means that they have the ability to "morph" into other types of cells, such as heart cells or nerve cells.[Life Extension, Oct 2007] For this reason, the key to your own treatment are your own adult stem cells.

The key to maintaining your health and preventing disease then is to provide powerful nutrition at the cellular level. Stimulating the healthy growth of stem cells is a very important part of anti-aging programs.

In a recent study, researchers found a dose-related effect of blueberry, green tea, catechin, carnosin, and vitamin D3 on the proliferation of human bone marrow. Resveratrol also shows promise for boosting stem cell health.[neostem.com]

Blueberries have been shown to be one of the superfoods that can give a strong foundation for cellular health. Among the superfoods, they have one of the highest antioxidant activity and anti-inflamatory properties.

Acai is rich in Omega fats and is a great source of vitamins and minerals. Amla is one of the richest sources of vitamin c, and protects cells from free radical damage. - 17269

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Successful Weight Loss is Simple with These 2 Steps

By Thong M. Dao

You've probably learned much on the importance of optimistic thinking in fat loss. When you keep nursing pessimistic thoughts, you'll not be able to slim down. But then, when you become a optimistic thinker, fat loss will be simple for you. Let's see an example.

You cannot slim down when you always believe you are fat, simple as that. You might even hate yourself, correct? Now believe yourself slim, and think how it could help you. Your mentality can single-handedly decide your success or failure. It is about how to form a optimistic attitude.

Don't forget though that just like you can't slim down overnight, you also can't transform your pessimistic thoughts into optimistic ones within a short time. Therefore be patient and try to integrate those changes gradually to your life!

1. Why do you want to lose weight? Is it because you can't stand the way others look at you? Or because those extra pounds prevent you from dating? Or just because you want to look like your celebrity idol? Write down all the reasons you can think of on a piece of paper, everything, big or small.

Even better, write them down on stickers and put those all over the place. Put them where you'll see them the most, like the fridge or bedroom walls, so you can never forget your weight loss goals.

2. Set realistic goals. This is a vital step to success. Most people fail because they try to do something they actually can't. Your final goal is of course your ideal weight. But how long does it take you to get there?

In reality, you had better aim for two pounds per week. It is not to say you cannot lose more but that is typical, and above all, realistic. Now you could easily estimate the time necessary to reach your destinations.

Next, you need to get some motivation. There are lots of ways to do this. For example, you can take photos of yourself periodically to see how long you've been moving forward. Or you can find a friend who shares the same goals and work together.

- 17269

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How To Pick The Right Diet For You

By Jeffrey Wilkins

A lot of people have been emailing us lately asking us how we grade our diet reviews, and what criteria we use to do it. There are hundreds of criteria that we use, but many of our highest rated diets all share some very common criteria and have many features in common. Let's take a look at four of our most common criteria to see how some of these diets stack up.

Allows you to eat anything. Ok so that headline is a little misleading, you can't really eat anything all the time, but you should be able to eat whatever you want, in the correct portions. Why should you be able to eat what you want? Because at some point you WILL eat what you want, and if foods you like aren't allowed on the diet almost all of us will break down at some point and eat it. If you know you are going to eat forbidden foods, why would you try a diet that doesn't allow you to eat them? Sounds like a recipe for failure to me.

Follows a balanced mix of meals. Have you ever seen the ads for the all grapefruit diet or the all eggs diet? Do you think you can eat grapefruit or eggs every day for every meal the rest of your life? Me either. Some fad diets will help you lose weight very quickly, but diets that focus on only one, or just a few food groups won't give you proper nutrition and at some point you have to start eating normal foods again. More often than not the results from these fad diets disappear when you get back to normal.

Has a good amount of exercise baked in. Diets that focus on what you eat and how you eat it are great and they are a very important part of losing weight and dieting, but they aren't the only part. You need to do a certain amount of exercise every day, or at least a few days a week to make sure your body will lose weight, and keep it off if your diet goes back to normal. Other factors for exercise include prevention of heart disease, and keeping your muscles strong as you get older to prevent your body from breaking down.

Is sustainable after the "diet" is done. So you did great, and you lost a ton of weight and never looked better in your swim suit. Now that you are "off" the diet, will you be able to keep it up for the rest of your life? This is our number one complaint about the Atkins diet. Yeah Atkins works great, but can you go without eating chocolate ice cream the rest of your life? I know I couldn't! Focus on diets that practice moderation and a variety of meal plans, to allow yourself flexibility and more important sustainability. The truly good diets will teach you proper eating habits that you can carry with you for the rest of your life. - 17269

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