Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Acai noni slimming blend uses nothing but the best.

By Collin James

Acai Noni Slimming blend uses the combination of three of the worlds best weight loss ingredients which is why I wanted to post this review for you to read. If you have ever been wanting to lose weight and also use a supplement that provides value along side of some very strong results, then then following three ingredients that are used in Acai Noni Slimming Blend should really make it stand out from all the rest for you.

1- The first ingredient that makes Acai Noni stand above the rest is the use of all the amazing properties that are found in the Acai Berry.According to ORAC, who scientifically rates fruits to determine which ones are simply the best for us and which ones have the strongest elements. The picture below shows you just how valued the Acai Berry is.

2 - In second ingredient used in Acai Noni is none other then the little fruit that is called "Hawaiian Noni", a few of the major features packed into the Noni fruit are its anti aging properties as well as it helps to fight depression. Improving your over all mood is vital if you want to succeed in losing weight.

3 - Green Tea Extract (in the purest form) which means it was steamed properly. Green Tea, has been used for thousands of years in China and as many, many benefits. The funny thing about Green Tea is, used all on its own, it is a very powerful weight loss tool. Combined with the two fruits above - I am thinking - Look Out!

Acai Noni also offers a 100% satisfaction guarantee. They know there product works and works well - but they also want to make sure you are 100% happy with you results. So - Acai Noni is offering you a free trial to test out the product before you commit to the full bill. Just pay a small shipping and handling charge and your off to lose weight! - 17269

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Losing Weight With Pharmaceutical Grade Fish Oil

By Dr. Bill

Yesterday I was discussing the current political scenario with some business partners. These guys are both astute and very funny, and we had plenty of fun talking about the so-called "stimulus" bill. Just about nothing they said can be repeated here, but maybe you'll hear them on the radio some day - unless the "Fairness Doctrine" stops them.

Anyway, today's question is: Are you overweight? "Too Fat To Fish?" as Artie Lange put it.

This is just common sense so I'm not going to spend time on medical specifics. We all know when we're dragging around too much ballast. I do and from talking with my friends, they seem to know too.

There are signs.

It takes more than a second to button up the pants.

Shirt collars tightening up.

Golf swing needing adjustment.

The dinner buffet means three trips to refill your plate minimum.

It takes just three flights of stairs to take the wind out of you.

It adds up. And I could go on from here. Like when you stop suddenly, your arms keep jiggling.

So there's no secrets here, we know we need to get leaner. It comes down to doing some planning.

First on the plan is to get on pharmaceutical grade fish oil and stay on it. Which is easy, a couple capsules a couple times per day.

The full benefits to your blood lipid levels come after 12-15 weeks based on the scientific studies, which is why you need to get started NOW.

Then you start altering your diet in small steps. A great way to start is by replacing the soda in your diet, including diet soda, with water. My friend made this change alone, as well as beginning to take pharmaceutical grade fish oil, and melted off 14 pounds in 8 weeks.

When he replaced the burgers he had for lunch with a salad just twice a week, six more pounds came off.

Then he reduced his ice cream intake to just four ounces a day. More weight came off.

He did some hill walking in the beginning for exercise, then started going up the hill faster over the weeks as his body allowed. Took him 15 minutes a day.

He's 35 pounds lighter today and looks a decade younger.

He didn't have to make any crazy lifestyle changes or eliminate whole food groups from his diet. Soda's not a food group and he doesn't even miss it, for that matter.

In fact, on a business trip he forgot to pack his fish oil. That, he felt immediately. After four days without a dose, he knew next time he'd just have some fish oil fedexed to him - it was that important.

This story is a very common one. Once you're on the road to health, your body wants to keep on it. Which is a good idea. - 17269

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Want to get a 6 pack now? Focus on your goals

By Max Burn

Have you ever seen ads on tv advertising a new way to get a six pack fast? There are literally hundreds of diet, exercise, and fitness programs out that promise to give you your dream body and six pack abs in no time flat. Some of these exercise and diet programs might actually work but they all neglect one vital part of any fitness plan that will deliver desired results over the long haul, goals.

Tom Venuto, fitness guru, says that the biggest mistake people make on their quest for six pack abs is that they fail to create written goals. Tom says that our minds are programed to keep things the same. Homeostasis is the technical term for your body's ability to keep itself the same as it was before. That's why our bodies resist any changes in diet or exercise that we impose on it. It is difficult at best to replace your old habits and body image since it has taken your entire life to develop these habits. In order to successfully reprogram our brains to accept the new behaviors and turn them into habits is to create written goals, and look at them everyday.

Write your goals as if you've already accomplished them. If you have a goal of eating 5 meals of lean protein and green vegetables then you shouldn't write your goals this way:

1. I'm going to eat chicken or lean protein and veggies whenever possible.

2. In order to eat 5 balanced meals per day, I won't eat pizza, Mexican food, soda, or cake.

3. In the future I'll eat balanced meals which include a lean protein. When ever I go out to eat I will make healthy meal choices.

The first goal is not a definite goal. There is too much room for interpretation and the words "whenever possible" can be interpreted as "never possible" especially if you're a busy person. The second goal is ineffective because our brains can't process what Tom Venuto calls deletion. Our minds will leave out words like "won't" or "avoid". So a sentence like "I will avoid eating Mexican food" will be interpreted by our brain as "I will eat Mexican food".

Here's a better way to write the above goal: I have achieved 6 pack abs and an ultra low body fat of 10% by eating 5 meals a day. These meals have consisted of a lean protein such as chicken, fish, or egg whites and dark green vegetables such as broccoli and spinach. I am proud of the way I look and love to show off my 6 pack abs on the beach.

The above goal is written with emotion, is specific, and is written as if it's already been accomplished. This is the most effective way to get your brain to accept the new behaviors and change them into habits that you don't have to think about much. If you write these goals down and look at them frequently you will keep your primary goals at the forefront of your mind and have the best chance at avoiding the cravings and urges to eat the wrong foods. So if you want to get six pack abs, write your goals down and look at them frequently. - 17269

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Feed Your Muscles and Starve Your Fat

By Victoria Jamison

When it comes to fitness and weight loss, one of the most difficult things to do is eat so you lose fat without shedding muscle. There are a few things you can do to help make this possible.

Keep On Eating

The way to lose body fat without losing muscle mass is to eat more, not less! Eating 6-7 meals throughout the day will provide the body with protein at regular intervals while limiting muscle loss.

When you eat more often, you let your body know that it can relax because more food is coming soon. This keeps your body from panicking and keeping some of your calories tucked away in the form of fat.

Keep energies up by having constant regular blood sugar levels. Not eating for long periods, decreases your blood sugar and makes you tired.

When you eat smaller meals more often, your body can better digest what you're putting into it. This means greater nutrient absorption and utilization. When you're body runs more efficient it craves food less often. Try to keep your meals 3-hours apart at the most.

Clean and Lean Food

When you eat processed simple carbohydrates you cause a huge jump in your bodies insulin levels. Try to avoid foods made with white flour and sugar. Instead eat proteins that are very lean and complex carbohydrates from fresh fruits and vegetables.

Break Off the Love Affair with Sugar.

Sugar is everywhere! It's in our home and in our supermarkets. Sometimes it's in plain site but other times it's hidden with other names we don't always recognize: Glucose, lactose, maltose, fructose, and sucrose. Some sugars are even harder to find and go by the name sorbitol, xylitol, mannitol, and malitol.

Drink more water

You're probably sick of hearing about water, but it really is God's perfect thirst quencher. I know the people at Gatorade don't like to hear that, but water does a great job. It will also help build muscle and burn fat. If you're drinking at least 8 glasses of water per day, you're doing a lot to help your body run more efficiently. This will result in better health and a leaner body.

Eat Protein

When you don't give your body enough protein it will turn to it's own lean muscle to gain energy. This obviously isn't a good thing. So, keep putting lean and clean proteins in and you'll be fine. Sometimes this is difficult to do. Try eating fish and chicken as much as you can. You can even throw in some lean beef every once in a while.

Rotate Your Carb Levels

Rotating carbohydrates allows you to control and manipulate your blood sugars and insulin response so you are allowing your body to burn more calories for energy instead of storing excess carbs as fat. Carbohydrate cycling is the act of lowering your carb intake for 1-2 days and bringing it back up. This keeps your metabolism from slowing down and makes dieting easier knowing that you can have higher carbs and calories in a few days.

Through carbohydrate rations and decreased overall carb intake you will push your body into massive fat burning mode. Watching your protein intake and intervals will make sure you don't lose your precious muscle tissues. - 17269

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Should Teenagers Drink Acai Berry Juice?

By Carter Sinclair

Both teenagers and parents alike might be wondering, "is the acai berry safe for teens?" This is the prudent thing to do, because you can never be too safe when it comes to the teenager body.

Luckily, you have nothing to fear when it comes to Acai berries. Asking if Acai berries are safe for teenagers is just like asking if apples, bananas, or grapes are safe for teenagers. Acai is a natural fruit, just like those mentioned above, so it is completely safe for anyone to take. It could be possible that someone could have an allergy to Acai, but that is no more likely than someone being allergic to an apple.

Instead of turning to healthy alternatives, most teens are reaching for soda, energy drinks, or coffee when they need a bit of a pick-me-up. Most schools do not help this problem and give students easy access to these high sugar energy drinks. This is very sad, because these drinks are known to stunt growth and promote obesity.

Acai berry juice can be a healthy and delicious alternative to these dangerous drinks. In fact, most teens say that acai juice gives them more energy than soda or energy drinks. Staring the day with a glass of acai juice is the perfect way for a teen to get ready for the day.

Another reason that this fruit is so good for teens is because of its high essential fatty acid content. As we all know the teenage years have their ups and downs. Omega fatty acids are known for their ability to improve mood and fight off depression. They also improve aspects of general braining functions such as increasing memory, which is always beneficial for a student.

Acai is one of the most powerful antioxidant foods on earth, which will help with many teens' #1 problem: Acne. Antioxidants help repair damaged skin and hair, and are one of the keys to fight off acne.

A high quality acai product is an organic way to help teenagers reach their full potentials. If you make sure to purchase an all natural pure acai product, you will never have to wonder if the acai berry is safe for a teenager. - 17269

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Fitness - Colon Cleanses to Lose Weight: Do They Really Work?

By Marc Bauer

Are you looking to lose weight? If you are, you may have used the internet to research weight loss products. When many of us think of weight loss product, diet pill are often the first thing that comes to mind. While diet pills may be able to help you achieve your weight loss goals, diet pills are not the only weight loss product that you may want to look into. A large number of individuals have successfully used colon cleanses, also commonly referred to as weight loss cleanses, to lose weight and you may want to think about doing the same.

When it comes to regulating colon cleanses to remove weight, there have been most individuals, presumably usually similar to you, who consternation how a total routine works. Prior to bargain how colon cleanses might assistance we remove weight, it is critical to recollect which there might be a variance. There have been a small colon cleanses which publicize which they have been written to assistance we remove weight. These sorts of colon cleanses have been additionally ordinarily referred to as weight detriment cleanses. With which in mind, there have been colon cleanses which publicize which they have been not upon trial to assistance we remove weight, even yet a small of them may.

When regulating a colon cleanse, it is critical which we follow all of an instructions since to you. For instance, there have been a small colon cleanses which need which we do not eat anything for a single or dual days. These sorts of colon cleanses have been mostly ones which have been in glass format. A colon cleanses in tablet format might ask which we usually eat as well as splash sure products, similar to fruits as good as vegetables. If we buy a colon clean which asks to we shorten your diet, we have been suggested to do so. This diet limitation is what creates it probable for us to remove weight, as good as concede a colon clean to scrupulously work.

When you use a colon cleanse, you are essentially detoxifying, your body. The colon cleanse will work to push toxins out from your colon and sometimes even your intestines. This is not only ideal to promote a healthy wellbeing, but it can also help you lose weight. It has been said that the average person has anywhere from four to eight pounds of stored waste in their body. When using a colon cleanse, that extra waste will be expelled from your body. This is why many individuals are able to lose weight with a colon cleanse.

If you are healthy to use a rapid colon cleanse, like one that works in three to seven days, you may notice a rapid weight loss. There are some individuals who use colon cleanses to quickly lose weight before a special event like a wedding or a vacation. While you may be healthy to achieve rapid weight loss with a colon cleanse, it is important that you proceed with caution. If you do not change the way that you take or add exercise to your regular activities, you may see your weight add back on it as little as a few weeks or a few days. This typically happens if you were asked to restrict your diet when using a colon cleanse. While you do not have to keep up with your restricted diet, you are advised to reduce your junk food intake and start a regular or at least a weekly exercise program.

Since it is more than possible for you to lose weight with a colon cleanse, you may be interested in giving one a try. When looking to buy a colon cleanse, you may be able to find them available for sale in traditional department stores, fitness stores, and health stores, both on and offline. Before buying a colon cleanse, you may want to search for product reviews online or speak with a healthcare professional. This will help to ensure that you if you do buy a colon cleanse that your money is well spent. - 17269

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Setting Up Your Personal Gym

By James

So you've made the decision to set up a personal gym in your home. Good for you! There are a lot home gyms out in the market that also doubles as a functional trainer. But what exactly makes them better than just the average home gym most people have? Well, let's find out.

Most functional home trainers are much easier to use than traditional home gyms. It's intuitive designs make them easier to figure out, as opposed to your regular home gym machines that take a lot of time to get used to.

Functional trainers significantly lower the learning curve required to adapt to a regular home gym, and also offers an assortment of charts showing several easy exercises to start you off. You can also increase the difficulty in these exercises as you progress.

Another advantage is that most functional trainers are a lot more compact than your average home gym. It makes it easier to store in closets or small spaces, which is ideal if you don't have a lot of free space, as in a condo.

Functional trainers also offer a lot more diversity compared to older, more traditional home gyms. It offers a wider array of exercises, unlike older home gyms that only lets you do regular exercises like chest presses, leg curls, etc. A functional trainer, with it's added handle and cable settings, will allow you to customize your own set and type of exercises. The different handles also allow you to work your muscles in a multitude of ways.

And best of all, functional trainers also give you a better deal for your money, compared to older, more traditional home gym models. A functional trainer may retail at just about the same price as a standard home gum, but just the fact that it is more compact and lets you do more types of exercises is ideal. You get more for your money for the same price.

So there it is, why having a more modern functional trainer is a better investment than traditional home gyms. I hope these tips will help you make better purchasing decisions next time you want to buy something at the fitness store. - 17269

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Suppress Appetite and Lose Weight with Caralluma

By Therese Zachary

Not everyone is familiar with Caralluma. You should try to learn more about it though. This is especially if you are overweight,or obese. This means you need to loose weight and to do that, you need to effectively control your appetite. With Caralluma fimbirata, appetite control doesn?t have to be a struggle.

The Caralluma Fimbriata Plant

A Cactus - Caralluma fimbriata is a plant that belongs to the cactus family. It grows in the wild in India and for centuries it has been used by hunters to stave off hunger during hunting expeditions. Ordinary citizens also used the plant when there weren?t enough food supplies to go around. The plant could be eaten raw or cooked but it was effective in controlling appetite in any way it is consumed.

Caralluma Fimbriata and Hoodia

Not many people heard of Caralluma fimbriata. It is common knowledge however that there really are other natural appetite suppressors. One such popular option is the Hoodia plant from Africa. Since Hoodia has the same appetite suppressing effects as Caralluma fimbriata, the two have often been compared.

Both natural ingredients are effective. Some people however may prefer products that contain Caralluma fimbriata. This is not because Caralluma is significantly more effective than Hoodia. Their preference is perhaps based more on ingredient supply. It is far harder to find products that contain authentic Hoodia. This is because the African plant is rare and its transport outside of its place of origin is strictly controlled. Caralluma fimbriata does not have the same strict rules for manufacturer acquisition.

Looking for Caralluma Fimbriata Products

Popularity Ratings - This succulent plant is gradually becoming well known. You only have to enter its name on a search engine to find more information about it. Moreover, a basic search will also provide you with a variety of product pages. There are a couple of products that are now sold online or in health stores that contain extracts of the plant. This is good news for a lot of people. You do not need to get a doctor?s prescription to get a few months? supply of a Caralluma product. This is mainly because authentic natural Caralluma products do not contain chemical additives and have not been known to cause any side effects.

Selecting Your Product - Your only real problem would be how to find out which products are good options. Even if there is sufficient raw plant supply, there are still some manufacturers who will try to rip you off with products that don?t really work. The effort of manufacturing authentic natural appetite suppressors can be taxing. If you want to find reputable products, you can check consumer product reviews. There?s nothing better than asking people who use Caralluma products about the effectiveness of a particular product brand. Products and brands that do not have a good reputation would also have online consumer warnings posted online. - 17269

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Can You Lose Weight Fast With Atkins And Get Results?

By Christine G. Shannon

When you begin to wonder about the Atkins diet, you wonder who Atkins was. Atkins is actually doctor Robert Atkins. He was an overweight physician who read a diet in the Journal of the American Medical Association and revised it to suit his needs. He wrote a series of diet books about his success back in the 1970's.

The Atkins diet or low carb diet, as it is often called, involves restricting carbohydrates, but allows all the protein you want. Some of the items you can eat on the Atkins diet are meats, eggs, cheese and butter, which is why many people try this diet. Of course, you can eat all the seafood you want and vegetables, except for the high carb ones, such as corn, dried beans, and of course, potatoes. You also have to eliminate any bread, pasta, rice and high carb fruits.

Eggs are also allowed on the food list as well as salad vegetables, most fats and some dairy products. Sugar free salad dressing is allowed as well as some other types of condiments. However, you must be careful about the beverages and sweeteners you may use while on this diet. Keep in mind while on the Atkins diet that the majority of fruits are restricted for consumption, with the exception of unsweetened strawberries, cherries, grapefruit, raspberries and cranberries.

If you can afford them, the Atkins diet has its own brand name products, such as low carbohydrate breakfast bars, quick and easy mixes, sugar free syrup and diet shake mixtures. They also offer a fourteen day starter kit to support your weight loss. If you are thinking of starting the Atkins diet for weight loss, you need to read the Atkins diet books and understand the diet fully. This can be a problem if you are short of time or hate reading.

Following the Atkins diet means that you will be counting carbohydrates rather than calories. There are different phases to the diet, the first of which is the induction phase. In the induction phase many foods are restricted. With the next phase, you can add more carbohydrates back into your diet. With the final phase, you are allowed more carbohydrates but you are still restricted in the amount of carbohydrates you can consume.

There is an Atkins diet support system which offers online support via a newsletter, discussion groups, sample menus, a research library, topics of frequently asked questions and recipes. You can also get support from fellow Atkins dieters.

The Adkins diet is a good plan for many individuals to lose weight, but does not work for everybody. Some people are unable to avoid bread, potatoes, rice and pasta and can't stand it anymore and break down and cheat or just quit. They have to find another diet program that will work for them.

The most difficult aspect to a diet is maintaining a healthy weight, which means keeping the excess fat off. This is very true if you put on weight easily. The only way to guarantee the results is to commit yourself to follow a healthy diet and make lifestyle changes. Fat Loss 4 Idiots at the link below makes this process easy to understand as well as to follow and perhaps this diet plan is just what you have been looking for. - 17269

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How to Have Healthy Eyes

By psychic

How To Brighten Eyes

There is often nothing you can do about the color of the whites in your eyes. Eating well can lead to a whiter white, but the difference many not be all that noticeable. That does not mean you have to give up on having the youthful look or bright eyes however. What you have to do is to find out some makeup tricks that can help brighten eyes.

Many of these are very simple, and you may wonder why you didnt think them up on your own. You may already have what you need at home, or you can get the required items wherever you buy your makeup.

One trick that helps to brighten eyes also helps them to appear larger. This is done with a stick of white eyeliner. You may have a bit of a hard time finding this in your favorite brand, but look through all brands in the store. Someone will have it. If not, order it online.

What you do is apply your normal eyeliner as you always do, and then add a line of white underneath the eye under your normal color. This may look funny to you at first, but no one will notice. It will brighten eyes, make them look bigger, and give you a fresh look. You may have to experiment to get it just right, but it works very well.

Another trick that can brighten eyes is one that some also use to look younger. You probably have a few shades of foundation in your house that you bought only to find they were not quite right. I know that I always put these away because they cost so much, and throwing them out hurts a bit. You want to look through these and get out the one that is too light, but still close to your natural skin coloring. When you dont have any, all you have to do is go out and buy one shade lighter (or even two) than the one you always wear.

You can use this trick to do two things. What you want to do is to apply your normal foundation as you always do. Then, to brighten eyes and look younger, you want to take the lighter shade and dab it under each eye. Blend it in and stand back. This should take away any dark circles under your eyes that have aged you, and it should also brighten eyes quite well. You can apply the lighter color around your mouth where deep lines have occurred to look even younger. Once you have blended, add your powder to keep it in place. You will love how you look when you are done. - 17269

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Body Cleansing Diet

By Charlie Reese

Just like home spring cleaning, a periodic body cleansing diet does your body good!

When the cold months end and spring is in the air, most home makers get in the mood for a good and vigorous spring cleaning, chasing away the accumulation of spider webs on the outside of the windows, cleaning up the garage and closets and doing tasks that require opening the windows, such as oven cleaning. A hundred years ago, people also gave their bodies a 'spring cleaning', using herbs and various elixirs designed to clean the body. Somehow, (maybe due in part to the odious cod liver oil Mama always had on hand), this practice fell by the wayside as modern medicine progressed, with a solution to every ailment. However, a yearly body cleansing diet is perhaps more necessary than it was a century ago.

Today, there are many environmental pollutants which accumulate as toxins in our bodies. For example, automobile, truck and bus emissions are everywhere. If you've ever gone outside a major metropolitan airport to stretch your legs while waiting for a connecting flight, you know what I'm talking about " the air doesn't look fit to breathe and smells just as bad. Pesticides are other offenders. Poor dietary habits can create deficiencies which leave your body in a poor condition. All of these factors contribute to a variety of health conditions. Using a body cleansing diet is one way to fight back and flush some of these toxins from your body and give you a fresh start.

Here are just a few ways to refresh your body's organs and boost your immune system function, all without the unpleasant ritual of cod liver oil!

Your liver and kidneys are the main storage and processing organs for any toxins which find their way into your body. Let's address these first. The root of the dandelion plant is a marvelous tonic for your liver, detoxifying and strengthening the function of this most important organ. Every body cleansing diet should include this powerful and safe herb. If your liver function is impaired with a condition such as the classic 'fatty' liver, use Milk Thistle seed, another safe remedy, which, while acting as a tonic, also has the proven ability to regenerate liver cells.

To keep your kidneys in top condition, cranberries are an excellent way to disinfect the kidneys and flush out accumulated toxins. This addition to your body cleansing diet decreases your risk of urinary tract and other bacterial infections of the kidneys. If you like cranberry juice, a glass a day helps keep the doctor away. Alternatively, you can buy powdered cranberries, in capsules, at the health food store to keep your kidneys healthy.

One reason we feel so bad when we're down with the flu is that an excess of toxins are released into the blood stream, causing those awful muscle aches and pains. Here, burdock root provides a way to rapidly and throughly clean your bloodstream.

In moist and damp winter climates, you may develop respiratory conditions, such as bronchitis or pneumonia. Given the right conditions, these can become chronic, eventually progressing to even more serious and even fatal conditions. Even if you breeze through the cold months without coming down with anything, a good body cleansing diet should address issues of the lungs. A combination of elecampane root, pleurisy root and a dash of cayenne pepper, in approximately a 8:2:1 ratio respectively, restores your lungs and cleans out any pockets of mucus you may not have even noticed.

Get your immune system response in top condition with Echinacea, now widely known to ward off colds, when taken at the fist sign of symptoms.

We all have just one body to carry us through life. Implementing a body cleansing diet once or twice a year will help keep you hale and hearty well into your older years. - 17269

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