Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Sunday, March 1, 2009

How to Detoxify Your Body With Foods

By Kym Butterworth

Although detox types, lengths and strengths vary, a detox can remove poisonous chemicals, residues and toxins from your body when done properly and constantly. In her book "The Fast Track One-Day Detox Diet, Ann Louise Gittleman takes readers through an 11-day detox plan. She instructs her readers to eat specific foods for 7 days, followed by a one-day fast. Readers are then introduced to particular detox foods.

When fasting, detoxers should note that drinking a tasty, spiced miracle juice can help prevent hunger pangs, boost metabolism, steady blood sugar levels and flush harmful toxins out of the bodys system. This spiced drink includes cinnamon, nutmeg and ginger, cranberry, lemon juice and orange juice.

A century ago we didn't experience exposure to these toxic substances and chemicals. These synthetic chemicals didn't even exist prior to the industrial age. Now all of us experience exposure to toxins in skin products such as cleansers and cosmetics, even tap water and the water we bathe in. It's difficult to gauge the proficiency of a detoxifying agent to counteract these toxins.

The pollutants accumulate in your system and can make weight loss more difficult, as well as create lethargy, asthma, allergic reactions, and faster aging. The root of the dandelion and the milk thistle are two effective ingredients in most detoxification beverages.

Learning how to detox your body does wonders for your system by allowing your organs to function better. When you detox, whatever you eat gets processed that much easier. Health advisors encourage a one week diet of raw fruits and plants, which, when supplemented with vitamins and green tea, can go a long way toward the detoxification of your body.

Your system is able to rid itself of toxic substances when you feed it only basic, easily digested foods. A burger takes several hours for digestion to complete, while an apple takes only twenty minutes. Our raw food detox protocol is a week long detoxifying diet that focuses on easing the workload of your liver and colon.

There are lots of things you can do to help with your diet plan, things like books, kits, tablets as well as giving great instructions how to diet. you should always consult your doctor when ready.

When it comes to doing a detox, the sooner the better is definitely the way to go. Common side effects of doing a detox include headaches (from eliminating caffeine), getting a rash or other breakout, and feeling lethargic. These can be caused by toxins stored in your fat being released into the bloodstream. What will happen as you detox may be a bit unpredictable, but once the process is complete you will feel great. - 17269

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Truth About Abs Review - Ab Building Program Revealed

By Thomas Moore

Have you been looking for ab workout programs for some time now however up to this very moment haven't yet owned even one? With a dozen of ab workout programs you'll see online, you may really find it tough to choose and have one for yourself.

Well, it may be just you're lucky day today as you've landed on the right place. Here we'll be naming names of the ab workout programs that we find to be really great and effective. Finally pick one.

Our 3 Great Picks:

#1 : Truth About Abs

Winning the first spot is the Truth About Abs. It has been one of the most popular ab workout programs in the market and has been one of the few programs proven to be effective. It is so distinct as it doesn't give serious focus to stomach muscles, like most programs do. Mainly, it deals with complete body workouts and a way of life diet.

Ab-Building Ability:

No doubt, Truth About Abs has the ability to eliminate your stubborn belly fat and grant you leaner body with six pack abs. Workout program has the #1 ultimate hard-body exercise and unique workout ideas to share to you. Not to mention that it also has list of the right kind of foods and fastest fat-burning foods to eat that surely will be of great help to you in achieving better-looking body.

Ease of Use:

With Truth About Abs, you'll be in better shape the simple way. No need to do so tiring yet ineffective ab exercises like crunches and sit-ups or even do those boring repetitive cardio exercise routines. No need for you as well to take those "extreme fat burner" pills and other misleading supplements that surely will just waste your money and time. With Truth About Abs, all you need to do is to regularly do complete body workouts, eat healthy, non-fattening foods, and live healthy lifestyle.

Customer Service:

Customer service of Truth About Abs is just so good. Inquiries and concerns are welcomed, and are most likely answered within a day. Answers are believed to be always complete.

#2 :Your Six Pack Quest

Your Six Pack Quest is just right on the second spot. Basically, it aims to help people who have been wanting to lose excess belly fat and get flat, perfect abs. This workout program is unique, extending some videos and ebooks which emphasize possible role of physical fitness, nutrition and motivation to achieving body in better form.

Ab-Building Ability:

With the program covering aspects of effective weight loss and toning process, it surely can give you six pack abs. It also has detailed meal plans of different calorie amounts and kinds including a vegetarian meal-plan ebook, a virtual trainer software, and workout materials that can all help in lessening belly fat build up in you.

Ease of Use:

Your Six Pack Quest isn't an easy program to follow. Thus, if you're looking for program that is not complicated to follow, or can be use simply, then this might not be the program for you.

Customer Service:

Customer service of Your Six Pack Quest can be reached via email and can answer inquiries related to the program within 48 hours.

#3 : Combat Core Strength

Combat Core Strength is a not so popular yet very effective program. It has a lot of unique exercises that could help you build lean muscle and get ripped abs. This program is great and a must have.

Ab-Building Ability:

Although it has the ability to give you abs, Combat Core Strength is actually not a program packaged as a "six pack abs" program. Its main focus is on giving you "core" strength and full, healthy body.

Ease of Use:

Some of the exercises in the Combat Core Strength program are not that easy to perform, thus, they have been believed to be perfect for serious professionals. But this doesn't mean that average individuals can't anymore try the program, they may even benefit more from the program just as long as they are determined to have better body in better form.

Customer Service:

Customer service of Combat Core Strength attends to customer concerns through email, one of the common means of communication. - 17269

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Should You Use A Diet Delivery Service?

By Susan Reynolds

A lot of people are not familiar with the new term "diet delivery," this is a new,modern service supplied to you for a cost that acts as dietitian, chef, and personal shopper to assist you in your fight to lose weight. This is a unique and very promising method for people who have a hard time sticking to their diet that helps and assists them in experiencing success in their weight-loss agenda.

All the meals that are delivered, are very low in calories, fat and are full of nutritional value. The meals are prepared by experts, including chefs who understand the nutritional requirements you need, while you are on your journey to lose weight. Once the meals are delivered to your door, your only requirement is to heat and serve at your convenience. You can see now, why a diet delivery service can be very beneficial to your success in shedding pounds.

Smaller diet delivery services can usually tailor a diet to your personal needs, rather than the larger, more corporate services who have set menus. This means that if you want to cut certain sugars or foods out of your diet, or there are particular foods you want to put into your diet, you can ask for these variations in your diet plan. You can make requests for completely different foods if you become tired with the plan and want to substitute other foods that will still be inline with your calorie intake. It is all a painless process that helps you become slimmer, makes life easier and the huge benefit that your food will be tastier!

There is the concern of cost when you join a diet delivery service. They can run anywhere from $30 a day on up. Some plans include five meals per day delivered before 6am, while others only include three meals. You also have to remember that sometimes delivery charges are not included in your daily meals price. You should prepare yourself to be completely committed to the diet program you join or else it is wasted money down the drain.

Diet delivery services have proven to be a beneficial method for those tough dieters, as well as for people who cannot find the time to cook with their current lifestyles. Youll find that many of the diet delivery companies only provide service to certain areas. A lot of the larger corporate businesses deliver more regionally. If you have the money to invest in having your food delivered and really want to lose weight, then it is obvious that your life can improve significantly with a diet delivery service. - 17269

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Are You Willing to Follow 6 Tips to Build Muscle Fast?

By Allen Brian

95% of human being is impatient. This is also true to those who want to build their body. A lot of people are dying for the secrets of how to build muscle faster, here is some thing for you and you will get results within weeks.

The very first thing you know while you get started build you muscle is not to do many workouts. Many people think that the harder workout exercise (reps, liftings and weights) they do, the greater results they will get. That is totally incorrect.

If you want to build muscle faster, instead of overtrain your body, there are several right methods out there for you to choose from. Damaged muscle recover takes time. If you damage or strain muscles, it may take up to monthly to cover for next working out exercise. If you are recovering on your back, you can't continue building muscle.

Setting your maximum weight lifting of muscle strength at 70 to 80 percent is a good idea. At this stage of muscle damage, muscle is not overtrained and will add more muscles after the muscle repairs itself. Quickly building muscle means you should take on quick workouts that last no more than one hour each, or the lactic acid buildup will create negative effects.

Cut Out Any Aerobics

Aerobics are nothing good in building mass muscle. But they are good for cardio. Actually, aerobics have negative effect in your muscle building process.

More Fish and Meat

Be sure to eat lean red meats and fish. Such as, salmon that contains high amounts of Omega-3. The more meat is better. Meat contains a lot of protein, which will enhance muscle growth.

Get Plenty of Rest.

Have a full day rest after a day of weight lifting. Which mean no continuous workout for 2 days. You also can train certain part of muscle in day 1 and train totally different part of muscle in day 2. The main purpose is letting muscle rest and repair itself. In order for muscles to heal, you will need plenty of sleep. As we mentioned before, muscle healing leads to larger muscles.

To continue building muscles, you have to have the proper hydration. The function of suitable hydration is regulating your body temperature, cushioning your joints, eliminating body waste and carrying nutrition. These are all things that are important to your own general health and to working out properly.

Good Protein Source

Lean chicken, lean red meat eggs, tuna, salmon are good protein source for your meal plan if you are trying to build muscle faster. Eating lean meats are essential for muscle building. In order to increase your muscle growth, fat loss and increase muscle strength, you can eat some foods that will stimulate your testosterone level, like red meat and salmon.

Ask Doctor Frequently

For the proper rest of muscles, you need to talk to your doctor regularly. Your doctor will give you many tips on staying as healthy as possible.

Get Enough Sleep

8 to 10 hours sleeping is crucial for building muscle faster. For this amount of sleep, your muscle can relax and build muscle mass faster. For your muscles grow faster, you need to sleep. Remember; sleep if you get the chance. - 17269

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Imagine... You Can Gain Muscle Mass in Just Weeks

By Allen Brian

Every male wants to gain some muscle mass. But, if you want to do it on your own without using artificial supplements or dangerous steroids, then you need plenty of commitment and discipline to your diet and your physical training. Remember to rethink your schedule and determine the duration of you working out in the gym and make essential change to your diet. For gaining muscle mass, here are 4 hot tips you can use and shape your body up.

Do You Count Sodium

Sodium is a kind of essential mineral that our body need. It is good because it can increase the growth of muscle and cell fluid volume. Though it's a nice water keeper, but is not good for building muscle mass. It can also boost the absorption of amino acids and carbohydrate storage in our body. Because it can increase the level of fluid in your cells, it can improve your joint leverage and give you more physical strength and allow you to have fewer muscle strains and injuries to soft tissues when you weight train. Sodium has another function to improve the responsiveness of muscles to insulin.

Fish and Other Foods That Contain Omega-3

Fish and foods contain a lot of Omega-3 fatty acids which can help you to gain more muscle mass. Go for fish with tons of omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon, mackerel, lake trout, sardines, tuna and herring. There are a lot of Omega-3 fatty acids sources, like walnuts, cauliflower, broccoli, oregano, tofu, soybeans, Brussels sprouts, kale, spinach, mustard seeds and flax seeds. To make our muscle more susceptible to insulin, you can eat foods above, which can help you to store more glycogen and grow more muscle mass. Glutamine is important for helping protein metabolism and prevents muscle from weakening. And eat fish that contains Omega-3 fatty acids can help you with that.

Free Weights Training

Want to gain more muscle mass, and then eating the proper diet is not enough. You have to do some resistance-training workout, such like free weight with dumbbells. They would work out your ancillary muscles and build compound mass on them. Wide range of working out is a kind of good exercise and dumbbells is good and versatile equipment for you to do this. This small piece of equipment can be used for many muscle sets in order to gain more muscle mass.

Exercise Regimen Experimentation

No one is born with inert knowing of how their bodies respond to varied exercises. What works for others may not work for you and vice versa. After trying different kind of workout exercises, you can tell which workouts can help you gain more muscle mass. If you want to find out about more of them, there are many websites including my own website that provide information and advice about gaining muscle mass, particularly if you have failed in using other types of exercise. - 17269

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Fitness - What to Consider When Choosing an Exercise Video

By Dani Maurer

Are you interested in losing weight? If you are, you may be interested in starting your own weight loss program. Of course, you can join a local weight loss program or even an online weight loss program, but many individuals prefer to do their own, at-home weight loss programs. If you are one of those individuals, you may be interested in buying exercise videos. Exercise videos, also commonly referred to as workout videos, are a great addition to any weight loss program. Although you may have bought workout videos before, have you even done so when seriously trying to lose weight? In the United States, a large number of individuals buy exercise videos just because. Just because exercise videos are a lot different than exercise videos that are a part of a weight loss plan. That is why you should shop for them differently.

When it comes to buying exercise videos for yourself, as a part of your weight loss program, there are number of important factors that you may want to take into consideration. These factors will not only make buying exercise videos for yourself easier, but they will also help to ensure that you choose the exercise video or videos that are best for you and your own individualized needs. A few of the many factors that you should take into consideration, when buying an exercise video are outlined below.

One of the many factors that you will want to take into consideration, when buying exercise videos as a part of your weight loss plan, is the type of exercises that you want to do. For instance, you often get to choose between traditional aerobic videos, yoga, Pilates, kickboxing, and so forth. To spice up your weight loss plan and to keep it fun and exciting, you may want to think about buying a collection of exercise videos, particularly a mixture of them.

Another one of the many factors that you will want to take into consideration, when buying an exercise video for your weight loss program, is difficulty. What you need to remember is that many workout videos come in sessions. For instance, it is possible to find kickboxing videos that are designed for beginners, those at the intermediate level, as well as those at an advanced level. You want to make sure that you choose the right video for yourself. If you are not careful, you may end up with an advanced workout video that you cannot even use, as you are unable to keep up with the instructor.

In your search for exercise videos, you will find that they are sold for a wide range of prices. Some are affordable, others are a little bit more costly, and many are downright expensive. Of course, the expensive workout videos may be worth the cost, but you never really know until you order them. One way to help make sure that you are spending your money wisely is to search for exercise video reviews online. This can often be done with a standard internet search.

Most times, you will find that any exercise video is better than no video at all, but taking the time to find the perfect one will likely make your weight loss program much more enjoyable. - 17269

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Advance Wellness Research Product Review

By Linda Kemp

Keeping yourself at optimal health can be a challenge with a hectic lifestyle. With all you have to do during the course of the day it's not easy to get to the health store or pharmacy to pick up supplements that contribute to better health.

Think of how much easier life would be if you could have supplements for better living delivered right to your door without having to worry about placing an order every few weeks.

Advanced Wellness Research is a company that will take the hassle out of getting the best supplements and products for your good health.

The Advanced Wellness Research team strives to find the best supplements, and then deliver them to you risk free. Supplements like: Pure Acai Berry and the Bright Teeth Whitening System are proven effective and safe.

In fact, the people at Advanced Wellness Research promise never to sell any product they wouldn't give to their families. They seek out the best health products and then put them through rigorous testing to ensure their safety and high quality.

Every product that Advanced Wellness Research markets is available for you to try, free of charge, before you commit to buying.

Convenient Auto Shipping - With many companies that sell health supplements you have to remember to order additional supplies, or make a trip to the store. But with Advanced Wellness Research, you will receive automatic shipments of your favorite supplement at intervals convenient for you.

You can choose to receive an order every month, every other month, once a year, or whatever suits your needs with the freedom to cancel at any time.

If you're tired of missing doses because you forgot to order, or just can't make it to the store, then you owe it to your health to try Advanced Wellness Research. With their risk-free policy and cancel-at-any-time shipping, you have only superior health to gain. - 17269

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Should You Buy Organic and Not Just for Health Benefits

By Kiiera Succes Group

Weve all been told that organic food is better for us; it contains more minerals and less dangerous chemicals, but lots of people dont even stop to consider the benefits organic food has on our environment and on its producers. In addition to various other benefits, organic products put fewer pesticides, fertilizers, and other dangerous chemicals into the environment. This makes it beneficial for not only your family, but for other families now and in the future.

A major benefit of reduced chemicals from agriculture is an improvement in our soil quality. Organic farming works to build the soil naturally through companion planting and crop rotations. This works with the natural system to keep the soil healthy. Traditional agriculture uses chemicals to supplement soil; treating the symptom without treating the cause.

Do you think all the chemicals from agriculture end up in the plants or soil? Think again. Water from rain or irrigation doesnt all stay on the fields. It can run off into lakes, rivers, and streams. It can also seep deep into the soil and enter underground water supplies. And when this water leaves the fields, it takes all the dangerous chemicals with it. So even if you dont eat the food produced by traditional agriculture, you could still be getting these chemicals through your local water supply. And while many places control the amount of these chemicals, others cant. In many rural areas, the only available source of water is from the ground.

If youre concerned about the effect these dangerous chemicals might have on your family, think of the consequences of working with these chemicals every day. People who work on traditional farms are exposed to fertilizers and pesticides more often and in higher amounts than your family will ever be. There are many cases every year of people being poisoned with agricultural chemicals; accidentally and intentionally.

Pesticides can affect wildlife in the area. If you kill off all the bugs, the birds have nothing to eat. Then the animals that eat the birds will also have nothing to eat. If animals survive, but still have chemicals in their system, they can poison larger animals that eat them. Another factor is that not all insects are pests. Many pesticides also kill beneficial wildlife as well as the harmful inhabitants.

What may be the worst affect of traditional agriculture is that its other practices make the need for pesticides and fertilizers greater. Planting the same crop year after year can make your plants more susceptible to pests. Failing to keep the soil from washing away makes the new soil require more fertilizers so plants will grow. Traditional farming is taking no steps to reduce their use of chemicals, just to make them greater.

In addition to the benefits of chemical free agriculture, organic producers work with the environment as a system. They promote conservation of water and soil and strive to keep the land the way it is so future generations can work the land as well. - 17269

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Foods That Equate to Health

By Dr. Lorna Mistranski

Research has shown that a traditional Mediterranean diet provides assistance in protecting the body from type 2 diabetes.

A Mediterranean diet is abundant in olive oil, grains, fruits, nuts, vegetables, and fish, but low in meats, dairies, and alcohol.

Current evidence suggests that such a diet has a protective role in cardiovascular disease, but little is known about how this diet effects those with type 2 diabetes.

Researchers gathered 13,000 graduates from the University of Navarra in Spain with no history of diabetes and recruited between December 1999 and November 2007; each graduate had their dietary habits and health were subsequently tracked.

Developers of the study arranged to have a questionnaire that was designed to measure each participants eating habits. The test totaled 136 questions that asked the participants specifically about their cooking methods, types of oils they use, and their overall dietary supplements.

The participants were then notified every two years by a questionnaire that asked each about their diet, lifestyle, and other medical conditions. From this information, researchers were able to pick up new cases of diabetes

During the follow-up period (median 4.4 years) the researchers from the University of Navarra found that participants who stuck closely to the diet had a lower risk of diabetes. A high adherence to the diet was associated with an 83% relative reduction in the risk of developing diabetes.

Interestingly, those participants who stuck strictly to the diet were expected to have the highest prevalence of risk factors for diabetes such as they got older with age, a family history of diabetes, and a higher proportion of ex-smokers.

This assumption proved to be false; If fact, say the authors, they had a lower risk of diabetes, suggesting that the diet might provide substantial protection.

The characteristics of the diet include a high intake of fiber and vegetable fat, a low intake of trans fatty acids, and a moderate intake of alcohol.

A key element of the diet is the abundant use of virgin oil for cooking, frying, spreading on bread, and dressing salads.

The scientist finished by calling for larger cohorts and trials to confirm their findings. - 17269

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