Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

How To Get Strong, Build Muscle and Lose Fat With Only A Barbell

By Caleb Lee

I had a subscriber who inquired:

"Is it possible to build strength, put on muscle and burn off fat if I don't have a power rack and I only have access to a barbell? Not even an Olympic barbell, but one of those old crappy cement filled barbell sets"

I know precisely the weights this guy is saying. I believe nearly everyone of us grew up with them right? They were basically cement weights covered in plastic, and over time the plastic busted up and the cement started to get busted below remember?

I guess I'm showing my age :)

To cut a long story short...

Yeah! Exactly! Even, an old-school equipment like the barbell can certainly make you achieve maximum strength and power!

You just need somebody to teach you exactly how. Fortunately you met me. And thank heavens I just read a large amount of Dan John's awe-inspiring "From the Ground Up".

In this brilliant little ebook Dan John defines the "Rapid Ascent Program", which made up of three exercises:

1. Power Clean

2. Push Press

3. Front Squat

And here's how you did the program (from his book):

"The program was incredibly simple. In the beginning, groups of four boys were given a bar. The bars were weighted from very lightit could be 25 poundsup to possibly close to 100 pounds. Each group of boys would lift one at a time, put the bar down, then the next boy would lift. The four would continually move from lifter to watcherthe bar never stopped. The three sets (explained in just a moment) would not take very longactually, at times it was hard to catch your breath in time for your next set.

The repetitions were incredibly simple

* First set: 8 repetitions

* Set #2: 6 reps

* Set #3: 4 reps

The goal was simple: when you got all 18 reps (8+6+4), you added weight. If you started with a bar that was too light, the next workout, you would be bumped up to the next weight and a stronger group. (Of course, actual variations could include making a whole new group with more weight, tooor whatever necessary to make the group work together)."

Looks simple doesn't it?

That's the beauty of this program!

You don't need lots of equipment to build a hard body with muscles of steel... all while increasing your cardiovascular fitness and knocking out fat.

What you DO need is a little "do or die" attitude. You have to decide you really WANT to achieve your fitness goals, then you'll find a way to use whatever equipment you have available to make it happen.

I enjoy program since it corresponds the DoubleYourGains' philosophy of training movement patterns in place of a bunch of workouts. The Rapid Ascent program has a press move (military press), a pull move (power clean), a squat move (front squat) and an explosive/hamstring move (power clean).

How to do the "Rapid Ascent" program for cardio and fat loss:

Coach Dan points out that you could also get a great cardio workout and burn some fat:

"To "hurry up" the trainingas if it was critical, there were times when Mr. Freeman suggested combining the Power Clean and Military Pressesone clean and one press, repeated for a total of eight reps. This was made with a lighter weight. One could also perform the Front Squats after the clean and presses, too. I have only done this onceand it was an astounding cardiovascular workout."

So if you believe you don't have enough equipment to get into your best shape and reach your fitness goals you are incorrect. You are incorrect. You are incorrect.

Heck, you don't even need a barbell. You can start with the DoubleYourGains' bodyweight program. You can do pullups on your door frame (for extra strong fingers) or just grab the top of a door and go to town (or a tree limb, anything you can hang from, etc) Trust me, if THAT workout gets easy for you - you will be a certified STUD.

After that, as soon as you get hold of good Olympic barbell set you can start the DoubleYourGains' 3-5 Program. - 17269

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Get the Body You Want with Bodybuilding Workouts that Work

By Quentin Sanderson

If you are one of those people whose metabolism is really fast, you must have been embarrassed by it on various counts. Looking physically fragile is not the best thing for people who are looking to make a career in sports for example. But the good news is that with proper diet charts and food intake you can put on mass, and fast. There are also some body workouts and weight lifting techniques that you can incorporate into your daily routine, to gain well-built muscles.

In a nutshell, you need to know what to eat, when to eat and how to workout, to get desired results. Just reading up things from popular body building magazines and trying them tirelessly without desired results can be quite frustrating. When you are thin and not prone to putting on weight, you need a whole new game plan to gain muscle mass, from the techniques regular bodybuilders use. You need to chart out a routine that would work for you; a combination of weight training,weight lifting techniques, cardiovascular exercises and more. A bodybuilder usually has a good physique and is only aiming towards enhancing it. For you, however, things would be little different.

Before starting out on any fitness program or weight lifting technique you should always keep in mind that you are not a body builder, that you do not have their stature and structure. So you have to keep in mind that you cannot afford to do what others do. In fact if you indeed follow a strict regimen and do specially designed weight gain exercises then you will have the possibility of gaining as much as 30 pounds in muscle weight in a mere period of one week. And subsequently if you keep maintaining the regimen you will be guaranteed with a whole new look by the simple virtue of getting a radically different body structure, which is broad and wholesome.

However, with the right kind of exercise and proper nutrition you can gain those six pack abs and the biceps and triceps you always envied on the school swimming champion! When people think that they need to have enough muscle mass to be successful sportsmen, they are thinking along the wrong side of a circular logic. Since they are sportsmen they require to build that extra muscle mass in order for their body to manage the rigorous training that they go through.

Proteins play a key role in the hardgainer weight lifting technique. This means you need to include eggs, meat, and fish into your daily diet. Milk is the most efficient provider of calcium to the body on a regular basis. Therefore, hold on to that glass of whiteness for as long as you can. Drink a lot of energy drinks. Protein shakes are also available as supplements. Fresh fruits and green vegetables are very good sources of fiber.

If you are able to do the needful you will see your body change within a week and you will love the results. This would also help you attain self-confidence and self esteem. Use the program designed especially for you and there is no reason why you would not get desired results. - 17269

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Methods to For a Better Child Brain Development

By Michael Byrd

When and how to get better brain development for your child is essential; many suggest the use of computer programs. Experts however believe that it should be done with timing. It is indeed useless if the child's brain development has actually closed.

An excellent time to help with a child's brain development is even before the baby is born up until it reaches three years of age. This is the best time to have the most impact on the child's brain development and its ability to learn for the rest of their life.

It may be strange to begin earlier than they're able to read, write or reason, but studies have shown that these skills are slowly developed even before a child reaches kindergarten.

Recently there was a research study conducted that was published in Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology [Vol. 42: 174-181], where doctors used 56 babies as their subject, and they were as young as 5 days old. Their diets were filled with omega 3 fish oil fatty acids and DHA.

The set of babies that were given DHA showed significantly higher cognitive and motor skills, as compared to the other set of babies (those without fish oil supplements) based on the "Mental Development Index."

The doctors then made a conclusion that a dietary supply of fish oil with DHA at an early age is a major factor in determining improved performance and mental development among full term babies.

Rresearch on premature babies, that was published in the Clinics of Perinatology, . [Vol. 22(1):157-75], established that babies who are not born full term also benefit from fish oil. Those given omega 3 fatty acids with DHA as supplements definitely had improvement in their cognitive and visual development.

These are just few of the several researches that can prove the secret to a child's brain development is acquiring enough amounts of omega 3 with DHA.

DHA happens to be the richest long-chain omega 3 in the brain tissue. It is said that 95% of all the lipids at birth consist of DHA and forms part of the brain tissues during the pregnancy and during the first year of life.

Women should eat more fish and get dietary supplements of fish oil during pregnancy. It is a good way to enhance a child's brain development and assures a child's intelligence and better ability to learn in the future.

After that, be sure that you breast-feed during the first year. High amounts of omega 3's can be found in breast milk.

Research that was published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition illustrated that even moderate amounts of dietary fish oil with DHA will radically elevate breast milk content. [Vol. 40, 780-785]

The study on brain development influenced my wife to use fish oil during her pregnancy and nursing and also supplement the diet of our children with salmon oil while they were just six months old.

It was not difficult to give them the supplements. We extracted it from the capsule, placed it in a spoon and made them drink it. We are proud to say how people have observed them to be so smart and they have nice test scores to prove it.

But the best part is they are happy and healthy children too. Try fish oil on your kids and you will be thankful you did. - 17269

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Benefits of Whey Protein

By Travis Killian

The macronutrients (protein, carbohydrates, and fat) are essential to human life. Fats and carbohydrates have a primary purpose to help us have a constant supply of energy, but protein serves a different primary purpose.

Proteins are different because they are composed of chains of nitrogen. This is further divided into little units called amino acids - and these are the basic building blocks of muscle. Amino acids also serve as an essential source of dietary nitrogen, which is an essential element for your body.

Because these amino acids help to build lean muscle, it is important to consume a lot of them when you are trying to get a better physique. This is why whey protein is so important. Whey protein digests within a half and hour and contains all of your essential amino acids. In addition, whey protein is very cheap and it tastes swell as well.

Why is it important to take whey protein after you workout? After you workout, your body is highly sensitive to insulin. Insulin helps to shuttle macronutrients to your muscles instead of fat cells. This sensitivity declines within an hour or two after you workout.

During this period it is very important to get as much protein and carbohydrates to your muscles as possible. You want to build back up your glycogen reserves and build back stronger so that you can hit the gym sooner. This allows for you to grow faster and stronger than ever.

So this sounds great, but is it safe? Whey protein is very safe for you; in fact, there is little evidence to suggest that it has any harmful side effects. Since it is found naturally in foods, especially milk, you can rest assured that whey protein will not do any damage, unlike steroids.

When is it most important to consume protein and how much should you consume? Well that is entirely up to you, but the best times to make use of whey protein is post workout and right after you wake up. Your body is most sensitive and will greatly benefit from its speedy absorption.

For the other times of the day, just stick to your basic meats and dairy products for protein. There is no need to rely heavily on supplementation to get you results. Remember that only proper diet and training program will get you there, but supplements can help.

If you haven't made the choice to add whey protein to your diet, I would suggest it. It is very cheap, order online for great prices, and it will last you a while. Your body is a great investment. After all, you have to put up with it everyday. So make sure that you aren't going about it with half force. - 17269

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Acai Super Fruit from the Amazon Now Available in the West

By Marcus C. Evans

The South American acai berry is a small, round fruit, not so unlike our purple grapes. They grow deep in the Amazon rain forests and natives climb the tall trees to harvest these delicate berries by hand.

The berries taste is absolutely delicious; a delicate blend of mixed berries and dark chocolate. Acai berries are only an inch or so in size with little pulp to the berries since the seeds are large and account for the majority of the fruit. The Caboclo peoples of the Brazilian Amazon have long enjoyed the health benefits of this fruit.

This amazing fruit makes up fifty percent of the native food intake. The acai berry is given the title of a "miniature super fruit." It's a fact that this fruit has the ability to provide people with great levels of energy and promotes overall health and strength. Many believe that it has the ability to control weight and native people consider these super berries to give users strong hearts, clear minds and long lives.

The pulp and juice of the acai are used to create juices and some other drinks. You will find these drinks popular in Brazil and Peru and more recently in Western countries. Brazilians eat the fresh fruit and sometimes have the fruit mashed in with tapioca, sugar and honey. It has also been mixed with granola and put into ice cream. The results of extraordinary benefits have been reported for decades throughout South America and have more recently been confirmed by others.

Acai berries contain a remarkable amount of healthy fats, and it's for this reason they are a incredibly perishable food. Because of this in Western countries acai is enjoyed in yogurts, juices and a healthy energy drink. It's available as fruit pulp frozen or as a freeze-dried powder. To eat the actual fruit of the berry requires you to be in close proximity to where it was harvested.

Contained in the fruit is anthocyanins and resveratrol. Studies show these have benefits for the human body. One benefit is that within two hours when drinking acai juice the antioxidant level increases significantly in the blood stream. This antioxidant increase heightens the body's ability to fight free radicals that attack cells in the body.

Ongoing studies suggest this fruit is good for circulation and the heart. Other reports show great promise that these ingredients may possibly be used in fighting certain cancers.

For Australians and others who live and play at a fast pace, this fruit is able to provide energy whilst also providing other health benefits.

Increased energy levels and endurance is what many consumers are finding so wonderful about juice drinks that now contain acai. People who live athletic life styles like swimmers, runners, and other outdoors lovers will find this energy-producing supplement gives them all the energy they need to enjoy their healthy, active lives. - 17269

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How do antioxidants promote health?

By Haiyan Lai-Heskin

Small wonder that supplements containing antioxidants to slow, stop or reverse the effects of aging enjoy great success in the marketplace.

What are antioxidants? And how does this free-radical sponge really work? As we believe that antioxidants can help us look younger, live longer, and be at our optimum health.

In 1900 Moses Gomberg first identified free radicals are molecular species that are highly reactive. As the cells produce energy (for function and survival), the also create oxygen molecules that are unstable because its electrons are unpaired. These unpaired electrons make this thing to be highly labile. These tiny things play a role in chemical reactions including that of the human.

Free radicals are highly reactive as they try to steal electrons from other molecules, including DNA and cellular membranes. Drinking, the radiation coming from TVs and computers, drugs, and cigarette smoking spawn free radicals.

It is very important that we don't give way to the formation of free radicals. In order to reduce the production of more free radical we should have enough sleep(at least seven hours) and stay active, exercise and live right.

The activities of the free radicals which are the changes in our body that damage the DNA and impair other vital functions of cells, cause harmful chemical reactions that damage cells and would mount up and cause our body to accelerate aging.

Free radical are detrimental to our body,as the same logic that oxidation damages metals. Upon breathing, oxygen induces a process called oxidation. And it is in here where free radicals form. This process is likened to the oxidation of metals. Once oxidized, aluminum turns to be white, iron becomes rusty, and copper transforms into green.

Antioxidants help to solve the problems listed above by mopping up the free radicals in the system, and having extra electrons that they are willing to give up to the free radicals, but the antioxidants do not become free radicals themselves in doing so.

Antioxidants work by significantly slowing or preventing the oxidative or damage from oxygen process caused by free radicals that can lead to cell dysfunction and the onset of problems like heart disease and diabetes.

These substances also prevent glaucoma and the age-related degeneration of our macula, the part of the eye that is dedicated for superior acuity vision. Antioxidants also beat down the passing of the aging clock making your skin and other organs rejoice.

As we get older, Glutathione - is said to be the most powerful antioxidants as are naturally present in our body since we were young is depleted. Supplements like Vitamin A, E, C and selenium, are known to be powerful antioxidants, plays an essential role in the synthesis of collagen.

If antioxidant supplements are not your type, you may take some delectable bite of the super fruits such as blueberry and raspberry which are said to contain the most number of antioxidants.

As you have the current understanding of antioxidants as reducing agents that break oxidative chain reactions, often by scavenging reactive oxygen species before they can cause damage to the cells, no wonder those magic tablets in such high demanding. - 17269

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Prevention for Colorectal Cancer and What Diet To Eat

By Michael Byrd

Preventing colorectal cancer and your diet are most likely the same.

Your colon and rectum are responsible for lots of factors regarding nutrient absorption, water management and elimination of waste.

You really don't need specialists to tell you about garbage in and out. Let's just hear what the experts have to say.

Studies show that one of the major contributors on colorectal cancer is intake of red and processed meats. However, there were many doctors in France that were not convinced by this "existing evidence." They've decided to do a comprehensive study themselves.

They started to follow 478,040 men and women for almost five years, before they finally concluded that red and processed meat is positive as cause for colon cancer, and eating fish is can reduced a person's risk. [Journal of the National Cancer Institute, Vol. 15;97:906-16]

There were many researches involving omega 3 oil, that explains intake of fish can reduce the risk for colorectal cancer.

The doctors that were associated with the New York University Women's Health Study had closely watch women, numbering of 14,727, for an average of 7 years. They have discovered that "a progressive decline in risk of colorectal cancer with increasing the intake of fish and shellfish."

Aside from that, they found that women who are inversely proportionate to the amount of calcium they consume also take a similar decline in its risk. This would mean that, a woman who takes most calcium will get the lowest risk.

As for this concern, they were not certain about the red meat connection as of those doctors in France were. In fact, the doctors in NYU said that the association of red meat to colorectal cancer still, "remains unclear." [Nutrition & Cancer, Vol.28:276-81]

Another study came out in Harvard that suggests that it's not about the red meat and fats, but our "western" lifestyle which causes the problem.

It was mentioned that obesity, being physically inactive, a person who has a diet how in vegetables and fruits while high in red meat and processed goods contributes most in giving you high levels of insulin in the blood!

It was explained by researchers that elevated blood insulin "promotes colon carcinogenesis" because insulin is a "growth factor" which causes cellular divisions of epithelial cells in the colon. [Cancer Causes & Control, Vol. 6, No. 2:164-79]

Curious what do we have to do to the colorectal cancer prevention and diet? It's pretty easy.

You just need to stick with whole foods. This includes lots of vegetables, fresh fruit, whole grains and other fiber rich foods. Always use unprocessed oils, like extra virgin olive oil, lean meats that are mostly, fish and chicken, then again, an occasional T-bone won't hurt. Be sure you always get low fat dairy foods, and plenty of pure water.

The studies suggest that it's very important to cut down the alcohol, practice more of stress management and exercising regularly is a must.

With these guidelines, you not only reduce the risk for colorectal cancer, but you reduce the risk of other cancer, heart diseases and diabetes too. In addition, you will also improve you vim, vigor and vitality. - 17269

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Basic Vegetarian Food Pyramid Facts

By Jim John

The vegetarian food pyramid lists recommended foods and quantities just as a traditional food pyramid does but also lists legumes and nuts instead of meat. Because of their high fiber content, fruits and vegetables replace the fiber category at the bottom tier of the pyramid, and make it unnecessary to include fiber as a separate category.

It should be noted that the basic version of the vegetarian food pyramid is not appropriate for vegans. It includes a section for dairy products that strict vegans will not consume. It can be replaced with something else for a vegan, such as soy products that substitute for dairy. Or they could take a look at the food pyramid that was designed specifically for vegans. The interesting part of the vegan food pyramid is the inclusion of breads and grains that is missing from the vegetarian pyramid.

When attempting to plan a balanced and healthy diet, the vegetarian food pyramid is an excellent tool. Use it as a guide to help assess your nutritional needs and choose the right foods as well as the corresponding quantities that suit you best. Just as with the traditional food pyramid, the vegetarian version helps you get the proper amounts of each type of food.

The vegetarian food pyramid will also show you the recommended limits for certain foods. Oils, fats, sugary products and salts are right at the top of the pyramid and should only be used sparingly. This is best for a diet that is to be the healthiest it can be.

The vegetarian food pyramid represents what a vegetarian needs to eat to be healthy. When following the pyramid exactly, you will know for sure that you are getting the proper nutrients to keep your body as healthy as possible. This is a wonderful tool for those who are dieting and eating a vegetarian diet as well in that it helps to plan menus that are healthy and designed for losing weight.

People choose a vegetarian diet for many reasons and healthy nutrition is right at the top of the list. It can be a little more difficult for a vegetarian to get the nutrition they need without the inclusion of meat, but as the pyramid shows, it can be done. The effort that is expended on planning your food consumption will be rewarded with a greater degree of health and longevity. Most vegetarians are noticeably healthier than their meat eating counterparts.

When beginning a vegetarian diet, look to the vegetarian food pyramid when planning your meals. This will help you to understand how to get the nutrients you need to stay healthy. This information makes is very easy to move into a diet that is actually healthy. You will soon discover how to make delicious vegetarian meals that are also healthy. - 17269

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