Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Dance Your Weight Away With DDR

By Mitch Hawkins

There are quite a number of people struggling with their weight loss program. Most of the time, these people get bored and sick with doing the same routines over and over. Not only that, majority of these exercise routines and weight loss routines are very demanding with your food and fluid intake. In addition, most of these programs require the exertion of lot of effort, whether mental, physical or emotional.

Boredom is one of the major reasons why people give up and quit their weight loss routines. The lack of motivation is also one factor. Simply put, people who really enjoy what they are doing are the ones who succeed, even if they are on a diet or losing they weight.

A lot of people who have been trying to lose weight found success in a video game called Dance Dance Revolution. Not only that, people who tried this game as a means to lose weight found themselves really enjoying the activity. As a matter of fact, studies revealed that people who tired this video game have reported significant loss of pounds.

you might ask your self what is Dance Dance Revolution? Questions on its effectiveness in shedding pounds might surface as well. But that will be answered as you prod on reading.

Dance Dance Revolution, or commonly referred to as DDR, is one of the top-selling PlayStation video games of all time. Unlike traditional video games where players have to control a game using joysticks, players have to dance on a special mat called the Dance Pad in order to play the game. The Dance Pad is a PS equipment shaped like a square containing nine squares. Each square corresponds to a button of the PS controller / joystick.

Playing the game is relatively easy. All you have to do is just step on the square that matches the button on your screen. Correct timing and square wins you points. As the game progresses, the steps become complicated and the routines are complex. But that what makes it so appealing and addicting.

DDR is so addictive that people do not really mind moving as long as they win the game. In fact, they are having so much fun that they do not really notice how much calories they are burning or how many fats they are shedding. In simple words, DDR makes you move without hesitation and enjoy the whole activity and forget about the whole weight loss concept while you are at it. - 17269

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Ten Steps to Prevent Bruising, Step 4 - You Should Consider This Second Change to Your Diet!

By Carolyn Cooper

When you consider how you are you are going to reduce bruising easily, you are already aware that you need to significantly reduce eating foods that are high in fat and sugar or are highly processed, but do you have any idea what you really should be eating? If your easy bruising is caused by age and the resultant breakdown of your skin and your capillary walls, this is a condition that can be overcome by improving your habits, and one of the foremost habits that you can affect is correct eating behavior.

The first change you should consider for your diet in order to prevent bruising easily is to learn which foods will provide the necessary nourishment your body requires without raising your blood pressure. When you realize that high blood pressure is common for many people, even those that don't know that they have the problem, carefully scrutinizing your diet becomes the means to provide the most help in lowering your blood pressure. You must look at how you can lower your sodium intake as an important first consideration.

If you are considering changing your diet in order to help reduce bruising, you should at least consider cooking more meals at home. High blood pressure has blindsided many people who were unaware of how a significant portion of restaurant food is prepared. You might be really amazed about how much fat and salt is used in the preparation of some restaurant food.

To make the diet changes that you need, start looking into your protein intake. The nice thing is that when you want to improve your body's ability to reduce bruising easily, you are going to need to think about how you are going to get more lean protein into your diet, rather than eliminating it. Look into very lean cuts of beef, and eating more poultry and pork, as well.

Eggs are one good way to get protein into your diet, but do think about the question of cholesterol. It is also worth noting that the type of cholesterol that gets into your system from eggs, in moderation, can actually prevent you from some forms of damage to your body.

Increasing the amount of vegetables in your diet is an excellent way to help prevent bruising easily. Your body readily absorbs the nutrients from vegetables that it requires to speed up the healing process, and increasing your vegetable intake will also help reduce your sodium intake. Limit the amount of fat and salt that you use in vegetable preparation, and understand that eating raw vegetables is a great way to improve your healthfulness.

When you are picking out the vegetables that you want to cook, remember to stay away from veggies that look too colorless. For instance white potatoes are fine in moderation, but remember that they are essentially just a starch with little to offer nutritionally. On the other hand, they can be replaced with sweet potatoes, which are a lovely source of beta carotene and fiber.

You should give real consideration into modifying your diet. Reducing all fatty meats from your diet and increasing the number of vegetables in your diet can greatly enhance your opportunity to obtain the results to overcome bruising easily that you desire. You should definitely make an evaluation of the benefits of adding a daily supplement program like Bruises Be Banned to help you overcome your bruising easily and help reduce bruising or prevent bruising altogether. - 17269

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Bodybuilding Tips to Increase Your Testosterone Production

By Ricardo d Argence

Testosterone is thought to be the only substance referred to as the "holy grail" of muscle growth. Testosterone, a vitally important muscle-building hormone, is a determining factor when you are trying to build muscle in your body. This is just a sampling of the numerous incredible advantages to elevated levels of testosterone: Increased muscle size and strength, decreased body fat levels, decreased levels of "bad" cholesterol, improved mood and increased sex drive and sexual endurance.

Sounds great, doesn't it? Well it is, and in this article I'm going to outline 10 simple steps to naturally elevate your testosterone levels and achieve all of these incredible benefits. While these steps will not result in "steroid-like" muscle gains, they will definitely contribute to your overall bottomline results.

1) Utilize combination exercises as the foundation of your fitness routine. I'm talking about the basic, bread-and-butter lifts such as squats, deadlifts, bench presses, rows, chin-ups, dips, lunges and military presses. Going to the gym and following the training that places your muscles under the largest quantity of pressure will compel your body to add to testosterone production.

2) Always train with 100% effort and intensity. If you want to see real muscle gains, you must be willing to push yourself to the limit in the gym. Again, greater muscular stress in the gym translates to higher testosterone output.

3) Train your legs equally as hard as your upper body. As you may already be aware, intense leg training can actually stimulate growth in your chest, back and arms. This is due in part to the increase in testosterone that leg training induces.

4) Increase your EFA consumption. Necessary fatty acids that come from origins such as peanuts, avocadoes, healthy oils such as omega 3 fish oil and flax seed. To boost testosterone levels naturally, nothing beats olive or canola oil.

5) Reduce your intake of soy. Soy protein raises the body's levels of estrogen, the main female hormone, and this has a direct negative effect on testosterone levels.

6) Limit the amount of alcohol you consume. Testosterone levels are significantly effected by the intake of alcohol. It is important to monitor how much alcohol you drink and avoid drinking binges.

7) Increase your dietary intake of cruciferous vegetables. Broccoli, cauliflower, radishes, turnips, cabbage and brussel sprouts have all been shown to dramatically reduce estrogen levels, thereby raising testosterone.

8) Reduce your everyday stresses. When you have too much stress, your body releases the catabolic hormone "cortisol" and this makes your testosterone levels drop dramatically.

9) You should try to increase your amount of sexual activity. An increase in the production of oxytocin is brought about by sexual activity as well as causing more endorphins, which also increases testosterone levels.

10) Make certain that you get enough sleep each night. Insufficient sleep may result in a reduction of your testosterone levels due to the production of cortisol.

To boost your muscle size and gain strength, implement these techniques regularly for a noticeable difference. - 17269

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Learn 5 Fantastic Floor Exercises to Increase Your Height

By Rodney Williams

If you are not tall by legacy, don't worry! You can still be 2-3 inches taller simply by relieving your compressed spinal discs and straightening your spine. Stretching is the best method to achieve these purposes.

Given below are five excellent floor exercises to help you how to gain height. These exercises stretch the spine, strengthen the muscles surrounding it, and lengthen it by more than two inches over a period of time.

Knee hug: In this exercise you have to wrap your hands around the knees lying on your back and pull. Try to touch the knees to the chest by contracting your abs and rounding the lower back. Also raise your head and touch your chin to the knees.

Knees-to-side: Lie on your back and bend your knees such that your feet are flat on the floor. Arms should be stretched out to either side with palms facing down. Now let both your legs fall to the left side and tilt your head to the right side. Hold the position for 15 seconds. Then move your legs to the right side and tilt your head to the left side.

Opposite leg and arm stretch: Lie down on your stomach with arms extended in front. Raise your right arm and left leg simultaneously into the air as high as possible. Hold for a few seconds, come down slowly and repeat with the left arm and right leg. Perform up to 15 times.

Opposite leg and arm stretch on knees: This is quite similar to the previous exercise but this time start on your knees rather than your stomach. Face down as you raise one arm and the opposite leg and hold your head in a straight line with the body.

Swinging pushups: Get down on your hands and knees. Shift your weight forward, perform a pushup, move back as much as possible without letting your hands off the spot they were in, and repeat this cycle 15 to 20 times. Experiment with the hand and feet positions for maximum benefits. These 5 exercises should resolve your question of how to get taller.

Perform one or all of these floor exercises daily at any time to see yourself grow taller. These stretching exercises along with short but intense aerobic sessions like sprinting are all the physical activities you need for growing taller in no time at all. - 17269

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Tips to Increase Your Fruit & Vegetable Intake

By Nanci S. Guest MSc, Registered Dietitian

1. Add fresh produce to foods you already eat - like berries or bananas to yogurt & cereal; your favorite veggies to pasta, pizza, soups & casseroles; and spinach leaves, tomato, cucumber & onion to sandwiches; fresh strawberries or raspberries with peanut butter on toast (my favorite!)

2. Keep fruits/veggies easily accessible by pre-cutting (99% of nutrients remain for days) and keeping them ready to go in the fridge a. pre-made fruit salad: grab a scoop to toss over cereal, blend in a smoothie or mix with low fat yogurt in plastic container - breakfast to go! b. Keep pre-portioned veggies in baggies to grab on the run - keep in car, office fridge, school/gym bag

3. Make homemade vegetarian pizza with tomatoes, spinach, mushrooms, onions, sweet bell peppers or any other veggies (pizza can be topped with anything - get creative!), or if ordering pizza ask for triple veggies and skip the pepperoni!

4. Pack ready-to-eat fruits and vegetables for a convenient snack on the go, such as an apple, pear, banana, grapes or baby carrots (if you pack it, you'll eat it!)

5. Eat dried fruit instead of candy (be aware: dried fruit calories can add up if weight loss is goal)

6. Make a smoothie by combining fruit (frozen berries, banana,) yogurt, juice and ice 7. Make homemade salsas/dips with tomatoes, mangoes, avocados, red onions, cilantro, & lime juice - enjoy with baked tortilla chips

7. Add bell pepper strips, broccoli florets, carrot slices, or cucumber to pasta salad or potato salad

8. Purchase pre-cut vegetable, fruits and salad mixes (convenience helps improve intake and research shows that very little nutritional value is lost)

9. Add apple chunks, pineapple or raisins to chicken or tuna salad.

10. When grilling, include vegetable in aluminum foil, or grill skewers of pineapple, eggplant, zucchini, or cherry tomatoes

11. Add fruit to your cold or hot cereal (sliced apples & cinnamon in oatmeal - yum!)

12. Try a new fruit or vegetable every week (get creative with new foods)

13. Choose juices whose labels claim: 100% fruit juice, or invest in a juicer and juice your own

14. Use bell peppers sliced in half as a pocket for tuna, salmon or egg salads - a nice change to bread and a good dose of nutrients to go with it. - 17269

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Does Whey Protein Powder Work?

By Nathaniel Millsby PHD

If you want to get big and strong, don't forget to take your protein powder. Bodybuilders have long relied upon protein powder to make sure they get the high level of protein needed to beef up their bodies through lifting weights and exercise.

However, protein powder is not just for bodybuilders or 98-pound weaklings hoping to bulk up.

Research has shown that ingesting protein powder every day can boost immune system health, facilitate the healing of wounds after surgery or injury, and promote healthy skin - in addition to fostering muscle strength and development.

A human body needs daily protein because that is what muscles and tissues are built from, and there is no place where the body can store extra protein. The need for adequate protein in the human body is second only to the need for water.

Luckily, it has been found that most varied diets - including vegan get plenty of protein through daily intake of various food combinations. However, some people like to supplement their protein intake, or occasionally substitute a fast, easy protein shake for a meal.

Whey protein also plays a role as an antioxidant and helps support a health immune system. Most importantly, consistent whey protein intake coupled with exercise will result in consistent muscle building.

So using it strategically to boost the protein at certain times of the day you need is gonna help you then increase recovery, increase muscle mass, increase strength.

But just because you use a protein powder, if you're using it in replacement of another meal, it's not gonna be a miracle worker. It's not automatically gonna make you stronger, faster, leaner.

Such as glutamine (a muscle enhancer, endurance builder, and muscle deterioration reducer), the content from high quality whey protein not only can, but will help one's muscles recover and grow faster by bring up the levels of protein. - 17269

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Why Acai?

By Toby K. Matranga

Why is it that so much attention is being given to such a small fruit from the remote regions of the Amazon rain forest in Brazil? How can a relatively unknown fruit become so praised, maligned and exploited? Can it be real?

Having personally sampled Acai fresh in the rainforest along the banks of an Amazonian tributary I can confirm that the Acai fruit is real and is here to stay. The versatility of this fruit as it transforms from a savory dish to a sweet dessert to an amazing drink speaks to the uniqueness of this aptly deemed Super Fruit. The acai palm and its fruit has been around for an undetermined amount of time. The fruit and its discovery have been documented for its benefits.

Acai is indehiscent meaning that the fruit does not open on its own to release seeds. It is a fleshy or pulpy, indehiscent, superficially berry-like fruit in which one seed is encased in a stone as in cherries. It was first described as a berry in late 1769 by Joseph Banks, one of the worlds greatest botanists. He recorded in his journal and described Acai as "palm berries (that) appear much like black grapes but for eating have scarce any pulp covering a very large stone."

Acai is known to have been used as food staple since pre-colonial days in the Amazon rainforest. The people of the Amazon area tell of the legend of Acai that originated during the pre colonial era of northern Brazil. They claim that it was a fruit discovered by fate during very desperate times in the jungle. The legend declares that the discovery of Acai literally saved the tribes of Indians from death. Acai has been documented in the writings of British, Portuguese and American explorers of the Amazon during the 19th centuries during the Age of Enlightenment. In each respective accounting of the discovery of acai by these brave expeditionary naturalists the fruit is described as being harvested and eaten in the same manner as it is today in that area. Acai was only recently introduced to the rest of Brazil in the 1980s.

During the 1980s Acai was transformed into an acai bowl. It was not the raw earthy food staple of the Amazon but a more commercially accepted form of the fruit. To make it more commercially acceptable, sugar and guarana, a natural form of caffeine and a popular ingredient in guarana soda pop, were added to the Acai and then frozen into a sorbet like serving. The exotic purple sweetly energizing slushy treat grew in popularity along the beachside resorts in Rio de Janeiro. This popularity spread both south into the more business oriented Sao Paulo area and northward back toward its origin the Amazon. This spread of Acai as sorbets, jams and ice creams was mostly along the coastal areas of Brazil.

It was in the 1990s that a couple of brothers from southern California on a surfing vacation to Brazil first tasted the acai in this form. They fell in love with the taste. This love for acai fueled their fledgling entrepreneurial skills and soon acai was introduced into the US commercially. Since then acai has been adopted and promoted by many different companies. It has become widely available in powder, pill and juice forms. The fresh acai fruit is impossible to sell in the United States because of its tendency to spoil quickly after harvest. Many of these companies selling acai in North America are merely marketing firms cashing in on a generalized frenzy about acai stimulated by televised exposure on the Oprah show. Her then guru Dr. Oz spoke highly of the nutritional benefits of the acai and declared it the perfect super food. These companies have brought a bad name to the Acai fruit through overstating the benefits of the fruit as a magical weight loss solution and trapping consumers into costly credit card charging schemes. Many of these companies have been identified and are being held accountable for their illegal activities by the Attorneys Generals of many states and Oprah and Dr. Oz themselves.

Still there are many very good and reputable companies working very hard to continue providing very good Acai products to the public. Acai has many good and beneficial qualities that support good health. Just as the fruit sustained the wild Indian tribes of the Amazon Rainforest we too can enjoy the Acai fruit as a dietary supplement that can sustain us in our modern world. The antioxidants (boosts immune health), monosaturated fats (the good ones) fiber (good for both cardiovascular and digestive health), phytosterols and amino acids (improves muscle contraction) all work together synergistically to provide an anti-inflammatory result. Many of our modern-day disease processes are inflammatory diseases. In our world of so much pollution and over exposure to unhealthy elements we have re-discovered the power of antioxidants. Acai is a very good source of antioxidants that have been proven to be readily absorbed into the human blood stream. It is truly amazing to realize that the old adage the more things change the more they stay the same is as true as in the case of Acai. A fruit that once gave life to a dying tribe of jungle Indians gives life to the modern world to those who will add Acai fruit into their diet as a dietary supplement. - 17269

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Gain Abs Fitness

By James Statham

If you're looking to trim your belly fat and sculpt rock hard abs, you'll want to read this article. Most people think that getting abs must involve lots of crunches, and long hours of cardio work. This is all wrong! In this article, I'm going to show you the proper methods that you should be following in order to get your abs fitness up and achieving a six pack!

Now to get ripped, you don't need to go out and buy the next best abs fitness equipment. What is far more important, is lowering your body fat, and learning exactly how to do this. Even if you had the most muscly abs around, if there is a layer of body fat over your belly, you won't be able to show them off! Therefore, you need to get your diet sorted. Cutting out the foods which are high in fat, is essential. Also, cut out the rubbish, processed foods and sweets such as cakes and biscuits. If you don't, then you're only adding to the layer of belly fat, and you won't get the six pack you desire! Also, instead of eating three large meals a day, try spreading your meals out up to six smaller sized meals per day. This way, you'll take out the snacking you do between meals, as you won't feel as hungry!

To improve your abs fitness, it's also important to have a good workout routine. If you're jogging on the treadmill for hours on end, stop! This isn't intense enough and won't burn body fat quick enough. You need to have workouts that are short, and highly intense. Try to keep your workout no longer than an hour, otherwise your body will switch from a tissue building state, to a tissue destroying state. Did you know that you can't just burn fat from a specific area? That's right, when you burn fat, your body burns it, gram by gram, from all over your body. Therefore, a highly intense exercise will burn fat far quicker than a sit up ever could.

Although strength training is great in improving abs fitness, it is also good to combine effective cardio alongside this. Cardio, such as swimming, is a great exercise. This is because swimming exercises your whole body, meaning all muscles are being involved and fat is being burned much quicker! When performing cardio however, I don't mean spending hours on a treadmill. Cardio should, like strength training, be kept to short, high intense sessions. This will keep your body in a high fat burning state, and will also help to raise your metabolism.

By applying these three key fundamentals, you will start to see your abs fitness really improve! Stay dedicated. Don't give up after a few weeks because you haven't got perfect abs. If you stick to a good routine, then you will get awesome abs that you can show off! - 17269

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Common Sense Ways To Slow Down The Aging Process of Looking Older

By Monroe Wood

Foods that have anti aging qualities and known to help improve your life in many ways. They help to extend your lifespan, feel more energetic, promote a sense of well-being and enhance the quality of your skin, hair and nails. The advantages of eating foods that promote anti aging effects on the human body can never be denied.

Today, because of the environment that we live in, people seem to be experiencing noticeable affects of aging much sooner. This is quite evident even in younger people. The environment in which we live is polluted with toxic air, chemicals in the water and pesticides in the foods we eat. Combined, all of these factors contribute to the process of aging.

By eating foods that are rich in antioxidants, you can retard the aging effects imposed own you because of environmental factors and extend your youthful looking appearance a lot longer. Few people realize how much pollutants can cause to age prematurely. However, once you are aware, you can begin the process of combating the affects of aging naturally.

By learning how to deal with stress, you can also retard the aging process that seems to be stealing your youth. People these days are stressed out with all kinds of things that have a negative affect on the body. Medical doctors have always known that stress can wreak havoc on the body causing all sorts of health problems. In order to slow the process of aging, you will have to manage stress more effectively.

Another great cause of wrinkles is overexposure radiation produced by the sun or by tanning too much on tanning beds. Every year millions of people around the world bath in the sun all summer long. Incredibly, many do so with taking the right precautions. Overexposure can damage your skin and even cause skin cancer.

If you want to start reversing the damaging effects caused by too much tanning, start eating foods that contain lots of antioxidants. There is plenty of available research that proves antioxidants are known to help restore a youthful appearance. They are good for helping to promote healthier looking skin, hair and nails and they have a positive effect on the entire body as well.

Zinc and Calcium Magnesium are two essential minerals you need to take to help reduce the process of aging. These two minerals can be bought as a supplement from any health food store and taken accordingly. Collagen rich creams are also effective. People both young and old are using Collagen as a way to add moisture and elasticity to their skin.

Don't wait until you have looked into the mirror only to discover that you look 20 years older than you are. If you start learning how to protect the delicate layers of your skin now and change your diet to include foods that are rich in antioxidants, you will be able to preserve your youthful appearance for many years. - 17269

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The Full-proof Exercise Routine: 3 Guidelines to Quickly Get Lower Abs

By Travis Hunt

I always hear people say to me that they are having a hard time working their lower abs. Out of curiosity, I asked them what things they do exactly to achieve this, and I discovered they all made similar mistakes: they all focused on buidling their abs. That?s it. They forgot about cardiovascular exercises and proper diet.

You see, in order to derive good results from your training, your workout routine should not only include abdominal workouts. Complete body exercises as well as the correct dietary plan are just as significant.

Without these 3 steps, you would still not build your lower abs. Even if you go and sign up for extravagant gym memberships, seek the help of the best personal trainers, or use every workout machine in the world, none of this would matter.

1. Follow a low fat diet

2. Engage in Full body exercises

3. Do workouts focusing on your lower abs

Applying one of these steps in your training program is good. Question is, is it enough? Just think of what results you can produce when you follow all three of them.

Cutting down on your fat intake will allow your body to burn stored body fat. Before your muscles appear to be cut and well-defined, you need to get rid of the layers of fat that are covering them.

Adding lean meats and sufficient amounts of good fats, like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, will have a great effect on building lower abs.

Avoid eating deep fried foods, pastries, sweets, and carbonated drinks because they contain unhealthy fats and high sugar content which will prevent you from achieving your goal.

Doing complete body exercises can precisely boost your diet. Cardiovascular exercises done 2 up to 3 times per week will build lower abs quickly. These routines will aid you in toning your muscles and intensify your metabolism.

Jogging, cycling, and boxing are only a few examples of cardio workouts. You can also try watching workout videos for a change. There are so many activities and outlets to choose from.

Lastly, to complete the three steps, focus on working lower abs through abs-concentrated workouts routines.

Begin your abs-centered exercises on a weekly basis. 3 to 5 times a week about 20 to 25 reps for every exercise will do the trick. You can make basic and full body crunches as these are easily done yet just as effective.

If you are that determined in getting lower abs sooner, then I suggest you follow these three steps. Anyway, what have you got to lose? A one-hour training routine that includes full body drills, abs-focusing exercises, and a healthy diet that will give you six pack abs in a brief period of time. - 17269

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Discover The Most Vital Things To Look For In An Acai Product

By Kathleen Z Adams

Acai berries have taken the wellness world by storm. You can find a excess of numerous acai berry products online and at health food stores. Since the authentic acai berry has one of the utmost nutritional profiles of any food ever found in nature, many products are trying to take advantage of on this little berry's excessive regard.

You can find products out there that take full advantage of the inherent nutritional value of this little berry, however, there are also some lower products presented. In order to receive the thorough nutritional promise of the acai berry the products must be processed with a outstanding technique.

The acai berry is particularly perishable, therefore it must be processed within 24 hours of leaving the tree or it loses most of its nutritional value. There are two main methods of processing these berries, a excellent method and an mediocre method.

The superior method of processing the acai berry is by freeze-drying. The berries are picked and speedily flash frozen and dehydrated. The resultant product is a freeze-dried powder that maintains the nutritional integrity of the fresh fruit.

The other method that is often used for processing is a spray-dried. Spray drying the berries drastically reduces the nutritional value. Spray drying uses heat, which destroys many of the nutrients instantly. Then it utilizes maltodextrin as a drying agent. Maltodextrin is a short-chained starch sugar. When you buy spray-dried acai berry products you are receiving a blend of the fruit and maltodextrin, rather than just the nutritious fruit.

Some companies are also using the words "proprietary blend" on the label. This means that they are combining the acai berry with other inactive ingredients. It is impossible to know exactly how much acai berry you are receiving in a proprietary blend. There are products that tell you exactly how much acai berry is in the product, look for those first.

Some other ordinary ingredients that are included in poorer products include magnesium stearate, maltodextrin, rice or silica. These are just filler and flowing agents and when they are included in the product they reduce the nutritional value of the product by reducing the amount of acai berry.

You will get great nutritional results from a quality acai berry product, so make sure that you get a product that utilizes freeze-dried whole fruit powder and the highest concentration of the actual fruit. - 17269

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